University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 12-26-1898 Albuquerque Daily Citizen, 12-26-1898 Hughes & McCreight Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news Recommended Citation Hughes & McCreight. "Albuquerque Daily Citizen, 12-26-1898." (1898). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news/2068 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Job Printing ill Ri numerous a1 &vera Book Dlndlnjc tranche too it ft thou id rm aai Btak Book or fe at THB CITIZEN Job C protKatly rt4 to foal RoOdM. rw i tha a turn TH Alboqu mm Daily ZEN. BtaaWy. VOLUME 13.. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, MONDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 26, 1890. NUMBER 61. Chrlstmaa meal. Those present were: about seven month ago In th hop that vuwo iMinu inwonv i EVACUATE CUBA. W. t. rowers. O. H. Tucker, J. J. North- - Mr. Kinney' health would be Improved CONGRESS. f more, K. T. Byrne, Kngeoe Bollinger, iLiva nxmi uahou In this climate, VIM a. bnt the disease had Araats Araattlaf - A. C. Brady, Hugh Vangha. BoL Beoja- too far and sh continued to Far T. Jsstsr-- s In, Lonla Benjamin, L. B. MeCausIand, grow worse. Bh leaves her husband sttsrlck Spanish Troops will Embark bj R. J. Thacker. Ssveral Persons R Frozen and one son, Kdwln, agrd about 4 years. Archbishop Ireland Will Reprc-- . Fsttsra Wests ft THE Iratta C Trte PHOENIX! funeral will tale place from th . - i - .i i. 1. Math. to Death. rmliloiico, 215 sent the United States. ...... Alboqaerqne, N. II, Dee. M, north Welter treet,atl ft To Whom li Mar Coocnai o clock afternoon. ft Notice I hereby given that I hav this Mwqiivratfla totlniaM, ETtcniUon Commissioners Issat Output af Cold Macs Thli 111 day disposed of my Job printing plant to Ltrfer An elegant line of coalti me for tbe Premier Sagast! It Seriously Prodi mitloB tt the People. Geo. L. Hopping. I will collect all ac- - Tear Than Last. ricott Moore Hose Company's mask ball With Paeumoola. ft eonnia doe and pay all debt contracted have arrived aud Can be rented from Mr, We Move Next Week ft i .11 1 west Kail road to thl date. 'all, avenue. Come prior eany and make your selection. Ths big ft Ui Day ct Flgnt ftcrwcea Cat! ftttldcats sad Spaa-- BDW4RD D. Bum. Jtlf Dcale th Report tbit H: It event takes pise nest Krldsy evening. Goveraer-Eir- Stanley Styi Be Will ft te Receive INTO ft Soldier cbrtrmis Dir. Having thl day purchased tb Job tioo,oo. Rot Slga Cllli' Dth Harraat. OUR NEW QUARTERS. We have cat ond eltshed the pricea on every plant ot Kdward U. Bllee, lOMWITraU l'lillDB. thiog in ft printing notlo the Home to tifo redute ato.k ai much ai possible before m jving. We want to I hereby given that I will not bt re- - -- ft CtTtABl Jn. R. Rawt, a I'ouiKpUit, Oawk Bwltof mane mis wee a I SIVI1AI K1LII. for aiTIIALCiailTNAI KUL1H6. BAIK BOiailT AT LIMA, 010. Kec.rd Ureaker" for huines. and vou will mii a r.ra Donsible sot Indebtedness contracted From Sufferiag la a. Mia. ni.,ni. ft by th said Kdward U. Bliss. ft you do tot lake advantage of this great Salt We wi h The dead body of a man. who had com- to call our particular a'tentioi to ft uko. In HorriRO. muted suicide by cutting his throat with ft the following: Havana, Dm. 2V The American trao-- Albuquerque, N. If , Dee. W, X. Han Pranclsco, Dec. 8)1. A epecUl from New Tork, Dm 2rt A dispatch to the tut. it. wss discovered shortly after sun-- I ft uatlon eonmlelonere will Dawson City dated Nov. Ill, sava: He- - Joornal from Washington eays: Arch-bisho- p TBI POOT BALL AMB. im ymterdsy morulng lying la sums ft Isso a proclamation to the Inhabitant port from ll th cret-- vicinity near the river Id the south sod of Ireland will represent ths I'nlled lu the Figored Mohair Skirt, up from, . of Cob announcing they toe ii. Henry Berry, who msde the e .