Simon & Schuster Uk | 80 pages | 27 Aug 2015 | Simon & Schuster Ltd | 9781471124990 | English | London, United Kingdom List of Thunderbirds Are Go episodes - Wikipedia

The Thunderbirds Are Go! In an age of advanced science and technology, the world is experiencing a time of peace and prosperity, Technology and human ingenuity have saved the world from global warming, pollution, famine and disease. There is no need to rely on nuclear power of fossil fuel anymore. This Thunderbirds are Go Official Guide not mean that the world is still without problems - natural and manmade disasters still occur, accidents still happen and agents of evil are always at work to disrupt the peace. To combat this, an anonymous team was formed for one reason alone - as a means of rescue when all other methods have failed. This organisation is International Rescue. Be it land, seas or air, nowhere is out of their reach. If no one can help someone in danger, International Rescue will always answer the call. International Rescue identities are not widely known but Thunderbirds are Go Official Guide exploits are legendary. From their secret island base, the world knows them as a team Thunderbirds are Go Official Guide rapid responders who have expertly Thunderbirds are Go Official Guide countless dangerous situations. This guide reveals the people behind the team - the Tracy family, their friends and the technology that makes their work possible. The brothers, in particular, strive to help others and use their vast resources and technology for the betterment of humankind. They selflessly accept this task with no personal recognition for their heroic deeds. This wiki. This wiki All wikis. Sign In Don't have an account? Start a Wiki. Introduction In an age of advanced science and technology, the world is experiencing a time of peace and prosperity, Technology and human ingenuity have saved the world from global warming, pollution, famine and disease. Categories :. Fan Feed 0 Thunderbirds Wiki 1 Thunderbird 2. Universal Conquest Wiki. Thunderbirds Are Go Official Guide - Thunderbirds Wiki

It is a remake of the series Thunderbirds created by Gerry and which follows the exploits of International Rescue IR — a rescue organisation run by the Tracy family out of their secret island base in the Pacific Ocean. They use technologically-advanced Thunderbirds are Go Official Guide for land, sea, air and space rescues in their operations, the most Thunderbirds are Go Official Guide of which are a set of vehicles called the Thunderbirds. The programme premiered on 4 April and concluded on 22 February after a run of 78 episodes across three series. A powerful underwater seaquake turns a busy day for International Rescue into a perilous one, when it causes a research team to be trapped in an undersea lab. As they attempt to rescue them, they quickly discover a seismic de-stabiliser to be the source of the quake, and with 's help, learn the person responsible for this is the phantom figure known only as the , who soon puts the world in danger, triggering more quakes along the notable feature of the Pacific Ocean, Thunderbirds are Go Official Guide Ring of Fire. With more quakes occurring, John and must track down the control source for the seismic de-stabilisers, in a race against time, after the Hood orders International Rescue and the World Council to give up the Thunderbirds. Meanwhile, Scott and Virgil race to Taiwan when one of the undersea quakes destabilises a solar collector dish in Taipeicausing the dish to be positioned in such a way that when the sun rises, it will reflect on the city and burn it to the ground. Alan is on "space junk duty" but things take a turn for the dangerous when one of the pieces of debris he attempts to clear away, turns out to be a heat-seeking SAT-MINE that activates and locks onto Thunderbird 3's heat signature. While Alan is forced to keep the mine locked onto his craft to safeguard other ships in orbit, Lady Penelope and Parker attempt to sneak into a top-secret storage facility and find the final digit to the mine's deactivation code, having only thirty minutes until the mine's nuclear charge detonates. Kayo is riding aboard Fireflasha supersonic airliner that was recently improved by Brains, unaware that the Hood is planning to hijack it in mid- flight. While International Rescue notices the plane has suddenly vanished from their monitors and attempt to locate it, Kayo manages to avoid a powerful gas attack that has knocked out both the passengers and the crew, and is forced to not only confront the Hood, but also safely land the