M.O.P.H. NEWSLETTER AUGUST 2011 Good Morning Fellow Purple Heart Comrades, How are you this lovely day? First and foremost I would like to preface this newsletter with the hope that all of you faired o.k. with hurricane Irene. I have heard some had loss of power for several days and flooding—I cer- tainly hope you are all well. Well here it is August already—we have survived a very wet summer, an earthquake and a hurricane—so look out here comes a Newsletter! As I have in the past, I will start with a review of all we‘ve done since the Help us Save a Tree and last letter, so that all you couch potatoes can see what ―we few-we active postage! few‖ have accomplished. Get your newsletter and monthly reminders via I would like to start off with our Induction of Officers—your Chapter 700 email—please send your re- representatives are as follows: quest to start receiving your newsletters and post card re- minders via email to— Commander—Terry Calandra
[email protected] Senior Vice Commander—Ron Adams Jr. Vice Commander—Richard Zuschlag Inside this issue: Finance Officer—Jay Hunter Assistant Finance Officer—Jacki Ceaser Welcome 1 April Participation 1 NOW HERE IS WHAT YOU MISSED! May 2 April—2011 June 2 In early April we attended Volunteer Appreciation Lunch/Dinners at The Hagedorn Psychiatric Hospital in Glen Gardner, The Hunterdon Care Center July 2 in Flemington and at the Care Center of Brakley Park in Phillipsburg. August 2-3 Followed by attending the Annual George Washington Dinner in Wood- Up coming Events 3 bridge.