Boston Newspapers in Microfilm Page 1

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Boston Newspapers in Microfilm Page 1 Boston Newspapers in Microfilm Page 1 City Call Number Title Notes Dates Boston AN2.M4B611 Advent Herald Weekly Aug 28, 1844- Feb 3, 1847; [Aug 7 1847- Mar 13, 1852]; [Jan 1, 1853- Feb 22, 1871] Boston AN2.M4B6111 Boston Daily Advertiser Daily Mar 3, 1813- Feb 14, 1929 (morning) Boston AN2.M4B6112 Boston Sunday Advertiser May 1,1938-Jun 18, 1972 (also see Boston Daily Advertiser, Boston American) Boston AN2.M4B6113 Boston Semi-Weekly Semi- Jan 1841-Dec 1866; Aug 28, 1867- Advertiser (Independent Weekly Jul 1, 1868; Jan 29, 1870-Dec 30, Chronicle) 1871; Jul 3, 1874-Jan 18, 1876 Boston AN2.M4B6114 Boston Weekly Advertiser Weekly Oct 25, 1811- Dec 26, 1867 (Weekly Messenger). see also Boston Weekly Spectator Boston AN2.M4B6652 Daily Advertiser (with Pilot) Jun 5, Jul 29, 1809 Boston AN2.M4B612 Boston Daily Advocate Daily Dec 27, 1831-Dec 31, 1838 Boston E185.5.B654 Boston Advocate Weekly, Jun 27- Oct 17, 1885; Jan Black 3- Mar 13, 1886; Jun 5, 1886- Jan 22, 1887 Boston AN2.M4B6123 Agricultural Intelligencer Jan 14-Jul 7, 1820 Boston AN2.M4B6125 Air Travel Journal Weekly Dec 30, 1983- Boston AN2.M4613 Boston American (aka Daily Mar 21, 1904-Sep 30, 1961 Hearst's Boston American, Boston Evening American, ect) Boston AN2.M4B63325 American Apollo (with Federal Jan 6, 1792- Dec 25, 1794 Orrery) Boston AN2.M4B6131 American Cabinet and Boston Weekly May 27, 1848-Jul 1851 Athenaeum Boston AN2.M4B61312 American Canadian Weekly Jun 1874-Jan 1876 Boston AN2.M4B6132 American Eagle Daily Dec 1844- Jan 1, 1847 Boston AN2.M4B61325 American Weekly Eagle Weekly Dec 1844-Dec 1845 Boston AN2.M4B6134 American Herald Weekly Jan 19, 1784-Oct 8, 1791 Boston AN2.M4B6135 American Hotel Budget Weekly Oct 1885-Mar 13, 1886 Boston AN2.M4B61355 American Manufacturer Dec 25, 1828- Sep 17, 1830 Boston AN2.M4B61357 American Protestant [18 Feb 1871- 21 Jan 1882] Boston AN2.M4B6136 American Republican Weekly Sep, Nov-Dec 1844 Boston AN2.M4B6137 American Signal Weekly May 1847-Jul 1848 Boston AN2.M4B6139 American Traveller (semi- Semi- Jul 5, 1825-June 30, 1829; July 2, weekly) weekly 1830-Apr 14, 1846 Boston AN2.M4B61392 American Traveller (weekly) Weekly Jan 1839-Apr 1846, Apr 1, 1865- May 26, 1866 Boston AN2.M4B61395 American Union [4 Jan 1851-16 Aug 1862] Boston AN2.M4B614 Amerikas Latweetis Weekly, 1942-1968, 1970-1975 Semi- Monthly Boston AN2.M4B6144 Anglo Saxon, European & Weekly Dec 20. 1856-Oct 31, 1857 Colonial Gazette Boston Newspapers in Microfilm Page 2 City Call Number Title Notes Dates Boston AN2.M4B6145 Anti-Masonic Christian Herald Weekly Jan 17, 1829-Apr 10, 1833 Boston AN2.M4B61452 Anti-Masonic Free Press 1. Aug- 26. Dec 1828 Boston AN2.M4B615 Apuarsni=Horizons Bi-Monthly 1975-1976 Boston AN2.M4B6153 Armenian Weekly (Hairnek Weekly Feb 1939- Weekly) Boston AN2.M4B6157 Athenai Greek, Jun 1939-Dec 1942 Weekly Boston AN2.M4B658 Atlantic Journal of Weekly 1996- Transportation (kept with the Northeast Journal of Transportation) Boston AN2.M4B616 Boston Atlas and Bee Daily May 17, 1858-Jul 8, 1861 Boston AN2.M4B6162 Boston Weekly Atlas Weekly Nov 27, 1845- Nov 6, 1856 Boston AN2.M4B6165 Boston Daily