
My intention in creating The Slutist is to tell ’s Journey through the archetype of The Maiden. The Maiden represents a young femme and she symbolizes the divine feminine: a spiritual aspect of ourselves that is not limited to feminine persons. In the classic tarot narrative, a querent is expected to identify with cis male archetypes — regardless of their own gender identity — and conversely, The Slutist Tarot asks its querent to see themselves reflected in The Maiden.

This deck is meant to be both erotic and representational — not just for daringly promiscuous sex witches, but also for those who devote themselves to monogamous relationships or abstain from sex altogether. As an advocate for sex positivity it is of utmost importance to acknowledge that sexual liberation operating within intersectional feminism represents the power to make choices about your own body, and to practice whatever brand of consensual sex that you desire.

The Slutist Tarot as a narrative and collection of portraits centers those on the feminine spectrum with a few precious masculine and male­identified exceptions. I aspire to flip the script on historically androcentric and sex negative models of thinking. Additionally, I emphasize the labor of those in the sex industry over all other modes of employment and lifestyle rather than regarding those individuals as maudlin, fringe characters or societal failures used as foils to purity, as is typical of most stories. I aim to showcase a multiplicity of sexual expressions and identities rather than depicting a norm or a standard one.

For my entire life I have been forced to identify with characters, social structures and narratives in which my lifestyle is neither included nor validated. To me, sex and femininity are not niche subjects — nor are the lived experiences of sex workers. Regardless of your own background, I ask you to move past stigma to find yourself in our story.

That being said, I am happy to share these images and stories with those who are in the dark about alternative sex practices and sexual labor. I hope that these cards will inspire those who feel closeted or simply curious or tickled by transgression, and honor those who share a both bloodied and enchanted heritage with the Sacred Whore.

Although many people’s images and spirits were inspirational in creating this deck, the cards and descriptions are not meant to be or represent any living person.

The Slutist Tarot Mythology

The narrative inherent in The Slutist Tarot is about sexuality specifically: how sex and sexual trauma can change you, your perception of yourself, and how you deal with humanity. I believe that on some level all individuals have their lives defined by sex, whether that be the act of sex (orientation and preference, having it and not having it, consensual or otherwise), or gender­based sex. Ultimately for my heroine, sexuality is what hurts her and it’s also what empowers her (and makes her money!) For this reason, sexuality is The Maiden's gift and curse.

The Maiden’s Journey is a departure from the classic Fool’s Journey, which my dear friend and tarot mentor Sarah Lorraine taught me when we were just becoming friends around the age of 24. She recited the lore like a fairy tale and after that point I began associating that mythology and accompanying archetypes with several of my most influential childhood favorites: the tales of Camelot, Alice Through the Looking Glass , Labyrinth , and The Never Ending Story . Stripped down, the Fool's Journey is the blueprint for every myth that centers a young adventurer who is forced to grow and change through the experiences they have and the people they meet. These stories often end with our protagonist facing their greatest fears and prevailing because those experiences and people have made them stronger and braver. In my inversion of the cis­hero trope, I see Alice as a young girl who is "too curious." She is forced to grow up before she’s ready to leave childhood behind and comes to accept a sometimes harrowing and other times ecstatic new life as a woman. I see her adventure as a metaphor for the unexpected burden we face when at a very young age we realize we are desired, and yet we have no bodily autonomy, and the potential of traumatic, exciting and beautiful experiences that unfold as we gain agency over our bodies and emotions.

Divination Instructions & Tarot Structure

This deck and spread were created specifically for love and sex readings, but you may find that the written and illustrated metaphors can carry across a multiplicity of experiences and emotional states. I think most of my readers have had similar experiences with tarot guidebooks where one really has to bend the meaning of the cards to match the question asked, which for so many of us is inevitably about love. So I decided to lean into the collective obsession we have with the mysteries of love and attraction.

You may notice that some aspects of The Slutist Tarot differ from the traditional tarot structure. I have princess in place of page/knave and I use prince in the place of knight, similar to the Thoth deck. I also changed several of the titles in the to align with new archetypes that stray from imperialistic and Christian heteropatriarchy. I kept the royal suits because I feel that our queer community has done an incredible job of thoroughly reclaiming all those titles.

There are no “reversed” readings for the cards because I believe that the positive and negative aspects of any card can be gleaned from those surrounding it, or from many of the card’s existing dualities.

The Slutist Tarot Relationship Spread was designed to help readers navigate some of the more confusing or difficult to interpret aspects of relationships (AKA all of them, am I right?) I like to use this spread as a check in, whether that be with new lovers, friends, family members, or even colleagues and business partners, like mine! I did a reading for ( Slutist founder) Kristen and I and it was all cups and coins, and .

