V'fc- 4 - c T i ''» ‘vi **1. .■■!. 1 ^ . iM . 'Jtl M -*fc t*i_ *,

■ ♦ ^ PAGE TWENTY-POUR THURSDAY, OCTTOBER 24, 1968 fflIanrbfBtfr Evrains Umilb 4 hTSK sts Drily Net PNai Ron % ■' i 'Wr » , wasti Mtof- - Mowtaln Laurri Chapter of Jehovah's Witneaeee wUl con­ ^ OeMsrl»,UM ITie Weather About T o w n Sweet Adrilnea Ihc. will re­ duct a thaocratio ndnlstry Kitcanis Sets Radio Auction hearse tonight at 8 at the Rus­ atdiool at 7:80 p.m. and a aerv- CSoudy, cool wMb ebanoo o f BMt»- Oiwip S o( the Mkn- sian Amerloan National OeiAer, ice meeting tomorrow at 8:80 15,273 sbewera tonigbt Low tat 40s. To. « b « k « r TUCK Newownete Club mowow mostly cloudy, oooL 311 Wethersfield Ave., Hartford. p.m. at the Kingdom Hall. Nov. 12^13; Burke Chairman M , «IB mMt toOictat at ttie home of Por informatioa on the Women’s TPtcidA, 9n . J o jv jT L Hmehe$ter-^4 City of F i l i a g a Charm High 46 to 80. lfe « . CMvIb Raff, 1* liMiincton tour part babersbop harmony World War I Barraoka and ' Novemher IS and 18 will matle 'VOI.. LXXXVm, NO. 22 Rd. contact Mrs. Kathwiaa Hynes, Auxiliary will meet Sunday at the eighth annual Klwanls Chib a freohman ad Ehurtem OoHege, send their reports. are donated by Manchester area who Atowned out the boo# of New York Uu m mon nights. / ___ merchants to the Club at wlKde- of the Pantagon, mors influence On Friday night he maksa a Rve Hemhera c f Jehovah’s Wlt- Qutney. D AIN 1IE noASTim .kMtalsn In a tumultuous rally WASHINGTON (AP)— neaoes of Manchester are plan­ The Ladies o f St. James wlM sale value and the Herald will AMursday itagtaL for top imllltory offloen, and tdevtadon braadoast to 10 statea carry lists of the items and their more mlssUsa, wnrplsnss and aad the DIatriot of Ootaaabia. Secretary of Defense Olaik ning to attend the aeml-aiMual Ihe ccnfinnatlon ctaos of have a fashion show tomorrow l » c •i Utabodiered by ate ill ssl (louts circuit oosemUy in ^ningfleU, Zion EhmngeUoBl Lutheran retail value. Any Item listed in HAMS .79 omoMMS nuclear suhmarinea, if elected. Batuyday he wlU b e driving to M. CHfford acknowled|rsd at 8 p.m. in St. James' School 5^ Ib. Avwags 5 9 and sppar«rt2ylZ^ Mhoa., from Nov. 1 to 3 at the CbuToh wia rwelve Instruction HaS. Refreshments wiU be the paper, mentioned on the air £ I The Repubboan presidenUal rallies in suburban New Jersey. today the Soviet Union has bioadoeat chalnnaa; RUlam 'W save rat tbotuand denmnatra- High School of Oommeroa, Saturday at 9:80 a.m. at the or '^ewed in the display win­ oaadldate, In a nationwide CB8 And on Sunday he wlb appear narrowed the nuclear mis­ served. Tickets may be chtain- Johnson and Richard T. Rotl>- num p. NciHvo •tors outside, the thtaxHarty Springfield, Maas. dnirdt. ed at the door. dow may be bid upon by calling -•••■•dBoOal candidate, appear- radio hroadoast 'ntursday nig«i», live on the CD8-TV "Faoa the sile gap but claimed “we K M7-M61. well, assistant solloltatlon chair­ •ocused the administmUoai of Nation" program—hU first ap­ men; and Henry Boeett, r«- J?**? runrtng mate, Our- have today a substantial Burke will be aselsted by FOWL ;0U B . LaiBsy, listened wMb ob- John F. Kennedy and Lomdon B. pearance before a panel of i«- Thomas Donovan, co-dtata«nan; demption chairman. Johnson of "oraatlng a ssourlty military simeriority over For Soaps or SIsw y p u * rstash to wavee o f dtoers portera on television slnos 1966. John DeQuattio, flnanoe (dialr- This year, as In past years, 3 9 i gap for Amerioa” —-a r***vie* rs- the Soviet Union.” the group of itesns wtti ooMaln • *••• than oapadty In Mw radio itoeech Nixon said The Pentagon chief repUed to man; W. J. Godfrey Gourley, crowd, mtnisaent of Kenney’s 1900 that "in leeent years our ooun- special bonus items, which will oontsnUon ttmt the presldsnoy aUegaUona by RepubUoan prett- R L be announced during the course ” T he; evening wtui easily the tiy bhs fobowad poHoles wUoh deotlal caixfidate Rlehaifl M. OOBAN niH H , UVB MAINk Choice Produce! omottanal htg^xitnt tfaus to r in of Dwight D. Blaenbower had now thretUien to madee Am erica of the auction. otwatod a miaatle gi^>. Nixon that DemoeraUo adminis­ Since the auction’s inception N«w Crop, SesdlifiB the WaUaoe «*««peign eiy| the second best both In numbers trations had created a "ssouriiy erem^was one of tbs most rs- In his most extensive dlseus- and quality of major weapons.” in 1960 ptxx»edB have reached LOBSTOtS Gnpefmit. f Mon to date o f defenae poUoy, gap" by following what Nixon E E You con hov* ft on V e n ^ WsSaoe baa attraoted. a net o f $14,000. The net figure Pink or l^ ts . i ( F o r 3 9 c The nominee said that the called a doctrine of arms parity. ^^tibksd into tbs anna Nixon aigued that the mUltary tor last year was $3,000. Oodatawi of the Kemiedy and United States under Democratlo OlUford read to a news nf«r- Monday, Tnttclay, Laigo, Flm A Bdda eetrsooa under a Johnson toalnis have put the na- ayiinistrBtlane has gone hem enoe previously secret flguras Orh” •*» Icabfirg Lottnes. B f i d i 2 5 C ^ v y poboe guard, WMtooe dM flrst to seocy in bombers, first showing toe Soviet Union now V Wndnnsday, Thufsdoy, tlon in such straits that by 1970 “ > *»• the soufttos between to second in tactioal alrcnft, LOFT'S KITCHEN or 1971 U might ewm tece a , has 800 intercontinental baUlstic ptointo and police outalda. has virtually tost a 80 per cent misailea. This Is 164 few er than E nnHiy aiNidaMol CwnAnKMAdwadSm uraoj ‘ >aurvlval g a p ." At 9oe^ point, motaa pudied Unless he’s elected on Nov. 6, advantage In Intoroontlnmtal toe U.8. arsenal and a RuMton FRESH CANDY balUstio missiles and Is af—^ ly E Oewigp bairleades and prited Nixon says, Amertoans might Increase o f 180 slnoe a year ago. HIGHLAND PARK MARKET i tomatoes, bwing Its advantage to At toe same time, aiflOrd BUT NEVER fllseover “that w« are irretrie­ WELDQN DRUG CO. submaitaiee. L 317 Highland St.. Monchnsiar, Cofm. Photw M3^27t # rncks sad botUss. Puitoe said 26 vably behind in the mest critloal said toe Soviets have 7B to 80 ON SUNDAY f> ■ M-. *. 'Bf f 1 parsonr wtie amotisd imide areas in a few yeems." Hie United Statea, he said, submarine-launched n u c le a r R y d tortbde ihs Oandan and Nixon flew to New Tor* has produced only one new tac­ m lssilss com pared with 060 U A. on various, dtanrderiy T*H>rBday night after touring 167 tioal aircraft since the Blsen- Polaris submarine mlssUea. E •onduQt oounto One poUosman miles through eastern Pennsyl­ hower admlitastratlon "while the Altbouito toe Soviet total Is “ I®**" ®Owr paiM M were vania, making tour formal ap- Soviets have put out sevea" stm far behind toe American wwvM to t n h tot Injudis, P**y*toe* and eight Impromptu Repeating a campaign theme, force, tbe Soviets have more 5 r.Asi sMlniatod 8,000 pobee Nixon said the United States, ' than doubled their sub-laun(died ttors dfiAoyed to hondto n»e crowds were good and touch as it woidd like to nsgoU- -mlssUes tat toe last year, he C | aald. OORBUROYT dMnonstrstaia. ITOsrally rao^ vs. But Ibsiw. ,»te a isasening of tandoiw and At one point, the arms ijace with the Soviet But Gllftord contended the . unde Wale o Rkiwnle ware s o n s aOur notes, nDtohly B itwndsd a ivMSf^' te the aiidltobe at Uhlon, must do so from real tett of relative U.&-Soviet T "VPOttars, tosmmedisd ttasS«!to » !> a to y M^iere 10 paraom were Mrength. He promised more nuclear power Uea In the num­ TUckAllifaiSiMstnr strengfli. RepnbUesn RepreaentRtive Robort StavoitslQr; wlfs^ fonDer MighUy mad two man ber of nuclear weapons that can wsra srrsMed aad obaiged wllh be delivered on taigsL Msrflyra Johnsoii; dangliten, Kathy and Nancy. Ahead! You 'll Be Glad (See Page Ten) lit this ares, he aald, the UWt- ed States outstr^e toe Soviet Union 4,300 to ansxnlm atM y Hecklers Across Street 1.300. ' *iii Aside One 0^ These He included here bombs which would be carried by 048 BOB STAVNITSKY 1//ZZ4 BB3 and B8B Intercontinental totobers, compared with an es­ . I^eMay Holds Barber Shop Talk Vote at Bnckky S^hoei, Highlanil P uk School and Nathan R a k Schotd ELEGANTLY PAMPERED- - *te-. timated 160 Russian long range *9 SOL B . OOHBM Ortafin, whose name appeared bom bers. ^ the usual, not the exception, REPUBUCAN REPRESENTATIVE Nir o TO O*UPO» R was bke a ghmt “put-oik" on the dtcidatod and osrtifled Hurricane Gladys as OUtford also: s a v M AND NOW DOLLARS LESS or "spoof," or a "say It Imt Wallaos peOtloas. among the Bast Itertford regu­ Seen from Apollo 7 —Dtoekasd be has ordered tm O flB CMOM P A H n rA f toe Navy to devMop a nmv nu­ IMs ad sponsored by Stavnitdey for Legislature Oenuntttaa, MeKenMe^ T rees, ■to" — Oan. Chntls LaMay’s Bsfors, (hiring and otter Le- lar Wallace wortiers. This remarkable photo of Hurricane Gladys about f l y t to Hast Hartford ysstsrw firround elapsed time of 144 hours and 25 minutes. clear submarine deeigned to Mlayto 2(Vnilnute news ooufer- The group of cidlege student 150 miles southwest of Tampa. Fla, was taken hecklers Included some with operate more qu!eUy than any enee in the Burnside Ave. Mk. This view looking toward the southwest wi«i the vessel of its Und. fu s’-tK’tm nrust^ A prsos oortortnue wllh a Gharlea Bartnr Bbep^ appacat- black annbands, several with t r a m the Apdlo 7 spacecraft at an altitude of 97 (kf'Aptoty Wen prsoMontial Island of Cuba in the background. Hurricane winds —Bsidit is too salty to attacii wately 80 would-be demointra- black headbands, and many with nautical miles. The photo was made during the ohW data who is not ayan m «»- tors, about 30 of them from beards, some blaok and some any “special signilloanee’’ to were at a speed of 80 knote when the picture was toe reduced scale of OgbUng in bonad m tha vottnr ntoofafaMs, Monohestsi Oommunlty rirHirs. tabmd. spacecraft's 91st revolution of the earth at a oonAwtod to T tetoT sb ^ taken. (NASA photo via AP Photofax) VIetnanu ^ w m oonteinad onroos the Btreat They were induosd to remain (four ehatos; thraa haitwt^ no by Bast Hartford pobos. -Roported he to studyte toe and tea lighted, twin, •cross bM atrest by one who is - future of tbe Air Faroe's oontro- «»*h9r signs nsvsr stopiiad ro- wsra no Inoidtola. probably the most poUte police v«n%d FlU flgfater-bomber. but tattog) hairs to ba flnto, not on­ Actually, ttw bs(fldsn wars out- officer In the (xxmtry—^Bast WQirssBed the opinion that it hccklsd by toe toallaoe eup- ly in OonnsoiiotA, hut in tba na­ Hertford PoUce Bgt. Joseph "will be an excellent ptene." tion. perters, in paathxdar by Mk. Leone. to a oampaign q>ee(di Ttaus- Chariea and hto bUBbom and RsOrsd Air Foroa Oan. In low, weU-modulated tones, Johnson Seen Convinced day night, Nixon claimed that in toutbeni oooent UMtay. abbougb Oso if s WU- q>eataing articulately, he told 1900, at toe end o f to e BtsCMxnr- ¥r. Oharlea (the bartwr) to er adminlstratlan, tbe UnKad Isioa's choice for a vioa proa Ohorlea Buriw, whose wife, Vlo- the students tost they could ex- Mhntlat rumtaig matte, to not preee themselves, "but, in an States had a 60 per cent lead in toria Burke, to toe WaUaoe oo- land-based interconUnenlal Iwl- Ustad o n tha state's votliw ma- onlinatar at the 217 Bwnside orderly manner," and that they obtaMs. Pairsd with Wtailaoa to must “stey In one group,” in an Ustto mlssHea. Ave. beadquoiters. Breakthrough Possible Ancordtaig to Pe’^tagon mlU- C tooilla Ctov. M arrto Burke’s eoutoem aoomt was (■as Faga Ton) WABHINaTONnav\iir (AP)tAT%\ _ Ppegi.__ < ___ tary sources, toe UMted Statea "We have communications and the Viet Gong’s poUtloal had 10 Atlas ICBBfIs tat 1900. dont Johnm is svidenUy con- with the North Vietnamese from with them before toe weekend, vlnosd bo may yot make a arm, toe National Liberation Nixon, vice president in tbs time to time," he said. "Wo leading to speculation that toe Bisenhower adminlstratiott, also *>to*Iflbrough toward peace In Front in the next xtoase of toe President foresaw a possible have no problem exchanging Pari# peace talks. ohaiged a 600 pMT e m t U A . lead ViMnam, despite reiiorts that Vietnam breakthrough during As toon at tha laavat fall . . . and tha viewpoints at this stage." The President’s views etan. In nudear submarlnea hod b ^ there has bem no solution to The President, arguing toe ne­ the week. air turnt nippy, you'll bo glad you had two major problems stendtay in before allied sources reported in cu t to 100 per oent, that a U A cessity of secrecy, refrained However, be said Thursday, edge In taotloal alroraft hod dis­ the way of a halt to U.8. bomb­ Paris that a secret plM had that “there had been no basic tha foretignt to ttora away ono of our ing of toe North. from defining the issues which been formulated in Washington appeared and toot toe staxflqpUa have blocked agreement eo far. change, no breakthrough." of strateglo materials had bom now fur>trimmad or untrimmad coats! "Wo are working hard and that calls for a flrst step of a This waa toe second "no Responsible authorities said bombing halt which would lead seriously dspleted. Fabrics were navar mora flattaring. All dlMgtotly and earn ed,” j<*n- privately,'however, that he is breakthrough" report from toe Thto to the flmt ttme in the son said Thursday at a news to a -cease-fire in South Viet­ coats ara datignad ih tha nawast tilhou* stm seeking assurances from nam. White House in less than two conlerenoe at which he also oon- weeks. The first came Oct. 16 (See Page Twelve) ettes... Hanoi on American lives last os a turbine eleotrio drtvo sub- and vociferous,” the President had been told eau-ller in the The grandfather, President marine, will cost $160 mlUtan to week that Johnson would meet Lomdon B. Johnson, announced sal(L "She seems to' know that (See Page Ten) $300 milUoR, or n e u ly triple toe she is here and has her work cut toe birth himself to newsmen at ^ J " ^ $78 mUHon priM tag tor tta lat­ suburban Bethesda Naval M sdi- beesause she has est nuidaar steaok aid». cal Center. expressed herraU." The defoose chief told a nswa The father, Marine Oapt. Lynda entered the hospital at oonteionoe he had iwvtawad tha Oharlea 8. Robb, was In his