TheTheTheThe onlyonly onlyonly bilingualbilingual bilingualbilingual Chinese-EnglishChinese-English Chinese-EnglishChinese-English NewspaperNewspaper NewspaperNewspaper inin inin NewNew NewNew EnglandEngland EnglandEngland 全紐英倫區唯一的中英雙語雙週報全紐英倫區唯一的中英雙語雙週報全紐英倫區唯一的中英雙語雙週報全紐英倫區唯一的中英雙語雙週報 2013年3月22日 - 4月4日 MarchFebruaryJanuaryJanuary 22 19,- 6April6 2021 -- JanuaryJanuary 4, - March2013 20,20, 4, 2012 20122021 Vol. 49, Issue No. 11 2021年2月19日 2012年1月6日~2012年1月6日~2012年9月14日 - 2021年3月4日 1月20日 1月20日- 9月27日 AdvocatesAAHong CultureCulture Lok cautiouslyofofHouse EmployeeEmployee expands optimistic AppreciationAppreciation to house 英文成人基礎教育項目的重要性Douzo老闆Jack Huang more Chinese seniors Adcotron堅持不懈地渡過疫情Adcotron黃秋虹報導 EMS,EMS, IncInc aboutAdcotronAdcotron Biden’s EMS,EMS, immigration Inc.Inc. policies BYBy ShiraLING-MEI Laucharoen WONG 儘管連邦承諾在英文學習以尊重員工價值尊重員工價值林映彤 報導 及成人基礎教育上投資贊助,但 是研究顯示很多項目只能為少數 的移民提供此類服務。不難理解當一個人進入Adcotron不難理解當一個人進入Adcotron EMS公司玻璃大門時所獲得的 EMS公司玻璃大門時所獲得的 那種振奮之情。不僅環境一塵不染--公司在南波士頓海洋工業園那種振奮之情。不僅環境一塵不染--公司在南波士頓海洋工業園麻州州長派屈克在其FY2014 所佔的35,000平方英尺中珍珠白的牆壁到處可見──而且以一個高提案中提出向州立公民項目分配所佔的35,000平方英尺中珍珠白的牆壁到處可見──而且以一個高 資助100萬美金, 同比增長321% 度組織的方式呈現,複雜程度不同的芯片製造機與相映的組件與主。度組織的方式呈現,複雜程度不同的芯片製造機與相映的組件與主 板合併板合併州長派屈克在近期出席一 。但是據公司的CEO幾主席Agnes 。但是據公司的CEO幾主席Agnes Young介紹,Adcotron Young介紹,Adcotron 個媒體討論會中說道:「麻州, PhotoPhoto by by Agnes Agnes Young Young – – The The employees employees of of Adcotron Adcotron EMS, EMS, Inc. Inc. 成功的真正秘訣並不在于高技術機械或者生產衍生的綜合產品,而成功的真正秘訣並不在于高技術機械或者生產衍生的綜合產品,而 就好像美國這個國家一樣,是因 在於穿著藍色防靜電外套的員工們:他們在公司隨處可見,有的負在於穿著藍色防靜電外套的員工們:他們在公司隨處可見,有的負 為這些來自五湖四海的朋友才變 責控制按鈕,有的負責檢查組件,有的負責轉動錶盤,有的通過顯得更加富足美好。這些移民為我責控制按鈕,有的負責檢查組件,有的負責轉動錶盤,有的通過顯 ItIt is is not not difficult difficult to to understand understand the the unmistakableunmistakable – – every every employee employee cheerfulcheerful feeling feeling one one gets gets when when en en-- turningturning to to greet greet her her as as she she made made her her 微鏡觀察整套設備。們的國家和社會做出了很大的貢微鏡觀察整套設備。 Hongteringtering Lok residents through through with the the Ruth glass glass Moy doors doors (second of of Ad fromAd-- right).wayway (Image around around courtesy explaining explaining of Rogerson the the Commu intrica intrica--- Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons 獻。他們使我們更加富強,壯“我的員工們比任何事都重要。”Young介紹說。“我的員工們比任何事都重要。”Young介紹說。 照片由Douzo提供 nities.)Presidentcotroncotron EMS, JoeEMS, Biden Inc. Inc. NotonNot Inauguration only only is is the the envi envi Day-- cieswithcies of hisof each eachwife machine Jillmachine Biden. and and station. station. 大。因此如何對待這些移民將會 ronmentronment spotlessspotless -- thethe pearlypearly whitewhite “亞洲餐館實際上受到了很大的衝擊。總體而言,酒店及餐飲業已被摧毀。” Hong Lok House may look old on preserved and be replaced by the new in- 州長派屈克。圖片由州長辦事處提供。 wallswallsCity representatives visible visible all all around around and advocates the the 35,000 35,000 anAdcotron,Adcotron, immigration a a agenda premier premier that Electronics Electronicsserves our 決定我們的將來。」 (詳文請見反面中文第一版)(詳文請見反面中文第一版) the outside, but that’s just its façade. terior building. 在COVID-19疫情期間,波士 關閉並處理我們遇到的所有問題, havesquaresquare said thatfoot foot presidentlot lot the the company company Joe Biden’s occupies occupies Commonwealth.ContractContract Manufacturing Manufacturing It is a divided service serviceCon- Past its four different exteriors, a new “What’s important is being able to 頓唐人街的餐館是受災最嚴重的企的確, 新移民的未來由他 業,50%的學生直接入學公共大我們不知道會發生什麼事。……起 newestinin SouthSouth immigration ’sBoston’s policies MarineMarine have IndustrialIndustrial gress;(EMS)(EMS) it will provider provider take time that that to specializes specializes reverse and in in steel building with high ceilings, wood live in Chinatown where the services 們的英文程度決定。根據波士頓業。一些地方已經關閉,不知道是 學。但是項目中僅有一小部份的初,我非常樂觀,希望這種情況將 broughtParkPark -them- butbut inhope,in aa supremelysupremely but that there organizedorganized is eliminatemanufacturingmanufacturing those policies. low low to to medium medium vol vol-- floors and large windows overlooks Es- are,” said Anne Morton Smith, vice pres- stillmanner,manner, skepticism highly-automated highly-automated in the community. equip equip-- umeumeBiden complex complex has also electronic electronic proposed assemblies assemblies the U.S. 基金會的調查報告顯示,在麻否會再次開門做生意。許多企業以 學生在成人基礎教育。在幾個月或幾週內消失,直到幾個 sex Street. ident of development and community Whilementment Biden’s placeplace sweeping components components reforms onon boards boardshave Citizenshipandand systemssystems Act integrationintegration of 2021, which, forfor aa broadifbroad 州,一個會說流利英語的移民平為一年前可能會暫時關閉,直到今 月,再到幾個月成為幾年。”但是人數容量的問題也暫緩 Located next to public transportation, relations for Rogerson Communities, an appearedwithwith precision precisionbold, it will and and likely efficiency. efficiency. take time How How -- passed,rangerange ofwould of industries industries create an including including eight-year medi medi -- 天仍然存在。DouzoHappy New Sushi店主Jack Year! 對於Huang來說,這是一次全 restaurants and luxury condos, Hong Lok elder-service nonprofit developer that 均年收入是$38,526Happy New 。而一個 Year!了成人教育計劃的前進。波士頓 forever, ever,the former neitherneither Trump thethe sophisticatedadministration’ssophisticated mama -- pathcal,cal, to military, military, citizenship industrial, industrial, for undocumented telecommu telecommu -- House is exclusively for affordable hous- developed the new Hong Lok House and Huang說:“亞洲餐館實際上受到了 新的體驗。自80年代末以來一直在 actionschinerychinery to be nor nor reversed. the the complex complex products products people.nicationnication This andand path alternativealternative consists ofenergy,energy, two phas sitssits - 英語不太好的移民年收入僅是 基金會的調查表明,平均每個計 ing. A total of 74 units, including studios manages the building. “The number of 很大的衝擊。