Ing 100% Valuation
A Newspaper .Devoted Complete News, Pictures To the Community Interest Presented Fairly, dearly Full Local Coverage And Impartially Each Week published Every Thursday VOL. XVII—NO. 31 FORDS, N. J.', THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1955 at 18 Green Street, Wooaoncige, IT. J. PRICE EIGHT CENTS Army O.K. Of Arsenal Use Sought ing 100% Board of Education Wants Two Buildings Valuation For Special Classes EDISON — Use of two Raritan Arsenal buildings for the local GOP Candidates in Promise _ program of training the. mentally- retarded and physically handi- Orders Boost of capped under the conditions of To Shave Costs by $100,OOO;: the Beadleston Act is being sougnt WOODBRIDGE — Pledged, to practice economies which will 562.25 Per Gent by the Edison Board of Educa- imount to a saving of "approximately $100,Q00," the Woodbridge tion. ' ' Township Republican Organization, through its municipal chairman, ' ED>ISON—-This township, • along" Meeting in the Bonhamtown Arnold S. Graham, today announced ths party platform for 1955-56. with nine' other county raimiei-:•;• School Monday night, the board Mr. Graham said the platform has the unqualified support of the reported that it is now awaiting candidates,'Lyle B. Reeb, Jr., for mayor; and Lester Stockel, Ray palities, has toeen ordered; to-.- set;" the Army's approval of the pro- smith, Jr., and Harold Barr, can- up a; new standard: of real posed plan. lidates for the Town Committee tax equalization by the l^ew. Jefe:'; *rom the First, Second and Third : The effort to obtain two Rari- sey Board-;'p'f Tax Appeals; andlf - tan Arsenal buildings, described vVards respectively.i s man Edison TqwnsWp was to abide by .1 as'being ideal for training of this The nine-point platform is as type and currently not in use by :ollows: • • this ruling it would mean an inj;.: the Army, followed the thus far "1.
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