Beyond the instructions listed, I encourage readers to engage with the general energy of the spread, how the two cards on the side create a V shape that points both down and up, and how those messages communicate and create a larger picture. As compared to a celtic cross, I have cards 5 and 8 representing lower and higher energies respectively; your Earthly reality and your Heavenly possibilities. It’s also important to look at the conversation between 4 and 6 which mirror one another: what are your desires or fears projecting? How do the things that scare or excite us the most with love inform the reality we create around relationships?

There are many ways to utilize this spread and to get the most from its messages. For example, I was recently in what turned out to be an unhealthy relationship and throughout that time documented each reading in a journal. By doing this, I created a story of that relationship, with a beginning, middle, and end positively loaded with painful life lessons that I can now add to my emotional arsenal. With documentation, I can compare readings amongst partners at different stages to help me see red flags more clearly, or signs of love that I can truly believe in. I also encourage thorough journaling for those who are susceptible to gaslighting. Histories of abuse can make interpreting and intuiting particularly difficult for any mystic, no matter how experienced.

During this time I also discovered a helpful addition, which is when I see a prince (or knight in traditional decks) in position 8 I will pull an additional card or two for clarification. This is because the princes are in motion, and often times it’s fair to read them as warnings. When I did this during that particular relationship, the Prince of Wands warned me of rushing ahead without considering the consequences of my actions, and the cards I pulled for clarification were and 5 of Cups. I certainly had all the answers, but I wasn’t ready to do the right thing, which was walk away (6 of Swords, which came up often along with 7 of Coins). The struggle to let go of attachment is no doubt a common experience with querents who have a hard time negotiating their own emotional boundaries due to trauma.

When things get dark, divination can help us to see the light. I hope you all find the and compassion to get everything you want out of love and sex, and the foresight and intuition to properly identify and banish weasels* before you let them into your hearts. I am honored to have my words and images be a part of your journey, especially on round two of this process. Blessed be.

*Weasels are insecure abusive individuals who act out of fear, can be found sniffing around magnetic powerful witches they want to break. Like vampires, one must invite a weasel in, in order to give them power.

Card Descriptions The Major Arcana

0, The Maiden Also known as The Fool The maiden is a young, sexually inexperienced person on the brink of a sexual awakening. She is only now becoming aware of how attractive she is to others, to those she wants, and to those who prey on her. Her beauty is a double edged sword: on one hand she can flirt with men and get anything she wants, and on the other she is sought after by predators. The presence of The Maiden is asking you to be aware of blind optimism and willful ignorance. This may also indicate that you are being given a fresh start, and should take the lessons from your past life with you on this new journey. You may be stepping into chaos or bliss, so make sure to look before you leap (or disrobe).

I, The Witch Also known as The Magician You have the power to will things into existence and to effect change. What you speak will be the truth, so make sure that what you say in private is above board, because it will become public. It is also advised that you’re more likely to get what you want by topping from the bottom rather than approaching a challenge head on. This card encourages you to achieve your goals using your own non­traditional methods: draw from your own magickal arsenal rather than the tools society expects you to have.

II, The Oracle Also known as The Oracle represents intuition first and foremost and the balance between light, dark; masculine, feminine; body, spirit. The Oracle encourages you to shed your ego, and to be empathetic to others. It is very important for you to pay attention to your dreams and incoming psychic visions to unveil deeper meanings and pertinent information. Listen to your heart, and be high­minded about conflicts.

III, The Whore Also known as The Whore represents all that is magickal and powerful about femininity. The Whore can bring you gifts of sex, love, and babies or she can encourage you to love yourself. In a time of hurt, practice healing masturbation, dig your fingers deep in the Earth, nurture your creativity. Do not get swept up with vanity, but do enjoy the splendor of beautiful things, including what you see in the mirror.

IV, Power Also known as Power is a loving Daddy, or a cold cruel Daddy. This is an authoritative figure who is not swayed by their emotions. This person rules with logic and can be quite distant. Power encourages you to make decisions based on fact and logic, and to not be spontaneous and frivolous. You are being asked to show emotional restraint in a time when that may be challenging or unnatural for you.

V, The Mother Also known as She is the house mom and she makes the rules — whatever that may mean for your family in work or play. She strictly enforces the decided doctrine. Though her authority is unwavering, she is still warm and nurturing. She can sometimes be the peacemaker in domestic disputes. The presence of The Mother may be asking you to draw upon traditional methods to solve a conflict, or to adhere to a conventional role that is expected of you.