總體而言,酒店及餐 波士頓,他說沒有什麼比疫情的影 areareOne the theof Biden’s true true reason reason first steps of of Adcotron’s Adcotron’swas to es.inin During aa BostonBoston the RedevelopmentRedevelopment first phase, individuals AuthorAuthor-- $14,221 。 劃後補名單上有接近10,000人。 and one-bedroom apartments, will rent dialects spoken at Tufts Medical Center 飲業已被摧毀。”儘管如此,Huang 響更可比了。Huang說:“波士頓是 signsuccess,success, a memorandum asas thethe company’scompany’s on January ChiefChief 20 ExEx-- wouldity-ownedity-owned be granted building building temporary along along legal Boston’s Boston’s for less than $500 a month on average. by the nurses and doctors is significant. 的業務一直堅持不懈,他在接受舢新年快乐!新年快乐!調查還發現大波士頓地區 有的時候名單上面的人需要等兩一個非常活躍的市場。無論如何, thatecutiveecutive ordered OfficerOfficer the attorney andand PresidentPresident general and AgnesAgnes status,beautifulbeautiful with the waterfront waterfront option of districtapplying district andfor and Amenities include a senior center open to The food and transportation Hong Lok 236,933名英語能力有限的移民 年才能被選上接受教育。還有很 theYoung Youngsecretary would would of Homeland suggest. suggest. Security Patrolling, Patrolling, to permanentboastsboasts aa storystory residency few,few, if ifafter any,any, five businessesbusinesses years. 舨採訪時分享了他們如何保持開放 您始終有大約300,000名學生和員工 the community, a rooftop garden, taichi residents need are all right here in this preservepushingpushing and buttons, buttons,fortify the checking checking Deferred compo compo Ac- -- Inaroundaround this phase, can can claim. claim.they would be allowed 中,少於5%的人參加政府資助的的態度。 多移民不想申請或者根本不知道成為為經濟做出貢獻的消費者。但 deck and in-unit emergency call buttons. community.” ChineseChinese NewNew YearYear IssueIssue tionnents,nents, for Childhood turning turning dials, dials, Arrivals peering peering (DACA) through through to work in the United States, pay Huang將疫情描述為令人震驚 是這次不一樣。” The original Hong Lok House used Redeveloping Hong Lok House cost 小學,中學教育。 這些資源的存在。 policy.microscopesmicroscopes Executive all all director throughout throughout of the the the Mas facil facil- -- taxes,BornBorn andout out of clearof the the background closure closure of of a achecks. previous previous 的見證。 “我認為99%的人永遠不 Huang說,由於他的一些餐館 to be the Normandy Lounge, which was nearly $33 million, with 23 sources of 小學和中學的教育系統會isis ComingComing OutOut onon JanuaryJanuary麻州非常需要成人基礎教育 20th,20th, 2012!2012! sachusettsity,ity, clad clad Immigrantin in blue, blue, anti-static anti-static and Refugee overcoats overcoats Incompany,company, the second Adcotron Adcotron phase, green got got itscard its start start hold in- in bought by the Chinese public and private funds. The waiting 會真正相信這一百萬年流行會持續 今天仍關門,他們的生產和創收能 Advocacyareare the the true Coalitiontrue success: success: Eva the the Millona employees. employees. said ers2005.2005. would When When have Advanced Advanced the chance Electronics, Electronics, to apply to a a 向成年人提供一些基礎教育計 和英文課堂的存在來幫助促進社 Golden Age Center. It opened in 1981 list is seven to eight years long due to 這麼長時間。[…]在美國,這幾乎春節特刊將與一月二十日出版力是以前的一半。“從250-300名[ that while this was an important move, becomecompanycompany citizens. that that had had The been been act around wouldaround also since since 春節特刊將與一月二十日出版 with 28 units of affordable housing for demand, according to Moy. Phase two’s 劃。其中一個計劃是『成人社區就像是一場來自『了不起蓋茨比』 會經濟以及個人事業發展。在華員工],我們縮減到只有84人。那 change“Our“Our will employees employees not be immediate. are are more more important important make19781978 Dreamers decided decided toeligible to close close to its its apply doors doors for in in low-income elders. wait list is closed until the end of 2013. 學習服務』。這個服務向成人的聚會,接下來在你意識到之前就敬請期待! 埠,很多機構比如華美福利會、些不想工作的人,我們真的沒有強 thanthan“We anything,”areanything,” very excited said said Young, Young, that immi who who- her her-- permanentOctoberOctober of of residency. 2005, 2005, Young, Young, whowho led led the the 敬請期待! “Before, it was a terrible place,” grationselfself wore woreis on atopa blue,blue, of the anti-staticanti-static agenda. overcoatovercoatBut managementmanagementThe president team team has in in also acquiring acquiring issued all sevall of -of 免費提供各種課程以及教育資變成大蕭條。一切都被封城。因 華埠社區中心和建橋者等組織向迫他們,因為每個人的期望都不 said Ruth Moy, executive director of weduring duringdo remain aa tourtour concerned ofof thethe facility. facility.about the Young’sYoung’s eralthethe other assetsassets executive fromfrom AdvancedAdvanced actions aimed ElectronElectron at -- 源。此,影響是蠻大的。”他說。 另一個計劃是『事業與技 “對 外提供英文教學。但是對於這些同,”Huang說。“我也正在與所有 the Greater Boston Chinese Golden Age timingconnectionconnection of this. It’s with with going her her to employees employees take time is is reformingics,ics, Inc.,Inc., formedformedconditionsCONTINUEDCONTINUED AdcotronAdcotron for immigrants ON ON EMS,EMS, PAGE PAGE Inc.Inc. 5 5 於我們公司而言,我們的收入從原 員工一起應對不確定性,我毫無頭 Center. “Building Hong Lok House re- 術教育』。本服務旗下有很多分 資源的需求遠遠大於了現有的數 to undo the damage and reverse 400 in the U.S. He is creating a task force 來的一百五十萬到突然下降到50萬 緒。” ally brought up the neighborhood.” 支創意計劃,意在向成人提供初 量。而麻州州長派屈克對英文教 changes, practices, and regulations,” that will identify children separated 美元。” 鼓勵那些在疫情期間選擇不 saidThe Millona. 39 current “It’s residents an enormous will move task. to from their parents under the former 中以及高中等更高的教育。2010 學的投資則邁向正確的方向。 a newly completed section of Hong Lok 在疫情初期,Jack Huang也暫 It’s incredibly challenging.AACAAACA …We also GraduatesGraduates NextNext STEPSTEP年,24.5%『事業與技術教育』時關閉了他的餐館。“我們不得不 ClassesClasses HIGHLIGHTSHIGHLIGHTS下續中文第六版 Housecall on in our a fewstate weeks, legislature along to with act onfour The rebuiltSee Hong page Lok 4, HouseImmigration at Essex PoliciesStreet, formerly homeless individuals. The orig- which kept original façades in front of a new 的畢業生畢業後直接決定就 PAGEPAGE 3 3 inal wood building will have its façade steel building. (Image by Ling-Mei Wong.)

