THE KILLAM TRUSTS ANNUAL REPORT 2007 Sarah Pace, BA (Hons) Administrative Officer to the Killam Trusts 1391 Seymour Street Halifax, NS B3H 3M6 T: (902) 494-1329 F:(902) 494-6562
[email protected] Published by the Trustees of the Killam Trusts THE KILLAM TRUSTS ANNUAL REPORT 2007 Sarah Pace, BA (Hons) Administrative Officer to the Killam Trusts 1391 Seymour Street Halifax, NS B3H 3M6 T: (902) 494-1329 F:(902) 494-6562
[email protected] Published by the Trustees of the Killam Trusts 2007 Annual Report of The Killam Trustees 2007 Annual Report of The Killam Trustees With infinite sadness, we record that our beloved fellow Trustee, W. Robert Wyman, passed away in June. A few weeks before his death, Dr. Indira Samarasekera, President and Vice Chancellor of the University of Alberta and Dr. Mark Dale, Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research, journeyed to Vancouver to con- fer an honourary LLD degree on Bob at his home. At the U of A Special Convocation held in Edmonton later in the year, Bob’s wife Donna and daughter Robin told us of his deep satisfaction at having received this honour from the university of his birthplace and childhood, the city of Edmonton. Please see page 17 for a more detailed tribute to this remarkable Canadian and his inestimable contribution to higher education in Canada. Moncton, New Brunswick is a medium-sized but up and coming city. Its recent growth rests on three promising features: its loca- tion at the transportation hub of the Maritime Provinces; its highly entrepreneurial citizenry; and a thriving cultural life.