Phase 1-Eligible Senior Home Residents Reflect on Overcoming

Phase 1-Eligible Senior Home Residents Reflect on Overcoming

TheTheTheThe onlyonly onlyonly bilingualbilingual bilingualbilingual Chinese-EnglishChinese-English Chinese-EnglishChinese-English NewspaperNewspaper NewspaperNewspaper inin inin NewNew NewNew EnglandEngland EnglandEngland 全紐英倫區唯一的中英雙語雙週報全紐英倫區唯一的中英雙語雙週報全紐英倫區唯一的中英雙語雙週報全紐英倫區唯一的中英雙語雙週報 2013年3月22日 - 4月4日 MarchFebruaryJanuaryJanuary 22 19,- 6April6 2021 -- JanuaryJanuary 4, - March2013 20,20, 4, 2012 20122021 Vol. 49, Issue No. 11 2021年2月19日 2012年1月6日~2012年1月6日~2012年9月14日 - 2021年3月4日 1月20日 1月20日- 9月27日 AdvocatesAAHong CultureCulture Lok cautiouslyofofHouse EmployeeEmployee expands optimistic AppreciationAppreciation to house 英文成人基礎教育項目的重要性Douzo老闆Jack Huang more Chinese seniors Adcotron堅持不懈地渡過疫情Adcotron黃秋虹報導 EMS,EMS, IncInc aboutAdcotronAdcotron Biden’s EMS,EMS, immigration Inc.Inc. policies BYBy ShiraLING-MEI Laucharoen WONG 儘管連邦承諾在英文學習以尊重員工價值尊重員工價值林映彤 報導 及成人基礎教育上投資贊助,但 是研究顯示很多項目只能為少數 的移民提供此類服務。不難理解當一個人進入Adcotron不難理解當一個人進入Adcotron EMS公司玻璃大門時所獲得的EMS公司玻璃大門時所獲得的 那種振奮之情。不僅環境一塵不染--公司在南波士頓海洋工業園那種振奮之情。不僅環境一塵不染--公司在南波士頓海洋工業園麻州州長派屈克在其FY2014 所佔的35,000平方英尺中珍珠白的牆壁到處可見──而且以一個高提案中提出向州立公民項目分配所佔的35,000平方英尺中珍珠白的牆壁到處可見──而且以一個高 資助100萬美金, 同比增長321% 度組織的方式呈現,複雜程度不同的芯片製造機與相映的組件與主。度組織的方式呈現,複雜程度不同的芯片製造機與相映的組件與主 板合併板合併州長派屈克在近期出席一 。但是據公司的CEO幾主席Agnes。但是據公司的CEO幾主席Agnes Young介紹,AdcotronYoung介紹,Adcotron 個媒體討論會中說道:「麻州, PhotoPhoto by by Agnes Agnes Young Young – – The The employees employees of of Adcotron Adcotron EMS, EMS, Inc. Inc. 成功的真正秘訣並不在于高技術機械或者生產衍生的綜合產品,而成功的真正秘訣並不在于高技術機械或者生產衍生的綜合產品,而 就好像美國這個國家一樣,是因 在於穿著藍色防靜電外套的員工們:他們在公司隨處可見,有的負在於穿著藍色防靜電外套的員工們:他們在公司隨處可見,有的負 為這些來自五湖四海的朋友才變 責控制按鈕,有的負責檢查組件,有的負責轉動錶盤,有的通過顯得更加富足美好。這些移民為我責控制按鈕,有的負責檢查組件,有的負責轉動錶盤,有的通過顯 ItIt isis notnot difficultdifficult toto understandunderstand thethe unmistakableunmistakable –– everyevery employeeemployee cheerfulcheerful feelingfeeling oneone getsgets whenwhen enen-- turningturning to to greet greet her her as as she she made made her her 微鏡觀察整套設備。們的國家和社會做出了很大的貢微鏡觀察整套設備。 Hongteringtering Lok residents through through with the the Ruth glass glass Moy doors doors (second of of Ad fromAd-- right).wayway (Image aroundaround courtesy explainingexplaining of Rogerson thethe Commuintricaintrica--- Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons 獻。他們使我們更加富強,壯“我的員工們比任何事都重要。”Young介紹說。“我的員工們比任何事都重要。”Young介紹說。 照片由Douzo提供 nities.)Presidentcotroncotron EMS, JoeEMS, Biden Inc. Inc. NotonNot Inauguration only only is is the the envi envi Day-- cieswithcies of hisof each eachwife machine Jillmachine Biden. and and station. station. 大。因此如何對待這些移民將會 ronmentronment spotlessspotless -- thethe pearlypearly whitewhite “亞洲餐館實際上受到了很大的衝擊。總體而言,酒店及餐飲業已被摧毀。” Hong Lok House may look old on preserved and be replaced by the new in- 州長派屈克。圖片由州長辦事處提供。 wallswallsCity representatives visiblevisible allall aroundaround and advocatesthethe 35,00035,000 anAdcotron,Adcotron, immigration aa agendapremierpremier that ElectronicsElectronics serves our 決定我們的將來。」 (詳文請見反面中文第一版)(詳文請見反面中文第一版) the outside, but that’s just its façade. terior building. 