VI, You are torn between two people or two lifestyles: perhaps you have a straight job and an active kinky, queer lifestyle and the two are constantly at odds, or you are involved with two different people and feel inclined to monogamy. This can also be an attempt to merge with another person and feeling that you are incomplete without a romantic partner. It is important to remember that empty feelings can’t be remedied with sex. When The Lovers card appears you are always given two options. Sometimes we have to let go of what feels good in order to do what feels right.

VII, Experience Also known as Experience indicates that you may have fully immersed yourself in chaotic sex magick. You are constantly bouncing from one party or orgy to another. This is the card of absolute sluttiness. Whether you know it or not, you are in control of your fate, but as the saying goes: It Will End In Tears if you don’t protect yourself physically and emotionally. If you are holding back and feeling fearful, now is the time to take risks and go fast — and trust yourself. If you’re already spinning out of control, stop and assess the situation and your own recklessness. Then again, even bad experiences help us to come to a deeper understanding of ourselves.

VIII, If you are wondering if things are how they were “meant to be” the answer is yes — regardless of the outcome. Justice doles out punishments and rewards without bias. If you’ve been bad, prepare for a flogging. If you’ve been good, you’re likely to get spoiled. This also indicates that if you have done something deceptive or unkind, you will be brought to justice (and same goes for a person doing so to you).

IX, The Crone Also known as The Crone is exhausted with materialism and the drama of everyday life, so do not bring her your shit. She no longer humors immature partners and emotional vampires. For you, this could mean that loneliness is a blessing, especially if it scares you. Ask yourself what flaws or hurts are holding you back from getting what you want, and how much time is wasted trying to please those who never cared about pleasing you. The Crone encourages you to pull back, stay in, and care for yourself above all others. It’s a great time to catch up on all those books, movies and TV shows you’ve had on your list.

X, The Wheel of Fortune Fate is either changing hands, or you are tempting fate. Are you pushing too hard or asking for too much from a lover? If things are going great, why push your luck by trying to get more than you already have? You may be tempted to make a risky maneuver, one that could turn your fortune into foolishness. Alternatively, if things aren’t going so great, maybe it’s time to take a calculated risk. My advice to you is to sit back and let fate take the wheel: you can’t control everything. You can only control yourself.

XI, Strength Odds are you are enduring a very difficult time emotionally or bodily. The Strength card is here to remind you that you can get through this. You are brave, and even when you feel empty and completely drained there will be some modicum of strength to draw upon. This is a good time to reach out to people who love you for help, and if you feel that there is no one in your life, just know that the strength you exhibit now to make it through will be rewarded in the future. The pain will make the pleasure so much sweeter when you get it.

XII, Suspension Also known as The Hanged Man This may be your first experience with discipline training and you’re being pushed to your limits. You know that learning discipline is worth it, and you’ll make your master/mistress very happy. So, accept your fate, and consider an inversion to solve a problem. Suspension indicates that this is a time of inactivity, an important pause, and she asks you to allow yourself to be tied up and vulnerable for an extended period of time. Or worse, bored and unproductive.

XIII, Death Something is ending. Death is the ecstatic transformation that occurs when pain turns into pleasure. You must let your ego die and allow yourself to be changed and to evolve out of a previous self. This is your reincarnation, you have to let go of what no longer serves you so you can make room for something new, even if that little death hurts.

XIV, A harmonious connection with spirit and substance, the corporal body dipping into the waters of mysticism, while still holding onto Earthly pleasures. You will find balance through delayed gratification so let this climax build slowly. Temperance is patience and poise in the face of chaos, being “above the drama.” Temperance is sweetness, self­love and control. She’s a sweet angel who can light up any room.

XV, Vice Also known as You may be dealing with temptation or addiction. You feel that you are a prisoner to drugs, sex, alcohol or abuse, but what you don’t realize is that you built this prison, and you hold the keys. You are in control of this narrative: is it a fun story or a destructive one? It’s important to remind yourself that the devil is only a flirtation, not a commitment. If you’ve gone too far, shake those shackles off and walk away. If you’ve been good and deserve a wild night then stay and enjoy the party.

XVI, I’m sorry babe but this is rock. fucking. bottom. The best thing about the Tower is that things can’t get any worse. This is inevitable loss and destruction, a fate that cannot be negotiated. This is waking up and realizing that you’ve mistaken abuse for love, or the shock of sexual trauma. This can also be the cataclysm that follows greed, pride, selfishness and despotism, but oftentimes fate is cruel to the good­willed as well. Your tower will fall, will you fall with it?

