New Zealand Chess Supplies P.O
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NEW ZEALAND CHESS SUPPLIES P.O. Box 42490 Wai nuiomata Phone (04)564-8578 Fax (@)564-8578 New Zealand Mai! order and wholesale stocklsts ol the wldeet selecUon of modern chees literature ln Australasla. Chess sets, boards, clocks, stationery and all playlng equlPment ,l Distrlbutors ol al! leadlng brands ol chess computers and software. Chess Send S.A.E. tor brochure and catalogue (state your Interest). PLASTIC CHESSMEN (STAUNTON STYLE) 67mm King (boxed) solid and felt-based $13.50 officlal magazine of the New Zealand Ctres Fedsadon Gnc.) 95mm King (in plastic bag) solid, weighted, felt-based $17.50 95mm King (in plastic box, with lid), as above $25.50 Vol 2l Number 5 October 1995 $3.00 (incl GST) FOLDI NG CH ESSBOARDS - CLU B/TOU RNAMENT STAN DARD 360x360mm thick cardboard (black and white squares) $5.0O 480x480mm thick cardboard (green and lemon) $6.00 VINYL CHESSBOARDS - CLUB/TOURNAMENT STANDARD 425x425mm rolFup mat type, algebraic symbols at borders to assist move recognition (brown and white) $4.00 440x440mm semi-flex and non{olding, algebraic symbols as above (dark brown and off-white) $9.m FOLDTNG MAGNETIC CHESS WALLETS (DARK GREEN VINYL) 190x150mm (15mm squares) flat disk pieces $19.50 270x200mm (24mm squares) llat square pieces $15.00 A wlde range of line wood sets and boards also stocked cHESS MOVE TIMERS (CLOCKS) Turnier German-made popular club clock, brown plastic $69.00 Standard German-made as above, in imitation wood case $79.00 DGT official FIDE chess clock $169.m CLUB AND TOURNAMENT STATIONERY Bundles of loose score sheets, 80 moves and diagram 200 $7.00 500 $1s.00 2000 $50.m Score pad, spiral-bound, 50 games, score sheets as above $ Score book, spiral bound, lies flat at any pag€, 50 games of 70 mov€s, with index and diagram for permanent record $7.m Artytax peel-an4stick symbols (a00 pieces) plus 20 diagram blocks $a.m AUCKI.AND RETAIL PRIME TIME GAMES LTD SUand Arcade, Queen Steet, Auckland Telephone (09r9ffi28i2 New Zealand's only complete chese retall stockist EVERYTHING FOR CHESS AS N.Z.C.S. Study in concentration at NZ junior championships NEWZEALAND CHESS STOP PRESS is the olficial joumal of the New Zealatd Petone Labour weekend toqrney Zealand Chess Chess Federation (Inc.), published bimonthly Scott Wastney RO and Mark van der Hoorn Vol2l Number 5 October 1995 (February, April, June, August, October, PE shared top in the Petone Labour December). lronours Weekend tournament, each having two draws correspondence, subscription renewals, Contents All to score 4/5. Both beat Mark Noble, who was changes of address, advertising inquiries, 3: on 3 with Mark Sinclair PE and Martin articles and other copy should be sent to Post WA. Ross Jackson WE and l,awrence 4 Russetl Dive creates the high point in New Zealand chess for the year by quali$ing Farrington shared B grade honours wlth 3%, for the IM, but not without some wories away from the board. And Ben New Zealand Chess half a point ahead of Don Stracy UH. Martin gains another.IM norm, leaving just one to go. P O Box 3130 Otago Labour weekend tourney Wellington 8 gou smith reports on the fresh talent that emerged, with some zurprises, in the Tony Love conceded two draws in winning successful new format of the national junior and age goup championships. Opinions expressed in articles, letters and the Otago Labour weekend 60/60 with 5/6, a point ahead Nick Cummings arttl other contributions are those of ttre authors. half of Geoff Larnbourne, with Hamish Coltl, 12 Stephen who? they asked as Canterbury's Stephen Coates pulled offthe surpriso Letters to the editor on any chess topic are Malcolm Foord and Terry Duffteld a poirrl of the year in taking the South Island title. welcome; limit 150 words, and marked "for further back. publication." 