MAJOR rfl-IOMAS SAVAGE OF BOSTON AND HIS DESCENDANTS BY LAWRENCE PARK BORTON PRESS OF DAYID CLAP.P & SON 10-14 THOMAS SAV AGI•: LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS 'fHOMAS1 SAVAGE. Fl'om a v1wtrnit painted in 1679, ai·tist · unknoton, in the possr.ssion of 11fl•s. Fl·ede1•ick C. Shattuck, Brookline, lllass. :frontispiece. IIABTJAH8 SAVAGE. Mus. IlABIJAII SAVAGE. Fl'om vm·traits vainted about 1715, ai·tist unknown, in the 11osses.~ion of lll'/•s. ,John G. B1·ooks, Belfast, Me . • fo.cing p. 16, 'fIIOlllAS4 SAVAGE. Fi·om a portrnit paintecl about 1755 by Joseph Badger, in the possession of Edward D. Page, Esq., New York. , facing p. 22. SAJl[UET, PHILLIPS4 SAVAGE. l\IRs. SAMUEL PHILLIPS SAVAGE (SARAH TYLER). Ji'i•om the po,·trnits 1iainted in 1763 by John Singleton Copley, that of Mr. Savage in the possession of J. R. Savage, Esq., Garden City, L. I., and that of M,·s. Savage in the possession of Samuel S. Shaw, Esq., Boston . facing p. 24:, Mus. RICHARD MONKHOUSE, From a miniature painted in London iii 1794, artist un knoion, in the possession of 11lrs. L . .A. Bradbury, Win, chester, Mass. ; facing p. 28. ARTIIUR4 SAVAGE. l\Ius. AuTHUR SAVAGE (ELIZABETH STURGIS). Fl·om medallions made in London in 1778 by James Tassie, in the possession of lll'/•s. L • .A. Bradbm-y, Win chestei·, Mass. facing p. 28. Mus. SAMUEL SAv AGE. Fi·om a pm·trnit pai,ited in 181 G l>y Gilbm·t Stuart, in the possession of Samuel S. Shaw, Esq., Boston.
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