XVII, I encourage you to look up at the stars and rather than feeling small and alone in this universe, realize that you are a part of something greater, you are not alone and you have angels looking out for you. This could be your awakening from trauma. There’s a light in the darkness that guides you out of misery after you’ve been hurt to the point where you can’t take any more pain. The goddess gives you the courage to find your brave inner child, to stand up and move through the night, no matter how terrifying the darkness is for you right now.

XVIII, This is a decisive moment: will you stay on your path of healing and self­care or will you run with the wolves on the path of wildness and the unknown? The Moon can be a misinterpreted power after experiencing a trauma. You feel wild and untamed but you haven’t healed yet, so your ability to make decisions is still skewed by mania. You will find it hard to perceive reality and your ability to tell right from wrong is in question. You may feel spellbound with animalistic sexuality.

XIX, The Sun indicates that this is a beautiful time to enjoy laziness, morning masturbation, feeling the sun bleeding through your curtains while you order breakfast on your phone. This is a time to play and to appreciate your inner child. You’ve been through Hell, you fought to find your way, and now you can bask in the glory of well­earned happiness and leisure. Call lovers to you, there are plenty who will be attracted to you right now. Be the Pillow Princess of your dreams.

XX, Judgement is having the clarity and knowledge to perceive people and their actions for what they are, not for what you want them to be, and to cut through manipulation. You have either reached this point in your emotional growth and you need to trust your instincts, or this is the point you need to reach and you are still falling for the same tricks time and time again. You know not to take any shit from clients or greedy, manipulative partners. At this time you can heal from past transgressions, because you appreciate how far you’ve come emotionally, and now you can see the weasels as weasels and walk away from things that cause you pain.

XXI, The World This is the final transformation in The Maiden’s Journey, but it isn't the end: it’s merely a stopping point before the next adventure. With all of her experiences in tow, she is ready to be creative and make something with her talents and wit. She has learned that she is the source of her own love and power, and there is nothing more beautiful and harmonious than that. You have the ability to make something incredible, and you will.


Wands Queen. The Queen of Wands is direct, dominate, transparent and unashamed of her emotions and desires. She encourages you to be brave, ask for what you need, and move towards your goals with the vibrancy and brilliance of a red hot flame. Although your flame burns brightly, you can still get burnt out, so be considerate with your stamina.

King. This king is a master who is all things fiery: masculine sex, rage, and revolt. While the reigns in cold intellectualism, the is action. If you want a sexual revolution, he’s your man. Bring him any idea and he will give it life. Just keep in mind that revolutions can be deadly, and while fire is seductive, it will burn you if you get too close.

Princess. The Princess of Wands is precocious and excitable, always looking for ways to aesthetically improve her surroundings. She is spontaneous and doesn’t always consider how her decisions might negatively affect others. Her teenage spirit is one that wants to change the world, but has little means or foresight to do so. Be wary of what you might lose when you approach life like a party that never ends.

Prince. A teen spirit with a lust for life who requires a great deal of stimulation. He is fueled by the rejection and oppression that he faced in childhood and now he uses this anger as creativity and fuel. He can be a very seductive and exciting lover, but do not trust him with your wallet or keys. Don’t fuck with him when he’s hungover, and if you see him cry pretend like you didn’t notice.

Ace. You may feel possessed by your libido. The feelings of intense sexual desire and uncontainable excitement continue to bubble up and pull you into spontaneous and passion fueled moments that can be both invigorating and destructive. Your challenge right now is putting all this energy into something useful: not just fucking. Make this the spark that starts a fire.

Two. You are now experiencing the gratification that comes from control. You’ve positioned yourself above those who you once desired and sometimes made a fool of yourself trying to seduce. You can either bask in this temporary gain, or find a use for this new found power and influence. Either way, you are now thinking long­term and you want either your new relationship or your new found freedom to last.

Three. Now that you have the upper hand over the affairs that once eluded and controlled you, you are ready to embark on a new adventure without fear. You are in the perfect position to strike and make positive changes in your life. If there’s something or someone you’ve wanted to do for a long time but have been too afraid to pursue, now is the time.

Four. You have only one thing to do right now: celebrate yourself. The wands are often rife with conflict and movement, sometimes to the point of exhaustion, but the is a departure from the chaos. You should be gathered at home with friends, lovers, family, pets, whoever is important to you, and you should relax, enjoy yourself and look forward to a bright future.

Five. You feel at odds with others right now. Perhaps your partner has introduced a new person to your poly family and you feel threatened by this new comer. You feel that you have to fight for your place and compete, but no one is competing with you or even replacing you. You’re fighting a fight against your own fears and insecurities, hearing things that were never said, seeing transgressions that never took place. This card is always a warning for you to not engage in conflicts right now and to do your best to listen and make non­judgemental assessments of every situation before jumping to anger.

