Sophs Boost To

By DAVE ROBERTS frosh and will probably lead performance in the freshman­ SPORTS EDITOR the varsity in scoring this varsity game, but wound up year. with a ten-pc;int scoring aver­ This time a year ago, Coach .... Jack McCloskey wasn't say­ The other member of the age and a 10.5 rebounding Baby Deac Demolition Duo is mark. He will play only at ing very much about his bas­ . ketball team. When he finally Norwood Todmann, a New York City resident who played did say something. it was the Termed 'Very Adequate' far from encouraging admis­ with Lew Alcindor in high sion t.hat, "One of our great­ school and later broke some McCloskey said both Habeg­ est strengths will be prayer.'' of his scoring records. He gar and Ackley are "fairly averaged 23.7 po·ints a game good on the boards" and that The atmosphere of merri­ I2st year. ment around the they run well for their size. Bo·th Todmann and Walker, He was not too impressed . office and the cautious opti­ a Williamsburg, Va., resident, mism of McCloskey's recent with them as freshmen, but played in the backcourt last he said they have improved statements indicate that the season, but Walker will see considerably and will be Deacons are going to do less some action at forward this "very adequate." -· praying and more playing this year. He is 6-3, 205 pounds. year. The other two sophomores and McCloskey compares his add depth in the backcourt. Improved Club build to that of Larry Miller, They are 5-10, 175-pound North Carolina All-American. David Smith from Raleigh "There is no doubt in my Todmann is 6-3 but weighs and 5-11, 175-pound Tom m·ind that we have an im­ only 180, and he is not so Lynch from Barrington, Ill. proved ball club over last physically strong as Walker. year,·' McCloskey s~id, but he Smith, who was bothered He is a good ball handler and by a shoulder ailment for the added warily, "Whether ~e will play guard. will win any more games Js first few weeks of practice, McCloskey said that both a slick ball handler and an NORWOOD TODMANN, one of this year's talented sopho­ questionable." is Walker and Todmann were de­ aggressive defensive player. mores, shoots a jumper against Davidson frosh. The reason for optimism is ficient on defense but have Lynch is also good ball jumper against Davidson fresh. a a young talent up from the made great improvement. handler and a fine shoo-ter- freslunan squad. Last year's RebolllldiDg Help . he averaged 6.2 points per Baby ·neai~s- became· game as a reserve and hit tomed to winning. begmrung In- addition to scoring punch, 56.7 per cent of his shots from ) with their triumph in the sophomores will provide help the floor. freshman-varsity game. They in area in wliich the Deacons Foremost among the team's went on to capture 12 of l6 were woefully lac:dng a year le-ttermen are senior captain contests, including six of ago-rebounding. The Deacs David Stroupe and junior eight in tough Big Four com- ranked seventh in the ACC guard Jerry Montgomery. petition. in that category and shauld Both were starters last sea­ Six players from that team get a boost from Larry Ha­ son. join six lettermen t~ bolster beggar and Dan Ackley. Stroupe .is a well-muscled the varsity team which drop- Habeggar is a 6-7, 225-pound- ped 18 games &nd won only nd A 6-6, 20&-poooder from Wmston­ - nine last season. Although er from New Augusta, I . s Salem. His father is Professor two fine performers, Paul a forward on the freshman (\f History and Director of the Long and Jim Boshart, grad- squad he averaged 8.6 points Division of Graduate Studies d per game and pulled down an at Wake Forest. Last season uated last year' the adde average of nine rebounds. he averaged 8.9 points per sophomore talent should This year Habeggar will play more · . game and had the best re­ than compensate for their ab· both farward· and center.; · bounding average on the sence. Dan Ackley, 6-8, 215 pounds, team, 6.2. JACK McCLOSKEY Long's Successor · from Liverpool, N. Y., has Although Stroupe seldom • . . Head Coach ...... Assistant Coach . Of course Long's 22.3 points been improving ever since he shoots, he often hits when he a game and his driving, twist­ started playing at Wake For· does. He was third in the ACC est. He got off to a poor ing clutch baske~ will be with a 52.8 percent- missed, but two high scorers start last year after a fine (Continued from Page 3) from the ·freshman team ATTENTION should collect as many mark­ ers. if in less spectacular · fashion. Dickie Walker, whose FRESHMEN jump shot is nearly as pretty and as accurate as Long's, MEN!! averaged 28.3 points for the .. 