airliner when the craft is accidentally damaged and the landing gear fails to deploy. A high-speed test train on a Japanese Maglev line suddenly goes out of control, and is in danger of running into the back of a passenger train. Only Brains can stop it, so he sets out with Scott on Thunderbird 1 to board the train. But in doing so, he discover the train is under the control of an Artificial Intelligence program, which John determines is playing a game. Scott and Brains must find a way Thunderbirds are Go Official Guide stopping it before it crashes into a station terminal. A large solar flare causes a malfunction at a mining operation on an asteroid, sending Thunderbirds are Go Official Guide careening towards the sun and endangering its only crewman, Ned Tedford. Alan and Kayo deploy Thunderbird 3, but another solar flare knocks out their sensors and communications. Although they land in the mine, using the asteroid now too close to the sun as a shield, they soon have to find a way to alter the asteroid's trajectory so that it slingshots around the sun instead of crashing into it - which is further complicated by the discovery that Thunderbird 3's low fuel supply from the second flare, could make it impossible to return to Earth. A few months after International Rescue uncover an ancient temple in South America, Lady Penelope, as a representative of World Heritage, visits it along with Parker, Gordon, and Professor Harold, an archaeologist of a dubious reputation whom Penelope suspects of stealing artefacts. On entering the temple, everyone become trapped inside except for Harold, who manages to escape but refuses to call for help, not wishing the temple to be destroyed. Suspecting something is wrong, Scott and Virgil head to the scene to provide assistance, as Gordon, Penelope and Parker attempt to escape from the temple's many traps. CIRRUS Climate Research of the Upper Stratospherea weather station built cheaply with a lack of safety features, has a sudden failure in its stabilising fans, causing its balloons to lift the station higher into the atmosphere. Attempts at rescuing the crew by Thunderbirds 1 and 2 are thwarted by both the station's lack of protective equipment and it rising above the limits of the Thunderbirds' working altitude. Thunderbird 3 also fails when it is damaged by the station's fans breaking away, leaving John in Thunderbird 5, using the space elevator as a fishing hook, as the weather station's last hope. A giant heavy metal extraction plant, moving along the Pacific seabed and collecting toxic waste, has a sudden compartment fire, leaving it out of control and heading for an undersea chasm. Thunderbird 2 is dispatched with Thunderbird 4 to effect the rescue of the only crewman, Ned Tedford once again, and safeguard the toxic waste it is carrying. Meanwhile, Lady Penelope investigates the company that owns the extraction plant, when both John and Gordon suspect the owner was more concerned for the cargo than the crew, and soon has trouble from the Hood. Designed by Brains, the Estrella Grand is a self-constructing luxury hotel in Earth orbit. During a visit by Thunderbirds are Go Official Guide Penelope and Parker, the hotel suffers a mysterious hull breach that will not repair itself, sending the hotel plummeting to Earth. Thunderbirds 2 and 3 are quickly launched to Thunderbirds are Go Official Guide the guests, while Kayo boards the hotel in search Thunderbirds are Go Official Guide a saboteur. When a meteor shower is projected to hit the decommissioned Shadow Alpha One moon base, concern arises with the discovery the base is still inhabited by a lone crew member - Captain Lee Taylor, an old friend of . Scott and Alan take Thunderbird 3 on a rescue mission after attempts to Thunderbirds are Go Official Guide him fail, but when Scott boards the base, he's surprised to find Taylor attempting to maintain its defence system against meteors. After initial attempts to defend the base against continuing waves of meteors start to fail, both Scott and Taylor are forced to abandon the base to meet Thunderbird 3 at a rendezvous on the moon's surface that is itself threatened by the meteor shower. While everyone is organising a surprise birthday party for Virgil, John directs his brother in Thunderbird 2 to a glacial ice shelf to investigate a 'breakdown' emergency call. Virgil quickly discovers that the lone figure he finds on arrival is part of a larger expedition trapped in a cavern beneath the ice. The expedition's leader, a scientist seeking a rare bacterium he desperately needs Thunderbirds are Go