Six. After feeling that your flame is nearly extinguished after so many setbacks and rejections you are ready to get some work done. You take to the stage and leave the audience in awe; it’s as if you’ve never been hurt before, and that insecurity has never touched you. You are so full of life, and feeling sexy as hell. My only advice to you is to not let all this attention go to your head; stay humble because you could lose it all in an instant.

Seven. While you may have felt like the star of the show yesterday, you are suddenly being asked to read for a lesser role. One day you’re smothered with affection, the next you stand by in the cold and watch others couple off. When you’re up and full of energy it’s hard to imagine that you’ll come down, but everyone does. When you’re down you have to accept failure and that sometimes things just don’t work out. As the wisest woman in all the land (House Mom) once told me, “you’re here to make money, not friends. Not everyone is going to like you.”

Eight. I very rarely, if ever, advise that a person jump into a serious situation, declare their love, show up in a way that’s totally vulnerable — but right now, that is what you can and should do. As terrifying as it may sound, I want you to reveal yourself, take a risk, and trust implicitly.

Nine. You are strong, and maybe even arrogant. You don’t feel invincible, but you do feel as if you could keep pushing towards that goal against your better judgment, and the limits of your body. You are powerful, but your fear of losing that power could destroy you. Let someone in, let someone help you. It’s okay to rest.

Ten. You’ve been carrying a burden and have become exhausted by caring for toxic lovers, friends, or family. You are a master of appearing calm and resilient when you are broken, but you need to take care of yourself above all. This is your final warning: have some ice cream, take a walk, and figure out how to be good to yourself above everyone else.

Cups Queen. This queen is an incredibly sensual and seductive water goddess. She is a deep, wet, well of emotions. She has a keen intuition and can sense if a person is angry or sad without verbal communication. While the power of her love is incredible and all­encompassing, she can also get swept up in loving and giving to those who don’t appreciate her. Please be careful about who you pour your love out for, you may be attracting people who want to take advantage of you. Inversely, this Queen may be someone in your life who you are draining emotionally so be hyper aware of how you might be taking advantage of those who care for you.

King. This king looks like calm soft waves on the outside while the power that rules him is a tidal wave of emotions and psychic ability. He isn’t truly aloof, though he may come off that way; the is actually a master of his own emotions. He isn’t bothered by pettiness and he doesn’t take things personally. I would advise that you follow suit. This can also mean that a person in your life is deeply emotional, but they are guarding and withholding those emotions from you.

Princess. This princess should inspire your inner Lolita. She is childish, not naive. To see something through a child’s eyes is to behold the most mundane, overdone imagery with wonder. Perhaps you are missing inspiration in something you look at every day and are too jaded to see how beautiful it actually is, perhaps you are this way with a person who has gotten too familiar. The Princess of Cups encourages you to be open­minded and approach everything as if it were your first time.

Prince. The Prince of Cups is oftentimes guilty of leading with his cock rather than his head. He is dreamy and romantic, and far from practical. The last thing on the prince’s mind is the future — he lives in the moment regardless of how that might affect others. He belongs to no one, and everyone at the same time. If you aspire to tether this person, you need to dream bigger, and ask yourself why are you trying to trap an exotic bird rather than appreciating the beauty of that bird in his natural environment?

Ace. You are falling in lust with someone or something and blinded by desire. You wake up everyday with a burst of emotions as you anticipate that love finding you. It’s that moment of sweetness when you have a new crush, and the anxiety has yet to set in. You feel sexy and thrilled like the slightest touch could send you to ecstasy. Enjoy it!

Two. I’ll keep this brief: because this is the card you’ve been hoping to see in your future. This is love, romantic love. Whether a fling, a one night stand, or a soul mate. A lover will find you and make you feel whole — even if it only lasts five minutes.

Three. Three femmes celebrate life together, friendship, and feminine love. A card of joy, reunions, feeling harmonious with sisters. Partying, dancing, imbibing and sharing affection. This love may not be sexual, but it is romantic in its own right.

Four. Your stubbornness is standing in the way of your ability to enjoy what you have. A partner may not be satisfying that one quirky kink of yours, but what about everything else they do for you? You may have a guilty wandering eye at this time. You need to be honest about what you want, and accept that walking away from something is hard, but it’s the right thing to do.

Five. That feeling after a breakup or a really bad come down where you believe that you will be alone forever, and the hollow, aching, emptiness inside of you will never be full again. You chained yourself to a master who said “forever” and didn’t mean it, even after branding you. Though you have a right to despair as you accept that things have ended, you must move on and know that this pain is temporary and you are your own master. You still have the power.

