T Timesi mes Concierge Newsletter Newsletter NovemberTimesAugust 20192017 Concierge Newsletter August 2017 Concierge Newsletter August 2017 FrancisFrancis GarzaGarza Times Concierge Newsletter November 2019 ABMABM JanitorialJanitorial SeniorSenior AccountAccount ManagerManager FFoooodd TTrruucckk WWeeddnneessddaayyss August S It’sp timee toc orderia yourl As a Senior Account Serving from 11:30 am – 1:30 pm August Special As a Senior Account HoServinglid afromy 11:30 Sa amfe – 1:30ty pmfr o m hams and turkeys for Tenant Winners is offering fresh out of MManager,anager, FrancisFrancis isis Entryway on Akard Street 4545 OaksOaks CateringCatering Thanksgiving!is offering fresh Ross out Tower of Entryway on Akard Street the oven cookies, and a gallon of milk delivered responsibleresponsible forfor providingproviding Ross Tower Security the oven cookies, and a gallonis pleased of milk to partner delivered with from the Chili Cook-off to your suite! Treat yourself and your team! trainingtraining toto allall custodiancustodian August 9 Sandy Sue’s BBQ to your suite! Treat yoursHoneyelf and yourBaked team! again AugustWith the holidays9 Sandy approaching Sue’s it isBBQ imperative that we staffstaff inin thethe portfolioportfolio FollowFollow usus onon
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[email protected]@compassdelivery--usausa program toto order.order.! And employee with Jackson Lewis.assisting Property AugustDiscuss office 16 safetyEggstand with your employees and please what’s better during the holidays than preferred assisting Property August 16 Eggstand 1st Place John Hewitt’s Bandera Chili remind them to remain alert and practice crime pricing, NO shipping fees, and NO lines.