Official Guide cure his daughter of a serious disease, refuses to leave as the glacier begins to crumble, leaving Virgil no choice but to assist before time runs out. On an underwater hyper loop train, Lady Penelope and Parker are escorting Professor Moffat to a rendezvouses with the Global Defence Force in Iceland in order to safely deliver a particle born from the Supreme Hadron Collider disaster - Centurium However, the Hood is keen to get his hands on the particle and plots an elaborate robbery in order to steal it for himself. Thunderbirds 1, 2, and 4 are soon dispatched to not only rescue the trapped train and its passengers, but also attempt to foil the Hood's plan. Seismologist Robert Williams and his son Aidan alert the authorities to the presence of a rogue hydromethane mining vehicle, only for Thunderbirds are Go Official Guide machinery to Thunderbirds are Go Official Guide an earthquake that swallows both them and the equipment. Gordon must attempt a daring underground rescue of the boy and his injured father while Virgil must find a way to shut down the out-of-control rig. A scientist accidentally locks herself inside a vault housing a destabilizing anti-matter reactor. There is only one person who has successfully broken into a vault like this Thunderbirds are Go Official Guide - Parker. Colonel Thunderbirds are Go Official Guide of the GDF recruits Parker for the job, but moments after getting through the outer vault door, both he and Lady Penelope become trapped as well. Virgil and Scott must transport Thunderbirds are Go Official Guide vault to an isolated area on Thunderbird 2, while Parker and Penelope must try and free themselves and the scientist before the anti-matter explodes. Halley's Comet is passing close to Earth, and businessman Francois Lemaire goes on an ego trip with his unimpressed wife Thunderbirds are Go Official Guide aboard his space yacht Solar Windso as to send live pictures back to Earth. Disaster strikes when Francois flies into the comet's tail, damaging his ship and causing it to lose Thunderbirds are Go Official Guide with Earth. Thunderbird 3 is dispatched for search and rescue with Alan and Scott on board, Alan being particularly keen to see Halley's comet as it will be another 75 years before the comet passes Earth again. Progress is slow until a pair of bumbling intruders attempt to kidnap the ladies in FAB 1. A chaotic chase involving the two cars ensues round the estate with Alan at the wheel, Thunderbirds are Go Official Guide Parker has broken his arm earlier in Alan's lesson. When the vehicles take to the air, Alan has the advantage until FAB 0 runs out of petrol, and a teapot is needed to save the situation. During a joint operation between International Rescue and the Global Defence Force, a series of mishaps nearly end in disaster. As the Tracys become increasingly frustrated at being kept from rescuing innocents, Lady Penelope and Parker attempt to reason with the colonel, and begin to realize that he is not quite what he seems. A range of equally timed disasters involve everyone at International Rescue. Kayo deduces that the Hood is behind these acts in an attempt to capture the Thunderbird crafts and . As his plan unravels the Hood openly states his relationship to Kayo and proclaims that she is working for him, in an attempt to undermine the Tracy's trust in her. A geological survey team becomes trapped when a huge earth-breaking vehicle, controlled by a villain known only as the Mechanic, causes them to fall into a narrow crevice. When Thunderbird 2 is badly damaged and must return to Tracy Island, and the GDF is neutralised by the Mechanic, Thunderbirds are Go Official Guide is left to stop him and his drones while Scott must rescue the survey team. Meanwhile Lady Penelope and Parker visit the Hood in solitary confinement in Parkmoor Scrubs prison, as they believe he is behind the mysterious Thunderbirds are Go Official Guide. John attempts a rescue from Thunderbird 5 wearing an exo-pod, but is trapped with O'Bannon by mysterious spider-like robots. Alan attempts a rescue in Thunderbird 3, and they discover two salvage workers are posing as pirates. Guest star: Vas Blackwood as Reece. On Jupiter 's moon Europathe stars of Gordon's favourite explorer program Buddy and Ellie Pendergast are searching for extra-terrestrial life. When they begin drilling into the ice, pressure from geysers cause the ice to crack and they plunge into an underground ocean ten miles below. Alan in command and Gordon blast off to the rescue in Thunderbird 3, with Thunderbird 4 stored aboard and