Aleister Crowley | 80 pages | 30 Jul 2007 | Book Tree,US | 9781585093076 | English | San Diego, United States Tarot Card Meanings List - 78 Cards By Suit, Element, and Zodiac – Labyrinthos

This book originally appeared in Crowley's A Description of the Cards of the Tarot volume, The Equinox, in In is a complete and thorough study of all the cards of the tarot. Each is presented with a detailed description that is highly useful for those who read the cards or want to understand the symbolism better. Includes sections on the thirty-six decans and their relationship to the planets and days of the week, a special chart of the four characteristics of the court cards, how to determine if a card is strong or weak, and reveals a method of divination in the back that is used by Crowley's students. This is a concise handbook recommended to those serious about understanding the tarot. His parents belonged to the Plymouth Brethren, a strict fundamentalist Christian sect, so he was raised with a thorough knowledge of the Bible. He attended Trinity College at Cambridge University, but left before completing his degree. He became a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, an occult society which taught magic, qabalah, alchemy, tarot, and astrology, inbut the group disbanded in Inhe married Rose Kelly, who began entering trance states and sending him messages from Horus, an Egyptian god. These messages formed the first three chapters of The Book of the Law, which introduced Crowley's main concept of Thelema. He founded his own occult society. He was a prolific writer, who published A Description of the Cards of the Tarot on a wide variety of topics. He also wrote fiction including plays, novels, and poems. He died on December 1, at the age of A Description of the Cards of the Tarot. . Tarot Cards - List

The is a 22 card set within the tarot that is considered to be A Description of the Cards of the Tarot core and the foundation for the deck. All of the deck is filled with archetypal significance, but this is most pronounced within the Major Arcana. These cards follow a storyline that tells of the spiritual travels taken from the innocent wonder of to the oneness and fulfillment of . In other words, these cards tell the story of humanity's spiritual evolution into enlightenment and individuation. And so, as we follow the journey of the Fool, we can start seeing common parallels between our own stages in life and those A Description of the Cards of the Tarot the cards, each card teaching a specific lesson and a concept to meditate over. Because they form the basis of the tarot, some readings can sometimes be conducted with only the Major Arcana as well. Full Tarot Meaning. Associated with the element of fire, the suit of wands represents passion, inspiration and willpower. The wands imbue their users with primal energy, for it is through them that the cycle of creation can begin. Because of their ability to bring energy into any situation, they are also associated with action, ambition and A Description of the Cards of the Tarot plans. At their worst, they can refer to situations that are filled with recklessness and lack of direction. As you follow the journey within the wands, you'll come across these themes again and again. With all tarot meanings and more, this book is a comprehensive guide on using tarot for introspection, self-understanding and inner growth. Explore how tarot can help you slow down and reconnect with your innermost self. The suit of cups rules over all that is associated with emotions, the unconscious, creativity, and intuition. They frequently talk about relationships, whether romantic or otherwise, and one's imagination and inner world. They are associated with the element of water, which becomes a frequent visual theme within this suit. At their worst, the cups suit is fret with uncontrolled feelings, fantasy, and a disconnect with one's inner voice. The swords is the suit of intelligence, logic, truth, ambition, conflict and communication. It is associated with the element of air. In readings, these cards focus on the faculty and power of intellect, which like the swords themselves, are double-edged. This can be used for both good or evil, to help and to harm, and our greatest conflicts usually come from this delicate balance. At their worst, the swords can be abusive, harsh, and lack empathy. The is the suit of all things worldly and material. Though we will immediately think of the pentacles as relating to financial matters, we also can understand them as being associated with security, stability, nature, health, and prosperity. The pentacles are of earth element. When we see pentacles show up in a reading, they are usually concerned with your long term future, career, generosity, your household, business investments and your feelings of sensuality. The negative side of the pentacles show up as greed, jealousy, miserliness, and unbridled ambition at the cost of all else. Labyrinthos Academy is an online tarot school that aims to bring the ancient ritual of tarot for a modern