DonaldTipsDonaldTips on on Tsang, howTsang, how to to BAAFFkeep BAAFFkeep your your FilmFilm 2012 2012Fes- Fes- QuincyPhase Lunar 1-Eligible New Year Senior celebrates Home Year of Residents the Snake Reflect tival,Financialtival,FinancialINSIDE C C hinatown’s hinatown’s Resolutions, Resolutions, THIS N N ew ew CDR CDR eadingISSUE eading Review Review RoomandRoomand Book Book HIGHLIGHTSand and Review ImmigrationReview Immigration Tips. Tips. BY PHOENIX TSO on Overcoming Vaccine Hesitancy PAGEPAGE 24 24 ChinatownPPP Round Coalition 2 discusses ByAfter Christine a month-long Mui delay thanks to Asians, and to reach out to the commu- “It’s very rare that you bring this INFOINFO WhenWhen are are you you considered considered over-over- Winter Storm Nemo, the 25th Annual nity with partners that provide essential many people together,” Brothers said. ChineseSamuelPAGESamuel Tsoi Tsoi 2 American looks looks into into “Ending history“Ending weight?weight? Learn Learn how how to to c c alculate alculate ChineseFor weeks,Lunar aNew coalition Year offestival local or —- services,”the first seniorsaid John homes Brothers, in the executivestate to “It’sish after especially discussing hard with to reach friends out and and SlaverySlavery in in Massachusetts” Massachusetts” in in Sam Sam-- PAGEyouryour BMI BMI 3 and and the the Great Great Ameri- Ameri- organizedganizations by and Quincy medical Asian professionals Resources directoradminister of QARI. the COVID-19 vaccine to connectlistening with to Dr. new Fauci people explain in the oncommu T.V. - pan’span’s newest newest column, column, Inalienable Inalienable elderly residents. how the vaccine uses mRNA, not a canMerchantcan Smokeout. Smokeout. Turned Fugitive Institutehave urged and Governor staffed by Charlie 200 volunteers Baker To that end, 100 vendors set up ta- nity. We didn’t want to set our goals too RightsRights to prioritize the state’s minority and Lai Chin, 74, said that initially, live virus. ‘SpoonfulPAGE 3 of Ginger’ raises — took place March 10 at North Quincy bles in the high school gymnasium to high, but we have generally had very immigrant communities during CO- she had concerns about vaccine safety Chin also said that hearing about awarenessPAGEPAGE 56 56 for Asian diabetes HighVID-19 School. vaccine distribution. Further offerand wouldinformation have preferred on essential to “wait services it positivestate-wide feedback shortages on our incentivized outreach.” her FEATUREFEATURE PhotoAtPhoto least by by Kane Kane 7,000 Carpenter Carpenter people – – Students Students attended from from the thethe AACA’s AACA’s as Next Next diverse STEP STEP program program as real line line up estate,up for for photographs photographs public after healthafter receiving receiving their their certificates certificates atat graduation.graduation. PAGE 4 slowing vaccination efforts, vaccine out” — a more prominent sentiment to get the vaccine while she had the NewAHateNewA Culture Culture Affordable Affordable Speech of of Employee Employee Housing Housing Apprecia Appreciain in Quin- Quin--- celebration,hesitancy stemming witnessing from an openinghistorical lion andamong employment, minority groups. tailored A tostate Quincy’s sur- opportunity. CVS administered her cytionPAGEcytion Center. Center. - - the the 5Adcotron Adcotron EMS EMS story story dancehealth and inequities performances persists on among two stages, eli- Chinesevey of around and Vietnamese 300 residents populations. of color the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine on Community groups call for found that 36 percent were unlikely Jan. 16, and the second dose on Feb. eatinggibleOnOn seniors Asian Friday, Friday, infood December December those from communities. several 23, 23, 2011, 2011, local the the Theclassesclasses outreach for for immigrants immigrantsportion also in inincluded the the Greater Greater vol- “It“It was was fun fun teaching teaching the the students,” students,” said said affordable≤ƒ§@™©≤ƒ§@™©中文第一版 housing to ever get vaccinated or would wait 6 right outside her door. One floor at a 中文第一版Pao Arts: restaurants,AsianAsianTwo Chinese AmericanAmerican and participating residents CivicCivic AssociationAssociation of in the various heldheld unteersBostonBoston bearing area. area. clipboards of voter reg- AlanAlan Philips, Philips, Next Next STEP STEP instructor, instructor, who who PAGE 5 activities,Brownaa graduation graduation Family including House, ceremony ceremony making who for for receiveda more morewish thanon than istrationa long time forms before in Chinese doing andso. Morethe South alsoalsotime, leftleft Brown hishis studentsstudents Family aa House workwork of ofresidents advice.advice. 華埠新聞Home華埠新聞 On our Backs “The“The students students really really appreciated appreciated be be-- athe Chinese70 70COVID-19 Next Next NewSTEP STEP Year vaccinestudents. students. wishing as part tree, of that Shorepeople YMCA fell into organizing this category a family than thefun “The“Thewere moremore instructed theythey speak speakto place EnglishEnglish a chair outsideoutside in 25inging percent honoredhonored of for for“early theirtheir adopters,” hardhard work,”work,” who saidsaid front of their doorway half an hour PAGE 6 reflectedPhase 1 of theMassachusetts’ tradition androllout spirit of the area. State Street Global Outreach spon- ofof the the classroom, classroom, the the better better they they will will Discovering simple Icelandic plan,TheThe spoke Next Next to Steps StepsSampan Transitional Transitional about the English English saidMelanieMelanie they Marcus,wantedMarcus, NexttheNext vaccine StepStep && asESOLESOL soon InIn -- learnlearnbefore inside inside their the the appointment. classroom.” classroom.” Then, CVS fare SpringProgramProgram Festival. (Next (Next STEP) STEP) provides provides free free ESL ESL soredasstructor.structor. possible. a “Green Area” where volunteers staff knocked on each door, instruct- experience and why they overcame PAGEDouzo's 8 Jack Huang their“The vaccine New hesitancy.Year festival The hasHarold many taught“I reallychildren doubted. how to Well,make theysnakes do and it ing residents when they could come goals:and Ronald To celebrate Brown the Family culture House of Quin in - standingso fast, whodrums knows out ofthe recycled long-term materi ef- - Chineseout to receiveNew Year the wishing shot. tree at the Quincy PAGE 7 cy’sBrookline Asians, is to part connect of 2Life Asians Communi and non-- als.fects? That’s what we were afraid of,” festival.Residents (Image by were Phoenix monitored Tso.) for side ties, a senior housing provider in the Chin said. She explained that over greater Boston area. It was one of time, her fears slowlySampan began publishes to dimin- every otherSee page Friday. 4, Vaccine Hesitancy For more news, please visit Sampan publishes every other Friday. 2 SAMPAN February 19, 2021 PPP: round 2 changes geared towards small businesses By Carey Lin Since the pandemic began, local then also some operating costs specifi- sible within the time frame set by the en-Burke. “For example, a significant economies and neighborhoods have cally around rent, or mortgage fees. SBA. Vice President Abby Nguyen- piece applicable to some components seen devastating challenges as busi- [...] Within the proper time period, [a Burke said, “When the first day of PPP of PPP is understanding how to calcu- nesses struggle to remain open or portion of] the amount of money that funding opened last year, like now late eligible payroll expenses includ- adjust to this new environment. The you borrowed will be forgiven, and the both businesses and banks alike were ing health and retirement benefits. We hospitality industry took the worst hit, rest turns into a loan that you'll have to faced with applying the SBA’s guide- encourage businesses to reach out to with the number of open businesses pay back to the SBA,” said Klein. lines even while they were continually their banker or lending institution and decreased to 54.6% and a 64% de- The amount of money that has to changing and being updated.” Despite to research information through the crease in revenue for small businesses be paid back, however, can be done so their efforts, the money ran out in two SBA to confirm the requirements.” in the industry. In Boston Chinatown, with very low interest rates. CPA Rich- weeks. Klein said, “A lot of big corpo- For minority business owners, and Relationship Manager at Citizens ard SooHoo said, “even though you rations snapped up PPP money right those worried about the language bar- Bank, Herb Wong said, “I know a lot have to pay it back, you don't have to away, yes, they were able to do it.” rier, both Eastern and Citizens bank of business owners, they are strug- pay any taxes on it.” Loans do not get To avoid the same problem from have partnered with local nonprofits gling. They asked me, ‘Hey should we taxed, but do include an interest rate. happening, the SBA and federal gov- in order to better service the commu- close this restaurant?’ They’re one of Specifically for the PPP loans, SooHoo ernment established further guidelines nity. Wong from Citizens Bank said, the larger restaurants in Chinatown.” said “They start off as loans. And you and policies for applicants of the loan. “[For some,] it's the language. English The CARES (Coronavirus Aid, have to pay it off with a certain interest Whereas the loan program was unavail- is their second language so they're Relief and Economic Security) Act rate [over a period of time]. The inter- able for those self-employed, it now is. discouraged and in applying for the was first enacted by the federal gov- est rate on the PPP loan is 1%.” The worst-hit hospitality businesses also PPP because they don't understand it.” ernment in the spring of 2020 to pro- Nonprofit organizations are eligible now qualify for more funds. Owner of Wong has partnered with Gilbert Ho vide economic relief. It included sup- for PPP loans as well. Senior Vice Douzo Japanese Restaurant, Jack Huang from Chinatown Main Street to better port for small businesses through the President at Eastern Bank, Yongmei said “The second PPP, for restaurants it service the community. Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Chen said, “The CARES Act specifies is 3.5 times your average monthly sal- Nguyen-Burke said, “We recog- implemented by the Small Business how nonprofit organizations may qual- ary payroll [compared to the 2.5 times nize that language barriers can be Administration (SBA). ify for a PPP loan, which has opened from the first round of PPP].” This has a challenge for some businesses as Previously, Sampan reported on up important opportunities for the significantly helped Huang’s business they seek to understand and apply for the PPP in relation to the second stim- nonprofit community.” AACA is one in supporting his employees during this PPP. It is why we have taken several ulus bill as a whole. We learned how such organization that was able to suc- time. steps to be of help. We have partnered Kwong Kow Chinese School was able cessfully apply for the PPP. However, Referring to spending the money with nonprofit support organizations, to stay afloat. In light of the “Second Klein notes that “If a person is being towards employee salaries and benefits, including AceNextGen in the Asian Draw” of PPP loans available as of paid for, by a federally funded pro- this is important for the ‘forgiveness’ community and the Hispanic Cham- January 13, Sampan sought to further gram, then you shouldn't be using PPP section, which businesses must ap- ber of Commerce in the Latino com- understand the program and how it money to pay for their salary at all.” ply for later on. Klein explained that munity, and have designated bankers differs from its predecessor. Hence, the calculations for nonprofits “whenever you use your money up, who are available to assist members “It is technically a loan from the applying for the PPP must be careful. you have a 10-month time frame to ap- of these organizations.” One can also SBA,” said Spencer Klein, CFO of If the nonprofit’s operations are cov- ply for forgiveness, and they determine access their services online or simply the Asian American Civic Associa- ered by government grants, then they whether or not you qualify for forgive- inquire about it at Eastern Bank. tion. The application and the money do not qualify for PPP loans. (And ness depending on where you had spent Despite the PPP loans, small busi- is processed by the banks. Although instead, if you apply for those then it the money.” nesses are still struggling. Wong said, it is a loan, a portion of it can be ‘for- becomes part of the loan that you need “No matter what loan an organiza- “Even though the PPP is helping given’ and does not need to be repaid to pay back.) tion qualifies for, it’s important for busi- maintain their employees and helping if it falls under certain categories of When the PPP funds first became ness owners to familiarize themselves pay for their paychecks, rent is expen- spending. “Specifically, it's used for available, banks did what they could with the documentation that’s required sive in Boston. So I think that's where salaries, and employee benefits, and to help process as many loans as pos- and to prepare in advance,” said Nguy- they're struggling too.” Beware of Telemedicine Offers From Unfamiliar Medical Providers! Telehealth or Telemedicine refers to a patient’s visit with their medical provider via computer, telephone, or another electronic device. They are particularly helpful for those who are housebound and during inclement weather. Telehealth appointments are not meant to replace all in-person visits. Deciding to take a telehealth appointment should be a discussion between you and your doctors. As a result of the novel coronavirus pandemic, telehealth services have expanded exponentially. Medicare extended coverage of telehealth services to allow