modified with skis, powerful engines and a heat drill to penetrate the ice, which they lose due to strong underwater currents. They find the Pendergasts, who have taken shelter in their rover, but before they leave they detect a life form in the sea. Guest star: Adam Hills as Buddy Pendergast. At Bay City, a town that was flooded due to global warmingthe Mechanic, in a crab-like submarine, searches through the ruins of the Creighton-Ward building for a safe containing the plans for Parkmoor Scrubs prison so he can break the Hood out. As he smashes his way through some of the debris he collides with Thunderbirds are Go Official Guide rental sub hired by the Sullivan family causing it to crash onto the seabed. While Gordon and Kayo work together to rescue the family, Lady Penelope and Parker, using FAB 1's submarine mode, must reach the safe before the Mechanic gets there first. A proton storm causes a systems malfunction aboard the Helius, a space vehicle transporting families to a colony base on Mars. The ship overshoots the red planet and heads straight for the asteroid belt. The Helius is damaged further and International Rescue must find a way to land the ship on Mars, even though it was only designed to orbit the planet. After a seaquake near the coast of Greece reveals the lost city of AtlantisFrancois Lemaire ignores International Rescue's warning about aftershocks and with his wife, Melanie, venture below the depths to explore the area. When their submarine becomes stuck, Virgil and Gordon are called to assist. Brains and MAX go with them so that they could see the Solar Kythera, an ancient device used to view the stars. Using a remote controlled rocket booster Langstrom Fischler tries to bring a comet into Earth's orbit so he can mine it. While Alan and Virgil take Thunderbird 3 up to the comet and find a way to destroy it John must use Thunderbird 5 to help O'Bannon move Globe One out of the comet's path. John detects a high altitude balloon heading straight for the Southern Alps in New Zealand and is unable to contact the pilot. At first everyone suspects that Francois Lemaire is at the controls but when Scott boards the craft Thunderbirds are Go Official Guide discovers that the pilot is a teenager named Brandon Berrenger, who works for Lemaire. When the balloon crashes on top of a mountain Scott and Brandon have to use Brains' new invention, Rapid All-terrain Descender, to get down. Langstrom Fischler has invented some weather dronesdesigned to fire supercharged ions to created storm clouds. During a demonstration the drones malfunction and concentrate the storm around the observation tower, which is in danger of collapsing due to getting zapped by the drones. Thunderbirds 2 and Shadow race to the danger zone to rescue Fischler and his guests, while Parker's flying skills are put to the test as he uses FAB 1's flight mod to lure the drones away from the tower. Guest star: Rhys Darby as Langstrom Fischler. A tunneling vehicle belonging to the Mechanic leaves a plumber trapped in its wake and it is up to Virgil and Gordon to get him out. Lady Penelope and Parker track down the Mechanic's vehicle and discover that he's heading straight for Parkmoor Scrubs prison, where the Hood is being held. Although the breakout is successful the Hood double crosses the Mechanic and leaves him to be arrested by the GDF while he slips away. The Mechanic also escapes and programs his vehicle to self-destruct. Guest star: Omid Djalili as Horse Williams. Professor Quentin Questa has inaccurately Thunderbirds are Go Official Guide the eruption of a volcano in Iceland for Thunderbirds are Go Official Guide last decade. Brains Thunderbirds are Go Official Guide that Questa is right: the volcano is going to blow and it's threatening to destroy a local hot spring resort. An orbiting solar Thunderbirds are Go Official Guide station malfunctions and fires plasma bolts towards the North Pacific ocean. A cargo plane, carrying a rare animal, is struck by the bolts and International Rescue is called to rescue the crew and cargo. At the same time Lady Penelope and Parker are on board the station and must find a way to shut it down. Guest star: Ruby Wax as Hayley Edmonds. Buddy and Ellie Pendergast venture into the Mulokamba valley in Africa to search of an elusive creature. When they fail to return, Scott and Gordon fly out in Thunderbird 1 to look for them. After Gordon parachutes down into the valley he finds Ellie and both get chased by giant lizards. Thunderbirds Are Go (TV series) - Wikipedia

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