Six. You may be looking back at moments or people from a more innocent or happier time. You may hear from someone from your past soon, but remember: nostalgia is not reasonable. Sometimes we only remember the good things about the past, and fail to acknowledge how problematic our retro­desires can be.

Seven. You may be swept up in fantasy as you cope with some aspect of your life that makes you feel unhappy, limited, or unloved. Fantasizing can be comforting but will not help you fix your problems. Instead, you can use your imagination to translate those emotions creatively into art. Learning how to harness and use your fantasies will be your most successful coping mechanism.

Eight. You are feeling drained from emotional or sexual labor, toxic partners or friends. You may be regretful as you let go of something that no longer serves you in order to gain more emotional energy and stability. You put your own satisfaction last for too long, now it’s time to find something or someone to make you feel good and appreciated.

Nine. You feel totally validated and confident in yourself emotionally and physically. While you should never undervalue yourself, you should at the same time be careful not to inflate your ego too much, or you’ll set your prices too high and clients will move on to someone who is less full of herself. I encourage you to fully appreciate all that you have, because right now you have a lot, and you need not ask for more.

Ten. Although you may love the darkness and you may think of pain as an old friend, you have stepped into the light: unfamiliar, but well­earned. You are happy, and what’s more, you may be committing to a life­long healthy partnership, or committing to long­term celibacy. Your wishes came true, you have an abundance of love all around you and I am so happy for you.

Swords Queen. The is strong and intellectual, and because of this she is perceived as cold and cruel. People are uncomfortable with a woman who shows little to no emotion, but the Queen isn’t concerned with gossip. She has lost so much in her life, and through this loss she has learned discipline. You may not be aware of it, but there could be a person in your life who is hurting and just wants to be close to you. Coldness for self preservation may work, but it also isolates.

King. The King of Swords is a man of intellect, strength and power. At his worst, he can be cruel and emotionless. This person may be distant and hard to reach, but that doesn’t always mean he doesn’t love you. He may be showing you tough love, or he is unable to show love, and doesn’t know or care when he is hurting others. If the King is you, be wary of how isolation can lead to paranoia and self­destruction. If this King appears in your life proceed with caution.

Princess. This princess is constantly spouting amazing ideas and drunken pearls of wisdom that make you wonder if she’s actually the spirit of a mid­century novelist or a budding scientific genius trapped in a young girl’s body. She is incredibly intelligent and insightful but fails to put the pen to paper. Her impulsive nature and gravitation towards hedonism keeps this brilliance bottled. This may be a call to action for you to take yourself more seriously, and start that erotic memoir you’ve always wanted to write.

Prince. This prince, either you or someone in your life, has a way with words that is bewitching. He can convince you of anything with his seemingly unquestionable logic. He can be quite manipulative, and because he is young and acts quickly, he sometimes slays his lovers and seduces his enemies. It is important to step back and think before you get wrapped up in your own intellectualism, and become isolated for being an asshole.

Ace. This is the card of will, you have the ability to enact real, powerful change in your life. You have a golden opportunity at this moment to see opportunities and your own potential clearly. It’s as if you are shining a bright beam down a dark path and for the first time in your life, you can see the brilliance of your future, and all the steps you need to take in order to get there. That light cuts through all the time, effort and challenges associated with a creative journey and that vision should energize and intoxicate you. While you know you can get what you want right now, I want you to remember that integrity is everything.

Two. Fear can be paralyzing. After you’ve been physically or emotionally abused it is very hard to trust a new lover. You want to stay still, unmoving and take no risks, but the problem is, you have to move. If you are careful and methodical, you can lay down the swords you hold across your chest and, even blindfolded, you can move forward with faith in yourself.

Three. The is the card of heartbreak. At this moment having your heart broken is inevitable, whether it comes from friends, family, or lovers, you will feel completely and utterly devastated by a love lost. Although you are experiencing the pain of a new heartbreak, you need to acknowledge the pain that was already there, which is making this breakup feel like death. This is a card of old hurt, punctuated by a recent loss.

Four. You used to never leave your bed because it was shared with someone else, now you don’t want to leave your bed because you feel disappointed and saddened by loss. I implore you to rest guiltlessly, but please wash the smell of the other person off the sheets first. This is not a time to dwell on hurt, but to take stock of what you still have in your arsenal to win this battle. Take this time for self­care and to prepare yourself to move through the ups and downs of this inevitable depression.