visits are billable, and we all need to do our part to better understand how telemedicine works. As telehealth expands, so does the potential exposure to fraud. • If you are contacted by anyone other than your medical provider telehealth appointment, free testing, treatment or supplies, hang up. It is a scam! Be sure your telehealth appointment is being scheduled by one of your medical providers. • Be sure to write down all your telehealth appointments in your MA SMP Personal Healthcare Journal so you can review and compare them to your Medicare • your free personal healthcare journal call 800-892-0290 and ask for the MA SMP Program. • SMP Program’s Report-A-Scam Line at 1-978-946-1243 or at [email protected]. Remember: Never give your Medicare number, your bank account information, your credit card numbers, your Social Security number, or any other personal information to anyone you do not know and trust. For additional guidance call the Massachusetts Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) Program at 800-892-0890 or visit Funded in part by ACL Grant No. 90-MPPG0051 February 19, 2021 SAMPAN 3 Sam Wah Kee: Chinatown's wealthy merchant turned fugitive During the late 1880s and 1890s, in China. In May 1894, Moy Toung You, Sam Wah Kee was the most wealthy Around this time, Sam was a Sam’s elder brother and business Chinese merchant in all of New Eng- laundryman, although he might have partner, who lived in Canton, be- land, a leader of the Chinese Free been involved in other businesses as came very ill. Sam traveled to China Masons, and the uncrowned well, and already seemed to to see his brother, who unfortunately king of Chinatown. His ulti- be making good money. The died before Sam reached him. While mate fate is unknown, as he Daily Chronicle (TN), June Sam was gone, there were allega- fled from federal authorities 5, 1884, noted that Sam’s tions that he was involved in the and apparently was never wife had “...elaborate ward- illegal immigration of Chinese over apprehended. It’s a fascinat- robe of Chinese silks, heavy the Canadian border into Vermont, ing tale of the rise and fall with embroidery and fas- although Boston officials didn’t be- of an influential Chinese tened with ornamental clasps lieve that allegation. merchant in Boston’s China- of native gold, while the Sam returned to Boston around town. Richard Auffrey wardrobe for the baby comes March 1895 but had left his wife and Sam Wah Kee, whose family name from a prominent Chinese house in children behind in China. However, was actually Ah Moy, was born on San Francisco.” he arrived with a third wife, whom October 1, 1856, in Canton, China, and In 1885, Sam was noted as help- his first two wives had chosen for came to San Francisco in 1868, when ing 22 Chinese who had been ar- him. For the next nearly six years, he was 12 years old. Sam Wah Kee rested for gambling on Sunday. Sam continued his life in Chinatown, would later become his business name, During the next fifteen years, Sam running his mercantile empire and and the name he was most commonly Wah Kee often appeared to help bail helping his community. known by. Sam likely came to San out and assist Chinese who had been Everything fell apart in January Francisco with other members of his arrested. He used his wealth to pay 1901, when Sam was arrested in family. The Moy family was very pow- bails and fines, to help the people of Maine, alleged to be involved in il- Photo courtesy of Boston Globe, August 4, 1889 erful in the U.S., and by 1890, there his community. legal immigration. After several days were more members of the Moy family It was also in 1885 that Sam was Sam Wah Kee in jail, Sam made bail but then failed than any other Chinese family in Bos- known as a local importer and mer- Moy Poy Hem and his American name to show up for his next court date. ton’s Chinatown. chant, including in the tea trade. By was Ames Hart Kee. A second feast Evidence against Sam mounted, al- Upon his arrival in the U.S., Sam 1887, he owned a grocery store at 36 was held in early January at the Parker leging he had assisted over 1000 spent five years in Salem, Oregon and Harrison Avenue, and that building House, and a number of non-Chinese Chinese illegally enter the country. a year in Chicago before he moved to also became the center for the Chi- were invited and , A year later, Sam had still not been Boston, around 1875. Sam was first nese Free Masons, of which Sam was January 9, 1889, claimed, “It will be the apprehended, and his third wife then mentioned in the local newspapers in the leader. And in 1888, it was esti- dinner of dinners in Boston this winter.” vanished from her home at 8 Oxford 1883, as part of a historic event. The mated that Sam was worth $18,000 The Boston Globe, June 30, 1889, Place. Morning Journal-Courier (CT), No- to $20,000 (roughly $500,000 in to- stated, “The wealthiest Chinaman in From the king of Chinatown to a vember 19, 1883, printed that, “The day's dollars). Boston and probably in all New Eng- wanted fugitive, Sam amassed much first child born to Chinese parents in On December 2, 1888, Sam’s land is Sam Wah Kee, who is at the wealth in the U.S., and it doesn’t ap- Boston, a girl, came into the world here wife, who was now one of only two head of the Wah Kee Company in this pear that U.S. authorities ever tried at No.33 Causeway street. The happy native Chinese wives in Boston, gave city, and one of the acknowledged to seize any of that wealth beyond parents are Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wah birth to the first Chinese baby boy leaders of the branch of his $1000 bail. Sam’s ultimate fate Kee. Mrs. Sam, who is only sixteen born in Boston. A grand feast, attend- Chinese Free Masonry.” It was also is not known, though he apparently years old, is the only pure blooded Chi- ed by about 700 Chinese was held for claimed his wealth was estimated to be eluded U.S. authorities, and he might nese woman in the city.” This was actu- this occasion, and their son received at least $100,000 (about $2.8 million in have eventually traveled back to ally Sam's second wife, his first living two names. His Chinese name was today's dollars). China with his third wife.