practice. Sign up now to begin your initiation ritual. You'll get an email guiding you in your first steps as a witch, wizard or mage. Please confirm your acceptance letter in your inbox to start orientation. Close menu. Search Home Shop Expand submenu Collapse submenu. Learn Expand submenu Collapse submenu. Support Expand submenu Collapse submenu. Your cart. A Description of the Cards of the Tarot Cart. Major Arcana The Major Arcana is a 22 card set within the tarot that is considered to be the core and the foundation for the deck. The World Meaning Upright: fulfillment, harmony, completion, Reversed: incompletion, no closure. Meaning Upright: reflection, reckoning, awakening, Reversed: lack of self awareness, doubt, self A Description of the Cards of the Tarot. Meaning Upright: joy, success, celebration, positivity, Reversed: negativity, depression, sadness. Meaning Upright: unconscious, illusions, intuition, Reversed: confusion, fear, misinterpretation. Meaning Upright: hope, faith, rejuvenation, Reversed: faithlessness, discouragement, insecurity. Meaning Upright: sudden upheaval, broken pride, disaster, Reversed: disaster avoided, delayed disaster, fear of suffering. Meaning Upright: addiction, materialism, playfulness, Reversed: freedom, release, restoring control. Meaning Upright: middle path, patience, finding meaning, Reversed: extremes, excess, lack of balance. Meaning Upright: end of cycle, beginnings, change, A Description of the Cards of the Tarot, Reversed: fear of change, holding on, stagnation, decay. The Hanged Man Meaning Upright: sacrifice, release, martyrdom, Reversed: stalling, needless sacrifice, fear of sacrifice. Meaning Upright: cause and effect, clarity, truth, Reversed: dishonesty, unaccountability, unfairness. The Wheel of Fortune Meaning Upright: change, cycles, inevitable fate, Reversed: no control, clinging to control, bad luck. Meaning Upright: contemplation, search for A Description of the Cards of the Tarot, inner guidance, Reversed: loneliness, isolation, lost your way. Meaning Upright: inner strength, bravery, compassion, focus, Reversed: self doubt, weakness, insecurity. Meaning Upright: direction, control, willpower, Reversed: lack of control, lack of direction, aggression. Meaning Upright: partnerships, duality, union, Reversed: loss of balance, one-sidedness, disharmony. Meaning Upright: tradition, conformity, morality, ethics, Reversed: rebellion, subversiveness, new approaches. Meaning Upright: authority, structure, control, fatherhood, Reversed: tyranny, rigidity, coldness. Meaning Upright: motherhood, fertility, nature, Reversed: dependence, A Description of the Cards of the Tarot, emptiness, nosiness. Meaning Upright: intuitive, unconscious, inner voice, Reversed: lack of center, lost inner voice, repressed feelings. The Magician Meaning Upright: willpower, desire, creation, manifestation, Reversed: trickery, illusions, out of touch. The Fool Meaning Upright: innocence, new beginnings, free spirit, Reversed: recklessness, taken advantage of, inconsideration. Learn How to Read Tarot Our tarot school of monsters and mischief awaits! Dive into the world of self knowledge and magic. Suit of Wands Associated with the element of fire, the suit of wands represents passion, inspiration and willpower. Learn More about the Suit of Wands. Meaning Upright: perseverance, defensive, maintaining control, Reversed: give A Description of the Cards of the Tarot, destroyed confidence, overwhelmed. Meaning Upright: community, home, celebration, Reversed: lack of support, transience, home conflicts. Ace of Wands Meaning Upright: creation, willpower, inspiration, desire, Reversed: lack of energy, lack of passion, boredom. Ten of Wands Meaning Upright: accomplishment, responsibility, burden, Reversed: inability to delegate, overstressed, burnt out. Meaning Upright: resilience, grit, last stand, Reversed: exhaustion, fatigue, questioning motivations. Meaning Upright: rapid action, movement, quick decisions, Reversed: panic, waiting, slowdown. Meaning Upright: victory, success, public reward, Reversed: excess pride, lack of recognition, punishment. Meaning Upright: competition, rivalry, conflict, Reversed: avoiding conflict, respecting differences. Meaning Upright: looking ahead, expansion, rapid growth, Reversed: obstacles, delays, frustration. Two of Wands Meaning Upright: planning, making decisions, leaving home, Reversed: fear of change, playing safe, bad planning. Meaning Upright: exploration, excitement, freedom, Reversed: lack of direction, procrastination, creating conflict. Queen of Wands Meaning Upright: courage, determination, joy, Reversed: selfishness, jealousy, insecurities. Meaning Upright: big picture, leader, overcoming challenges, Reversed: impulsive, overbearing, unachievable expectations. Meaning Upright: action, adventure, fearlessness, Reversed: anger, impulsiveness, recklessness. Pre-order at DK Books. Suit of Cups The suit of cups rules over all that is associated with emotions, the unconscious, creativity, and intuition. Learn More about the Suit of