Epistemology of Tefila(Class 29) - 11/5/2020 ——Pesukei D’Zimrah - Verses of Singing - Just Sing, Sing a Song - Part 4


1. Pesukei D’Zimrah - Verses of Singing for weekday / Morning service has 3 main prayers that should not be skipped

(i) Baruch She’amar/Blessed is he who spoke

(ii) /Happy() “Tehila L’David/Hymn of Praise by King David

(iii) Shimcha/May Your Name be praised

2. Vayevarech David/And David blessed- This tefila is where king David gives thanks for being able gather the resources necessary to build the Temple in Yershualyim and that his son Shlomo/Solomon will undertake the project. At this part of the service there is the custom to voluntarily give Tzedakah/Charity.

3. Shirat Hayam/The Song At The Sea - Az Yashir Moshe U’vnei Yisrael/Then Moshe and the Children of Israel chose to sing- (RCA Artscroll pg 78 - 80, THE KOREN pg 81 - 83). This tefila shows how the most perfect praise of HaShem/G-d when HaShem revealed his mastery over nature in front of an astonished crowd of millions of Jews and Egyptians. The communal recitation of this Shirah/Song/ Poem is a miracle in itself and by saying it here we raise our own level of praise. Class Strategy

Today we continue to look at the last Chapters of Tehillim/:146 -150 know as the Hallelukah/HalleluYud-Hay psalms. This word is a contraction of the words Hallelu and Yud-Hay(15 letter name of G-d) and translates to “Praise G-d”(RCA Siddur page 70). This is meant as crying out in a happy way to the Name Yud-Hay the “One who is forever”. We are supposed to use our energy to be excited over HaShem and nothing else.

Rav Munk(page 105) says that the content and purpose of these 5 Psalms can only be understood as “Song-Texts” a purely poetic and musical collection felt by emotions, senses, thought, and ideas the words convey.

Page 1 of 4 Rabbi Potash(page 160) says there are 10 Hallelukahs in these 5 psalms which hint to the great concepts of the Aseret Hadibrot and to the scholars who are versed in these secrets of the Torah. Rabbi Schwab(page 183) says in these psalms our goal is to Crown HaShem and give Him the highest of all the various forms of praise by introducing the realms of Bi’at haMashiach/Coming of the Messiah, Dawn of yemot haMashiach/Days of the messiah, yemot haMashiach/Days of the Messiah, techiat hameitim/ resurrection of the Dead, and Olam Haneshamot/World of the souls.

Psalm 146 begins with man’s contemplation of HaShem’s omnipotence, His ever-present readiness to help, and an unshakeable trust in HIm(Rav Munk page 106). Then in we takes the place of I as now the praise is for the special protection and support HaShem extends to His People/Bnei Yisrael(Rav Munk page 106). For the enthusiastic adoration spreads over the whole cosmos, including heaven, earth, and all HaShem’s creations and is a vision of the future and His kingdom yet to come(Rav Munk page 106). So Psalm 149 now culminates with the new song for the day when HaShem’s judgement will free the entire earth and all will recognize Him as the Redeemer and his Majesty will reign forever. The last which is the last of the book of Tehillim is the mightiest of all praises with its 13 calls of Hallelu extolling HaShem for his Yud-Gimmel Midot/13 Atrributes(Rav Munk page 106). We end by repeating the last verse Kol Haneshama to indicate it is the end of the book of Psalms.

List of priority when skipping sections of Pesukei D’Zimrah(Rabbis Barclay & Jaeger page 151): 1. Baruch She’amar, Ashrei, Yishtabach, must be recited 2. Psalm 150 - the last Hallelukah - As by Rashi’s opinion 3. Psalm 148 - the 3rd Hallelukah - as by Rashi’s opinion 4. Psalms 146, 147, 149 - the remaining 3 Hallelukah’s 5. Vayevarech David 6. Hodu Lashem 7. Az Yashir 8. The rest of the sections of Pesukei D’Zimrah

We will conclude today by looking at the difference for the Pesukei D’Zimrah we say on and Yom Tov in the tables below:

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Baruch She’amar/Blessed is He Who spoke 370

Hodu LaHaShem/Give Thanks to HaShem 370 - 372

Vehu Rachum/he, the Merciful One 372

Hoshiah Et Amecha/Save your people 372 - 374

Lam’natzeach Mizmor LeDavid/For the Conductor a song of David 374 - 376

LeDavid B’shanoto/Of David when he disguised 376 - 378

Tfila L’Moshe Ish Elokim/A prayer by Moses the man of G-d 378 -380

Yashev B’seiter/Whoever sits in the refuge 380 - 382

Hallelukah Hallelu et Shem HaShem/Praise the Name of HaShem 382 -384

Hodu lashem Ki Tov/Give thanks to HaShem for He is good 384 - 386

Ran’nu Tzadikim/Sing joyfully O righteous 386

Mizmor Shir L’yom HaShabbat/A psalm a song for the Sabbath day 388

HaShem Malach/HaShem will have reigned 388

Yehi Kavod/May the glory 388 - 390

Ashrei/Praiseworthy(Happy) 390 - 392

Hallelukah Halleli Nafshi/Praise HaShem, O my Soul 392

Hallelukah Ki Tov/Praise HaShem, For it is good 392 - 394

Hallelukah Hallelu Et HaShem/Praise HaShem 394

Hallelukah Shiru LaHaShem/Praise HaShem, Sing to HaShem 394

Hallelukah Hallelu Kel BeKadsho/Praise HaShem in his Sanctuary 396

Baruch HaShem Laolam/Blessed is HaShem Forever 396

Vayevarech David/And David Blessed 396

Vekarot Imo habrit/And You established the covenant 396 - 398

Vayosha HaShem/And HaShem saved 398

Az Yashir Moshe U’venei Yisrael/Then Moses and the Children of Israel sang 398 - 400

Nishmat Kol Chai/Soul of every living thing 400 - 402

Shochen Ad/He Who abides forever 404

Yishtabach Shimcha/May Your Name be praised 404

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PAGE NUMBERS Shabbat (THE KOREN) Shacharit

Baruch She’amar/Blessed is He Who spoke 403 - 405

Hodu LaHaShem/Give Thanks to HaShem 405 - 409

Vehu Rachum/he, the Merciful One 409

Hoshiah Et Amecha/Save your people 409 - 411

Lam’natzeach Mizmor LeDavid/For the Conductor a song of David 411 - 413

LeDavid B’shanoto/Of David when he disguised 413 - 415

Tfila L’Moshe Ish Elokim/A prayer by Moses the man of G-d 417

Yashev B’seiter/Whoever sits in the refuge 419

Hallelukah Hallelu et Shem HaShem/Praise the Name of HaShem 419 -421

Hodu lashem Ki Tov/Give thanks to HaShem for He is good 421 - 423

Ran’nu Tzadikim/Sing joyfully O righteous 425

Mizmor Shir L’yom HaShabbat/A psalm a song for the Sabbath day 425 - 427

HaShem Malach/HaShem will have reigned 427

Yehi Kavod/May the glory 427 - 429

Ashrei/Praiseworthy(Happy) 429 - 431

Hallelukah Halleli Nafshi/Praise HaShem, O my Soul 431 - 433

Hallelukah Ki Tov/Praise HaShem, For it is good 433

Hallelukah Hallelu Et HaShem/Praise HaShem 435

Hallelukah Shiru LaHaShem/Praise HaShem, Sing to HaShem 435

Hallelukah Hallelu Kel BeKadsho/Praise HaShem in his Sanctuary 437

Baruch HaShem Laolam/Blessed is HaShem Forever 437

Vayevarech David/And David Blessed 437 - 438

Vekarot Imo habrit/And You established the covenant 439

Vayosha HaShem/And HaShem saved 439

Az Yashir Moshe U’venei Yisrael/Then Moses and the Children of Israel sang 441 - 443

Nishmat Kol Chai/Soul of every living thing 445 - 449

Shochen Ad/He Who abides forever 449

Yishtabach Shimcha/May Your Name be praised 451

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