Artificial Earth Satellites Designed and Fabricated by the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
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SDO-1600 lCL 7 (Revised) tQ SARTIFICIAL EARTH SATELLITES DESIGNED AND FABRICATED 9 by I THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY APPLIED PHYSICS LABORATORY I __CD C-:) PREPARED i LJJby THE SPACE DEPARTMENT -ow w - THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY 0 APPLIED PHYSICS LABORATORY Johns Hopkins Road, Laurel, Maryland 20810 Operating under Contract N00024 78-C-5384 with the Department of the Navv Approved for public release; distributiort uni mited. 7 9 0 3 2 2, 0 74 Unclassified PLEASE FOLD BACK IF NOT NEEDED : FOR BIBLIOGRAPHIC PURPOSES SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE ER 2. GOVT ACCESSION NO 3. RECIPIENT'S CATALOG NUMBER 4._ TITLE (and, TYR- ,E, . COVERED / Artificial Earth Satellites Designed and Fabricated / Status Xept* L959 to date by The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. U*. t APL/JHU SDO-1600 7. AUTHOR(s) 8. CONTRACTOR GRANT NUMBER($) Space Department N00024-=78-C-5384 9. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME & ADDRESS 10. PROGRAM ELEMENT, PROJECT. TASK AREA & WORK UNIT NUMBERS The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory Task Y22 Johns Hopkins Road Laurel, Maryland 20810 11.CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME & ADDRESS 12.R Naval Plant Representative Office Julp 078 Johns Hopkins Road 13. NUMBER OF PAGES MyLaurel,rland 20810 235 14. MONITORING AGENCY NAME & ADDRESS , -. 15. SECURITY CLASS. (of this report) Naval Plant Representative Office j Unclassified - Johns Hopkins Road f" . Laurel, Maryland 20810 r ' 15a. SCHEDULEDECLASSIFICATION/DOWNGRADING 16 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of th,s Report) Approved for public release; distribution N/A unlimited 17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of the abstrat entered in Block 20. of tifferent from Report) N/A 18. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 3 19. KEY WORDS (Continue on reverse side ifnecessary and identify by block number) 3Army, Navy, NASA, Air Force (ANNA) Satellite -lA and -lB (1962 Beta Mu 1); Disturbance Compensation System (DISCOS); Direct Measurement Explorer (DME) Satellite -A (1965 98B); B Department of Defense Gravity Experiment (DODGE) Satellite (1967 66F); 20. ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse side ,f nftvsary and Pdentifyr bV block number) Satellites designed and fabricated by the Applied Physics Laboratory of The Johns Hopkins Univer- • • sity since the inception of the space program at APL in 1957 are described. The descriptions, including artist's concepts and other illustrations, are arranged in chronological order according to primary mission category. Satellite categories include navigation satellites (Transit, TRIAD, TIP, TRAI4SAT, etc.), geodetic research satellites (ANNA, GEOS, LIDOS, etc.), orbital environment and dynamics research satellites (TRAAC, 5E-series, DODGE), ionospheric research satellites (Beacon and Direct Measurement Explorers, P76-5), and astronomical exploration satellites (Small Astronomy Satellites). Appendixes include a functional description of the Navy Navigation Satellite System and several bibliographies. This report is updated from time to time with the issuance of new and revised material, and is one of a series that includes APL/JHU SDO-3100, "Navy Navigation Satellite System User Equipment Handbook" and APL/JHU SD-4100, "Instrumentation Developed by APL/JHU for Non- APL Spacecraft." , " .