在COVID-19疫情期間,波士 關閉並處理我們遇到的所有問題, havesquaresquare said thatfoot foot presidentlot lot the the company company Joe Biden’s occupies occupies Commonwealth.ContractContract ManufacturingManufacturing It is a divided service serviceCon- Past its four different exteriors, a new “What’s important is being able to 頓唐人街的餐館是受災最嚴重的企的確, 新移民的未來由他 業,50%的學生直接入學公共大我們不知道會發生什麼事。……起 newestinin SouthSouth immigration Boston’sBoston’s policies MarineMarine have IndustrialIndustrial gress;(EMS)(EMS) it willproviderprovider take time thatthat to specializesspecializes reverse and inin steel building with high ceilings, wood live in Chinatown where the services 們的英文程度決定。根據波士頓業。一些地方已經關閉,不知道是 學。但是項目中僅有一小部份的初,我非常樂觀,希望這種情況將 broughtParkPark -them- butbut inhope,in aa supremelysupremely but that there organizedorganized is eliminatemanufacturingmanufacturing those policies. lowlow toto mediummedium volvol-- floors and large windows overlooks Es- are,” said Anne Morton Smith, vice pres- stillmanner,manner, skepticism highly-automatedhighly-automated in the community. equipequip -- umeumeBiden complexcomplex has also electronicelectronic proposed assembliesassemblies the U.S. 基金會的調查報告顯示,在麻否會再次開門做生意。許多企業以 學生在成人基礎教育。在幾個月或幾週內消失,直到幾個 sex Street. ident of development and community Whilementment Biden’s placeplace sweeping componentscomponents reforms onon boards boardshave Citizenshipandand systemssystems Act integrationintegration of 2021, which, forfor aa broadifbroad 州,一個會說流利英語的移民平為一年前可能會暫時關閉,直到今 月,再到幾個月成為幾年。”但是人數容量的問題也暫緩 Located next to public transportation, relations for Rogerson Communities, an appearedwithwith precisionprecision bold, it will andand likely efficiency.efficiency. take time HowHow -- passed,rangerange ofwouldof industriesindustries create an includingincluding eight-year medimedi -- 天仍然存在。DouzoHappy New Sushi店主Jack Year! 對於Huang來說,這是一次全 restaurants and luxury condos, Hong Lok elder-service nonprofit developer that 均年收入是$38,526Happy New 。而一個 Year!了成人教育計劃的前進。波士頓 forever, ever,the former neitherneither Trump thethe sophisticatedadministration’ssophisticated mama -- pathcal,cal, tomilitary,military, citizenship industrial,industrial, for undocumented telecommutelecommu -- House is exclusively for affordable hous- developed the new Hong Lok House and Huang說:“亞洲餐館實際上受到了 新的體驗。自80年代末以來一直在 actionschinerychinery to be nornor reversed. thethe complexcomplex productsproducts people.nicationnication This andand path alternativealternative consists ofenergy,energy, two phas sitssits - 英語不太好的移民年收入僅是 基金會的調查表明,平均每個計 ing. A total of 74 units, including studios manages the building. “The number of 很大的衝擊。總體而言,酒店及餐 波士頓,他說沒有什麼比疫情的影 areareOne the theof Biden’s truetrue reasonreason first steps ofof Adcotron’s Adcotron’swas to es.inin During aa BostonBoston the RedevelopmentRedevelopment first phase, individuals AuthorAuthor-- $14,221 。 劃後補名單上有接近10,000人。 and one-bedroom apartments, will rent dialects spoken at Tufts Medical Center 飲業已被摧毀。”儘管如此,Huang 響更可比了。Huang說:“波士頓是 signsuccess,success, a memorandum asas thethe company’scompany’s on January ChiefChief 20 ExEx-- wouldity-ownedity-owned be granted buildingbuilding temporary alongalong legalBoston’sBoston’s for less than $500 a month on average. by the nurses and doctors is significant. 的業務一直堅持不懈,他在接受舢新年快乐!新年快乐!調查還發現大波士頓地區 有的時候名單上面的人需要等兩一個非常活躍的市場。