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Download the Digital Booklet ORIGINAL TELEVISION SOUNDTRACK A GERRY ANDERSON PRODUCTION MUSIC BY BARRY GRAY Calling International Rescue... ​Palm ​Trees​flutter​and​the​sound​of​distant​crashing​waves​ echo​around​a​luxurious​looking​house.​Suddenly​a​low​ gravelly​hum​emerges​from​a​swimming​pool​as​it​slides​ aside,​revealing​an​cavernous​hanger​below.​Muffled​ automated​sounds​echo,​before​an​almighty​roar​followed​by​ the​lightning-fast​blur​of​a​rocket​as​it​shoots​skyward.​This​is​ Thunderbird​1,​high-speed​reconnaissance​ craft,​piloted​by​Scott​Tracy. Moments​ago,​Scott’s​brother​John​ radioed-in​a​distress​call​from​Thunderbird​5,​ a​manned​orbital​satellite.​​A​life​is​ in​danger​with​all​hope​lost,​except​ for​one​possibility:​International​ Rescue.​Jeff​Tracy,​the​boys’​father​ assesses​the​situation​and​duly​ deploys​his​sons​into​action.​ As​Thunderbird​1​propels​itself​ towards​the​danger​zone​(now​ in​horizontal​flight),​its​fellow​craft​ Thunderbird​2​is​readied​for​launch.​​This​ giant​green​transporter​stands​on​top​ of​a​conveyer-belt​of​six​Pods,​each​ containing​a​different​array​of​fantastic​ rescue​equipment.​With​the​necessary​Pod​ selected,​Virgil​Tracy​(joined​by​brothers​ Alan​and​Gordon)​taxis​the​huge​vehicle​to​ the​launch​ramp,​which​raises​the​craft​to​40​ degrees​before​it​too​blasts​skywards.​International​ Rescue​are​on​their​way,​​Thunderbirds​are​go! Inspired​by​this​dramatic​event,​for​his​next​television​series​Gerry​ Approaching Danger Zone... Anderson​envisioned​an​organisation​prepared​for​such​eventualities​ In​the​Autumn​of​1963,​writer​and​producer​ and​ready​to​deploy​their​equipment​anywhere​in​the​world​at​any​ Gerry​Anderson,​along​with​the​whole​nation,​ time.​With​the​working​title​of​​‘International​Rescue’​a​script​was​ was​swept​up​by​an​unfolding​mining​ written​and​the​process​of​bringing​the​premise​to​the​screen​ disaster​at​the​Lengede-Broistedt​mine​in​ was​put​into​action​at​AP​Films’​unassuming​studios​on​the​ Germany.​​Against​all​odds​a​small​group​ Slough ​Trading​Estate.​From​these​buildings​an​entire​miniature​ of​men​had​survived​the​flooding​of​a​ world​was​meticulously​designed​and​built​in​a​combination​of​ mine​shaft.​It​was​decided​the​only​way​ marionette​puppetry​and​miniature​special​effects,​​a​process​ to​rescue​these​men​was​to​use​a​special​ known​as​“Supermarionation”. drill​to​bore​a​hole​large​enough​to​ Thunderbirds,​as​the​series​would​eventually​be​titled,​would​ lower​a​capsule,​designed​to​hold​ result​in​32​brilliant​television​episodes​(spread​over​two​series)​ one​miner​at​a​time.​However,​ and​two​feature-length​films.​ the​only​drill​large​enough​ The​series​follows​the​exploits​of​International​Rescue,​ was​eight​hours​away,​and headed​up​by​ex-astronaut​Jeff​Tracy​and​his​five​sons​ the​miners​situation​was​ based​at​their​isolated​island​home,​Tracy​Island.​Here​ worsening... the​family​are​joined​by​the​genius​inventor​Brains,​ creator​of​the​five​craft​which​lend​their​name​to​the​ series’​title,​along​with​Tin-Tin​and​her​father​Kyrano.