011 The Cover There will be an introductory meeting for all freshmen Junior guard Jerry Mont­ men on Wednesday, Nov. 29, 1967, at 8:00 P. M. in the gomery leading returning scor­ er for tbe Deacons with a 12.7 main cafeteria concerning fraternity open houses. This average, tries a shot against meeting will be very important for freshmen men inter­ the Saint Joseph's Hawks as Bob Wills, a senior last year, ested in the fraternity formal fall rush. looks on. The photo was made -by John Daughtry. WIN $50.00 This Week From "okt LAUN.DRY and DRY CLEANING ., "Oft The.. Campua" Girls Johnson Dorm Boys' Taylor Dorm DICKIE WALKER, who averaged 28.3 as ·a f~shman, is ex­ pected to be the Deacons' scoring leader. (Continued -from Page 2) and. 3.9 rebounds per game. last season. age last year and also placed · last year. McCloskey said the Dea- sixth with a free· throw per- A:: a sophomore, Crinkley cons as a team will have bet- eC'nlagc of 'i8.5. earned the nickname "Gar- 1er handling, good shooting, ' · · ' c-Jdequate spl~ed, cmd better rc- McCloskcy !·WJd Stroupe is 1)Uge Can" by picking up loose bounding. strong but d-oes not have balls and frequently- converting great stamina. He will· pJay them into baskets. That was Offensively, the Deacons both forward and center this · the · year he made a shot will -use the'ir normal "post" year after playing only center. which went through the hoop. offense plus a new "open" ,for two seasons. as the buzzer sounded to de- attack which has . no post feat South Carolina,-· and he . man. It will probably be run Montgomery is a sound all- also picked off the of with three players outside, around. performer in the back- Paul Long's missed free including Walker, and two court.. The. ·6-.0, 175-pounder throw with 8 secondsr left and 1nside. fro-m Ch~rlton ·Heights, W. sank a layup. which sent a McCloskey said the team Va.', finished second to Paul Duke game into overtime. The wiU probably run and fast Long ~n scoring last year with Deacons later won, 99-98. break more than last year, a 12.7 average. He also placed Crinkley is a streaky shoot­ ,not because it has great speed just beb:ind Long . in free­ but because it can retrieve throw pereentage-:-Long hit 83 er who can hit from anywhere on the court when he is hot. the ball off the board more per cent, good for second. in often. the ACC, and Montgomery Loves· To Dunk (called "Zeke" by his team- Defensively, the Deacons mates) sank 82.1 per cent S·cott, whose favorite pas- will again be basically a man­ , for third place in the confer- time of dunking balls in prac- to-man team with occasional ence. _ tice may be curtailed by the zones and half or full-court · . . new anti-qunk rule, is a 6-6, (Continued on Page 12) Throughout - ~ractlce this 190-:pounder. from Winston· fall, !VJontgomery:· bother- · · Salem: A red~sh·irt three years ed wl~ a~ -~-?re t>,ac~·. McCI~s~ ~go, Scott had_. ~he mediocre . ~ey sal~ ·It' 1s t~e _ki!Id of. 111- · . year on the ·varsity before Jury which ·may_:feel_. all nght ·responding-, well·:·-to · McClos­ one day ~u~ ·be· painful· the · key's coaching and becoming next. The InJUry has hamper- the team's fourth leading ed Montgomery on defens~,. scorer with an average of 9.7 and McClo?key hopes he 'Yill points per game He was sev­ be fully recovered by· opemng enth in the ACC with a shoot- day. ~ - ing percentage of 50.2. Other returning, lettermen McCloskey characterized are forwards Jimmy 'Broad~ both Scott .and Crinkley as way, Paul Crinkley and New~ ''good ·hustlers, fair ball hand­ ton Scott, all ·seniors; and Iers, and adequate shooters junior guard Jay Randall. with a g11od attitude." Another veteran who may Broadway · is a 6-4, lao- be able to play some time pounder from . Raleigh~ His during the year is Clark Pool. brother Ol'in was captain of · He lettered three years ago the 1959 cage team. He is an -a~· a sop.homm::e but._bas.,since aggressive player. who shoots been unable. to play because well, but . -he is a poor ·ball of a bad back. He is current- ttandler. · ·. : ly helping · Neil Johnston The other" veteran is 6-2, coach the freshman, and Mc­ Closkey said .the 6-3, 190- 175-p()und Jay Randall· from Kinston. He has not been on a . pounder · '.'will be used if his basketball scholarship, but back :eome:S around." McCl()skey said he will ·be Crinkley. and Scott both saw placed· on ·full scholarship considerable acth:m last year second semester. He can help ·· and were· frequent,' starters. ·· .the team, McCloskey said, Crinkley iS 6-4. and', weighs 195 because he "hustles his tail ·pounds.· ·A r.esicH~rit- of . New· off." Randall saw action in land, he· averaged 5.2 points all but two varsity games / 1967-68 WAKE FOREST BASKETBALL SQUAH (left to right): Dickie Walker, Newton Scott, -Seated (left to right): Jimmy Broadway, Larry Habegger, Dan Ackley, David Stroupe, Norwood TOdmann, Jerry Montgomery, David Paul Crinkley, CJark PooL Smith, Tommy Lynch, Jay Randall. Standing M·EN' ARMSTRONG OPTICIANS COMPLETE Contact Lenses- New. Frames . .and Lenses- • KARATE • ,. ' ··. Repair and Adjustments WOMEN '' TWO LOCATIONS WINSTON..SALEM SCHOOL 403 NISSEN B.UILDi~ OF SELF-DEFENSE 722-9746 . 1105 W. First Street 724-7427 ·SERVICE 620 FORSYTH MEDICAL PARK 765-3807-

