Your Community ®(ie film ile newspaper / S f o r n a Entered af Secönd CI^* : Aanî tty the' Fo*fc Of ite« &t Nefrirl of Mioreh' 8, X8?&. Voï. 37, No. 55 BELLEVILLE, N.J., FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 1956 5c per copy Singer Plans Programs : Clara Maass Hospital Construction Summer * Repairs Robeson Seeks Offers In This In Town’s Schools Feels Need For Qreater Tolerance By Rita Knoll * Are On Schedule The case was dismissed, an Robeson1 hopes that by this pro ' Paul Robeson, internation­ 'gram of the, music of all kinds o f ally known ginger, and one of Robeson is still unable to leave tn country. At the same time, because people« with many diversifipd Major Projects Are Additions t b e m o s t controversial of his alleged Communist affilia- backgrounds, hé will contribute to figures of our time, visited in dons.^and. activities, offers in this a greater world peace. At Schools No* 3 And No. 7\ this area last weekend. M an country have been few and far be­ ‘ This program £ o r m a t is one interview with this reporter, tween, with Robesdn having done which Rpbesïm hàs bean' following hfe djs,cussed so m e - o f the m ost.of his, singing for the past for many years. It Was not the Boyd Says Vandalism Heavy e& itg, which have put him in few years in negro ¿lurches. selections o f music which brought K ff position, that of about the" storm of -GéngrésBioriàl The summer repair- and maintenance' program; being Chlirch Background disapproval, hut what- followed the conducted throughout the Belleville school system is running bifng lunabie to leave- the “ffiuspd* pfogp®!. A fter his selec­ w: aoc^i; the offers for The church .background is one «on schedule, according to William Allison Boyd, Board with which Robeson has been fami­ tions, Robeson discuSsed political i * president. Most phases of the summer renovation program engagements «broad». and the liar most of his life. His father, issues wim ?thV ¿ttdiénce, many of rate tithe;. being, uriible to per- these riot complimentary f& the Construction of the new Clara Maass Menwra 1 Hospital, located near the BeIlevHIe-BloomfieId-Ne are either being completed ahead o f schedule or By the time fWh ¡hi this. country, because of a former slave, became a Metho­ dist minister. Being so close to the State Department policy. He felt warfc -boundary, i* progressing according to scheduia. The latest view of the new structure shows **•-» they were dated to be done, he said. tKtock'Vsf offers. that being merely a. gôody/ijl ajn- jor portion, of the brick work has already been completed. Photo above shows thi frpnt of thé hospital S&ust August,. Robeson appealed church during his childhood, »has . iron Boyd said he saw no reason yhy the school system could influenced Robeson greatly, • as baasador fo r the, United States Was, Franklin Avenue. The building is situated on a hilltop overlooking R- ch Brook Park, and tmme, United- -States District Court not the role he had plaflhèd for npleted the landscaping surrounding the sita will,¡give it a park-like atmosph. not be in as good shape as 'possible by the time school fqifethe District of Columbia, to anyone , w^o- has listened to his opens on September 10. Be stated - _ -,. . __ ; . *' performance e f ; negro spirituals, himself. He riiodght hg could con­ c|mpel the State Department to tribute more tp tfie Alleviafidn of that there was much work to ,be- issue him the passport which baa. can testify. The program with completed yet, but added that the which Robeson hopes to regain His negro prejudice by discussing the p&eviousiy been denied him. It had problem* arid viewing his opinions. summer vacation was just half LOCAL GUARD UNIT b#tf wif&held because Robeson, American audience consists of folk Taking ,a dim ■‘view of this - mixing New Clara Maass Hospital DELIVERY SERVICES over this Week. Thérie, are Still rtffiped fo sign an affidavit that and spiritual selections of many fivé' -weeks; remaining Until the of pouiads with art, the State De­ summer repajr projects must be te-tfas dot and never had been a peoples, all based on the theme partment-,; Issue -him a PREPARES FOR Communist ~ W of universal brotherhood of mam- REACH SETTLEMENT completed. passport. RobeSon feels thht Amer­ Provides Local Residents Several major repairs have been ica has developed, as fa r as she can undertaken this summer along g0 territorially. She rio-lorigèr -has WITH DAILY PAPER with routine maintenance work; SUMMER TRAINING frontiers to exploré arid , the: next W ith 324-Bed Facilities he said. Naturally the two1 biggest step ahead m$Bt be in soéjal Aègis- Home 'Deliveries Resumed projects are;the additions nearing Branch Brook Battery Andrea Doria Sinking iation. completion to Schools No, 3 and New Jersey Native $5,000,000 Structure Called “The Hospital In The After Two Weeji Strike No. ' 7. Both outside contractors Will Undergo Two Weeks Park” Iin-Now Approximately One-Third Done; and regular school maintenance In his fifty-eight years, Robçspn employees are working to get Training At O swego Site Teaves Padulas Abroad has spent a great deal ,o,f time in Will Offer Full Range Of Medical Services is Settled By Dealers things in readiness for the fall other countries, both: on profes­ term. Battery ‘B’ o f t h e 109th sional and’ private buginesg. For -^Th*eliew“CIaf a * l^ a sa TJemoriar HoslIitarwiir be a last­ The boycott of the New­ Mayor With Wife And Daughter Edith In Europe several years he lived in Russia, O ctober 1 Completion Anti-Aircraft Battalion, New ing monument to Clara Maass,- New Jersey’s heroic trained ark Evening N e w s by the Jersey National Guard, w i l l ;Since June Had Reservations Aboard Ill-F ated where hia son was educated. He nurse who gave- her life in the service of mankind. A grad­ also spent some years living in three local news delivery ser­ At this time it appears that the depart August 18. for its an­ Luxury Liner To Return Home On Next Voyage uate of the’Newark German Hospital, she served the U.S. vices ended this weekend addition at School No. 3 will in ring-land. A dative of New Jersey, all probably be ready for oc­ nual two-week encampment Robeson .was- born in Princeton, Army as a contract nurse during the Spanish-American War, after two weeks of negotia­ Mayor and Mrs. Isadore J, Radula, along with their 14- cupancy. However, the contractor at the Oswego, N e w York, and lived much of Jds younger life In 1901, while in the employ of the sanitation department tions; The three'were part of doing the work at School No, 7 Anti-Aircraft Firing Ränge. ydar-old daughter .Edith, this week are ampng the thousands 'in Westfield* wherq'’h i a father’s of Havana, she volunteered for the famous yellow fever the 2§ news dealers through­ has 'estimated th at it will take The Belleville Avenue unit or*Americans stranded in Italy with no sure way o f getting parish was located, Hé spent many experiments. Clara Maass paid with ,her life, but she died until - October 1 to complete the years in Orange, which he now out the county who went on will begin “march ordering’’ home. Thè Padula’s, who have been touring Europe since she- had-Hyed—fo strike against the Newark job there. This does. not affect June, had originally planned to return; to this country aboard considers homé. A 19Ï9 graduate the older part of the building, but equipment this weekend and of R u t g e ra-University, Robeson In .1952, in honor of her hrav paper in protest against what it might necessitate some changes Will, move a portion of its material the ill-fated Italian luxury j liner Andrea Doria. went further In ; his studies, re­ and devotion, the name of the < they called an irivasion by news­ for the first month of school un­ oy train and the remainder, by The Mayor and his family sailed .for Italy on June 21 ceiving an L.L.B. degree from ginal Newark German Hospi LOCAL DEMOCRATS boys sponsored by the paper. til the new addition is ready. The truck convoy. All personel of the aboard the Cristoforo Colombo, a sister ship of the Andrea Columbia University in 1923. In once known as the Newark M( Regular deliveries have been re­ Board is meeting Monday night to unit will take part in the field D’òriè, At thè time òf their de- ^ , 1932.he received an honorary qriai Hospital and Lutheran Mf sumed in most cases, according to discuss what course of action to training tests at Oswego. Included parture, return passage aboard’ Master of Arts riegeee. from Rut­ orial Hospital, w as rededicated :;| JOIN COUNTY PLAN jale - dealers. However, they asked adnnt * concerning, the BtOwriyii«- n the two- »-*- , e EH5 AHdfSa DoFlE "fSF-HSF AUgm-t gers, a n d Hamiltoif College, In the Clrirft Maass Memorial Hospi local resident? who * are r.ot get- here, Clinton, N, X edit, tarred an ting their papers to cel1 f'n - 24 y gfyy t faad^bee-ii _juafiraaod, Tfgular news delivery service to* L a rt^ i’Wh'ff 'received tlril Week PLANS SET FOR honorary Bpcton of Humane Let­ And".- now, iir 19.5^j* an ‘even F0R.SIESENS0N. from the Mayor seems, to indicate: ters on him -Tri im z -he greater honor will be bestowed received t h e Intarthtional Stalin v/ris th e-t# o ’ V, vvriek and general use: The new class- th a | he v6H, return shortly after upon this noble woman with the strike, the news-dealers; said, arid' 1 room space will enable the ad- Labor Day, alftflhgb there has BARBONE-MÒSCO PeacePrize. opening of the new Clara Maass Mrs. John Connelly Heads Upon arrival a t trie Oswego i sosrie of the routes haven't been minstration to dispense with range, Batery ‘B’ will set up its been So. definite cepfirmatiori of Memorial Hospital. cleared up yet. The three thanked several sub - standard basement reservations. He is 'presently try ­ (Continu«! On pas« ail) Town Group Cooperating In entire battery of guns and radar BUILDING FESTIVAL The Hospital In The Park Ideal residents who cooperated. rooms that have been in,, use for equipment and- embark on pre- ing to arrange for' return passage Known as “The Hospital in the ; The three local dealers who re­ the past few years. The addition a b o a r d the Cristoforo Colombo, Signing Of Giant Post Card fused to make home deliveries of also makes provision, for an en. im inary firing, Qnce equipment is and if this fails he will attempt Park”, the’ new Clara Maass is completely operational, the unit Week-Long Affair Features located on a knoll In- the center the evening paper were James tirely new and automatic oil burn-. to make trans-Atlaptic plane Governor Robert Mgyner’s will then begin practice firing ori reservations. Orphan’s Day And Kiddies’ HYDE DEFENDS of a 17 acre site on the - Newark, ■ (Continued On’ Page She) (Continu«! On Fase Six) target sleeves ; towed by aircraft Belleville, Bloomfield boundaries request—thrft New Jersey or on “SCAT” t a r gets (radio- Matinee For Town Children ori the westerly side of Franklin voters let him . know theii controUed air targ et). | Bulletin! NEW DEPUTY I Avenue, opposite Branch Brook preference for the Democratic Following t h e practice" period, Park. It is now one-third complete. Presidential nomination wjjl the unit will then be tested for Final plans have been an­ A- seyen-storv biiildjng, costing an .County Gives Mosquitos Word has just been re ■ nounced this week for the sec­ get a “Big” a n s w e r from proficiency in; material, firing and «wived here th a t Mayor Isa ­ PARK DEPARTMENT estimated $5,000,000, the new procedures followed in mainten­ dora J. Padula has secured ond annual Building Fund Clara. Maass will be of fire-proof Essex County supporters of constructiop throughout. It is de-. Adlai: Stevenson, Mrs. J *o h n ance of equipment. Also Included passage aboard the Italian Festival o f t h e Barbone- States Newly Appointed A Clean Bill Of Health on the firing itinerary is field ar­ liner Conte Grande which Mosca Post of thè Italian- Signed to provide the utmost in ef­ .Connelly, of &0 Marion Court, tillery- or surface gunnery where­ sails front Genoa on August ficiency, service, and patient care. Ameriean W ar. Veterans. Official Will Be Bnsy chairman n f -the -Belleville Head Of Control Commission Contends Tests by anti-aircraft weapons ate Utiliz­ 28. Its doors will be open to every, Stevenson for President Com- Post Commander Nicholas, race, creed, and color. Show No Viruses Or Infections Carried By Larger ed in firing at ground targets., Raimo said the week-long As Activities Coordinator mitte, said today. While a t Oswego,- Ratery ! p er­ 'affai V-wiil- open-M ondayandrun Approximately 259,090 men, A county-wide—campaign Was Insects Which Are Prevalent This Year. sonnel will liye "Under actual, field 'T h e disaster which overtook the through Sunday, August 12. Director of Parks an8 women and children live within g launched Monday night in Nut1 conditions and will follow regular Swedish liner Stockholm and the Public Property Elmer S. ’ey * to - collect' signatures . on* Keep' swatting and don’t be afraid—the 1966 verison Army routines and schedules. Andrea Doria in the peak of the Events during these days will be few minutes of the new Clara in operation from 6 to 11 p.m., he Hyde thiB week - defended Jiik Maass. Included in this total are “New Jersey’s biggest post- of Cluex Pipiens may be more voracious thg,n usual and Battery ‘B’ now ha? more Shan tourist season^ has., severely dis­ card,” which is being circulated his sting may be worse, but you have the word of the rupted traris - Atlantic travel The festival being held this appointment iyf f James R. some 50,000 employees of over a throughout Essex. - County to 36 officers and men from the local schedules.