Atlas (Boston Daily Jul 2, 1832-Jun 30, 1857 Morning Traveller) Boston AN2.M4B61654 Atlas Semi- 24. Oct 1838- 1. Jan 1840 Weekly Boston AN2.M4B61654 Semi-Weekly Atlas Semi- 1841-Nov 12, 1845, Jun 12, 1850- Weekly Apr 11, 1857 Boston AN2.M4B617 L'Aurora Feb 15, 1828-May 1830 Boston AN2.M4B6178 Back Bay Courant Bi-Weekly Sep 26, 1995- Boston AN2.M4BB618 Back Bay Leader Weekly Oct 22, 1936-Dec 7, 1939 Boston AN2.M4B6181 Banner of the Church Sep 3, 1831-Nov 24, 1832 Boston AN2.M4B6182 Bay State Democrat Daily Jan 1, 1840-Nov 16, 1844 Boston AN2.M4B61823 Bay State Democrat (Semi- Semi- 24 Jun 1840- 28 Feb 1844 Weekly) Weekly Boston AN2.M4B61825 Bay State Democrat Weekly Aug 24, 1838-May 20, 1842, Aug 18, 1843- May 9, 1845 Boston AN2.M4B6183 Bay State Post Weekly Jul 4-Dec 20, 1962 Boston AN2.M4B6184 Bay Windows Gay Mar 1983- Communit y Newpaper Boston AN2.M4B619 Boston Beacon Weekly Feb 16, 1884-Dec 31, 1904 Boston AN2.M4B6191 Boston Beacon : a family Weekly Oct 28-Dec 23, 1876 journal of literature, science & current events Boston AN2.M4B61915 Beacon Hill News Weekly, Oct 17, 1946-Jun 2, 1948, Oct Bimonthly 1964- Dec 1979 Boston AN2.M4B61916 Beacon Hill Paper 1997 Boston AN2.M4B61917 Beacon Hill Times Semi- Sep 1995- Monthly Boston AN2.M4B6192 Boston Bee Daily Apr 25, 1842-Nov 14, 1857 (also see Atlas and Bee) Boston AN2.M4B6193 Boston After Dark Mar.9, 1966-Nov.5, 1969, 1970- Jul.1972 Boston Newspapers in Microfilm Page 3 City Call Number Title Notes Dates Boston AN2.M4B6194 Bostonian & Mechanics 13. Jul 1822- 5. Jul 1823 Journal (aka Independent Bostonian) Boston AN2.M4B6195 British American Citizen Weekly Oct 29, 1887- Dec 5, 1903 Boston AN2.M4B61953 Broadside 27 Feb 1878- 30 Oct 1880 Boston AN2.M4B6196 Boston Budget and Beacon Weekly Jun 29, 1879-Dec 31, 1893; Jan 6, 1901-Dec 30, 1916 Boston AN2.M4B6197 Boston Evening Bulletin and Daily Nov 26, 1827-Apr 17, 1830, Dec U.S. Republican 1, 1842- Aug 26, 1843 Boston AN2.M4B6197 Boston Evening Bulletin and Semi- Dec 20, 1827; Jan 1, 1829-Apr 29, U.S. Republican Weekly 1830 Boston HF5001.B572x Boston Business Journal Weekly, Jul 1985+ Business Boston AN2.M4B6199 Campaign for the Union 8. Oct- 5. Nov 1864 Boston AN2.M4B62 Campaign Post Weekly Jul 3, 1852-Oct 27, 1860 (With Gaps) Boston AN2.M4B621 Carpet Bag Weekly Mar 29, 1851-Mar 26, 1853 Boson AN2.M4B622 Cathedral Oct 24-Nov 29, 1871 Boston AN2.M4B623 Censor and Evening Star Nov 23, 1771-May 21, 1772 Boston AN2.M4B6235 Daily Centinel & Gazette (aka Daily Sep 13, 1830-May 1, 1840 Daily Columbian Centinel) Boston AN2.M4B6236 Christian Alliance & Family 2. Jan 1846- 17. Dec 1847 Visiter Boston AN2.M4B624 Boston Christian Observer Weekly Mar 28, 1851-Jul 23, 1852 Boston AN2.M4B6243 Christian Rationalist Weekly Mar 25, 1848-Sep 23, 1848 Boston AN2.M4B62435 Christian Register Weekly Apr 20, 1821-Dec 1942 Boston AN2.M4B6248 Christian Science Monitor Daily Nov 25, 1908- Boston AN2.M4B6247 Christian Soldier Aug 29, 1832-Jan 2, 1833 Boston AN2.M4B6248 Christian Times Jan 4, 1850-Oct 17, 1851 Boston AN2.M4B6249 Christian Watchman Weekly 1819-1820 Boston AN2.M4B62495 Christian Witness (see also 9. Jan 1835- 1. Feb 1872 BX5800.C24) Boston E185.5.B6 Boston Chronicle Weekly, Jan 9, 1932- Apr 9, 1960 Black Boston AN2.M4B623 