. ~'Flowers For Any Occasion" e CORSAGES e ARRANGEMENTS e POTTED PLANTS • Complete Floral Service REYIIOLDA FLORIS_T 724-4411 of' his left-banded jumpers: oacaaoaaaoaeaoacaaoocaaoaaooccDcc~ PAGE 4 Monday, Nov. 27, 1967 OLD GOLD AND BLACK Deacs Face 'Pack In Season Opener

By RICHARD SINK This year both teams seem STAFF WRITER to be vastly improved. State's Eddie Biedenbach, an All-ACC The Wake Forest Demon guard two years ago, returns Deacons and the N. C. State after missing all of last sea­ Wolfpack begin their 1967-68 son with a back injury. This basketball seasons this Satur­ 6-2 playmaker averaged 16.2 day night at Memorial Coli­ to lead the Wolfpack in ·the seum. Tipoff is set for 8:00 scoring department two sea­ with a freshman game be­ sons ago. tween the two schools pre­ ceding at 6:00. Although the Deacons lost their leading scorer, ·Paul Wake Forest will be trying Long, who was All-ACC with to improve on a 5-9 conference a 22.3 scoring average, Wake. mark and a 9-18 overall rec­ Forest does have some good ord of last season. In Coach returning lettermen plus some - Jack McCloskey's first sea­ fine sophomores up from a son last year, the Deacons 12-4 freshman team. finished in a tie with Mary­ land for fifth place in the ACC. Seniors Dave Stroupe, New­ ton Scott, Paul Crinkley, and N. C. State, on the other Jimmy Broadway and juniors hand, finished in the confer­ Jerry Montgomery and Jay ence cellar last year with a Randall gave McCloskey a 2-12 ACC slate and overall was good nucleus to work with. 7-19. Last year was also Coach Norman Sloan's first year at Any of the sophomores - State. Dickie Walker, Norwood Tad­ mann, Dan Acldey, and Larry Last year the Deacons and Habegger~could be starters at the Wolfpack ·split in their some time this season. Walker two contests. Wake Forest is expected to open the season opened their conference sea­ at either forward or guard son against N. C. State at after averaging 28.3 points a Raleigh and defeated th_e Wolf­ game last year as a freshman. pack handily by 18 points, Preceding the varsity con­ 99-81. test is the Wake Forest-N. C. However, late in the season . State freshman game. The at Winston-Salem, state won Baby Deacons are expected one of their two conference to -have one of the· strongest games of the year by: defeat­ .freshman teams in the ACC WAKE'S NORWOOD TODMANN goes up with a 23.7 avemge. Todmann, along with five ing the Deacons in a region­ this year, and the Wolf!ets over a Duke defender in a freshman con,test other sophomores; will make their varsity ally televised game 61-59 in seem to be just as strong as .played last year. Todinann was the second debut this .Saturday night at Memorial Coli­ overtime. the Deacon frosh. leading scorer on the Baby Deacon team seum against the State Wolfpack.

' '"·

·The Frank A. Stith. Company-. wishes Coach McCloskey, Qaptain David Stroupe, and the Demon Dea­ cons the best of luck for a successful · basketball season. Make the basket­ ball season begin like the football season ended. Also, make your -vvay to Stith's for the finest in winter fashions. ..


