COINS () - Earth element - abundance - achievement - work - money - the material world The Painted -

Ace of Coins - new beginnings in the realm of the physical world - abundance - a gift - potential of new work - positive attitude.

A c e o f Co in s

I I - balancing two opposing options - juggling commitments - feeling in a hurry - consider the balance in your life - being flexible.

I II - creative collaboration - being part of a team - making plans - exciting new projects - things being in ‘flow’ - enjoying your work.

I V - what does ‘value’ mean to you? - your attitude to money - restricting expenditure or spending to much - lack of flow - feeling like there’s never enough - reliance on possessions for happiness.

I II - worrying about money - feeling isolated - count your blessings - ‘lack’ mentality - anxiety over losing something - imbalance. V I - generosity - finances flowing - giving and/or receiving - charity - sharing - who is giving - who is taking - contribution to others.

V I I - putting in the effort - long term view - planning for the future - hard work - keep going - review your progress - reward for effort delayed - impatience - investment.

V I II Eight of Coins - dedication to a project - working hard and gaining satisfaction - improving skills - honing the details of a project - self improvement - being conscientious - diligence and determination.

I X Nine of Coins - success - financial abundance - achieving your goals - self sufficiency - beauty and abundance - life in balance - independence - creative work .

X Ten of Coins - financial abundance - inheritance - wealth in all areas - family security - strong foundations - success - tradition - being part of something bigger - remembering ancestors.

Page of Coins - new venture - new job - tangible new beginnings - being a student - try something new - manifesting dreams into reality - getting things off the ground. P a g e o f Co in s of Coins - self discipline - hard work - being methodical - working through things logically - being responsible - commitment - getting on with the mundane aspects of life - feeling stuck - getting the K n ig h t o f Co in s job done.

Queen of Coins - nurturing, warm and caring female energy - busy but capable - many strings to her bow - down to earth attitude - coping with a lot - supportive female presence - practical and resourceful. Q u e e n o f Co in s

King of Coins - fulfilment of a task - a capable ‘earthy’ male energy - a safe pair of hands - financially stable - powerful male energy - successful

K i n g o f Co in s financially - culmination of a project - abundance.