13 Paul Garbett sets a new record with a picket fence in the North Shore Open, but Eketahuna event Junlor returning players show they haven't lost their touch. ANI\ruAL SI]BSCRIPTION RATES Coach-orgenis6r Terry Powell catered lirr ,, '/ New Zealand $18.00 ($20.00 field of more than 100, ranging in age frorrr from January I, 1996) to 13, and including 30 girls, in a jurrior 16 Xiget Metge comes from behind to win the Papatoetoe Open. Other countries $US only Airmail Economy toumament held in Eketahuna in Ockrr-ur Australia, South Pacific U$12.00 Shurt King of Eketahuna scored 6/6 to lx' 17 tribute to Ab Borren. East Asia N America U$15.00 overall winner. Europe U$17.50 U$12.50 18 A review of correspondence chess in N.Z. Credit Suisse upset Rest of the world U$20.00 U$15.00 There was major upset in the Credit Suissc of N.Z. news, including results of several club toumament. held recently in Horgcrr, 20 Our regular round-up Back issues available - send for details. Switzerland, with Kramnik and Ivanchttk championships. swiss tourney field with 7/10, ADYERTISING RATES headinS tle ahead Ehlvest and Short on 6 and 22 Russell Dive looked in on the PCA world championship final in New York, and Full page NZ$45.00 of Kasparov on 5. annotates some of the garnes. Halfpage or firll column NZ$22.50 Ilalf column NZ$12.00 25 There has been plenty ofaction in international chess, as Peter Stuart reports. Club notices or classified, NZ$1.50 per 15 words. 30 Ted Frost updates NZCF events. COPY DEADLINE COYER: [8-year-old Joyce Ong presents a ......and coming up in the December issue The deadline for the December issue is study in concentration at the inaugtral New have stockpiling well-played games, and many will appear in the next iszue, Saturday, I)ecember 2, 1995 We been 7*aland Junior and age group championships along with the end-of-yeaf rating lists, a report from Ortvin Sarapu on the 1995 world Copy should include details of coming events held in Auckland this year. senior championships, more games from the PCA world championship final, and for the rest ofthe year. another coaching feature. ) M Chess NZ Chess Dive wins I.M. title Russell convincingly outplayed most of his Martin, B F'M-Condle, M trlV[ SCO 2460 Russell (including me) and never SCCU R 4 By Ted Frost. opponents he looked in serious trouble. He gained a well- 1.e4 6f6 2.e5 erd5 3.d4 d6 4.AB !:e4 5.Ae2 c6 6.o,95 has ttrat Russell now had four IM norms - but deserved IM norm, also pushing his rating Russell Dive, of Civic CC, Wellington, Martin-Burgess a fEw weeks earlier on a successflrl under skict application ofthe rules only two over tle 2400 mark. spent 15 months in Europe continued 6.0-0 BxR 7.BxR dxe5 8.dxe5 e6 lnternational Master title. counted! The case was strengtlened by I started well, with 4/5,beatrng IMs Condie mission to earn the 9.Q€2 Nd7 10.C4?! (l0.Nd2 is better, saving with one IM norm Russell's recent successes lifting his FIDE and Whiteley, but I couldn't maintain my Russell set out for Europe c4 for the N if necessary) 10...Ne7 11.b3? gained the 3rd rating to 242\ - well above the 2400 required form for tle last 4 rormds. My norm chances to his credit, but it was in (Better is l1.Bd2 followed by Bc3) 11...Ng6 Festival International tournament in as an extra condition for award ofthe title. disappeared when I lost to Wilson in round 8. Aosta l2.Bb2 Qc7 13.Bh5 (13.Re1 BM l4.Nd2 for However, while the special application was Italy late in 1988, and remained valid Ndxe5! wins a P. This is why the White B six years, so lodged, it proved to be unnececessary as the Whiteley, A IM ENG-Martin, B FMNZ support ofan IM application for should be on c3) l3...Ndxe5 14.t4 Nd7 15.f5 December. Qsmmission accepted both SCCU R2 it ran out of time last Qualifications 0-0-0! Now 16.fxg6 loses to ...hxg6 and the B norm at the norms gained under the guillotine time limit, Notes by Ben Martin Ru5sell gained his second IM on h5 can't move because of ...Bc5+ aud after a couple of near- and notification including ttrem, and Moscow Olympiad, ...Qh2+ mating, so White stays a P down with misses in the 10 tournaments he completed endorsing Russell's application, has appeared ":iiit a bad position. A trap worth remembering! up to that time. in the FIDE Bulletin and will be submitted to i""""ru" i v////, 24, 6...Af5 From April this year Russell finished close the 1995 FIDE Congress for confirmation. 6...Bxe2 is safer. to a norm several times. As he intended So, after all that, congrahrlations to Russell %fl, 7flftt 7.e6!? fxe6 coming home to New Zealand in October, he on his success and a warm welcome home, i "/fifi % 7...Bxe6 8.Nxe6 fxe6 9.Bg4 gives White was ruming out of time when he won the 3rd where he has retumed to the Audit "%frNa: good compensation for the pawn. Southern Counties Chess Union tournament Department and just in time for the etart of 8.4h5+ in August, to gain a third norm - but with the bowling season. In 15 months abroad i, 7N %. 8.g4 8g6 9.Bd3 also gives attacking only two counting. As there was tro certainty Russell played 211 match games in 22 chances.