tin- 8:30 p.m . Thursday nlgtat, about poaetole need M wefi aa the ooat Charge Accounts roofed (tffloe of the 1st Marins two houiw after labor started. Texas Priests Ask of the submarine "aad i hava Invited... Dlvlston’s supply section in Her mother and 21-year-old sis­ now decided to go forward wtiti Vietnam. ter, — ------Luci Nugent,- went along on the progrsin." Robb’e first reaction? "It’s a the elgbt-mlle...... drive from the Ouster o f Prelate The decision maitaad a tradition here," he said, "Out- White House, triumph tor the Navyto — -»Tir FASHION STEPS OUT - WEATHER OR NOT standing’ is the word we use^- Lynda spent Just 16 minutes In SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (AP) — told a news (xmference today, “I ship expert. Vice Adm. HyiMn "Very lMq>py” were. the v. words the------delivery, room. A group of 61 priests have asked am deeply grieved at their (the O. Rlokover, who lisa haen Mfib- jonnsem used to describe the Her doctor. Navy Capt. Wlal- tor the removal of Archbishop 61’s) anguish of noirit. ly oiitloal in toe past of Psota- gon otvUlhas whom ha snnwsil of bolding book oo sUbBMittts SrsaSr oomfruotlon. There had been rtpotto tataly .... only • 30 inches long, wasn't named. ximH. • ... oeuevea ne spoke tor the nxira .toot Otftord’a egatema aaalytfa Asked vdiat names were under wglonal Uock priests" In toe office wintad to IBR tha quiat t e l 6494842 23 consideration, Robb replied. ®<»»o1oub VI other CSa^llc lead- archdloceee who did not elgn the sub projs«]t GHMord ofiliL iM r- WITH ZIP-IN ORLON LINER "I'll have to let Lynda an^swer porttops not a few ever, ba w m not flotag to - that one, rince she's had custo- ^ It out of love jia,.. meat <» what raai^^pi^gi||g|M MANCHESTEfl Wa^-rspellent 88% dacron polyeatsr and 86% cotton, wsshabls by hand or msohlns dy for toe last nine months." l^ynOon Nugent-16 ^ « « fiiroh m i concern tor archdlooessn had ham mada 4itlEE ^ Da- MANCHESTER PARKADE '*'‘^** DuPont’s Zspel nuorldlssr that prevents spots, staining. Watery, nsasy '• Three Navv doctors and two •go. aald her sister the pele," said the Rev. Louis fenM DepartaMfit, . spUls blot or wipe right off...loft, warm oiion acrylic plU alp-out lining,.-.ciassle 81. spokesnmn for Laot J u l y ----- SHOm iB Downtown Main Btreot if l^ f i t s ****^” ’ *" '»• *• • » "*vy, rsgsncy blue, Ivory. dered a goi •LAUNDERCENTER Manchester Within a halt an hour, Robb ,^^**°*®whole fam ily '^•ntwent to see .A*'®*‘ Arohbtahop “ **w>P Luoey,^ o e y , 77, U toe ^en^t wt to^m m akJ*!!^^*^ now otaua o f j _ nm uD E had a telephone caU from Lt. •"<» the baby after the ®Wef Catholic official of the 10 tw inftrtDM WE'RE OPEN 6 DAYS EVERY WEEK THURSDAYS till 9:00 P.M. ,‘;*MiHtfiry people have a higher code o f eth ics than the ordinary d tiaen ” -.U u rti8 Gen. Lewis Walt, Marine deputy and the President laugh- dioosses and the OUsho- high spaedq. commandant, informing him of *ng»y told reporters, "We would Caty-TuUa diocese. ” 7 “* ‘ T h e U m s y , speaking yederday in Baat HartfoKj. (Herald pJloto by Buceivlcius) toe birth. BlshonBishop StenhenStephan AA. Leven, sux- “** Ant««o andtdlooese, ■ubmariiM' la (Bea Paga Twelva) lUsry btabop of the sndidioosss. (8 m Paga Twahra) ? A G I TW O MANCHttSI'KK EVENING HERALD. M ^CHESTER, CONN.. ^ . . FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1988 IIANCHBSTER e v e n i n g h e r a l d . MANCHESTER. CONN^ FRIDAY. OCTOBER 26.^1968 P A G E T H R E E JL South Windcor wouM than draft « MU to fit th* Sheinwolfl on Bridge THEATER TDIE THE UNIVlKSirr OK CONNiC T pubtlo’s nesds. Bald Lasamaa, 1968 1969 I "thla pfoosdura would anttel- SCHEDULE Lassman Asks pata mcr* atatt woik and aum E V E N BfOST EX PK KTS BOLTON LAKE HOTEL } Intanalvo haartnga " I t would MARY E. LE DUG BOOHT FAIL TOOAT NOKTH FBIDAT 'Route 44A— ^BoHon, Conn. Streamiiiiiiig result ia ”sa la depth iavaaU- A Q l 1094 RnprtMntarivn^for IStli O lsti^ By ALFBKD SHEDtWOLD Burnside Paper U m v 7:00 gallon of lasuM rather than th* O Q5 - 9:00. Tel. 648-8781 Of Assembly hurried and superficial hsarinfs At flte Utda, probaldy only O A J 10 State — Parent TYap, 1:40 • concerts now bsld.V* one pUyar in a mlllian would * J 10 3 6:80-9:00. GkiUath 2nd, 1:90- • D in insf F or F o o dA . t hioumbsnt State Rsprsaenta- 0P8 NINO OONCtRT tive Edwin A. Lassman, who is Laaaman’a last reoesnmenda- make fame la today's hand, WEST e a s t 6:10 • 8:40. Its Finest • DsDcinff - -M--- 1- CHAMMN 988100 A running for re-sieotlon on Um tlon Is for "bettor fhoUltlea for but many readais wUI find tbe A K7632 A 83 U.A. Theater — 1 Lowe Tou On The Terrace, fTAOnAmiy • Banquets O c to b e r ARTHUR Demoorsitlo Uokat, has gtvsn the staff and togtalatora so that itftat play If tliey flTo tht hand O 63 07 KI97 Alioe, 7:16 • 9K». Veraeini! Ooneta No. 7 Oreiiookiiv Ms obstwattons on th* opsra- Instead o f corridor oonferen- a aaoond look. Tlw right play O J 0 Q 9 8 > ' Hiast Hariford Driwe-hi — • WeddinsB 30 QRUMIAUX Bach; PartlM No. 2 BeautiAd BoHon tlon of the leglalatara. css, a IsgtoSator cotdd deal wlUi is apectaoidar and tbooght-pto- A Q9762 A 834 I Love Tou AUoe, 9:40. Hotd, 9 :1 6 p .m . ' viollnlet Oabuews Ooneta • Cemventions Lake. von der M etidlfl f aasinan aald that as a hla oomtltusntB with dlgidty. wokii«. SOUTH 7 :» . Leon Pommere frokettm: Sonata OpwM Recital Hell, at the piano Tkketa: 83.60, fliat term legtslaitor hs could Ttisre is a great need for li­ Opening lead Kx of dnha. A A Eiad Windsor Dilve-lh — Am OONDinONSD brary find resear ch taellltlsa at The Fync, 9:90. Oountdown, 7:80. 'stom (81.00 atudemi only) see the (qwratiens of tho state Soutti wtna tfaa lin t trick wtib 9 A 1084 2 F B A T im iN O legislature with mote objeothr- ths State Capitol so Uiat legls- Itie U ag of cUba, oaahaa tfaa ana Manchester Drlve-lfa — O K6342 Ity than one who has become lators oouM do thslr homqwork of apadaa and (if be ia tfaa aaar- A AK Sheltered Room, 0:80 • 10:10 THE NICK NIOKOUSimO Pteaae tend itanped u .e . or preeant (In paraon) • ^ t t e k or money ( and thus bettor serve th e ir It, 8:90. Every Friday and Saturday for your Daneiiig i acooetumed to tbs tlm* worn age good player) lea* a dia­ Wed Notib East payaMa to The Unlvanitv of ConnactleuL Joryanaan Box O ^ , 9l diatrtot. mond to h ^ a flnaaaB adtfa the UsteniBg Pleasure procedures. 1 A Pass c M 26A Talaphona 429-3311, Ext. 807. Lessman said, "As your lep- Democrats Meet IMUy T:U - •.-«§ Jack. If this worked, declarer ODD POSTMARK Ps*« 3 0 Pan reesBtaUve last term, I ob­ The 6ouQi Windsor Democrat­ Bat. - Sm . could gtne ig> a apada trick and A IIP s ^ EL QANTARA, Ijiraeli-occu­ ic Town Oommlttes will bold a arauld naturp to dummy wMh served the leglBlaUve process pied Egypt (AP)—The Israeli oloeely both In committee and s(>ecUL) ‘meeting today et 8:16 the ace of diamnnda to take Army has <^>ened a post office at Democratic Headquarters la I Sttaiigler* the rent of the apadea. in actual seasloni. Thar* is r w should not open with o m in its half of this city which DOBSTBBg the A to Z Fteaa on SuMvan Actually, East takes the FUNNY BEST SELLING BOOK TO-SCREEN! much that must immedtatoly be of a auit when you have only straddles the Sues Canal. The Utra in ear M t Water done to allow our government Avenue. _____ queen of dIaitMwirte and r etmus one ace atM} ia> fcinga o f aU. postmark reculs: 'TSradi De­ Tu B al > a ctnb. Now South has only irttiTniHj to keep paoe with the ever In­ Bfondieoter Bvenfaig Her­ Oepyrlght 190B, fense Farces El Qantara'' in elgJE trlcka. K South tries to I Cherry Stooes, U tflo Neeks| creasing burdens which o m ald, Sootti Wbidaor oorrs- T ftc U lA , Oeneral Featmms Carp. Hebrew, EhigUah and Arahic. set up the spades, the defend­ ChqwdarOaaM thrust iqxm It.” spoodent, Oatherine B. May, tel. FtaMi Bwordflab—Sbrlmp n P i l P E R , ers take c m diamand, one spade Liossman proposed the estab­ 644-2286. i b Scallapo and an other Put th « Housfifwivw' VoicB In H and thrae ddba lishment of annual sesalona of Seafood In Season 1 ths leglslatuTe wtth every other Housb o f Represenfethres... fmpottaal Discard MANCHfSTIR WhereT Starts TiM —I^eatne 8:40 year devoted only to budget Adnlla OWy South must take the king of H H E ciNTER Msnflaatm f abster Mart Get dubs, cash the ace of spades ______NOW 037 Mam S t, Mencheetar I ooralderatlons. He aald It la You ccRi iiovB ft on VOTE DEMOCRATIC No One Uartrr 18 Cn££HdHddUiMiadiddKNBIIIidUa OARKINC REAR OF THEATRE Spwflal PoUeemaa On Duty and lead a dlamood to dummy's TeL ei9-gm fo r ok “becoming aparent that it Is M ary L e Doc Repreaentattve OomnUMee •AO A >id> Hat. - 8m . ldW-4:M-d:S0-*H>0 At the Omtar Bossd on th# bo by George Plimpton | Impossible to formulate with Monday, Tiitsday, Da Svenriae A0 ace. Than be raturas the queen Near the U b ra ry . . . (Maty Lararin, Treaaonr) of spades, tHacardtag the aoe of R e a d y any degree of acouraoy a budg­ clidn. AISrTAIda bMduJ Lauren Hutton 1 et which must antioipete ex­ W odnofidoy, Tliunday, West takes the h b « of apadee L a ffs ! penses and Inoom* lo r two but cannot oonBwue dUba with­ Technicolor* | Getting Ready for the Arts Festival yean .” FiM ay and Sotvrdoy c out gielng dummy a d u b trick. Toolclrt He also proposed that th* K fO S bomdAt legislature, except for major That ghres declarer ftaur spades, at ^eparing for the opening of the seventh annual Kenway of the Fine Art group, and Edward Carl­ BUTNEYER one heart, taro dtamnnds sod HAYUEY MILLS BURNSIDE Fine Arts Festival tonight at Manchester High bills, have committee hearings aETUHEfl DUSS CO. 7KN)>9:06 son o f the Lions Club. 'Kie festival is sponsored by topic rather than for each two ddba. (pif . ^hool are from left to right, Mrs. Teresa Wil­ ON SUNDAY J After tafckv the Hng of HAYL^ MILLS by the Manchester'Fine Art Association and the bill. The committee Involved, 54 McKEE SniEET 1 6 4 D 4 5 2 1 lies, president of the Manchester Fine Art , Manchester Lions Club and will be open today from after bearing the public fidly, 5 apadee West's best dafanae is to shift to a heart. Declarer cap­ AMociation; Hial Parke, president of the Lions 6 to 10 p.m., tomorrow from 1 to 10 p.m„ and tures the Jack wUh the aoe of ^ 7 0 e ^3ub; and th'e co-chairmen of the event, Mrs. Rita Sunday from 1 to 6 p.m. (Herald photo by Qfiara) D. D. EISENHOWER, DECANTER . .fS jO O hearia and laada a low diamond J. F. KENNEDY, DECANTER ... - | il2 ^ Elaat can take the queen of M R C N r partiolpant in a presidential de­ F. D. ROOSEVELT...... ilO U IO diamnnda and mnat return a t r a p Big Turnout bate, leaving the field to Nixon Voter SeMions M.L.KING ...... ftS.00 iA a . diamond to dummy's Ja^ to ; G and Vice President Hubert H. Stock Market R. F. K E N N E D Y ...... IS.M aedd gtetag South an easy ninfh P W t___ Joanna AAoore Humphrey. The dally - admission - o t - NULINE REPRODUCTIONS FROM ^ trick. Declarer rune the apadee, For Wallace It he wanted to rebut his two new-voters law is not In ef­ •.Evtvrr TIMES SEVEN ‘COUNTDOWN' Pushes into keeping two faearta am) the kiiig PA-PA JOFS opponents, Wallace said, he fect between now and elec­ Now la the time to bring In your screens to be rq;wired. of AtoTiwuiM in hie faetM l He O’HARA I iMiillit Ra hrUriltMi At Garden would pay for his own telecant. tion day, Manchester Town Storm window gteas replaoed. pias A Dsurtac Os-HH tfaoi leade the queen of faeerts [A SI WINDSOR As the la fly drew near conclu­ CTlerk Bldwavd Tomklel aald Plus Ground from dummy, and the de­ -BRIAM KEITH today. '■ “UU. PINK PUSSY” DRIVE IN ★ RT 5 (Oontlmied from Page One) sion, the remaining hecUers in AUTO CUSS INSTALLED WkH» Bla Uaea fenders mnat yidd the nindi oSxRtXlGLES aaMERKa | the hall allpped from the arena, He said that those Man- Ry ED MORW trick d d ier to dummy's Jade of GIANT N e a tlM .: •V n J O A T u h C A R IK X L i m BARNES o n ^ tagainet the window* end ahout- most of them with police protec- cherter residents vdiose reg- A P Business W riter DUSS FUmilTURE TOPS dulM or to one of the good red — .TiMs: DAVID SWIFT *ed obsoenltles, beftxne police i»- Ucn. , istratlon-ellglbilty rights will NEW YORK (AP)— Selling oarde in the South hand. have matured between Dot pressure eased and the stock SEE. What You Buy v-*,55wSfX ERiCM KASTNER ■»» TOMMY SANDS iM ANNETTE *nptfie | 'tervened. Later, a group o f 800 demon- MIRRORS (Fireplace and Door) D ally Qoestloa etrators marched up to Tlmea 18 and Nov. 6, Election Day, market poked its nose into plus EMM BONnay Ae dealer, yen held: Bpedea, phmi nr siio GRMDEfiS - PIZZA The picket*, however Square. may sign up as voters on territory eaj^y FrUtay after­ Nothing you buy will ever be as permanent as a family PICTURE FRAM1ND (all types) Bcaite, M a - pTlntj MkSHrY...Shwl but WONOj^PUL ||gtabbed conference flag* and The WaBace aupportera—one Nov. 4, in a special 9 a.m. to noon. ■m di, Kd-U; Oitoa, d-lSd. b u t no .7. We have the experience. We have the com­ GUILD 1968 Campaign Bottles I«n tlcketa by Wallace aides and Dutchem Oounties to New said. ^when it became appecent the York, and Burilngtnn Ckiunty, Blue dilpa were reactionary plete display. We specialize In fully guar­ Nixon end Agnew on Amber Eiephant Those eligible to sign up arena would not be tilled. N.J. at (he start In a continuation of anteed ^le c t Barre Granite Monuments. Monuments Bottles...... OS.OO 646-1555 on Nov. 4 and who do, will Thursday’s sharp seiiaff, wMcfa WaJtoJoe was accorded heavier Humphrey end Muekie on Green Donkey 1 Several grotqw of hecklen in be eligible to vote Nov. 6. was sunxxxKled by disappoiat- ■ecurity preoauttons than those SAPORin MEMORIAL CO. the anna, aurtounded by hel- Those who w ill -have reach­ menf that no appsu-mt pcogiesa B ottk a...... ^ jOO metld pchoe who shielded them taken for either Htmqihrey or 470 OBSNTEB 8T., MANOBBSTER-64S-77S2 HOME OF THE 11AJU te 111 ed (he age of 21 during the bed been mads In Vietnam 11AJI. to 1 PJ f^ F ri. bb4 Sirt. the Wallace supportere, Nixon. Police headquarters said period Oct. 18 and Nov. 6, peace moves. EASTHARTfORD 'Chahted anti-Wallace ologana. 