------runusiiLn------- —S'CSCRirTION------- JOHN PO KTEH, ONE DOLLAR FIFTY CfS. A 1ASKSBT ISW fll TO IftSBATHO AM OlOBO. WBW®. VOLUME IV. EAST THOMASTON, MAINE. THURSDAY MORNING, SEPT. 27, 1st!). NUMBER XXXVI. T H E M U S E . utmost expansion, now begin to close like duty of endeavoring to extricate my son from cepting my proffered grasp—'who would have I ded w ilh pistols, I should, I felt, have little ly complete; and u few minutes past twelvo flowers nt sunset, or break down nt once. the perilous entanglements in which ha hnsj thought o f meeting you here? ’ I chance w ith such utterly reckless rufTinns ns o'clock the whispered password admitted mo Our sweetest sone's are those that tell ol' sad­ One injudicous stimulant—a single fatal ex­ unhappily involved himself. ’ 'N o t you, certainly, since you stnrr, nt an, those by whom I was surrounded. I’ lay wns into the house. Au angry altercation was go­ dest thoueht. ing on. M r. M erton was insisting, ns I ad­ citement, may force it beyond its strength— I was about to reply—for I wns Billy enough ; old friend ns if it were some frightful goblin 1 proposed; nnd though nt first stoutly refusing, about to swallow you. Really.’------ , I feigned tube gradually overcome by irresis- vised, upon the exhibition o f a sum equal to From the National Era. whilst a careful supply of props, and the with- ^tnfecl somewhat nettled ntthennblu Indy’s hnnt- •IIu s li! I.et us speak together in the lobby. I tible temptation, nnd sat down to blind hazard that which lie had brought with him—for,con­ drnw nl n f nil that tends to force n plant, will iness n f mnnner-thnt I was engnged in the pub­ MORE LIGHT. An old friend,’ lie added in answer to Mr. with my foreign friend for innderntc stakes.— fident of winning, he w as determined to re­ I sustain it in beauty and vigor until night hns lic service of extirpating a gang of swindlers, Merton's surprised stare. 'Wo will return H "ns graciously allowed to win; and in the cover his losses to the Inst farthing; and a l­ The God-enamelled flower, ' entirely set.— [The Science of Life, liy n I’hy- w ith whom her son had involved himself, and in an instant.’ end found myself richer in devil's money by though his bonds, hills, obligations, Ills .sif­ At enrly dnwn looks tip, was there to procure from her ladyship any •W hy, what is all this, W aters.” eniil C a r-! ol,,’" ‘ ten pounds. M r Merton was soon nh- ter’s jew els, and a large amount in gold nud And gently would unfold inform ation she m ight lie pnsscssd o f,likely to don r^voveriw g his wonted “ sang fro iil” the j i" 'rbed in the dinners o f the dice, and lost genuine notes, were produced, there wits still Its pencilled cup; ; THE FAMILY CIRCLE. i forward so desirable result; hut fortunately I instant we were alone, ‘I understood you had I 'nrCe "Utns, for which, w Ih ii the money lie a heavy sum deficient. ‘All, by the by,' ex­ Whilst t« the sun it snith the rcnienihernnco of my nctuul position, Arise and close the nig h ,! An intellectual repast, composed of the choicest retired from amongst us; were in foct-w hat l,n'1 brought with him wns exhausted, he gave claimed Sanford ns I entered, ‘Waters can spite of my gentleman’s nttire, flashed vivid­ Wipe up that tear of dew— 'viands’ of the Literary market. shall I say.” ____ : w ritten acknowledgements. T h e elienting lend you the sum lor no hour or two—for a ly upon my mind; nud instead of permitting More light—more light! ‘Ruined-done up! Nobody should know pmctiaot1 upon him wns really audacious; and cnxsitiKii iTtos,’ he added inn whisper. ‘It RECOLLECTIONS OF A POLICE OFFICER, «ny glib tongue to wag irreverently in the that better than you.’ 0,10 " ,.vro ,nllst llnve rcpcatcdly ,le‘ w ill soon he returned.’ When tw ilight steals away , , --------- I presence o f a right honorable, I bowed w ith The wood-bird singing grieves, A little more than a ye.tr after the period dcforet1tilll anquicscenec. •M y good fellow , you do not im agine’------ 100,0,1 '«• llr ’ ever, appeared not to cn- ■ S'o,thank you,’ 1 answered coldly. ‘I nev­ And calls the evening hack when ndverse circumstances — chiefly the re­ I ‘I imagine nothing, my dear Cnrdon. I lorto1" tl,n ’•''ghtest suspicion of the “ fair- er par, w ith toy money till I have lust it.’ To tint the leaves. Her ladyship proceeded,and I in substance sult of my own reckless follies — compelled was very thoroughly dene—done "brown,” play” of his uppohents, guiding himself en- A malign,ml scow I passed over tile scoun­ It saith, 0, linger yet— obtained the following information;— tirely by the advice nf his friend and counsel­ me to enter the ranks of the metropolitan po­ as it is written in the vulgar tongue. Rut for­ drel’s features; hut lie tnnde on reply. U lti­ I still in airy flight M r. Charles Merton,duringtlic few months lor, Sanford, who did not himself play. T!i,, lice, ns the sole means left mo of procuring tunately my kind old uncle’------ mately "It wns decided that ouc nf the frater­ Would bathe my golden breast— fooil nnd raiment, the attention of one of the i which hud elapsed since the. attainment of hi: amiable assemblage broke up nhnut six' iu tin ■Pas^rove is dead!, interrupted my old ac­ nity should he despatched in search of tlio ro- Stay, stay, O light I principal chiefs of the force wns attracted majority, bail very literally ‘ fallen amongst morning, each person retiring singly by the quirgil nmouiit. lie was gone about half nt, quaintance, eagerly jumping to a conclusion, hack way, receiving, as he departed And thus tnv soul cries out, towards me by the ingenuity nnd boldness ; thieves.’ A passion for gam bling aeetned to ‘and you are his h e ir! I congratulate you, I,our, nnd returned with a bundle of notes.— password for the next evening. When dawn begins to break, which I wns supposed to have manifested in have taken entire possession of his being; my dear fellow. This, indeed a charming re­ They were, as I hoped nnd expected, forger­ A few hours afterwards, I wailed on the And in the sky it sees hitting upon nnd unravelling n clue which nl,,l “boost every dny ns well ns night, of bis verse of circumstances.’ ies on foreign banks. M r. M erton looked at commissioner to report thu state of affairs.— The first greyjstreak— ultim ately led to the detection nnd ptiishmcnt | haggered anti feverish life wns passed at p la y ., ‘Yes, hut mind I have given up the old nnd counted them; nnd play commenced. He was delighted w ith the fortunate debut I Away, away dark sins ! of the pepetrators of no nrtisticnlly-contriv-run >ll-liick, according to his own he­ game. N o more dice-devilry for me. I As it went oil, so v iv id ly did the scene re­ had tnnde, hut still strictly enjoyed patience Ye’ ve held me long in night; ed fraud upon an eminent tradesman of the ‘ lief—hut in very truth a run of downright roh- have promised Em ily never to touch a card call the evening tlmt Imd sealed my own ruin, nnd caution. It would have linen easy, I long to walk in day— Wcst End nf London. The chief sent for bery—had set in against him, nnd he. had not again.’ tlmt I grew dizzy with excitement, and drain­ ns I was in possession o f the password, More light—more lig h t! me; nnd after n somewhat lengthened conver- lonb’ dissipated all the ready money which he The cold, hard eye of tlio incarnate fiend— ed tumbler after tumbler nf wntcr to allay the to have surprised the confederacy in tlio Then comes the life’s broad noon, sation, not only expressed approbation of my I 1,11,1 inherited, and the large sums which the he wis little else—gleamed mockingly ns fevered throbbing nf my veins. The gamb­ act ofgnniing time very evening; hut this W illi sun and sultry beam, conduct in the particular m atter under discus- i foolish indulgence o f his Indy-m other had sup- these ‘good intentions’ n f a practised games­ lers were fortunately loo much absorbed to would only have accomplished a part of the And oft the soul doth err, sion, hut hinted that lie m ight shortly need I I’ 1'011 1,,,n w ith , but bail involved him self in ter fell upon his cur; hut he only replied, heed my agitation. M erton lost continuously object aimed nt. Several of the fraternity— In net and dream— my services in other affairs requiring intclli-11,nn,ls> 1,1,18 011,1 otl,cr obligations to u frightful ‘Very good; quite right, my denr liny. But —without pause or intermission. The stakes gence nnd resolution. [amount. The principal agent in effecting this Sanford amongst the number—were suspect­ Sun spots arise to dim come, let mo introduce you to M r Merton, a were doubled — tribled— quadrupled! His ed o f uttering forged foreign notes, and it was The perfectness of sight; ‘1 think I have met you before,’lie remarked , ru >n wns nne Sandford—a man o f fashionable highly connected personage, 1 assure you.
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