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Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

12-26-1898 Albuquerque Daily Citizen, 12-26-1898 Hughes & McCreight

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Recommended Citation Hughes & McCreight. "Albuquerque Daily Citizen, 12-26-1898." (1898).

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Chrlstmaa meal. Those present were: about seven month ago In th hop that vuwo iMinu inwonv i EVACUATE CUBA. W. t. rowers. O. H. Tucker, J. J. North- - Mr. Kinney' health would be Improved CONGRESS. f more, K. T. Byrne, Kngeoe Bollinger, iLiva nxmi uahou In this climate, VIM a. bnt the disease had Araats Araattlaf - A. C. Brady, Hugh Vangha. BoL Beoja- too far and sh continued to Far T. Jsstsr-- s In, Lonla Benjamin, L. B. MeCausIand, grow worse. Bh leaves her husband sttsrlck Spanish Troops will Embark bj R. J. Thacker. Ssveral Persons R Frozen and one son, Kdwln, agrd about 4 years. Archbishop Ireland Will Reprc-- . Fsttsra Wests ft THE Iratta C Trte PHOENIX! funeral will tale place from th . . - i - .i i. 1. Math. to Death. rmliloiico, 215 sent the United States...... Alboqaerqne, N. II, Dee. M, north Welter treet,atl ft To Whom li Mar Coocnai o clock afternoon. ft Notice I hereby given that I hav this Mwqiivratfla totlniaM, ETtcniUon Commissioners Issat Output af Cold Macs Thli 111 day disposed of my Job printing plant to Ltrfer An elegant line of coalti me for tbe Premier Sagast! It Seriously Prodi mitloB tt the People. Geo. L. Hopping. I will collect all ac- - Tear Than Last. ricott Moore Hose Company's mask ball With Paeumoola. ft eonnia doe and pay all debt contracted have arrived aud Can be rented from Mr, We Move Next Week ft i .11 1 west Kail road to thl date. 'all, avenue. Come prior eany and make your selection. Ths big ft Ui Day ct Flgnt ftcrwcea Cat! ftttldcats sad Spaa-- BDW4RD D. Bum. Jtlf Dcale th Report tbit H: It event takes pise nest Krldsy evening. Goveraer-Eir- Stanley Styi Be Will ft te Receive INTO ft Soldier cbrtrmis Dir. Having thl day purchased tb Job tioo,oo. Rot Slga Cllli' Dth Harraat. OUR NEW QUARTERS. We have cat ond eltshed the pricea on every plant ot Kdward U. Bllee, lOMWITraU l'lillDB. thiog in ft printing notlo the Home to tifo redute ato.k ai much ai possible before m jving. We want to I hereby given that I will not bt re- - -- ft CtTtABl Jn. R. Rawt, a I'ouiKpUit, Oawk Bwltof mane mis wee a I SIVI1AI K1LII. for aiTIIALCiailTNAI KUL1H6. BAIK BOiailT AT LIMA, 010. Kec.rd Ureaker" for huines. and vou will mii a r.ra Donsible sot Indebtedness contracted From Sufferiag la a. Mia. ni.,ni. ft by th said Kdward U. Bliss. ft you do tot lake advantage of this great Salt We wi h The dead body of a man. who had com- to call our particular a'tentioi to ft uko. In HorriRO. muted suicide by cutting his throat with ft the following: Havana, Dm. 2V The American trao-- Albuquerque, N. If , Dee. W, X. Han Pranclsco, Dec. 8)1. A epecUl from New Tork, Dm 2rt A dispatch to the tut. it. wss discovered shortly after sun-- I ft uatlon eonmlelonere will Dawson City dated Nov. Ill, sava: He- - Joornal from Washington eays: Arch-bisho- p TBI POOT BALL AMB. im ymterdsy morulng lying la sums ft Isso a proclamation to the Inhabitant port from ll th cret-- vicinity near the river Id the south sod of Ireland will represent ths I'nlled lu the Figored Mohair Skirt, up from, . of Cob announcing they toe ii. Henry Berry, who msde the e .$1,1 5 Wint. r Underwear for Men, Women ft that bar en riis Col a Albaajaatajaa ot Dawson City Indicate that th winter's Slate at the ctar' peai-- congress, bv and rW1tn.l . rsitie up town at once and notl-li- e. tered into an agreement wltb the eom product of gold will e Peed ot Ing agreed to accept this honorable post , Cape anj Jacket, 33 p;r cent leas Children at specially Low Price. ft tMBi Strata rBMV. i that Ivt I til 1 llk-er- Marshal koMlllin sod mission of Spain for lit final Mrrmo- - Th Agricultural and atecbanloal eol- - year by more than one buudred per cent tinker weut down to tbe place It la not known whether th archbishop thin regular price Big Redu lions on Ladies' Silk Skirts and ft np lltrtinet nle and rrgnlatloo to b earrlsd oat on lex fool ball team cam from the Saver! persone are reported l.t-r- th body was lying, and a grew-mii- s will b tb ol representative of the Silk south laat night and tbey were met at frncn ti Children' Petticoats. ft th 1st da; of January and lharMftar death. Several river steamer are certain snd sicksnlng sight met their United State or bead of a delegation. Jackets at big redudions. the train by fell Lester, Coach Walter eyi s. mau, who waa away I Blankets, Comforters, Quills, Shrets ft ontll all the Spanish troop UM hare to be destroyed when the Ice breaks. Ihs watted Walking lata, worth up to $1.75, and Davis ana Mis members of the Albuqusr iinioit to a skeleton by consumption, COLLI KILI.KII HI VATItR Pillow Slips less embarked for repatriation. Thsy enjoin que foot ball team, whom they ar play marked down to for mon;y than you ft 1 A CAVJARf). hid aluinet sevrred hi head from his 80c. IT )atOrBr-KU-t ever bought them upon the people the necessity for atrlct ing this afternoon. When tbey alighted i'o v. The rat it with which he hsd don atanl Will Not ( Chi'dren's before. ft from th train they raised aloft the col i Oaatk Warraat. Tarn O'Shantera and eompllanoe with the term of tble agree Jad- - Itmr Itmlvs les.000 lot lie id el lay user th body and wa eov ft lege Danner and rent tn quiet night air i re I Wichita, Dec.Ji'i.- - Caps, up from ment; admontsn el esse of peepl to Mia r.rTlrM with gore. Near by waa a pile of Governor Klect Stan 2rtc. ail wilt) the college yrIL They were escorted iiNlies, hud by Canton, Ohio, Dec. 26. Day. which been soaked the su ley states that be will not sign too war eserelee aclf restraint and moderation (o the Grand Central hotel where they 4u le's lire blood, Ladies and Mitaea' Leggins that SPECIAL NOTICE. and which told of tbe rant for th death of John Collins, con nod refrain from giving eauss for ttfsnse registered as follows: W. K. Holt, B. president of the peace commission, has fdort he hsd made to keep warm during W Ot were $1.25, now...., COc. We hsve one lot of Silks that were or Irritation, or doing any act calculated topnens, Charles Barber, K. K. inter, returned home. He will resume his law the cold lilglil. The pocket ot tbe dead victed the murder ot his father. He W.Danburg, w Balrd, K. Balrd, II. Llew- man money, dote not believe In capital slightly damiged by water which we will J produce bad feellug. practice. He says that the story that he did not contain a cent of punishment. Big Lot of Drca Goodr, worih up to t ellyn, K. Hllnnett, K. Cue, 0. Hsush.C. even a scrap of paper ahow Held 100, rior to who ell at ridiculously low prices. lot in- Reush, D. (i. Cravens, B. Kreeman, W. and Whltelaw are to receive was. BANK HOI1IIKD. per yard, Ths MIUT HAVANA. he The t flloer recognised blm a 7SC 01 Bargain Table. . .25c. Black la Beasley, Jams Gatltn and C. Thompson. 000 each for their service on the coin a whom cludes Silk Brocades, Black Surah. diku they bad seen around town A marl aa Prof, and Mr. O. K. Wooton accom- 1 for a few th Matloa.l lla.k, .r Llaua, Saxony Yarn Pcan de Soi, M mission absurd. day. Ohio, flc. jire, Brocade Satin, etc Cabas fUaldaata aad epaalah SeMUra panied tb boy. Henry herry. John Capton and Mralsrl ualf KsblM.1. Lima. Ohio, Dee. 2u.-T- her Spanish China in rik WiMu oar. Th young man composing the team MaroM and W hitas Slaht. William Oliver, who make basket and was a Yarn loc. Silk White and Colors, Fancy Chicago, Dee. 24 A apeelal to tb( are lusty, vigorous looking fellow and Dallas, leias, Dee. 20 In an encoun other articles near the pi" where the mysterious robbery at the American Na- Germsntown Yarn Silk, two-tone- d B ocade. etc., suitable for Trlbnne from Havana aays: Christmas hav tb outward appear an oe of Ideal ter between three white men and some dead boily wss found, say that the man tional bank, the amount stolen being be lo0. wains or trimming. Don't fail to see toot ball player. i down 6 day waa ushsrsd In by cracking of re- negroes one ot the latter, Oscar White, sine there at o'clock the day tween $25,000 to $50,000. The Ice Wool, per boa 1 Tli ctreets of the city presented a fes- before and told them be was going to Janitor ...... Oo. prices on these. volver and rattling volley from Manner tive appearanoe thl morning. The col- was killed, and another, Frank Holland, ramp there all night. He said that he discovered tb doors of the vault open rifle In an affray near the center ot the lege players with the red color ot the seriously wounded. Hundreds ot negroes lis I slept at the elty building a oonple ot thl morning. It wa found that all th city between the Spanish troop garrison Agricultural and Mechanical college and and whites assembled and ths air was night lut the offlcer hsvs no reoollee gold and paper money had been carried the toot ball olayere of thl city with Ing the city and the Cuban resident. Oiled wltb knlve and pistol. Ths police tlou of his being there. away, although the racks of silver wsr I black and yellow, the club colors, were 1 lie body waa bronght to Undertaker B. & Co Cuban wa fatally wounded, two much In evidence as wa also a host nf dispersed the mob. Htroiig's moms, where It was Identllled untouched. There are no mark of vio- ILFELD CO., Proprietors, ptber badly Injnred and a Spantab ol small boys, supplied wltb tin horns, evening by Bergstrtud, lence. Th actual amount taken can be A Chrlataaaa Hllllna. last Victor th dler abbed. A Cuban negro, who re which mad Indescribable noise. ornlor at lb W extern Lnlou, who told only arter balancing the cash. A large crowd of spectators went out Walsenburg. Colo., Deo. Hi X. It act red three wound by alaueer ri'cogmi'd the feature of a man who to th fair ground thl afternoon to Trsw hot and killed Terebio Tulmache, hud sent a telegram throngh th Western aaaala'a Cnailitlua Marloua bullet and a bad cot acroaa hi 1 witness th gain. Th following the a Mealcan, and an unknown Slav In 1 nloii ptllce ou lircember 21. The man MaJrld, Dee. ad. The condition of forehead, la Una op ot teams; Senor Hagasta haa reported dying. The tb two t'lid-tiu-t- algned bis as R. Beed. hecon.e more serious. Musgrav' loon, at Carr, s naiiis James Tbe affair waa brought on by the City. Positions. CuIIpus. lelngraiu was sent to II. Ilea v ay, Sfl Park Ills disease Is bronchial pneumonia. 4 Clark Lrftknd... fialrd v. Trew urreuderetl to the sheriff. How, New York, and asked to send Cuban, who fired from a boua top on a U LsttTerkle...... (.OS hlu In private Chentt Uuaid... The only explanation of th crime Is that J0iiilrk. No reply had been received car No. 40rt. ot the Central company of asleep Lft ...Trullllo Nick-erso- soldier la the bote! Haracn Ontpr ,...atpibna be wa erased by drink. (o Hits nrgeut appeal for assistance. Meiloano railroad company, II. H. Roma. The soldier sprang to feet (mil K la lit C.uari) . . upaaicy tbe eenersl manager, and his their Kyflit Without money, without health and Nrvina Tsrala...... l'rinaii A Affray. wit arrived bar Inst Saturday night EIEGANT and and at on returned tbe fir. General Halcnnib.... , K if lit kind...... Dauburr Ikwllai friends the mau became despondent and 4 Mi Donald, p... Uuartrr rtack. . ...Holt from tbe City of Mexico, meeting here HOLIDAY Ludlow, In an Interview wltb Captain Trinidad, Colo. Dec 'n loimlit relief from bis troubles In death. Mt Donald, C. ki lit Halfback ..... Winlpi tbelr daughter, who came In from Chi Lcwia Led Halfback. naaa bot Cbarle Meeslul In ths leg aud litiiertaker Strong has telegraphed to 4 General Caatellanoa, declared tber moat VI r. Keavey New York, eago. Tbe visitors enjoyed yesterdsy wltb Stamin pull Hack .Uewpllyo waa by Agulllo in but as yet ha b order If It took every American soldier SuMltutm Cltr Vaush. Oeorav, Lockbart shot and killed Conetabl received no reply. Aldan Nlckrson, aud they will remain USEFUL. to restors It. Captain General Caatclla S d ivpnt; Collpfp-Kca- ali, Blinoptt and Sunday afternoou. Annasa was drunk here several dare. Alden la an attache ! oar bet (coacb). Lniplrs craveoa at the local freight depot, of no up Civil Governor D and re Inted th officers, who tried to dis A. L. Moon, representing tbe Los aud one called Carre, A telephone message from the fair the roost popular employe under Agent PRESENTS arm the third man, name unknown, who ngt'les Tlmas, was a pleasant who said tn disorder bad been quelled. grounds, received at 1:60 p. m. aay, at caller at He I th son ot General Manager eeor iood, wa wounded in ecuffl this olllce thl morning, atated th end of the first bait, the the i. lit that n icierson. . a Boat Wmr Oaba. LaaUraee.: Albuaaerau. a A I he found copies of Th In every Baahat Ball ftontaat. Col. Bussman Lewlnsnn. of the Donular llaoon, 8a., Dee. 26. General Bate, In Croce player wa (lightly Injured, but town and mining camp In western dry goods store familiarly The Very Latest in the Market at Reasonable after rolling over the ground for a lew Tb basktt ball team of th Agrlcul known as "The Prices! oommand ot the First division ot the Arliona aud southern New Mexico, and Koouomlst," wa around yesterday an- 4 second resumed play amid cheering tural and Mechanical Arts college will nouncing to his friends First army corps, arrived last night from he discovered the faet CiT-i.k- n that he bad from tne erowa. city morrow alto that Thi A2d y reach the and to reached th mllestou in his life's 4 25 doz. All Silk Washington fend wltb staff left reavhe these place that h visited, Journey, Handkerchiefs, at eacli 25c. la evening a contest between them and the aud that he ha never forgotten 4 tor Charleston, where tby embark on The announcement mad In with Atsoclated Press dlspaiches, the In university team will be played at the twelve date. prosperity or adversity, for 25 doz. All Silk Handkerchiefs - the transport Nlunewasca for Cuba. CiTifclH of a change at the job printing snd even tweuty-lou- r boor befor any ths reason that it always tntus on a 4 at each 50e. Armory No one seeing outb-wewt- . Americas, Ge., Deo. 3tt. The Twelfth offloe of Edward U. Bliss, on south Be ball. should miss other newspaper published lu tb glad and happy duj Christmas. The 4 - thl contest whlob promises to be very Hence th popularity of THI ClT ClTlzur congratulate "grand Smoking Jackets, from to New York 1 loading y and ood street, the latter bavipg retired In ths old $5.50 18.00 eipeot for It give new I In 4 of George L. Hopping, who assumed Interesting. ihn, th latest aud man" in dry good business, end toleav to night for Charleston, favor elver-tleer- wher iniliHoeusabl a a medium for wish bint many future birthday annlver-ea- r Silk Mulllers, trom 50cts. to ... Tbe young ladle and gentlemen of transport will be taken for alataosa. Immediate ownership and who will, at this lea, $1.50 day, b associated by on of the elty have decided to give a dance at the 4 - an early Krne- -t Dougherty and Joe Joquel, two Krsd. Marshall and wife, popular young Boy's lieefers, . $2.50 to squareat printer In the city. For year Armory ball night, after the tlrrU clues attaches of TflJ titiEEN'8 folk of Kl i'aso, $175 St. Joseph, Mo Dee. 26. Lonl Bai, ar her enjoying tbe 4 Mr. Hopping wa th artlatls and com' basket ball match In honor of Ihelr vl. 9oniiosln( rooms, spent yesterday out of holiday wltb th parent of Mr. Mar- Boys' Ulsters, tanker, tugar manufistursr, cattleman town. The former was Santa Ka, en- shall, who 4 $3.75 to $5.75 petent Job printer at the Democrat offlek Itor from Las Cruce. at rtsld on the Highland, and promoter ot financial aohemea, and joying the day with bla aunt, and tbe tried, I a foot ball player 4 Tbi wishes him aeees. and admirer, Herman Garllsch, druggist and financier, Taaals ToumauiaaU Utter well, be had attractions at La aad of course he. with his wife, ran b 4 Valises, Trunks, Gloves, Caps, Mackintoshes and y Vegas, and will not return r found In an bar been found dead In bed at their Albuquerque took a day off eo Arrangements hav been partially com- nntll attendance on the game at the row evening. iair grvuuaa mi arternoon. Both men were apparently In a to glv everybody an ample opportu pleted for tbe tennis tournament, which Endless Variety of Neckwear. home. Wa' ted - A man te do work In kitchen. Ladles' eaoe. children's iacksU. silk robust health. nlty to celebrate Cbrlatma and attend 1 to take place In this city this week. Apply Mrs. to uardsn, corner fourth skirt, wool skirt. tc, at give-awa- the foot ball game at the fair morning at 10 o'clock, on the add 4 Dg.l Hsbb.ra. froond. Ureet Silver avanu. prioee, at tne rnoenix. With Th railroad shop are closed, a art the tennl eoane on Silver avenue, there will Taoeni. Wash., Dec. Policeman 4 2. bank and moet ot the other business be a gam between Prof. Barker, of the Brown wa wounded and a highway- 4 f house of the elty. Agricultural college, and II. M. Varrell, man probably fatally shot In a desperate HOLIDAY SLIPPERS FOR FVERYBODY! 4 Mies Edith Parka, living at 306 outh of this city. At 1 :S0 o'clock E. L. Si three masked robber and WASH GO. duel between BURN Arno, waa th lucky miss winning th afternoon Walter Holt, representing the 4 a policeman and saloonkeeper at mid- handsome doll In Tb Mate bean-gues- s Agricultural college, and Hoy MEN'S SLIPPERS night. The highwayman waa James Siaiuiu. ing contest. The Jar contained 731 representing the nulverstty, will play From Garrett uf Ban Francisco. a 75c to $3.00 a pair. bean and th winning guess wa 720, game for th champiou-hlp- . Qm to Part file. The guesses ranged from 124 to 1,000 At tb close of their contest C. W. Atlanta. Ga., Dee. 20. Lieutenant bean. Ward, of thl elty, and C. Thompson, ol Colonel W. P. Hall, for several year La Crueee, will play A special meeting of the Clerk' Asso a gam. g wa im-- 11 K general of department of I II M adjutant th ciation will be held Tuesday evening, Arrangement will probably be made McCALL BAZAAR I ffl th Gulf, bu been assigned to a similar for eom Dec. 27, at 7:30 o'clock, at tb tor of doubles, to be played either 9L position In tb department of Porto Bloc Wednesday -- Roaenwald Bros. All member please be or Thursday. I He tbUMUM FrjriXa The Iowa aa4 Oragsa. presept. By order of the president. D. Prof. Barker, ot the Agricultural col- 5 I LADIES' Callao. pre. 28 --Th United Bute S. Kosenvald, secretary. lege, coming up on th undemanding SLIPPERS! s-1 iOi Railroad Avenue, Albuquerque, N. M that be la to pay hi own he 13 battleship Iowa and Oregon arrived her It 1 understood that Chaa. N. Crltten eipiinse if AH Stylet and Price. loses; th tennl club, of to this morning. ton and party who have been on a re- this city, pay DLsilcqclxtecl. them If b win. m "X3ot Store In ttxo Olty. il atmplorse Traatad ligion tour to the Arlaoua towns, will Children's Slippers! m Tb employe of th Welle-Parg- o com- begin their vangeltstlo work in thl or Mrs. Dalt Klauajr. A Large Variety. pany tn this city bad a feast at the Har-v- y City, at Armory ball on nait Sunday Mr. Anna Moor Klnuey, the wife of p bona laat Saturday night. J.J Valen- vnlog, January , Rev. Brace Kinney, the pastor of tbe ! c3 tine had supplied them with two tnrken BaptlBt church, died at her home at 215 Big Bargains at Little Prices Steak from a corn-fed- " bear, Lara-ra-t era, r3 and Bout Agent W, f. Powar and Local 25 north Walter atreet, at 2 o'clock thlx CEO. 8ln Daal m Agent L B. UeCaualand furnished th cent per pound, At Blaochard Meat morulng, from consumption. They came G. GAIIISLEY & GO. 111 8. 8aeond St. a Incidentals necessary to make a splendid and Supply compoy, here from Sloui Kails, South Dakota, p m MAII. IIOIH AilVB lUIIVII. ATTIITlel m TO OLOSE OUT ALL ODDS AND ENDS

di-p- p" ii .'ti tf. .:. .:. rfj 1 That have accumulated in the various tments during the Dig Holiday Rush. We shall p 37 The Leading Jewelry House make p Diamonds. PL Of the Southwest p SWEEPING REDUCTIONS I ! ! W V ading Jeweler, on all Broken Lots, Odds and KuJs, etc. You m ty lind just what you need, if p Strklly liaaduafUrs you do you will find that $1.03 will da the woi k of two, as we roust reduce for PINE GOODS. this iOJ Watches, stock before taking iaventoiy. PJ DUE WILL HE OPEN HOLIDAY Silverware, ra) No GREETING. Holiday Goods for New Year's Gifts. Flannelette Wrappers. TQ-NIGI- All Holiday on ban4 go at on half lorow la all si from Hi to IT finl tm 44. nicely mad wltb 12 O'CLOCK, t Fine Clock, waist liulDg. Misrepiesfntatiiin prlex. Choice onljr, m Jewelry, is Remnants. Ladies' Waists. m Allowvd, and We ;ut-Ju- doling up the Heaviest Years' Business During ths big ruth last wmk ws haeareumultI our 1 e( l)r rsfrulnr 11.50 Klsnnel WslsU, nktly m a big lot remnants of Uoods of all klnils, trluiuisd with braid. In Fine Lamps, wtileti ws plaoed oo a aepirat Dunter at one half tills stl ouly J1.10 Persent Every Every (Juarantt'e wj hive rver had, and wish in '.his public way to regular priced. ( hole of our 3.0O Silk Waist $j 50 Cuslomei ('Holes of our ik Knives ami te! $1.J0anl 8.5l 811k WUsta.....) 00 Forks In Kauoy bilks, eolored Batlus Made CioihI. ai knowledge our appieciation nf thi. Daring thi Drcis Patterns. aud black. Cauloe of ot our Ou Drss Patterns lu Klack (3J aof Underwear. . Sterling Silver Souvenir, either Kuh Glass, aud Color, do Blatter what they eout, yuu take vour Price i as low a month, December, mir Mk. W.J. Kenneuv, will be at pick for $5.0U La lie' R bVd Dadsrwear pnll. Vest Urnliiell.iM, Uiifh neck, loug sluerns, pauU to match, ankle ee Spoon, Book Mark or Letter Ladies' iBiiitth, special, a point along the line of Wrapt. suit 30s Same quality of the Santa Fe Pacific with an All our Cape audJacisW (or Ladles' Mimei' and er. We have reduced the prices ine Canes, Children, ent from regular pries, fully tit tn 60 per Ladies' Vests and Pants. m Good can be ELEGANT LINE OF ent. hr 1 whsr 11 wilt do th swrrlce ot two Hsavy Kuyptiau Cotton Kle'ced Back. Vests, il Holiday Goods. tiiieti uwk, long sleeve, pants to mateh, l ine China, p Outiog FUnoel Gowns. suit. ...40c tin. the public for their patronage and wishing all a Bought for Ladls1 Oatlog Flaootl Uownt,oor regular "5 Ladies' Vests and Pants. Fine Watches, Diamonds Wi)c. and Jewelry, Silver Novelties, m and gown, te elos oat balaac ou head, Egyptian Cofon, Heary CHRISTMAS. eacb for only $oc Ettra and Bearlly Anywhere. tk r- les.txl aud Nicely Trlntmsl, SOc Bee Window Display. tull m I HI Be Window D. splay. remaio, yours truly, while our MK. II, E. FOX with Gold and Silver, Mail order plenty of help will prn.illy c.ire for our city trade. Filigree. Remnants ot Silks, Remnants of Solicited. Wool Dress Good, Remnants of Flannels, Remnants of i RTHUR EVERITT, Staple Cottons, Remnants of nal Table Linens are placed on Remnant Pi THE LEADING JEWELER. FINK WATCH TURK AND ARTISTIC ENGRAVING A SPECIALTY...... Table at ... fs . p Hulf Former Prices. RAILROAD AVE, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. to WATCHES SOLD TO RAILROAD MEN ON EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. be alloted and set apart to said Indian DR. WORTH'S OMHIQN. neighbor of Alvaret. Ochoa waived pre by the secretary of ths Interior. The ROYAL aid seeretsry shall set apm snd allot to liminary examination In La Cruce and GENUINE i ach of said Indians, not a tart of a fam hs bren brnnd over to fhe net grand Damlana. OF RBW DISCOVERY LEMPS BEER lly receiving an allotment under this act TIB II ft EDI Jury to answer tn ths chre of wilful acres of said red-du- e "What to BOTTUiD. tn land; aid all ths CINB. murder. The bond was Oied at 12.000, BAKING of the lends of said reservation Is Bnltk for $1 00 $1X0 BOTTLE. hereby declared to be npn to entry ent Which wa fnrnlehed by Martin Lohman fettlement, the mineral lands under and the boy's father. The deceased has a the A lUmarkahls atmr'al far Give" mineral land laws of the I nlted States: tUaSf nephew residing In Ijm Yegs and wss Provided, Iiyapasala. Ialaatlaa as POWDER That persons entering land tosaaeh Traaklas, quits well known here to many, says the nnder the homestead laws pay m shall Optic. therefor at the rate of f 1. 26 per acre at ConssiiRpilon is (he question of the time of entry. California Wines Bachechi Giomi. Absolutely Pur The proceeds of soch Ssnw la Arlions. & Monet Vsrnoo sale shall he turned Into the treasury of Dr. Worth In commenting on recent of tho ' flnow seems to have fallen In the un Do for hour. The Of all Kindt snd BYE WHISKEY Me. I arieea at tartar the United Btates to he held as a trust discoveries In medicine said: There Is not think s single fund for the use of said Indians, ench nous which Is certain to be so valuable expected places dnrlnr the recent storm, moment that consumption will Impottrd fe AT ir Qt. Bottle JO. fnnd to draw intereet at the rate of 4 and tar reaching In bene lit s Htuart's says the Prescott Journal Miner. A fall ever strike you s sudden blow. betgift for your SPEaL P.'ICES It. per centum per It does not come thai way. THIS annum, ench fnnd and Dyspepsia Tablets, the new stomach of thirty Inches ai reported In the Verde WEEK. THE DAILY CITIZEN Interest to be expended direc- I say peo- It creeps Its wsy slong. will) is a policy of nnder the emedy; far reaching, because valley Is something tion of the secretary of the Interior for ple little realise how Important a unprecedented. In First, you think It it s linle HK1HKS ft McCRKKtHT, IXbuhhkrs the benefit ot said Indians: Provided, sound stomsrh and vigorous diges- Hoi brook the snow fall was much cold; nothing but s little hack- ing Life Assurance. further. That any qnarter section of said tion is to every man, woman and child. greater than In Prescott, while the mer- cough; then s little loss In Thos. Huuhu Kdltor now weight: then s hsrder cough; TOI AMD JEBRT Edgevood lands having permanent and valu- Indigestion le the etarling point of cury there ranged from ten to twelve Clot lies Distilled W. T. McCBmnHT. Bus. Mgr. and City Kd able Improvements thereon erected by consumption, heart disease, Brlghl's dis- then the fever snd ths night will wear degrees lower. Io Chlno valley IN Co the I'nlted States shall remain unallotted ease, diabetes, nervous prostration, liver with an swears. IMsktj, Ml.lnHKU DA1LV AM II WU1LI, altitude several hundred feet The suddennett comet when Quarts, 1 Bottle ft and shall be held by the government for troubles. Wby Is thl so? Hlmply be lower than out. A piano will Quarts MM, the purpose of educating said Iodlans." cause every nerve, Prescott there was also a greater snow you hive s hemorrhage. muscl and tissue lu Better while House our bodies Is created stop the diteatt hill No. 11.229, the purpose of and nourished from fall and colder weather was experienced It Is yet creeping. et out of tune. the food w eat. food by res-so- n which Is told In the first section In the It that Is, there than here. The country You it wlrti of weak Compelled to II desert cm do 107 and 100 - stomach. Jewelry will be- SOUTH F1K3T ST. following words- for hoars, a sour, fermenting mass of around Phoenix also experienced an Associated Cress Afternoon Telegram. "That upon passage Official Paper of the of this ant the half digested food, It poisons the blond unnsoally heavy snow fall. Bernalillo Count?. president shall proceed to come old fashion- City and County Circulation ea'l forth, nd nervous system, creates gas whlcb Irgwt arm. equip and discipline a por- distends ths stomach and bowels, causing Molina, LOMBAROO PaLLADIHO, The Large New Mexico Circulation regular Ifric-a-Bra- c gt Largest tion of the militia, not to exceed In the pressure on the heart, lungs and other The annual meeting of the UUCP's ed. North Aritotie Circulation of of L segregate all arms ,iun men, and organs, and seriously Impeding their ac- stockholders ths Bsnk ot Commerce, of L shall apportion the same between the Alhuqnerqne, N. M., for the election of ALKl KKyl K, DKC. 26. 1KU8 tion. will break. Most (!(. K1isa TO A. Lomsasdo) yl several states according to their ratio of He says, farther, the point to direct director for the ensuing year, will be the enrolled mllltla liable to military attention la not ths nsrves, nor heart, held at lis bsnklng house on Monday, THE IW PCMtMASTKH. things deterio- STAPLE AND FANCY duty under existing laws. Held troops nor lungs, nor kidneys, but ths stomach, January z, it.v Ckerro sr GK0CER1ES. The Ban Uarctal Bee, In commenting shall he known as actlvs Orel cause of W. 8. RTKicf Cashier. ths mllltla. and the all the mischief. lib. l.MI'dRTKD A on the appointment of J. K. Armljo aa hall be called the National Guard ot the The remedy to use for Indigestion and December 32, 1WJ. rate wiih age, 000D3 SPECIALTT. I'nlted postmaster ot thin city, sart: Btates." wtak stomachs Is not some cathartic, but Goods promptly delivered In any part of the lty Tb best wood a remedy digest Tba ralr. but not policy at tk R. wan The bill provides that the president which will the food. a Jinto Armljo, on Wednesday, B 0,1 account (f removal to Railroad ar a p pom ihall apportion the number of each arm Increase the iw of gastric Juice, absorb Lowest Price. led pfMiaiivter at Albuquerque the gasee, Dyspepsia eu'ie, Jsnusry in, srs making great This In the kind of of and Stoari'a Tablets PiW of life assurance, Christmas present the service of the several state q notes, will aeeomplleb exactly thla reeult In reduction in puces. i he pair, You first notice that you 317 NORTH THIRD STREET, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. Thi t itiikm dmlred, and Tom Hughe prescribe the equipment, organisation any ease of 113 South KlrstBtreet. cough leas. Ths pressure on appears to think toe referee know stomach trouble, because the older it gets that are - lifted. 