___ added...... Lampman as deputy commis­ hundred large industrial plants. give Stefenson backers a chance Essex County Moquito Control Commission that the a r e a 1 n training. However, ad­ The Andrea Doria had b d e n year at Memorial Field/ on Frank­ sioner in his department. The Heretofore,—it has been necessary to demonstrate their support* mosquitoes which have plagued us for the past month are ditional personnel a re stlll pieeded for this huge population to look to scheduled to sail again for Europe lin AVenue. Raimo said that ad­ nomination was approved by graphically. not. germ carries. They do not spread viruses or infections. (Continued On Page Six) on ,.Saturday with BBO passengers. mission for everyone was free of the crowded, facilities of other cotm Commissioners ¿ . their last , _ The postcard fReasures ’ about They just bite/ Among Athene were- Mr. and Mrs. charge, ' and that rides andre­ munities 10 to 15 miles away for five and one-half feet wide and* freshments would be available for meeting., ^ surgical, medical, emergency,- and However, the Commission did reveal that residents of 2 a ftontinued On/ Page Six) three rind - one-half feet high. the entertainment of those attend­ Hyde said that town spon­ clinical services. The opening of Belleville aren’t as fortiiruhte as,- **-*- Thieves Break Into Cars Addressed to : Governor Meynfir^ residents in most other parts of ' ing. He stressed that thre would sored and town» organized re­ the new Clara Maass will bring a it urges the state’s delegation to On Dealer’s Lot Here be no games of skill or chance Of creation in Belleville has grown total of 324 beds to an area where support* the former Illinois goy- the county-.- According to data single trap in the areas of Worst any- kind^ to the point where it rieeds. a compiled by the group, Belleville infection. Traps show that. Belle­ Thieves broke into three new Ice Cream Maker Fined (Con {Continued Gil Page Six) and Bloomfield have the highest ville, with an average of 300, is Last yearjwhen,.the. .first fes­ full time coordination and super­ concentration of the pesky' insects, cars on a dealer’s lot at 701 Magistrate T. H arry Cahill, of tival was orginally planned, there visor. Since assuming his. new fairly well infested, as is the case ,The', County Control Commission ih Clifton and Bloomfield. How­ Washington Avenue Monday night West ¡Milford fined the Jack Frost had been some controversy over duties, Lampman h a s been planted traps throughout the coun- and stple equipment valued at Dairy Company .of Belleville $30 the Post’s plans to include games working With recreation super­ The Face Is Familiar: ever, Nutley with an average of ty -and they found that the traps 104, is comparatively well off. $200, police reported this week. Monday night for not marking of skiR in the event. It was fin­ intendent Robert E. Gook, and with the greatest number of mo­ the net quantity On quart pack­ ally ruled th at no games should has also devoted a large part of . The Mosquito Control—Gemmis- William Kelly, assistant mana­ squitoes were located along the sion admits there is little, it can ger of the • firm, said it was the ages of ice cream being sold. permitted in keeping within |Jris time to town owned property Belleville-Bloomfield 'border. William Miller, Passaic County town ordinances arid buildings.” do on a local. level to. combat i^ie second robbery within a month at* Nuisance Level invasion, and points out that it superintendent of weights arid The new _ town , official, who Childhood Teaching Dveatn the same lot. Approximately 60 Measures, was the complainant. (Continued On Page The "nuisance” level in the has. been helpless ever since thé automobiles, mostly new, -f6 being paid an annual salary Turnpike was built* ; across the of $4,200. "will do everything traps is considered to be 25 mo­ mained unguarded on the lot when squitoes trapped in one day. In meadows, and blocked many drain­ the. business is closed, Kelly said. I would dp in the department if Came True For Miss Pohl recent 24-hour periods, as many age ditches." (Continued On Page Six) The thieves took, wheels, tires, (Contihu«l Pa Faàè Six) as 328 have been caught in a lights, and clocks from the cars. Belleville Is Wiped Out By A country lass who grew" up to be a teacher is Mown by many of her friends and students in town as “the H-Bomb Dropped On City one-. .TI?IS V Mlss Caroline Pohl, of 102 Tappan MRS.WOLKAT rPnC1,f teacher m elementary education, and a Boys, Qirls Enjoy Camp Ro-Li Simulated Attacks Prove Belleville Is Vulnerable member of Belleville^ school system for almost thirty years. w Mf ^ was bo^n ln Irvington, but before she could To Atom, Hydrogen Bombs Dropped On Newark RUTGERS COURSE remember her parents moved to a farm id Hunterdon Summer Activities Are struction is ¡given to ’, eyery Swimming Instruction, Or New York City In Case Of Enemy Air Attack Mrs. Shulamith R. Wolk, of 211 Couhty where she'spent her childhood. While attending Sponsored By Local camper twice daily. Handicraft, Handicraft And Outdoor archery, b a s eball, volleyball, - Bellevlille wag completely wiped out, hypothetically Adelaide Street, attended a work- Rotary, Lions Clubs pingpong, and many other re- Sports Offered To AU 8hop in community Idade’rsMp held school in the- e q u i valent of -spefi-km-g-o^-eeH-i^eT-d-a-r-m^ fee- - «eeoat —Q-para-tion. Alert’..’ '**«bo “l.ittla rad. aobeol -howee11 ghe| creational activities are made friay wotnh Hi a und gViiJn ------by-Bave—Fhaler------available io the Ho-Li campers. mock' air raid alarm to test civil defense setups in com sfty Summer Session. found herself especially interested of their fellow campers, munities throughout the nation. Official reports say that in science and geography, and , This year, as in the past, During the day the boys par­ Iri thé past, the biggest event AMrs. Wplk held a Scholarship to ticipate in these activities in staged in th e , evening has been th e town was only three-quarters wiped out. and suffered an the workshop from the Nuidey Hu­ she knew from the age of five that Belleville youngsters are af­ what she wanted to be when she forded the opportunity of groups of fourteen. This consti­ the1 Snipe . Hunt Looking over extremly* heavy .number of casualties. man Relations GouncE., - grew up, was a teacher. tutes two - cabin’s of seven boys. the records, there is a bird All this was the result of one megaton hydrogen bomb The workshop was spnsored by escaping the humdrum r o u ­ During the evening, however, called a . snipe, However, there being dropped in Newark during »the height of the mock the Rutger School of Education Equiped with a certificate from tine of the- city to the shores th’e - hampers act as a whole. is no resemblance to the Rd-Li alert. The bojtnb had the destine-, in cooperation with the Division Newark Normal Schol, Miss Pohl of beautiful Glenwild Lake. After .the boating and baseball specie. The Ro-Li Snipe has a Against DiscrimlnaEon, State De- came; ,to. Belleville in • 1926. Since Camp Ro-Li is the. exact programs have been completed, huge beak which is its biggest five force of 1,000,000 tons of weapon. The beak is very sharp TNT and was dropped at the in­ Other Test Bursts parment of Education, ana the Na­ then, she has taken degrees at froint of refuge. Sponsored by the . campers assemble for the Newark S t a t,e Teachers College, highlight of the days action, the and brittle: A blow to its 'beak tersection of Mortis andfl3th Ave- Belleville escaped damage from tional Conference- or- Christians two civic groups cf i BelleVille,; would, very easily break' its unes :ns Newark. ; and Jews, >It wag designed fo r pen- and. Rutgers, where she received the Rotary Club and the Lions evening program. other test '‘bursts” in Jersey Master of Education degree. mouthpiece , off. The snipe is The surface burst its midtown Gitvr Manhattan, and Brooklyn, sons in edanatioH . and community Club, and supported by the The evening program usually very dangerous, though am|_ NW*rk“’cSffiranHMsjB«rTm«n^ but in each case the tunnels, fer- organizations to help improve ’{heir &h( •M-o-ntelahy -Bsisvms Fouhd&tf&n, Camp ' îiTT-" f sstiireg..gome - of—the—trarittiuñ'1 If! Columbia, Syracuse, Penn¡nn State, t ,______j j ___ _ ,x r7_ t r- tx-___ i______f:— 011 from its beak could inflict lion Within a radius of’ 1.85 miles, ries ar.d m ajor highways were Understanding of the prtrbjmns Li has opened -its doors to local of 'Ro-Li.'It* may be a campfire, very serious damage. ^lt must and partial destruction within a gonfe where the new campers are initi­ rendered useless, completely iso­ confronting-’.them anA -to- prcvitla Ihtcri children for over a decade. hé obvious that * no such critter ring of 5-3 miles out from the lating metropolian - New Jersey techniques which arp useful in One m onth'of the summer* is ated into their various tribis, exists.) The reason that the explosion.- ^Belleville lays within aught at School . No. 4 for fif- devoted to . the . girls. This is the each camper assumes an* Indian from New YorkiQtiys;- their .solutiori.- teeri years,, and then went to snipe,, is hunted is that, when ot- grèatest, partial de­ A major portion of BelleyiHe’s month ,of July, when, in effect, name during }u?- tenure in the baked1, it 'makes • à deticidus pie. struction. Workshop, students ’ explored School No 3 where she stayed Ro-Li becomes a girl’s camp. camj), and lives the life ■ of population- was completely wiped such topics as the nature*of pre­ till 1953, Sho was then pro­ Well, the night of the snipe * Only the southern ege of N utley out by the blast, and a few that Then the c a m p-- prepares, it­ Indian as much as ritv- °n béva start judice, thq structure’ of the New moted to elementaiy education where Hie Legend BMh was , but both’fhe Garden State did escape death were badly burn­ supervisor. “Most people self .for the switch, as during Park-way, And the New» Jersey ed and injured. Newark,, which Jersey community, the role of the month of August it is a community insitufions as aids to W i associate me* only with the iTuibniks suffered such destruc­ took the brunt of the blast, count­ remedial reading program,” MiBs boy’S camp. tion that they w$fe useless as es- ed 400,000 dead, whiie a t the other human* relations and educative Ro-Li offers many j, activities p » routes. ^ (Goo+'vued On Fags Six) techniques. (Continued On Pass Six) for its. campers. Swimming irii (Continued On Pas« Six) P PA G E TWO THE BELLEVILLE TIMES-NEWS FRIDAY, AUGUST l,)1956

- Mr. amh- Mra. Stephan -MaFtin- ■William Dacey and their daughter Mary Lou, of T.V. ’SlCK? "" 8 Crescent Terrace, spent their Two Have Midsummer Wedding Celebrations vacation ®t Mooaeh’ead- Lake, CALL ME QUICK! Plans To Wed Grein5^Iler Maine. , PLym outh 9-099%;= - Da#d >'AUen. Berkheiser, of ’.8. N ig h t galls welcbmedL Crescent Terrace, recently joined the Thomas A., Edison Company »A. MASULLO laboratories in West Orange as Radio — T.V. S em ce an assistant engineer. 251 Little Street Belleville, N. J. All parts guaranteed. Mr. and Mt-s. Morris Cohen, of Wilfred Butler Finishes Malma--Avsmeg-iv