1,600 unltormed men were kept 9 HANT ORINDERS OPEN 4 PJL to 11 P JL-teM h 9 * and those vdio are 21 and Hopes o f a breakthrough In DliivJ i'l ★ RT cn overtime, although a portion J The former Alabama gover- over and w ill have resided In the Paris peace talks began to 21, •nor aald ' ’Don't worry about o f this number was neoessltajted 'It*'' 1ION.-THURS., 10 AJI^12 Miifciiglit—PTL-Sat 10 AJt-1 AJf Mancheeter six months, dur­ emerge as the session wailmed iiy the poHce work slowdown in th^t, I can dnciwn them out.” ing the period Oct. IS and up, however, and there was Sander 3 PJK-11 PJL a wage dispute with Uie dty. And he dhd Ue vocal audience Nov. 6, arc the wies eligible some precautionary pro-weeke.'xl did. tor Nov. 4 I’eglstratlon, and buying in the event that a big Statement from an The iieckUng began even Im - none others, Tomklel said. news break on peace might send TEL. 64P-5329 273 b r o a d s t r e e t fore WaBace and L«May ar­ Fierce Fighting the market to a runaway rally rived, .and squade of police sev­ JL Near Yemen Capital next week. eral Unw* waded into various 12th Qrenit Third quarter eamlngs re­ Electric Heating Expert secUons of the grandstand to ADEN, South Yemen (A P ) ports also were uneqcpectedly toss out trouMemakers and Fierce fighting is reported 40 g?ood and gave the market a SURPRISE ? ? break tg> fist fights. mdles southeast o f San'a, the Court Cases firm economic backdrop. The Secret Service, according capital of Yemen, and Republi­ The Dow Jones Industrial av­ to a VMtoce aide, estimated the can troops claim they have MANCHESTER SESSION erage at noon was up l.a i at 1 THE NEW OWNER OF C-Ft HAS A VERY 1 crowd at 14,(XX>. The Gkuxten forced the Royalists to retreat Steven M. Caouette, 18, of 968.29. holds 20,000. About 2,600 seats from posittons they have con^ no certain addrees, who appear­ Bristol-Myers paced the list 1 PlEASAWT SURFRISE FOR YOU . . . I were raped o ff and unoccupied trdled since last December on ed In ns cascaded from appeared before Judge Harold Thursday aald Yemeni Republi­ when It first declined on disap­ the oeIBng and the crowd can pamtroopers made a drop Missal In Manchester Session of Ctreiut Court yesterday and pointing earnings, then rose v i­ cheered for 10 minutes before onto Royalist mountain posi­ gorously. NOBODY ELSE IN TOWN HAS m | allowing Mm to speak. was ordered transferred to Nor­ tions. 1 wich State Hoepltal. Gulf A Western fed nearly a Wallace accepted the ap- The Royalists' radio admitted In Vernon, Caouette told point, and Sinclair declined piauae with snappy salutes Wednesday that the Republi­ about 11,4 In active trading after while the band alternated with Judge Missal he had been on cans were launching heavy at­ news reported that Sinclair’s chccuses o f “ D ixie" and "Y an ­ his own for the past tour years tacks on their positions, but nei­ board had decided a possible kee Doodle.” Perfiapa the meet stoce leavir^ 8th grade. . “I ther Bide so far has made any tender offer from Gulf A West­ etithuslastlc applause followed haven't a family,” he said, "and announcement o f casualties. I can’t go to Jail.” He repeat­ ern would not bo In the best In- Wallace's prohiise to “ make the Informed sources said the Re­ terests o f the onmpany. Mean­ stneets of New York end other ed this plaintive statement in publican premier, Oen. Hassan while, GAW said It would not ottles safe again.” Manchester yesterday stating al Amry, was leading his forces make known Its tender offer WaHace said that if elected he he would -be mentally unable In a drive to make the capital to cope with the situation If he immediately. would give Ms moral s)q>port to safe from sporadic Royalist the poUce and telt (hem, “ You were returned to a cell. Bausch A Lomb spurted about mortar attacks. The drive Is 3 points on word that the com­ enforoe Ute law end make It Caouette signed an appUoa- supported by planes, rocket pany planned to report Sunday safe on the streets end your tion Issued by Judge Missal launchers and heavy artillery, on a "revolutionary” new con­ president wlfll stand with you.” which authorizes his transfer to the sources said. tact le.iB It has developed. He assailed both (his presiden­ Norwich HospUal for the pur­ Meanwhile, San’a Radio re­ Smith, KUne A French was tial rivals and critlcired Repub- poses of receiving a mental ported that the fledgling Yem;^ propelled to a spot among the Uoan Richard M. Nixon for re­ exam emd to determine whether OUVfflill'flIlfl) m naval force celebrated fts volume leaders by a block of H iA ca c t ) H a ir HWUTOS^ Q ncM D, M M ) O K W ICE! fusing to debate on national he Is a drug dependant. The fourth anniversary Thursday 100,000 shares, off % at 60. Lat­ SenevatBrDBUnOV an) lurH tsn. IMOWO television. When he furlved in hospital will report to (he court t tmr SCNCXCr mooucioi with a review and several Rus­ on or before Nov. 1. er It pared the loss. ■ ' r aioui ivM tum i SKIS - Vita axTS (AFADESj NSW York, Wohaoe sold he sian-supplied torpedo boats AmefiC.i • No 1 r.in' , ' • .y. 1^ would iwlthdrow comptetely as a Albert T. Doyon, 60, of 869 Another big block was 86,400 were shown. Main St. charged vrtth indecent ahares of Gather Products, up MBBiterBf the year! assault In coiuiecUon with the 91 at 88H, helping to push this T o d a y’s S h ow w ith a Eastern States alleged molestation of a boy last stock near the top of the most- '’ELECTRIC HEAT Tomorrow Look I Saturday, entered a pro forma active Ust. N M^hdAdlWWVlH ^rSIROIM------WUBHWeee COUSEUM plea of not guilty, waived a Among other active issues, f f tmM.dn.|M ^ a- - West Springfield hearing on probable cause, and ^ f t gained about 2, Sprague ^MmnQHV 4dVlllWj99d had his case boimd over to the ENDED OUR WORRIES ■ ■.. ■ Opens and MaonMceal FIANO’S RESTAURANT next session of Hartford Super­ MuM-VMen. WedjjJtoVj^W Vought preferred 1 . That’s what Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Kulik of Church Street, Collinsville, say. ROUTE 0 and 44A, Bdl/rON ior Court. a ^ le r was down 1 tn active H LUNCHEON BUFFET Other cases disposed of in­ trading. Nightly cluded: Michael Talagg, 17, of "We used to have a tough time here in winter," says^ ORDER YOUR N4 hlaiipet A OMMAa Nov. U-14-1S-1S- SERVED WED. 'and FRI. 28 Pine St., reckless driving ^ American Stock l» -M -S l-n — 8:00 pjn. genfiTORy hlgl^ Mr. Kulik. "We had cold rooms because our two heating _ ■ - DANCINQ ____ |2|, operating a motor vehicle w Ih s J ^ r trading than Thin-s- TICKETS Nov. 16 and 28 without a license $26, and had stoves didn’t give enough heat. We stayed up a lot of •lOO p.m. EVERY SAT. NIGHT *^*®*'y Randall, up a Mstiuees a charge of disobeying an of­ ^ In t, paced the Ust on activity. nights, worrying." , BY MAIL „ LET US HELP YOU WITH YOUR ficer nolled; Olga Urra, a stu­ SmL, Nov. 16 and tS Saxon Xmtustrleff itiee 8, Par- dent at the University of Con­ TODAY Son., Nov. 17 and 24 ^^NQ UET ARRANQBMENTS--TBL. 648-2842^ vto-Dohnnann, Superscope and "Then we converted to baseboard electric^eat,” Mrs. 'M. 1:80 pjn . and 0:80 p.m. necticut, charged with shoplift­ “ ...... y m m ' ing had her case nolled. Consolidated OU A Gas a point Kulik continues. "It’s quiet, and clean. We are PyUm or more. MAIL ORDERS CUp Coupon Below SiOO—6i50— 1:00 Cases continued Included: , comfortable and have no worries. Ail I have to do is set m Russell Brown, 18, of East Hart­ RECEIVE and Bend Cheek or 4JO—0.00 J a ^ ta ” ^ C anaiair the thermostats and that’s it. I like it!" "And it’s Money Order A ll Seato ford, pleaded not guilty to PREFERENCE Payable To: Beeerved charges of breaking and enter­ cheaper," adds Mr. Pelkey. "The neighbors were ing in the daytime and larceny surprised when we compared costs on our new heating im iiiiiiniiM iiM it-niiiiiM ^rr over tl6. East Hartford Jury systems." __'ir^RODDYMcOOWAli P I 7 7 A 1f l M I ! ^ trial In November; Bruce W. Candidate Will Back SPRINGFIELD M AN AG EM ENT CO., Inc. Q>burp, 17, of East Hartford, Prayer in Schools It's the same story with the Kuliks’ daughter and 42^ MAIN ST. Betow Frimdiy's charged with breaking and en­ P.O. BOX 511, WEST SPRINGFIELD, MASS. 01089 tering In the daytime, larceny MHRIDEN (AiP) _ Rmihn son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pelkey, who live in the over $16, breaking and entering Huse^^ro- Enclosed Fine $ ...... For ...... Tickets At $ ...... Each two-family home’s other duplex apartment with their two 6lattrlfp0tpr SPECIALS! in the daytime, larceny over jotoed Thursday to work c ^ - young children. Converting to electric heat ended their For 1st Choice: D a te...... T im e ...... $260, continued today to East tor to the U.S. Supreme Court Eopnfit5 frralD Got your FREE Ronald McDonald Halloween mask BtANT SMALL Hartford Session of Circuit to getting prayers back in pub- heating problems, too. 2nd Choice; D a te ...... Time Court 12. Uo-sohool routines if he is elect- 1 a Thomas P. Heleen, 20, and fid to Congress. P t^lkkld Daily 10xoai4 Oundaya vis. MEA1BAU. PIZZA There are many different electric heating systems. Check aaf Nall Iliya e< 19 BliaaU Braat N AM E ...... __ Do It now, wMIe they last! Terrance Train, 21, both o t Russo said in a radio inter­ uri plumbing or electric heating contractor, or er. Otaa (88010) GRINDERS Any 3 Itmns Lievittown, N.Y. and both charg­ view he disagreed "wholeheart- Mephoae 84Mni ADDRESS ...... ed with possession o f neuraotlos, fid” with the court’s ruling for­ HELCO, about the one to fit your home. fliaai Pealagt fUM at relieved Public Defender bidding prayer in the classroom. e r r y ...... s t a t e ...... z i p ...... 46 West Confer Sf.-^andietter 9 9 « Oeorg9 Royster and asked tor " I f I get to the Congreas, 1 99 ° time to (>btaln private council, am going to put in a bill to Enclose Self-Addressed, Stamped Envelope For Prompt Oct 91; The state asked tor a allow prayers In schools,” he 1^. The Hartford Electric Light Company Call Ahead To Go or Enjoy Herel ‘ Return Of Tickets conUiKUUiice in the case ot Roy said. Ruseo Is campaigning to 646-019S^ IWIrOnnnIfllM Im lanaiv b'laodi P. Johnson, 17, of 144 Blroh 8t., unseat five-term Demooratlo Nov, 7. Rep. John S. Monagan. Yom imsmomD m m emm P A C T F D U H MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. FRIDAYi OCTOBER 26,1968 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., .FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1968 PAGE FTVB 52nd ’District Rdce gram, the first $40 of the cost B lu e C ro ss o f hosiHtal care must be paid Thursday afternoon that no Vit- paign appearances in St. Paul Vernon by the patient. Blue Ckoss 66 WhM Th« OcccbIob C d b #or Agnew Retreats nam breakthrough was Immi­ before leaving for the West pays the $40 and, beginning Jan. Think of Tho TV-Radio. Tonight From Predietioii nent, Agnew began to reverse (toast tonight. House TraRer Benefits up 1 Mtith tha liKreases, will pay hto optimistic forecasts. He said Both Candidates Ursine More State Aid hto oHginal optimism was baaed NOTICE Parkhtll-Joyc^ O f Viet Peace purely on speculation. Five Da, Forecart R u iu cd b y FI t C ■ r M A M O K IE that a state income tax Is un­ For Medicare Medicare provldte payments for 90 days, but charges the ” I knew President Johnson A house trailer, parked a t necessary ahd that H wlU create Televifdon ST. PAUL, Minnesota (AP) — WINDSOR LOCKS, Oonn. (A P ) ^ro B*at Hampton men are patient $10 a day fo r tha last was going to call a press confer­ 187 Warren Ave., was destroyed from hxloy, until complottd, — wa wM b* a whole new department of state NEW HAVEN, Oona (AP)— Flower Shop 5:00 ( Republican viito presidential biglimlnK their final week at 80 days. Blue Cross 66 pays that ( 8-40)' 18th Bummer Olympic ence and my predictions were — The U.S. Weather Bureau by Are last night shortly before government that wlM be costly Announcement of a 10 per cent Frank Oakelsr, r roptlsOte Osmes candidate Spiro T. Agnew has propriath>ns for Ocftnmerce, a member of the 1:00 ()uM Hours 7:30 David B rln k l^ American Legion, VFW, Elks ______S F F O P — 1 « # 7:80 Nows of the World mittee Paoneasa is the owner state parks In the district, 1:00 Danny Ctayton 7:46 Joe Goraglola and presidmt of Arcadia O'NeiU said he promised to in­ and Masons. 1:00 Dick Heattierton 7:66 EmphaslB COME VISIT OUR NEW Paoneesa was bom in New >:00 Btere Morgan 8:00 News The Lost Day of Homes, Inc. o f Blast Hampton. troduce legislation for the gen­ 1:00 Gary Girard 8:10 Pep (Concert 5 On the question of increased eral improvement of Holbrook Britain and has lived in East W INF—Its# 9:10 NIghtbeat 1:00 News 11:00 Nows, Weather ttate sId to education, both State park. During the last ses­ Hampton alnce 1925. His father 1: U »>eak Up 11:30 BmrU Final men agree that the towns of sion he got an appropriation of served as a Democratic mayor 1:00 News 11:8) Otber Bide of the Day ):16 BpeiUc Ifo Hartford Our Really B-l-G the distiict need additional 9297,000 for the development of of New Britain for three terms, A- Message ' 7 Lowed Thonias ADkC grants. O'NeiU said that Oay City State Park and Hurd big Paonessa has never been a t R lttu io I World Tonight TRICK OR TREAT he feels that an Increase is vl- State Park. member of the Democratic GtMoni 57th Anniversary tel to the rural areas where In Paonessa, on the state park party. He attended the Mel- Up Bports CANMES. MASKS many caaes the educational Issue said, "I feel with a $120,- ^°'“ *** Unlveragy In Australia Bports COSTUMES ootts are up

• 3) Town needs must be better represented at the State levels. A portion of the gasoline tax can be retained by towns for road repairs. Also, State aid for education must be furnished without hidden strings attached. The elderly of our towns have received virtually nothing from tha State. Thev have a right to their fair share. Most of the State income is directed to city needs and welfare. By weeding out the welfare chiselers, and more careful attention to all of the people's GALA needs, our great. State could once again begin to move ahead.