11 snd arm, and the system ot drill In these tablets ouuiDoned of the diieet- the cheat it That feeling aboot Santa Clans' business. Ive 1H1SB $APItAFB STEAKS. of A nctual camp life. The guard shall be acid, aseptic pepsin, Golden Real and tuffocstion Is removed. This paper baa always been repobll-ca- n. bismuth, pleasant to taste, and not being cure is hastened by placing one of the more valuable JOHNSTON & MOOItE'S assembled In camps ot Instruction, " In every Issue, aud naturally rejoice a patent medicine, can be used by any-on- e One of the Advcrtls: meets ths Califor- wblob may Ho Famoui Stage Leave guards becomes. for over the good lack of every republican. Include the of more with perfect safety. I believe nia Limited" Offer. it one state and portions the regu Htuart's Dyspepsia Tsblets will curs any Dr. Ayer's Cherry President klcKlnley baa our thank tor thai tt The California limited on the Bant Fe EVERY TUESDAY MORNING lar army, not oflener than once a year. form of Indigestion andstomsch trouble presenting the good people ot Abuqaer-j- u xoept cancer of stomach. Is advertised as the finest train running Pectoral Plaster and far periods ot not more than twenty. Jemez with a republican postmaster as a Pull site package ot Htuart's Dyspep across ths country, and from the amount The Equitable the Resort. one deys, and when so assembled DO Chest. tSTFor Christmas gift. J. R. Armljo will not shall sla Tablet ar sold by druggist at of business It Is doing the statement over the disappoint bs furnished with all the necessary eeots or by mall from P. A. otuart Co., Livery, Feed and Bale Stable. his friends he will make a A seems to be correct. ramp equipage and snbslstence. When Marshall, Mich. book on stomach HACKS to any part of the elty for only 9Se. model postmaster. disease together with thousands ot tea The Bunset limited went through Kl A Book Froot encamped under orders or In active ser Life Assurance Society Old Telephone No. 8. New No, Unionists will be sent by addressing Paso a few day4 with thirty passenger, It Ii on the Diieises of the Telephone 114 HOW TO AUVKKM4K. vice the commissioned officers of the Throat snd Lungt. abov or call on your druggist for them. which was announced as good bnnlner. The newspaper as a means for adver- guard shall receive the pay and allow- COPPER lYBEDE, Bet Second md TMrd St Ot Laeal laearMt. The average number ot passenger on WrKm ass ray. OF THE UNITED STATES. tising bas been tried over and over again. ances as commissioned officer of the n if V"S havaf anf romp'tlnt wbntarer Jl Mr. C. L. Bishop leave Monday for the California limited I from aeventy-fiv- e B anS SMlra thn b.,t uitlMl ,'lvir ti.ii Its efficacy and superiority over all other same rank In the regular army, and the ran pu,hlr writ tl rinrtnr fj Albuquerque, where she will spend the to 100. Ml friwly. Ton wiltrrl, prompt raplj, j Student Dr. Philip media are confessed by the most ex- men be rcl, jm of Syphilis a Specialty. enlisted shall paid as follows: I wiiiioiii cimi AnnrM, G. HENRY, M. D. Kicord Paris holiday with friend. The limited advertised. The buffet UK. i. C. AY I.H. Lowall, Milt. WALTER N. PARKHURST, of perienced of advertiser. Yet, despite officers ot the general l Thirty. Sla Years' Practice, ths Last Tea In Denver, George 8. Blunt went to Albuquerque smoking ear, ths observation rar, the Col. ssbm osl( Tttaatcu this, there are those who from good tsff, 13.50 per day; A enre guaranteed In every case to spend ths holidays with his daughter, parlor ear, the barber shop and all that, t a sir il Central Manager, undertaken when a ear Is practicable and heartedness.or lack of experience, or per- officers ot the regimental staff, 13 per possible. Gonorrhoea, gleet, and stricture speedily en red with Dr. Rloord'a Mrs. J. B. Trlmbls but on ot the feature that catches the Remedies. Recent caees verse purpose to accept no evidence, will lay; 1st sergeants, 12 per day; sergeants. New Mei loo and Arizona Department, permanently cured within three day. No Cubebs, Handle-woo- d Mr. K. eye or ths palate ot the passenger ha Oil nor Conatoa uned. HuermMtorrhosa. take op with almost aoy sort of a scheme and Mr. P. Harroun arrived 11.75 per day; corporals, $1(0 per day, - somnla, deepondency, radically fnm Alboqoerque. They will spend never been advertised. It I the steaks- ALtil'Ql'KRQrE, N. M. cnrd. Rlcord's method oracticed In the World's that is offered. The Wilmington (Del.) and privates, (1 per day. Hospital, Paris. R f,.retip over 23.(100 patients sncoeesfully treated and cured Christmas with Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Her- Ureal large Juicy steaks that In Inst News in a recent issue Invites attention The till further provides for tbeeetab-llfhmr- wtthln the ten Cat refer to natlenU en rod h MrrnlsailfMI. Fn VsaVtirta man. one's mouth. They are shipped from Offices v. tter-ma- W)7HeventeutiHtrt, near u, to the fact that "within ten days bait a of a n si loo si guard bureau In Champa, Usnver. Colo, Kogllsh, French, Mis Maggl Plemtng, who baa been Chicago and all the dining car and all AUTOMATIC TKLKPHONB . PollHh, Ruals'i ail Hohemlnn spoken. Cnnsoltation and on examination doten persons have beeu arrested In the war department, the control aud offi if$ rfjfijJ the guest of Mr. and Mr. C L. Bishop sating houses from Chicago to Los An- free CorrrnpoudHiice elicited strlctlr eonUdentlai. Philadelphia tor swindling merchants cering the different department ot the for some time past, leave Mondsy after geles are supplied with the same grade, and manufacturers by means ot adver- guard, the oature of the oath to be taken noon to take charge ot lb mission school and It Is the very best that can be bought tising schemes that were attractive on and for all other matters connected with at that place. Li the Chicago market. their face, bat worthless when exposed the service. The expense of the guard Hon. Manuel R. Otero, register ot the One man Is kept In Chicago to buy to an Investigation." Advertising Is a are to be borne by the United States, and Albuquerque Foundry and Machine Works United Bute land offloe In thla city, meuta He dors that and nothing else. legitimate business and should be par bill calls tor an appropriation ot lis went to Albuqaerqae, where r will There le a alandard aud that must be sued alung Intelligent lines. The news for the purposes of carrying spend Christmas with bis sou, John Q. conformed with or the steak will R. T. HALL, Proprietor. paper oSloes are sore, and outside expert' out Its purposes. new Otero. He will return Monday night. appear on a Banta F table. Borne of the menU art dangerous. Iron and Brans Canting; Ore Coal and Lumber Cars; Shaftlog. Pulley, first Mis Laura May, who has attend- railroad In New Kngland have won a From all Indications the retail mer- been nam, uaDUtt stetai; t oiiimns and Iron Front for Buildings; Repair ing school Academy Loretto, reputation for flue pancakes aud wsffle LITTLE BURDEN. TBBBITUBIAL UKITCRSITV. chants of Albuquerque have had and are at the of the A on Mining and Mill Machinery a Specialty. The Bland Herald says: --We hear having the best holiday they returned to her horn In Albuqaerqae. at their eating houses, other hold tb trade have Our svrttem ot enxr Dnrnients mnkes FOUNDRY: SIDK RAILROAD TRACK, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. far-gon- e Her many friends In thl city will regret palm tor rolls and coffee, but the Banta from sir. Casters, librarian ot oar Terrl bad for several years since the it poMNiiie tor evermne to hsv an rKR.RILI.OH Ll'MP COAL TOOK TUB torlal university, that this Institution Is days of HI and D2. The city wears a that she will not return. 8h ha been F will not take second place tor steaks, EVERETT or KIMBALL PIANO or re- In Kac FIRST PRIZK AT THE now fully entitled to be reeognjx! as cheerful expreeeion and there seems to the leading vocalist In tb eathedral and passengers going over the road ORGAN their home. h Install- - -S- ALOONS- msut Is so small Umt It Is not felt and WORLD'S FAIR, MELINI & the leader In all educational work In be more people on the streets than there choir for three year past, and her voice member those steaks lor all time to come EAK1N, will be missed by the worshiper tnere the ue and enjotuient of the Inurn- New Mexico. With one ot the greatest were last year during these glad days. and It Is an advertisement worth having, ment Is from flrnt payment. New Mexican. for the way to reach a man's better seuse hid the Iholeule Liquor ind Cigar Dealers. of present generation (Prof. or IrHtrn-na- scientists the The stores are Crowded to overflowing, memory Is through a isrife milliner nnnnwmH i THE ELK or his stomach. AND SOLE A0FNT3 KOR C. L. Uerrlck) at the helm, the university aid while the merchants are too busy to Baahlaa's Arala BaJvs. ts of hRh nus'ltr tn select from. is Wealth. They rs eleifsot In dV li?n and llnixh MMi on of the nicest resort In th la destined to become a noted Institution, g i Into details It Is safe to assume The best salve In the world for Cuts, AS that Bruises. Bore, and excellent In fit". City and Is supplied with tb and the Albuquerque of the future (and ot holiday doers. Bait Rheum, Fever fie volume trade will exceed Bores. Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Strong and Well TOE WHITSON MOMC COMPANY. best aud fluent liquors, not far distant future) will be a great that of im7. These conditions have been Corns and Bkin Kruptlous, posi- A W. H. all and llniinrqns, BE1SCH A center of learning. Much Important work brought about by a republican adminis- tively core Plies, or no pay required. Great Change In Health Sine BETZLEB, Proprietors. la at present belug done In determining tration, not only In national affairs, but It is guaranteed to give perfect eailsfao-llo- n or monsy 26 Taking Hood'e Sariaparilla I Bottled Bond. Tatronsand friend areeordlally and mapping out the geology ot this ter- refunded. Price cents in also lu territorial and county affairs. per box. Kor sals by J. H. O'Klelly X Invited to visit "Th Elk." ritory, especially ot such portions as The Citizen extends lu congratulations Co, Druggist. No Other Medicine) Can Take) Its are hitherto geologically unexplored. In for a " Happy New Year " to President Place a Blood Purifier. 201 West Railroad Avanus) Key auu Allvs DR. E. C. WEST'S bacteriology, we learo. Important re- ItcKlnley, all ot his territorial appoint- " My little girl was thin snd sickly, bat Some week ago It wa announced In :LilVE UNO searches are being carried on, and some ments and our own county officers to he has been taking Hood's Baraaparllla BRAIN TREATMENT BADARAGGO, tb telegraphic dispatches from the City P. publications of the uulverslty which ths outgolug as well as the Incoming and now shs Is strong snd wall. My boa-ba- rHU 0.1IGIML, ALL OTHERS IMITATIONS of Mexico Clarence Key, former 4 . have come to our knowledge, add greatly officials. that a bas taken Hood's Baraaparllla tor il lni 'lnr poi(! M'rlit 4J a y .,ut inriaWi niffiil only, to cur Went. Mmry, Very Finest Winei resident of Albuquerque and Banta Ke, soreness of the lungi snd bowel complaint HrHteM-ia- to the store ot scientific Information In 1 hii, VStkiriilnfi, t it Utiirfc-- had died In that city, and the new was and It bas helped him greatly. Other s Ii':!it UMin, vil IrrarV I ArLt of Cunti. Liquors and Cigars. that line. Mr. Cueters writes us con- Thi Indications are that the educa- i il rvuuantMat, 1am1iu(sj, all Jjrmint, Yoath received with many of sor- members of the family hsvs derived ben-si- lt ,) I'rrnrw,', ljee o( cerning university we tional association which convene In Las expressions or i;( iiT Tiihoco, Opium Third the library which from It." Mks. : J i r, wliicli bml to Miiory, I'otunitnutitm St, and Tijeras Ate. row. W. M. Tipton, ot Bant Ks. has Amt Wilcox, let -- publish on our first psge." Vegas Tuesday, December CTth, will be is i . iuiy noil Ixsitii. Attorur hf mif. $1 North Third Street, Bait Leks City, Utah. ; fV with one of most Important In eelved a postal card from Mexico which m f.r Written irnarute t the ever held " Ws era never without a bottle ol ;v:r ui reruoa mon?v. BTttmple park-a.S.r- r kOOSBVKLT'S IKsTIBTKO FHAISM. ths territory. Important ques- reads as follows: itiiiiiin Ii df)rtrttniiit, with full Atlantic Beer Hall! IIood'1 Baraaparllla In our bouse, for no On The war department bas Jast made City ot Mexico, Dee. 18. 