supponi in the 8-1 defeat adOTni- HEAVY ACTIVITY sterad by the East Orange Bfdraffl Junior All Stars Riders Beaten In Essex 'on- Sunday a t Grove Stié ô t. ATPLANSOEN Loop By Colonels, BroWns Are Released By V ■ irT%e,,®aBev|Ie.). Ritters, .strivftg.tQ impfovri m m sixth PLAYGROUND piac®' .steriding in the Essex -County. .League, feceived a ,|$ible :'p y e i tne> weekend when ' mey1 'imoppfed' by Ruffo SPOTLIGHT Jimmy Joise Leads Boy’ successive -kJOp games to the Nutjey Colonels, 5-3, and the .e Brow® Team Managers .Fiiiit^^fiirange Browns, 8-1., f Checkers; ■ Dodge Ball, _—"^^j©^4k!r--jwiH~bgr-,gXrtmTre.',.o'vexr' "the11 ,wijgk5B^?"'Withl "t wq mordJeague games on, tap. On» Saturday,.the Riders will Ping Pong Also Enjoyed EAST -NUTLEY Ga RAGE on Nineteen Players Named To encounter Montclair at. Nishuaue Park and on Saturday will C. Su FANELLI, prop, SPIRTS play th e East Orange Soverels at®.— — ...... ■; -—- Mrs. E. Lundy, a n d .Mrs. Hotly and Fendei iUpalrtni Squad From Each Team ; To Lillian Winfield report much .-a.. ^ « t u . ; \ i Ted Gaillard, who "'Went' all teë Expert Auf« Repair in« By Bob Qoriin activity at Plaasoen' Play­ to& in s t Ä Nutley ?n the, top of the m ¡ £ Phone: NUtUy 2-0168 ground recently. TKl' dfiec’ker seventh inniiig as ' Manager Bill I Wanhington Ave»»«, Nutley, Ne Jr. Legion Ball Tó Come To Belleville???? home the fourth and' fifth, tuns Meet Nutley In Competition tourpirinent is being r u n at Murphy’s . charges started closing with a single: ¡Those two nparkers th? present time with! David ip pn. the -league leading ¿Colonels. proved to b e 1 the difference be­ * »ft-appears al lopg last'th at "there m&v 1». a Junior .. The,manager’s choices, foe the JuniorvIttereaMdn League Nutley started ‘the1 .sctmiig' in tween the two plubs. Jiogi;-WriÿYîè Weirierl'i-IoWard first -and tallied all m American L u p i baseball tea‘mrepre0píi¿'g;BePe?ilk;ía the All-Star team, Which will play ;Nutis^.' ihhii iuter-fown.. sa fes • First basemrin Richie Vei" ^jssex County - Division before » -the nsxti •'baseball, ¡-Reason beginning August 11, have been announced, as Reese, Jimmy Jiose, Angelo five '•ritns but the ; Riders, came Jidpe; ÏYed“' Carsilio, 'Antiii#ly. baek with three in thé fourth and the hitting star for 3eljev ^ |§ , # rQnnd. .The -of Belleville has teen aqptinipjpg ■ •, The selections follow: Ron Falaate .aM '.'iMve Tlfaler,; were’ begitmijig ' to. rind : the’ range. the Nutley contest. 1 Hei Rad fotWàid in. - nasebalj* activities with rapid ' strides in recent Fantacûne, P.a u:l Carsilio, ,;ti Although .Nriwey won the fray singles in- three times at ;ba first base; Larry Sims, second base; Bob Cassady, RornSan Buck1 MdlSrsw, Alex Mofaski bat­ Fillippo, and Bob- Kiefer, shortshop; Fred Rieeip, P^ank I he Ridfers outhit the Colonels, In thg fourth inning the J tling 4 t out. A t the present time nine to four. S B 0 h S p’;r e d by DeBafccO ..... I .can remember hot too lung ago when the little League Dunn, Bob Blomeoke, and Marty Carluccio, tirirfi base, Jimmie Jiosi is out in front. , , m ^uffo,1 fonner -Colonel pitch­ Snop.' tallied r all three was. .organized for" diamond afpirants between nine and 12 Den Debrowski and Eric Hatch,' outfield ; Fat Bivona, liihda Papêse arid Judy Walker are er, started on the r^iound fOr Belle-1 W ì by Jim Meéhàn. Mike y-eats of age? The program, started with volunteer support, GenoNapolihllo, and Frank An- leading the girls tournament over mile in the first inning but was Shepard,■ Sam ^ Graziano ■ m yeith; niteaMcco, catchers; and Ed Linda yaresd, - Judy Walker, Bar­ sent, to m early shower with an­ There was làlso a walk mushroomed- rapidly ufitil there are how more than 400) Mikelike "Morano, Jim ! bara" Moraaki, Carol Kuehnues, other firm er Côlon’el hurler, <|ip*g?|3j®§ball hiavers'^who,.'fere learning'the game under ^Crudele, . Cora jeanotte and Mqry Ann Par-, Frank. Sprovierp, being, sent into A sudden 15-minute d o w p iH There will have to ® 0^.fflp4m4siioh. There are ,27 men who are helping to run ST. ANTHONY’S Uction iri the opening frame. halted.tee gamglin tl^

BE Free Estimates 7 Irving Street THEY RAN INTO EACH OTHER m ¿ , SURE 4 0 THRILL RIOSS Rock 'N Roll sensation, Gel OUR Price Be­ [ ’Hot Rods’on Speedway, 1 Biggestmerry-go-round, jj^ fore You Buy Your {Roller Coast—The 1 SWIMMING^PREE CIRCUS The piace for futi OLYMPIC PARK RwS . . . in The Frariklin Casino' '56 IRVI NOTON - MAPLEWOOD the other day, and con­ gratulated one another on their mutual good taste OLDS Newly Decorated and judgment 1 Riviera Park Roller Skating Rink REID Opening August 24 j k ç K e H g For 1956 — 1957 Season AT TMl of Rutherford FRANKLIN CASINO OLDSMOBILE, Inc. 701 WajsMngton'Avenue, Belleville * 338 Franklin Avenue Open Every Might Except Wednesday 7:30 to 11 Rutherford, N. J. Saturday J - Sunday and Holiday Matinees'2 to 5 p.m. Belleville WEbster 9-8934 PL 9-2111 49 Meadow Road Admission with this Adv. 40 cents ■ IdlemUe Simes FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 1956 Unni z

THE BELLEVILLE TIMES-NEtVS take to* the h^hways, in the family c^p-néw- 'IHjtfjWiFjÛeCL yearly and th a t in toKus demanded, Mossadegh was haps even more vital to t£e west arid' then. No1 ÿfiw câi p r otect' them against: O ne M ail’s' ïiy-ç, years 'Hj*. Egybtiag'j-tlovfriif overthrown by an Army'fa volution. than were the oil fields of Lra::. ADVERTISING, NEWS AND BUSINESS OFFICE m o n mœeffi will have. coilecteii IBOOÆSO;- and p u t in jaiL At the' time Soj If Colonel Nasser thinks he isan ass Washington avenue , thpirisèlvéë -i- Brir against a breakdown, of :®Os;to:Use towards;.to6OTart of the nationalized Iranian oil, Mossa­ -nationalize the Suez Canal and,, fyw&n damiiCbloxibLNabse®, d®- * “■■=' Published every Thursday by The Belleville parental responsibility. 'Britain May Refuse To Use Force To Regain degh f was -as popular among, with that qne stroke -briome the* Itberiately or' iiot, Iranian masses as Colonel Nasser absolute toaster Of this flow of oil News Corporation, Belleville, N. J. Suez Canal Cohtrol From Nasser, But Oil Will The,. company’se a rn in g s after is with, Egyptians today. No one from the Red Sea to the Mediter­ Telephone PLymouth 9-8200 Weigh Final Action expenses, in 195.51 were $46^Q00i- charred him • when. his Seizure ranean, he may find he has ar- m . Thus .Cbïi^ï^, Nâgser would failed. ' roused forces which simply cannot RALPH E. HEINZEN, EDITOR-«ad PUBLISHER have to double.the .canal tolls if lat—this—happan,----- Arnold M. Bloom, New« Editor Ike Arid Congres ~Hcid nXriwp’Wri®' to realise’ the: ,- This;is riot ,to suggest that*Col-'' Even-the. Arab countries whom . " By Ralpih Eric Heinzen 0CC,*00 yearly goal and,J yesterday, onel (Nasser is-darned-to-the path Colonel Nasser is seeking to^ dom­ M5m Rita Knoll, Social Editor ie.-.^.rinosinesa f e |n- followed by the former Premier of inate are reported as growing “Peaceful Co-Existencè- “ITook'at you Americans and' s'ay: May you choKf’ to tenilon’ of -raising’'tKe. ’if. Iran. But the Suez Canal, channel restive over his impetuous moves. death or. -ygur fury’’. ■ ( Improvements .sad .msjntena;nce for the oil on which Britain’s in­ None of them'is considered ready Congressman Deter W. ¡Rodilio,/r., in an dustrial machine depends, is per­ for; -desirous of war. Aw It^migM hate-been Hitler, at-the height of his glory, of the ’ canal have-drained away Wide Open Windows, exclusive interview with The Times-News, much of thé' ïl company’s ; earnings 5&ho sa id . yHat;■ Tns&ad, vit, was a 84 - year - old Efry^icm over the past several years. These is the season oí wide; open Windows» this week, said that he will stand,for re- Lieutenant - Colonel, Abdel Gam&l Nasser, dictator of problems steadly gasw as the tdn- election next’ November, here in "the 10th Cleopatra’s kingdom, who, 'In a blind rage because we cancell­ hage mpvirg through thd canal Cool fragrant breezes fill every room; increases. ' Rays of sunshine are clear and cleansing/ District, on the record o f the 84th Congress, ed out our .offer to, carry the heaviest share of building the Aswan canals and dam on the Nile, cursed a nation and T h e latest reconditioning »con­ To sweeten, brighten and chase away gloom. Which wound up, its work last weekend for tract amounts to •’ $o0^000, 4 *'{ military reoccupation of-the'demilitarized Rhineland.1 He got by with his mad act, at the time, because of British the 13,215 ; ships which. passed Siding the air-waves both near and far; Campaign strategists are now weighing through. There were 1,738 pass­ weakness which overruled a French desire to throw him out ages by Norwegian ships; 1,133 Bays are merry if voices are gladsome the record of this 84th, Congress and have —but,'in the § ||f Hitler paid for his folly with Ms own life Freneh ; i,018 Italian ; 630 Nether­ With no unpleasantness our joys to mar. already, found that unlike thè'so-càued “do and witn the ruination and division of Germany. lands; 452 Swedish; 393 Ameri- can ; 835 Danish and 302 German. Gnard them well — your wide open windows, , nothing” 88rd Congress, it has 'JH> splendid' It is almost certain' that r : "^Practical problems of mainte­ Sind thoughtful words to expand and swell, record of legislative accomplishment. There the British will not consent nance and the compensation of Circle the world with joyful good tidings-— Was only “peaceful co-existence”, no “cold to the use of arms to free the control of the canal operation is stockholders, which Nassar . has canal o f the Egyptian grab, that the international- agreement promised, coupled with inter­ They’ll return like homing pigeons to dwell- war’’. It\ will be hard for the Republican Under which the cantal was built national repercussions, make it even if the French arid our­ by a Frenchman, Ferdinand, de difficult to see how he can turn Dorothy de St.- Clement party to defeat Rëp. Rodino, here in the 10th selves urge her to do so. It Lesseps, has but 12 years more to Suez Canal earnings into a real When You Think District, on his »record in Washington. I t is is almost certain, too, in this ruii. Upon its expiration, the help in building the Aswan Dam. . almost safe tq’ predict the re-election by “Gne Man’s ' Opiriion” timi canal will go to Egypt. ■ Britain’s unwillingness to rush Nasser .will' get, by* rbr; So why fig h t. a war for 12 warships and bombers to Suez is Belleville, of Congressman Rodino. years’ possession if, by exerting based as much on the pages of of SAVING now w i t h ' his - illegal act,! history as it is,‘ on British phlegm If anything, the split < personality did.. 91 economic pressure ^*on ßgypt’s :jus.t!-as--v-Hitl There is still fresh in British The Age For Drinking Of Washington with Congress in 'Demo­ ulu financial weakness or by stirring years a g o» but t h a t, in the up distrust of Nässer among other minds, the caêe of Iran and of thel Think of DeWITT! . In response to questions put to him cratic control and, the White House in end, Nasser and Egypt will Arab lands, he can be curbed or serious consequences which befell overthrown t Britain lias faced and its fiery Premier, Mohammed this week by The Times - News, Governor Republican hands brought out a responsible pay dearly for his /bad Mossadegh, only five years ago, ini telnper. Ifariyone “chokes on survived many such illegal grabs. Meyner said New Jersey officials have been leadership of patiorial affairs. There is no She tdqk. Hitler in- her stride, and 1951, when -he confiscated foreign their fury’’ it will be Egypt. tryirtg to get New York authorities‘tpi'gabpt reason to believe that a Republican majority. Hitler died at his own hands in holdings and nationalized Iranian his battered hunker. oil. - • % a 21-year law for drinking. New York has Would have given President Eisenhower any" Nasser Needed Courage Whqri it was found, that Iran | As back in 1935,:-when Hitler lo$al option and in some municipalities the more support than Ke obtained from the Oil Dominates Solution by itself could pot .manage its was rising in power.and needed, Oil is much more likely to pro- oil fields; and that- the West minimum age is 18. He admitted that the democratic majority, Tlie?e are various/ by a- successful biuff. to whip up wbuld not help Iran under the the enthusiasm .of the German viSe the solution to this crisis state is disturbed because Npw Jersey youth tints of Republicans in Congress, top." than is diplomacy or military people, - Nasser needed • some such might. The Middle. East’s oil is 3 In areas adjacent to the New York State gesture to rally the Egyptians be­ It would appear to Tfce Times-News that vital’ to the very existance of SAVINGS INSURED up. to »10,000 line have been crossing over to get what is hind him so that they would for­ Britain and Western Europe, and the accomplishments of this Congress will get his 'failure to win America’s of no mean ’ importance to ’ our- Delaporte I legally unavailable to them- in New_Jersey. . preclude any p^sibijity -of «successful cam­ millions of dollars for* the dam selves. Earn Mora... NOW! He said, cfrankly, there has been a conse­ project which he had promised to MacKinnon paign on thé simple slogan of “Give-Ike a Egypt as 'Hm ; monument .to Jiis ' Of the 110,000,000 tons of ship­ quent increase in traffic, .Accidents ¿rid regime—-just as-the Pyramids and ping which passed through the Republican Congress”. Any Congressional PLUMBING - HEATING fatalities among New Jersey youth so ether-relics are monuments to past Suez Canal last year, ,70,000,000 seat won by the Republicans will havé to be pharohs. tons was oil. . GAS FIRED BOILERS tempted. fought .for and conqueréd on a district basis. One reasdn why, in this “One Colonel Nasser told the Egypt­ Conversion Burners t The Governor-pointed out, in his state­ Man’s Opinioa”, Britian is oppos- ian jeiple that the earnings „of Automatic Water Heaters In most cases, any change of political com­ ed to the use of fóri to regain the Suez Canal Company are 6J Forest Street ment to The Times - News that while a 21- plexion of a Congressional delegate will have Belleville 9, N. J. year minimum in New York State might to be on a basis of personalities. Here in the ALBERT H. help this situation, a law does riot .necessarily, 10th District, it would b e hard to defeat Phone PL 9-4323 SAVINGS everything. A lot depends, on patents, DeWitt Congressman Rodino &i such an issue. he said. If. young persons under 21 are per R.E.H. a n d j Zook rfMociatio«, mitted to drink home, they, too, probably ■ — Ifgil . m WÊÊI- H co sts SC little § t o p h o n e 463 WASHINGTON AVENUE COMMERCIAL cor. Tappati Avenue Services w ere held at the Philip BELLEVILLE, N. J. • Plymouth 9-5264 INDUSTRIAL • Apter & Son, Inc, Funeral Home, anywhere Daily, 9 to 4; also MON.