ADDRESS: 165 Walworth St, Roslindale MA 02131 PHONE: 857-413-7065 Griffin Cherry EMAIL: [email protected] PORTFOLIO: USER EXPERIENCE & DIGITAL PRODUCT DESIGN LINKEDIN:

SUMMARY Multi-faceted designer, product strategist, and leader with a passion for building innovative and delightful products around emerging platforms and new use cases.

SKILLSET UI/UX Design User research and requirements gathering; use cases, user stories, and persona development; wireframes and process flows; site maps and information architecture; prototyping; usability testing; A/B and multivariate testing; data-driven optimization and continuous innovation. Tools used: Balsamiq Mockups, OmniGraffle,, InVision, Optimizely, Google Analytics.

Visual Design High fidelity application design for web, mobile, and interactive television; corporate identity and marketing communications design for print and web.

Tools used: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign; Sketch. Product Product management and strategy in an Agile environment; feature prioritization and roadmapping; consensus building, requirements documentation; product ownership.

Tools used: Trello, Aha!, Pivotal Tracker, Post-It Notes.

Personal Team building and mentoring; client relationship management; vendor selection; integration and outsourced development management.

WORK HISTORY Rovi Jan. 2015 – Present User Experience Consultant Performed usability and design analysis of existing products in the Rovi Analytics division. Recommended workflow improvements and visual re-design; actively working closely with Agile development team on implementation. Currently creating holistic visual style guide and UX standards for use across multiple products.

Aereo Oct. 2010 – Nov. 2014 Vice President, Product Design & User Experience Founding leadership team member of high profile, fast-paced technology startup. Owned the product design vision and managed the application development of multi-platform, critically acclaimed streaming video product. UX & Visual Design

• Led design and implementation of Aereo’s web and mobile web applications, named one of TIME Magazine’s “50 Best Websites of 2012.” • Established visual design vocabulary and UX principles for use across a multitude of platforms, devices, and channels — from mobile phones to connected TVs. • Created process flows, wireframes, low- and high-fidelity mocks, prototypes, design specs and other artifacts as needed to test and refine UX, gather internal feedback and consensus, and deliver design requirements to developers.

• Presented design concepts to fellow management, investors, and internal teams. • Conducted observational/qualitative usability testing throughout product lifecycle. • Worked closely with outside agencies and in-house marketing team on product branding, launch marketing, and customer acquisition.

• Designed user acquisition funnel, upgrade flows, and customer retention features. With marketing, developed A/B and multivariate tests to continuously improve these designs. Product Management • Defined MVP requirements and managed ongoing product roadmap for web, mobile web, Android and iOS native apps, and Roku channel.

• Routinely analyzed usage data, customer support trends, user reviews, crash reports, and survey results to identify usability issues and feature requests. • Performed competitive research and market analysis to inform feature roadmap.

• Drove internal consensus building on featuring prioritization, weighing input from marketing, customer support, engineering, operations, and the overall business strategy. Brought “the voice of user” to these discussions. • Managed out-sourced development of Android application, which quickly achieved a 4+ star rating in the Google Play store. Maintained and improved upon this rating over numerous updates.

• Served as Product Owner for third-party integrations with billing systems (Recurly and CashBox), social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Gigya), marketing automation (ExactTarget), and various geo-location technologies.

• With engineering leads, worked to evolve development process from early-stage rapid prototyping/R&D phase into a mature Agile organization. Leadership

• Defined staffing plans, developed job descriptions, and recruited UX developers, designers, product managers, and QA staff.

• Led teams through product ideation, implementation, public beta, commercial launch, and rapid expansion.

• Mentored junior designers and product managers.

Navic, a Microsoft Company Jan. 2005 – Sep. 2010 Creative Director/UX Lead Led multi-purpose creative services group of successful interactive television and advertising technology company. Clients included major cable operators (, , Charter, Cox, etc.), networks (NBCUniversal, ESPN, Turner, etc.), and many national brands.

• Worked closely with clients to develop entertainment, advertising, and operator-branded applications using Navic’s widely deployed ITV technology. • Led design, deployment, and weekly operation of several groundbreaking ITV projects, including the first multi-operator “one-screen” ITV application (for Bravo’s “Top Chef”) and live applications for ESPN’s NBA playoffs coverage, NASCAR on TNT, and NBC’s “Last Comic Standing” reality competition. • Presented design concepts and weekly status reports to client executives. • Analyzed product/campaign performance and synthesized results into design best practices; presented learnings to clients and at ITV industry events.

• Designed and led implementation of user interfaces for Navic’s B2B product line, including tools for creating and managing ITV projects, reporting on audience measurement data, and running interactive advertising campaigns. • Managed marketing creative and sales support efforts for B2B products. • Principal designer of Admira, an innovative data-driven ad network for buying and selling TV ad inventory. Admira was the primary driver of Microsoft’s acquisition of Navic in 2008.

• Worked with Microsoft’s transition team and Navic’s product managers to implement best practices around product lifecycle and UX development.

ShipCycle July 2002 – Dec. 2004 Creative Director Responsible for all design needs of early-stage startup. Worked closely with founder to design flagship product, a suite of Web-based logistics management tools. Created all screens and GUI widgets, from initial concept through presentation-layer coding in PHP. Specified process flows and business rules for application logic and worked closely with engineering during implementation. Developed corporate branding and designed marketing materials, presentations, and other collateral.