1HU8. Not iu ''ni;' ioiib, i."centn. Mmtiltonl; uld lu SCILNKIDKR&LIX. Props. tions, which are not Indicated on the other medicine csn tsks Its place aa a Oiu h r"'on. At tor or bv nutiL pobllo Col. Roosevelt's official report on dead, all telegram In the newspapers to 11 ClT-l.K- N Special Cool Keg Beer oa draught; the program that was published In THI the contrary notwithstanding'. blood purlflor and health restorer. Ws efViViyne lbsl neat Naliv the battles ot Kl Caney and Ban Juan Extra s a few days ago, are to be discussed CuaxNOE flod that good haaltb la the general result Strtnnth. Wins and ths very bast of hill. Here's bow he tells of the work ot Eet. For Santa Qaut' Sake For ImDotoncy. Idtm nf In the meeting. There are other ques The New Mexican says: "A ths writ- of taking It. My aged grsndparenta hsve 1'irwnr. itMt &UniiooeJ, Liquors. Olvs us a call. the Rough Hllert and It will be observed used It for years, end would not be with- don't! Don't rtnrihty or Mrrciut AlLSOiO Avsm'S, Albdoobbqub. tions which will be discussed only In ing on ths card wa that of Mr. Key, I a hnit $ . wi'ti that the New Mexico boys were leaders out It." Minn IB Mrarxx, Iieber, Utah. he a Christmas Bear Iion't msks the m 1r committee meetings. Representatives there 1 no doubt about hi being alive. ehlldren oiihappv! Don't let an wrlttra aaaraater' all the way through i Ach'nx from different parts of the territory will and hi many friend her will be Hood's Sarsaparllla T'th spMI your Chr Mtmss liiiiu-- r and APTXPl W.L.TillMBLE&CO. "We moved through several skirmish your Holiday Knjnyinei.t ! U. O'HIRLLT A atteud this Important meeting ot the pleased to learn that his serious Illness ! the Beat In fact the One True Blood Pnrtflae. J. OOaJtala AtiU, Second street, lines ot the reglmeut ahead ot us, as it p stop Acti" : M, between Railroad aad association. A of Bold by aU , en the Albaqaarqaa, N. seemed to me our only chance was In educational number did hot terminate fatally." druggists. Price, II six for Oulck without discomfort once Copper aveuaee. rootling ths entrenchment In front In- Albuquerque educators will leave for the only pills to take and for all and Have the Tooth. TO CtJKB A COLO IN BBOKBSV CASH, BTOBB. X OX DAT We handle everything A stead of Urlng at them from a distance. Vegas t; a few were pas- Hood's Pills lib llood'a Sariaparilla. Come to day, In our line. Lu Take Laiatlr Bromo Quinine Tablet. Complete lllustmted nurse and Unit bought and eishanged. Accordingly we charged the blockhouse Meadow price list sent free sengers tor the City last night All druKKlsta refund the money If It uimiii Livery, ana entrenenmeuu on the to our orn-fe- appiifHiion. II1K LOWKdT Sale, Feed and Transfer Stable. oiii 8ngar, IB pound tor 1.00 Steak from a t d tear, 25 falls to cure. 25o. Tb genuine L B. Q. right agiliuit heavy fire. It was taken wTll Q IAMBERS & BAf COCK, rklCED LIQL'OK IIOISK in the went. Thi gladly publish a list Coffee, 10 package 1.00 cent per pound, at Blanchard" Mrat on eaob tablet. in good style, ths men or my regluieut DENTISTS. GRANT BLOCK. Ill BOl'TH riHNT STREET. thus being urst hi eapturs any forti of all those who expect to receive callers 8 bars white H. soap 28 Beat Turnonte In tha City. ths S and Supply company. WA NTKD, ALBl'QUKRQl'K, N. M. fied pts.tlun aud to break through the on Monday after New Tears, either for- packages Scotch oats. 25 FOR BALE, KENT AUD LOIT B cans sugar corn 26 Hpanlsh Hue. Tn guidons of troops C mally or informally, aud requests that BOIbL ARRIVALS. Addr... T. L TRIMBLE 6i Co, and K were first at this point, but some Mushrooms, per can 20 Waatad. PROFESSIONAL CARD. during the coming week the names ot Las Cruce tomatoes, per can 10 Toung man, DO year of age, Albuqucrqus, Ntw Mcxica. ot the men ot troops A aud B, who were BTUHUIU' I'BOflAN. wonld me th'iee who expect to observe the New Knamslln 5 like employment a clerk or driving PHOr. IM MAl'KO. with personally, got In ahead of them. K. L. Foster, W. H.Campbell. Wloslow; SJJPerfect BKST Captains Llewellyn, Muller and Year's holiday In the old fashioned way, We have a complete line ot the finest I D. Uood reference. Inqulreat this THK VIOLINIST IN THE TKR ...BOLLEH'8 teas and coffee obtainable and our prloes Juan Uai cla, Urante; A. McOllllvray, Chil- otliee. will Kive vmlin and liirmunv Luna led their troops throughout the will be bauded in, that they may be pub- K. 5 aonai furnish the hr,t on lur halli. - U. Food defy competition. Try us. li!; Tuuntson, Banta Monica; J. 0. Infant Wanted Gents' partletaiul tonmria. Aildtcsa liuueral Dellv. charge, handling them admirably. At the lished next Saturday. Bpears, Maliup; Kunkhauser, Las second hand clothing. ary, foatullicc. bickib to casn urocsr. H.J. N . close of the battle, Lteutmani Katie, Vegas; p. H. Cooliilge, Dr. K.B. bullock, 40 Knith Klrst street, between Coal tint H. UHM. ttreaowood and Goodrich were In charge e areuue. Address or call oa HlNHOl a BISHOP. BLACKSMI TH SHOP The election for Justices ot thep-ae- , a. Kalh. Coli ra to Hprlnga; Alex. Head, Bauta e; Iad ot tbelr troops, Immediately under my K B. K. lWliKNa. HOata-:OHATIII- I'HYSICIANS AND Will sell ehean. several horse, sets of Uoaney, Klagslsff; Kilph kraiilMii, m v., n t and constables In ths different preclnts book-keepe- V....I. eye, and I wish partlculary to commend -, Aii eiperleneed r ae-- harness, boggle and phaetons, a large K. M. Otero, Hauta Ke; lir. W. I). and Third lrirt. New telriihune No'. I.HI. Ottli e their conduct. ot New Mexico occurs on the th of Gail o 17, Jan burglar and fir proof sate, eeveral squars Krneet C. Zrtieger, Helen; A K. Borden iiintuui Is open for engagement. IJulck rtiom Wliiliiiu Luil.lllin. Nrw trlrKln.ui! 309 Copper Av, "Corporals Waller and Forteeqoe and uary next, being the second Monday of auu nue peu man aua goou i aira. Mauoil hialn.n. M. I)., niti.a aud upright pianos, walnut back and lewis. New Xoik; J. Baca y Lucero, Pen ruao:r Iiiiius, io u. in. I)., Horseshoetni? a sneelaltr. Wairon re-- Trooper McKluley ot troop K; Cor- Addreee, hrank l. Hili(iu. M. the month. The various candidate In front bar, with large French plate mir blsuca. locl references. lllif houra, io to W m. and 1 to j anil 7 to pairing and all other kind of Blacksmith poral Rhoades ot troop I); Troopers ror, etc any 1'. 0 liol No. m. S p. m. Albertson, w inter UoOregor and Ray Bernalillo county are already canvassing I will attend to business HUT XL HlttilUJin. work guaranteed. you Brand Wanted In every town, a local repre-lentutlv- e; wish transacted for a small commis C. RasffliiHseo, Chicago; Eagle BAaTtKltat' k.ANT.KIa V. Clark, of troop K; Troopers bugbee, Jack- their respective bailiwicks. John Bhosda lady or gentleman; easy work, son aud Waller, of troop A; Trumpeter sion Aaetlon and abstracts of title a mer, Cernlloe; A. B. aud wife, fKK!CK and reaidence. No.4t4 weal Oold Kit aa It a sps laity. H. B. Kmoht, Auolloueer. .Hd pa;, no capital required; paymeut avenue. Telephone No. ax. unite huurs rauiMlr U't Uuuurrbu Locker. Fails, K. O. U U i 1 I ... 2tllBaf? t.lM.t, McDonald of troop L; Hergeeul Hughes of At a Christmas gift. Acting Governor Paul Ureat Uont.l every week. Address C. Ift m i.Jiil... ui, S.araiaiurrbiaa, VYouton Milk for particulars. (i. tt. fcaaterday, at. WhltM, troop B, Trooper of troop (i, and wife, Mesllla Park; Hlrsm D. J. S. Kaalrrdav. M. D. ! aaaataral aud Uelren Wallace pardoned Krauk M. Pee from Aa Awrat rail. Condensed I,. Vint-ha- l Art Co , IMS Kim street, Dal- M M ouiuihI or aar laflaaiina-ll"- to wound- Hsdley, L Ciuces; Jas. Young, Oawego, B Sb M W Mrl.iar Irrllallua ur all continued tight after being B- - las, W. II. M. alr.ra the territorial penlteuttary. Fee was But they lend 0. K. 0. W. Chllds N. K. Texas. Horn. it. hi at u t o u a ed, squis severely ; must of them fought .; J. Baxter, Lot Angeles, HOI'KS-fnt- sentenced to the penitentiary from Colfax eent cigar, at Bart Jones', OFFICE il a a. m. and from 'HllOHI'tOo krB. until ths end of the day. Trooper Oliver ttttlND CINTHAI. Tor Baal a:;io and lrnn 7 to B p. m Ollie i maain.e a., as kj Deawajtaaa, Norton of troop B, who broth- county k APiwicTuasTiTUTeFoR V and reaidenrr. wrat tjuld avenue, ""JjTot earn la plala araaaw, K with bis for enibeizlement for a period ot R. B. Peagle. Kansas City; I). J. Kane, Fine piano for rent, at Whltson at. ilu was by ruy throughout Mothers milk. For 46 pall N. er side all the Ave years, and bas served tluoe Msy, Leon Alvarei, tb Dona Ana county Kl I VS. K Holt. B. Btepheus, Charlee ij V Sluile company. wrmJ r.'"r?,iVnua.r,e'i charging, was killed while fighting with 'a.; ytAPS the Uacmno Bran a UKN I INT. a Circular 'aaat aa invo. K. K. W. W. ' raal. Barber, Winter, liauhurg, - . Sergeant Kerguxon, commissioner, farmer and politician, re- Klret claes furnlehed rooms ovor Dost- K. - I marked gallantry. Halrd. K Hatrcl, M Llewellyu, H. Btluuett, i. aii r, II. u. a. cently mysteriously shot near Anthony, ollice; newly papered and renovated. ) It Saves tba Cblldraa. Corporal Le aud Troopers Bell aud Car- New Mexico aud Arizona ers not alone K. Cue, G. Hfiwh, C. Bsush. 1). 0 Cravens, ARM 1JO HI.OC'K, pcialle lifeld Kor Mcely houra: H a. in. to !m.'1 Chamberlain' Cough Remedy roll, of troop K. ttergeant lame, ot troop n their c appeal for died a day or two ago at Kl Paso. It wa B. W. C. etna vena Rent furn'shed roim with n.iii has saysd leworout statehood. Freemau, Bsasley, James Satlln, oiiio nik ni. to b v. in. tt'lt'Lhoue u. the lives ot thoosaud of eroupy ehlldren! K. Troopers (loodwlu, Campbell and Dud- ac- Las K plauo; rent reasonable. 213 south Third 403 Appoininieiita by Oklahoma Is pushing to the front, and at first claimed that hi shooting wa Thompson, Cruoea fo il ball team; iinule mail. It Is also without an equal for ley lieen. Trumpeter Foster, ot troop B, K. ; street. aoid and ter- cidental, but It appear to have been a Wheeler, gl Dorado, Kan Miss Mary evhnnnlnia.. annnh and Troopers (ireenwold and Barcdhean, together with her assertion that the Two rooms for light housekeeping and HKKNAHII S. KOIllV, r . "W ... Weaver, Boston , of troop A, are nil worthy of special men- ritory bas 300.000 population and every assassination. Ths doer of one furnlehed room. Mrs. Rutherford, ATTOKNfcY-AT-LAW- AU.iiquerqiie. N .1 BMactlua fcutloa, atietitttio li. ,U1 huai. Ibaat Cash ritos tion tor coolness aud gallantry." the deed turn out to be a bov, Jesus 113 rou aveuue. Deaa aivrn tt4 natural tdvautage tor the building of a Bargains In carpets for the remainder Albuquerque. S. U Iee. Ill, IHM pertaining tn Hm ir .fi asinn. Will prac- For furniture, stores, carpets, Ochoa, year age, of A . Konr-r- p eottege. In tice in all nmita nf the t. tnt.iry and liedire the elothlna. state. It ot ton ot a near this month at May Paber In with chapter 17, of For Rent m rocd L COIfORKS-IONA- rill XI Or IMTRRBST accordance ths nitt-- Sutra land iltn e. trunks, harness, saddles, suoes, elo. of lr.UI, au election of the qnMttVd reimlr. Newly papeied and pal' ted: U Hurt's, 117 Ou December 10 there were three bills laws Oold aveuue, neit to wall All this ado over holiday torksv and voters ot Hernallllo county le heret.y p r month to good leiiuut. K. H Uoll. Wll.l I4M II. I, Kargo K spree offloe. He me bfors you lutroduced into the house ot represen other things msy as well ceass. Henry called, to take place on the a. ciin l klmi For Rent Five-roo- house, cheap by TToRNtV-AT-- W. ( Mh.e. room T, N. buy or sell, 1 irui-ti- tatlves ot oougreet which will prove of dsy of January, A I). lH'.i'.i, Mug the U Ii the year only; in good repair, t Alllill'i hilt lllnj. Will In all L Adams, a former attorney In Chicago REPORT OP THG CONDITION all uewlr the court, id the letiltu y. day of said nioum. wtttiiii the several i Hierel and paTuted, Apply to J. F. Removal sals Is now going on at th Interest to the people ot New Mexico, aud Cleveland, es of Qohlen decla that the end precincts In ths said county, for the pur- Luthy. JllllKalON MM! ., Rule Dry Goods eouipaoy'a stois. aud are as follow: come 8uch prloes they are the world will during the week pose of electiiiff ATTOHNKVM AT LAW, Alhiniuentue. N. a making on their House bill, being the same or largjr Hales. ft Mill! M 1.1,. I V:.ll..tal entire new stock will astonish yon. Christmas and New Year'. one jueiice tne tvsce ami Hank huilding. jt. as the bill lutroduced In the senate by One Countable In each snd every pre- - All persons entitled to clergy permit erythlng In the store at cut price, bo FIRST NATIONAL BANK uot iiiIh thl opportunity. Senator Eiklim, providing that the in- The foot ball eleven of the New Mexi elnct lu said county, ss prescribed by should make application for tLem at II W. II I1I1VAN, JKtit s nov i o iim. Application may bs had Ar you tn need of a new ledg-er-, habitants ot all that part of the area of co Agricultural aud Mechanical college, Albuquerque, New Mexico, law. nin. iniiiuiau. blank at TT;NKY AT I AW, Alhuiiuemue. N. Jour- J. C. BaLtmilHJK, Clerk. the ticket olliite. W. B. THI L , Ageut. at. nth. e, r n.t National Hunk iMtildiiig. nal, caeb book or specially ruled blanks the I'ulted btates now constituting 'the down In the Mesllla valley, cams In from of an y kind Or perhaps yon bay AT TME H.iNH W. t I.AMCV, i prt territory cf New Mexico, as present the south last night. They are first-Cla- n CLOSE OF BUSINESS DECEMBER l, 1808. A Uarala la Coal. In the when a person a of nisguslue at rains chest ha T thai need blndlnr, Co. are In troiiiriiiir autliraclte VTTOHNKV-A- I. AW, room, g and S.N lfo! described, may become the state of New guests and all are welcomed. BKSOtKOKS. Hahn k cold indicate a tendency toward pneumo- tuilihtig, AILtiuiirrune, N. M call at Thi Citizxn bindery gel u-- and Mexico. pea roal, which is the smallrHt site nia. A piece of flannel dampened with prices, Best workmanship, prlou 0. K. Loans and DlKounta TIO.aftT tor grade of K. W. IHIHIOS, , fKNsTOH requested bv St domestic purpoei. 'llils rhaiuherlalu's I'aln Balm and bound ou Krtraordluary House No. 112-22- Hale his been StiKka, Hon. I,, brcuf itiea and Real he 7S NKY-A- opportunity to npply bill which reads as ton S7 eoal can be ueed lu many etove to re to oheut oyer the seat of 4 TTOK I. W. Olli.e nverHcih-- i Haithins Houav, frumitais snd tiie rain will . your full the beoiile of Maine to exnlaln his noat. ruturea.. more ertaun a grtK'ety Alh'Unienin, NM. and wlutcr needs at a mere follows: ii urn oiatca puuui auu riatulUfn .SHI SIM 00 place soft lump, and gives far heat promptly relieve the balu an preyeiij tnUe. Anything In tlon lu o position to the retention Mb ou bans aud kacbause coats per pieces the store at a feduo. "Be It enacted by the seuate and house it the 7er.il7 ttf aud only f I ton. The the threatened attack of pneumonia. tluil of from IP to W perpent ou are about the mm of irrttpaa alll (jkey lu This same treatment will nif.ri rnr.( lurtci aC4Vuut of representatives of the Lulled Stales isisniis conquered from Hpslu lu the late Caeai Kasovasss 1.104.07 IS cure a lame of removal. Ooldeu Rule Dry ti.odi shape, while It does uot IKiilte as readily )li a few by drug-guil- ot America in emigre aseeuiblfd. war. bar hour. Bold all Ufa laa Purlralt, Crayiui, Paatel ut CtiuipDoy. be duty of TOTil ,. l.vay.tue ss as soft eoal, It give limn eleady heat That it will ths 'he secretary H'atar Color, free. Lace curtain and portiere left tV of the interior to rttjulro each head which will prove highly tsounwlcal to Di.kute Kuccr Pehka and Hon. T. LIAMMTIB. Bend us your account and we'll collect u oidey Pi lutroduce our excelleut the stock of lifeld Bros., sold at cut bi of a family of the Mtwralero Apache B. Ihoee uelng It Catron have arrived at their respective Casual Bowk-...- iro ono oo them or It'll OMt you uotlnug. New work we will make to any one eeudlng sale prices at Way st Xaber1. Judiaus belongtug to ths Meecalero Sv'piue aud rioAts agency In New Mexlro, bouies front Washington. Mr. Perea I ss.vNi es Hullilajr, M.ill. lar Mc(tco Collection Agency. FaeUiffloe us a photo a Life 9i I'm trait Free of boys' reefer lu all sites. I to i Jeal. within twelve Artouvi 16,000 oo 840. mouths from ths psaiags of t'jls t Bernalillo Si tvo. Ms sn Oolldsy elaars In hoies of twenty live boi Charg. HuihII photo promptly relurued. tjbototj. Himon Stern, th tailrot act, to select from lbs lauds of said bte.:;;;::::: 474. 7SJ SI each at Joues', Railroad avenue. Cheap holiday rates. See advertise- Kxaol llkenens aud liUlily artmllo nnleb aveuue clothier. Hend your photo All sausage reservation 1'jOaeies of land; aud wheu Thi territorial board of auuallutlnn Terac Daseeias I.045.M1 ment, giving particulars, lu another Mi- guaranteexl. at ouce to kind of fresh at Klein ths saius Is so selected, the saws meets In tl Free lunch always ou band at the lium or aek the Usket agoat at la L, UIKM'UIL i o., wort" Third street weal market. Lswv shall kaiita oa Friday, January bT-W- akt ft t. Total. Paradise. Baehechl & Gloml. depot. 84 Klui ot., Uallas, Texas. your oidirs.