ßVES^ 6:30 laß - Rem em ber 'W hen? 16 Stratford Place, Newark,-with RESIDENTIAL Rabbi Albert L. Raab of Congre­ w Cleveland...... 8Sd Savings Accounts • Home Mortgage Loans gation AAA o f Belleville; officiat­ 45 Mertz Avenue FLymouth 9-3247 # Richmond...... "7 0 d Home Improvement Loans * G.l. Home Loans ’ August 2, 1951 ‘ ing. Burial was in Beth Israel Travelers' Cheques • Money Orders A ugust 1, 1940 Cemetery, Woodbridge. £ w Jrom NEWARK after C PM and /s' • Gas and Electric Bills Collected ••' A four-year-old boy Was taken w Biindays. 8 niin. station rates, to Essex County Isolation Hospital, Mayor Wiiliaffis"found‘ himself 9 tax'not mciudwi. with the town’s first case of-pofio in A dispute with two local- .liquor PL 9-1497 - EYES EXAMINED for «the year. dealers over applications for pack­ age store licenses at a Commission , Louis J. Rosania meeting. During the course of the Louis John Rosania, of 121 Rut­ Four youngsters raised $5 fo r dispute it was discovered that the gers Street, died suddenly - at his Dr. M. Roochvarg t-he^-Poiio-Pimd-'bjr staging a show Mayor’s wife was owner of the home July 17, of a heart attack. la th e cellar of 75 Mount Prospect building where one of the proposed He Was 44. - OPTOMETRIST Avenue. stores wotlld be erected. • Mr. Rosania. .was a. jacking en­ Mon; & Fri. 9:30-8 gineer at the RCA plant in H ar­ Tu«8. and Thurs. 9:30-6 ■ Federal [T elecommunicaliori DK O. Bell Close, pastor of rison. He: Specialized jn designing And Appointment packages for- electron!* equipment Laboratories announced the per­ Fewjmith Presbyterian O h-ji * c h . Closed Wednesday 132 Washington Avenue fection of a system* for transmit­ started, a 6th Column movemnaf He joined the company 20 years S a t. to noon only ting sound and .picture simultane-. with 75 per cent of his congrega­ ago as a general workman. He Belleville . Qiisiy over; a common radio link. tion. The movement involved daily participated in company athletics. June 15 to - Sept. 15 Ptaydr for the “survival of liberty.” ' Born! in Newark; Mr. Rosania - 'The Belleville" chapter of Red atended public school’ there. He Urbss announced that it now had moved to Belleville 16 years ago. facilities for sending personal Lightning struck twice in town. He was a member of the Knights messages by amateur radio to First at the,chimney of School No. of Columbus, the 'Holy Name So­ Attend Second Annual servicemen in 'Japan. 8 And then at the front of the gar­ ciety of St. Peter’s Church. Belle­ a s age of Charles W. Kesscl, of 136 ville, and the Cana Group. Adelaide Street. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. BUILDING FUND FESTIVAL '• -■ The Belleville PAL team won its Jean Rota Rosania; a daughter, A N D eighth straight game in the New Catherine; three sisters,,!Mrs. Fan­ SAVES» YOU TIME, WORK MONEY Jersey State PAL,league by shut­ Several local women joined the ny Carrione o f Newark, Mrs. Filo- , ^uspices of ting out Kearny PAL 1-0. Essex County Unit of the „Molly menR Patetta of Livingston, Fred . » use the fuel , Pitcher Brigade, a company dlj of Miami, Fla." women training in.first aid treat­ ment and the use of firearms. Funeral services were from the Barbone - Mosco Post No. 7 that is j A ugust 1, 1946 De Capua Funeral Home, 269 Mt. '«[Homer Zinc, Jr: and A1 Walker Prospect Ave., Newark, Saturday. quick, clean, brought back two Canadian rowing A Solemn High Requiem Mass championships from the * Henly Charles Y. Kase followed at St. Peter’s Ghtxi'ch, 155 MEMORIAL FIELD f ully automatici .... Regatta held m Canada. .Charles V. Kase, .of 10 Wilbur William Street, Burial was in Holy Street, died in Newark’s Beth Cross Cemetery, North Arlington. Franklin Street' • Belleville __William. E, Dunleavy was named Israel Hospital July 22 after a Belleville Fire Department Chief brief illness. He was 51. Monday Through Sunday by IPubiic Safety Director Louis Born in Blysfouqt, Pa,, he lived Noll. He succeeded Robert A. Reid. in Belleveille for 23 years. He John J. Rempusheski August 6 To August 12 was employed a t the RCA plant in .. John Joseph 'Rempusheski, of Harrison. N A wave of-robberies hit town 24 Hi):ton Street, diedHuly- 22 of a with two more adding to the* total Mr. Kase leaves his wife, Mrs! heart /¡attack while vacationing in Rides - Refreshments - of 5. Local merchants robbed' were Elisabeth C- McCann Kase; a son, Scneiiectady, N.Y. He was 50. the Dixie-Sales Company, of 258 Charles, of Belleville, and a Mr. Rempushski was b o m ‘ in Belleville Avenue,, .which was atr brother, Raymond Kase, of Ridg, Nutlev and nfoved to Belleville-as tacked by safe, crackers, and Mc­ way, Pa. a child. He was employed as a Free Admission C arty's Tavënv at ' 6R8 Washing­ Rev. John A. Struyk, retired machiheSt in the Gkifield plant of ton .V Avenue where thieves stole pastor Of the Dutch Reformed Curtiss-Wright Corp. for the last 10 Beautiful Riding Devices $38 and 6 bottles of liquor. Church, conducted funeral rierv- t6 years. Mr. Rempushski w. Featuring Giant Octopus And -at—tho Wttdflwewh mamhtif of Our Lady of Mt. Home, 524 Union Avenue. Burial mel Church, Nutley, Giant Ride-o-Bpaee . - Frances Coulther, Belleville was in Glendale Cemetery, .Bloom “’Bine Baby” returned after an ex^ He leaves, his wife, Mrs. Jenh’e field- Kropiewnicki Rempushski; tw o tensive observation period at John sons, John J r. 'and Francis, and n FABULOUS KIDDIE LAND Hopkins hospital in Baltimore. daughter, Miss Veronica Rem- Mrs. Hyman Bendersky pusheski, all a t home; two broth­ Kiddie Matinee — Saturday, August 11 ers, .Anthony of .Nutley an'd, Stan­ ,, ^ir. and Mrs: Charles Rawfcliffej 'Mrs.' Gussie. Freidman Bender- ley .of Newark; three; sisters, Mrs. 1 to 5 F.M. Of 368 Washington Avenue ap­ skny, widow of Hyman Bender­ Victoria Apito of: Billeyille, Mrs. peared on "Honeymoon in New sky, of 48 Lloyd Place, died*Tuly I Sophie Salaky of East Orange, and Reduced Prices on All Rides York” radio program as part of 22 in East Orange Hospital after Mrs. Helen Novinaki of Orange: Free Ballooiis And Hats To All Children their 57th wedding anniversary. a long illness. Miree stepbrothers, Phillh) Moraski Bom In Russia. Mrs. Blinder b j ' Bloomrield, Frank Mbraski of Orphan’s Day — Wednesday, August 8 sky came to Jersey City 45 years - l^eircWTlg; an A 'jgBera Mbfaski7~aia ' ago. She then Hved a humbfef of throe stepsisters. Mrs. Helen Bar- 1 to 4 P.M. Passes CPA Exam i years iifi -Union County, moving rington of Nutlpy, Mrs. Catherine from Springfield to BefteviM'6 Adarits of -Belleville, and Mrs. ^ixty-four New Jersey,residents years ago. She. was B»chartei*4Éem: StdBs#Beyer. of -Newark. , ¿¿seed tile G$0£im fublip. Ac* bsr of Workxhe'n’s Circle No. 848 Monday to Friday - 6 to 11 p,m. .muntants evamihatibn given: In 4 The f u n e r a l was from tire of'Uftlbri'County and Of a Geiden' Bloomfield Funeral Home, 44 Bay M ay; the.. State --Beard o f . Pi|bUc Age group in Nèw York. ASiwunts • announced, last week. •Aveiiue, Bioothfield, - Wednesday. Saturday — 1 to 11 P.M, ESe of the successful candidates ‘She is survived’ h A Solemn High Requiem Mass was was from Belleville. Daniel A Me Mrs. Esther Brandiiitn. o f offered-in,Mt, CarmelChurch. Bur­ T* Sunday -r 2 to 11 P.M;. Gfirthy, of 2281 Ralph Street. IfflfS» PJace' kfidfiëàs, 'roS^.Si’hoïri ia l Olivet- Gdasetery,. she made, her home, and two Bloormield. grandchildren. FRIDAY: AUGUST 3,1956 JBJJlLJjJU VILLE TIMES-JN JK W S Caught Without Camera

— By Edward A Carney----- This column is a report of Little League All Star activities through Sunday July 29. At this tim e, bpth Belleville American and Belleville National Little League A11 Star teams are straining <.,||piTOe bit to meet each other Wednesday evening, August 1 at Carlstadt Little League Field. The winner of this game ’vili be declared District Champion. The district includes Belleville^ Nut- tèy. Lindhurst, Rutherford, East Rutherford, Caflstadt, Woodridge and North Arlington. ' It is difficult to attribute the success of either team to the accomplishment of any one individual. FQr the Americans, ac­ colades are due Wayne Young, for his two pitching wins, to Ernie Stefanelli for his one hitter, to Stefanelli, Belus, Pindar anid-^Nds- J o h n Kondreck* local photograph©**, looks on as Mills S tee ls, of oVaccia for their hitting, to Gary Schwarz for excellent way he South Carolina, demonstrates the proper arrangement of a bridal veil It’k mighty nice to lave-twice . . . has held up the catching end, for both Young and Stefanelli :& d in taking wedding pictures. Model is Helen Matchette of California..* his two'tim ely hits. Special praise is dueGharfie Isbrizzi for cover­ Kondreck* and his wife returned recently from Winona Lake Shop' Acme and g et Low, Low ing cenfcerfield so beautifully' and his spectacular catches 'whtch Indiana, where they took courses in bridal photography and receptioh1 stopped scoring attempts by our opponents. The American League room technique. Kondreck will return to the Winona School of Prices PLUS S.&H. Green Stamps Second base combination of Pindar and Belus was outstanding in Photography to takfe a business caturse, lasting one week. His studio defendsive play and proved once again the old adage, “Be Strong will be open during that time. Through The Middle And You’r In". extra poet! Your choice of , i The National League All .Stars have won the right to enter over 1,500 nationally-advertised the finals with the American League by sparkling defensive, play and excellent pitching. Geòrgie Sheridan pitched another no hitter products. S.&H. is America’s larg­ in the fjrse game and .struck out 18 men while walking only 3, also established himself as the h ittin g and base running- star. Sileo, Victor Squitieri Instructs the second game twlrler. was equally effective allowing one hit est-oldest and most reliable stamp L J T f W c i and pitching the Nationals to'a 2-0 win over the pre-tournament favorite» from Woodridge. Luzzi’s with Pucciarella- aboard Reserves At Fort Slocum plan. CaI|fonija 0ÊL accounted for the Nationals 2 runs. We can be rhost proud of all our boys, for comments heard , Local native. First Lieutenant. Victor C. Squitieri Jr., ...... byi this-observer, in the press box at all .games, concerning the returned, to civilian life on Sunday when his'Army Reserve gtìntleihanly manner and the meticulous appearance of both teams at a ir games, was most gratifying; , . . unit, the, 303rd Military Government Group of. Kearny, com­ FROZEN FOODS pleted its annual two week summer training encampment, I t is impossible for both teams to become the finalists but whatever team should win Wednesday night at Carlstadt the losing' yhe S08rd is currently conducting a Military Government BANQUET BRAND BEEF, Riforma lg- team and-its supporters should be most proud for they have up- school-at Fort Slocum, New York for Reserve and National hSid Little League oath in a true sense 'of the word, Guard personnel. Since 1st Lt. Squitieri had vast experience c h ic k e n , OR TURKEY / . * * * sta lk I Q c ih Military Government activities in Europe during World, COMPOSITE BOX SCORE - 3 GAMES War-ti-he- hes-feeen -^elected a s an instructor at the school..' C u c u m b e r s BELLEVILLE AMERICANS POS. AB R H E B. A. During the yeafs 1943-1948 lit.® — ------—------r Fr&l Puleo 3b 5 3 0 t í .000 PIES I _Z°Ur Choice Stfuitieirf' Served overseas With- Ernie Stefanelli p - lb 9 2 3 0 , .333 Military Government in North St. 