無論如何, thatecutiveecutive ordered OfficerOfficer the attorney andand PresidentPresident general and AgnesAgnes status,beautifulbeautiful with thewaterfrontwaterfront option of districtapplyingdistrict andforand Amenities include a senior center open to The food and transportation Hong Lok 236,933名英語能力有限的移民 年才能被選上接受教育。還有很 theYoung Youngsecretary wouldwould of Homeland suggest.suggest. Security Patrolling,Patrolling, to permanentboastsboasts aa storystory residency few,few, if ifafter any,any, five businessesbusinesses years. 舨採訪時分享了他們如何保持開放 您始終有大約300,000名學生和員工 the community, a rooftop garden, taichi residents need are all right here in this preservepushingpushing and buttons, buttons,fortify the checkingchecking Deferred compocompo Ac- -- Inaroundaround this phase, can can claim. claim.they would be allowed 中,少於5%的人參加政府資助的的態度。 多移民不想申請或者根本不知道成為為經濟做出貢獻的消費者。但 deck and in-unit emergency call buttons. community.” ChineseChinese NewNew YearYear IssueIssue tionnents,nents, for Childhood turning turning dials, dials, Arrivals peering peering (DACA) through through to work in the United States, pay Huang將疫情描述為令人震驚 是這次不一樣。” The original Hong Lok House used Redeveloping Hong Lok House cost 小學,中學教育。 這些資源的存在。 policy.microscopesmicroscopes Executive all all director throughout throughout of the the the Mas facil facil- -- taxes,BornBorn andout out of clearof the the background closure closure of of a achecks. previous previous 的見證。 “我認為99%的人永遠不 Huang說,由於他的一些餐館 to be the Normandy Lounge, which was nearly $33 million, with 23 sources of 小學和中學的教育系統會isis ComingComing OutOut onon JanuaryJanuary麻州非常需要成人基礎教育 20th,20th, 2012!2012! sachusettsity,ity, clad clad Immigrantin in blue, blue, anti-static anti-static and Refugee overcoats overcoats Incompany,company, the second AdcotronAdcotron phase, green gotgot itscardits startstart hold in-in bought by the Greater Boston Chinese public and private funds. The waiting 會真正相信這一百萬年流行會持續 今天仍關門,他們的生產和創收能 Advocacyareare the the true Coalitiontrue success: success: Eva the the Millona employees. employees. said ers2005.2005. would When When have Advanced Advanced the chance Electronics, Electronics, to apply to a a 向成年人提供一些基礎教育計 和英文課堂的存在來幫助促進社 Golden Age Center. It opened in 1981 list is seven to eight years long due to 這麼長時間。[…]在美國,這幾乎春節特刊將與一月二十日出版力是以前的一半。“從250-300名[ that while this was an important move, becomecompanycompany citizens. that that had had The been been act around wouldaround also since since 春節特刊將與一月二十日出版 with 28 units of affordable housing for demand, according to Moy. Phase two’s 劃。其中一個計劃是『成人社區就像是一場來自『了不起蓋茨比』 會經濟以及個人事業發展。在華員工],我們縮減到只有84人。那 change“Our“Our will employees employees not be immediate. are are more more important important make19781978 Dreamers decideddecided toeligibleto closeclose to itsits apply doorsdoors for in in low-income elders. wait list is closed until the end of 2013. 學習服務』。這個服務向成人的聚會,接下來在你意識到之前就敬請期待! 埠,很多機構比如華美福利會、些不想工作的人,我們真的沒有強 thanthan“We anything,”areanything,” very excited said said Young, Young, that immi who who- her her-- permanentOctoberOctober of of residency. 2005, 2005, Young, Young, whowho led led the the 敬請期待! “Before, it was a terrible place,” grationselfself wore woreis on atopa blue,blue, of the anti-staticanti-static agenda. overcoatovercoatBut managementmanagementThe president

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