J) xj r4r for benefit ot who are TH1 CHMSTM4S PEST17AU isrdse ths th Thofotigh! U. DEPOSITORY Compelled to stay lo.loors Ths program healthy girl-boo- d THIRD 8. mean STREET consisted of singing several familiar hanov wife- - First How tht Day Wn Speol fey lb feopls hymns, tcrlpture reading, two special bond and cat-i- le ' si v X "- - 1&i ranks'pnl motherhood. A ? of aitoqacrqae. musical selections by th Congregational HLANU. new fangled pntdery MEAT MARKET. ehnrch choir, solos by Miss AlgiTs and prevents many flrla from National Depository for the Fanta F Mlse 8ummers, a on From the Herald. learning tlnnra that they fle and short talk otight to know before All kinds of Fresh and Salt f Pari and the Atchison, To 11 ( they aiACTirni cicaci iitvtcts. Christmas by Prof. Child, ot the univer- hsvec and wife left Thursday for assume mat- the duties of Meats. -:- - -- : :. 1 peka A 8a Fe Bailwaj 0;d Albuquerque, where they will spend rimony and tt sity, all of which seemed to be thorough- maternity. vj the holldsya Athletics alone will ant Steam Sausage Factory. Bank, ; CompanieJ. ly enjoyed by the patient, lustead of with relatives. alee a ynnng woman thor Tb Christmas festival, looked forward K. B distributing 11 wers as Isthe custom each Dr. Renhsm returned on Sunday oughly healthy. The wi MASONIC TEMPLE, to with such Joyous anticipation, by mil st from a to New York, wh'ther be counsels of a good mother ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. Sunday, each one was glve'i a pret't trip or some woman lion ol hearts in all parts of the world, older art TIIIKD STREET. OFFICKKS AND twig of holly. Ths patients ct the hospi- h'.d gone on biisiiiess Connected wllh the MRKTORS. has come and gone. In Albuqnerqne the The nest and noblest tnla-aln- n tal look forward with delight to s fling up of an tstats recently left J()8IU;A 9 RATHOLD3 observance of the day wa more quiet these nf a woman ia to bear EVIL KLEINWORT, Prop. Anthoritd Capital 11,000,000 President services held there every f unday. and ti e him. nd rear hralthv. intelltrrnt children. Ia M. W. M. tli KNOT Vies President than nsual. With many people It Is order to do he Paid-up- , Capital, Surplus A. A. KKKN Caehlev THE HCDLIDCE OF SYfUP OF FIGS Christian young people of ths city should I.I, Merrill, general manager for the thl, ahe must healthy and usually made the occasion for revelling, strong tn a womanly war. Bth the Intel- oo FRANK McKKK Assistant Cashier be highly commended for work thi-- (VcMtl Go'd Mining company, cams In JACOB K0KBEU&CU and Profits ...HM.OOO la due not only to the orifrinallt ; and carousing and heavy drinking bouts, but ths lectual and physical future of her children A. A. GRANT simplicity of are doing In this direction o i Rnndny, and after attending to eon- - rpena inrgely upon me motner. Dr. Mannfattaiw rlsna Dnataj In the combination, but also while there was some of this going on irrce a rnvontr Prescription ia the nest to the care and skill with which ia THE INDIAN 8.I11SIL Iderthle business for the company, de- it yesterday, there was much less than In of all medicines for maid, wives and moth- manufactured by sclent Iflo procrmea ins exercises advertised to use pin e parts I on Monday, presumably to visit er. It ia intended to do nut one thing and Wagons, years past. oes that one thing thomughtr. It acta known to the Campornia Fio Svnur the government Indian school y ths scene of the ldg gold strike In the of Commerce, at on n The directly Important Bank Co. we upon Christmas service were held in all the on the delicate and Carriages only, and wish to impress night attracted a numiier ot vis- (iieniliorn mountains in Colorado, concerned in wifehood and mother-- ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. all the Importance of purchasing the Christian churches of the city and hun- rxl strong, itors from tbe City to that seat of learn Miss Clark has resigned ber position and makea them health?. Buckboards! remedy. Aa ot people idle, and elastic. Taken The Best Rastern-Mad- e Vehicles. true and original the dreds attended divine worship. as ot Bland public dar I ing. There Is an Interest attic tied to the teacher ths school, ing the time of preparation, it banishes th Capital, HoTte-Shoel- $100,000 genuine Syrup of Flfr manufactured The most Joyon ur 00. festivities Incident to and after ths holidays a new teacher will triali and danger of maternity. It insure Pine a Specialty. by the CALiroHsjia Fro firnup Co. however, Intellectual performances ot the children I9SUK3 DRAFTS AVA1LAHI.K PARTS THK the fmtival, were around the Is the well being of tht mnther and the robust Satisfaction Guaranteed In All Work. IN ALL Of WORLD. only, a knowledge of fact will of the red men which exercl-- be Installed. MlssClaik an excellent t ( that family Are. Ids ot tbe many happy homes a pcu hertlth of the child. It the greatest of Repairing, tainting aud Trimming Solicits Accounts and lifer. In Depositor Kvery Facility ftmUt one In avoiding the wrv'Nleaa liar fascination on the minds of pale teacher, but Bnds the school a little bard nerve Ionic and nerve builders. Thou- tonal-te- nt with Profitable Banking, of tbe city, where everything was bsppl-uee- s Doue on Brrrt Notice, : : : : : par-ties- . sand of women have told ths story of its imitation manufactured by other coiif-l-tt- to manage, and In connection faces. Th exercises, which i d of thK with marvelou accomplishment, Good medi The standing of Cit.t-roani- and good cheer. Sboji, Corner Ccppr Ire. tad First SL, blh the music by the Indian school bind, march- other duties which demand her atten- cine dealer sell it and will not advise a tMRKCTOKS AND OFFICERS! FlO Srmr Co. with the medi- IMMACCLlTI CONCEPTION. uhstttute in place of it. S. Otbmo, President. H P. Vice. President. W. S. STBlcKLMa, ing, songs sod recitation", ll tion, has caused her to give np the ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. ScauaTia. Cash lav. cal profession, and were wi a Pierre, C. A the satisfaction The midnight mas at tbe church of school. In letter to Dr Mr. MrtVmalrl. Solomon Hisja, Sheep ((rower. A.M. Hi.ackwsll, Urn, Hlackwell A Co. Which the petiuine Syrup of Fig haa executed and highly Interesting, and of N IJ N Chestnut Hlrrel to Angelr. Cat.. W. A. Maiwbll, Coal. McIntosh, Ornwer. tin Immaculate Conception wa attended iv : "At runcttoa cttv I necsme William given, Prof. Allen may be rq'ilrs SinUh met with a ptlnful, C. F. Manager A to millions of families, makea by a vast throng of people, many of whom well proud ot the Oh W C. M. !.. an old erartitlvmer. Ma Gall at Headquarters for WauoH. tiroes, Bl.ickwell Co. J. C. Baldridos, Lumbar. tbe name of the Company guaranty attainments ot bis disciples In learning. thi ngh not serious accident on Monday. asiS he was a college ehum of yrsira. but thst von were Protestants, attracted by tbe beau-tlfu- t went to Kiimne to the le-- t hosr-tlnt- . while h leather, Baddies, Haddlery, Depository for Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway-- . of the excellence of It remedy. It la After the exercises candy and popcorn Mr. Smith, who Is hauling wood tor the enmmenerd prsctice thst SSr thirty yeara von flames. far In advance of all other laxatives, and sublime services, which are Albemarle mill, was going down the hill were one Ol ine leading physicians ftaddlerv Hardware, Cnt Holes, Hho and Christmas presents were distributed New York Slate, rem-rll- e aa it acta on ths kidneys, liver and features ot the Christmas observance In lu and he considered y.sir Nails, Haniee, Chains, Whips, Collars, among the children, who could not with a load, when be slipped, and the hetter Ihsn all other, and prearrlhed Ihera Sweat Fads. Castor (III, Axle bowels without Irritating or weaken- all Catholic churches. The musical pro- have cUily in hla practice thi the strength of this Grease, GROSS BLAGKWELL & G9 been more Joyous hail their coniplcxlouh hind wheel ot the wagon gassed over his enmmendstton I tried your Kavotile Preacrtp-tlo- n Boston Coach OH, Unto Negro, Ruddy ing them, and It docs not gripe nor gram, was by ' ' ' Prearrlp-tlo- n which rendered tbe regular font, end the Pellet The Favorite Harvester Oil, NeatsfootOll, Urd Oil, been many bruising It badly, but fortunately ' mSff-k- oasea of (INCORPORATED) nauseate. In order to get Ita beneficial church choir, assisted by of shades lighter. has acted like In Irregular Harness Oil, Unseed Oil, Soap, a number no bones were broken, and be hopes to ltd peinhit monthly a few dosra only Castile affects, please remember the nam of nrc-sa- to the nstttral function. Harness Hoap, Carriage Sponges, the best known musicians in tbe city, Tallow Jauartie CnratJ. ' retire V v Company toon cast aside his crutches and be on The pellet- - have proven aa tnralltbl cur foe was Suffering humanity Chamois Skin, Horse Medicine. a masterpiece ot church music. should be supplied fee' again. awk and Ulioue headache." WHOLESALE CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. with every means porwltile fur Its relief neper one cent stamp: Lowest... GROCERS Father Mandalarl delivered a A In cover, at cloth Irlces the It is witn pleasure we publish the follow- short tints ago Chester Greenwood binding, ten eenta extra. Dr. Pierce' Com- AH rBAJHOUCa, Os and Instructive address on the incarna- Highest Market Price Paid for Bldee Ml (r. MW RK.W. ing: "This Is to certify that 1 was a ter- Vft on a business trip to different point mon Sense Medical Adviser. Address Dr. flUt, ot Christ- - Yesterday masse V. Y. and bkins. AND WOOL DEALEI18. tion were rible sufferer from yellow Jaundice for lu Colorado, and on last Tuesday Mrs. Pierce. Buftslo, N said 7, 7.30, 8 and 0 o'clock, high over months, and was by at with six treated Greenwood received a telegram from Headquarters for Diamond C. Soap, Curtice Bros. Canned DAILY CITIZEN mass at 10:30, followed by benediction of some of the best physicians In our rlty. B0SMBSS LOCALS. Wool Commission THE Ill-li- to no Dr. Kelt, riniir-glst- . Colo, announcing his serious e Goods, Kansas City Halting Powder, Sulphur, the most blessed sacrament. and all avail. our recommended Klectrlc Hitter, s, and requesting her presence at his BUSINESS MOTfcS, and 8test range. Whitney Co. Wool Sacks, Stoneware. SAN FELIPE Dt Kill. after taking two bottles, I wts entirely bedside. Mrs. Greenwood left for Telia Thos. F. KELEIIER, The midnight services In th church of cured. I now take great pleasure For trunk and valises, tie south First repaired at Fotrelle'e. in rids ou Wednesday, and It i hoped by 400 Railroad Ar., Albuquerque. Furniture dan Felipe de Nerl, In old town, drew a recommending thero to any person suf- tree Houses at Albuquerque, East Lns Vegas and Glorieta, New Mexico. Bard pea eoal, 14 per ton. Halm A Co. fering from 1 the many friends ot Mr. and Mrs. Green- Rto e repairs host ot worshippers from Old Albuquer- this terrible malady. am for anv stovs mada. WM. ZACJIAllIaVlI, Beat range on the market. Whitney gratefully yours, M. A. Ilngarty. Lexing- wood in Bland that she will find her hus- Whitney Co. qne and new town, aa well as from a Co. ton, Ky." Sold by J. H. O'Klelly Co. band out ot danger, and that he may Merchants' lunch avsrv mornlnar at th CONTRACTOR AND number ot neighboring town. Solemn BUILDER. THE For nloa holiday present go to Kay A W spet-dil- te restored to health and White Klephani. . high wa 10 atCXlCO AMU STATEHOOD. Fsber. mass celebrated there at friends. For California and Imported wines. WHKRLKR'3 OLD SHOP BKTWKKN o'clock yesterday morning, and at 8 eall Baehechl SAMPLE AND A new and big stock of lamp. Whit Oov. Otero la We.hlnttoo to Trea at A morula. GOLD AND SILVER AVE. CLUB ROOM. ney Virtue LAa lIHAI, Special Co. o'clock in the afternoon there was bene- sure Vpna) Contrvaa. reductions this weak at tha Lock repaired, key made and all kind arriving dally Koonomlst on all holiday goods. New furniture at diction of the most holy sacrament. A special dispatch to the St. Louis Krom the Optic. or repairing none. Finest Fotrelle'e. Finest assortment Whiskies, Brandies, Wines, Etc., ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL. t, from Washington, under of Iron bedstead promptly attended to The Kleotrio Light company Thursday and lowest prices, at Futrelle'a. Plumbing order At St. John's Episcopal church there date ot December 23, says: Honest Goods by Whitney company placed lights In the Normal building and A large assortment of and was a celebration of holy communion at Gov. Otero, ot New Mexico, trunks Be at received a oar load of Lemp's beer called on Friday night the great structure looked valises "may barrate," at Futrelle'a. Can't Beat Just 7 o'clock; morning prayer and sermon at ths president y to talk about Honsst Pries, at Baoheeht A Ulomi's. atliira brilliant from almost all points In tbe Ladles' walking bats and sailor. 1 1 In bis territory. Gov. Otero came here to 1 o'clock. At the latter service the choir JOSEPH BiRNETT, PHOPIllETOB. Remember that Farr' market head aid In nrglng congress to bestow city. eholoe of house, 6oe. B. Ilfeld A Co. See Me of the church rendered a very due pro state qoartert tor mine meat. hood upon new Mexico, but he does not F. C. Friedman, traveling salesman tor Carpets, mattings and linoleum at Before You to gram ot Christmas Hie Kent ac greatly redooed prices. May The Favorite. Initial silk handkerchiefs redaoed music believe that anything will be done by this ths Armour picking company, with ter- A Faber. 