'Mary's CY0 Juniors' Radishes Clinch Aiièn Belus ss 9 4 3 1 .333 Africa, Cicily, Italy, Austria and Jim Pindar 2b S 3 5 0 ! .625 Germany, where he was a' denazi­ To Encounter St. Thomas ^ I l i o n s Jim. Nosovaccio fication-officer. lie- has been a bunch Gary Schwarz member of the 303rd since 1954 ' St. Mary’s, • idle last week in Pkgs. Cnàs. Librizzi and is displaced persons officer of the Essex County CYO Junior E s c a ro le Geo. F itzp a tric k l f 6 0 0 0 the unit. , ’ Baseball League, will attem pt to Wayne Young butter, its' present five wins aid 5 99 As a civilian, the JJeujehant Is one loss record at the _ expense Team B. A. employed las an automatic controls of its neighborhood - rival Stv Imagine, Less T h a n 12-9 Strike Outs By Young Base pn Balls off Young -12 engineer ■_. with -the...Minneap.alis- Thomas, of Bloomfield, in the Strike Outs by Stefanelli — 3 off Stefanelli- 2 Honeywell Regulating Company in first of -.a twin bill a t Branch 20c Per Pie ! Games Won, Young Hits Off Young - 1 Union. Prior to graduation from Brook Park- Gam e' time for the f Gâ c h e s Elberi a New York University he was a Sunday game 1 p.m. 1 Game» Wpn Stefanelli - . 1 Hits off S tefanelli . — 1 St. Thomas; winner last Sun­ S° util Carolina’« p m’ember' of the. Delta Phi Epsilon "neSt W e , Blpe3 ‘29 day over St,, John’s of Orange, 'COMPOSITE BOX SCORE . 2 GAMES and Beta Gamma Sigma frater­ “ "J Luscious! nities. The 'son of Mr. & Mrs. Vic­ 7-1, produced a good chucker, in BELLEVILLE NATIONALS PÖS. AB R H E B.A. tor Squitieri of 12 Watsessing Art Johnson who .limited the/St. John’s nine to a lone ; gingle, Puciarelio lb 7 2 0 0 .000 Avenue, he resides at 79 Baldwin Sheridan .333 Place with his wife and children, .000 Linda, Susan and Rosemaria, o v e n r e a d y b e i t s v i u e .200 - Sileo C° ,400 Luzzi .500 Crowell .400 P etrillo .250 lb. Vqgel .250 WILLIAM V. IRVINE & SON 4 9 c Gasperski ,000 .000 Tu rkeys * Jiosi “HOME FOR FUNERALS” ~ 1 » manV cold snacks after! Team B. A. se r i | 3 0 ‘ Strike -Outs by - Sheridan "M Base on Balls off Sileo Our experience, of more than fifty years gives on Balls off Sheridan Eniw tender, ftilcio». Cr011berry Sauce Strike Opts by Sileo — 1? Base assurance that our service is considerate and per­ Games Won by Sheridan off Sheridan Gfctne. Won- by Sileo M Sileo formed with reverence and dignity. • Funeral Costs Should Never Be Beyond LANCASTER BRAND * Insurance A Family’s Means • ib . 39c 276 WASHINGTON AVE. BELLEVILLE N. J. back guarantee \ PLYM OUTH 9-1 l l 4 C h u c k R o n s t Warning For V I i l i * T dJiuicy, flavorfull Double your KIERNAN WILLIAM V, IRVINE SR. WILLIAM V. IRVINE JR. Always tender, Car Travelers * _ d 1 ANCASTER BRAND lb 63 : Traveling conditions have chang­ WADSWORTH ed radically, Motor trips are being Dignified R ib R oast . made eisicr, hundreds of million? Funeral Home of. dbllars are being spent by Fed­ Funeral Service eral, State and local governments a F. Douglas Wadsworth improvements. The,--.drudgery lias §24 Union Avenue Belleville 9, New Jersey FRESHGROUNDB ted fish been taken out of extended motor on hew- highway construction and A V A ILA B LE TO ALL PLymouth 9-2879 trips by new par string -which, Services within the financial circumstances of ALL provides the cdmforfsneeded. REGARDLESS OF FINANCIAL Rock Cornish ^ame Hens_^...s ^ F i l l e t Haddock However, before you “hit the Non-Sectarian road’’,this year, especially in the CIRCUMSTANCES v. popular summer months, make MAY WE HELP YOU, !lN YOUR TIME OF NEED. y o re SUeed B o lo g n a sued OQc TASTE-O-SEA 2 ‘V*, 5 9 C sure that your automobile Bodily Injury limits are enough to satisfy Luhehesn M eal h B 35C H s" SM ek*. . „ 3 9 c the Automobile Safety Responsi­ j u«»t t/* _ Cocktail Shrimp »6« bility ‘ laws in the states through NON-SECTARIAN 1 P r e s s e d « i i «fester . wiuch yotfIntend to .drive. Ham 59c Tails This is to say that you should WHY NOT INVEST have Bodily Injury , limits of At with the T lamiHam p«n.Ready WhWing least $101/20,000 if you plan to rlrixe-dn the fallowing states: I s NORTH BELLEVILLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION Hygrade Franks }}nms, Wisconsin, Florida, New York, Vermont;' Minnesota, Mary­ KIERNÂN FUNERAL HOME 500 Washington Ave.» Belleville (9 ) N. J. land, Delaware, Michigan, Maine,' GEORGE F. KIERNÂN - Virginia and New Hampshire. WE ARE NOW PAYING Dairy ; You Should have Bpdily Injury 1G1 UNION AYE. BÈLLEVILLE, N J . limits of $20/20,000 if you plan' 3% DIVIDENDS to drive in Connecticut. The re­ PLYMOUTH 9 3503 SHARP f. maining states will. be satisfied; Savings Insured up to $10,000 Get Acquainted Offer! with Bodily Injury limits of $6/ „ Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corp. ' 1^000,-. Save 12c ! HOM-DE-LITE • ’• 6houL4-_you-fail to comply- with Cheese ^ 63c these Bodily Injury requirements •fli the state Where Bodily Injury limits of $10/20,000 or higher, aiy mandatory,..ywii1 driving privilges Sslad Dressing 1 4 3 c will be suspended In your own Cheese Food Sf;$te as Well.:' Made From Finest Ingredients In Our Own Kitchens , This meah4 for. example, that if a New Jersey resident having Save 20c I HOM DE-LITE Superb Quality -GLENDALE ’ J -lb. M O C thq minimum Bodily Injury limits CLUB M m Box # M of $5/10,000 as required in New i Jersey is involved in an accident in Mayonnaise__£.49' $ 10/20,0ÇK) are required, is suspension of his driving res in that state. Recipro- MILROSE PRUNE Cheez-Whiz 49« 32-0!. .00 J u i c e Bottles BAKERY LOUISIANA 0 costs so litólo IDEAL Orange Pekoe 0 to phone Ring Cake 39* • anywhere Tea Bags » 49 Almond Danish Coffee Cake 45c @ Cleveland. ;.... O S i in any Ford Dealer Used Car Deal! Keebler Pecan Sandies - s . 4 9 W t' I Virginia Lee Large " M C Q Richmond..,...-7CÍ ■ * ^ Raisin Size 't+JP j F A From NtWARK »ft« 6 PM and c- GEORGE H. MEAD/INC. ^ BumUys/S min, «tation rate», Weston George Inn Assortment :s 3 9 c| Effective-Throu,h I ^ 10% tax not Included. 190 Washington Avenue Belleville, N, J. August Family .Circle M a g a z in e Just Out! Special 5C PAGE SIX THE BELLEVILLE TÌMÈS-NEWS FRIDAY, A F G tS T , 3, 1958 IfanfS Improvement Tire ßervic& that sí» 4-i^s. R^feht:of -'hfe. own Times Classified Advertisements -ihdofefemfeMadE: decbraiihg; -and Paclula^ even fixes; thf jlumbjng. Not :coi|- VENGENT L. VfBRÏCO, ■ CON» V,0LOÄNIZIN,G & RECAPflNQ, tfet-. wift '&e; way.- -bar. ,<("Cw£iwedV .One) Lqcal Jehovah’s Witnesses to |ell, Buy or Trade Telephone PLymouth T&#C®|R. “i& M ® bom6 •'ftw- garviood, -¡ 'New Täppaa Awwia looksd. Miss Bohl- improvements; roofing & siding,' and-used (iyes. Bor cgnmiete tire dMi-«, ftfcfelate’- FOBiflddftig jôfe. Alfred j® Wfeses- Ejcpahsion. attic rooms ■& donnera ; service, caik-BradTey Tœe Sçndcç. when.-Abé íhok over "¿he- property. sifte* A vaiW % y^ Sign Appeal To Communists interior & exterior ¡decorating}, ®2S, W ashington • Ave.¿t 'PLyteWth “A s ifj whWd many of >hhe l i s f e i ' . j f e in ■'fesatef ;-dif- Agriculture For Rent alteration®: mewber of ’the: -Belierine Art return to- service in.meveral whdiu, ,-trie petition p^utesds, havie been subjected to mass metal;, rags, mattresses; sinks; Ofcb. • months, -after bar '.shattered how repression, arrest, and deportation to Siberia, chiefly from A lu m in u m W in d o w s BELMAR. Cosy bungalow, im-» -is ''repaired - in- m.Brooklyn: ;Nfey bathtubs arhd fqjteces, 40c. per FpIJt »I I* Andrea Sopfe fetvever, the- three Baltic , countries of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia, provemqnts; screened porch; 100 lbs. Immediate picjrcp» Call. ; "I'm veiw iftiereri-ed in , rmtStdea tidal river bathing; sleeps lies in 250 fsst ai ivate? about 40 incorporated into the Soviet Union during the war. ALwINTITS- : TRIPLE - CHAN­ J. Luby /& Co. liiitiey 2-8763. OLD. ST?AMP •-«oljeetions or ae* tfio,’' -She i'cqntin-ijod . ‘-fm'#BÌÌy ;,hn miles off -^'-iNaptH-oket: coast as NEL COMBINATION WIN­ ■seven; reasonable to . responsible +5ip etufae Mvél.” Hpe «yniained . The petition, sent to Moscow, was drafted at the recent Party. August 4th to September ALWAYS PAYpfJG TCP LOL­ ptïtiltriCCS, ’Ifnito® States or A' result DOWS, manufacturered by ®BM- foreign, Call NU 2^177 < after- 6 that • h e r! .iRtesest ip. • aofews-:. had ——— - — l— - 1 , T & convention of the Jehovah^ Wit* EEAL BRONZE •CORPORATïpN 1st. PLymouth 0-2196. 8-10 LARS;'rags, 3c Id, ; Iron; brass, stemmed" frDm---w«oem whit-- 09- Gilliio Cgsare ' —finest ever, compare and .be con­ copper, metáis, linger sewing ma* Wt» ' : V * 7-80 Ifùoai Asofrits of s^lsjrifedi'sd'u-' lesfies which attracted an atten­ vinced, no obligation. Telephone THREE ' ROOMS WITH HEAT, cbines. - fürnaces, papers, 50c per cations! leàris'ati^-i. "I d—'e The .itpiife; Line," meanwhile, dance . of 17,609 a t y Roosevelt Sta- evenings or Palurda». F m l Klein, $55, available immedi­ 100 lbs. Immediate pick. -m. Keàr- has announced plans, -to transfer difen in Jersey City. The Belle- know what they vme delegation was led by Keith -. Nujtley 2-2078, ately. ' Telephone Pilgrim 8-6(131 ny Scrap M stai, 17 'Storyer Ave­ Wanted to Rent fee voting for when -they go 1o! the .newfeKUry lmer Giulio Qesare Teen Canteen between 9 an^ 12. 8-10 nue. Kearov: Kfearny. 2-0432. * the polis,” fee ■ said, “T think from a South American run t< T -ennex, conductor - of-- the Bible the transrAtlcntic run. It is ,pps Study Classes. 6 ROOMS. COLD WATER fiat. FAMILY OF FOUR eeéking four èvetyone should acquaint himseif J. J. NAGY, DEADER In scrap or five room aphrtment iii Nutr With the issues and the views 'of' rihle that the" more than l,100(j ’The petition sent to the Com- Asphalt Driveways Slake . yoUr- own heat and hot persons -who; had booked passage T W I R P N ite munigt Government specifics that water. Washington Avenue. Adults iron, metals, paper and- rags, ley or Bellevirier iiear'ihhtnéportà- the candidates before they vote, furnaces, sinks qnd tubs.. Tele­ tion. Excellent* refeifehces furnish­ and. I think people s h o n j d be on fee Andrea ¡Daria for the sail­ in April 1951, more than 7,000 ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS preferred. White tenancy, Avail­ ing from Genoa on August .14 Will members ox the sect were arrested GABRIELE BROTHERS. Asphalt able September 1. Call Pilgrim s- phone PLymouth 9-0905.-- T f : ed. Telephone NUtley 2-2100 after ready .to cross Party* lines' f<**- 5 P.IÏ. - TF '-«sues.’’ Sh^ .went on to explain loe accommodated, this way. in the Baltic states and in the driveways, parking- lots, , side- 6031 between 9 and 12. ' L - On the same day, that the Qets Dancers Ukraine and Bessarabia, and walks. Pdwejf mljfgfc arid fully in*' ♦hot sha -had once .been a Renub' THREE ROOM APAR^ENT Lawn Mowers PRIVATE GARAGE, for- storage li can. but" now feels that everv [Andrea Dorifl- sank; a eard wa» transported in . .freight, trains fiVteiJ. All work guaranteed. 9,0 o|V'.nousen6la goods. - rLymauth I received a t this office fqom the By Joan White the region between Tomsk and Basil Cftjnter fjt, Nutley 2-017(1? First fjoor, Gas, electric ancl pVu+inn ‘should be ovaqiined. in heat furbished, $70. PLymouth 9-6494. .dayar stating: thai; hp was having ■ Once again the doors swung I -Irkutsk, near Lake Baykal, in Bvenings, Gregory flK fiE ;tf HAND AND POWER MOWERS, the light of the candidates, rather Siberia. cleaned, sharpened,... _ repaired,' than their .uarties, t yery enjoyable trip . He writes wide open to a gay arid festive adjusted^ Work guaranteed. Pick Work Wanted T f —toanMi .'Wbrk, that hS -and-his-family have- al­ riight Friday evening fit the eV-er - The appeal f e "behalf~ef~ the FURNISHED ROOM., Separate UP and delivery. Grass shears, M’«.« Pohl .'pisi)' has p e a t in, ready been to Genoa, Pisa, Flo­ survivors, says that many of the Asphalt Paving entranqéji liçxt to; bath, çonven- rence, La Spetia, Siena, N aplH growing Teen Canteen. TMs part hedge clippers, sharpened. Nufley térest in-ihb National, State andi icular evening, fee boys ieaily had 7,000 died in Siberia of malnu- ient to busses. PLymouth 9-1501 ODD JOBS DONE, Rubbish fed Gmiritv Educnttonal * Associations. I SalfejB)j;u Capri,, Jadd: ‘Som e.. trition during the first two years SAMUEL GABRIEL Key- Shop, 156 Franklin Avenue, dirt removed; cellars and yards themselves a time. It was TWIRP Nlitiey 2-54-05. TF TVi' reuónt months,she Kas'.heeu in-l I ..The Paduia’s sailed for Europe of their banishment. Others are ' ■ & COMPANY ' . GARAGE. Available immediately, cleaned. Dump truck to hire. Tele­ crei)«io"tv heciinfied with the- Nat- to see their son, .First Lieutenantl night. -. I known to be held ip, fifty jv o rk Pairing Contractors; sidewalks and Call PLymouth 9-2110 phone MArket 2-2521, e P. M. fp: in»oi. G e u t è r> n i a 1 Isadore Padula Jr., who is stfeion- To those who do not know the arid prison camps in'/Siberia' anff '' FACTORY-AUTHORIZED ,*harp- 10:30 P. M. , " TF led in Fulda,1 Germany, with the meaning of TWIRP night, it meafts -above the, Artie -Circle, including parking lots. AIL Work guaran­ FIV E ROOMS, second floor, all --ening-and repairing, power-and which Will be held in .Phi'afeinhip, teed. We are fully insured. . improvements. ‘Gas, heat, Adults pext year. Fbe is eleo an active lAfeiy Air Force. They iffin plfe-i fe a t1 each gnd every - "girl • had to- a camp on the island of Novaya hand mowers, all makes. Hand ODD JOBS .DONE. Rubbish-.and Ined to visit Austria, France, and Zemlya, There are also 2,000 64 East Center St.' -Nutley, N. J. only, available September 1st. $70. tools sharpened. White ' Oaks noembèr of Kanra Delta Pi. nat- ask a boy to dance. It was sur­ including garage space. Write dirt lfeioved; cellars and yards Vjnal educational honor society. iSwitzerlhnd- bhfore r e t u r n i n gl prising I to see how many of the Witnesses being detained in the ■ ’ NUHey 2-0526 Hardware, 78 Union Avenue, N ut cleaned. Two ton tric k for hire. Ihome. 