Cups. Meaning Upright: compassion, control, balance, Reversed: coldness, moodiness, bad advice. Meaning Upright: compassion, calm, comfort, Reversed: martyrdom, insecurity, dependence. Meaning Upright: following the heart, idealist, romantic, Reversed: moodiness, disappointment. Meaning Upright: happy surprise, dreamer, sensitivity, Reversed: emotional immaturity, insecurity, disappointment. Meaning Upright: inner happiness, fulfillment, dreams coming true, Reversed: shattered dreams, broken family, domestic disharmony. Nine of Cups Meaning Upright: satisfaction, emotional stability, luxury, Reversed: lack of inner joy, smugness, dissatisfaction. Meaning Upright: walking away, disillusionment, leaving behind, Reversed: avoidance, fear of change, fear of loss. Meaning Upright: searching for purpose, choices, daydreaming, Reversed: lack of purpose, diversion, confusion. Meaning Upright: familiarity, happy memories, healing, Reversed: moving forward, leaving home, independence. Five of Cups Meaning Upright: loss, grief, self-pity, Reversed: acceptance, moving on, finding peace. Meaning Upright: apathy, contemplation, disconnectedness, Reversed: sudden awareness, choosing happiness, acceptance. Meaning Upright: friendship, community, happiness, Reversed: overindulgence, gossip, isolation. Two of Cups Meaning Upright: unity, partnership, connection, Reversed: imbalance, broken communication, tension. Meaning Upright: new feelings, spirituality, intuition, Reversed: emotional loss, blocked creativity, emptiness. The swords is the suit of intelligence, logic, truth, ambition, conflict and communication. Learn More about the Suit of Swords. Meaning Upright: head over heart, discipline, truth, Reversed: manipulative, cruel, weakness. Tarot Cards Meaning: A List Of The Cards & What They Represent

A Description of the Cards of the Tarot the late 18th century, some tarot decks began to be used for divination via and cartomancy leading to custom decks developed for such occult purposes. Like common playing cards, the tarot has four suits which vary by region: French suits in Northern Europe, Latin suits in Southern Europe, and German suits in Central Europe. In addition, the tarot has a separate card trump suit and a single card known as the Fool ; this card section of the tarot deck is known as the major arcana. Depending on the game, the Fool may act as the top trump or may be played to avoid following suit. Among English-speaking countries where these games are not played frequently, tarot cards are used primarily for novelty and divinatory purposes, usually using specially designed packs. Playing cards first entered Europe in the late 14th century, most likely from Mamluk Egypt. The first records date to in Berne and they appear to have spread very rapidly across the whole of Europe, as may be seen from the records, mainly of card games being banned. Little is known about the appearance and number of these cards; the only significant information being provided by a text by John of Rheinfelden in from Freiburg im Breisgauwho, in addition to other versions describes the basic pack as containing the still-current 4 suits of 13 cards, the courts usually being the King, Ober and Unter "marshals"although Dames and Queens were already known by then. One early pattern of playing cards that evolved was one with the suits of Batons or Clubs, Coins, Swords, and Cups. These suits are still used in traditional ItalianSpanish and Portuguese decks, but have also been adapted in packs used specifically for tarot divination cards that first appeared in the late A Description of the Cards of the Tarot century. The first documented tarot packs were recorded between and in MilanFerraraFlorence and Bologna when additional trump cards with allegorical A Description of the Cards of the Tarot were added to the common four-suit pack. These new decks were called carte da trionfitriumph cards, and the additional cards known simply as trionfiwhich became "trumps" in English. The earliest documentation of trionfi is found in a written statement in the court records of Florenceinregarding the transfer of two decks to Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta. The oldest surviving tarot cards are the 15 or so Visconti-Sforza tarot decks painted in the midth century for the rulers of the Duchy of Milan. He described a card deck with 16 cards having images of the Roman gods and suits depicting four kinds of birds. The 16 cards were regarded as "trumps" since in Jacopo Antonio Marcello recalled that the now deceased duke had invented a novum quoddam et exquisitum triumphorum genusor "a new and exquisite kind of triumphs". In Florencean expanded deck called Minchiate was used. This deck of 97 cards includes astrological symbols and the four elements, as well as traditional tarot motifs. Although a Dominican preacher inveighed against the evil inherent in cards chiefly owing to their use in gambling in a sermon in the 15th century, [9] no routine condemnations of tarot were found during its early history. Because the earliest tarot