Ing 100% Valuation
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A Newspaper .Devoted Complete News, Pictures To the Community Interest Presented Fairly, dearly Full Local Coverage And Impartially Each Week published Every Thursday VOL. XVII—NO. 31 FORDS, N. J.', THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1955 at 18 Green Street, Wooaoncige, IT. J. PRICE EIGHT CENTS Army O.K. Of Arsenal Use Sought ing 100% Board of Education Wants Two Buildings Valuation For Special Classes EDISON — Use of two Raritan Arsenal buildings for the local GOP Candidates in Promise _ program of training the. mentally- retarded and physically handi- Orders Boost of capped under the conditions of To Shave Costs by $100,OOO;: the Beadleston Act is being sougnt WOODBRIDGE — Pledged, to practice economies which will 562.25 Per Gent by the Edison Board of Educa- imount to a saving of "approximately $100,Q00," the Woodbridge tion. ' ' Township Republican Organization, through its municipal chairman, ' ED>ISON—-This township, • along" Meeting in the Bonhamtown Arnold S. Graham, today announced ths party platform for 1955-56. with nine' other county raimiei-:•;• School Monday night, the board Mr. Graham said the platform has the unqualified support of the reported that it is now awaiting candidates,'Lyle B. Reeb, Jr., for mayor; and Lester Stockel, Ray palities, has toeen ordered; to-.- set;" the Army's approval of the pro- smith, Jr., and Harold Barr, can- up a; new standard: of real posed plan. lidates for the Town Committee tax equalization by the l^ew. Jefe:'; *rom the First, Second and Third : The effort to obtain two Rari- sey Board-;'p'f Tax Appeals; andlf - tan Arsenal buildings, described vVards respectively.i s man Edison TqwnsWp was to abide by .1 as'being ideal for training of this The nine-point platform is as type and currently not in use by :ollows: • • this ruling it would mean an inj;.: the Army, followed the thus far "1. Practice economy as much as la 135-Foot Fall crease of 562i25; per cent in rata^;; fruitless attempts to lease facili- possible, and, at the-same time FORDS — John A. Dennis, 10 bles over: :the original ties at Camp Kilmer, now on a provide improved and increased Lillian Street, an active worker in established; for this community1"1 deactivated status. services and facilities. We honestly the Fords Little League, was killed earlier Irr the,; year. ; \:: .;; ; i? Monday in a 135-foot fall from ; The board's efforts to get Camp believe this can be accomplished This huge increase was brought:;' by eliminating such frills as plant- the New Jersey Turnpike Bridge Kilmer buildings became so en- A CALL TO WORSHIP: Rabbi Samuel Newberger demonstrates the blowing of the Shofar, or ram's horn, a traditional part of to the.attention of the Township- ing pansies around the Municipal over the Newark meadows which snarled in red tape that the quest the Bosh Hashanah service, to students of the Hebrew School of Congregation Adath Israel. Left to right are Edith Kosenblum, Lynn Commissipri; afe.last night's .meet-;. Building at unheard of prices.and will connect Newark' with Bay- has been virtually abandoned. Sampson, Linda Berman, Linda Chodosh, Dennis Brodkin, Mark Winograd, Rabbi Newberger, Norman Kline, Harry Weisman, Rita A. ing ..and the .immediate xeactioii- -spending large sums creating a onne.-. This new effort toward Raritan Patnoi, Sheppie B. Strauss, Marilyn Turner, Donna Deutseh. was'to appeal the ruling as other ; bathing beach where it was known The 38-year-old ironworker was Arsenal facilities was said to offer the water is polluted and unfit for communities plan to do, /';,;.-,;•:}.-^3 greater promise of realization. an employee of the Bethlehem, -Oscar VKaais,: township clerfc swimming. A thorough, study of Steel Company. ; Under the terms of the Beadles- Rabbi* at. Jewish New Year previous Township budgets, com- read the letter from the Middle-^: ton Act, public school education Sticku es bined with the finding of a com- The Fords man, police said, sex •. County Board of Taxation; i or training must toe provided to mittee" which investigated present tumbled from a catwalk of the starting;; that following hearings:; those children who heretofore had ictim Sees 3-Fold Spiritual Need In Arresting of the Town Committee, span and fell through the corru- held :in New .Brunswick it was, de- i been in effect denied a public leads us to believe that approxi- gated roof of a Pennsylvania Rail- terniingd 'that the "aggregate vzl-. road barge beneath the bridge. school education because they < WOODBRIDGE—The year 5,716 in the Jewish calendar will begin WOODBRIDGE—The possibili- mately $100,000 can be saved and uations for 1&55 are erronebus',*.