4) The waste on the State level must be checked if we are to keep our economy strong and prom­ A IUw4 Wiaail $ 200. 9. Oral DtoMrt $ 400. ising. Many young people and executives have an investment in the future of Connecticut The C iMrt Olwrt $ <00. present State government has incurred a debt of over $120,000,000.00. W e cannot allow this } AUCTION D. Pl—M< $1000. huge debt to act «» « drag on our economy. A State Senator has a duty to his town or city, 1 w L U m t DtosMl $2000. but he also has an obligation to maintain a check on all matters affecting the taxes collected from tha people. - F. IjlwwiM Cn DtosMif - $2509 Saturday, Oct. 26,1968 C. [awfiM Git Bltsusl $1300 / Other S^vltt Diamonds $50 to $25,000. ST. JAMES SCHOOL Buy Sevitt Diamonds W ith THERE IS A BETTER WAY Court Yord on Porfc Stroot Peace-Of'Mind JONAITHAN LOGAN DORS TNR SUEDE WRAPS UP FASHION . . . THI N ew SLANT ON PANTS . . . PUR FAKERY IN FASHIONS . . . NO lAUS PINAL COAT DRRSS TO FIT THI AND AT A PRESENTS THE ZHIVAGO

• < 0 \

• a”-' • •r


ter Bavtar of North Rd. became MUton Jensen, Albert Martin, Allan R. Aronson, Alton Rose, South Windsor ^ Coventry Negro History CUiss Hears Bolton one-gaHon donora. Roger Bo(<|uc, Robert Smith, y if n . Betty Jensen. Rec Aides Involved Thooe who kept appointments Miss Patricia dark, Ann Ma- In addition to those listed pre- JOHNSON SEAHORSE were- Mia. Sue Gorton, Mrs. lucci, Mrs. PrIacUla Trefrthen v’o"My, the following assisted both ftOTK Mrs. Wasik Purchase of Used Bulldozer Advocate of Black Power 63 Pints Oarollne dark, Mrs. Doris and Mrs. Marylou Lemalre. toe Bloodmoblle:' Mrs. TSy Tell of Boyle Case A biaek power advocate from "If some of you people went Behrman, Mrs. Mary Sheridan, Also, Rev. Stanton Conover, '’’ViT'en Clark, Mrs. Edward opoo tontsht CMoago and Alabama, blacka to aee Ctaba, you’d see they are O f Blood Mrs. Anne Dreaelly, Mrs. Dorie Mrs. Maule Carpenter, Dr. •Tio*na4, Pam eto Oondvtr, U n­ FAIRWAY Cites Bills Awaits Inspection Tomorrow OUTBOARD MOTORS Oowles, Mrs. Emily Mar, Mrs. LiBBter C. Silver Jr. and Robert Parizeau, two Man- from Etartford’a North Dnd and human beinga. Everyone works Dougias Fen'ty, Raymond Ne­ to Fish and 'I’eny Ouelette. F/RST diester polkemen, and for many years piaik-tkne em- The buMdoser comm lttM They had mode this donsMon about 28 IfjanrtMster white rea- everyone eatoy" he aald. Anne Gagnon, Richard Dimock gro, Russell Moonan, Mrs. June Mrs. Richard Olmsted and till 91 made its final r^>ort to the In appreciation to the tovdv Air About the rdbMUon o f youths Donated and Mrs. Lois HiBs. a pk>y«8 of the Rec Department, have IdentiDed them- By Lassman V/2 HP. fo 100 HP. Identa had a ahatp and lively Sanborn, William Bogner, Mrs. H n. Richard Dlmock, In charge Board of ^leotmen last night, having senrices avatiaMe In today, be oold, "Klda aia la- Also, Mrs. Jean Dooman, Irene Weir, Mrs. Jeaime y toe viaU, wish to thank all •Hvea as the two rec department employes diecharsr^ confrontation for two hours last A total of 68 pinto of Mood School Board member Mrs. and the selectmen will reserve town at the disposal of ihe Sal­ SALES — PARTS — SERVICE beUtag againat their parents Mrs. Florence Under, Mrs. Tltcomb, Walter Mar, Mrs. Nan­ thosa who worked and made it halloween costumes by fwiner Rec Department Director l^lliam Boyle, Donald Wasik has cited State their decision on whether or not night to toe "Black IBatory’’ because they (the parents) are kt « Joint atatemont Isaued------vation Am y camp on Coventry claaa [run by John B. Rogera were collected at the Red Oooa Nancy Lambert, Mrs. Dorothy cy Dlmock, and John Strutt. so successful, including those Representative Edwin A. Lass- to make the purchase until they Lake. But toe aeleotmen retum- EASY TERMS — USED MOTORS lying to them.” BtOodmbMte vlatt to Bolton Fish, WlUlam Fish, Mia. Louise Walk-tn donora were Robert who made calls to prospective ^ y , «*2: go waa th«t he a “olose friend man’s “exceptional ability, as have a chance tomorrow to go and sponsored by Manchester otion tor the help given the Open Daily 7:30 A.M.-5 P.M.—Thurs. to 9 About "U w and ord er," Poc^ Boaworth, Mrs. ODra Goodwin, -'onora. 4izes3-14...... «ie onei Bho hi^ aak^ May>r ^ ^nd that both and see the' machine that has Oommunity CMIege at the high ter said, "Speck killed eight Oongregotional Church Wednes­ C. Cummings, Mrs. Betty De- a draftsonan of public law.” ed the donation out of apprecl- school. Mrs. Kay Peterson, Mrs. Mar­ JMfaan AaoMaeiU and Direeitor worked together on the Pi^ce "Certainly the fact (hat he been recommended for use at Sat. to 4 P.M. nuiaea and ha wrtMiea color day. Of 72 appointmente, 84 Mlarttn, Mrs. Sh'rley Potter, town during the recent recovery '^ S tew art Porter, 26, now of guerite Geer, Mia. FhylUs Tay­ uNivERsrnr f u n d s u p ^wlgji...... S9e to $1.77^ m a tu n Schafler to sot up a Department, and thought tt beat personally drafted two of Con­ the dump. TV. SUhon Blihan killed RFK were kept and there were 17 lor, Mrs. Janet Gleason, Mrs. Robert Mortenson, Henry Ryba, aietting b«* which is '.a abort talk on what Mack be able to hire ttX) more faculty Sctocltatton Acts, bears out toe Mai Rhines ^ P le a s e "If I Ulled anyone, I’d be Louis DimoMc Jr. of Notch Alo rslus Aheam , Groevenor McCarrick, Wentiiroith Johnson, e 2 locations: doymtown maM street aati fe-taired." AgoetlneUi and Schal- satl^actory, Boyle repUed that toe amount approved by a spec­ Also last night, Wesley Lewis, Note— power means to black pe<^le. 3 members at Lexington and ac­ (act of Ms ability," she said. dead." Rd. becam e a tiwo-gaUon donor. Wadman, David Gorke, Richard Irvin W. Oaitside, Gerald tor, ttiey say, were at the meet- our work was such, and that ial town meeting last week to who was chaiman of the Na­ (ormeriy with Newberry’. He oald H Is a movement to comodate 2,400 aMt'onal stu­ east middle tamiSke, next to popular market Said Mrs. Wasik, "As a house­ Make anwngemento wltk Porter teaitoes an EJastecn Arnold McKinney of Cedar Holcombe, Albert Hemingway, Gre ne, Robert Morra, Ray­ Ing "at their own volition." this was not the reason for fir- cover the cost of a used piece than Hale Weekend celebration Marine Iti now OMOciated make blaok men real men in dents under a new budget for wife and mother, I am extreme­ with u. in our uz now for the winter every aenae. Oanneoticut State OoUege Mase Swamp Rd., Coventry and Wal­ Karl Nlchse, Robert Peterson, mond Soma, George M. Blake, n te y State “ the issue o f poU- *ng- ly Interested in these laws, but, of equipment. last month, gave a financial re­ ■toiage of your motor. . . oallad "A View of Black His­ the next two fiscal years. Miarlne Department . . . When he w u done with his lice Is no concern of ours," and "The Mayor atMi Schaller To Discuss Hunt as a member o f the South Wind­ Ramon Menzel of toe bulldoz­ port on toe resuMa of (hat tory Today" In WUUnuatie. Ha er committee said toat toe com­ weekend-long event. The com­ talk, quesUona poured forth to “*t never erftered our minds at were shocked at the sor Board of Educatiorv 1 am Mm. and Us wife hope to go boMi to any time." reasons Boyle gave for firing Dr. Don X. Quinan o f 146 mittee had inspected at least mittee lost $1,000. Lewis ex­ Chicago beoaufto they "tael sor­ especially interested In Attorney A young blaok housewife from laidlow Rd. will be the guest half a dozen pieces of equip­ plained that part of this was due CAPITOL EQUIPMENT ry ter the ghetto Uds.’’ They add. "We do not wish Lassman’s performance in the Hartford with her huabond told to be invcdved In a poUOcal dls- ® basts for not re­ speaker at the annual Men’s area of Education." ment from every major dealer to (he fact that the town had During the confrontation, bs in the area. The decision to pur­ never undertaken such a thing 38 MAIN ST. — TEL. 643-7958 Porter, "We make our own pute, due to our fuU ^e em- Night sponsored by the Wom­ Mrs. Wasik then explained shuns." wore a bright, mulU-coliared how Representathre Lassman chase this particular piece of before, and if It were done cloth fas and a brlg^iUy col­ ^loyment with the PoHce De- en’s Club of Manchester Mon­ equipment was by a 4-1, vote Porter answered, “I lived in parent. We both feel that (Ms *»«■ v»lng had gained her approval for his again toe committee would ored loooe shirt. He said bs was P«r- day at 8 pm. in Fellowship of the committee, with i^bert Chicago. I worked with the Issue is. not . .o f a pcriitlcal ,,.u , nature, ... sonal reasons tor dism issal activities on behaU of educa­ know where It made errors. the white man’s entertainment nf Boyle was NOT harassed by Hall of Second (tongregational tion. “Lassman served on the Upton dissenting. Those in favor V 'kida. We put out cana and we somsttaliig similar to the banjo bU m ^ y rou ^ procedure of anyone ^t this meeting, which were Menzel, John Druge, Nel­ Donations Expected < put garbage in them. No on e Church. Ekhicatlon Committee, and Lewis also said the conunlt- bands which toured the south “ held in private tor toe bene- Dr. G'ulnan will give an ac­ sponsored some major edu­ son Bearce and James Ryan. picked It up for two weeks. for qlokles and dimes. In toe report the committ-fr tee never held out hopes o f mak­ "W hat makes a alum la vriien Z, “ ■ ^ O' AU. ^ e s involved. count of his hunting experience cation legislation. He both In­ ing a profit, but hoped,to at He said be was orlghmUy . „ . „ . "The lfl67 Pall program al- last September in Zambia Afri­ troduced and ardently support­ members stated that It was W. G. GLENNEY CO. all the stores are owned by from Alabama but hod Uttls least break even. But two ma­ white peo|^." They deny, a s ^ Weiss, that ready was In p rog^ e^ ^ we ca and show slides. Dr. (3uinan ed bills at public hearings and their “ considered opinion” that idea of Ha anoeatry. He sold jor fund-raising activities in Another Hartford woman told ' informed by Mr. Weiss an obstetrician and gynecrto- on toe floor of the house. He toe “ manufacturer’s specifica-. Ma degree# are from the uni- .s as Boyle had charged in Ms Oct. that because It was not fair to tlons on preventive maintenance connection with the weekend Mm, "Blven after I got married, gist, has hunted in Alaska, Wy­ kept In close touch with the failed to do as well as expect­ 8 letter of resignation. expect our replacements to be and proper upkeep be carried we used to have to cart away The night was a abaxp diaiiga oming and many Canadian and local Bocu-d of Education by ed. These were the sale of mus­ Sliver and Parireau said to- disturbed, we would have to out explicitly. To accomplish toe gariMge ouraelves." of format from earlier sessions New England resorts. meeting -many times to discuss ter buttons and tickets to the day that they have come for- wait until the 1968 program to pending legislation.’’ tots, the dealer has agreed to ANTIQUING Porter also maintained that in R ogers olaas which faoa main- He it a graduate of Brown provide proper Instruction for ball. Three thousand buttons ward to squelch toe "undue return to our Jobe. This we "Some of the major acts sup­ toe whtte government had a ly focused on the Negro’s port University UiUversity of Ver­ toe operator. It is further were ordered, and only 1,000 criticism of Agostlnelll and agreed with, understandably. ported by Lassman were Pub­ close attachment with toe mafia in MstOry. mont Medical Srtiool and in­ recommended toat a I<^ system sold, while the boll ticket sale Schuler—criticism whlcto U un- "No noUce of our being re- lic A ct 627, making it manda­ In order to betto: sell drugs to But Rogani aloD got into the terned at California Lutheran of said maintenance be kept on oalied tor.” hired was received by \m from tory that each Board of Edu­ iron nearly half cf what was ex­ CLINIC Mack ghettos. veriMl fray and said, 'Tnt Hospital Los Angeles Calif., a daily basis and be readily They said, "We wish to let toe the rec department late this cation provide for toe emotion^ pected. Lewis said both these When asked about a separate amased at my ortlaague. The with residency at St. Claire available with town records." things would be handled, differ­ problem of our culture to not public know toe true facts con- summer, which la normal pio- ally, physically, mentally and The committee also recom­ state tor black people, Porter Hospital, New York. He a»:o ently if the celebration la ever poverty, tt’e the ImUtferenoe ceming tots proMem, which, we cedure for part-time help, and percepHonally handicapped and mended "that a rtielter be con­ SAT., OCT. 26 oaid, “Blacka need to see toem- served three years in the Navy repeated. toward people." feel, has been Mown out of pro- after re-ap|dyli¥ with the' per- gifted children; Public Act 288, structed to protect this machine selvee as men. So tar I’ve only as a medical officer. It is hoped, Lewis said, that portlon.” sonnel department, toe reqxsise an act requiring public kinder­ from toe elements." 9 AtaM.-12 NOON seen m yself as your slave. I Just Ihelr decision to make their from Boyle, (Oct. 1) was that Mrs. Robert Stanton is in garten; Public Act 860, an act Dump Oonvermlon most o f the $1,000 can be recov­ want to be a man." ered through personal donations, Libyan Oil Rising names public, they said, follow- we would be considered'tor sub- charge of the program for the revising per pupil aid grants to E'lrrt Selectman Michael About Block MoSlema and everting. eltfaer from indlvtduaki or from ed numerous pbone cells from stitute duty. , towns; and other acta concern­ Peace reported last Mght that Mr. John Sands factory representative will be here Maloobn X, he said, '"nie lureas TRIPOU—Libya’s oil produc­ ing schotersWpe and loais for local businessmen. friends and acquaintances, urg- “The reason !