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4 SAMPAN February 19, 2021 COMIC SAMPAN A Publication of the AACA

87 Tyler Street Boston, MA 02111 Tel: (617) 426-9492 x 206 Fax: (617) 482-2316 Edward Hsieh [email protected]:

Assitant Editor: Carey Lin Correspondents: Shira Laucharoen, Christine Mui, Richard Auffrey, Mandy Sun, Jun Li C Translators: Immigration Policies arey Lin, Hongyu Liu, Continued from page 1 Ying Min Wang administration and reunite the fami- still don’t have a pathway. They’re COVID pretextual ban [Order suspend- Emma Le lies. He will also be suspending the still unable to protect their families. ing the right to introduce certain persons [email protected]: “Remain in Mexico” program, which They’re still not quite allowed to be from countries where a quarantinable had directed approximately 60,000 full members. These are all people communicable disease exists] that allows migrants to stay in Mexico until who have grown up here. This is the border officers to deny due process to Production: their court date in the U.S., which home that they know.” asylum seekers – that’s still in place.” He Emma Le, Carey Lin had left numerous asylum seekers in Marino said that he hopes Biden’s added, “People who have been forced into plans will eventually go farther and SAMPAN is New Eng- dangerous conditions. Biden has also refugee camps in Mexico, they have not land’s only biweekly bi- come up against challenges, as a fed- that there remains room for improve- been invited to file their applications or to lingual English-Chinese eral judge in Texas has temporarily ment. He said that he would like to enter.” newspaper. Sampan fosters blocked the administration’s 100-day see a rethinking of detention practices Marcony Almeida-Barros, director of cultural understanding and moratorium on deportations of un- and a functioning asylum system in community engagement in the attorney celebrates global diversity. documented immigrants. place. He also expressed his disap- general’s office, said that there is still fear Founded in 1972, Sampan pointment that the DREAM act was is published by the Asian Director of legal services at Rian in the immigrant community that he hopes American Civic Associa- Immigrant Center Tony Marino said never passed and that immigrants the Biden administration will address tion. Sampan is distributed that while many immigrants they work whose talents continue to be put to use through policy. While economic recovery free in Chinatown and the with are relieved, there is still a great are still scape-goated in society. There and a response to the coronavirus will be Greater Boston area. All do- amount of uncertainty in the commu- has been positive rhetoric, he said, but at the top of the president’s agenda, he nations to the publication nity. Marino said that he is heartened many are waiting to see what will be said that he hopes the administration will are tax deductible. Sub- put into practice. scription: $65/year (1st to hear that DACA has been restored enact change around immigration soon, as class mail). but that it is still very much a “tempo- “We, as advocates for immigrants well. The reproduction, in rary pause in enforcement,” or a band- and people who care about the im- “For someone who has gone through whole or in part, of any aid solution. migrants in our community, have this process, you are not a hundred percent information contained “It is meaningful that the admin- been very cautiously optimistic about comforted and secure until you have a herein and prior is forbid- istration has recommitted to DACA,” the Biden administration and how green card or become a U.S. citizen,” said den without the express far they’ve been willing to go,” said written persmission of the said Marino. “That’s great news. But Almeida-Barros. He added, “There are publisher. in very real, practical terms, people Marino. “His actions have allowed us many things that they cannot do. It is an with DACA are in the same position to continue to be optimistic, without uncertain time, even though they are way that they were on January 19. They really fixing anything yet. …The CDC more relieved than they were before.”

Vaccine Hesitancy Continued from page 1 effects 15 minutes after getting in- chose to take the vaccine. has also been proliferated by the De- changed her life much, and she still noculated and received another check- Workers and residents of con- partment of Public Health in a vari- takes precautionary mask-wearing in later that day, according to Chin. As gregate settings, including senior ety of languages, including Chinese, measures. She believes we will only for side effects, Chin was surprised she residential facilities, were considered Councilor Ed Flynn told Sampan in start to see some return to normalcy “did not feel anything,” not even the a priority group within Phase One, a statement. In Boston, the city’s Age once “80% of Americans get the vac- arm muscle soreness she experiences according to the state’s vaccination Strong Commission worked with local cine, but some are still reluctant to after the flu vaccine. The same proce- plan. However, Brown Family House partners at the Greater Boston Chi- take it.” For Chin, although receiving dures were used when administering was able to complete their vaccination nese Golden Age Center, the Chinese the COVID-19 vaccine has not made the second dose. series sooner than other senior homes Progressive Association, and Boston a substantial difference, “it does make Another Brown Family House because residents were extremely ac- Senior Home Care to reach out to and me feel more secure.” resident, Jeanette Moy, 64, expressed tive in calling and writing letters to navigate vaccine access for Boston's doubts about the vaccine at first too. “I Gov. Baker’s office, requesting for Chinese seniors 75 and older. didn’t really want to take the vaccine their prioritization. The commission has scheduled on- yet because there’s not enough data, Chin said she felt fortunate to get site vaccine clinics for several senior- Commercial and I wanted to wait until April.” Moy the vaccine before her other relatives living buildings in the city. Moreover, said that because she lives in an elder- living in senior housing even received Boston residents age 75 and older can ly housing complex and the virus’s se- notifications. “They asked me, ‘When request assistance with vaccine enroll- space for Rent verity, she agreed to for herd immunity did you get it? How can I get it?,” ment by calling 311 and asking for the reasons. “Because this is a virus, and Chin said. “At the same time, people Age Strong Commission, or by calling it can kill you — that’s why I’m tak- are having difficulties making -ap the State at 211. ing it. But normally, I don’t take other pointments on the computer. So that Still, Moy points to another po- Tai Tung Village vaccines, like I don’t take the flu shot makes me say, ‘Oh I am lucky.’” tential barrier for those not living in because when I take it, I get very sick Those in the current Phase 2 roll- senior homes: the lack of vaccine sites Boston Chinatown for three weeks,” Moy added. out have been plagued with barriers to near Chinatown, a problem plaguing Moy was fatigued for a few days getting vaccinated like limited doses many other Boston neighborhoods 1346 SF following her first dose. After receiv- and the state’s reportedly not user- and towns across the state. Currently, ing the second dose of the Pfizer vac- friendly website. To address some of the closest mass vaccination site is the Available 12/15/2020 cine, she said she experienced stronger these concerns, the Baker administra- Reggie Lewis Center in Roxbury. “Are flu-like symptoms, such as a migraine, tion announced a new call center for they going to have a site for Asian dizziness, and slight fever. assisting residents 75 and older with people to get the vaccine someplace All Brown Family House residents scheduling vaccine appointments. The nearby?,” Moy asked. “Some places Please call were given a consent form beforehand 211 hotline offers translation services are hard for them to go to because and allowed to opt out. Approximately in 100 languages. some don't have transportation.” 617-4233-5900 90% of residents and all staff members Literature regarding vaccinations Moy said the vaccine has not February 19, 2021 SAMPAN 5 Tech companies must address hate speech aimed at BIPOC By Jun Li As tech companies have grown “We don’t allow fake profiles or enti- Hsieh reached out one last time, moderators over basic algorithms, be- increasingly prevalent, moderation, ties.” this time pointing out the current cause detecting hate speech is “highly especially in regards to hateful or dis- When Hsieh reached out to Linke- state of racism in social media — subjective, contextual and cultural.” criminatory content, has as well. dIn to report the two violations, how- specifically with sites like Parler be- Zhang also said that for companies, While most tech companies have ever, LinkedIn dismissed the case, stat- coming widespread. determining what is free speech or what policies that clearly delineate what is ing, “There’s nothing there.” However, unlike the other two is hate speech is a difficult matter to free speech and what is hate speech, Hsieh said that after receiving times, Hsieh said he received a mes- resolve. for some — such as LinkedIn — en- LinkedIn’s initial response, he reached sage from LinkedIn asking for “as “Where do we care more about so- forcing those policies is what has be- out to their Safety Center to further much details” as possible. cietal harm and helping marginalized come problematic. clarify why the message was harassing. Despite LinkedIn finally ac- people versus respecting people's indi- Edward Hsieh, chief operating “I gave him some context, and I knowledging the hateful message, vidual freedoms?” Zhang said. officer of the Asian American Civic think the biggest problem is that there Hsieh still expressed disappointment In Hsieh’s case, his last message Association (AACA), said he received were no clear words in there saying at the long process it took to get where LinkedIn asked for more details a harassing message from a LinkedIn ‘Asian’ because the person was smart there. about the message most likely went burner-profile accusing him of being enough not to say anything about “The fact is that it took me three through human moderation rather than a “spy from a foreign country” and ‘Asian,’” Hsieh said. “Instead, they messages before they even acknowl- a default algorithm designed to quickly threatening to “report [him] to the of- abbreviated AACA and used the term edged there might be a problem,” determine whether the content was ficials.” foreign.” Hsieh said. hateful or not. In their community policies, Hsieh also pointed out the current According to Amy Zhang, an Despite this response, Hsieh said LinkedIn states that they prohibit con- “high levels” of anti-Asian racism due assistant professor at University of his biggest problem with the company tent that “incites or threatens hatred, to the pandemic, but even after this Washington, focusing on social com- was their inability to enforce their own violence … or discriminatory action” second message, LinkedIn closed and puting and human-computer interac- policies. because of “race, ethnicity, national dismissed the case again. tion, most tech companies typically “They are, by all measures, [in- origin caste, gender, gender identity, “Even when I took the step of ex- rely on a combination of algorithms dividuals] of private corporations, sexual orientation, religious affilia- plaining to him that this is not just me and human moderation to detect hate meaning they can set their own terms,” tion, or disability status.” being mad at a potential spam [mes- speech. Hsieh said. “But the fact is, they're not Additionally, LinkedIn prohibits sage],” Hsieh said, “they still close it Zhang emphasized, however, that even following their own terms, based creating false profiles, clearly stating, down.” companies most likely rely on human on what I saw.” Pamelyn Chee on being an Asian OLD FIELD ESTATES A NEW AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT actress and upcoming film “Boogie” 4 A ordable Duplex Units For Sale By Carey Lin Off 44-46 Rhode Island Road, Lakeville, MA ( 1, 5, 10 & 14 Old Field Way ) Singaporean actress Pamelyn nobody in the intersection of East and Chee fell in love with acting when she West as much as you. Because when was seven, playing her first role as a he gave us the lines of the script, it was 3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Bath Townhouses $240,000 duck in a performance with a Chinese in English, but because this character Dance Troupe. speaks in a way that she mashes both AFFORDABLE HOUSING LOTTERY “I really enjoy the kind of feeling languages all the time, so I had trans- Middleborough Housing Authority - Lottery Agent where you’re just 100% there. Acting lated the script to a way in which I is the only sort of thing that provides thought she would speak.” that feeling of being present,” said When asked about how Asian audi- Income Limits apply Chee. “It was 99% foolishness and ences might feel about portraying such Household Size Maximum Income 1% determination to never give up. a strict ‘tiger mom’ on screen, Chee …This was truly what I wanted to responded with a smile. “This is the 3 $68,550 do, and I was okay with failing, and I thing. Eddie taught me something very 4 $76,150 failed so many times that my skin is important, which is to be proud of who 5 $82,250 so thick, it no longer bothers me like you are,” she said. “...I think Eddie 6 $88,350 it did initially. …I was foolish enough shows the good, the bad, and the ugly. to never give up, and here I am.” And you guys can decide what it is. Being an actor, like any gig-based He’s not trying to be defensive about Applications may be obtained at: career, is entirely dependent on the the image of the Asian mom, and I defi- Middleborough Housing Authority (MHA) 8 Benton St Middleboro, MA project you have had the opportunity nitely did not try to salvage that kind of 02346 to work with. Chee said, “What I’ve proper, ‘she should be this type of way’ MHA website: under Links/Applications learned is to have zero expectations, ...Let the audience decide. We’re not here to tell you what to think.” because everytime I have a big project For more information, request an application or reasonable coming out, I think that I’m going to In the Western entertainment and do so well, and then this whole thing film industry, there has always been accommodation, please contact MHA at 508.947.3824 or send email to crashes ...And then things that I had a lack of Asian representation. Even [email protected] like no expectations of, sometimes when there is an opportunity for Asians they just do really, really good.” to be cast, the role would oftentimes be Informational Sessions will be via Zoom meetings; Logins are: Chee stars in Eddie Huang’s soon given to a white counterpart. Saturday January 30, 2021 @2:00pm ID # 995 6317 8345 PW 122712 to be released film, "Boogie". Pre- “Now it seems that the casting Thursday February 4, 2021 @ 6:00pm ID # 947 2040 7781 PW 047123 miering on March 5, the film follows people want somebody that is com- a talented Chinese American high pletely Asian when they’re looking for schooler who dreams of playing bas- ‘Asian’. Whereas like 10 years ago, Deliver application to: ketball in the NBA. From the film’s or when I started out, they preferred Middleborough Housing Authority 8 Benton St, Middleboro 02346 trailer, it is revealed that Chee’s char- somebody who is like half-asian to play acter is a ‘mom who is responsible, these asian roles,” Chee said. Lottery Applications due or postmarked no later than 2:00 pm March but doesn’t believe in [her son].’ For many, finding similar opportuni- 22, 2021 Auditioning for the role was a no- ties in Asia was equally hard. In Asia, brainer for Chee. She said, “I grew some also preferred to cast half-white The Developer and the Lottery Agent do not discriminate on the basis of race, up with eight aunties on each side. … individuals for lead roles. Chee spoke religion, color, national origin, disability, age, ancestry, children, familial status, So I kind of just mixed and matched to what frustrates her the most. genetic information, marital status, public assistance recipient, sex, sexual that to present who I think this woman “You’re never Asian enough to the orientation, gender identity, veteran/military status, or any other basis prohibited was. The moment I read the script, I Asians, and you’re never white enough by law. knew who this woman was. Because to the whites. Even if you’re just right we all have this crazy auntie back in smack in the middle of that intersec- Limited English Pro ciency (LEP): MHA encourages applicants with diverse Asia right?” tion of being Asian and white… I feel Just a couple of weeks later, Chee like this is kind of why [Huang] made backgrounds to apply. For those with Limited English Pro ciency, MHA will utilize signed the contract to play the role. this film. To show where he is,” said a Language Line Service which will provide translation services in a multitude of Curious as to why she was casted, Chee. “[When working on "Boogie"] languages. MHA will call the service to explain the need and an interpreter Chee asked the writer-director him- I think everybody went in excited, be- translates the information to the applicant self. cause they finally got to do a story that “There are so many actresses here was not white-washed. That they could that can play this role. How is it even be themselves and be in the universe me?” said Chee. “He said that there’s which was real to them.” 6 SAMPAN February 19, 2021

