THUNDERBIRDS Written by Peter Hewitt, William Osborne & Michael
THUNDERBIRDS Written by Peter Hewitt, William Osborne & Michael McCullers Animated scenes of the Thunderbirds on various rescues begin to play as some of the cast and crew names show up. NARRATOR From a secret island in the South Pacific, the courageous Tracy family run an organization called International Rescue. When disaster strikes, anywhere in the world, they are always first on the scene. They go by the name they gave their incredible machines, the Thunderbirds. (Counts down numbers and shows corresponding Thunderbirds) Five, four, three, two, one. Thunderbirds are go! Cuts to live action, Alan Tracy is looking out a school window. But in this family of heroes, there is one son left behind. TEACHER So, gentlemen, we all know that A2 plus B2 equals... C2, that's right. But what happens when we bring in Leonardo Da Vinci's E, F and... (Teacher notices Alan looking out window and not paying attention to the lesson) Mr. Tracy! FERMAT Alan. Alan! Alan's head jerks back from the window and to the teacher who is now standing in front of him. TEACHER How kind of you to come back from outer space, Alan. I trust re-entry wasn't too rough? (Chuckles sarcastically and continues sounding even more annoyed) Here on Earth we've been discussing the Pythagorean theorem. Did any of that happen to sink in? ALAN TRACY I was just... TEACHER Apparently not (she picks up his notebook which he has been doodling in) "Thunderbirds are go." Well, I hope you aren't going anywhere special over spring break, Alan.
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