*Downtown-Fourth, & Chc.cry

* Reynolda Manor Shopping Center -· McCloskey Restores OLD GOLD AND BLACK Monday, Nov. 2'1, 116'1 PAGE 5 Winning Cage. Spirit By RUDY ASHTON Navy, and in 1943. tbe _Navy. ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR sent ·him to the Uwvers'ity of In !his second year at Wake for an officer Forest, head basketball coach training program. Jack McCloskey brings a her­ At Penn he was a star in alded past and optimistic fu­ football and baseball as well ture to Deacon basketball as basketball. After being fans. discharged from the service, 'l'he "whoop and holler" he continued his education type coach guided a mediocre and also played professional team to a 9-18 season last baseball and basketball. year. Among the defeats were .close 76-74 and 75-73 losses tQ Eastern MVP UNC, the· number three team· In the Eastern Basketball in the nation, and 88-82 and League he played for Wil­ ..... 59-58 losses to nationally rank­ mington and! Sunbury, mak· ~ ed Vanderbilt and Cincinatti. " ing all-league five times, and ·:..·". '}1. The declining basketball sit­ was voted the league's most ,· .. ·::.'' .. uation at Wake Forest, which valuable player in 1953 and '·. :~ was ctimaxed by the sudden 1954. :~. resignation on Bones McKin· ney in the fall of 1965, was In 1954 he joined the Penn the reason ·for hiring McClos· coaching staff and in 1957 was key. made head basketball coach. BASKETBALL COACH Jack McCloskey aDd spot strategy during time-out in game during His ten-year record at Penn players try to iroo out problems with on-the- . 1966-67 season. _ Splrit Needed included 146 wins and 105 losses for a .581 percentage. which find It was felt by . school of­ be felt he .could NCAA championships five of encouragement. In competition his in the Atlantic Coast Confer- the past six years, this goal Many felt it would take a ricials that a.' spirit and new record was 83-53 for a .621 ence. is not unrealistic. To win the man of stem character, over- vitality had -~ be in~ected i!l- ' mark. On accepting the coaching ACC title is a big step in gain- whelming spirit and a wealth to· t:ne· basketball program m · His 1965-1966 crew compiled position McCloskey said, "I ing national prominence. . of experience to raise Deacon order to raiSe it back to the ·believe ·the Atlantic Coast Con- potential. last year's basketball to prominence standards of 1962, ·when the a 19-6 overald :mark and ·won In ~ Deacons finished third in the the :r.vy League championship ference plays ·the best basket- Wake Forest basketball team again. McCloskey filled this nation. Because of his creden- · with a 12-2 record. However ball in the country. It's a was not bad, but it was not bill and proved last year that tials of experience, stamina; his team did not play in the challenge coaching in this good either. The only bright he has the spirit, drive and and success, McCloskey was NCAA playoffs due to a dis­ ]eague. Our goal is to win the spot for Deacon fans seemed determination_ to make Wake national championship. I be- to be Paul Long, and one-man Forest a winner. .hired· to lead Wake Foresfs pute· over minimum grade re­ quirements. lieve if you're going t(} de· teams in today's basketball Although the record last ''new look." something, you might as well world just don't go very far. year was not outstanding, the McCloskey began his college The reason McCloskey left try to be the very best." Also, the obvious decline in hustle and determination of career at the University of C:I secure position to come to Because of the calibre of Wake Forest basketball and the players showed Deacon Pittsburgh, but it was inter­ Wake Forest was because he play in the ACC and the fact the switching of coaches twice fans that Jack McCloseky had rupted. by World War ll. He wanted "the opporiunity to be ·that ACC Teams have reach· in .one year did not lead to a instilled a new pride in Wake served as an ensign in . the the best in ~ count-Y'" ed the semi-finals of the healthy attitude of spirit and Forest basketball. ~ a;;~:a~ N~ Wake Forest Plajers Will Stand The. Test like ZALE'S They Are The Best ifF'{! ZALE'S AMERICA'S LARGEST JEWELERS FOR- MOTHER WELCOMES ALL STUDENTS .AT WAKE TO COME IN, BROWSE AROUND, LOOK AT MANY FOR DAD RINGS-Diamond, Cocktail, Birthstone,· Mother's Ring DIAMOND RINGS NECKLACES OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS FOR CUFF UNKS and Tie Bar Sets BRACELETS TIE TACS CHARMS WATCHES-Dress or Sport PENDANTS, Lockets, Earrfugs Christmas Shopping Pleasure WATCH BANDS • PINS, Brooches PEARLS-Necklaces, Earrings, RINGS-Emblem, Stone, Pins, Rings FOR HIM FOR HER Signet, Intaglio WATCHE8-Wrist, Lapel, EMBLEMATIC or Fraternal · Novelty · DIAMOND RINGS DIAMOND RINGS Jewelry WATCH BANDS WATCHES NECKLACES I. D. BRACELETS IDENTIFICATION CUFF LINKS KEY CHAINS BRACELETS TIE CLASPS or TACS PIN-Gold, Silver, or Jeweled CLOCKS-Travel or Boudoir RINGS-Birthstone, Insignia, PEARL JEWELRY MONEY CLIPS CIGARETTE CASES, Holders, Signet, Class EARRINGS CIGARETTE UGHTERS Lighters WATCH BANDS BRACELETS-Silver, Gold, DESK ACCESSORIES- DRESSER SETS KEY CHAINS or Stone Set Pens and Pencils WALLETS MONEY CLIPS DRESSING CASES-Fitted BELT BUCKLES PENDANTS CLOCKS-Desk or Travel PEN AND PENCIL SETS I. D. BRACELETS· LOCKETS BELT BUCKLES CHINA PEN AND PENCIL SETS CHARMS, Silver .or Gold ELECTRIC SHAVERS CRYSTAL WALLETS or BILLFOLDS WATCHES-Wrist, Lapel or MEN'S TOILETRIES FIGURINES CLOCKS Novelty BUTANE CANDLES BRUSHES-Clothes, Hair, BRUSHES-Clothes, Hair, HOLLOWARE Military PEN AND PENcn.. SETS Military (a) Decorative Pieces ELECTRIC SHAVERS CLOCKS-Desk, Travel BILLFOLDS, Wallets, or candlesticks CIGARETrE CASES, Lighters WATCH BANDS Key Cases Candelabra ' MEN'S TOILETRIES DRESSER SETS (-b) Serving Pieces BAR ACCESSORIES Vegetable Dishes CARVING SETS-Bone or The Most Complete Lines ·Of Ring And Watch Values Gravy Boats . Diamond Anywhere SDver Handles Coffee or Tea· Services WE WELCOME YOUR CHARGE ACCOUNT TRANSISTOR RADIOS AUTO TAPE RECORDERS 1st Payment - Feb. 1968 "Compare Our Prices For Complete Satisfaction" LAY-AWAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS Comer of fth & Liberty & Parkway Plaza Shopping Center -·