<»■ piesenting cat¥veiaion of the dump to a to demonstrate how to create a masterpiece in 3 made you see toe movement. tion averaged L74 million bar- TOP NAME BRANDS at SENSATIONAL PRICES! Ing them to come forward. They this information is due to toe higher education." Pasce pointed out that In Miilootm X waa ah articulate rrts a day in 1967, tq> 16 per saniitary land fill operation is easy steps with antiquing kits. add, “We were constantly stop- requeMa Iqr several citizens in Vernon Concluded Mrs. Wasik, These Jurt about completed, wUh only every other way, the weekend spokesman. Ihe Mortems are cent over 1966. ^ February of ped by people on the street. In town, not connected with poll- acts and many more have al­ was an unqualified success, and still doing toe same thing. this year the daily total had ready affected South Windsor a Utitie more numping to be business estaUisbments, and tics, but concerned about the Badges Awarded done. he said he was aware of all the They’re helping toelr brothers.” oUmbed to 2.2 mUUon borrrts wMle on duty,.about this Issue.” program at the West »d e Rtec, children. I am moot Impressed hard work that went Into It About a Mock and Asian revo- a day. with Representative Lass- The new operation has met They said that they were not and also conoemed about uriiat To Cub Scouts wttfa (he emphatic approval of The committee Itself will be ’ hition against the white world, the only rec department em- actually took place, relating to man’s performance for better education. the State Health Dept., which meeting shortly to wrap iq> the he ssdd, "The people are strug- •> ■ ployes “vetbally abused by toe accusations made by Boyle Awards were presented a t has also extended the dump ocn- final details of the weekend. fttng. toe recent monthly meeting of "His record is puMic know­ Boyle," tt>at "there were many in hU letter of resignation. Both veiaton deadline until tomor­ "Tanganyika la kicking out toe Cub Scout Pack 86 conducted ledge and is proof of his ex­ ETnally, toe selectmen ap- others," and that they (Silver of us have received numerous row at 1. The previous dead­ pointed local attorney John Al- Peace Corps. The vdilte corps- and Pariaeau) "are the only phcme calls, and have been con- by Jack VonDeck, cubmaster; ceptional accompUshments. By voting for Ed Lassman In Nov­ line was Oct. 18, but toe town 'len to fill in as town attorney men may mean good, but they’re ones who have had toe courage stantly stopped by people on toe Carl Edlund, aasistant; Ralph ember, you are voting tor a meeting to approve toe pur- for David Rappe, since Rappe ' part of the system." to come forward and state toe ftreet. In business establlsh- Gerber, advancement^ chair­ repeat performance of out­ er by persons not the Depot Square area. The date pate In toe service, “Who Do f sal4. DISHWASHERS John Tyiee, Mrs. Jack Von­ open tonif[ht "All the blacks were happy employed In rec department. We of the picture is estimated to be Deck, Mrs. Henry Kane, Mrs. You Think You Are?” Guest FAIRWAY and MYERS TELEVISION in the south until toe damn TV never asked any town official 1618. Sanford Kelley, Mrs. Chester gvlterlrts will be Tom and Chad. FIR^^T for a Job. Genovesl said," I hope that Dr. Edgar J. Weiss, of toe till 9! ocune In and all the black womr GCNERAL a £ d tlC Morgan, Mrs. Wayne Fritz and en wanted to be like white wom­ NOROE 18-b. RCA “nie issue of politics is n o this picture will bring back fond Mrs. Cbrl Edlund, coordinator. Institute of Living, will be guert BuNNin en,” be said. 2>Cyda DanMi Modnrn oonoern of ours and never en- memories of toe North Etod as Webelo leaders are Jerome speaker at Jhe PUgrtm FeUow- tonlfilit and Saturday only! tered our minds at any time. It once was, and at toe same ship Meeting Sunday at 6 p.m. . “Why don’t you Macks move 197 WASHER CONSOLE Lamb and Lonnie Carpenter. HUNTIN8? >168 *378 We can not and do not wish to time remind them (North End The group plans a food sale In the Walcott Building. Dr. out of the ghettos to the sub- be liivrtved In a poiltlcal diz- residents) of the progress we Weiss will speak on narcotics. ^urbs U you like it so rauMiT" at Hartmann’s Supermarket re c. 40e The next time you go on KITCHENAID DELUXi MAYTAO 3.Tnnip 0 -e 11“ pate, due to our fuH-time em have made since that Ume." Nov. 6 and. attendance at toe The Rev. W. Lloyd Williams a white man asked. a huntiiig trip, be sure 3 Vorleycln FOWDAMLE ployment with the Police De­ will attend a luncheon meeting "We can’t make It, we don't aEOIRIC PORTAtLE University of Connecticut foot­ mod* wtiilft you wait to take Accident ineur- Coppnr partment. We both feel that this ball game at Storrs Nov. 2. of toe United Ctourch of Christ have the education or toe mo­ m DRYBl *147 DELUXE *221 Prieftt Says Violence ney," be said. ance protection with you. Issue is not of a political nature, Homeland Ministry on Wednes­ (tinnpik* stout only) but merely the routine proce­ By Negroes Justified day. A woman said they felt We can maka Mat detail W O O D TOP dure of an employe artdng hte strongly (or people In toe ghet- NcriionoNy Advoitisnd MOTOROLA MIDDLETOWN (AP) — The Escapee *Captured • 8 loeattonst downtown wwiw s t and of your titp gagr~aa well Convmrtibln employer for the reason or rea­ Rev. James Groppl said ’Ihuiv- Manchester Evening Herald, tOA. m ineopongfm Go wlrii Z-Spood 20-lneh ! sons for being fired, or re­ After Shooting east middle tarnpOoe^ next to popnlar marioet But Porter eald, "You can't Pm tcM a day night that Negroes have a South Windsor correspondent, TAB (Atna'g Travel, 158 WASHER 186 CONSOU ’356 leased. tell me you feel for me, you’re right to resort to violence In HARTFORD (AP) — Charles Catherine B. May, tel. 644-2298. Accident and Baggage ‘'Mayor Agoetiitelli and Direc­ order to win Justice In a white A. Murrell Jr., 22, of Hartford, sorry tor my empty stomach. Ncrtfonally A d v rriia d tor Schaller were jgeaeat at (Ms Insurance). And know­ phhjco deluxe CON1EMPORARY Am erica. identified as an escapee from Not while your stayliv out here. FRONT LO A D „meeting with Bojie and .... M r. Speaking before some 300 per- the Hartford Correctional Cen­ Your heart Is vtoere your pos- ing yott’n protected will ELBCIRIC SwIwi . 23“ Wetss St thefr own sons at Werteyan Urtverrtty, ter, has been captured alter he aesslons are." PORTAMJ >144 add so nmdi more iriww DRYER CONSOLETIE *427 and were not to be at said meet- Qroppi called the Roman Catho- allegetoy shot a man during an He added Macks have a hard *133 ^ > « ui« to your tafpl Ing requerted by us. jj^, "racist" and said It argument. Uma in a white area anywhere “Boyle rtated that the reason j, unmFuung to serve the needs Police said Murrell was but, "BlaMt people aren’t pre- for not being re-hlred, la 811- blaok Americans in poverty charged with assault with intent Judloed against white people. CfioriM W . LoHirop ver's case, was one of a per- pockets. to murder for toe Thursday ASSORIfD CHOCOUTES MntS Wiltes can come Into our com­ Agancy, Inc. aooal nature involving an azgu- Groppi, a native of Milwaukee, shooting of Andrew Jones Jr. munities and they are accept­ meat between them. The Tea- hon led a number of olvil rights They said Murrell escaped from 1 lb. $1.85 2 lbs. $3.60 817 St., ed ," 649-0884 son given for letting Pariaeau activities there. the JaU Oct. 10. A jnung white msn In the book of the room said the ftoptoMOtlmtt* rtvolutlan In Cuba was be- AtnalnmiranotOampany trayad by Oostro and the oom- GAS RANGES ELECTRIC VtioAiIL (Sip w a . o Absentee Voting FAH40US PAMLY SIZE WESTINGHOUSE 30" DELUXE

Requirements: ELECTRIC t g o o RANGE l o o » 1 9 6 A Abewnee from the State during: voting hours on November 5th (6 a.m. money Aiito. d o ^ JL%r w to 8 p jn .) LITTLE AMBASSADORS minffire ■ k Abaenoe from Manchester, during voting hours as a student in a college, 1 lb. $2.40 2 lbs. $4.75 chocolates university, nurses’ training school or institution of higher learning within the State. MAGEE 30" MAGIC CHEF CUSTOM ■ k Absence from Manchester, during voting hours because of membership for sale in a rdigious community. Gits RANGE SI m o 6AS RAN6E t g f ■ UMouMIMnor M M Brvihnd ChranM Tom k lUnesB or physical disability and unable to vote in person at the polls. ^ I ^.£1| Pp—Stmmllnf A ■ Am Eteelric Cloek :y \ l k Member of Armed Forces, spouse or dependent of such member. m To the REPUBLICAN TOWN COMMITTEE, 806 Main Stieet, Manchester, Perseverance and careful planning during Fran Mahoney’s tenure Conn. Please armage Absentee Ballot for: in office as Mayor of Manchaiter contributed to the conitruction i - V o ta n Name of Fire Station No. 3 at the Manchester Green. Delays and opposi* tion to the project did not thwart the eventual completion of the J ) ► THE GIFT BOX , Addreas . m Buy On Long Easy Terms! firehouse which Fran views as one of his major accomplishments m lb.. $2.75 2V4lbi.'$4.00 snd b S 'r bons DON’T- DELAY—COMPLETE AND MAIL TODAY > > for Assembly District 19. \ r ^ C H T " fHi ’ OMNI t; m.LIT hank FOR FURTHER INFORMATION—TEL. 646-2069 > • QUINN’S PHARMACY U.# I and Tnu!iT COMPANY REPUBUCAN TOWN COMMITTEE i - ) > 873 M A IN ST. M ANCHESTER ntoedipofiMi«dbyOHitoeftotoliewBO»imrittto^afrry|faliiiMat;n«eMiTCr ^ Take Up to 3 Years To Pay! >• PA C T E IC T T MANCHESTER EVENINQ HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN,, PRTOAY, OCTOBER 28, 1968 ' — I*------BtANCHES'FER ^ E N IN G HERALu; MANCHESTER. CONN.. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 19«8 ment, of ra d a l InJuBtioe, o f Irrelevant Columbia ence o f toe town cleric and In JUmrl^FBtpr and outmoded taaddnga, of ovupopUia- surii a maimer as to protect the tion, of poverty, ot war.” secrecy ot the ballot, encloaad LW V to Distribute Facts DONT WAIT CtintittQ llrraU^ Older peopin raid thto olditar, oipht e A X E i C * 0 Richard Urban in tha proper envelope and ra- There are times when you walk out o f a physician’s to re-examine aome of Itidr own attl- Bjr CLAY R. POLLAN- turnad to toe town clerk who On Candidates and Votings MAR. 22 office still feding quite ill. The thought B T TH B tudea, aasumpttona and goala. Your Doify AtHvHy Guide SEPT. 23 t t Appointed as riwU keep the ballot In her office DTO OO., DfC. aH!. 20 ’’ . According to lilt Start. I' 'the pharmacy to have thie prescription Hlled to almost "V/m mud,” he aald, ^Making fo r hto 0^. 23 until the proper time tor deliv­ The League of Women Voters Scouts o f Troop 47, South Meto- Blw ill artM .To develop m essa ge for Saturday, overwhdming. Even the few moments you might have « €T. Cbbu. | f> 6-55A6-7a| PoR M oderator ery of the regiatrara ot voters. odlst Church, wiw are a'/Ung in iteODSON qwn generatlan, “take as aerlously aa 4-22-3344/ of Manchester has aanounoed ■>74-76-77_ rood words corresporxli'ng to numbers IS4A5-8M3V toe preparation and dtotrtbution to wait can s e^ like an eternity when you’re not R. m ta u so N do the yottog the great Judeo-Chrishan of your Zodioc birth sign. Richard Urban will be' mod­ New raaldents are reminded that it will, onea again, distrib­ .UMWMn TAUeUt that the an>Mcatlan must be o f the Scoreboards. A house-to- feding well. I> M n M O ctolM r 1. I M vakiea of our heritage. We must be aa erator at the polls af Yeomans ute its non-paittoan fact sheet APA » l 1 Propora 31 Tho 61 Against OCT. 24 ( filled out and tho btOIot marked houie delivery w*’! *v« mn/e Ir' Then k«l 76 B« JAN. 20 V -|,Q Vlolri Soracchl; challsnger, Grade 4) and at the voting dis­ 17 Day 47 To atlvea. It also ptovldaa pertin­ jstchaa credited to It or not otherwise credlt- dtocuaelan of the so-oaled youth protileiii /3-1MMC 77 Rovoolad Charles Olsen; machine me­ plays at toe Luts Junior Mu­ M in ttia |Mf>er and also the local news pub- 18 What 48Tiy 78 Parian 2-13-M45^ Manchester Evening Herald, ent information on pasty plat- IIM itd h a m 'of today eventually finds its way toward /61.71-7943 19 Will 49 F a tally 79 Of 43-5667 chanic, (Jeorge Petera Sr.; ab­ torroM, voting regidatlona, and seum, toe M ary Cheney a n d AU tIM s of retmblleatkm of special dis­ 20 Ot 50And 80B« - GohimbU oorreapondent, V ir­ patches natehi are also reserved. two evaluattons wMeh were central in ISO ACMJAMUS sentee ballot oountet', Raymond toe nandtdatea* views on specif­ WhUon Memorial lib tarles, WESTOWM 21 M o re y JULY 24 51 For 61 Country ginia Cartoon, teL 3IS-et34. Mr. Rockefeller’a 22 Flottofy 52Doyt JAN. 21 ^ Keefe, and riection officials’ and toe voter service table Tba 82'Iba ic toauea. TMs information, Herald Prtntbip Osimsny In c., as- ^ Aui 22 2 jM o y 53 Sporkl* 83 Skcpticol FEI.' 19 substitute, Mrs. Adella Urban. maintained by the League in PH jARMACY no financial leaponaulllty fo r typo- The first to that the current "revolt” 24 Fwihw 5411 pitoUabed by the League of Snuhlcal errore apperuinc In advertlsenienu , g17-3S3M 84 Month Women Voters of OomeeUcut is toe Municipal Building. 489 HARTFORD ROAD—S49-994S vna other leadlnc matter In The Manchester of youth to not quite the aarue rebel- 25 Foe 55 Wot 85 0ttwn hO-21-32-43(Q Republican workers are of- Bremnc Herald. 26Ptm.-