cards were hand-painted, the number of the decks produced is thought to have been small. It was only after the invention of the printing press that mass A Description of the Cards of the Tarot of cards became possible. The expansion of tarot outside of Italy, first to France and Switzerland, occurred during the Italian Wars. The most important tarot pattern used in these two countries was the Tarot of Marseilles of Milanese origin. The word Tarot and German Tarock derive from the Italian A Description of the Cards of the Tarotthe origin of which is uncertain but taroch was used as a synonym for foolishness in the late 15th and early 16th centuries. The new name first appeared in Brescia around as Tarocho. This coincided with the older game being renamed tarocchi. The attribute Tarocco and the verb Taroccare are used regionally to indicate that something is fake or forged. This meaning is directly derived from the tarocchi game as played in Italy, in which tarocco indicates a card that can be played in place of another card. The original purpose of tarot cards was to play games. A very cursory explanation of rules for a tarot-like deck is given in a manuscript by Martiano da Tortona before Vague descriptions of game play or game terminology follow for the next two centuries until the earliest known complete description of rules for a French variant in Tarocchini has survived in Bologna and there are still others played in Piedmont and Sicily, but in Italy the game is generally less popular than elsewhere. The 18th century saw tarot's greatest revival, during which it became one of the most popular card games in Europe, played everywhere except Ireland and Britainthe Iberian peninsulaand the Ottoman Balkans. Regional tarot games—often known as tarocktarokor tarokk are widely played in central Europe within the borders of the former Austro-Hungarian empire. These were the A Description of the Cards of the Tarot form of tarot deck to be made, being first devised in the 15th century in northern Italy. The so-called occult tarot decks are based on decks of this type. Three decks of this category are still used to play certain games:. The Tarocco Siciliano is the only deck to use the so-called Portuguese suit system which uses Spanish pips but intersects them like Italian pips. It omits the Two and , and numerals one to four in clubs, swords and cups: it thus has 64 cards but the ace of coins is not used, being the bearer of the former stamp tax. The cards are quite small and not reversible. The illustrations of French-suited tarot trumps depart considerably from the older Italian-suited design, abandoning the Renaissance allegorical motifs. With the exception A Description of the Cards of the Tarot novelty decks, French-suited tarot cards are almost exclusively used for card games. The first generation of French-suited depicted scenes of animals on the trumps and were thus called " Tiertarock " 'Tier' being German for 'animal' appeared around Arounda greater variety of decks were produced, mostly with genre art or veduta. Current French-suited tarot decks come in these patterns:. Example of 18th century " Tiertarock ". There are, however, cards that were and are marketed as 'Tarock' cards. The heart suit is the default trump suit. The earliest evidence of a tarot deck used for cartomancy comes from an anonymous manuscript from around which documents rudimentary divinatory meanings for the cards of the Tarocco Bolognese. was the first to issue a tarot deck specifically designed for occult purposes around In keeping with A Description of the Cards of the Tarot misplaced belief that such cards were derived from the Book of ThothEtteilla's tarot contained themes related to ancient Egypt. Some decks exist primarily as artwork, and such art decks sometimes contain only the 22 major A Description of the Cards of the Tarot. The three most common decks used in esoteric tarot are the Tarot of Marseillesthe Rider-Waite-Smith tarot deckand the . Aleister Crowleywho devised the Thoth deck along with Lady Frieda Harrisstated of the Tarot: "The origin of this pack of cards is very obscure. Some authorities seek to put it back as far as the ancient Egyptian Mysteries; others try to bring it forward as late as the fifteenth or even the sixteenth century From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Cards used for games or divination. For other uses, see Tarot disambiguation. Main article: Tarot card games. Tarot Nouveau trumps circa Main article: Tarot card reading. See, for example, Placardi, Carl E; Mann, Sylvia Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. The Playing-Card. Studies on Giusto Giusti at trionfi. Retrieved 4 February A Wicked Pack Of Cards. Taroch - at Le Tarot Cultural Association. Retrieved Lewiston: The Edwin Mellen Press. The Oxford Guide to Card Games 1 ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Retrieved 26 July Frank Tarot and Tarock card games. Category WikiProject Card Games. Occult tarot. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Wikimedia Commons Wikiversity.