Connections Equity, Opportunity and Inclusion for People with Disabilities Since 1975
Connections Equity, Opportunity and Inclusion for People with Disabilities since 1975 Volume 41 w Issue 4 w Winter 2016 Agency Transformation In This Issue 5 The Role of Agency and Systems Transformation in Supporting “One Person at A Time” Lifestyles and Supports, by Guest Editor Michael Kendrick 8 The Transformation of Amicus: Our Story, by Ann-Maree Davis, Chief Executive Officer, Amicus 12 Muiriosa Foundation: Our Journey with Person-Centred Options, by Brendan Broderick, CEO, Muiriosa Foundation 16 Our Transformation as an Organization, by Christopher Liuzzo, Associate Executive Director (Ret.), the Arc of Rensselaer County, New York 20 Dane County, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), and Individualized Services, by Dennis Harkins, with Monica Bear and Dan Rossiter 25 The Story of KFI’s Agency Transformation, by Gail Fanjoy 28 Transformational Change in Avalon (BOP) Inc: “Don’t look back we are not going that way”, by Helen Brownlie 36 Spectrum: The Story Of Our Journey, by Susan Stanfield, Spectrum Society for Community Living 2016 TASH Conference, Page 41 Chapter News, Page 43 SAVE THE DATE FOR THE 2017 TASH CONFERENCE Each year, the TASH Conference strengthens the disability field by connecting attendees to inno- vative information and resources, facilitating connections between stakeholders within the dis- ability movement, and helping attendees reignite their passion for an inclusive world. The 2017 TASH Conference will focus on transformation in all aspects of life and throughout the lifespan. We look forward to
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