52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2021 (LPI Contrib. No. 2548) 2543.pdf A DIGITAL ELEVATION MODEL OF MIRANDA’S YOUNGEST CORONA, INVERNESS. C. B. Beddingfield1,2; E. J. Leonard3, C. M. Elder3, T. A. Nordheim3, R. J. Cartwright1, C. Cochrane3, L. Regoli4, and D. Atkinson3. (
[email protected]) 1SETI Institute, 2NASA Ames Research Center, 3Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 4John Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, MD Background: Miranda is the innermost and ~4.34°), which is notably higher than that of the other smallest of the classical Uranian satellites, with a classical moons (i < 0.13°) [12]. ~470-km-mean-diameter [1]. This satellite has a In our ongoing work, we are investigating geologically complex and highly deformed surface, Inverness Corona, the youngest corona on Miranda highlighted by regions of tectonically resurfaced [13], to improve our understanding of the most recent terrain with low crater densities, termed “coronae” and geologic activity on this moon, and how this activity a large system of normal fault scarps up to 8 km in might be linked to endogenic processes, such as height making up the “Global Rift System,” present tectonism and cryovolcanism [e.g. 4]. Although within the cratered terrain (Figure 1) [2,3]. Verona Voyager 2 only imaged approximately half of Rupes, the 340 Degree Chasma, and the South Pole Miranda’s surface, the full spatial extent of Inverness Tangent Chasma are part of the Global Rift System Corona was captured during the flyby, unlike Arden [3], along with numerous smaller scale faults and and Elsinore Coronae, which were only partially fractures across the cratered terrain.