• AVENEL—Beaten by two hold- could not be assimilated in a regu- at sundown tomorrow night when the Jewish people of the Township ty of establishing a gas detector still provide efficient services.' The deceased, active in school and tha-ti.tfej'county together with their co-religionists all over the world will begin the lar school program because of up men so badly he required treat- station in the Port Reading sec- sports during this school days, had table should be revised and eor-• observance of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. "2. Conduct a complete analysis lately been serving as an official of : mental or physical defects. It is ment. at Perth Amboy General tion or placing a second "counter" of all Zoning, Building and Health rected/l' j\: : .'..•• •'-.'?Aii r The holiday will be observed for two days, ending at sundown Sun- the Fords Little League, in which now mandatory in this state ,hat Hospital, early yesterday morning, car in operation in the area, was According to this change,/,the:/ day. Services will be held tomorrow night at 6:30 P. M., and Saturday Ordinances and bring them up to he managed the Giant team. Boards of fcaucation set up spe- "broached to. a representative of township's-.,-. •assessment of >| a night attendant at an Avenel and Sunday, starting at 8 A. M., at date, so that under the law such cialized programs for this group. the U. S. Metals "Refining Com- nuisances as "gandy dancers'" and A- native of Perth Amboy, Mr. estate, vwtiich had been ibased ;as station was able to give police Adath Israel Synagogue. Dennis was a resident of Fords for Joseph M. Ruggieri, superin- pany, Carteret, at a meeting of a hot dog stand in front of a mul- $29,5595677.00, would .be boosted a complete description of his as- the Board of Health, Tuesday. the past 13 years and was a mem- tendent, reported that the first The Jewish New Year is the Day Local Men Named ti-million dollar high school would $169,269i3B4.00, a 100 per of Judgment, on which the Lord ber of Local 393, Ironworkers stages of adherance to the Bea- sailants "who netted $133. Archibald Jones, supervisor of not be permitted to exist. valuation. •'..>. / ,:;;M reviews the merits and shortcom- the Metalurgical Control Depart- Union, of Camden. He was a com- dleston Act in this township have Joseph Ohlemeyer, 23, 204 Third FlaTtinlngr Board Authority The! order came as. a, result; pt: ings of His people, who pass before ment of the -plant, attended the municant of Our Lady of Peaee been completed, namely the classi- Street, Jersey City, told Officers To Civil Defense "3. Change the status of the appeals-Bled toy ten municipalities;;:- Him "like a flock of sheep."' This meeting at the invitation of the R. C. Church here. "••..:• fication of the mentally retarded Wendel Doll, and William Burns, Planning Board from, an advisory including.:' Edison, : against v'Biev; year, because the first day of the EDISON—The Edison Township Board. Committeeman L. Ray Ali- . Surviving are his wife, Mary; and physically handicapped. In that he was at work at the Sunoco holiday occurs on Saturday, the bani, who resides in Port Read- unit to a board with a right to equalisation table promulgated 3#? : Board of Commissioners last night two sons, John J. and Robert, at : the former category the law re- Service Station, Route 1 and Ave- Sabbath, the Shofar or Ram's ing, related that the gases emana- make final decisions. This is per- the". county" taxation boards ; i -:U ; quires that all students in this appointed the following men to mitted 'under the law. Many wise home; three sisters, Mrs. George . The jcoiin'tyr board had used. '?2> nel Street around 4 A. M., when Horn will be blown only on Sun- the Edison Township Civil De- ting from the Carteret plant have category be evaluated toy a psy- day. The Shofar symbolizes among and'. fair recommendations made Milchik, Mrs. Joseph Kasmer and per cent as; the average,^for fe two ~ men- entered the- station and fense, and Disaster Control, Corri- killed vegetation in his section and chologist to determine- whether other things, a call, to repentance. Mrs. John Hornyak, all of Edison county;"- ^ purchased two gallons of gas and fnission: . • - have affected toe- people residing•+*>* '•}**.. Planning Board for the |^' Wrought; sell they are, trainable, or in the area |good of the community as a whole Township. They body is at toe ^ t6 this figure. then walked toward the Avenel There are many customs asso- Chief Charles Grandjean, Chief Flynn and Son Funeral - Home, ; ineciii.t-HDie ?nd untrainable. If ciated with Rosh Hashanah. One .,,,., • T, „ ,, i.-i > are-being ignored by the Town wets aSse'ssed::'&£ ^approximately i Firehouse. About an hour later the Engineer Arthur Latham, Dr. Mr. Jones said "the TJ. S. Metals nnmmkto W>,,>W ,,r,H^ H™ ™.00_ Fords, for the funeral tomorrow edueable and trainable, the stu- is the dipping of a piece of fruit Committee which, under the pres- per cent; •«;;;• ,••"'-;• '.