1 penal canjl) of Vorkuta. Relie ville Times Box- 31Ï, ' 8-17 ley 2-4987. . TF Oh th» òonjjty educatipnol level. young men who we thought didn TJf I’Lymouth 8 7184, 3-2 Mjss Pohl .has served .on the pub- know one foot from .the other feat I ‘iWe are beginning to receive For Sale 'ic relations committee: for sev­ were able to dance. I reports of persecution of W itnes- Bedding Lost SHERIFF’S SALE eral years. *y i To announce a . special Ovqniug |ses inside of Russia and behind ' - Since fh" , ne*riv c.on«truoted Hyde the Iron Curtain, tand our intel- MOVIES OR CAMERAS . 0f any .SUPEfitrOR (CHAH.) Ü.8S once a week, we Have a young ar­ mattresses, box springs. SAVINGS PASSBOOK ¿¿49362 Ésè'éx and West Hudson Cerhbv.l _ (Çontimiçd. From Page Ofte) tist, Joseph D’Anthony, son of Mr rigence reaches deep into Siberia,” kind foT’rent at the- Movieland P"t«y nepte-r Is lnoAt-ed-lh BePie'j Lennox told the Times-News. "F-or- AH famous makes; also renovat­ Cameia. Bergen and Kearny Ate- ¡ Fidelity- Union Ti'ust Company, and Mrs. Joseph D’Anthony, of 11 ed. Maple and juveriiie furniture; Belleville Office, Belleville, N.J. rullo! ' i s statf comes under the I there every day,” la 1 while, these people who were piles, Keifey, fl, J. flCatt’KEarny ¡Finder please..return to bank. ., jurisdiction , of th’e B è 1 l e v i l l £ Hyde- stated. Lampman has a Memphis Avenue, who does a bea persecuted for their religious be­ pillows; pillow eases; sheets, etc. 2-2492, Open every evening un­ utifull job of illustrating oui Capitol Bedding, 322 Washington Judgment For Sale. «chool svstem, s r i this.involves a ¡png record of doing’ good serv­ liefs had apparently been lost to til 9: Sundays until, 1 P. M. TF the above stated J udg- large nontion pf 'Miss Pphl’s time. forthcoming events" with his won| Iview, swallowed up within the Ave., Belleville. PL 1-0174. tf Mafling Services' ment For, gale ice for the - town, especially *0 me, directed, I shall She . rIf-o -takes timeout of her I where young, people and recrea­ derful posters. . mystery"-of the Soviet prison MISCELLANEOUS. Two use4 by Public Vendue, Ini I camps. ,.. washing > »machines. One cöm-* busy schedule to .visit narents at tional 1 problems fee concerned. Cabinet Makers ADDRESSING, folding, insert­ honi“, when she feels that a per- , “We know, too, that. With the píete set of drums and acces­ ing, sealing, stamp and label Hyde said, Lampman resigned sorie^, And jjne football" ptnball tsonol interview is necessarv to I last month as a district super­ I Russian occupation of East Ger­ CABINET MAKING. Residental affÎJcing; sorting; . tieing, any straighten ■ out a home situation. ' many, many additional thousands' machine. 59 Charles St. PLy­ quantity. P.O. Box 95, Nutley, nd being Iii \th< visor with the II. J. Heinz Com- Mosquitos. work. Kitchen cabinets, furni­ mouth 9-8614. I sometimes dò some gardening I pany before he received .the ap­ of Jehovah’s Witnesses have been ture repairing and refinishing. N. J. ... V .. , 7-20 mv juiare time,”, she said, “b ut I pointment. . as deputy • cnmmls- ' (Continued From. Page One) I persecuted. They are. forbidden to . Hammell & Sons...Woodworking 1950» CHEVROLET, I used to do .more when I wasn’t! sioner. -He devoted much o f Ms |hold. .religious services and con- m , 12-16 Berton Place_, Belleville, Addressing, folding, inserting, “There is really: 1 il(Ue~we ca'K do half ton, closed .» nsv. My motto is never to savi own time to. help us, Hyde except spray Iocaliyÿ and the ef­ gregations* property at Magde- Téléphoné PLymouth 9-3568. ? condition. Six, mew sealing, stamp and label affixing; ’.n’t, do it always trri an9| •stressed: burg has been seized by the Com- sorting,' tieing; any quantity. fect, of fee spray is very tem­ munist authorities.”; i TF phonelPLyipDuth. -fcg; 1 be surprised at the Hyde defended the new post, porary,” Roy J. Wilson, assistant Write, Letter Service, P.O. Box suits.” .' created by ordinance, ' in the I The convention’s -petition to the . HOUSE NJRNI 95, Nutley, N.J. , 9-14 superintendent of fee Commission, Carpenters & Builders face -of -attacks by James R, Gol­ said. [Kremlin asked that the Willies- * i transferred; den. Golden bitterly charged ses now being detained in camps Of/beautifully furnished three et to the easterly . “Mosquitoes can be foufeij only MAS.QN WORK. Plastering and Mattresses mt Avenue: thence along th that thenew appointment was on a state level. T hey breed Wher- [and prisons be freed- and allowed room apartm ent-to be s oTd-ai 21 degrees ' 43 minuter J80. Schools a throw-back to the days of the [to organize themselves into ChTis- patching.- No- job -too small. great- sacrifice. No- reasonable of­ qver they can, and then they are PLymouth 9-7243. “spoils. ' system” and reminded carriedf.'-by : the winds to many dis­ |tian congregations, with respon­ fer* 'refused. Terrific bargains. CUSTOM MATTRESS MAKERS; (Continued i ’rom Page One) , him -of a “Tammany typo sine- sible ministers, and be allowed to PLyfnouth #-0780, tant points. Seldom do they stay SPECIALIST IN BASEMENT complete line of bedding, fea- ■à’ certàtti' "toap entitled Bevised- Mtàp ,òi ^eatih" Sv«tem throughout the Cure.” ■ aroundrtheir breeding, place. Right establish church relations with fee tuning “ Shifmah”, “Sleepmaeter”, CédàSr Parle • Tract, prot»ity Vf James REMODELING.. Koptty pine WE , BJFY, flE f L . AND TRADE Yi Padula sltuated Ttt âBllevllte, N. J.,t building. Further re p a * in . In refuting t he charges, Hyde they , seem 'to be moving for- [governing body of Witnesses in • panelling; ceiling',, and : floor til­ goOcPused furniture, antiques, “S e ra " fe d /*Efeton-Dixie”11i5t- ànd ■ surveyed, by Frank T. Shepard,' school were m ade necessai'y said that LUKipman will be a d from fee^meaduws aiid are this_cniintrjC___ ing. Estimates cheerfully given. tresseg, Box springs made to or­ dated February. 10, i 1918, rooms in the area where the new busy 'man in his neW post. "He very bad in most parts of Essex hrid-a-hrac and tools. Trade us der. Renovating; paine day service, PLymouth 9-0913. 8-10 what you- don’t need for some- jying whl loin 'the original struc. will pet as coordinator of all County, „ Full fee of maple'.furniture. 85 ture. In addition, new maple floors activities of the department,” ALTERATION, HOME REMOD­ tWJW' you* can use. The UniquA FrankJhY Ave, .Nutley 2-0764. Including> the' inteBeèt^m Shop, '224 Washington Avenue, »wer of the -plantiff, Tei De‘ ^Tròlipy . Ray* bife .laid, in, several- rooms, Hyde said, “and w ill, supervise More Able To Bite,. ELING; will repair and modern­ Open dJrenihgs mftll 9, Saturdays g also«,the irfCndale "bight 1of{ Whdre ¡me -old .floors were beyond and ‘ cooperate” with- the pari Festival ise your home from basement- to Belleville 9, N. J. Telephone 6 P.M / tf dower of thè ‘endant. Rone I)e Trollo, _ ,tMa^®ê«(plh!5iïïû)E"Æifâ,'îs ' ari PLymouth’ 1-0378. : tfn' wife of tl indant. Peter De TrOlio;" repair. arid recreation superintendents exceptionally vicïoüs and_new type - (Continued Front;Pace One) attic. Financing arranged. Call and of th< andant Anna Pe Trollo,: On Schedule PL 9-2515 day or night; free es­ wife of the defendant. Cabmen Pa nf iinosquitoe. I t is larger" MISCELLANEOUS. 1939 (Dodge, Nursing Home than usual and being larger, is Refreshments And Ride* timates. Frank Candilero- tf in be used for parts only. All Trollo, and including also the inchoate The additions a t School: No.- -3 right of curtes? of the defendant, Joseph are on schedule. The. major work more able to bite. The brown COMPLETE LINE OF MASON | j?arts jnverj^good condition. Also F. Manning, husband of defendant, M AAA comes with age. The younger Raimo said there would be re­ PASSAIC PRIVATE NURSING Manning, together with a ll. and -1 being done here is the-.construeiion freshment stands of all kinds, and WORK,. specializing in garages, gular, the hereditaments- and appu of a new- gym-auditorium com­ .insects are black ,pnd they turn ■ HOME, for .chronically‘ill, con­ ; (Continued From Fare One). are 'not malaria or typhoid ■ mo- rides for both adults and children. sidewalks, brick 'stoops, patios, valescent and bed-ridden, male nances to the said premises belonging bination for kindergarten and low­ T’he ridés are being furnished b y glass blocks, etc. AR wqrk guaran­ in.-ftny wise appei’tainJLng. er grades are also included in the in order to build the unit to its b'rown with cger-^-T-hey- definitely ■andfemale; day and night nurses. Newark, N. J„ July 2, 19M squitoes. , Amusements-of; America, of Iry- teed. Frank D’Arc, /1 7 f a ir­ PRescott .9-9028...... TF new addition.1 full strength. Lt. A. J. Biviano, irigton. way Ave., PL 9-0958 School ,No. 5 is receiving—ex- “This type of mosquito likes to coinmander-of; the Branch Brook get into homes' and into dark, Two special features of the fes­ Help Wanted * Female Fee: $4Q.a5 tensive remodeling ever -the sum­ ■Park site,' is anxious to talk witbg ALTERATIONS AND „.ADDI­ Oil Burners mer, Boyd said. Extensive paint­ damp places where it, breeds. In tival will -be: annual, kiddies’ mat­ TIONS. Masonry work, roof- area inen*both with and without fee winter they, hibernate, in. con­ inee and orphan’s day program. CLEANING WOMAN, on'e-hadf- SURROGATE'S NOTICE ing of classrooms ana halls has former serviai. The National The kiddies' matinèerwill ü e on fn, painting, gutters and leaders. -day ,on' Wednesdays, either been, completed and new green trast to their .vicious summer­ Complete kitchen remodeling; al­ WELTZ FUEL OIL, 221 Prospect Guard offers unlimited opportuni­ time activity. Saturday, August , i, from 1 to 6 morning or afternoon. Phone Pb Ave. No, Arlington, N. J. Oh bulletin boards have been instalh-l p.m. "All rides w ill he half price so Formica tops. No job: too big 9-6055.' ..... 8-8 ESTATE OF JOHN FLECKENSTEIN, edj Radiator enclosures have been ties inthe fields of radio, radar, “They lay eggs in the spring to ór too sjhftll.. Call, Norman, Ander­ Burners, fuel oil. Complete auto­ çlectronics, mechanics a n d gun­ perpetuate their breed, and once [for children attending, and free matic oil heating installations. Oil installed and other changes to son day er night. PLymouth 9- RECEPTIONIST j . TVFISTi"Re- make the rooms brighter and more nery, among many, and personnel the first batch of eggs is-hatched^ hats and balloons will be distri- 0473 or PLymouth 9-2415. burner efficiency our specialty. they begin laying eggs all over buted. 7 : ginner, no-experienee required. Kearny 2-5627. TF cheerful. may take advantage of school Knowledge of -shertbAFidbetefuJ hé undersigned, executor of sa)d de- 1? On the outside, a large i?art of trainingw hich is provided by ¡the again, so feat' they are in the [ Orphan’s Day will be Wednes­ but not essential, five day 37-1/2 National Guard at regular army process of raising mosquitoes, lay­ day, August 8, from 1 to 4 p.m. BUILDING CONTRACTOR. Car­ of said deesa^f to exhibit Jó the the rgof has been re-covered to I hour week. Air-conditioned" office. Property Improvement nrevent leakage, and'7 a cyclofie schools. ing more eggs, all summer* Iono\ Ramio stated that orphans-would pentry and mason work done; PLymouth 9-4041. ■ g-17 Ip addition,'flew Jersey Nation­ “Thfiv’like to get into artificial be attending from St. Anthony’s porch enclosures; dormers; roof, fence 1 has been built around the al Guard personnel receive a full containers- of’ any . kind. Under J Orphanage .in North Arlington, lug; siding; ceilings; stops, etc. SEWING MACHINE O P E R- jtav area. NEW SIDEWALKS altd repairing. Later in the year, Boyd said day’s pay for each weakly drill and barns and under beds, into rain­ from the Sons of Italy Orphanage Good workmanship a t reasonable ,AT(JRS WANTED, for w ol-k New lawns and repair, Ail laboi water gutters, and into garages in Nutley, and.