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Shoppina' Center • ARTIST Fbr th€ Most Cherished Gift -Of All SUPPLIES A Quality Camera Portrait by PRESTON Professional Cleaning & Laundry Studio· Of Photography REYNOLDA MAN!OR . . . Sitting must be made now to assure time Or for your _p()rtrait delivery for Christmas. Call or Come In • • • . You Can D~ IT YOURSELF With SHOPPING o·ENTE·R PRESTON STUDIO REYNOLDA MANOR Coin-Operated Laundry And Dry Phone: 723-7183 · Cleaning Machines Phone: 724-4651 I. Evenings: 924-4718 YOUR AWARD WINNING STUDIO MEN~S HAIRSTYLING *W. 11. Blackwilder *Larry Markland ~ *Bill Speece *J. W. Holcomb .. . . *..Lloyd Miles Bob Sniart® \ IVY LEAGUE.• RAZOR CUT • FLATOPS HAIRDRESSERS · Ope~_F·~~d~;~~:h::Til8:00 .. , ~J Campus Leaders Appomtments - 724-7231 . / For the · Reynolda Manor Barber Shop Hairstyles . Fashionable Women· -Prefer. .. *SCHOOL SUPPLIES Three Locations · · ... Reynolda Manor ·. . '122-6i93 . I Northside .. , ...... 767-0235 · ~ay ...... : .. · 723-0791 Thurs. & Fri. Nites *GIFTS *BOOKS by Appointment REFERENCE MATERIAL 19.99 f you like quality, ..• ; '11 go for 0 ARTIST'S SUPPLIES . all Pas,hal at Shoe Repair 19.99 t.'Yt . HINKLE's··_.·.. . DIJOxn .-'- ~ore- Reynolda· Manor Near the Campus and Reynol~a Manor Shopping Center Also Parkw·ay Plaza Downtown 425 N. Trade And Par~way Plaza Shopping Center You just can't beat a Bob Smart shoe for value. Quality 3rd Magnificent Week· workmanship, trim fit, 'round-the-clock comfort-they're The Happiest Motion Picture Of The Year! all there in every pair. And importantly, too -the look that's just right!

UNIVERSAL rnsenta We invite you to come on over and look at the latest styles "IJLII:-- . in both men and ladies' shoes. Fashion Shop ANI>AI:WS City Laundry .u MIWI! ;morutw Stores Singing, Dancing, Deli~htingl Ulo'D11""1T'~ Bakery Drngs M4~YTYLI:A .HASH & MOSER SHOE STORE T. Grant 2 Stores To Serve You Book Store M()()~l: .utcmns & Wood Maytag .Re·ynolda Manor & 442 N. Trade Home Lau.ndry Center CA.RC>L PtnPl'f"'~ Cafeteria Open. Til 9 p. m. Mon. . • •. Fri. Til 9 p. m. Flowers· CtiANNING Beauty Salon n.t-h'I'IV....,.f-n..-. Bank ascJJ~at Shoe Repair .~AMI:S Studio of Photography r()x eVD[)Iaa Manor Barber Shop 1 Cinema ,... ,. ... a .... ~ Manor Esso in ROSS HUNTER'S prOduction o1 ... evnoJaa Minit Car Wash &.a&&~&_u., Co. J'ltOJoJGIIL~ 1.10!)- ~inllouJ~'s Dept. Store co-starring -- . ,..illiiiiiOo __,.. .~J:IN GAYI~ · :J~CHNICOLOR.;. Daily at itU.TiliC~ LILLI~ 2:00 & Try Our Low Rx Prices -SEA'm NOT RESERVE 1:00 P.M. RESERVED .PERFORMANcEs''""':D~,~u~.y~L--...1 Also ·-SBOWS- qPEN MGHTS 'TIL 9 DaD.y %:00 & 8:80 p.m. 25·% Dis~ount On All Film .Developing! · Sunday Z, s, 8 p.m. Mon.·Fri. matinees $1.50 Raynolcta Shopping Evening, Sat., Sun. and Center-Phone '728-8711 · ' Holidays $2.00 ECKERD'S a·EYNOLDA MANOR PAGE 8 Monday, Nov. 2'1, 196'1 OLD GOLD AND BLACK Deaclets Quick, Good· Ballhandlers . -, By BILL UPTON Davis, a 6-1 sharpshooter expected to bear the rebound­ the Baby Deaos in their cons a good test. ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR from New York City by way ing burden for t·he Baby fight to retain the Big Four Overall quickness, good ball­ The opener is against N. C. of Laurinburg Institute, and Deacs. The 6-7, 240 pound cen­ championship, but emphasiz­ State December 2 in the Col­ handling, and fine shooting 6-3 Bob Rhoads, of Mercer, Pa., ter is a key ma111 in the Baby es that all the ACC teams will iseum, before the varsity con­ are the major assets of the are slated for the bulk of the Deac attack. "H we can get be capable of giving the Dea- test. 1967-68 edi·tion of the Wake duty at guard. Bob Kretz the ball off the boards, and Forest freshman basketball (6-o), Jim Eschen (5-10), Bill McGregor is the key here, squad, accordling to roach Arthur (5-8), and Phil Capel we can run and fast break, Neil Johnston. ( 6-1) are also in the running and! make use of our ball­ "The boys ·are all sound for the guard positions. handling ability," Johnston team players and handle the Neil Pastushok, · a 6-4 for­ said. ball well," said Johnston, ward from Roselle Park, N. The coach sees two major "and I expect them to pro­ J., is a scholarship athlete problems for the freshmen. gress much further in this who will see a lot of action One is the overall lack of direction as the season goes up front, while Bo DuBose height (except for McGregor), by." (6-3) and John Bamavic (6-2) Qnd the other is the defense. 'Ibe four players on scholar­ are battling for the other "Defensive problems are ty­ ship for the Baby Deacs have forward post. Russ Mayer, pical of a; freslunan ballclub," perfonned: well in practice who can also play center at said Johnston," and many thus far, and are expected to 6-3, and Rhoads round out the of these deficiencies will be do much of the playing when corps. corrected as the players get the season officially begins. Gilbert Mcuregor is slated more experience." Scholarship players Charles to start at the pivot and is Johnston sees Duke as the most dangerous competitor of . ,.::