Plymouth Affordable Housing Lottery The Reserve at Spring Hill Sandy Pines 47 Spring Street, Rehoboth MA Affordable Housing Lottery $288,000 for a 2BR duplex (HOA fees are $42/mo); $320,700 for a 3BR single family (HOA fees are $42/mo) The affordable homes will be ready for occupancy in Summer of 2021 Eleven 2BR Single Family Homes for $206,000 This is a lottery for the 10 affordable homeownership units being built at Sandy Pines in Plymouth, MA. Of the 10 units, six are 2BR duplexes, and four are 3BR single family homes. These ten homes w/ ($87/mo HOA fees) will be sold at an affordable price to households with incomes at or below 80% of the Area Median The first affordable homes will be ready in Summer of 2021. Income. Homes will feature unfinished basements, vinyl siding and shutters, double hung

windows, white cabinets in the kitchens and bathroom, granite countertops, in unit laundry, and This is a lottery for 11 affordable units being built in the first 4 Phases at Reserve at Spring Hill. large closets, and will contain between 1,296 and 1,632 square feet of living space, and come These 11 units will be sold at affordable prices to households with incomes at or below 80% of the equipped with 1.5 bathrooms, a yard, and a driveway. The community will feature tree lined area median income. streets, an open field area for games, picnics, and neighborhood events, and a playground, and is located just minutes from the highway. Reserve at Spring Hill will have a community center with a full working kitchen, gym and patio/barbeque area. Homes have 2 full baths, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, great room, dining room and a Maximum Household Income Limits: study. The home will come with a 2-car garage and concrete paver driveway to fit approximately 4 $67,400 (1 person), $77,000 (2 person), $86,650 (3 person), cars. Homes are built on a slab and have a concrete covered patio area in the rear of the home. $96,250 (4 person), $103,950 (5 person); $111,650 (6 person) Lawns come with underground sprinkler system. Front walkway is concrete pavers. Central A/C, gas fired forced hot air heating. Navien tankless hot water system. Vinyl flooring in the kitchen, The Maximum Household Asset Limit is $75,000. bathroom and laundry areas, carpet in the great room, bedrooms and study areas. All counter tops will be laminate. All colors/style are from builder selections. Appliances are refrigerator, Completed Applications and Mortgage Pre-Approvals must be received, or postmarked, by 2 pm microwave, dishwasher and electric range. Washer/Dryers are not included. th on April 6 , 2021. Applications and Pre-Approvals postmarked by the deadline must be received no later than 5 business days from the deadline. Maximum Household Income Limits: $48,750 (1 person), $55,700 (2 people), $62,650 (3 people), $69,600 (4 people) th A Public Info Session will be held on March 10 , 2021, at 6pm via YouTube (or just search for SEB Housing) and via Conference Call – (425) 436- The Maximum Household Asset Limit is $75,000. 6200. Code: 862627 For more information on the Development, the Units or the Lottery and Application Process or for th The lottery will be on April 19 , 2021 at 6pm via YouTube at (or reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities, please visit: or call just search SEB Housing) and conference call – (425) 436-6200. Code: 862627 617.782.6900 x2. A Public Info Session will be held on March 17th, 2021 at 6:00pm via YouTube at (or just search for SEB Housing) and via Conference Call – (425) 436- For Lottery Information and Applications, or for reasonable accommodations for persons with 6200. Code: 862627. The lottery will be on April 26th, 2021, at 6 pm. disabilities, go to or call (617) 782-6900 (x2) and leave a message, or postal mail SEB Housing, 257 Hillside Ave, Needham MA 02494. Free translation available. Traducción Applications and Required Income Documentation must be delivered, not postmarked, by 2 pm gratuita disponible on April 12th, 2021.