    ” and turn ootnerva- The regiatrara noted a recent at Manchester High Sohoci No­ Pw Thtueday — 1 p.m. Tuesday. vember 14, 18 and 16. table size brewer (oompaot For fVlday — i p.m. Wednesday. tlve Just aa the oldstara of today did to statement by Secretary cf State This past year, the Manchester Jaycees con­ Repko Defends His Proposal You eon hovo iton Euid automatic). their time. Mm. Ella Orasro, ooncemtng Astley to w ell known to area Wo Vqu Place This Brewer ducted 45 projects for the residents of Man­ [whUgUon, 6 p.m. Friday forSauirday The aeooeal tliiag quite typical of ar^ election rights of new reetdents. audiences, having directed for In Tour Shop or O ffice area groups for many years. His Monday. Timday, chester. A few of these projects were: balanced dtocuaslan o f the problem to For Skill Center in Area^ Persona who have Uved in a FREE most recent directorial tasks for No More dofui-U p Or Meaa the expcemlon of the hope that modem enlarging hla Democrat oppo­ schools because of the difficult Ckxnecttcut town tor at least 60 raday, October 38 days prior to a presidential elec- the Little Theatre have been ¥Ytdnutday, Thuiwlay, REQUIREMENTS The conotruotlon of a covered bridge at the LuU ytaMh won’t aurrendsr tta ideala quite nent with “ otmfualng toe pTrtram or nave been imable ticn and have all the quaUfloa- “Night Must FaB,’’ “The Boy Buy the coffee from us Nature Center. iesues,’ ’ incumbent Rapijbllctui! to mshe the grade in high aa quickly and readily aa other genera- tlona to become electors, other Friend” and “ Boi'n Yesterday.’’ FfWay ond Sedurdoy (finest hotel-type blend) Three ochotonh^ dances for teen-egera State Senator Andrew Repko school." we supply everything Don’t Fail United Appeal ttona might have done, that tt w ill fight UiEui the six-month residence Tickets will bo available from Bhll foliage ridea for the elderly. stated yesterday that hfs is dis­ T have no intention of down­ harder and Unger to Ito effort to makw qualification, required in (3on- members of the little Theatre. FREE TRIAL PEBKMDl Tlie Untted Appeal. 71 afendea In U turbed by recent charges made grading our fine young people, BUT NEVER Undeiprivlleged children wero taken to Yale-Ookrate thto reaUy aome part o f the kind o f world nectlcut, are granted toe privil­ For Information Coll ^ootlMll g s ^ towns, 13 afendes here In Mandieater, by his opponent Robert Houley Repko said. ‘I have merely M9-9«B8 It oouki be and ought to be, and that of Vemon- ege cf vering tor the preriden- Santa vtottotlana to ratarded diDdren. Herald Album Of Schools, Photo By A B. Bucatrlctus stated that because of numer­ is Isfgln c In dur final days ot ita 19M what oUler people realy to te- tial Euid vice-presidential ballot. Picatto Turn* S7 ON SUNDAY United CoffM Servloe carnpalB" BENNET JUNIOR HIGH The most serious of Houley’s ous individual problems many of Eoatom Connaotloiit vaatigate to the pnaslblUty of helping charges, according to Repko, in- They must not, however, have NICE, France (AP)—Pablo Perbsps some c t us haws aaaiansd *»«■♦ ' fine young men Euid women are We are going to continue these projects this youth retain and riiaimri lie desire to vohres toe estabUshment o f a been riectors in any other town Picasso turned 87 today and bis w llii the world in its txodbled atnta, unable to profit by the present in the state immediately prior year and we plan to develop new projects — am things aa they are and th k ia "skill center In ToUand Coun­ irogram of instruction In our home at nearby Mouglns wem eieoaona gainf oo, leaTea to raka, aad ty,’’ to provide manual skUla for to moving to the town in which more Hke what they ought to be. vocational technical schools flooded with . flowers and tele­ CRAWTOBD. but — W E NEED M O N EY . . . tmmr tetoviaiDn ptofimnis to dtaapprowe, A Thooght for Today the non-academic student and they seek to vote. yfbat thto adds up to to tha fact that and our Ugh achoola aa w ell." grams of good wlslies. ■osaabody elaa would taka care ot such Inside Report Sponsored by the Mandiaater the unemi>loyed in oriler to ed- Any new resident of toe riots Picasso remained In sechirion CRAWFORD HOUSE modem youth Inaplraa a lot more aiq>- drab and annoying oommunlty eSwws^ Cknincll o t Churches levtofe toe “alarming problem “New Program" who quEdifles for this privilege and there was no sign o f imy Please — Vcct — along wttb a lot of teevltrtia Open Foru] “I sun advocating a o o m- O u t our sodety aupport aoua Yaatigas „ b y of toe school drop-out," must moke personal ai^ltcatian birthday'celebration. The Spai> BUFFET CATERERS pustoemwtt — among ita eM en »«si> pletely new program to meet BUY BULBS — 8 Bulbs for $2.00 c t private, vohotory effort to deal with Rowland Evaiu Jr. and Robert D. Novak Wboao turns his attentkxi to According to R^>ko, Houley to the town clerk within the 80- Ish-bom painter has curtailed Fiaith itself rsahaea. Wa wouhhi’t spnad ths Uttar strifes of these days toe needa of these people," the HIBlLiCX) 24 Book 80.00*— *phia 18c tax. the problama of aodaty without m akii« feels that "proposing such a pro­ day period before election, be­ hla activities In toe past year M A ^ H E S T E R thto inteBlgcuoe too widely^ or say it too and seeks a reason fw toe Incumbnt ateated. " A skill ginning Oct. 6. The iippUcatton a ndaanoe of ttaaK, puttlnc a tdta on in- CHICAQO —Tha spectre, un­ cott was considered appropriate "Man Of Integrity" of burning, but toa result o f ' gram downgrades some of the and even ptMeed up his usueJ often, fo r fear tt snlgfat a p ^ youth’s fua troublea that vex public and pri­ young people of his district’’ center, such as the one,In Hart­ must be filled out In toe pres­ dips in the sea this sununer. Tel. 641-8623 ■igntfleant pockattxMhs Uka oiMnT derground and tauneasurable, of here. smoke inhalation. ” Please Support Your Jaycegs — Buy Candyl and shade ito'aenae of gallant crusade vate life, must oome to the con­ To the EkUtor, Houley, Instead, propoeed toe ford, concentrates on teaching But beyond organized or seml- All of this becomes more trag- Actually, what ww rsally know la that a Negro voting boycott on No­ clusion that a fruitful cause of I should Hke to recommend estabUshment o f a state voca­ the student a mEU-ketable aUU •Cbhiat the “ eatahttofanienL’ ’ organlzed activity is toe deep- Ic when comparisons are made. Mimson^s Old Fashioned it to a privilege to have a Odted Appeal vember 8 surfaoed briefly last the evUe which now effUct, as the name of A1 Ahearn to toe tional-technical school in ’Tol­ which wiU guarantee immediate WEDDING — CLUB — HOUSE PARTIES In wfldenoe and a privllsge to be able seated resentment Chicago Ne­ wril as of those which threaten At WaddsH School, which" employment In OmnecUcut in­ month during a eecret poUtlcal voters o f the Blst district on houses over 800 students, a lira land County to meet toe needa to contributa to i t groes feel against the Daley es- us, lies In this: That false con- dustry." 8 1 8 M .9 0 OPEN DATES FOR CHRISTMAS Peanut Butter Kisses 12-oz. bag $1.00 meeting over barbecued spare Nov. 8 drill takea 40 eecoads. True, a ' of these unfortunate students, H U N K SMALL We aonetimea let our apprsdatton of A Compliment To Nixon taibHahment. That reeentment, cluslans concerning divine and aoconUng to Repko. ’‘The program U operated U0N VoMansiH» . BeaMi riba in a cubbyhole restaurant plus unwIlUngness by female I have known A1 for a period fire station is Just around the * through federal funds provided nlah privllsge wane and si^ a bit, usuat- human things, which originated of seven years and In all tlMit " I have been a staunch siqt- Deilvet^ ki liaacheeiter Aa if to potdtioe Candidate Rlduud on Chlcago’a South Shle. preednot workers to walk danger­ in toe schooU o f philosophy, corner from Uncoln School, but by the Maiqiower Defense Train­ Equipped with toatoerttte' Interior, >7 we find it takea just a moment time he has been a man who when you are counting minutes “ porter of vocational eduoatlon Nixon’s recovery from the poeelbly trau­ oua ghetto streets, contributed have crept Into all the orders cf ing Act,’’ Rerto ejqilalned. windshield washer, 2 speed electrlo at trovUe to fill out a pledge o r write a Attending were local Negro demonitrated the courage of his and seaondi, how long would it'*^ for many years,’’ ReiAo sUted. matic eiq>eiieiice of findtog tein—if en- to a sharp decUne of Negro reg- the state, an4A,have been ac­ "AppEuontly Mr. Houley has wfoens, heater, defooetor, 4>way dteck. leaden Includliig toe Rev, Jeeae convictions agaiiMt o il odds. take before tt would be too lataT "1 periiaps more than any In­ doreed by Walter Lippmam, Robert Mration (tits year and likely will cepted by the common ooiwent not done his homewort w rt safety ftoahere, back-4q> Ug|ftB, Jackaon, dynamic Chicago Since his residency in Bolton, This Is one of the many rea- ’ dividual leglalatm-, have work­ Lat’a remember that having the Untt- Welch and hto John Birch Society have reduce actual voting. of the masses. For since tt U In enough or he would be fam iliar front and rear seat betts, leather­ he has has devoted countlees eons why Lincoln School ehouM “ ed closely with people in voca­ ad Appeal in codsteace to our own aensi- oome along with a fiattarii« and timely head c f toe Southern Christian Some sopMstioated Negro the very nature of man to fol­ with this program," Repko ette heodreata, steering wheel lock unpaid hours to toe betterment be replaced by a new echori. tional education to effect Im- and rear window defroster, 888 MAIN ST. IN DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER - TEL. 843-6171 - OPEN 9 A.M. TO 6:30 his dedakm, and aupportlng it our own attack on Ifo. Ntoon’s candidacy. Leadership Conference, and Ous leaden here, however, caution low the guide o f reason in Ms provemenu," he exjdalned. chaiged. ‘T suggest he praotioe PAf. - CLOSED MONDAY - OPEN THUR8. AND FRI. UNTIL 9 P.M. - MUSIC STORES; pctoelasB ptlrilege. of his community. Aa a prop­ The building structure Is sound ' OonorivaUy, the John Bircfa attack to Savage, a South Side pubUaber agalnri an outright boycott. The actions, U his intrilect sins at all "In 1688, I received the covet­ what he preaches In the future.” 17 OAK ST., MANCHESTER - TEL. 643-6171 - 241 ASYLUM ST., HARTFORD - TEL. Rev. Arthur Brazier, South Side erty owner, he is well aware of and could be used by toe Town Rebutting to Hbuley’s repeat­ TED TRUDON And aa lor die mamenfs eCtort it may nx»re valuable end hripfid to Mr. Iflxon and poUtician. Acroei toe table his w ill soon follows; and thus ed instructor’s organization vo­ 822-7201 - WATKmS-WEST FUNERAL SERVICE - 142 EAST CENTER ST. - TEL. 649-7198 civic leader, urges a vote for the dangers of toe excessive fo r office facUlUes, but tt Is not ' ed charges toot Repko failed take us to cooperate, let us remember than toe Lippmann gesture of support. were funcUonarlee of toe Repub­ tt h^>pens that looeenees o f In­ property taxes borne by small cational technical school distin­ Abner Mlkva, an anti-organiza­ safe, adequate In size or .' to follow through on legislation VOLKSWAGEN 8«k8IN that many o t our fellow dUsem are gtv- lican party. ’Ihey had come to- tellectual opinion influences hu­ non-industrial communities like guished servloe award for my FOr toe line Mr. Welch takea in hto facilities for school chUdran. he Introduced, Repko stated, tag m u y many b u n of their ttane to getoer to dlecuas a common tion Chngreasional candidate, man actions and perverts toeni. the Bolton area. As a member outstanding contribution to vo- attack on Mr. Nixon bappena to run emd an abstention against Da­ A Center Springs school would'' "The failure to follow through dielr voiunleer effort to see that the ap­ cause: A boycott by Chicago’s Whereas, on the other hanH u of toe state legislature, I feel cation E U education throughout perbapa ckne and pechapa parallel to ley’s candidates. be located on Lodge Drive, black voters. men be of sound mind and tr te certain he would be able to my tenure in toe General As­ on this and other propoeed leg­ peal doea reach us aU and offer in aU one of toe aaeets Mr. Nixon might briiv across from toe major part \ Since more than 80 per cent Similarly, toe Better Gioveni- their stand on true and solid keep toe beet Interests of the sembly,’’ he stated. islation CEumot be attributed to the opportunity to pick up aoene tadtrid- into office. What Mr. Welch duuges to area. It would enhance t h s my negligence, and must be of the Negro cote this year will ment Association (BOA), a Re- prindplea, there will result a district w ell In mind. "If Mr. Houley hod followed P1ZZA-IN-A-WINK ua* d n re o f the community Twsp^ iMy. park and provide decent rec- considered a result of toe fis­ that the bidden pct>-Cbmmuntoto in toe beude Vice Prealdent Hinnphrey publlcanoriented reform group, va ri amount of benefits for toe his own advice and done fate My. Above aU, A1 is a man of reatlonal area for chlldran as . cal lireaponslbiUty of the Dem­ At the only miginal Pizm Shop left in town. We Amwrlcan “ estahltohment’ ’ might have agafeost Richard M Nixon, toe U dirirtbutlng a film In Negro public and private good. We do integrity with a sincere Inter­ homework, he would not have nHdfe omr own dough. We still make oar pizzas and If we didn’t have ther IMted Appeal, aa earier tone of It plishiTig their trattor- not, Indeed, attribute such force well as adults in die oomnuin- ocratic controlled legislature RepufaHcans were naturally in­ nelghboihoode urging voters to est In the basic interests of his Ity. made such a rldtculous stata> gmders just as we did 8 yean ago. lllost of all Ray we would either have to invent it, or put oha eefaemea under a Nixon adndntotra- and autoorUy to phUoeophy as ment,” according to Repko, “ un­ wMch refused to submit a bal­ terested in any stay-at-home anooar at toe polls even If they fellow human beings. We need It seenu imperative that Man­ anced budget.” atm owns and (Rentes that aU-poweiful atate in cfaaige of ev- Uon than under a Johnson or Humphrey movement. The Negro leaden don’t vote. Otherwise, hints toe to esteem tt equal to toe task more men like tlila in govern­ less it could be substantiated.’ ’ chester voters must vote yes fm- “ With toe State o f Oomwctl- •ry t u t department o f hiwwst. need and were equaUy eager to di^ilay BOA, Daley’s precinct captains c f combating and rooting out ment today. Request Turned Down ashnintotratUm. Thto Is toe asms hriL Center Springs School before it cut forced to c e r a te o o n- ctAU PI77A f|iA¥*C! ciAU. Uvtog. black power, even negatively, all errors; tor, when the Chris­ Sincerely, Itont Une of thinking which held toat might vote the abeent Negroes U too late. ‘T made a similar proposal stantly at a deficit, many worth­ 643t0031 O 643-0031 l^ e make It pomnie, hy our aepport. IJwlght D. Etoenfaower waa a tool o f in- and eenbarraas Mayor Richard anyway. tian religion was first oenstitt- Jean H. McEvera in toe 1967 session of the legis- J. Daley's organization. ed, it came upon eaith to re­ A Worried Parent while programs must be sacri­ 130 SPRUCE STREET for the United Appeal to continue to temational Oommuntom. But mUttant leaders urge Ne­ iafure requesting a vocational- ficed, especially those p ro - . OF A\ANGHESTER ■ad to mem. The rilriring poCot was money. store tt to Its primeval dlgnliy technical school for Tolland MANY miTATB BUT NONE DUPllOAni T But ton potential truth toe Wrieh Hne groes to keep away from polling poaed by a member o f t h e One Negro suggested over lunch by the admirable light of faith, Fire Drill Time At Unooln places Nov 8 if they don’t want "Sinoere, Capable" County," Repko stated. minority party,” ReiHco ex­ SnU . AT THE UIWEST PBIOBS IN TOWN bnMhea agalnat would be aometolng Can­ toat a property organized “vot­ diffused not by persuasive woixls to vote. The reason: Pressure, To the Bklltor, *A subsequent survey hy the plained. didate Nixon Umaelf baa already recog- er’s strike" would require o f human wisdom, but in toe To the Bklltor, real and Imagined, from' pre- As a parent of children at Llr>- state Board of Education indi­ *«w l«iii The Youth Revelation’’ ntoed and ^ k e n of—toe poaalbRtty toat around 1880,000'that might weU maniieriation of spirit and of r.'nct oantains migHt panic toe coln School I am appalled at toe It is with pleasure that I give cated ttMtt such a school was a new Republican admintotratlon, free of oome from RepubHcana. A t toat power;' so also at the present Save up to one-third off Negro voter Into another straight my personal endorsement to not feulble for ToUand Cioun- One o f the moat reareehlug spfinrhfw time we look above all things safety conditions that presently past oommitmente, migfit be eOBe to ex- point. Interest by toe RepubU- D-mocratlc ticket. Tom Donnelly for Stote Repre- - ty in toe near future, because deitvoed in ihe cuiraat apate of epmmdh- can functionaries abruptly cool­ to the powerful help of Alm l^ty **(•1. In a building that houses sentatlve. erctoe peace-maUng optloiw not avail­ over 400 studenta, not to men­ of insufficient population, and ea, dialogues^ ajanposhimat ed. ’Ih ere were no subsequeM What aH tWa will mean on (3od to bring back to a right un- able to toe Democrata. tion the staff, there are only two Having known ’Tom to r over ' the proximity of two vocational THE NEW LINCOLN SCHOOL on the current eatofe of youth im s de- meetings. EHecfon Dav is lost in the mve- I|gU H^ndlcstf :4B A-M. fo 10 P.M. end Mexioo Otty. U we diooae thto route vestigation. Last week it pubUshed toe materialized, Ous Savage re­ the only vlctora wtH be the amall fringe categories of goods to be considered mains a focal point for boycott of axtremtots who want to aaa our oo- starting (but not limited to, aa tt care­ aetivity here. Savage, who un- dety deatroyed." fully notes) with clotoea washers and dry­ ■ucoeswfuUy bucked the Daley ers, romping through rottoaeries, grid­ machine hut spring to run for The aecond oouna open to Ihe dder dles, grinders, waste containers, stairs, Oongrese, talked a recent meet­ gtotoatkm, RoekatoUar aald, to “ Maihy fumigants, power lathes, scooters, dolls, ing o f national black poUUciane VOTE REPUBLICAN! or muted hoatUlty. golf carts, and ending ( “ but not limit­ ki Oary, Ihd., into exempting "Thto reaponae," ha westt on, “ or lack ed to’ ’ ) matches —more thiut 300 cate­ niinote from a call for Negrocw **WWOto, baalcafly a v d r t the towie gories of goods in all. to vote. In other words, a boy­ 20th District State Representative « • Jdakto grudgingly in a kind o f token- The commission might have gone furth­ tom. tt to not woridng wsty wall, and if er but it to excluded from considering products already regulated by toe Na­ I ton right that the youth revolt of to­ tional ’Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safe­ day to oomathiug more than the normal H e ra ld ty Act, toe Flammable Fabrics Act, toe Now during our 94th Anniversary Sale, sists stains and spills. The frames are o f the young, than it wlU IfoderaJ Food, Drug, and (fosmeUc Act, « t an In ibm ioog run. Wa w ill toe Federal Hazardous Substances Y e s te rd a y s Watkins is closing out 1968 Daystrom steel for lasting strength. Daystrom Din­ ftod otnadvaa oondantly puabad toward Labeling Act, toe Federal (garotte La­ FORBES Dinettes to make room for new models. ettes come in many different styles and 2S Yeart Ago iha brink of bacUadL" beling and Advertising Act, toe Federal This is your chance to get your dinette colors . . . one of which will fit perfectly t*drd pondhla raeponae, Roeke- Fireanns Act, toe National Firearms Rav, Jamas Stawart Nail Act, and the Federal Ineectleides, Fungi, and save up to one-third off the original with your decor. So, visit Watkins to­ UUmr aakt “to dmpiy to be raapondva Proachae hU farewell sarmcn at Your Mon For The Job! clde, and Rodentleide Act. price. All Daystrom Dinettes have a - totou et our young p ^ e , to Itoten at. Mary’s Episcopal Church morrow and act in on this giant offer Aa we aald, we wish toe new commis­ to thwn, to undaiatand them, to tot them ending naariy 36 ym n of serv- Dedieated. Capable and Dynamic! durable laminated veneer top that re­ during our Anniversary Sale. sion well. We only hope toat after tt loe there. know lhat we care deeply about them. •ponds the Initial 83.000,000 of its forth- “ In my Ju^pnant," he «nsiHtMit.e x-M oomlng appropriations toat it will not t o Yeart Ago key to suatalning Iha aneegy aw l idaaMsm solemnly Inform us toat glue, roller Pull Tha Republican Laver c t youth to htoia dtraet and oUmettro skates, batotuba, and golf carts a n haz­ Arcliitact Victor Frld dellvara Open Thursday and Friday until 9 P.M. bction on the ptohlsnu about which ardous. As censufoer-taxpayers, we may Pfon* for proposed North End For A CHANGEI PWpIs sro oonoai aed — the then really need protection—from toa junior high school to Oanaral proMferating ranks o f FsdaraJ protectors. ptMIsm o t our d tton of our SBriroii- Muiagar Richard MoriMi on Open 9 A.M. to S:30 P.M. - Closed Monday -^THB NATIONAL OBBBRVBR. •obadula. n i e A d Mponeored B y Roriiee Vor Bepfeeaatattve O om iiittM ' UHUffC A 4MA e n ^ M e U U K t KACCHtX I f l i e ? * (DavM Odegard, Ileeanrer) P A G I T IN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1968 MAKGHESTR3R EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. FRIDAY, OCTOBER. 26. 1968 PAGE ELEVEN Rark Group 51st District -Andover Bolton South Viiidlsor Critical of •* Change in Welfare Urged; School Plan .,^■>4 V V f Town Marks VN Birthday DemocratN Council Told Town Plan VOTE YES NOV. 5 ' T / S I Safer School Buses Asked it CADILUC Derais ■ M tiiLliniu'* propo—d piaoe- -V f S-iU* The two oandldaitea for the youngster from bumping Into the 4iDOOR HARDTOP With Dances and Songs Open Office Meets VsS, Requirements ■M ot Qt m. mm, r t ol>— tw>ni. Qeneral Assembly have issued metal frame of the seat before The children at Lincoln School now havex FACTORY AIR CpN0ITIONIN6. IlM Unifsd Nations Day oato- intoreatod tbs, hordes of young Maatory aoiioot on Um north ride etatemants on two eubjects. him .’ ' pewsr itMrlnt, br'iln, winfswi, Marttng Monday, 11w HanH on the referendum. Hie 1868 "Manufacturers of buses and brotloa at the ocganlsotlan’a who pUed her with ques- Tom orrow eorrespendent In Soolk Wtasdsor Town Plan, which is now in of- Omtar aptlngn Piuk up tar Mrs. Dorothy Miller, Republi­ vinyl ton. Cold ,.wllli bheli Intvrisr, • Inadequate fire escapes bus seats have done vary Utile whiUwiH tirM. Full Cadillac accaita- 2Srd birthday, held at the el»- v wm be Mrs. Carol Bloalton. toct. does however oovM thooe okay Nov. 8 waa crtttolMd 1 1 -' I can, speaks out on a oam- to improve these weaknesses,’’ riac. . - ’4895 snhnni laM Biism eti again led a ------Bolton —Democratic------heod- Newo Items may be moiled to land porcele, and the town will Aheam, pemocrat, tehee up the if elected, he would Introduce a haiipy and colorful event for donees which plsoksd the oudl- formoHy this week, wlU open Sooth Windsor. grants to help pay tor the lands an agomple of '‘parklaad an- •ubjeot of sobool bus safety. legislation "to make school the capacity crowd In attend- ^ ^ of ft,rm«Uy at 1 p.m. tomoirow — menttoned on the ballot. • knaotamant.” Mrs. MUler said Unit "in ad­ buses safer.” TED, TRUDON anoa. Borttm HUl Rd. waa port of the ___ _ . . .. _ _ The 'Town Counofl, at Its Donald then sold that he had • A kitchen, unventilated, formerly A recent meettiy at the ofOc- dition to providing a minimum This legislation would Ipciude, VOLKSWAGCIi. PORSCHI Donald RSchoids, os master RTOup. The program port of the “** ■**' meeting this week, heard for- irawn up at least 13 other town a n and dbrectora of the groiq> of ceremonies, Intiixluoed First ovenlng came to a close with ®a Rt- *tA. a boys' lavatory level of subsistence tor ^tha Aheam said, a padded 28 inch Maaekastar M9-2I3I (her discussion on the new plans, exactly as he hod drawn naddrm ed their lond^standlnd needy, our weUare system Selectman Percy B, Cook who etnglng of the United No- On hand will be candidate tor oppoaittop to other ueaa at land back, padded “aisle restraints" Roula 13, Tolland Turnplla, Taleattvilla Camtprehenslrve Plan tor Town iq> the one In dispute In South should move welfare recipients and arms, and lap belts. (On *tia Manchaitaf-Vafnes -Llnal - ■ welcomed everyone and reed Hjfmn by the Fleet Con- eteto representative from the Develofmient wfiloh waa submit. Windsor, and said that HUD dadteated for parka. Ihey aald toward self-support." the proolonuullon be hod pub- Ki’HPattonal Church choir oc- dirt District (Andover, Bolton • Over-crowding — 3_ rooms rented “With more children riding ted by the Plaiwhig and Zoning "not only accepted th-ae plans three recent ayifatm "have been She charged that "our wel­ The Jtmior Girl ®®*"Panl«d by Mrs. Albert and Coventry), Aloyelue Aheam, buses and traveling greater dis­ Commiasion. but they have alao been approv- ad IncreaBtng: concern to mem- fare system has foiled to do nfm iiis4 irith flage of Oeliolous refreshments Bob Houley, candidate tor stats at Center Church b e n and Crienda o f the aenockir tances than ever before, these Chairman of the Flaiwing ed by local and state plwmli^ this, with welfare rolls continu­ simple safety features would many ootntrtee of the United world-wide reoipev were senator, and Naomi Hammer, tton.” The odier casee were in B e r r c a ing to inoreaae bi a time of Nattona to the eUnliw nuittc of ****" enjoyed'by the many peo- etate central ooinmltteewoman.. HBior photo Commission, Joseph Cashw, agencies, sudi as the Capitol New Britain and Norwalk. curtail accidents within the prospertty” and called tor a hamdosa idaved ^ a UtmI **'* ***®” '"'*’** lingered on to see Refreshments will be served f l s i a m t sOtoA as spokesman tor his Peg'on Planning Agency and the Center SpiinciB Park waa sold East H artfort poticemen keep group o f hecklere, about 20 of them Manches­ school bus and g iv e our Chil­ y Interertlng art objects on dis- and free campaign literature, fjruesi jp efu cer group, aJtho««h sovenai mem- State D?portment^^ Agriculture for Center Springs School change In leadership to "take dren much more protection than to Manchester for $1 in 1917 ter Community College students, on north side erf Burnside Ave., across the nnh...,, ■ P>*y *«»n many foreign na- bumper stickers and -plna will 'll.. Wat, A,,, bars of the ocmmlaaion were and Open Spaces." a fresh look at the whole sys­ they have now. Such legislation Llnootai School FTA by the Chaney Bros. Co., aUk street from the barber shop where Retired Air Force Gen. Curtis LeMay held tem .” “o"- available to all who drop In. . ugh y present at the ooundl session. Further discussion on *l'e tovm manufacturers here, and the Is long overdue," Aheam con- burn. Moss., an officer of the ^ ^ p, held at the Public a ^ m i n u t e press oonferenbe yesterday. Gen. LeMay, vice presidential choice "The Republican Party," she tlwAndovw League^ Myalary Wde Headquarters wUl be ope-i deed restricted use to "park, culded. said, "proposes the prompt ap­ JSSl*** ’*'*• PfoSram of the Women’s *«>m 8 to 8 weekdays and all SouUvern Now England Die- a jj o* t|,e ptenitfay flnn of Hearing on Nov. 18. At that tlmo play ground and recreation of George Wallace, made only a 80-second, two-sentence speech to a street pointment of a Bkfo Ribbon b n s^ about Ute orgaiiizatlfln, Auxiliary to the Andover Fire day on weekends, trict of the AaaembUes of God, Brown, Domkl and Donald, the Town Council will decide pufpooea.” crowd of 200 supporters and curiosity seekers. He did not stay long enough to Committee to study a new dl- sspacully about the help Department on Monday, will Dental Program will speak and conduct various which waa employed by the whether to a co ^ or rejMt the But Atty. John F. Shea Jr., be bothered by the hecklers. (Herald p hoto' by Buceiviciiis) rection for handling our wettare Nixon Charges at *2. *■ ride and all mem- The dental program for Bol- services at Calvary Church this Panning and Zoning Commla- plan, after town counsel, said today that tioner, "You know which they problem. Another propoael Is to “ *»ve been urged to be at ton elementary .school students Sion to aid In the preparation of of those at the hearing, t t w in October 1967 the town obtain­ LeMay Holds are as well as I do. I cm’t appoint a state councU on hu­ ^Security Cap’ CASCIOT GARDEN SHOPS and the vital role the health the firehouse at 8 p.m. tor the will begin on kfonday, NOv. 4, weekend, the new oomprshenrtve town meeting will be the first one n «a ed from Manchester Properties discuss them at a press con­ Johnson Seen man services to coordinate the arm and UNB 8 CO have {dayed take-off. After the ride, refresh- The charge ft o r the flouride "—Special ‘‘‘ children’s services will plan. in the new Town Hall In the foe., the firm handling all (ContlmieO from Page One) ference.’ ’ rehabUitalUon, eduoatfon, trea t­ In underdsvaloped countries. menta will be served by Mrs. treatment, v*lch Includes e^..