Five. In this moment you feel defeated, humiliated and small. You may have won an argument, but was it worth it? What do you lose when you behave shrewdly in a fight? The primary lesson in this card is that of the ego. You need to swallow your pride, admit defeat and apologize. Even if the apology you give is to yourself. If the conflict has not yet come to a head, be weary of how hard you are trying to make a thing work at the cost of your own sanity and health. Some things are not meant to work out.

Six. You are still moving forward, even after hurt and loss. You have to confront those feelings of regret and sadness, and acknowledge that maybe there is something you did to sabotage a relationship or a fling. You have to ask yourself for forgiveness, and move on. Recognize that the perspective you’ve gained from heartbreak and failure is invaluable. You can transcend the pain. This passage is righteous and it will be healing, no matter how hard it is to let go. Talk to your angels, they are looking after you.

Seven. In the past you felt betrayed and used. This is not an excuse to perpetuate that behavior. You are currently the “bad boyfriend”: you cheat, steal, and you’re selfish with your emotions. You are abusing those around you because you feel bitter about the pain you’ve endured. Generally speaking, this card indicates you are trying to get away with something and you will get caught, so stop reading your partner’s text messages.

Eight. You feel tied up, but this is self­inflicted bondage. You are currently bound and either afraid to move or you find happiness in slavery. You anticipate that your master will return to untie you and take you home, but in the back of your mind you fear that you are alone, and you’ll have to find the courage to get out of this mess.

Nine. You are lost in a web of anxiety, fear, and self­doubt perpetuated by past failures and abuse, or you are reliving an embarrassing moment over and over again. The anxiety and fear you are experience is debilitating; it’s making it hard for you to trust anyone, including yourself. The good news is, this is just a nightmare and you have the power to wake up from it. If you let anxiety rule your life you will become a self­fulfilling prophecy. Whether your fears are valid or projected it doesn’t matter, the only thing you truly have control over in life is your own behavior.

Ten. Although this card is often associated with failure and betrayal, I invite you to see yourself not as a victim pinned to the ground with blades, but as a person who has just taken a serious fall. It’s humiliating, painful, you­can’t­believe­you’re­STILL­falling, but despite whatever injuries you’ve earned in this last experience, you did not die. The 10 of Swords is a little death, but more than that it’s the end of suffering. It’s an invitation to walk away from your heartbroken older self and towards healing and a fresh start.

Coins Queen. This queen can make any less­than­ideal situation into a fabulous party. Even when she’s broke she still manages to live a life of luxury. She has the ability to see endless possibilities where others see a roadblock, to turn trash into treasure, and to make light of the darkest situations. You should be inspired by this kind of optimism and resourcefulness. If the queen represents you, don’t forget to beautify your own life; it’s easy to get wrapped up in treating everyone around you while neglecting your own hunger and pleasure.

King. The King of Coins doesn’t need to fantasize: he is practical and sometimes a little too tied to reality. He’s almost boring in his methodical dedication to seeing his financial endeavors through. If you are the king, take a step back from your obsession with reason. You may be icing out some opportunities for intimacy. Be careful not to treat friends and lovers like means to an end, or to be overly critical of their frivolousness. Conversely, if you find yourself penniless and in need of financial guidance, or a domme to apprentice with, this card may signify that you already know who that person is.

Princess. Be extra aware of new hustling opportunities or messages in dreams. You might meet someone who introduces you to a new client, or a domme who invites you to a play party with wealthy clients. This message can also be the beginnings of an idea, something that will grow into a greater opportunity. If your usual hustle is conventional, this may be a call for you to try something new. Right now it’s important for you to take your dreams seriously and give them life.

Prince. While much of this suit’s royalty is focused on materialism, this prince is concerned with the most important material of all: his body. He encourages you to engage with, and embrace your body — to transcend what the human body was meant to be and represent — and radically accept the power of your own. This is a card of labor and sexuality, of transcending gender and expanding the possibilities of your role in the material realm. It may mean that you need to challenge yourself physically, or dedicate more time to sensuality, just so long as you are finding inspiration, rather than limitation, in your own human form.

Ace. Typically, this card indicates that a new money making opportunity is materializing. It could even mean someone is about to drop a wad of cash in your lap. The means that you will have some form of tangible success or gain, whether it be a financial or a sexual conquest. Either way, your hard work is going to pay off.

Two. This is a sweet moment where you can lay back and enjoy the modicum of success you just accumulated. Though it’s simply a resting point and not the final outcome, you will feel more inclined than usual to step back from your hustle and focus on that bottle of champagne a client just bought you rather than working his wallet. The lesson here though is balance, so don’t let yourself get too drunk and lazy and keep your eye on the prize.