Affordable Housing Lottery Affordable Housing Lottery The Val Dwell85 164 Lexington Road, Billerica, MA 85 Plymouth Street, Bridgewater, MA 02324

25 1BRs @ $1,376*, 23 2BRs @ $1,500 *, 5 3BRs @ $1,638* 1BRs @ $1,298*, 2BRs @ $1,545*, 3BRs @ $1,771* Tenant pays utilities: gas heating, gas hot water, electric cooking, electricity, water and sewer. *Rents subject to change. Tenants will pay own gas Heat, gas Water Heating, Electricity One parking spot is included in the rent. (cooking is electric). Water and sewer are included.

Maximum Household Income Limits: $54,950 (1 person), $62,800 (2 people), $70,650 (3 people), Dwell85 is a transit-oriented multifamily residential development consisting of 58 units. $78,500 (4 people), $84,800 (5 person), $91,100 (6 people) The project is located in downtown Bridgewater, steps away from Bridgewater State University and the Bridgewater MBTA commuter rail station. The project features four The Val will be comprised of 211 rental units in one 6-story building, situated on over residential levels and surface Parking. All units have full kitchens including stone four acres of land with tremendous visibility along the intersection of the Middlesex countertops, stainless steel appliances and high-quality cabinets. The living areas have Turnpike and Lexington Road. 53 of the units will be rented to households with annual been designed to feature oversized windows, 9-foot ceilings and wood LVT flooring. incomes not exceeding 80% of AMI adjusted for family size as determined by HUD. All materials will be high quality and durable. The common areas are designed to be Tenants will enjoy first class amenities including fully-enclosed garage parking with multi-functional throughout the day providing for a variety of uses and social direct covered access into the building, an expansive southerly facing courtyard gatherings. Built- in booth seating and communal tables drive collaboration and featuring a pool, barbeque grills, fire pit, and lounge seating, a two-floor fitness facility community building, with common area elements selected both for their durability and featuring state-of-the-art strength and cardio equipment, coworking spaces, a library their upscale design. lounge, clubroom, storage, and other amenities consistent with a full-service apartment community. There will be 2,750 sf retail space on the ground floor level fronting the MAXIMUM Household Income Limits: intersection. $53,350 (1 person), $60,950 (2 people), $68,550 (3 people) $76,150 (4 people), $82,250 (5 people), $88,350 (6 people) Completed Applications and Required Income Documentation must be delivered, or postmarked, by 2 pm on March 29th, 2021. Applications postmarked by the deadline Completed Applications and Required Income Documentation must be received, not must be received no later than 5 business days from the deadline. postmarked, by 2 pm on April 9th, 2021.

A Public Information Session will be held on February 22nd, 2021 at 6:00pm via YouTube A Public Info Session will be on March 3rd, 2021 at 6 pm via YouTube at at (or just search for SEB Housing) and via Conference (or just search for SEB Housing) and via Conference Call – Call (425) 436-6200. Code: 862627. (425) 436-6200. Code: 862627. The lottery will be held on April 21st, 2021.

The Lottery will be held on April 8th, 2021 at 6:00pm via YouTube at For Lottery Information and Applications, or for reasonable accommodations for (or just search SEB Housing) and via conference call persons with disabilities, go to or call (617) 782-6900 (x1) and (425) 436-6200. Code: 862627 leave a message or postal mail SEB Housing, 257 Hillside Ave, Needham MA 02494. For TTY Services dial 711. Free translation available. For Lottery Information and Applications, or for reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities, go to or call (617) 782-6900x1 and leave a message or postal mail SEB Housing, 257 Hillside Ave, Needham MA 02494. For TTY Services dial 711. Free translation available. Traducción gratuita disponible.