120 Railroad Albaqnorqa. to eent at tb Kconouilst. companied the singers on the violin. congress. Governor Olero says that the Old paper for wrapping, padding ear-- Buy or Sell. w.t Avsna. ritory Inclusive of Trinidad and Albu- For the best "Rock and Bye" whisky Father Bennett preached a beautiful ser- territory contains 210,01X1 people, !i,i".il pets, aud shslf cover, tor sale at thl ESTABLISHED 1879. muss or sua querque. Is In tbe city, accompanied by oflloe. S08 COLD AVENUE. eall at Baehechl A ttloml'. mon on the festival ot Christmas. railroad properly aiHesseil at and pillow In about lio.uxj.ocio his wife. They will make this city their Beware ot special agents! Bnv a steel Blanket, comforters CON0BKOATI0NAL CHURCH 8EUVICES. territory," Bov. Otero, ndleas rarlety. Hay A Faber. the said "has home. range from people that are always with CHESCEHT COAL YARD, Tbe Christmas services at the Congre ares equal to New York, Pennsylvania L. B. at I. 11. Kipp you. Wbltuey Co. PUTNEY, For the beet and purest malt whisky and wife, and Chas. Spless and Ohio put together, and la growing lu Do-tncat- gational church yesterday morning were Look Into GALLUP COAL-B- eit lc for Invalid see Baehechl A Qloml. ana proauctiou eacn ami wife are booked to make Las Vegas Klelnwort's market on north well attended, and the pastor, Rev. F. H waaitn day." Third street. He has tha nloeat fresh lira. Albright baa engaged more help their h irue after the holidays. Another Coal in use. Yard "Old Reliable" In the gallery to meet the holiday rush. Allen, gave an interesting sermon upon COCHITI MiniflG MBWS. neat in tb eltv. opposite Freight Office . yourg lawyer and family are expecting Bring yonr magsttn w For a good smoke try me Renown-b- eet Christmas. Tbe choir rendered several and musla to Thi to be added to the list of Santa Fe'e loss Cmr.KN ottlne and have them neatly In town tor 5 cent. Bubt Jones. special selections, and a solo by Bliss Regarding Opera A. J. CRAWFOUD, Information Mining and Las Vegas' gain, but tbs announce- bound in book form. Agent, Grocer! eoffee-arra- e Wholesale Pwedish punches, For and Kdua Mills was beautifully rendered and tion la tbe Golden CochliL A. Broadway, leave your order at Baehechl A Uloml's. ment Is not jet ripe. C. Grande. 806 north flna New Telephone No. Itv4.. appreciated by alL Alex Conrad and George Oitrander are liquors and cigars. Fresh lime tor sale. flarrlwa Hot amale and enchilada In Para- II. K. Bluke and J. C. Rlckerman are in Old Telephone No. 25. tha Lara aa4 A Christmas concert was given la the doing good work on tbe J. 8 11., tn Per- - If urnlshed room for rent. FLOUR, GRAIN & Moat Kllaulra 8tak ml dise Alley, A. Castello, with Baehechl A from Beulah. They say snow enough Leave stable by Sunday by Baehechl A ttloml. the best Mine In ordcrtTrimble'i eioml evening the school assisted alta canyon. At present they are drift- uow Alls the mountains to Insure a full STAPLE : OUOCEaiES. Cycle and Arm company; tbe choir. The program consisted ot ths city tor hot and eold drink. Call PROVISIONS. Albuqnerqne ing on the lead, which is showing up Irrigation supply for all stream next aud see foil Hue of sporting good, lift Hold them. Flue lunch always on BRILLIANT Car Lots a Sptclsltv. To songs, recitations and class exercises, by well. spring and summer. Clarence Harvey, band. bsPonni.$oatkwsit. avanue. tbe little folks, all ot which was very in Msjor Beaumont Is developing the Ivan Self Shining Stove Polish. Jerry, rum punches and from Harvey's resort, thirty-tw- mile Ring tin the New Meiloo collection For Tom and teresting, the children rendering their boe, Something New, Has Baohechl A one of the big properties tn Peralta up In the I also In town to reucy (Automatic telephone 4U2), and no Equal military punches call at mountain, II different parts very successfully, reflect- canyon. This claim 1 believed to be a us about that tough aooount von No aUglng. No Dust No Smell. Farm and Freight Wagons Olonn's. day and reports twenty two Inches of want collected. ing great eredlt upon Mrs. Snyder, Mrs. continuation of the Albemarle lead. Largs alas Boi by mall 10 cent. Highest cash price paid for furniture snow there on the level, much mors than For Imported RAILROAD AVENUE. I ALBUQUERQUE, and household ponds. Autoinatlo phone Dry and Mrs. Asbmun, tbs ladies in William Jenks is doing doniestle and wines eall Ifannfaotared and tor sals by i N. M. extensive de at Lowenthal A Meyers. No. 222 Hallroad J7tf. T. A. Whittcn. charge ot the exercise. Special men velopment work on several good looking Albuqner-qu- o avenue, the only yon Anderson Brtnkley left for exclusive Jobbing bona C. E. DENNY. Albuaveran Tbe cheapest and the brst, after tion should be made ot tbs reading by properties In Colla canyon, which be will in the southwest. For sals by are accustomed to using it bard pea Saturday, to put bis membership dealers. Miss Dungan ot "Bessie Brnner's Christ of Do yon any tor coal; per ton. uannoo, no doubt place in the bands a strong Into the lodge of colored Masons, that need underwear either HHv as. ft mas 'Krs Lark," which was exceedingly company tbls spring. men, women or children, yoa can get L, luf, tim, Please engage your time for sittings being ths ouly one In tbe territory. any you J, STARKE well rendered, and made very effective by Big Lebow came over kind want at Ilfeld'. The and avoid waiting at the "Albright Art from Santa Ve Her. Henry Panget, of the east side prices are all right, too. Painter and llMi, rititir, 113 north Third street turning the lights low. Miss Mabel An during tbe past week Paper Hanger. Parlor," and has placed a Cathollo church, has done a good work Bpeoial kodak albums mads to Lubs patters big reduc be In sirs lia.! i.isi'.aiMnsii Hat, Cimict See our dree and the derson, who will a shining light mall fore ot men at work on the New iu order at bindery. Call li patterns tor $4 60, 8 organizing a reading room associa- Tui Citiikn and ORDERS SOLICITED. Balldlnt Fajr tion on them; tiii the musical circles of our city In tbe near York and Governor, two claims In the see samples and get prices. They Always Bwk tor (3, B. A to. tion. Officer have been chosen aa fol- make Hui PaliU.H'1 pattern etc lucid future, sang In a splendid manner, that west fork ot canyon, elegant Christmas gifts. 20 EAST RAILROAD AVE, agency, of Pino which he owns. lows: Rev. Pauget, president; L. M. First St. and Lead Ave., Albuquerque. Tbe New Mexico Collection solo, "Night ot Read ths Golden Kale Dry Goods com store, charge beautiful Christmas Tbe T. B. K. continues work with a secretary; H Bee over Foi'a Jewelry Walker, J. Ryan, treasurer. pany's ad. To savs of re- 1 Nights," by Van de Water, wbtoh was tbs eipense PIONEElt BAKEHY! nothing nnles tbe account collected mall force of men. The big strike mads Alfonso Romero, fourth son of Don moving stock to new location, thoroughly enjoyed by every one. Tbe tbslr thle AMERICAN It you feel weak, get yourself some on thli property a few days ago Is show Rafael Romero, having been appointed Urin i ottering bargain In all Hue ot riasT TasT. Dam I Cola Pepsin or X ray bitters. exercises closed by all Joining In tbe BALLINQ BKOa , l'HUPBIITOBa. ana. ing up better as depth Is galued. The from Mora county a cadet at tbe Mili- dry good. 8ILVER B. RUPPE, They cannot be excelled. Baehechl A hymn, "God Be With Ton Till Wa Meet property la now in shape to All kinds ot special ruling, blank book ninml. furulsh au tary Institute at Roswell, left In com Wedding Cakes a Specialty! of Again." almost unlimited quantity of good mill work, magazine binding and badge TRUSS. Have lust received two carload pany with his father tor that place tamping done In bee possible man day will sell at B1PTHT CHCBCH. ing ore. the We Desire Patronage, and we whlxkv. and for thirty Saturday. ner at Tui Citixkn bindery. Come pox'. Come get prices. Baehechl A la Guarantee rirat-Cla- a Baking. and At the Baptist church the children of The cable wheel on the hoist at ths Al preseut ot R. A. I and see sample aud prloes of work be- - PRESCRIPTIONSt BlomL Ths address Klstler tbe Sunday school held their exercises In bemarle mine broke on Monday while the ture ordering eisewuere. am correspond-sue- s Telegraph ordara aollcltw and prompUyflllad. and Honor of all 315 M .In avenue, Spokane, Washington. LIGHT, For nura whiskevs tbe forenoon. In tbe evening there was cage was being raised, preclpluiing a eonoerulug this olas ot work care- descriptions, Lowenthal A Meyers, whole- lie writes that John Gray, formerly of fully attended to. COOL, song car load of ore to ot A. E. Wear. sale 1 tbe place to make your a Christmas servtoe and a sermon the bottom the shaft. Santa Fe, has the same address, and WALKElt, Kaiju dealer, katalos rN.praaaar. oa purchase. by Rev. N. W. Alger in the absence ot Fortunately there were no men working Mr, Jotlee Sole, Baa. 210 further states that Gray ha itmck It of Bulneaa Hip. or Back. Railroad Avenue. New b .Fire Insurance- l.t.rul Photograph equal In finish to the regular pastor, who was obliged to tn the shaft at the time and no one was rich In mining operallous. Public notice la hereby given that the -' H.ral No aodaralrapa, work, for only (4 per dozen, at business heretofore oouJuoted lecrettr; Intntl Building iuoclilloo. Mutual Turk City at the bedside ot bis dying wife. Injured. tinder the will CoKtorL Nt.r . lelephoni 143, Ubuqnerqn, I. M. "Albright Art Parlors," 113 north ra.. name of 8. Blbo Mercantile company, at the During the past week George Uofheius bakta M J. O. Kaldrida-aS- ) I.v ruber Yard. Third street. PBESBTTEBIAX (JHUBCH. Laguna. cubero. Wrant and elsewhere In 0a and John Dallle, while at work ou the J. M. Moore, real estate. Insurance, At the Presbyterian chnrob the regular From Hie New Mexican. Valencia county, New Meitoo, haa under Black Girl, uncovered a big body ot high of November 93, 1HUH, by me loan, manager Albuqnerqne Abstract service were held morning and evening. H old from Taos st.y . lbs'. Sheriff Tru date been 222. No. 121 sola to Htmon, Mull aud Hen, biuo, company New 'phone, No. Rev. T. C. Beattle preached In the grade ore and this property Is now In Jlllo is still ulive, hut is el .eut minded and they will hereafter couduot same 1 Ctm Impnamer NirV tinasMnl ana wasma CAFE1 the T ZEIGER south becond street. shape to furnish large amount ot to morning on "The Ruler from Bethlehem' a ore and ili lilous With two bull ts In his a. all & al tillauM. ee need of good bottle of under the same name, aud will pay all cicn. iU QUICKRL & It you are in a custom mill, wblcb Is badly needed In per- tnStrsnoa. A MrvtSMU and UmSmIsm BOTHE. Props. and in the evening on "The Excluded head and one In li s reck, lis may liabilities of tulue connected with tht ! whisky, brandy or wine buy It from at rlw etna glow w Itiatln fif f Successors to M. (he camp. buslnss to said and bills an art al FRANK JONES. Lowenthal A Meyers, the only exclusive Christ." The choir sang beautiful haps be purdoued r being la this condi- date oullect all aiii. k aasl ou ear G. W. Smith, a former Blandlte, who Is and notes and other debts due the same aoti oaoHeiae .ouj wo annua Jobbing bonne id the city. Christmas hymns and anthems at both tion. to said date. auiiaalM aura ar rsluaS n Interested In mining property In Medio j, g4.t ., gaiavjl. Finest Whiskiis, Imparted and Wine3 percale, 6 cent. services. Levi Uaruler, tbe well known express-niu'- With thanks to my patrons for their tllaw s istass Domsstic and Cognacs Fruit of Loom muslin, 6 cent. METB0DBT CHCBCH. Dla canyon, came In from Kansas on died at 4 o'cUck Friday morning at patronage In tbe past I respectfully re JOHN C. BKBRT. AlrjqrjB. M. at. 80 11 The Coolest and Hlehest Grade of Served. yard calico, The children of tbe Lead avenue Friday last and ha placed a small force of til yeara, a Illness, quest a continuance of the same (or the Later RofiKNWALD Rnoe. the tte attar short Propoaaia tmr Pump, Tower, BulWllBa Methodist ohuroh Sunday school had their of men at work on the Iron Cap. Mr. of pneumonia, leaving a wlfs In this city new oonoern In the future. I more extensively used than HOLOMON BIUO. Materials, Eta. Pea eoal Smith Intends doing devel Billiard Hall ia tha Territorj. anv domestic purposes In Christmas tree and entertainment at tbe to mourn his death. We certify foregoing la cor United Bute Indian School Sendee, I F.ot other: for that the Albuquerque, N, at., Dec. 6, 1H!M. opment on claim In spring, asel-ta- nt the hard eoal region of Pennsylvania, church Saturday night, Th following work this ths Joseph U. Morrison, United rect. Sealed ioxjala. Induraed " Hrupoeala lot although It I not sold aa cheap there as was the program rendered: Dnrlng the week the ImaSWr Mining tea In filktON Bibo, Pump, Tower, Bulldlna aaaterlala, etc.," aa 8 tn attoruey for Arltoua, arrived th be. addreaaed Finest and Best Importetland D omestic we USt a oraer. naun KatIL Hi BO, caae miv and to tha under. Cigars. furnish lb inai eong "Joy to ths World." company let a contract to George Hof aigned at Albuquerque, N. M , be Fraver. the city Friday night to rpend ths holi will received A Co. being John to bin. Bibo. Recitation ."Our Chrlatiuaa" Lana Fabet and Dallle drift thirty foet days with his parents, Judge and Mr. A. day, December US, lsus, lor lurnlatiln The object in giving present Is to Recitation Klraoor Cllus and on the lead In the fifth, or lower, level of L. Morrison, and other relatives. OCa LOW PBJCE dellrerlng at this acbool of about S' tret SMITH please the one receiving them. Why, Mag Drill and Soug Primary Department ol aaaorted lumber, la, OOO mng)a. l.OOO aoug... Alarie o Do "not apply only to articles, gen PREMIER... therefore, buy useless kntrknacks for Mutiou the Lone Star mine. Thl work Is being Mrs. William Setthman and two ebil a few lain, 1 i.aimuer uunei una, pump aud 1 teel .Souk Elate and hJdie s erally usexl as a bait, but to our entire lank tower, a lull deacrlptlou and p entlemen or bovs. which are not often Recitation fcumili dooe tor tbs purpose ot opening up the dreu are registered at tbe Exchange from In full line of domestic and Imported ttapl llonaof tlch Diay be obtained by making la F.mloraeil by v I appreciated. Buy them something the kei Italiuu and Song t'ao.y Claaa ore body encountered a short time T, arbitration to tbe underalif ne.1. KctiLiioa-'k- ns . . . rich Kuti City. She Is a niece of Hon. fancy groceries. calling furnishing Roods line and they will be Hingle'a Surprtee". tti and Customers Bidden are reuulred to aim suecltlrallr In TMK HANKS, Hubert (irernlraf ago. B All a promi- at ths old establishment ot A- - Lorn bar do tliau buta tli proposed ptk ui h arucle to pleased, especially If selected from our soDg " ell Among is Catron, and her bu.baud nt i it uut in atiuui. for will Und everything new. everything be otfered lor delivery under contract. new and elegant stork. Simon Btero, the The Union, which hai been Idle nent mining position In tb southern 1 Is any hEADINU LAWYERS Yesterday the usual servloes were held freeh and everything at the lowest prions. he right rearrved to rrlect or all bid Railroad avenue ciotnier. some time and which was under lease part ot county. or any part ur any bit), II deemed tut Ilia beat Busing's morning and evening. ths Courteous attendance and prompt dellv-err- - uiareau oi the sere re. and Vin. and bond to Arthur L. Finch, has again lion. K. F. 1 lu bur t, receiver ot the CKMTlKIkU CllliL'KH. DtacoT.rwl by a BIOHLAND METHODIST. . . Kach bid must Ua ai:cuiiiuaiileil hv a eertlflad started operations, ths lease and boud l'mt-i- s Another great discovery has been made, At the Highland Methodist church Rev, Htatt-- ln:U olllce In thl city, re LOMiUkUO A faLLlLINO, Cliei.k of dlsTI upon a Culled State, depisi. and that too, by a lady In this country. having been renewed, and a small force turned from Las Vegas, Friday night, ail North Third btreet. itory or aolveut national bank, made payable N. W. ALGERW M. Uodgson preached In the morning on New telephone, No. 175. to in. order of tb. commissioner of Indian Veaaaawsfc "Disease fastened It clutches upon her of men placed at work sinking a shtftou art aira, for at per (or "The Star in the Keit," and in the even where h i had beeu tor two or three days leaet live cent ot the amount Agent. New Mexico. and for seven years she withstood Its se During the past week a strike of tbe pmiioeal. which check or dralt will be W tbe lead. atteudlug to bun In end pjulU'ra. lis say far Oeee rirty forfeited to Die Lultex In caae any bl verest tenia, but her vital organ were lug on "Preparing the ay of the Lord." state. LOAN ASSOCIATION. of considerable magnitude was mude on word lL Ail Old Wki.l Tuho Rkmkdt. der or blddrra eec.iviiif an award aball fall to Also Airsut for ths best WILDING and bndsrmtned and death seemed ItumlneDt. 