•' . . ;· Freshman . . , . ~ ~ . !-. :_ ..... : ' " . ~ / . >·:·: ····. '':c •.••: .f!l1fJ1fJi Garnes On ... ·~: :~ :. :=~ .. ·: ~.

····.··:' .; ·.:· ... · . (§ f~!;lt;\ifJM-llAX;lii i~~"J ~:J.'f'i,::,,~'' ;: ,' "'-.

i ~.i!-~ (!lii(~.l!IJf~ r ---~f WFDD-AM . ·;- >.;. WFDD-AM will broadCast 14 of the 16 Wake Forest :. . ' ... ' freshman games this winter, plus, the Old Goki and Black fresbmarrvarsity contest · to­ night. Air time tonight will be 7:45 with the game be­ ginning at 8:00. ~t~:::'!tr·~:':c···~~·-•····· ·•··• •·.·.. ·:·.··;··· ~~;~-.,~~ .:·.. · .. · 'I'he station has made pb;ms ----PHOTO BY DAUGHTRY CHARLIE DAVIS, freshman guard from New York City, will to ai·I' ten of the 11 Baby Dea­ nm the Baby Deacon offense. con home games. The lone ex­ ception is the Frederick Mil­ New pair Extraordinary itary Academy contest which in every beauty will be played on December ·respect. and value. 18, during the Christmas re­

I cess. 350.00 l 225.00 All the Baby Dearons' home I games will be played at Me­ -----+----- morial Coliseum and will 6 diamond Exquisite start at 6:00, except for the bridal beauty in February 3rdJ Richmond game ensemble. 14K gold. which will begin at 4:00. Air New. time on WFDD-AM will be 15 ·.- .. ··.:.. ',··:· ··. 300.00 1'75.00 minutes game time. ... Four of the five Baby Dea­ con away ·games will be broadcast on WFDD-AM. The ~·: .~ ':...:~r. ~ . BYERLY I STEELE . , __ ,: . station will not broadcast the JEWELERS Davidson contest at Greens­ -118 W. 4th St. - Phone PA 3·1939 boro o.n January 27 since it occurs during the semester ~ Winston-Salem, N. c. c@ft break. Air time for the away games will also be 15 minutes before game

--PHOTO BY DAUGHTRY GILBERT MCGREGOR, Baby Deacon center, gets adl'iee from Coach Neil Johnston dUring practice.

r~tg(~--~~~~~~,,f,W';~~%~~"'" I Frosh Schedule I r Date . Opponent Site I :; Dec. 2 N. C. State ...... Home rf lb 9 Gastonda College ...... Home ,:=:~ •~ 14 Fort Bragg ...... Horne ·. ~ 18 Frederick Mil Acad...... Home ~ Jan. 3 North Carolina ...... Chapel Hill ~ 6 Sand Hills Jr. Coli .. ~ ...... Home Q% 8 Gardner Webb Jr. Coli...... ·...... ; -. ;-;-. . unome . 1 13-Wingate Jr. Coli...... ·...... Home W. 27 Davidson ...... __ ...... Greensboro g @ Feb. 3 Richmond ...... Home