SCAN HERE February 19, 2021 SAMPAN 7 Wen-hao Tien wields metaphorical meanings in Home On our Backs By Mandy Sun “We believe mountains can be This newfound perspective as an people could relate to. That was moved, that worlds exist within a rock, “accepted outsider” influenced her ex- the purpose of the work. Nobody and respond emotionally to the color hibition heavily. She feels that “it pro- really owns the work,” Tien ex- red.” These metaphorical words per- vides a comparative understanding and pressed. fectly exemplify Wen-Hao Tien’s new leverage to speak and feel” that many The exhibition is best expe- exhibit at the Pao Arts Center: Home Chinatown residents struggle with. rienced in person. Some of her on our Backs. Each of the five art pieces serves works are even interactive. Dusts Originally, Tien is trained in cal- as a portion of her migration and self- to Mountain is a box built for ligraphy and monochrome works, reflection story in relation to those of explosives and filled to the brim but she has recently taken a turn into the community residents. Each is care- with sawdust. It symbolizes the colorful art that expresses particular story of the Chinese contribution fully created and selected by Tien, who Photo courtesy of Warren Patterson Photography community concerns. “I wanted to re- foraged for each specific material used to the Transcontinental rail- Wen-hao Tien's Home on Our Backs: Dust to veal what’s less visible to outsiders,” within her artwork. The Red Dress is road and a traditional Chinese Mountains, Red Dress, and Nostalgia at the remarked Tien. Given the amount of made out of red plastic bags that bore a folklore where a man claims to Pao Arts Center 2021. discourse that emerged from COVID, similar resemblance to the ones at Chi- move a mountain. As immigra- she wanted to use her platform to cre- nese supermarkets. To Tien, they are a tion to America can be seen foolish to the box, one can build a mountain ate understanding, authenticity, and familial metaphor to her parents. some, the folklore man could be seen through each singular effort,” stated connection through relatability. Not only is this red color prevalent foolish for his word. Tien. As Tien only immigrated to China- within the dress, but it is seen within However, Tien twists the meaning Home on Our Backs opened last town 30 years ago from Taiwan, she the statues of Guan Yu. These statues into a positive optimistic one. When Thursday and will stay open until always viewed herself as an outsider were molded and created with trans- people visit the exhibition, they can June. One can check out the virtual to the old Chinese community. It was parent resin so that the insides could shake the box and see sawdust drop exhibition on Pao Art’s website or only through the guidance of com- show red string and chili pepper. These through the box’s holes and into the book an appointment to see it in per- munity members like Eugene Mahr, symbols were purposed to bring out an ground. Eventually, sawdusts soon col- son. Hopefully, this visit could foster Nancy Lo, and Tunney Lee that she emotional attachment to home as well, lects into a mountainous shape. “This conversation and self reflection about was able to catch a glimpse of what as Tien sees Guan Yu as a link to loy- is supposed to represent the grassroots the status of Chinatown today and life was like as an Asian American alty and family to Taishanese people. efforts of Chinatown. By shaking the urgent care it needs for the future. within Chinatown. While she was able With the fast-paced changes of gen- to visit the family association of Chi- trification and displacement, the China- natown, she felt that, “[she] was only town of 30 years ago is much different able to have access to that because from the Chinatown today that’s filled Terrapin Ridge of the community members. It was a with boba tea shops and luxury condos. privilege.” She hopes that the exhibit will allow Despite that access, she struggled outsiders and young people to catch a to engage in conversation with many tiny glimpse into the lives of traditional 1-31 Terrapin Ridge, Sandwich, MA 02563 members, believing that “much of the Chinatown and connect with it. men in Chinatown weren’t talkers, “Certain things that I picked out Terrapin Ridge o ers modern luxuries at a price you can a ord! Our spacious one, they were doers.” This privilege of from these 5 to 7 works were things two and three-bedroom apartments o er a contemporary design that’s meeting these long lineages of China- that I felt in common with the Chinese convenient and attractive. Our beautiful community provides an exceptional town residents but never truly fitting people. There are things that we can lifestyle setting with serene comfort and easy access to Route 6 and community in, created this phenomenon, which all relate to, and I wanted to use these resources. Wen Hao likes to call an “accepted few works in the exhibition to create outsider”. abstract objects that different groups of Apartment Features: Community Amenities: • Heat & Hot Water • Energy Star • Community • Community Included Appliances Building Garden • Open Floor Plan • Dishwasher • O street Parking • Laundry Center Access Coordinator/Resident Liaison • Quality Cabinetry • Cable & Internet • Playground & Windows Ready • Outdoor Seating Boston, MA, USA Req #7353 • Patio Space • Emergency Areas Maintenance WinnCompanies is searching for an organized and customer- LOCATION, COMMUNITY,& QUALITY LIVING STARTS HERE focused Access Coordinator to join our team at Castle Square located in Boston, MA. REQUEST AN APPLICATION TODAY: VISIT: EMAIL: [email protected] Responsibilities CALL: (617) 209-5438 / Relay: 711 - Act as a liaison between residents, owners, management company, and contractors. Lock and unlock apartments daily SUBMIT YOUR COMPLETED APPLICATION: Online at and ensure that apartments are left clean at the end of each By Email: [email protected] day. By Mail: Terrapin Ridge, c/o Maloney Properties, Inc., 27 Mica Lane, 3rd Floor, - Coordinate and update construction work schedules with Wellesley, MA 02481 residents to ensure apartment renovations stay on schedule. Informational Zoom meetings will be held on February 23, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. - Attend construction job meetings. and March 6, 2021 at 12:00 pm. - Inform and educate residents on renovation work to be Get details and stay updated by visiting us at done in their apartments and the level of access that will be Priority will be given to applications received on or before the lottery deadline: Friday, April 2, 2021. Applications must be postmarked by this date at 5:00 p.m. required by contractors. The lottery drawing will be held on Friday, April 9, 2021. | Applicants do not have to - Minimize the inconvenience of in-unit construction on the attend the lottery to be entered. residents. Set up and coordinate hospitality units. *Maximum Gross Annual Income for Eligibility (per Household Size) Income Number of Household Members Requirements limit One Two Three Four Five Six - Associate’s degree 30% $20,300 $23,200 $26,100 $29,000 $31,350 $35,160 - 1 year of related experience 60% $40,620 $46,380 $52,200 $57,960 $62,640 $67,260 - Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite *Monthly Rental Rates Notes: *Rates & Income limits subject to change. ** Applicants for three (3) 30% MRVP units and eight - Fluent in written traditional Chinese and spoken Cantonese Number of Bedrooms (8) 30% Section 8 PBV units must meet selection dialect of Chinese criteria and eligibility for subsidy assistance through 1 Bedroom 2 Bedroom 3 Bedroom Housing Assistance Corp (HAC) **Rent based on Income For more information orif you or a family member has a disability or How to apply: $1,087 $1,305 $1,507 limited English pro ciency, and as a result need assistance completing the application and/or requireany assistanceduring the Go to and find Req #7353 applicationprocess,please call(617) 209-5438 |Relay:711 8 SAMPAN February 19, 2021 Douzo owner Jack Huang on persevering through the pandemic By Carey Lin Boston Chinatown restaurants are always have approximately 300,000 some of the worst-hit businesses dur- students and staff as consumers con- ing the COVID-19 pandemic. Several tributing to the economy. But not this places have closed down without time.” knowing if they will reopen again. With some of his restaurants still What many businesses had thought closed today, Huang said they are op- would be a temporary closure a year erating at half the production and rev- ago still remains today. Douzo Sushi enue-generating capacity compared to Owner Jack Huang said, “Asian res- before. “From 250-300 [employees], taurants actually took a big hit. In gen- we downsized to only 84 people. The eral, the hospitality industry has been people who didn’t want to work, we destroyed.” Despite that, Huang’s really didn’t force them because ev- business has persevered, and he shared eryone has different expectations,” in an interview with Sampan how they said Huang. “I’m dealing with uncer- managed to stay open. tainty with all my employees as well, Huang described the pandemic as I have no clue.” devastating to witness. “I think that Those who chose not to work dur- Hongyu/Sampan 99% of people would never really ing the pandemic were encouraged “Asian restaurants actually took a big hit. In general, the hospitality industry has believe in a million years that the pan- to apply for unemployment benefits been destroyed.” demic will last that long. […] In the while others switched to working part- Huang. “I always believe the wellbe- situations. So throughout this time we US, it was almost like, from a Great time. Those paid on a salary, includ- ing of my employees is my responsi- correct ourselves to state and local Gatsby party, and the next thing you ing managers, “we fund their salary bility, not the government’s. Because government guidelines, laws, and then know it became the Great Depression. 100% throughout, including bonuses, they are in a much better, happier how to have our people comply with Everything was locked down. So the allowance, whatever that needs to be. place, guess what? Their productivity it,” he said. “The point is, the one who [impacts] are huge,” he said. “For our Basically [...] I’m trying to make this becomes better.” is able to survive us today you will company, we went from a million and as normal as possible even during the Most importantly, Huang be- come out better and stronger. So my a half in revenue to suddenly dropping pandemic,” said Huang. lieves that they can get through this advice is I think that everybody needs down to $500,000.” Moreover, he has chosen to take by adapting to the situation as they to reinvent themselves, and adapt to Early in the pandemic, Huang also the time to prioritize the wellbeing of change. “It’s really how you adapt to the situation and hang in there.” temporarily shut down his restaurants. his employees further. He said, “The “We had to shut down and deal with first thing I thought is: What can I do all the problems we had, and we did to make them feel a sense of secu- not know what was going on. … At rity?” When employees brought up first, I was very optimistic that hope- the concern about taking public trans- fully this will go away in a couple of port, Huang decided to subsidize their months, or a couple weeks, becoming trips via rideshare apps. In addition, a couple months, a couple months be- with some help from PPP loans, he came a couple of years.” has been able to pay for 100% of his This is a completely novel experi- employees’ health benefits since the ence for Huang. Having been in Bos- pandemic began. ton since the late 80s, he said nothing “Our philosophy of operating compares to the impact of the pan- business is a principle of family. So demic. Huang said, “Boston is a very you ask me, who am I? I’m the head dynamic market. No matter what, you of household. I’m the father,” said Photo courtesy of Douzo ENROLLMENT FOR SEPTEMBER 2021 IS NOW OPEN TOWN OF MEDWAY Application Deadline is February 28th Affordable Housing Lottery Timber Crest Estates Boston Renaissance is a Pre-K through Grade 6 charter public school open to all students in Boston. Enrollment is open to students entering 3 Bd - $ 317,700 4 Bd - $343,800 K1-Grade 4, and is determined by lottery, which will be held on March 9th, 2021. To enter the lottery, please visit 3 or 4 Bedroom, 1.5 Bath Single-Family Homes

Boston Renaissance integrates high-quality academic instruction with HH LIMIT excellent visual and performing arts programs, including piano, violin, chorus, dance, visual arts, physical education, and technology classes. 1 $67,400 BRCPS proudly welcomes and serves all students, including those with special education and English language needs. With high academic 2 $77,000 standards and a well-rounded curriculum, we help students develop the confidence,BRCPS does character,not discriminate and skills on the to succeed.basis of race, color, creed, sex, national 3 $86,650 origin, ethnicity, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, mental or physical disability, age, ancestry, homelessness, special needs, English 4 $96,250 language proficiency or foreign language proficiency, athletic ability or prior academic achievement. 5 $103,950

6 $111,650 Boston Renaissance Charter Public School Applications are available at: 1415 Hyde Park Ave. Hyde Park MA 02136 Zoom Public Q&A Workshop 617-357-0900 Mar 2, 2021 07:00 PM Medway Town Hall 155 Village Street Medway, MA 02053 j/99414760722pwd=VWdzRW1QaDBXWlBlZj F0REdidG5idz09 Delphic Associates Meeting ID: 994 1476 0722 Passcode: 546714 651 Orchard St, Suite 308 New Bedford, MA 02744 Applications must be received by March 24, 2021 Also available online at Lottery Drawing is April 6, 2021 Must be income and asset qualified first-time home buyers. Assets cannot exceed $75,000.

Call Dawn at Delphic Associates for more information and an application 508-994-4100