Riverdeep Interactive Learning Sep. 2001 – July 2002 Senior Designer / User Interface Specialist Designed user interfaces for Web-based educational products, particularly collaborative toolkits for teachers and education management systems for district-wide use. Worked closely with content specialists on the design and engineers on the implementation. Nov. 1998 – June 2001 Art Director Responsible for all design needs for provider of private-labeled interactive television listings. Developed partner-customizable look-and-feel for online and set-top box service, including UI to easily search and navigate a large body of complex data. Contributed to development of overall product strategy. Nov. 1998 – Nov. 2000 Managing Editor / Art Director Oversaw editorial and design staffs in daily production of student-targeted Web site. Developed overall editorial strategy, including subject areas to cover and desired tone of articles. Worked with editors to develop story ideas and assure high quality of all published material. Directed all aspects of the visual design of the Web site, from overall look-and-feel to daily article artwork. Coordinated with Production and Development Departments in implementation of design vision and with Business Development staff to build third-party relationships and monetize content-based service. TVGrid and were sister companies. I preformed both roles simultaneously.

Etheria Web Presence & Design Dec. 1995 – Nov. 1998 Co-Founder / Art Director Co-founded early Web design firm. Managed Art Department and directed design of Web sites for corporate clients, including Lotus Development Corp., Sun Microsystems, and the United Way. Personally created look-and-feel for most projects and managed team of illustrators, production artists, and UI developers through project realization.

Tweak Magazine Dec. 1995 – Nov. 1998 Art Director / Editor Co-created popular and critically acclaimed on-line magazine. Worked closely with Creative Director on initial design and architecture; became primary designer in May 1996. Solicited and edited articles, coordinated online events and cross-promotions with other sites, and managed general day-to-day operations. Site was featured in several early books and articles on Web design. Tweak was a vanity project of Etheria.

Griffin Design Studios Sep. 1991 – Aug. 1996 Principal Designed print materials for clients ranging from local businesses to a multi-national publishing company, creating licensed products for Walt Disney, Warner Brothers, and the 1996 Olympics.

Pacific News Service May 1990 – June 1994 Reporter / Commentator Wrote, recorded, and edited radio commentaries for local public radio and NPR’s “All Things Considered.”

The Fish Rap Live! May 1992 – June 1993 Editor-in-Chief Supervised all aspects of publishing alternative student newspaper specializing in investigative reporting and personal journalism, including ad sales, story assignments, editing, production, and distribution. Led 30-person volunteer staff.

EDUCATION University of California, Santa Cruz 1991 - 1994 Studied Journalism and Political Science


Please visit to see examples of my work.


DAVID POQUE FOR YAHOO TECH “Using Aereo is simplicity itself… as idiotproof as it gets … It’s a joy to use, and everything works exactly the way you’d hope.”

BOSTON GLOBE TECH LAB “So good it’s scary… The user interface is simple and elegant.”

THE MOSSBERG SOLUTION, WALL STREET JOURNAL “Aereo couldn't be simpler… it has a thoughtful, clean user interface that works well on the iPad.”

USATODAY “Aereo's web-based interface is truly gorgeous.”

MIT TECHNOLOGY REVIEW “Using Aereo was an exciting experience. ‘My iPhone just became a TV,’ I caught myself saying aloud. I was particularly impressed with the elegant design of the user interface.”

TIME MAGAZINE “One of the 50 Best Websites of 2012.

RECOMMENDATIONS “I have had the honor of working with Griffin as both his customer and later as a co-worker. His undisputed talent is paired with a strong technology underpinning and a tremendous curiosity. He is able to distill complex product requirements into functional designs and then drive a team to get it built. One of his most important skills, perhaps honed by wearing both design and product hats, is his ability to iterate and re-shape concepts without losing the innate product core across devices and releases.”

Hans Fischmann, General Manager at Aereo

“I worked with Griffin for about three and a half years at Aereo, and he is, without question, one of my all-time favorite co-workers. One of the things that always amazed me was his almost superhuman ability to retain incredibly detailed mental models of complex systems. He knew every feature, bug, and edge case off the top of his head, which meant that he was always the go-to person for difficult questions, company-wide. As a manager, Griffin pushed me to build out features that I would sometimes deem “impossible.” As it turned out, they never were. And as a result, we delivered a product, and I probably crammed in about 3 years worth of professional growth in my first twelve months on his team. It was a truly invaluable experience. On top of all that, Griffin is a great guy, and just plain fun to work with. I sincerely hope I'll have the chance to do it again.” Kevin Ennis, Applications Developer at Aereo

“I've been incredibly fortunate to work with Griffin on projects for four different companies and hope to do so again in the future. I have always been amazed at his ability to create designs that capture big picture concepts yet are pixel perfect in execution — all while working at the frenzied pace of a startup. He has an uncommonly broad skill set that ranges from traditional branding and identity to art direction to websites and even to interactive television. If you and your company are looking for someone who is incredibly skilled at creating amazing customer experiences in a variety of media, Griffin’s absolutely perfect for you.”

Stewart Ugelow, founder of Student.Com, TVGrid, and ShipCycle