$1,1 5 Wint. r Underwear for Men, Women ft that bar en riis Col a Albaajaatajaa ot Dawson City Indicate that th winter's Slate at the ctar' peai-- congress, bv and rW1tn.l . rsitie up town at once and notl-li- e. tered into an agreement wltb the eom product of gold will e Peed ot Ing agreed to accept this honorable post , Cape anj Jacket, 33 p;r cent leas Children at specially Low Price. ft tMBi Strata rBMV. i that Ivt I til 1 llk-er- Marshal koMlllin sod mission of Spain for lit final Mrrmo- - Th Agricultural and atecbanloal eol- - year by more than one buudred per cent tinker weut down to tbe place It la not known whether th archbishop thin regular price Big Redu lions on Ladies' Silk Skirts and ft np lltrtinet nle and rrgnlatloo to b earrlsd oat on lex fool ball team cam from the Saver! persone are reported l.t-r- th body was lying, and a grew-mii- s will b tb ol representative of the Silk south laat night and tbey were met at frncn ti Children' Petticoats. ft th 1st da; of January and lharMftar death. Several river steamer are certain snd sicksnlng sight met their United State or bead of a delegation. Jackets at big redudions. the train by fell Lester, Coach Walter eyi s. mau, who waa away I Blankets, Comforters, Quills, Shrets ft ontll all the Spanish troop UM hare to be destroyed when the Ice breaks. Ihs watted Walking lata, worth up to $1.75, and Davis ana Mis members of the Albuqusr iinioit to a skeleton by consumption, COLLI KILI.KII HI VATItR Pillow Slips less embarked for repatriation. Thsy enjoin que foot ball team, whom they ar play marked down to for mon;y than you ft 1 A CAVJARf). hid aluinet sevrred hi head from his 80c. IT )atOrBr-KU-t ever bought them upon the people the necessity for atrlct ing this afternoon. When tbey alighted i'o v. The rat it with which he hsd don atanl Will Not ( Chi'dren's before. ft from th train they raised aloft the col i Oaatk Warraat. Tarn O'Shantera and eompllanoe with the term of tble agree Jad- - Itmr Itmlvs les.000 lot lie id el lay user th body and wa eov ft lege Danner and rent tn quiet night air i re I Wichita, Dec.Ji'i.- - Caps, up from ment; admontsn el esse of peepl to Mia r.rTlrM with gore. Near by waa a pile of Governor Klect Stan 2rtc. ail wilt) the college yrIL They were escorted iiNlies, hud by Canton, Ohio, Dec. 26. Day. which been soaked the su ley states that be will not sign too war eserelee aclf restraint and moderation (o the Grand Central hotel where they 4u le ini.ie's lire blood, Ladies and Mitaea' Leggins that SPECIAL NOTICE. and which told of tbe rant for th death of John Collins, con nod refrain from giving eauss for ttfsnse registered as follows: W. K. Holt, B. president of the peace commission, has fdort he hsd made to keep warm during W Ot were $1.25, now...., COc. We hsve one lot of Silks that were or Irritation, or doing any act calculated topnens, Charles Barber, K. K. inter, returned home. He will resume his law the cold lilglil. The pocket ot tbe dead victed the murder ot his father. He W.Danburg, w Balrd, K. Balrd, II. Llew- man money, dote not believe In capital slightly damiged by water which we will J produce bad feellug. practice. He says that the story that he did not contain a cent of punishment. Big Lot of Drca Goodr, worih up to t ellyn, K. Hllnnett, K. Cue, 0. Hsush.C. even a scrap of paper ahow Held 100, rior to who ell at ridiculously low prices. lot in- Reush, D. (i. Cravens, B. Kreeman, W. and Whltelaw are to receive was. BANK HOI1IIKD. per yard, Ths MIUT HAVANA. he The t flloer recognised blm a 7SC 01 Bargain Table. .25c. Black la Beasley, Jams Gatltn and C. Thompson. 000 each for their service on the coin a whom cludes Silk Brocades, Black Surah. diku they bad seen around town A marl aa Prof, and Mr. O. K. Wooton accom- 1 for a few th Matloa.l lla.k, .r Llaua, Saxony Yarn Pcan de Soi, M mission absurd. day. Ohio, flc. jire, Brocade Satin, etc Cabas fUaldaata aad epaalah SeMUra panied tb boy. Henry herry. John Capton and Mralsrl ualf KsblM.1. Lima. Ohio, Dee. 2u.-T- her Spanish China in rik WiMu oar. Th young man composing the team MaroM and W hitas Slaht. William Oliver, who make basket and was a Yarn loc. Silk White and Colors, Fancy Chicago, Dee. 24 A apeelal to tb( are lusty, vigorous looking fellow and Dallas, leias, Dee. 20 In an encoun other articles near the pi" where the mysterious robbery at the American Na- Germsntown Yarn Silk, two-tone- d B ocade. etc., suitable for Trlbnne from Havana aays: Christmas hav tb outward appear an oe of Ideal ter between three white men and some dead boily wss found, say that the man tional bank, the amount stolen being be lo0.
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