- O D-FORM 1- i SI I _ I DD JAN 73 147classiffed Unclassified SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE 19. KEY WORDS (continued) Geodetic Earth Otbiting Satellite (GEOS)-A (1965 89A) and -B (1968 02A); Geodynamics Experimental Ocean Satellite (GEOS).-C (1975 27A); Low Inclination Doppler Only Satellite (LIDOS); Navigation Satellite (NAVSAT); Navy Navigation Satellite System (NNSS); Orbit Adjust and Transfer System (OATS); Oscar Satellite; Small Astronomy Satellite (SAS) -A (1970 107A), -B (1972 91A), and -C (1975 37A); Transit Improvement Program (TIP) Satellite; Transit Research and Attitude Control (TRAAC) Satellite (1961 Alpha Eta 2); TRIAD Satellite (1972 69A); Translator Satellite (TRANSAT); Satellite Tracking (SATRACK) System; 1-A Satellite; 1-B Satellite (1960 Gama 2); 2-A Satellite (1960 Eta 1); 3-A Satellite; 3-B Satellite (1961 Eta 1); 4-A Satellite (1961 Omicron 1); 4-B Satellite (1961 Alpha Eta 1), SA-1 (1962 Beta Psi 2), -2, and -3 (1963 22A) Satellites; 5BN-1 (1963 38B), -2 (1963 49B), and -3 Satellites; 5C-1 Satellite (1964-26A); 5E-1 (1963 38C), -2, -3 (1963 49C) and -5 (1964 83C) Satellites; P76-5 Satellite (1976 47A); Navigation Satellites; Geodetic Research Satellites; Orbital Environment and Dynamics Research Satellites; Ionospheric Research Satellites; Astronomical Research Satellites; 0-4 (1965 48C); 0-6 (1965 109A); 0-8 (1966 24A); 0-10 (1966 76A); 0-12 (1967 34A); 0-13 (1967 48A); 0-14 (1967 92A); 0-11/TRANSAT (1977 106A) ~ ~ ~~ ~~.. ...----------------.... Unclassified SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE APPLIETHE JOHS PHYSICS HOPKINSUNIVERSITY LABORATORY SDbr1600SDO 1600 1978 LAURELMARVLANO February I CONTENTS Page List of Illustrations . ix List of Tables xiii Introduction .I.. .. 1 Historical Notee. 7 I. NAVIGATION SATELLITES ISatellite 1-A I-1 Background . .. 1-3 Physical Characteristics 1-3 Features 1-3 Objectives . 1-5 Achievements . -5 Satellite 1-B . 1-7 Physical Characteristics . 1-9 Features . 1-9 Objectives. 1-9 Achievements . I-l Satellite 2-A . 1-13 Physical Characteristics . 1-15 Features 1-15 Objectives .. 1-15 Achievements .. 1-17 Satellite 3-A 1-19 Physical Characteristics . .. 1-21 I Features 1-21 Objectives 1-21 Satellite 3-B . .. 1-23 Physical Characteristics . .. 1-25 Features . .. 1-25 Objectives .. .. 1-27 Achievements 1-27 I -iii- I , - -. -. II _ -|I -- - - THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY APPLIED PHYSICS LABORATORY SDO 1600 CONTENTS (Continued) Page Satellites 4-A and 4-B . 1-29 Background .. 1-31 Physical Characteristics .. 1-31 Features .... 1-32 Objectives .. .1-32 Achievements . .1-32 Satellite 5A Series .. 1-39 (5A-1, 5A-2, and 5A-3) Background .... 1-41 Physical Characteristics . 1-42 Features . 1-42 Objectives . 1-42 Achievements .. 1-45 Satellite 5BN Series 1-47 (5BN-1, 5BN-2, and 5BN-3) Background . 1-49 Physical Characteristics . .. 1-49 Features . 1-50 Objectives .. 1-50 Achievements . -5 0 Satellite 5C-1 . 1-55 Physical Characteristics . 1-57 Features .. 1-57 Objectives . 1-60 Achievements 1-60 Oscar Satellite Series 1-61 (Oscars 4, 6, and 8-14) Background . 1-64 Physical Characteristics 1-64 Features . 1-64 Objective . 1-69 Achievements . 1-69 TRIAD Satellite .. 1-71 Background ... 1-73 Physical Characteristics . 1-73 Features .... 1-73 Objectives . 1-77 Achievements .. 1-78 -iv- ... ... ... ..... .. .. ... -,- 1HEJONS HOkiN~fS UNIVERSITY S O 1 0 APPLIED PHYSICS LABORATORY LWIM MUAND CONTENTS (Continued) * Page TIP-II and -III Satellites 1-81 I Background .1-83 Physical Characteristics .. 