~,~..'f_~.·.~: 8 North Carolina...... ~orne .,

.. ,_ 10 Laurinburg Inst...... orne -~ l. SHERATON· .MOTOR INN .'.f..~.. 14 Duke ...... ' ' ...... ' ...... Durham ..~;i 22 Du:ke ...... Home ~ ~ ~~ala~·:::::.·.·.·:,·.·:::.·:.·::~~ ~ -~~:m;m~~~~'Th"K~t't%'m~"m.~l:~liiiil!:!j!Jm[.iill!1im!tl!~····':.:~ Neit ]ohnstQn,. Billy Packer: . OLD GOLD AND BLACK . Monday, Nov. 27, 196'7 PAGE 9 - . : .· . - . .:· ~ . . . . ' . . . Deacons' 1967-1968 Roster McClosltey·'s Able Assistants . Player · Pos. Ht. Wt. Age Class Hometown ...... ~ ' Dan Ackley ...... · C 6-8 215 19 Soph. Liverpool, N.Y. Former WF Ace **Jimmy Broadway .. F 6-4 185 22 Senior Raleigh, N. C. .. **Paul Crinkley ..... F 6-4 195 22 Senior Newlan-d, N. C: Responsible For Larry Habegger .... F 6-7 225 19 Soph. N. Augusta, Ind. Deacs' Recruiting Tommy Lynch ..... G 5-11 175 20 Soph. Barringer, Ill. *Jerry Montgomery _ G 6-0 175 20 Jun. Chari. Ht., W.Va. By STEVE GAYDICA *Jay Randall- ...... G 6-2 175 20 Jun. Kinston, N. C. STAFF WRiTER ':'*Newton Scott ...... F 6-5 190 23 Sen. W-Salem, N. C. This will mark · the second David Smith ...... G 5-10 175 20 Soph. Raleigh, N. C. season at Wake 'Forest for "'*David Stroupe ..... C 6-6 200 21 Sen. W-Salem, N. C. Coach Neil Johnston, who last Norwood Todmann F-G 6-3 180 19 Soph. New York, N.Y. season led the freshman team . -~ Dickie Walker ... F-y 6-3 205 20 Soph. W'msburg, Va. to a good· 12-4 r·ecord, plus a .. ::~ win over the varsity ,team ·in · the Gold and Black. game. ~ilrj=:=:f=::\·~::m:=::=:;::~::t::::=:::::::::::::=::;~:::::::::=:=~::.:.::,~:.!t;;::..t:~:~... :~::.::::::.:.;;::.:·=::::·:??.)·:::.:=::::i::).~~j Johnston joined· the Philadel­ phia Warriors in 1951, playing for eight years and coaching . for two .. He led the NBA in scoring for tJ:lree consecutive seasons. ( 1953-55) an;d received GO DEACS! the Most Valuable Player Award for .two straight years (1953 and. 1954). · . On top of all this glory, J(:hnstoh: was. seJected_·for 'the·.·.·. a11..:1eague U@m fouf .. :ij!Jles, and playe~ in :~l~; ~U~Sf%t g!fllles. ·· ~n t~Ight _s~~~s.f' Philadel- . FIRST CLASS DINING IN OUR EXOTIC AMBEP POOII phi a he "COOfp~ed- ra · total of . and ADDED CONVENIENCE! 10,023 po~rits:: fur:- a 19:~ -aver- ·. · · '. ,... :'~ _;.PHOTO BY DAUGHTRY age per sea50J1. He . was ~ho ·· PACKER ··~D JOHNSTON play important roles ..:in . Wake league's lt~aaing rebounaer in Forest's quest to raise _its· basketball ·.standards. . ··~ '· BUDGET R'BNT·A·CAR . . . ' ~ . 1955,. bringfng down 1085 re­ bounds. At one. time, he' held the NBA record. with 39 re­ •. LOWEST RATES bounds in one game.. Johnston Experience Warrior · Coach . BEST SERVICE •• After h'is playing days, he V ~luahle ·To· Players coached the Warriors tor ·-two Spend rour. a est .vlalt wltli OBI season.3, ·guiding· them- to sec- One of the prime require­ Jack McCloskey's right-hand on a place ·both· years~ Before ments for a winning basket• man and also the number one· taN. ~rrya. . joining the Wake Fotest hall team ·is the recruiting s-cout ·and recruiter. He is coaching staff in 1966,. he had program, and Wake -Forest chiefly responsible. for signing been coaching Wilmington in ·assistant basketball coach An­ this year's sophomores on the the Eastern League. Wilming- thony W. (Billy) P!ieker is· an. varsity squad and the menl- ton ..won both the _regular· sea- asset to-:- Deacon teams, be~ . bers of the freshman team. TEE · son . and: the league· play-1>ffs · .cause ·.. of his fine ·r~cruiting : Packer is a native of Beth­ under his guidance.: . ability. leham, Pennsylvania where ·Johnston earned his .B.-S. at In ·his .third season at Wake his father served as head Ohio State in physiCal educa:. Forest. Packer, a former basketball coach at Lehigh, OFF tion and his M. ·s. at Temple. Deacon star, is--head coach University. . Backcourt Whiz During his years at Wake Forest, Packer, ~t only 5-9~ AT ••• was a backcourt whiz. From 1960 to 1962 he scored 1,316 points. His best season was 1961 when he scored 515 ·points fc;r a 17.2 average. In -1962 he and All-American were co-captains when the team finished third in the NCAA tournament. The Special Rates offered only to team ·reached the semi-finals Students -and Faculty of .· .. before ·.bowing to Ohio State· · and · then topped UCLA ·in the Wake For.est! · consolation match. Packer was an All-ACC sec- . ond team choice as a sopho­ $1~~00 on Weekdaws more in 1960 and a first team selection in 1961. In both 1961 $2~~0t1 on We3ltends and 1962 he was named to the · ACC All-Toumament team. The valuable results of Bil­ ly Paci\.er's recruiting will be seen this year as tve varsity Wea:j~ cog:z:Y · js studded with sophomores and another good freshmen Off Highway 52 North season is predicted. Bobbitt''s Pharmacies COSMETICS -- PRESCRIPTIONS ... SUNDRIES FREE DEUVERY 3 LOCATIONS