Three. Perhaps you’re not usually one for the double­team hustle, but right now a team approach will work in your favor. If you aren’t used to working with others, it’s important for you to learn and humble yourself. You can learn a lot from the talents of others. If you already exceed at teamwork, this is your time to shine. You can’t do it alone, and being greedy will only work against you. Remember the rule of threes: turn that ménage à trois act into a down payment.

Four. Greed and possessiveness are your current vices. Guarding a client too closely is only going to scare him off. You are obsessively coveting your fortune when you should be enjoying it and being generous. If you want to gain more, you need to lose a little. A brilliant stripper friend once advised me that if you want money to come to you, put the money where you want it to be: by hitting the club on an off night and paying patronage to your sisters.

Five. You are currently feeling discarded and left out, perhaps from a financial or romantic loss. You may feel as if you’ve lost everything. You’re starting to suspect that the people who were in your life were only superficially interested. Once you were a fabulous party host with all the friends in the world, and when you lost your fame and fortune the friends and lovers stopped coming around too. Although this is a heartbreaking moment, it is a time for you to focus on what makes you special and attractive, and to find friends and lovers who actually care about you.

Six. You are currently overflowing with money, love, and stories to tell. You are very attractive right now, and not just because of your generosity, but your laid back attitude about your own success and fortune. Everyone wants to sit at your table, and even though you have enough to share, your attractiveness makes others want to give even more.

Seven. You may be in a situation or a relationship where you feel you’ve worked really hard, been your best, and used all the weapons in your emotional arsenal to make sure you’re equipped to fall in love again. The only thing you haven’t considered is: was all this hard work truly worth it? Is the juice worth the squeeze? shows that you have the skills and patience needed to get what you want, but you may be toiling away at something or someone who won’t ever truly satisfy you. If you are asking about a relationship, make sure that the work you put in is balanced with the efforts of your new lover.

Eight. Right now you are honing your practice. You might be spending more time, money, and effort on your appearance and mental health than usual but whatever you’re doing is working in your favor. You are making slow, methodical progress towards a financial or emotional goal that will be worth all the effort and cash spent along the way. You’re becoming a master of your craft, and the best possible version of yourself.

Nine. Damn, you did all that? You are or will be basking in the glory of your recent accomplishments. You worked hard, you put in the time and effort, and now your life is filled to the brim with luxury and pleasure. Roll around in your vintage mink and spend too much money on rich foods and sparkling rosé. Fuck on a pile of money, you earned it.

Ten. You spent years, if not your entire life, committed to spreading positivity and making your dreams come true. Having integrity and working with and caring for others pays off. You are now in a position to enjoy what you’ve made. You are surrounded by people who love and respect you as well as all the hard work you’ve done. Congratulations baby, you made it.

About the Sluts

Once upon a time, Morgan sent Kristen a message on Facebook about her website Slutist , saying it was very cool and stuff, and shortly after, Kristen asked Morgan to be August’s Slut of the Month in 2013. Around the same time, Morgan made a status update about wanting to write a piece about emotional attachment in promiscuous sex and Kristen said “write it for Slutist !” and from then on she was continually bombarded with think pieces and prose from Morgan of varying quality. Although the two had internet crushes on one another for years, it wasn’t until the fall of 2015 when Morgan moved to Brooklyn for the millionth time and shared a cider with Kristen at Saint Vitus Bar. It was then they realized that they loved each other an unusual amount and from that night forward there were many nights and days of drunkenness, making out in public, drugs, so much laughter and silliness, confessions, mourning and celebrating David Bowie, lofty ideas, weddings, divorces, complaints, sobriety, goat memes, celibacy, mutual creeping, new lovers, really great looks, gluten­free pizzas, awkward fetish parties, trips across America and overseas to London, and eventually what would become a business partnership that is better than anything in the entire world, because we’re both Capricorns and have problems and love one another.

Slutist is a sex positive collective founded by Kristen Korvette in 2013 dedicated to telling the stories of witches, sluts, and feminists everywhere. Called “seriously smart” by Glamour UK , and delivering “the perfect combo of sex, pop culture, and feminism,” according to Bust Magazine , Slutist aims to uncover and undress the intersections between sex, gender, sexuality and feminism in art, pop culture, politics, and the occult. @slutist @kristenkorvette

Morgan Claire Sirène is a multidisciplinary artist and writer. Her primary focus is in creating visual narratives that evolve around femininity, sadomasochism, sex work, and the occult. @morgansirene

A very special thank you to Matt Clark, whose unconditional help and designer wisdom in the second round of this process was a life affirming blessing. You’re good with the goddess for at least a few rounds.