1-83 Features .. 1-84 I Objective . ... 1-88 Achievements .. 1-88 jTranslator Satellite (TRANSAT) .. 1-91 Background ... 1-93 Description . .. 1-93 Physical Characteristics. 1-96 Features .. .. 1-96 Objectives .. .1-99 jAchievements 1-99 Ii. GEODETIC RESEARCH SATELLITES ANNA-lA and -lB Satellites . 1-1 Background . .11-3 Physical Characteristics . .11-3 I Features .11-3 Objectives .11-6 Achievements .. 11-6 GEOS-A and -B Satellites . 11-9 Background . .1-11 Physical Characteristics . 11l Featur s...1 Obetie 11-15 Achievements . .11-15 I LIDOS Satellite . .. .11-17 Background . ... 11-19 Physical Characteristics .. 11-19 Features . 11-19 Objectives .. 11-20 r Achievements . .. 11-20 I GEOS-C Satellite .11-23 Background . .. 11-25 Physical Characteristics .11-25 1 Features . 11-25 Objectives . .11-28 g Achievements . 11-30 IV THEJOHNS HOPKINS UNIVEAS17 V SO 1 0 APPLI ED PHYSICS LABORATORY SO10 LAUAEL MARVI.AI. CONTENTS (Continued) Page III. ORBITAL ENVIRONMENT AND DYNAMICS RESEARCH SATELLITES TRAAC Satellite 111-1 Background 111-3 Physical Characteristics 111-3 Features 111-3 Objectives 111-5 Achievements 111-5 Satellite 5E Series 111-7 (5E-1, 5E-2, 5E-3, and 5E-5) Background 111-9 Physical Characteristics 111-9 Features 111-10 Objectives 111-16 Achievements 111-18 DODGE Satellite 111-23 Background *111-25 Physical Characteristics 111-25 Features 111-25 Objectives 111-28 Achievements 111-28 IV. IONOSPHERIC RESEARCH SATELLITES Beacon Explorer Satellites IV-1 (BE-A, BE-B, and BE-C) Background IV-3 Physical Characteristics IV-3 Features IV-4 Objectives IV-4 Achievements IV-7 DME-A Satellite IV-9 Background IV-11 Physical Characteristics IV-11 Features 1V-11 Objectives IV-12 Achievements IV-12 -vi- E JOHNSHOPKINS UIVERSITYvSDO 1600 APPLIED PHYSICS LABORATORY I CONTENTS (Concluded) Page P76-5 Satellite . IV-13 Background . IV-15 Physical Characteristics . .. IV-15 I Features .. .IV-15 Objectives .. .. IV-18 I Achievements A IV-18 V. ASTRONOMICAL EXPLORATION SATELLITES 3 SAS-A and -B Satellites . .V-1 Background . .. V-3 Physical Characteristics . V-3 Features (Control Section) . V-3 Objectives . V-6 Achievements . V-7 I SAS-C Satellite . V-9 Background . V-11 Physical Characteristics . V-11 I Features .V-13 Objectives . V-13 . V-15 . AP E DI E Achievements . 3A. Definitions and Abbreviations .A-3 B. The Navy Navigation Satellite System . B-1 .1 C. Bibliography . C-i I -vii- THE oNS HoINS UNIVERSITY SDO 1600 APPLIED PHYSICS LABORATORY February 1978 LAUREL MARYLAND ILLUSTRATIONS Page 3 I-1 Satellite 1-A, Launch Configuration 1-2 1-2 Satellite 1-A, Cutaway View 1-4 1-3 Satellite 1-B, Artist's Concept 1-8 1-4 Satellite 1-B, Cutaway View 1-10 I-5 Satellite 2-A 1-14 1I-6 Satellite 2-A, Cutaway View 1-16 1-7 Satellite 3-A .. 1-20 1-8 Satellite 3-A, Cutaway View 1-22 1-9 Satellite 3-B and LOFTI Pickaback Satellite 1-24 1-10 Satellite 3-B, Cutaway View 1-26 I-11 Satellite 4-A 1-30 1-12 Satellite 4-A, Cutaway View 1-33 1 1-13 Satellite 4-A and Pickaback Satellites 1-35 1 1-14 Satellite 4-B 1-36 1-15 Satellite 4-B, Cutaway View 1-37 1-16 Satellite 5A-1, Artist's Concept 1-40 1-17 Satellite 5A-2 on Vibration Test Table 1-43 1-18 Satellite 5A (Typical), Orbit Configuration 1-44 1-19 Satellite 5BN-1, Artist's Concept 1-48 1-20 Satellite 5BN (Typical), Exploded View 1-51 - 1-21 Satellite 5BN-2 Atop Satellite 5E-3 1-52 1-22 Satellite 5C-1, Artist's Concept 1-56 1-23 Satellite 5C-1, Cutaway View 1-58 I-ix- I.