(from Father prices. Free estimates. Call1 Ben against Tihe subscri that plans call for removing -theI full pay for the annual summer on children’s dresses. High wages; work .and trucking. V. Sampaip. Seldom used balcony, in the audi*- ernnty cans,- and. wheelbarrows.'1 Egan’s Boystown in Kearny. All Robbins, PLymouth 9-1316- pleasant working conditions;, apply 79 Carmer Ave., Belleville, N .J. encampment. Interested. personnel The onlv advice the Commis-l told about 400 orphans are expect­ torium, thus making tlje room' should -inquire at the Battery site k -u : t f tn 'person, /CffilJro' Dress "/Com­ PL 9-6859. more accessible_for_ use as a gym- sion had for itchy" residents, was I ed feat day, when the festival pany, 2(!0' WaaEIhgtdn Avenue, auditorium combination. 1 ¡i between D im . and 5 p.m, on week to.-keep -swatting ! will be.closed to thé general pnh- ANTHONY GJUDICE Belleville. ’ '- /T F days and 7-19 p:m. on Wedhesday Mc between those hours. The Tost Carpenter Real Estate NOTICE Vandalism and Thursdays. plans to give those attending free Building - Jobbing CLERK-TYPIST. Good perman­ ■ -.Boyd stressed that vandalism] rides and refreshments. a PLymouth 9-4678 J ent positions open with a grow­ Take notice that' appU oj^^l has .'«ere, has kept. maintenance , men Ro-Li ing Belleville manufacturer. - PL- made %o the Excise Board of Bellevil^ General .Chairman 93 Bell St. Belleville, N. J. month'9-3800, Ext. 49- ■ 8-17 New Jersey, to transfer to Bihky’s Tavern, busy over the summer months. He 1 TF Two and 214 family homes. Wq Inc., for premises - located—at #46 Har revealed th at more than 50 win­ Delivery (Continued From Page One) Raimo is' serving as general rison Street. Belleville, New Jersey! the dows, " practically' al] of'them on ALTERATIONS & REPAIRS ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER, ex­ have long list of buyers. List chairman of the event, with Ray-... perienced, good at figures; .35? home with us. Plenary Retail Consumption License #C- the' south side facing the play , (Continued From Page One) - ~ answer, They, get one, (a staff mod Petqnzone in charge of . Kitchen Cabinets 16, heretofore issued to John Bin! area, have been broken by mis­ members warbling) and .proceed, hoiir week; air conditioned!office: Salmon, Edward Van Dèmark,. and grounds—and concessions, Angelo 7 , (Overhead Garage Doors BallaviUe, PLymouth U-77.7-7-. —- THOMAS MAGLIONE AGENCY' he pr^mli chievous youths hurling stones.. *ñ track the fee varmit down. dennanti, heading the Orphan’s Ceiling Tile. f " Street, BeHeyille, New Jersey. The same condition , exists at L. Chaiken. They -boycotted the After they have tracked the Member Preferred Listing Board PETER BINKEVITZ, 9' Bellevue Ave., paper a f t e r an ultimatum to Day activities, Ralph" Citarella, R. PERKS PLymouth 9-601 School No; 4 where an unusually snipe for forty-five minutes, handling fee kiddies’ matinee, and Call “after 6 P. M.” STENOGRAPHER 360 Washington Avenue V a Belleville, N. t. either make.. the ■ home deliveries ÖAROJj BIN^IEWICZi Z1 Bellevue Ave-, large number of winddws have they are. told - that a snipe has Joseph Melso in charge of tickets. PLymouth 9-60P0 befen broken. 1 * ’ - ' • of the paper at a'coft of 50 cents been caught, but one of the WITH EXPERIENCE 8-10 Belleville, N. J. a week, or lose their routes to All proceeds from the event will 1 PAUL BINKISJWICZ, 46 Harrison St.. At School No. 9, Boyd said the rtaff members was-injured do- he1 used- towards the Post’s build- ' -■ Excellent starting salary— ~ ^ Belleville, Ä M , summer repair program calls for newsboys hired- b ythe News. jrig so. The extent of the' injury Child Care JOHN BINKplVITZ, 6 Mt. Vernon Ave., In retaliation, county news ing fund-for -a ne w chapter houser - Air '• conditioned office HOUSE WANTED . ., ’ replacing1 the old wooden floor is unknown as/ yet. A ‘sjte has been acquired on Acme Bloomfield, N; J7 with a new composition surface. dealers'announced the cancellation The • next morning, fee pie is Liberal. Employea benefits Objections, if any, should be made Ini-, ofl home deliveries affecting some Street and a - Newark architect— ;-LE BRETON NURSERY Telephone KEarny 2-0980. En^neer desires to rent three or The yard and drive will also be presented by Janie, Ro-Li’s cqok, SCHOQL.Planned programs un­ fAir bedroora unfurnished house, mpdiately ln-writlng to-Florenee Rr -Moreyr 30,000 readers. This included the has starting working on plans. Municipal Clerk, of Belleville, New Jer,. blacktopped: T" wjib has been cooking snipe pies der trained supervUcn to develop SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR, within ten mile -radius of - Belle- A new accoustical eeiling ¡has afternoon daily paper a n d fee lince the cam» was originated. Raimo said the Post raised Wile,i Call Personnel Director P]L- Sunday ,edition.v--,/:5r. several -thousand dollars in last well poised and confident children . with typing experience, Tor binky’b Ca v er n , inc. been laid in School No. 2,. in most Only now does Janie , reveal ■ 2-6 yrs. Our transportation service branch office of World wide- 'mouth 9-4010. Room #606, 11 Commerda Street. of the! classrooms and the hall­ The retail prifce of the news­ al. and they wer her secret recipe for snipe pies. hopefu covers Relieving, Nutley & New­ engineering company. AIT benefits. Newhrk, N. T. ways. A portion of the existing paper fo r seven days is 42 cents, One extra large rode, feorough- rpassing that figur ark, NUtley 2-9853. .tf Very pleasant working conditioni.- FOR SALE, gjx room house. 3 TN 8-lfl Fees: $8.91 field» around the school will also but the local dealers had added V cleaned. Two cans of Ajax Please call NUtley 2-7710.- 8-17 bedrooms, tile bath, mqdern be blacktopped and used as a play service costs ,’a n d charged the “leanser. three* carrots, and, to Decorators & Painters '•-he kitchen, all -nswly decorated, urea. -ustomer 5T cents a- week for tive it lightness, one-feathen__ PAINTERS’ HELPER WANTED. S-16,600, W rite Belleville Times, —The rain spouting at School-No» home delivery, j. They -explained, TTi-NeOjdles—to-! say, the campepa Telephone PLymouth 9-860l< Box #310. " : . 8-1G BECOME A 10 is undergoing some ‘ renovations that the service' cha-rge included vre arii a zed when they see the EWALD TORNIEPORTH, INC. Clara Maass . 8-17 HIGHWAY TECHNICIAN to prevent youngsters from climb­ high insurance rates on delivery ■nnci'ction. And whet hanpened PAINTING & DECORATING ing onto the roof by_using it, trucks, and -other overhead costs. to the injured staff member? of the better grade Help Wanted Male Roofers Career opportunities for And at the high school, Boyd In - the -settlement reached with Oh yes,' he~m8de a remarkable We give quality ami service recent high school grad­ laid that Specifications are being the paperi, répresented'hy ch'CUja-t Rcoverv, and was able to re- RospitaUfaritittèS ; àrie "critically;: 10 Jerome Ave Belleville, N. J- drawn up for badly needed roof Don mariager Jeremjah Healey nme his chores. ■ Afteij the look ihort. PLymouth 9-1295 uates. 13 .year accelerat- -eri—h-i^lway—ee-n-st-tuec-i-cn- repairs. ______1 ______thè -news dealers1 will' continue U f amazement, comes' a smile >. Residents, of the Clara- Maass ------TF work and a ll types of repairs twr-pawi’S to homes fm .nd then a lanirh, as the camper ¿flmmmmy wnr w available an1 ten paid holidays per year- progiam • .on • the * job 57 cents a Reek. the newest facilitiés and services PAINTING & PAPERHANG­ libéral benefits. SMngle roofs, hot .tar, ¡slate, and 'fi.ñlizep feat fe e . snipe hunt, to 'himneysi Sky-lights, leader and training * vacation, and -Newshoy« hired b y 'th e "NeW; which he has looked forward to of modem medical science, includ­ ING. Interior and exterior. APPLY ark paper during the boycott, whr Minor repairs, D. Innamorato. rutter work. All work guáran- sick leave. Robeson since he;,.arrived, is ¡merely a ing general surgery, medicine, ob- ; _ . THE GREAT ATLANTIC & :eed(- at reasonable prices. George Write: Dirfctor o f Personnel, hn*;> been making home deliveries, ark, paij; of the tradition that stetrics, pediatrics, radiology,. PLymouth 9-2618. After G PrM. PACIFIC TEA COMPANY In recent months, Robeson has will relinquish their routes tp the TF Franconero, PLymouth 9-1873. Department A New J efsey lo-Li is famous for. * -cardiology, orthopedics, gyneeolo— 265 Cortlandt St. Belleville,, N.J. If received offers to -appear at some •dealers, it Was stated. ?y, urology, opthamjogy, metabol- State ■ Higbuxty Department of our larger universities/ but ho 2 PORTER Trenton, New Jersey. ics, otolaryngology, neurology, psy- tF YOUR ROOF LEAKS CALI hopes to be invited to perform at ihiatry, proctology and pathology, Man for general cleaning duties his alma mater - Rutgers. IF IT’S ELECTRICAL CALL around plant. Good working con­ HAROLD HARRISON, roof ex Dems plus a complete out-patieht depart- oert; leaders and gutters installed Robeson’s immediate plans are Air Alert HALEY BROS, Power,-- light ditions, ten paid, holidays per year to try to interest enough, people in (Continued From Pago One) and house wiring. Repairs to and liberal1 benefits. all kinds of roof repairs, chimney repairs and slate repairs. 315 Face Is sponsoring his music. He hopes to irpor f o r the Democratic Presi- One entire section-of the new small appliances. PLymouth 9- APPLY______he able tn appear at. The Mnaqup, Clara Maass Will be devoted to l30u, 36 Washington Avenue, Chestnut Street, Kearny or tele- 1 Continued Fr< “Pa^rTT ian.tial..—nomination. , The__giant THE" GREAT ATLANTIC ihone Kearny 2-5497 or Kearns among other New York and New ’ardy Which has space for sev­ meeting the needs of the lower Belleville. 5-4 P a c if ic t e a c o m p a n y 1-3319. middle class inchme group for clin­ 265 Cortlandt St. Belleville, N.J Pohl said, "this is part of my Jersey places. His attitude is opti- ties. eral hundred signatures,, actaliy COMPLETE ELECTRICAL job, as I rio try to coordinate mistis. S The imaginary bombings in a will ; be sent to the New Jersey ical service in all fields, including SERVICE, commercial, indus- OLDER MAN, with driver’s liC- Tile Contractors reading problems, but .this is not ‘.‘I feel that I am speaking with­ mock hydrogen bomb attack on the lele°,ation in . Chieggo • by air. cardiac and cancer treatment. tral, residential. Outlets, lights, -V ense; in good health, if or general the Only area hr which ‘ I func­ in thè context of my.people, when metropolitan irca involved sur­ “We expec|,. to get over 1,000 switches installfed. Essex Electric office and. shop work. Jo r inter­ tion. Reading is a part of every prise attack both by enemy eubr. signers,” Mrs. .Gonnelly ^judd» TILE W ORK. DONE REASON­ I express my impatience with the Co, PL 9-1919. » . TF view, Saturday 9 A.M. tq 12 upon, - course weTgive in 'school, fed this way things are going for the negro marines and bombers. We are also urging all Steven- ABLY. Ceramic, metal and (Nfeholas Maunoele, Belleville’s SOB supporters to get in touch ¡Atlaini,ip P acing M ats' Company, is probably whef-3 the .confusion in this country,” he said "Through Weekend Weather ELECTRICAL SERVICE. Prompt 198 Verona Avenue, Newark, N.Ji plastic; floors: esramjc, asphalt, arises.’’ Director of Civilian Deferise, mo­ with convention delegates to and reasonable, Outlets, lights, rubber, vinyl, Ceifeg blocks, re­ Versatile my music I feel that I can bring bilized his staff during the alert emphasise fee overwhelming sen- The weatherman looks for switches installed. Wiring for air MAN for cleaning position, 3 to. pairs. Also “do it you^elf kits”- The. nickname of ‘‘the versatlie ali: men closer ' together, and make which lasted most Of the day. His iment , in New Jersey for^ a showers toy fall oyer, the week­ conditioning. Call . Cole, PLy­ 11 P.M., five days, Belleville. John Forte, S W NUtlsy 2-026« ne ” sppfihf'Yrp* yritem many;Of life- H tittle easier-for-my ewn| CJrew m primarily concerned-wife end with temperatures to . bt mouth 9-739 Í. 12-16 PLymouth 9-3800, Ext. 48 8-17 or- NUtley 2-0389. , TF iiss j?ch "s. stufeots djscoy&imd peopis' evsnlually.” , I communications. several degrees above ' normal Does if Pm D a m p 3 mm

pENELOPE — and hsr Sisters — <¡31*0 pedi­ greed hens. They live in the lap of lux­ ury . . . are fed on a pampered diet and do nothing but lay eggs. Of. course there’s noth­ ing exceptional about hens laying eggs but In this case the eggs they lay are exception­ al, So exceptional in fact, they won 4 Blue Ribbons in open competition in the Mid-At­ BLUE RIBBON WINNERS lantic Farm and Home Show. It is these in­ Food ■ Fair eggs are Blue ■ Ribbon comparable golden-yolk beauties- that are winners. In fh® .Mid-Atlantic Farm and Home Show, Food .Fair Eggs y o n '4 rushed nest-fresh at the crack of dawn to Blue Ribbons! For quality. For fresh­ yOu daily at Food Fair. That's why we're able ness. For uniformity irfsize and yeighl.'' to guarantee ■— and why you can be certain For cleanliness anc 'shell texture* r — that Food Fair eggs are strictly fresh. Food'Fair eggs •come in several sixes —■ but they're only one qualify. The "fops"!