Reynolds Building - Nissen ·a~ilding Corner S. Hawthorne Road at Lockland BILLY PACKER was co-captain of the 1962 Wake Forest team which finished third in nation. · PAGE 10 Monday, Nov. 27, 1967 OLD GOLD AND BLACK UCLA May Be Best Teain Ever; By DOUG BUCKLEY and Black sports staff's top actually be ~tronger than the press. Louisville. However, the long STAFF WRITER teams. Certainly, the list will one of a year ago. The other two returning awai.ted meeting ·never did tal\e As usual, it is a difficu 1t task change once the season starts The return of \'(.!teran for­ ~tarters are Juniors Lynn place as the Cardinals were to pick the nation's top college due to upsets. injuries ineligi­ wards Edgar Lacey t 6-6) and Shackelford ( 6-5). and Kenny eliminated by SMU in the re­ basketball teams before the bilities, and other factors. MiJ:.. e Lynn ( (i-7) will be the Heitz ( 6-:~). Although they did gional .semi-final. Louisville season starts. The choice of principal reasons for the im­ outstanding jobs last year, will get a chance to redeem it­ UCLA as the country's number UCLA provement. Both are potential Shackelford and Heitz will self this year and just may one team is about the only All-Americans and will add probably be replaced by Lacey make the most of the opportun­ pick that will receive univer­ 1. UCLA: The Bruins coached the rebounding punch that and Lynn in thP starting lineup. ity. sal approval. The other 19 by ar.e the de­ UCLA lacked at the forward po­ Shackelford, who is an out­ teams could probably be placed fending national champions, sition last year. Lacey did not standing southpaw shooter, in almost any order. coming off a 30-0 season. UCLA play last season because of a may develop ini.o an excellent Without adding anymore ex­ broken knee, while Lynn was sixth man along the lines of 3. Kansas: The . Jayhawks will not be able to improve on were 23-4 last year under cuses, here is the Old Gold that record, but the team may susp~nded from the team. and John ~ · coach Ted Owens and may Also returning this · season, Havlicek. · .... will be all five starters from This team may be the great­ have enough returning talent last season's undefeated team, est in the history of college to equal last season's imp~es­ junior Lew Alcindor (7-1%) will basketbrul. Any game UCLA sive record. Main returnees again be the key man on the loses will have to be consider­ are 6-6 forward Rodger Boh- . team with his scoring, re­ ed one of the greatest upsets nenstiehl and 6-3 Jo Jo· White. bounding, and defensive abil­ in sports history. Bohnenstiehl was: .the leading ffiERLE nO-RmAn ities. scorer a year ago with a 16.4 COSMETICS L~ouisville average and likes to operate The Bruin guards will again £rom the pivot. COURTESY DEMONSTRATION BY APPOINTMENT be (15.5) and Although not a big scorer Studio Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mike Warren (12.7). Both Al­ . 2. Louisville: After 19 years len and Warren are quick ·as an assistant coach to the (14.8)) White has to be oon­ sidered one of the best all­ Telephone: 724-5651 guards, good ball- handlers, retired Peck Hickman,_ John MRS. JEAN S. PHILLIPS . 408 North Cherry Street Dromo takes over as the Louis­ around_ players in the·. country Owner Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27101 and are capable of engineer­ ing UCLA's famed full court ville head coach and inherits a ·t;:~"·:-· million dollars·. worth Of talent.. ._, ·The Caroinals··lose:.oi:Jly Eddie- · :~:~:· Gilbert from last season's starting five and with the mid­ season addition of '6-8 Mike Grosso, -Louisville might be ready to challenge UCLA by . the :time the NCAA tourna- COME SEE THE SENDABLES ment rolls around. ·. · In case you have forgotten·, Perfect for carrying the season's best wishes to ·Grosso was the lad who aver- all your friends. Cards from the bright new . aged 22.7 $ and 26 re­ Hallmark Christmas collection help you say just bounds· a game for the South what you want to say in the nicest way. So make Carolina frosh before being.. this Christmas one to remember by sending the forced to. transfer .because of Christmas greetings that reveal your individuality an ·eligibility problem. and taste. Vivid styling and sincere. sentiments The most important return­ . . KANSAS make the cards in our collection stand out in the ing veterans are senior Wes­ ley Unseld and . due to his g·reat defensive and· crowd of greetings your friends will receive. Do Unseld is 6-8, . weighs 250 come see all the sendables in our Christmas· shop. ball ban<\Jing abilities. pounds, and is a genuine All­ Center .Vernon Vanoy (6-8) American ·performer. · He is also returns, but will be press­ not a spectacular .player and is ed for his starting position by not a great shooter~ but Unseld Greg Douglas, a 6-_!! junior col- is amazingly strong under the . leg~ transfer. The other start­ boards and -is as goOd as Cham;. ,ers Will m.ost likely be . 6-5 berlain and Russet in grabbing Bruae Sloan (5.4) and 6-4 Phil a rebound and starting the Harmon (6.3). Rich Bradshaw. fast break. , is the best of the rising' sopho­ Unseld wilLprobably have to mores and could break into adjust to the forward position the lineup. when Grosse;> ·becomes eligible. The Jayhawks meet Louis'­ Be.ard' is the man- who leads ville in an ea:rly season clash the fast breaks· that . Unseld ori their home court and this "ON THE CAMPUS" starts. Averaging 20.9· points game will ·be a good ·indication Owned and Operated by per contest last· season, Butch of Kansas•· chances for nation­ is another All-American and at al homrs. Since Kansas de­ . 6-3 is capable of playing either feate