Boston Chronicle (with Dec 21, 1767- Jun 25, 1770 Censor) Boston AN2.M4B6251 Boston Morning Chronicle Daily Mar 22, 1844-Sep 19, 1845 Boston AN2.M4B6252 Boston Daily Chronicle Daily Feb 18, 1853-Apr 11, 1857 Boston AN2.M4B6255 Boston Daily Chronotype (aka Daily Mar 16, 1846-Jan 1, 1851 Chronotype, Daily Cronotype) Boston AN2.M4B62552 Weekly Chronotype Weekly 28 May 1846- 22 Sep 1849 Boston AN2.M4B6257 City Crier & Country Advertiser Monthly May-Aug 1846 Boston AN2.M4B626 Columbian Centinel Semi- Mar 24, 1784- Apr 29, 1840 Weekly Boston AN2.M4B6269 Commentator and Sunday Weekly Dec 12, 1829-Feb 27, 1831 Times (The Commentator) Boston AN2.M4B627 Boston Commercial Weekly Jan 1887-Nov 14, 1891 Boston AN2.M4B6271 Daily Evening Commercial Daily Jan 15-Dec 31, 1866 Boston Newspapers in Microfilm Page 4 City Call Number Title Notes Dates Boston AN2.M4B6272 Commercial Bulletin Weekly Jan 1859-Dec 1983 Boston AN2.M4B6273 Commercial Bulletin's Wool Weekly Jan 1991- Page Boston AN2.M4B6275 Boston Commercial Gazette Weekly, Dec 21, 1719-Feb 27, 1831, Jan (Boston Gazette, Boston Price- Semi- 1834- May 25, 1840 Current, Russell's Gazette) Weekly Boston AN2.M4B6276 Daily Commercial Gazette Daily Jan 1, 1829-Nov 13, 1835 Boston AN2.M4B6278 Boston Common Weekly Apr 30, 1910-Apr 26, 1913 Boston AN2.M4B6281 Daily Commonwealth Daily Jan 1, 1851-Sep 21, 1854 Boston AN2.M4B62813 Weekly Commonwealth Weekly Jul 26, 1850- Apr 29, 1854 Boston AN2.M4B62817 Commonwealth Weekly Sep 6, 1862-Dec 28, 1895 Boston AN2.M4B6286 Continental Journal Weekly May 30, 1776-Jun 21, 1787 Boston AN2.M4B6289 Il Corriere de Boston Jun 7, 1896- Jul 16, 1899 Boston AN2.M4B6291 Boston Daily Courier Daily Mar 25-Dec 31, 1808 Boston AN2.M4B6292 Boston Courier (Weekly) Weekly Jun 13, 1805-May 4, 1809 Boston AN2.M4B6294 Boston Evening Courier Daily Oct 6, 1858-Apr 14, 1860 Boston AN2.M4B6295 Boston Courier Daily & Mar 1824- Jan 13, 1866; Jan 1867- Weekly Dec 1914 Boston AN2.M4B62957 Boston Courier and Hotel Weekly Jan 1915-Jan 2, 1948 News Boston AN2.M4B62958 Boston Courier (Semi-Weekly) Semi- Jun 19, 1826- Dec 29, 1851 Weekly Boston AN2.M4B62982 Boston Sunday Courier Weekly Dec 8, 1867- Oct 22, 1871 Boston AN2.M4B6332 Courier (with Federal Gazette) Jul 1, 1795- Mar 5, 1797 Boston AN2.M4B6296 Courier de Boston Weekly, Apr 23- Oct 15, 1789 French Boston AN2.M4B631 Darbinikas Weekly, Jan 1939-Dec 1952 Semi- Weekly, Lithuanian Boston AN2.M4B6313 Democrat Jan 4, 1804- Dec 31, 1806 Boston AN2.M4B63135 Democratic Standard Oct 4, 1850- Jul 26, 1851 Boston AN2.M4B6315 Dial of the Old South Clock . Dec 5, 1877-Dec 15, 1879 Boston AN2.M4B6316 Dielli(Sun) (see also Kombi) Weekly, Feb 15, 1909- Mar 29, 1917; Aug Albanian 24, 1939-Aug 19, 1941; Mar 27, 1943-Dec 1960; Feb 14, 1968- Boston AN2.M4B63167 Boston Dispatch Jul 5, 1856- May 2, 1857 Boston AN2.M4B632 Equal Times Jan 1979-Dec 1983 Boston AN2.M4B6324 Excelsior Weekly May 1, 1847-Jul 15, 1858 Boston AN2.M4B6325 Exchange Advertiser Weekly Dec 30, 1784-Jan 4, 1787 Boston AN2.M4B6328 Exhibition Intelligencer Sep 15-Oct 2, 1847 Boston AN2.M4B6328 Saturday Evening Express Weekly Sep 22, 1860-Dec 1885 Boston HQ76.5.F35 Fag Rag Gay 1971-1978 Boston AN2.M4B6332 Federal
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