RUSHED FROM NEARBY FARMS RIGID INSPECTION It is seldom ihM our hens ley. anything Every single Food Fair egg must get but Grade "A" eggs.' But they could ¿¿M^nguAIrSed- "A" in grade school. become Grade "B" if,they weren’t Each egg is examined under a bright rushed to you at top speed in A-1 light. Yolks must be dimly visible. condition. That's why Food Fair eggs : Whites must be firm and clean. Shells are selected from nearby farms Gals- . 'must, be clean,' strong and' flawless. tance is important) and rushed’to you f ■ Arty egg that fails these exacting'tests daily under constant refrigeration.; ■ fails to get into a Food Fair, carton..» m

MORE cad MORE For A Perfect Cup of Tea Everyiime Try Food Fairs... mm America Eats Outdoors ! Lady Fair Tea Bags FOOD FAIR HAS YOUR FAVORITES in The HEW Shinning Gold Foi! Pkg. FOR OUTDOOR EATING ' Finest Blands of Orango Pekoe and pkg. BldciT Tec* Rouble Sealed to of 48 Insure Freshness Tea bags 49‘ 1000's of FREE GIFTS 7 with M mm Merchants Green Stamps 9 Niblets S Corn 2«3i Ajax Cleanser ,4“10 Miracle Whip Salad Dressing ¡ 1 49 Hunt's Tomato Paste 2 «¿15 Apricot Nectar ““ 35 Boned Chicken Banquet ::2 9 Cling Peaches 2 1 :4 3 Serve Cool Fresh Fruit on Your Next Cook-Out Asparagus l i t r 2 1 .4 9 Armour Star-Skinless 3 ib $125 Fairmont, Whole Ib. Strawberries tSF re s h F © r o z e n . pJL49 kg. Franks (Regular Price Ib. 49c) pkg. | Serve With Lady Fair Fleischer's Wilrlck i - 1 Grape Drink 2 6d 29c Post Tens '¿£33° Cantaloupes Spaghetti Sauce 18° Jo g Yummies Dt>c**1» 2 pi“: 33° Hot Dog Roils 8 * *+ 21e Ml Beef Salami S i * -5 9 « Hanover Cut Bean* T 23c 0-CeSio Sponges "T*,a Pak" M 0 Corned Beef Hash -1 '£ 28c 0-Cellu Sponges “ST 29c „ Sweet California Swiss Slices t t ir £ 33 Broadcast Beef Stew K«S 30° Fyne Tex Cleanser 2 'L l 21° Yine-Ripened 2 3 5 Chili Con Carne Broadea,t 2 «"• 49° Feis Naptha Soap 3 bar, 28° Muensfer Slices Sharp Cheese cjSP, lb63^ Golden Mix ForSrI?*',Cak“'pic"‘23c Insfanf Feis Napfha pki 31° Bartlett Pears Sweet-Caiifornia 2 3 5 Spry i^'35cl b'95c Fiako Cuplefs 2 "? C 3 5 c Texas Large Lemonade .sr 3ts37c Magic Foil j Rath's 8 02 Crape Juice ¡n*nd 2 ^ 3 5 * Chop-etfs Aluminum Wrap 1 2 " 24 Shrimp 5 Ib* pkg. $3.39 ^ 6 9 Veil or Pork pkg. 45

Quick Meal Suggestions For Outdoor Eating S o ft, A b so r b e n t. «, E co n o m ica l U -B e ^ T h o m a s W hite Rose Serve Artnour Star Top Quality Foods ». • Golden Star Chocolate Syrup D ate & N ut Loaf T e a j ,16 oz. p p c ALO Orange lb. I Q C - Armour Tree! Sis4!00 Jar JL 7 * rO Pekoe pkg. *T «5 * Facial Tissue H i - H o t Grocery Prices Effective Aug. 2 thru August 7. Ail Others Aug, 2-8 & 4 Only. Chopped Peanut Oil Armour Ham u“ 47c 554^jMashington Avenue ARMOUR • ARMOUR boxes C c of 4 0 0 ^ J pf. O O c * * * 7 0 ° We Reserve the Right To Limit Quantities iT 2 5 c 2 8S“ 27c Lamb Tongue 9«.'M|9c y bat. U i bat. / d ^ None Sold To Dealers. SELECT FROM A&P's W ONDERFUL VARIETY OF QUICK FIX SUMMER FOODS! Customers’ Comer: Weathér Or jVpt , , , BROILING and PRYING . . . nourishing, vitality-rich meals are a must in a well- run household. One tag gestion, loi getting a wealth of health igito.that family of yours is A&P’s glowing-fresh fruits and. vege­ tables. And there’s nothing quite so refreshing during CHICKENS the. heat spolli - While National Vegetable Week is still herè, get in on Seady-fo-CoDl A&P’s really exciting values on summer crops ! Come D. 'see . . r ÿoliTl Savel i Trjsh Top Grade-Sizes Under 3 lbs. 37e CUSTOMER RE1ATI0NS DEPARTMENT These A&P Chickens' are all of one ¿uapty; -—. the finest , , , ahd tliey’re sold: oniypat one price5 as A&P Food Stores, 420 Lexington Ave., ftew York 17, N.Y« advertised! -You can buy them split,-- quartered, cut-up or whole to suit your personal needs.sds. It's a Good Month for Boneless Clic j SANDWICHES! POT ROAST (So Fat Addei) 49 At A&P -rSOu’lJ fi^d , ingredients for an endless variety of luncheon ■and1 pienio; sandwiches. Delicious! Economical! *‘-Super?Bight!"B0ef - Y, “Separ-Rigttt” Quality- . Chicken of tile Sea RIB STEAKS — 69: SMOKED TONGUES «•-39c White Meat Tuna 2 « 67c Combination — Dhqps and-Stitwing . ’ J Smoked ' SunnyhrookAlaska Soskeys j SH O U LD ERS of LAMB 39« PORK BUTTS — Red Salmon . » T49: Shoulder : “Super-Right” Various Brands Ann Pago VEAL ROAST « > 49« FRANKFURTERS «— 3 « .. « A ''Super-Right” -Sliced \ Fresh Maine Sardines cans 1 A " Sandwich Spread 33: “§upr-R|ght” Brand Jane Parker BAC ON ' S 27« M 49« CODFISH STEMS nn: HAMBURGER or pkg. Luncheon Meal can ¿ i l l ! Sliced Rplis FRANKFURTER »*s 22« MM Ann Pago Jane Parker — Enriched 1 Siberia Freestone Sweet Garden Relis»? T22= Sliced W hite Bread 1 6 : GREAT GROCERY VALUES!------:------

A&P Brand PEACHES Ciar Finest QualltY TINY PI 2 > 3 9 ' Fresh from the Sljuimy South;. . , serve them in fruit cups and P I salads or for ahortoakea and pies! Iona Ersifd 3 IS' 2 f C ,,, TOMATOES Eject Quai ty 3 - 3 5 ' Hew Jersey or Long ¡stand U. S. No. 1 grate—‘A’ Size Ann Paga S - 2 f = 9 Park and Tomaio Sruaa 16 BEANS or Boston Styla ah cm 2 1 = - 1 9 Western — Largo Si:3

quart CeHvered Fresh Daily A&P's - Ail Piirpcce Oil battle DEXOLJ 29= 55= sweet Golden — From Nearby Farms Sutter-FlayorBi Aon Page i m Nabisco Cookie: 2 eïs. 39« Salad Dressing T 4 5 « Atm Page—Sparkle—B Fruit FISvors Ann Page—Rleh & Creamy Baked Goods ! Frozen Food Valuésí . ,,, m Jane Parker.“ » 1 A , À&pA&P Brand—Slisad Brand—Bwed and ana Sweetened Sweetened Gelatin Desserts *1 ••••23« Mayonnaise 5 33« r I“ 49« 16 oz. Pineapple Pi© -43« Strawberries >¡£59« Burry's Sno-Puffs gg* 7I/;:;29C Greenwood’s J X Beets 2 jars 35' A'/4 oi. ÿQc pkgs. "SQc Pecan Danish Ring ,*“h39' Orange Juice £ £ £ & - 362' Cheetos 3pk“:25‘ Friios Tidy Home Sandwich Bags 2 of 30 1 / Gold Layer Cake 5 ^ 5 Sliced Strawberries * * '£25' Adams Korn Kurts A tasty treat Twinkle Copper Cleaner . e >^43' Broadcast Chili Con Came 2 49' Wrisley Sosp ln re-usable plasticbag ]Q cakes Dessert Shells —For- *** ^35' Solid pack 33c Here is a problem of vital importance to every Wildmcre ctn. £ f | Swanson's Chicken Breasts *1103 family! Is drinking hereditary? Is alcohol a drug? Pius deposit hottlss Large E g g s Brown & White 1 doz. Is there an'alcohplic personality type? How do' Yukon Club 2 27 ft in n A r A lo Canada Dry, Whito Rock *\ 2^ o Swanson's Chicken Pie 2 P!£ 49' you tell a “ social” from a “ problem” drinker, and Willy Cl MIC Plus deposit Abort' 45¿ Fancy Domestic ijylHRICAllJaEIMSSt fOOD RETAILER , . . SINCE ,}8S» why do they change? After thousands of cases, H o f f m a n on fruit flavors except O 29.oz. QJ* an expert tells you in the new August nUIl III 0 11 Tom Collins — plus deposit «bottles »VIf Sliced Swish Cheese Mel-D-Bit—Profcess Cheese Hawaiian Punch Ready-to-serve 4Sf3ic S^Ker M ar^ets woman’s day Plus Mild Sliced American B GREAT ATLANTIC 4 PACIFIC,¡TEA •COMPANY THE A&P MAGAZINE Nedick's Orange Drink dep. 6 J.“„ 37c Prices effective through Saturday, August 4th in Super Markets and Self-Service stores.

Armour’s B&M Baked Beans Kraft’s Kraft’s Gerber Baby Food Grisco Wilrick’s 1 Lucky Strike Vienna Sausage New England baked Macaroni Dinner Party Snacks Ssratnsd Chopped Pure vegetable shortening Grape Drink Cigarettes 2 Z”- 33° 2 45s Chlv.i-gr 0 ‘ OQc t0i-99c 6-89° 4 to I % 6 oz. OÛ0 carton of O 1 1 2 - ; 33° 2 ^ 2 9 « ■; Clalbt . • cai‘35C cJÎ'95® Concentrate “ cans 10 pkgs.

Camay Soap Camay Soap Ivory Personal Soap I - Ivory Soap Ivory Soap i Dash Detergent Oxydol Detergent Dash Dog Food For foil of and bath Especially for the bath [ f for Dishii, Laundry or Bath j, For Dfshts-Laundry or Bafh L..—------For-4he4#witly-w»sh-——-—------—— -----—*—»—*— [arg. 9Iint 1 1 6 9 >ath 9 4 c 4 ^ 2 3 « 2 ;X 2 9 C . ierge-O’Jc - ; U N “ * *• cakes 1 Ï 3m*stm25c ; - pkg. 1 m p k g .W pkg. 4 / 3 43« 1

Shop in cool comfort St your A & P Super Market Open Tues - Thursday 'till 9 p.m. Another A & P Super Market Store Hours: Fridays ‘till JO p.m. AIR CONDITIONED 333 Frankljn Avenue, Belleville, N. J. 169 Washington Aye. Large, Free, Parking Area Opposite Town Hall * BellevUV