​​ The​organisation​is​often​assisted​by​its​London​Agent,​ Lady​Penelope​and​her​butler​and​chauffeur​Parker.​​ Together,​the​team​has​one​simple​goal,​to​offer​ help​when​all​hope​is​lost,​whilst​at​the​same​time​ stopping​the​secrets​of​their​fantastic​rescue​ equipment​from​falling​into​the​wrong​hands. From​the​fate​of​hundreds​on-board​ the​Fireflash​airliner​(Trapped in the Sky)​to​the​lone​astronaut​Elliott​ perilously​lost​in​space​(The Impostors),​ each​appearance​of​International​Rescue​ would​play​out​as​a​family-friendly​drama,​ seeing ​the​Tracy​Family​put​everything​at​risk​ to​come​to​the​aid​of​those​in​need. Elegance, Charm Episode Listing and Deadly Danger... Episodes​listed​in​production​order,​with​original​UK​airdate/premiere. Series One (1965) On​the​strength​of​an​early​screening​of​the​first​ 1. ​Trapped​in​the​Sky 30-9-65 episode​of​Thunderbirds,​​TV​mogul​and​financier​ 2.​Pit​of​Peril 7-10-65 of​the​series​Lew​Grade​decided​that​the​exploits​of​ 3.​City​Of​Fire 6-1-66 4.​Sun​Probe 9-12-65 International​Rescue​were​simply​too​good​for​the​usual​25​ 5.​The​Uninvited 2-12-65 minute​running​time​of​the​previous​Supermarionation​productions.​ 6.​The​Mighty​Atom 30-12-65 Insisting​that​each​episode​should​be​doubled​in​length​to​enjoy​a​50​ 7. ​Vault​of​Death 23-12-65 minute​transmission​slot.​ 8.​Operation​Crash​Dive 16-12-65 17.​Desperate​Intruder 18-11-65 For​producers​Gerry​and​Sylvia​Anderson,​aside​from​the​short- 9.​Move​–​and​You’re​Dead 10-2-66 18.​30​Minutes​After​Noon 11-11-65 10.​Martian​Invasion 17-3-66 19.​The​Impostors 13-1-66 term​headache​of​expanding​episodes​already​completed,​the​extra​ 11.​Brink​of​Disaster 24-2-66 20.​The​Man​From​MI.5 20-1-66 running​time​was​an​incredible​gift.​​This​would​effectively​enrich​ 12.​The​Perils​of​Penelope 14-10-65 21. ​Cry​Wolf 27-1-66 each​episode,​allowing​a​detailed​scenario​to​be​set-up​as​well​as​ 13. ​Terror​In​New​York​City 21-10-65 22.​Danger​At​Ocean​Deep 3-2-66 establish​guest​characters​before​they​called​upon​International​ 14.​End​of​The​Road 25-11-65 23.​The​Duchess​Assignment 17-2-66 Rescue. ​​Adding​layers​of​drama​to​each​plot​in​the​process​as​ 15.​Day​of​Disaster 4-11-65 24.​Attack​of​the​Alligators! 10-3-66 25.​The​Cham-Cham 24-3-66 audiences​got​wrapped-up​in​the​unfolding​story.​ 16.​Edge​of​Impact 28-10-65 26.​Security​Hazard 31-3-66 From​the​riveting​tension​and​nick-of-time​heroics,​ to​the​genuine​feminist​icon​of​effortlessly​cool-under​ Series Two (1966) 1.​Atlantic​Inferno 2-10-66 pressure​Lady​Penelope.​Thunderbirds became​a​ 2.​Path​of​Destruction 9-10-66 global​sensation. 3.​Alias​Mr​Hackenbacker 16-10-66 The​resulting​32​episodes​would​go​down​ 4.​Lord​Parker’s​‘Oliday 23-10-66 as​one​of​the​greatest​television​series​ever​ 5.​Ricochet 6-11-66 6.​Give​or​Take​a​Million 25-12-66 made.​Captivating​generations​of​viewers​ swept​up​in​the​ Feature Films brilliant​adventures​and​ Thunderbirds are Go (1966) London​Pavilion​12-12-66 situations,​all​magnificently​ Thunderbird 6 (1968) realised​with​exquisite​ Odeon​Leicester​Square​29-7-68 practical​miniatures.