K Missile Lead Over Soviets Revealed by Defense Chief
V'fc- 4 - c T i ''» ‘vi **1. .■■!. 1 ^ . iM . 'Jtl M -*fc t*i_ *, ■ ♦ ^ PAGE TWENTY-POUR THURSDAY, OCTTOBER 24, 1968 fflIanrbfBtfr Evrains Umilb 4 hTSK sts Drily Net PNai Ron % ■' i 'Wr » , wasti Mtof- - Mowtaln Laurri Chapter of Jehovah's Witneaeee wUl con ^ OeMsrl»,UM ITie Weather About T o w n Sweet Adrilnea Ihc. will re duct a thaocratio ndnlstry Kitcanis Sets Radio Auction hearse tonight at 8 at the Rus atdiool at 7:80 p.m. and a aerv- CSoudy, cool wMb ebanoo o f BMt»- Oiwip S o( the Mkn- sian Amerloan National OeiAer, ice meeting tomorrow at 8:80 15,273 sbewera tonigbt Low tat 40s. To. « b « k « r TUCK Newownete Club mowow mostly cloudy, oooL 311 Wethersfield Ave., Hartford. p.m. at the Kingdom Hall. Nov. 12^13; Burke Chairman M , «IB mMt toOictat at ttie home of Por informatioa on the Women’s TPtcidA, 9n . J o jv jT L Hmehe$ter-^4 City of F i l i a g a Charm High 46 to 80. lfe « . CMvIb Raff, 1* liMiincton tour part babersbop harmony World War I Barraoka and ' Novemher IS and 18 will matle 'VOI.. LXXXVm, NO. 22 Rd. contact Mrs. Kathwiaa Hynes, Auxiliary will meet Sunday at the eighth annual Klwanls Chib <TWKNTT*FOUIt PAGBS-~TWO SBC110NB) aw Main St., or MTs. Trumnn BfANCHESTER, CONN., FM DAY, bcTOBBR 25, 1968 (OlBasined AdverttsliMr o* Pag* Si) 3 p.nt. at the VPW Home. AU Radio Auction, and chairman of PRICE TEN CENT! H m Till cnad» lieCtodist Crandall, SB White St., both In memben are reminded to at U.S.
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