4IBMAN LPTHXBAN. that ou Friday was received tbe and promptly eaecut. a contract with good al(j tuoeeeant-r- , property, ot three months she coughed German the a specimen ths ore taken Ueadow city that the secretary of ths In Ura. WIdhIow's Soothing Byrap baa auuit l.nt aui.tie.. accordlliir to tne terms ut Anally dis- Tbe Christmas exercises at the tstso for ovsr fifty by tb. bid, otberwiae to b. returned to th. biddee. and could not sleep. Hue from the rich ore body encountered was had decided to tbe ussxl vsars millions STOCKTHEKOK HALK."laONKY TO LOAN nv way to recovery, by pure haslug Lutheran church were held last night pteb( of mothers fur thnlr eUllilrsu Llls teeth-- . niua atcnmpaiiiea casn in u.u ol a t.m covered a shown as which seems to equal anything Vegas Bed check will nut be cooalderadj. of, Dr. King's New Discov- owing to the absence ot Rev. T. A. Bend' land grant, aud that the cltlisns Inn, with psrrsot sueosHa. II soutlisa ths of lief ROOM. CLVU ROOMS. of ma bottle found the district. The Union, which r fun Inftaautloo apply to SAMl'LE ery for Consumption, and was so nineh rat, who was at Belsn u the morning la of the place were feellug that they bad oli I Id, softens the gams, allays all pain, superintendent. taking Brst dose, possesses shows every rures wliul ts bent relieved on the that aa immense lead, received the best possible kind of roiic, aud ths rsmwly We want a (ood trarellng man to Mil our two bottles, holding services. for is eh slept all night, and with Indication ot containing high grids, ClirUtimu preseut. diarrhoea. It pleasant to tus tast. le lalnea in Ury (rood a. dliect from our Phil. absolutely cured. Her name Is HOSPITAL SEBVICES. Sold by drupKists In e.ury part ot ths adelpbla IfKima, for Suno. trade. South Hill. has bei'U and aa It Is a continuation of Din H ChUadeplia.l'.. Mrs. Luther Luts." Thus writes W. C. About twenty of tbe members ol the Mrs, J. U. Hughes, who spent three world. Tweut? nrs oent a bottle. Ita aueipina woolen v i..i.n41 Co.. of Shelby. N. C. Trial lead, known as the B'lU f the Woods, on weeks lu Los Angeles with relatives, re value la Incalculable, he surs and Metropole," ianioilrk& Young Peoples' societies gathered at tbe ak "The free at J. U. O'Klelly A Co 'a drug which a big strlks was ma le last week, for Mrs. Winslow's Hoothtog Syrup aad bottle Santa Fe PaclQc hospital yesterday after-noo- o turned hoim ou ths belated Un. Friday tore. Regular else 60 ceut and fl. we have no doubt but the take no other kind. to participate la a short Christmas that I'uIod, iDoriiliirr. The Best and Finest Liquors and Cigars, Imported and Domestic, Kvery bottle guaranteed. when opeued up, will become a prea; Wednesday afternoon Miss Caryl Pa Huiliiaj lcnirli Haut, QHt A DOSC. producer. tin eiilertuliied lu a charming manner a Tickets will be sold to all points oo rot Served to All Patrons. A . T. A H. V, In New PILLS the railway Uetlno I THE MOIIKHN MOTHtlt party of young ladies lu buuor ot Mis Uses and Paso at tlie rate of ous fare for UulMti uu dmrIa. Has ones are Im- a delightful tl aMTwusfMal Ol Uv CMi eMstb a i sail art1 found that ber little Masld aud Mihs Uelly, and round trip. Uates ol sals, Dooem Late of the City proved mors by the pleasant hyrup of the Best in passtd by the guests, The the was 1 JOHN W1CKSTK0M, bfteruoou ber , 20 and SI, and January aud 2, Klg, when In need of ths laxatl.e effect H Tuo-i- preeent were MU.ea Massie, Kelly wun January e, by uny olln-r- unai return iiiiiit oi St. Elmo. of a gentle reuisdy, khan iK'.ry. No stop overs allowed In either PROPRIETOR. THAT IS WHAT Ol'R STOCK VF Children enjoy It and it IwnetU then), Siimb, McKuiizis, Hurt. Weir, Citable aud xataa Tasi imutsilmi direction, t ickets wilt bs sold to Bauta Will have trees enough to supply the BH0K3 13 nhe true remedy, tiyriip of Vigs, is man (iullifoid, Ke Pacltlo points at sams rate oa De eity, artiool houses, okurehea and fami- Tfactured by the California rig byrup Justice Oeobel, treasurer of the Stone cember M. U, 'iv, 8o and 81. We guarantee every pair. Co. ouly. lies. Laare jour order early at DKALkKS IN 13 Our Men's Calf Velt 3 .uO Shoe has Lka lee company, ot Ciuclqaatt, who tv, b, TaTlx, Agent. a riLUUINtl, our cus- given entire satisfaction to Steak from a corn-fe- d bear, 25 has been In the city for a week, Is so well 817 North Third btreet. tiavo In all styles, Juil Baoalrad bf W, V. rutr.ll., No, tomers. We tlmiu 1 pleaded with ths climate aud surround New telephone. 174. coiu, square and French toes, lacs cents per pound, at tJlanc. ara Meat No. SIB south Kirst street, a new line GROCERIES and LIQUORS and cougress. 1 ry thui and you will 4n4 SuddIv company. l.igs thut be will remain uutl( ueit of carpets. Art squares, a.bO and up Mr. Hardin Norrie, elerk of the drug FLOUR. FEED. PROVISIONS. liks them June. Mr. Ueoliel Is here seeking rest alouiieite and fur ruirs and new furul- - store ol U. Shoemaker. Perry, IIU says: I assort- ture arriving dally, at prloes that will We hsvs th trgest and ivt Tbs Optic says: A. V. hlthoo. of the (mm bueliiers cures aud also for hi 'A aian eaiue la our store the other dsy HAY AND " ment of Felt hire for Ladle aud health, mid has takeu rooms at the Pal seU tuem, aad plain uaurea tell ike and said, '1 want a bottle of that stuff A. D. VShlUou Music company, has soli Open a o'clock Children iu the city. 'I hey are manu- ace hut, 1. prloes. evenings until that eaves children's Uvea. I read In the FREE DELIVERY TO ALL. PARTS OF THE CITY. factured by Alfred Ilodgs of lijdge-vlll- over two ear loads of plauos in New Mei-le- News about It. The children may get New Tork, and fisy are th since tbe 15th ot August, which Cycle Arms company Hales oa the Atchison, Topeka A Santa sick when we can not gel the doctor Goods. Albuit!ri'ie aud railway Hanta I'aclQo Imposici French and Italian Quest In th world. lsvw. Fe and the Fe rail quick enough- - It's the medicine yoa speak well for hioi and for ths territory. bicycles for rent, all usw, Ill Hold cue avenue. road are cheap fare for the round sell for stood.'" He alluded V Cham. Sola Aganta for San Antonio Lima. Any goods purchase 1 fruiu Lowenthi-.- l trip. Atkiat the ticket office for partie lUsmedy - Uerlalu's Cough and bought a V Meyers are guaranteed to be strictly If you want pickled chill and sausr lars, W. B. TsiLL, AgsuV LptUs before he 11 k etote. for eale 203 Railroad I.e. & CO. kiaut, cull at baehschl A Gioul'a, A. SIMPIER purs and not adulterated. Crockery end glasewara, Whttuef Co. ty all lrugHi. flew Telephone til. 1 18, Hi AND 217 N0UTH TiURD St wiM.atu jl i. i mmmwt .i.iiUa.1 THE DAILY CITIZEN lIlllllllIIIunillllliriiniTTTlTnniTmiTTTTTTiTTTTI nrnmri: iijuijjijj LramiiiJiiiiii 4 liKc. AiliQrKrqrR. ?, im ADVANCE INVENTORY " . i- v.. A. .J. By instructions from Chase A MALOY, Fan hum we are authorized to aell ft' lav;. nd Mocha Coffee at the SALE. I DEALER IN VvL. following prices: i iV . .. f . 45-ce- ot coflec at.,, 40 cents. Kverythlng at (irm ly Reduced Tries during this sale, which will open Staple nn 40-ce- nt coffee st. . .35 cents. (IF 35-ce- nt coffee at, . .30 cents. I and Fancy RIBS. 30-ce- ceffee at. cents. M OIV JAY, DEO. 1 9 (i loVCS, lit nt ami last Th'rty We are offering New rViaonahla good, which .5-ce- coffee at. , . so cents. Iy, the people neel, at prlcetto make It preslhle everyone Is fill their want. Although thin fir , sale will loclute everything In oir stire, on account of lack of apace, we arson-able- ED. CLIMIIM to mention only a few article here. Neckties, AGENT FOIC 114 1. Railroad if., llbaQoerqus, 1. 1. Mu 111 ere, CLUR HOUSK CANNED GOODS, Dre.'s Goids. Lad'es Capes in None to Equal, MONEY TO LOAN Now, If evr. I the Ciiiet bny them. I handkerchiefs, Ws have an immense stock more than Cloth and Plush. we rare to measure du ing Inventory time BELIS SPULNliS CREAMERY BUTTER Von are to help n from doing thla, wa On pianos, flrt-el- a fnrnttnre, ete, Ioubls Clo'h Capes, fur trimmed, Suspender, Tho will make It wortl vmir while. All our honest $i "0 vain now 11.00 Famous. without removal. Also on diamonds, Goods redu jed 2J per Bring- watches, Jewelry, Ufa Insurance poll-e- l lrea ent Green Aatrahaa Cloth Cspi ws i ing our now no ea. Trust deads or any food seeor-It- $rt.OO $4 Toilet Pets, Tarmi very moderate. 2'1e. Dress Good to 15o. (10,00 Cloth Cape. Nary...... 7 60. 118 Railroad Ave. Albuquerque, N. M. 8. Dreea Good to 2e. 80ys-- d or soy Print fl.ou 4nc Serge and Fancy Weave to 83c M inch Parcels per yard 5e. Collars an 1 Cuffs, II. SIMPSON. 85j. Silk Wa p Henriettas fiie. 80 Inch Fcult of Loom be. j:w.r.... , enfc month Bxoond street, Albngner-qne- . Fancy Shirt?, 3 New Mexico, next door to West- Ladies' and Misses' Corsets. 1 ' - ' 3 jt" ' ' - - - .lfij f'.".'"--,j't''- ern Cnlon Telegraph otlloo. Jackets. If yon wants long Wslat Corset 'h tit 'JT "'A B. J. POST & CO., wa Suits for Boys, 3 We overbought In have It oti'aelve this II yon want B. A. 8LEY8TER, Una, but s two wrongs dom't niaka one a Short Waist Corset right, we hare mads no our not to we have It. mind If yon want a High Ba'k Coret Reefers, HAL1DWARE. erry them over. Therefore, we are - wa hare It - t isssrhse ( fferlng them at actual Kastern eoet. STOVES ! STOVES ! STOVES ! Wa If ya want the Bert Corset have them from the cheapest tip. Made we la Vt'vttiVA!i:?4'- .1' v" Overcoats, Jf war da. Only one example aa have It and that ii' 1NO. VAN STEEL RANGES. I. X. L. a first Thompson'. GHve Fitting!' reet. STEEL RANGES. ESTATE. Id's. A good cloth Jacket, made, IhiL nowwi We al o bsndleC. B. aod ('. P. and AMERICAN JEWEL BASE BURNERS. all allk llued, worth IlluJ $5.60. Military Corset7 Smoking H0T1ST PUBLIC. WOOD all 4(ie. Coreet now 2Cc. WONDER HEATERS, the only genuine, Automatic, Telephone No. 30 Yards of any Print f 1.00 V. Coreot gost ...... 40c Jackets. others imitations. A full line of BOOMS II A U CROMWKLL BLOCK 3Hncb Percale per yard 6c C rrsets gist H5c. 1.85 Ulm Fitting Coreet... SI.SO .Winch. Fruit of Loom be. 1.75-Gio- Flltlog Cornell.... $1.46 h fir 10 CMiti a (Jim. Coal and Wood Cook Stoves Uave TOQr thin laundries' Aod bom oo uma. the Finest assortment of Heating Stoves ever displayed At Stetm Laasiry, Us AlksoacrsM SIMON STERN, in the Southwest. JAT A. HTJBBS. k CO. ROSENWALD BROS. Tho Railroad Averim Clothier. Repairs promptly furnished for all mikes of Stoves. Vkoae 414. rjnniiJJii'iiiiiuihiiJiihiJJiimiJLiiUjm Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron work a specialty. CALL AT THE Mail orders solicited. Lis Crnces Agricultural college, and la LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. country. For some time pat he be PEOPLE'S STORE. hers to "root" for his forme, school mates been eared for by the German Ladles' Aid 221 West Railroad Avenue. (HIGHLAND BUILDINU.) in the foot ball game this afternoon with AL Codington, deputy United State society. The funeral took place from the Albnunerque eleven. Ralph was also marshal, la hers sperdlng tbs dsy with L ndertaker aiouirori a pariors at a o cioca PKBSH GROCERIES. oue of the Rough Riders, Mr. Head called relatives and friends. thla slternoon. liev T. A. Bendrat, of l ihie onice at noon ana stated A. B. McDonald church, conducted the err !- FRUITS. VEGETABLES and wits and Paul the Lutheran $5, -C-hristmas -S5. that hs wa here to epend Uis day with Locker, of Great Valla, Mont., are among vices. WAY FABER, A.BKINNEK, Al. J. btaaon, Philip Read, who attenda the late arrivals at the Hotel Highland. Dr. E. S Bullock snd P. II. CoolMge, school in this city. k For only $0 00. Lew Prices tad Courtaom TmttxsL Falls Martlnes, ths well known poli- two young gentlemen from ths esst who A man by the name of William Sin- tician ot Las Vegas, cams op from Kl have been upending sometime st Colo I Bottle Tom mid , clair Ule a new blcjcls from U. Brock-ineler'- a , In the Building. N M. 1 Bottle Jami 1 Hum, Paso last nlgbt and eontiuned on north. rodo Spring', Colo hava arrived Grant Albuquerque, ? thla forenoon and sold It to A. Kuro-pea- Mottle ff Delegate-ele- ct rtty and are reglxtered at Hturges' t Cltret vtine, f of firm of Parentl tirande, Pedro Perea and a KeiNlliig ..TI10 Clairo.. Harentl, the ft T. B. Catron, returned to their They are travelli.g through the Bottle Wine, He by Maratm! "doc- 3 Hie. hee-e- , for $10. was arrested country, via wagon route, and the 8Ihs t f ,1 respective homes In Bernalillo and Santa ' 'Mlllln and Fred. ,Foruofl before lie partner aa hav- 4 lbrt. Chestnuts, il Fe last night, from Washington. tor" reports hi iuelf and TK tak" phanure In nuntmirtng to the public, that we will occupy our SANTA FES lad time to spend the money and hs will ing pawed through some extremely cold ,4 doz. Kemp's Heer, Hadley, NKA STORK IN 'I II K GRANT I on Ave. on CENTRALLY LOCATED ie given an opportunity to etplaln mat- Prof. Hiram of Las Cruce, and disagreeable weather last week. riLIUNT Rsllrral 1 qt. Battle Tippecanoe Wlitiky. went np to Las Vegas last night to at- LEADING HOTEL. ters before Justice Crawford to morrow Tney will remain here rural days, after forenoon. tend tbs meeting ot tbs educational as they continue west to I'tiBolx. sociation, spending Sunday In wbl:h will Fir Proof. ttuun Het. There were ten eases op before Justice after this well city. Hon. Manuel R.Otero, the known 107 asd 109 South First Street. Crawford thla forenoon. There was noth- popular receiver ot the Hanta Ke Mr. Reed and a erew of Whitney Co.'a aod Monday, Dec. 19th, ing mors serious than fighting and land cfllfe, la In the oltv on a visit to his ... -l- drunkenness charged against them and workmen returned from Belen last y W. C. liUTMAN. son, John Q Otero. The senior Otero TUB) SA1H. even of them wers let off uoon Dating a nlgbt where they bad been putting was a pleasant caller at tbla office to day, REAL ESTATE. flue of $6 apiece. Two vage wers given a metal roof on the new store building and be reports the buslneee of his office Also, that wears equipped with an Kniirely New and Kxtensive line of live days each on the street and one of John Becker. prospering, Hsmoval Sala. Increasing and himself Ws c. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. was discharged. Charles K. Biiggs, a eonsnmptlvs who ClTlZKN Is pleased to learn. want to clear out our entire stock which Th of ehinaware, lamps, glassware, porce Bents Collected. Marshal Mclliilin has located Luther has been stopping at the city building He will return to tbe eapltst thla Carpets, Rugs, Malting, Linoleum, Is so tor some time, received money from lains and everything liable to get broken Money to Loan on Real Estate Security. ak'Keusie.whom his mother anxious evening. while moving to our new store. We are jo bars return home to Chicago that alie home yesterday and left last night lor Tbe following numbers drew the prises money Logansport lad. now Using up tbe building formerly oc UrScs with Mutual Automatic Telethon Co, wired btin a railroad ticket and atJ. II O'lltelly ft Co's drng store last Window Shades, cupied by Kuppe's pharmacy and expect enough to Journey. B. traveling and tor of the HISS CKOMWKLL. BLOCK. with which make the J, Baiter, Hatttrdav night: 2:. 1I4S. 3'S3 and to have It In readiness about the loth ot He was working at Trimble a livery sta Santa Fe Pacific, same In from the weal are 4.0WI, 411, 13, Telephone 41B. 1570. The alternates January. In order to dispose ot the good ble. tor horns this svsnlng. la y to 1!)2H win- And a LARUE AND L ASS Us will start last night and here attend 3476 and If the holders of the CKAl'TlFt iRTMKN'T of in we price ?l tbe foot ball game, which la in progress lime, havs niade that will 7 Regular meeting of Rio Grande Coon- - ning nnmhers do not call for ths prises make them move. It you need anything ... m L. H. SHOEMAKER. No at tbe fair ground. within thirty days, they will be given to come ell Lot the knights and Ladles of , In our line and examlue our stock, 205 TtstCoUCAraitMaczt to First tbs Southern Home, evening. A telegram was received yesterday an- the bolder of the alternates. Curtains, I'orlier.-s- Table Covers, bot If we have everything needed In a nouncing the death ot K. Spear, Sat- National Bank, t s o'clock, in ins tt.mgD.ia ot rytnias last Alfredo Otero and family are from honsebold at present, come anyhow, halt Kleetlon of officers. J. U. Btlngls, urday nlgbt at Follerton, Cel. Mr. the Jemet hot spring to apeod the holi- lour purchase ahead of time will prove and Second Band Farnltora, secretary. Spear, who Is tbs father ot Mrs. E. i days with th'lr parents. a good Investment. Our stock Is most In ttayre, died ot Injuries an UuhoMrry and Drapery Goods, Wa fins toilet sets, perfumes etc , received from complete. An earlv selection means ooops. bars accident Tuesday. ' rroTis an iocsuols which we will aell aa reasonable as Is last much. THK FAIR, ir. 113 Repairing a Specialty. nonslstent with Brut-clas- s goods. B Miss Anna Lowee was treated to a South First Street. f M Kuppe. Prescription Druggist. Second beautifnl Christmas tree by W. H. Stev- Mankctv, Com fori ers, Pillows and Cbeap, Claan snd tiood. Furniture stored and packed tor ship- .tieet and Railroad avenue. ens yesterday. Tbe tree was loaded with BEAR... tor second CbrbiLvae gifts, ths most precious of Hard pea eoali will please you. It saves ment Highest prices paid This evening, at the Ban Felloe hotel money. Is nice to handle and makes goods. Mrs. accomplished which was a handsoms gold watch, ths )ld s band household Walton, the dancing oUSrlH Linens, Bos Ore: per ton. Hahn A. Co. teacher, will treat her pupils to a dance, present ot Mr. Stevens. ti and the affair will prove one ot tbs Prof. E. O. Wooton and wife, ot the nicest ) iv as, THK ri.OKIST. events ot the Christmas season. Agricultural college, accompanied the All of wh ei will bt offered n Hi I.OWIMT PRICKS! J.y foot ball to the city last night, MEAT For eut dowers, palms and holly for the ALBUQUERQUE'S French peas, sweet peas, and peanuts. eleven holidays. and tbey are registered at Hotel i but It yon want to be pleased try onr the A?precUti"R h'ghiy the n f ivrr-- ot onr cmtomers and earneetly i, an. Liinmr. anthracite pea eoal per ton. Uahn Highland. Prof. Wooton and wife will inn. LEADING UNDERTAKER at It leave for Las Vegas, to attend sulioitlng tlnlr fut i r b u'ne-- a id Hi it or the public In general we are Co. corn-fe- d be 25 ft the meeting ot tbe territorial educe Steak from a ir, Mrs. Blakler would like a few mors tlonal association. Vol US TRULY. cents per pound", at Blanchard Meat puulls In rocal niueto. For Particular A quiet wedding occurred at the resi- apply at 101 south Third street SWEET, and Supply company. dence ot Mr. and Mra. Fred. Lewis, on MAY & FABER. HERE IS A SNAP! Mrs. Bigelnw has a good reserve stock south Second street test Saturday nlgbt, rrsaant. of One candles; IhIuI also traits and nuts. when R. H. Hawkins, the night operator Bicycle oil, Ba per No. 106 Railroad avenns. FAT ami bottle. Sterling SUier Btlr Brush for 91.30 at the Western Union telegraph office, Chalu graphite. Go per stick. 1889 1898 Wanted One or two furnished rooms. and Miss Carrie M. Wenkle. of Louisiana, Tos ellpa, kftc per pair. Comb, Sterling Sllrer Mounted 30c Sol Bast side. Address B, care Citium. Mo., were united In tbe bonds of wedlock Ms UST at Jaaaa. Good tires, ft) per pair, single or double iLaaioo ana 118.76 for a guaranteed new sewing by Rer. T. C. Beattle, In the presence of JUICY. CO. l Only a Few Uft at This Price. Cm brand JAS. L. RELL ,t While on ths street ear tell 'em to lei tubes. F.G.Pratt&Co Cannad maoninssi rotreiies. a few friends. Ths newly married couple Morgan & Wright tire. t".5o per pair lOoode. will make their boms at 700 north Second roil off at Jones'. Ia order to clear (600 7 Twenty-fiv- per cent off dress good. put on, per pair If you carry them T. Y. MAYNARD, street Poah'rs in Family hihI Fancy by to night I am selling below eoet away. DSAisaa Koaenwaid Bros. JEWELER, iv Charles Pooch, a Bohemian who bas Orocciit-- w h!le on Railroad avenoe give me Allother bicycle sundries in propor- Hard pea eoal, $4 per ton. Harm ft Co. FOR 8ALE AT THE a call. STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES been a familiar figure on tbe streets of If you want to see your money go np in tion. Vatcli Insptctor A, T. U S. F. R. R. Albuquerque for several yeara, died last miiike. call and see me, First elsss bicycle. $:is. from corn-fe- d 25 S14 8. Saeond Steak a bear, Saturday night from consumption with iUBT Jonxs. St Joe specials, St which bs bad been suffering for past H. RlUX KlIKIKK, Redaotlon in the prloee and floe work BUlsboro Ord an cents per pound, t Blanchard Meat the t.rcauiciv Rntter Solicited six years, Hs was 63 yeara of age and San Joso Market Albnqnerqne Cvolesnd Arms company; tl( 2U South Heooud street. is causing ths "Albright Art Parlors" to Vaatoo kartti. Vnm LiallTBry and Supply company. left no relatives In this aeetlon of ths guns ior reui ana loaned aliens tor sale. turn out more photographs than ever 110 Gold avenns. For new Furniture, see Futrelle, befors tor the holiday trade. CITY NEWS. I kava (aI th ksat a aval al(ar la ia, "fclawlaj aa itas Dora..'' Always Goods People Afents For Want; Prices People Visit onr after Iotas sale for bargains. The Greatest House Furniture n STAIDARD P1TTER1S B. Weld ft Co. Like and Unmatched G AUoorll kid gloves reduced to 60 Values. Mail orders TP The Most Reliable of cents at the Economist. Store in the Southwest. Filled Sam Day 1IU All Patterns Made. Children' elothlng at specie! sals II Sure to Please. prloes. Rosen wald broa. DRY GOODS COMPANY. Highest prloee paid for gents' elothlng at Hart's, 117 Gold avenue. Fine black Langsbeng roosters for COFFEE. sale. Apply to J. r. Pearoe. coffee, ours, so Good like is ueeeary, pared for t'lun ever Ixfore. Clirlrttiua storks complete; carefully bought, to AU our 1.3& kid gloves reduced this that a break ftut without it Is only hull u week to 1 st lbs Keunoiulet. meal. There's so much in a retillt line HOLIDAY bs rightly sold. The store docked lu its brightest garb and woarlng Its Prices cut on everything during ad- cup of coffiNi that it make half a meal brightest sin lie bid you cordial welcome. Details concerning this hand- vance tnveutory sale. Rosenvtald Bros. Taking of Itself. We luuke a poiut of some collection of Christmas merchandise ere Impossible. Only a few Stock. hlots.a Mocha, Jat and flnrdim Bee ths silks that wers slightly dam- the tlnest OPENINGI few auggtwtl u to emphasize tint fact that this store Intend to move the coffetts lu our stock. The dignity of i iir aged by water, that are selling so cheap record peg s notch higher 'twixt thl and Christmas. Now we invite you to Ufeld'a. brHakfaet tuhle must be iimiiitained al halever becoiues of the gidd or eilver Coo;; buy if you are reidy (early holiday selections srs slwava satisfactory). At market, meat In Farr's mince large lttinutrd, the purity and supremacy of if not ready to buy. then yon sre equally look, to price, to to help or small quantities. Xry It ouce and you w.loineto ulmlre use the store as s towards s aolutlou Ilia fotl-- e standard muet be of the great problem ot wb hi buy.i will have no other. b'tjt ourselves, we are for colTee, and Joan Garcia, of Grants, and J. Baca y Until January 10th everything in our House Furnishing our prime A-- ) coffee are for the public Luoero, of Pena Blanra, are spending s of Aiiiuquerque. A VERY SPECIAL EVENT In DRESS GOODS. THE DOLL CONGRESS. tew days 1 In ths city. There will be a good opportunity for obtaining Christ ma lolls here of all colors, sixes and conditions; boy dolls, Dr. W. D. Radollffs aod Ernest C. Zrue-- Departments will be sold at a id her. H'bat coud be more aeceptable tbau a stylish girl dolls, dressed dolls, undressed dolls, dolls that sleep ft far, of Belen, are at buirgea' European, d es patternr Ask soy woman sad you'll fjnd out. This ami dolls that can't sleep. It you've dolls to buy don't are foot ball admirers. -- ale ot Que dress patterns has been Inaugurated SHpeolally pass this collection. From 6o. to $40 each aa usual. Eat sweets all this week. Wbers to GUNTHER'S for tie benertt ot the Chrlstmai shopper lu quest of seuslble Cheaper tl;sa anywhere ele. get themV Why, at Mrs. Blgelow'e, to be gisHl. Tbe ass trtmsut eonialua magoluceut values In both " sure, luo Railroad avenne. mack am mattrlala, (Deluding GLOVE? FOR CHRISTMAS. .C'lllCAd )) eolorl novelty and plain Joe P. Goodlander. tbe drug tourist. (al t it in many liaudsoiuj design S"d colorings, marke.1 Ous of our most Important Holiday stocks, kid gloves arranged bis dales so as to spoud Christ ut a reduction from the regular price. Your choice come tlrst of course, with the heavier wluter aorta mas wnn uis wire in tula city. hoc 'riling to value from good second. The six range, the eolor range, the prise CHOCOLATES, range, all complete. Belter choose early though, toota Fotrelle baa cheap rent and small $1.00 to $7.50 get badly expenses, and can and will sell cheap, broken toward ths last. Note these vstoee. Qreat In addition to this tlmrs will also bs on sal all our flue From ti in. to pair. Hmall Duu'l fall to get prices before buying. Reduction. ti.oo a slss mousquetalrs Broitddolbs, Surges. Uenrlttee, and Dress Gojds of all gloves to close out 6o. pair. The best place for good. Juicy steak kllllls sod roaets and all kinds of meats, kept BON BONS cTTRISrMAS CLOAK SALE. in a urnt class marxei, ai rueiuworl . Cloak buying tor Christmas Is to bs comaieuded. Cloak Albuuueruue ('tele and Armsonmuanv -- ASP THE HOLIDAY HANDKERCHIEFS. selling in this store I going to be a big before having your feature ot the repair work doue call Htapls Holiday output We've bunched the garments Into lots, and get prices. All material new; no old id stocks havs bean condensed nearly . lo nihks mom tor the Chrlst'iia Handkerchl I'lenty of halved pri.tes in many Instance, and would jost exx-k- Hi tiold avenue. f. sav if Us iUiW room for the tluongs ot gift buyers. A it's cloaks then money saved to buy here. J. C. Spear, a well CANDIES, wilderness of known cltisen of styles all priced to plea is. No room for lengthlyduscrlpti Jackets from U "J to $7.' Gallup, who Is In ins. Cnpe $7.(HI Interested the Cocliltl .1 Uft tin goods and priras from 7.o. to 81 half-pric- mining district, is al urges' Kuropean, Wiiitney -- AT Initial and I.atte K ige, In a box, Ma. Fur Capos at about la Company, end takiug lu foot " the ball game al lulllal Handkerchlefa al 6& and lis. each. t te fair grounds thla afternoon. Initial bilk at 16s. and 6e. each. DRESS SKIRTS Ladles belonging to the German Aid Hilk Kmbrolilered al IS, ) and aSo. riM'ilal lid of Fine Ilres Skirt bomrht exnrextlv fur eo:!ety are requested to be present at l.luen lu to bOe. I( the from hrlst'ii is trde, from $10.oj $:ii.()ti., also Sklrti from special meeting to be beld Wedueedav MAIL ORDERS HAVE PROMPT ATTENTION. ..11 Li 1 i Kit Kmbroldered from to. to $100 each. no upwards, - tl afternoon , at i o clock, at the resident- of Mrs. Banner Important business will bs transacted COMMENCING SATURDAY. DEC. 10, wa shall keo our Store OPEN in the Evening Hon. Alex. Read, court Interpreter, and 1wsulf l.ula OFFICE AND ai7-ai- o 1, l - Ralph McFle, aeslstaut clerk of the Third SALESROOMS, South Serood Street. For sale till January vrv tSU ' '"yg" ' .., mini iiiiiaaajiiiiiiii na n . ... ,., , , , court, M. E liigulrs ot W. A. lUuklii, liij s, tuud Judicial district and Otero, W0RK3H0PS and HEAVY HARDWARE, 115-1- South are Santa Feaus registered Sturges' First Street sUbet at at. Kuropean. Mr. McFle, who Is a sou of Attend advance Inventory wile at li Judge McFls, Is a former aludeut ot ths euwald Bros'. xr