​​ As​the​International​ Rescue​call​sign​would​ put​it,​F.A.B. Countdown to launch From​the​cascading​strings​which​ dance​around​the​melody​of​the​ main​theme’s​title​march,​to​the​ brooding​and​foreboding​brass​ which​effortlessly​add​drama​to​ many​tense​unfolding​rescues.​ Barry​Gray’s​distinctive​score​ composed​for​Thunderbirds is​as​much​of​a​character​in​the​ series​as​one​of​the​ Tracy​brothers. Building​upon​a​canon​of​ motifs​and​themes​created​over​the​last​ five​years​of​working​with​AP​Films​on​ previous​Supermarionation​productions.​ The​expanded​50​minute​format​of​ Thunderbirds allowed​Barry​Gray​ to​further​evolve​ and​expand​his​musical​palette.​With​many​instalments​requiring​establishing​ musical​anchors,​to​set​a​location​or​mood,​Gray​was​able​to​incorporate​a​ wide​range​of​styles.​In​the​process,​the​rich​landscape​of​the​Anderson’s​21st​ century​was​rendered​instantly​familiar​ to​viewers.​With​the​whole​affair​usually​ completed​by​Gray​elegantly​weaving​in​ his​melodic​and​heroic​main​theme​to​tie​ everything​together.​ The​results​not​only​complimented,​ but​undoubtedly​lifted​what​was​on​ screen,​projecting​depth​and​emotion​ on​to​miniature​cast​as​they​went​about​ their​noble​rescue​missions. The Man From MI.5 For​Thomas​Prescott,​after​picking​ Track Notes up​a​mysterious​hitch-hiker​on​the​ 09. Espionage​on​the​ French evening​of​his​wedding​anniversary​ 01.​​Thunderbirds​Main​Titles​​​​ ​​​​​​Riviera​(2:24) the​night​will​be​memorable​for​all​ (1:30) A​moonlit​bay​on​the​French​ the​wrong​reasons.​ Riviera​is​the​perfect​setting​for​ Trapped in the Sky spycraft​as​a​luxurious​motor​ cruiser​arrives​in​port... Desperate Intruder 02.​​ The​Hood​and​London 14.​ Expedition​(3:55) ​t Airpor ​(3:54) Pit of Peril 15.​ The​Hood​vs​​ 03.​​ Tracy​Island​and​ ​ International​Rescue​(2:14) ​ Thunderbirds​Are​Go! 10.​​ Sidewinder​(1:32) “Good! A veritable swarm of (3:16) 11.​​The​Pit​(1:20) 04.​​ Fireflash​Landing​(1:14) Thunderbirds. Now for the first part 12. ​​Recovery​(1:21) of my plan.” The Hood 05.​​ Tracy​Lounge​Piano​(1:49)​ “Just look at that thing. It’s like Brains​and​Tin-Tin​join​Professor​ “OK, boys. That’s the brief. It’s our The Perils of Penelope a monster from another planet.” Blakely​on​expedition​to​Lake​ first assignment, so make it good. As 06.​ Penny​in​Paris​(2:51) General Peters Anasta,​in​search​of​the​lost​sunken​ you know, your uniforms are in your temple.​Unbeknownst​to​them​ 07.​ International​Rescue​ The​US​Army’s​incredible​new​all- craft, and must only be worn on call” the​Hood​is​watching​their​ ​to​the​Rescue​(1:26) terrain​four-legged​vehicle​makes​ Jeff Tracy every​move. 08.​Monorail​Drama​ an​ungainly​site​as​it​towers​above​ International​Rescue​are​ready​ (2:23) the​jungle​navigates.​Suddenly​the​ to​commence​operations​with​ ground​gives​way​beneath​it​and​the​ “Two nights ago, after the Edge of Impact their​first​mission​to​come​ fantastic​craft​plunges​downwards​ International conference 16.​ Evil​Plan​(1:50) to​the​rescue​of​the​atomic- in​a​cloud​of​smoke. powered​airliner​Fireflash.​ here in Paris, I saw him 17.​ Tower​of​Terror​(1:09) off by train to Anderbad.
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