- be conducted by the Rev. and Councilman Robert StUa has Council Chambers, rights to former Cheney lands Sure Break Press T alk He said that he and WaUace ment and Job training services He also pledged to: Pfitzer Ths 4-H clubs fai town hod Frances IGlls, Mrs. Oalre mlnation anti cleaning, vrtU be Mrs. Corey ..tonight at 7:80, to- here, a release to allow the town repeatedly attajcksd the plan, bad a long telephone conversa­ for Connecticut’s needy peoide. —"foiUate a major reprganl- baked a fakthdoy cake and (his Hammerstrom. and Mrs. Shar- gSAO per cWld. For cleaning and morrow at 2:80 pjn. and on hsoauss of tiis ^ v Mancheator Evening Herald, For Fabrics to build a school in the park. (Oonttnoed From\Poge One) StiM Po8sibl^ and that what we have Iwa than 200 . . . —"Restore ready acceos of er foemer Cheney properttea at »* a mce-agttator problem.’’ am hesitant, frorfrom this dls- posed of the commiaBlonen of "TIte «to«g of Peace,” and that a film, "SeU Defense tor ex^anatlons and Instructions dren’s services are open to the areas. Candidate Discovers various times according to the They had several home-made “ i;^,^«2SI^wC’t^ews- P^lntV to us^ muTh oC: ^ ^ 7 DISCOVIR THI RIAL UAUTY MIXED DAFTODIU Hagen in a |vw.tia.. .Swedish Women" and a speaker will be have been sent home with stu- pubUc and transportation will Planner DonaM said that he WE HAVE MANY signs, with the one eliciting the __ ___f.a •______. . .. erWnrlrAfl urnrH ‘lull* t arm. wisan4*«» IS presKienA OI UMf untieo OF YOUR HOMII ^ owooian ^ j ^ ^ ^ provided by contacting the had caUed (he federal Housii« WATHRBURT. Com. needs of the town and the re- man said 'were reports that the word ‘luir, when l, 8d ) munfty affairs and labor." states’ most attention reading, "George Vdirect^ "by 1‘ves in one Folk songs sung bv Gordon meeting at 8 p.m. in Group Discussions church office. and Uihan Affolrs Department *ate Rsp. James ^ atrlottons cn the properttee, he She asked If the present sjIS- — "R o o t out the "\whl* kid" Buy and PUnf 25 for $2.99 Wallace is reaHy Rosemary’a eactremlet srom . aiM BsttolErfi^ elementary school. _ _ ^ elementary school The Rev. Mr. Oorey, a native efHcea in Now York and ques- he had MI NI SKIRT Mdd. The firm represents all tern "feeds upon itself by de- approadi whieb tor years In the Cheney 'hdra. BEibv.'* * "In some places. It Is not a 50 for $4.95 aid Bclwevar ware snihiislAstI **** ahow the -.«„e • “Many narents have ex- ®t Montreal, Que., serves as Goned them as to (he eUglfaUlty '**y hte c^onaxA ditto QQ* , „ , ‘It’s not true,” he aald. "Our lull. vetoplng seco^ and third gen- Defense Departtment has tad our DUTCH BULBS ard Bdveysr ware^ei^una^- techniques of self defense tor h^Mest*ln*na^clratlnK full-time director of the Asram- ^ Q,e town to reoahre grante .phursday he has John B. Hibbard, assodatian LeMay, In Us two-aentence jdatform la for restoring LENGTHS "The last thing I would want m tlo n welfare rec^entsT policies and programs down Mk’^• City seversl weeks ago. 6 0 dls|>eraed. and the barber ahop been io warn before, and I don’t session of the General Assam- “ °P®™ «^ hmcttoi.” groups, parents share their w w ' “Ceetalnly, Menrheater will all the withdrawals of North provided by the presence of the film strip is quite suitable **!l?*^*^jir*^^^**'**j.ij OOP Town Chairman Doug- Wy. ______25 fo r $2y99 questions, experiences and con­ n eed m ore land fo r aiVlitnnaJ reopened tor buaineaa. jjjie 3;^^ ^ them. I’ve de- Vietnamese troops and the de­ Miss Chandriana Bendra of for teen-age girls, and they al- T^ plan ^ ^ to P »^ , 3s Prichard said he knew noth- $1.00 Inslde, he had faced a bar- voted my Ufe to natknal de­ Aheam Asks Legislation cerns under the guidance of a heortog on Nov. 12 ^ M (hat ^ Greene’s tleparfore [PRINTS 9mq. acttooi sitea and mors land for cline In enemy offensive opera­ Bombay, India, a graduate stu- so are welcome to be present, Vemon professional leader trained to park purposea. It is apparent rage at questione from news- fense. tions can be explained either by Ahearn called for new legls- dwit In Home Economics at the ------«me or at a l^ r date h Oreene’s mother, said she End The Dole! the fields of child development that Mancfaenter is (mwilUng to men. He never lost his com- head at the Strategic Air bad weather or by military re­ laiblon to make school buses saf­ Unlvarstty of Connecticut. A Manchester Evening Her- . „. , ., . be m o ^ plan m ^ y had left a message tor Prldiard verses. er including the mandatory use guest of the 4-H aiibs to town, aid Andover ooroiapoiideiit and parent^ld relations!^, Union Church sets forth guideltaes. said chahv ^hout It soon after Labor Day. rsoogniie theae needs and eu:- posure, even though most of the Ctonmiand (SAC),’’ he said, “ nu- ELECT RGDUCGD T O quire land for school sitea and quettlons were loaded against clear weapons were under my Their military men are re- beRs and the “redesign she com e attired to sari which Isw rrence M oe, tel. 742-«79«. ‘Groupe will focus on difficul­ man of the Planning and Zoning riASTie cuAN-ur b a o s a n d r a u s ties a EN 7 DAYS A WEIK tog Monday t 7:80 p.m. at the ^ ^ ‘ «xnprd!S« plan will not be He cited hard surfaces inside Builder Pamela Gardner. " ^ y and Donald Bernier wUl speak a, ^ 3* , 33^ TANK SERVICE ssveral acres of Cranbury Park newsmen traveling with was vety close Trees. Robt C. Popp Open Dally tUl 0 P JI. — Bat. tiU 0 P Jf. a typical school bus, ttie lack of « ___ Bommaga Sola Todd A. Levej)thal « on (he themn, "C a o rin g the „ .at-- -o this nlan taad nsosnUy bought tor about . . . ___ — A.------LeMay agreed that It was the The reason for delay, accord­ TEL 742-7770 mo. I do 1^ conaKtar the w ^ Brat time in thdr memories ing to some diplomatic sources, seat befits—which are used in the * rummage sale wlU be held «» ^ ” ^ *>os not even co’ver the Items $1 A mllHcn for a tract some I. ** Vernon Oongregottonal members ^ oorU wlU lead the caU to wor- pren. le ft^ m I w m quoted that a major, naUcnal candidate is that the Hanoi authorities family car—and said that "the distance away so thaf that part ***^ P*vJ«* »* chuToh tomorrow from 10 a.m. «> ^ ■“P: Martin Bernier, the to- as say^g in Boston, ^ e v e r. had held a press conference In who may favor coming to terms devices that anchor bus seats to of the park con be used by Nor­ many Umes, the press has been ^ barber ahop. nrrvTMAv noiiMr aaicMn- ^ P™' “ ** •’•••ig sponsored Hanover, N^. (^ • vocation and Lord’s Prayer; walk Community College, he with the United States face re- th} floor aiTc inadequate.” He e<*vantage slstance not only from their own said that "the 18 Inch back on Wkys and Meana Oom^ Tompktoa. reaponsive Me saw ne BTC war- the invitation on an electric hard-line policymakers but also conventional school buses was amount of 1^ iissiioamtsit wWoh ”>•** ^ church wMh Mis. A. I.evsnthal ^ a reading; Gall Morse, service of "Apparently Itttle onnaldsra- n ill Bd Oaifc and M«. Robert Fri- «te of Rockville High School. lace are etecteo, l do riot «hoe-shlno machine. The sign from the leaders of the Viet designed inrfor u littleM a xhtMi-onchildren nmtand Z' tton la given to the fact that to use iMclear weapetw In Viet "Have a dioeshlne with Oong and the NaUop.al Libera- OM at ttialr lots. Chaivea were <*ay in ohaige. . Sohoql Menu toiy call, and Deborah Haiw- the area to be acquired in the is much too short to prevent declhtod to reveal “ OP dts- com pkm ent. - L eM a y." tion Front In the South. whlp-lash Injuries or to stop a nraoaitd bv aoMHor Ben Joy. A brown bog sole w(H be a Monday, American suey, j^y^ prayer of dedlcatian. Msap arrangement is relatively A Leader Knows The Way The' coiwoldlation charter feature of the event and will be green and wa^ ***^ ’ Kenneth Lasoig will give the open flat land which was pre- cuss" the plans he has for end------does not require property own- held at 1 p.m. fluff coke; Tuesday, DOKea gertpture reading and Fred- vionaly used for agricultural tagr the war, oaytaig, " I object corned beef hash, spinach, pick- ^picit Lang the closing prayer purposes compared to (he roil­ to the impreesion given the vot­ era . to book tote a sewer Mne, except in those oaaee where led beets, ginger ooddee; 3^ benediction. A group of the ing woodland of Cranbury ers that tte war will end soon. their present dlapoaal system Is Rockville Wednesday, meat loaf, mashed yoonj. people will stog, "He’s Park," Hibbard said. It Isn’t BO at aU.” oonttdned inadequate. potatoes, peas, witches’ hats; giverythtog to Me." The offer- Hibbard said the association He called the North Korean O P E N H O U S E At Monday’s hearing these Hospital' Notes Thursday, baked beans, cold anthem, "Lead Me, Lord," Acm itAOujexi will ccntlnus to oppooe these seizure of the Puetdo "an act A Leader Shows The Way SUNDAYS — 2:30 PAR. TO 5:00 P.M. cwneni may appear to eocroaefamento espaclaUy when of piracy," and reoonamended prope^ owner V ls ltln , hour, ore 12:80 to 8 ask______guarttons„or In offer a n proteet______exoeut me- frosted chocolate cake, Friday, (jholr. The young people will they are based on "socnomy*’ “pressing through diplomatic to th ^ aasiramsnt. The'Board ^ . vegetable aoup with crackers. a^K, act as uriwrs and take the A 3 A MICHAELS WATCH channels for Its release." _____ .....__ j i i A.b.. wiKjTO mrwi « sandwich, nmnire _•#__ and "admtnittrattve exped­ BIRCH MOUNTAIN the Bewer Authority, wlU take ^ g p m egg aaiad sanawicn, orange offering, Asked about Ms quailflee ttone ien cy ." the oommente tmder conridera- ______gelatin. Greeting churchgoers at ibe Tile association was formed In tor the post be is seeking, DOLTON. MANCHCSTER LINE tton. Changes and adjustnaente, xdmttted Wednesday: Mary Bulletin Board door will be Cheryl Johnson, 1090 and is a nonKproflt group LsMay re^ed, "I am as wdl- New custom quality built 8-4 bedroom Colonials, Ranches ft Raised Rancbea. High There Is A Better Way tt fStt neceosary, may be m ^e yernon Dr.; Rita Paul Cub Scout Webo'-os wUl meet Anne Barton, Jeffrey Tomp- quaimed as anyone to be vice m tm CHWUlOoOL one-acre wooded loto. Desirable new area, mid SiKa Glen Taylor, Joyce president.’’ befors final chsuges are Hayes Dr.; Ariene Modore, tonight at 7 at St. Maurice ijina, Tlisy have been Involved In Oonstruotion work started yes- . yyiuinm Lee, Dart Caiuroh. All lO-yeor-old boys Dickey and Judith Bats, m any attem pts b y pttbMe ogen- Then he said, "Military peo­ MRECTIONS: East Center Sfc, Manchester, to Porter 8t-, to Camp Meetinx Rd.. to terday on Middle Rd. to eUrnl- Ctartor, Bast wishing to Join should attend. The special service Sunday tes to acquire open space land ple have a higher code of ethics C arter 8t., to Volpl Bd., to Open House. note a safety hazard exisUng ^ Christopher Cmiey, The aeseesors will hold their gtart off youth week, being and protect open aptieem. T h eir than the ordinary citizen.’’ moot recent major success was LeMay said heris against "the for many months. TMland. ftoa* office hours for the declara- observed Oct. 27 throuah Nov. the state’s purehase for - $000,- liberal progran^ which are LAWirENOE F, FIANO, Developer The town crew la doing the lyteoharged Wednesday: El- tion of personal property other s. In past years this has been 000 of the Talcott Mountain in beading this country to social­ work which wUl eliminate the O’CooneUt Mansfield Cen- than real estate and motor ve- observed to January, A change Avon. ism and cammuMamt" but de­ crumlAtog wall that divided g^g3 „ MoGlU, EJast St.; hiolee tomorrow at the town of- was made tor two reasons. fin ed to name which programs 649-S371 Middle Rd. and Bt. Bernard’s guxanne Frost, Deepwood Dr,; floes from 9 Am. to noon and The first is that the new dates About 20 par cant of the ears be had In mind. Ter. With the elimination of the ,p ^ Dlemer, West Mato St.; 1 to 4 p.m. coincide with Catholic Youth produced in the United States H e said to the nerwsman quee- wall (he two atreeto will be in- Marie Chloolne, Bast The four churches will con- Week with plans now under way tegratod and one wide etreet will naptford, and Mrs. Wieaiawa duct the annual town-wide cloth- for an ecumenical youth raHy be tlM result Kbbal and daughter, Proroeot tog drive tomorrow, starting at to be held Nov. 8. Th e area has had to be closed gj 10 A m . - off at vaxtoua times as heavy rains and cold weather caused the wall to Ixilce- Yale Going Coed The town, several weeks ago For One 'Week agreed to take over^^ roo^ HAVEN (AP) —Yale Good Used Cars Taken stooe foe exact ownership oouia university wUI go coed for one not be determined. week beginning Nov. 4 under 8t. Bernard’s Ter. will berom- p|3^ drawn up by a student pletely closed off while o«nat™ - committee. tion is under way. Middle Rd. assteteiKt dean of Yale wfll be closed to through traffic a . WUktoeon, sold and parking. Thursday foe university would In Trade For 1969 Pontiacs DrtvM S w ill be able to uae 30, ^ 1^13 3 3 (gng 3 ^ tj|3 plans 67 FOWD $1995 64 OLDS. $995 66 PONHAC 64 PONTIAC Middle Rd. at the west and from jmomlae a good oonstructive op- Mustang 2-Dr. Hardtiq>. 8-cyl., 4- 88 4-Door Baden. Fully equipped. Farit St. to where the terrace afoupn, Catalina 4-Door Sedan. Fully Catalina'Convertible. FuUy eqidn- qieed. « l 2e0-A S1801-A. equipped. «3882-A. ped, red. «8924-A. branches off. There will be i» women would Hve 66 PO N TIA C $1495 64 CHEVROLET $795 66 PONTIAC 64 PONTIAC Intortorsewe wtth buslnses oft separate entryways In foe Tempest Wsgon. 6-cyl., automatic, Bel Air Wagon. 0-cyl., automatic. that s rs A dormitories. The plans caU for LeManz 4-Dr. Hardtop. 8-cyI., 8- Grand Prix 2-Door Hardtop. FuUy At UOonn Festivsl stick. * I 8S«-A. SR86T-A. apeed. »40S4-A. equipped, buckcA seats, automaUc. foem to attend olaases during Itoversl members of the Rook- their stay. 66 PO N TIAC $1895 67 TEMPEST riHe High Bohool bend and choir BonnevtUe 4-Or. Hardtop. Fully 2-Door Hardtop. Tan, 8-cyl., auto- 66 OLDSMOBILE 2-Dr. Hardtop. 442 model, 8-cyl., 64 PONTIAC are psrtiolpattog to the AlbOon^ equipped including factory sir coo- maUc. S4189-A. Catalina 2-Dr. Hardtop, diUonlng. «aeeT-A. autom atic, PS, PB. #4171-A. Fully nsotlout Buid, Orohsstra sitd 67 PONTIAC equipped. «4060-A. Chorus fssMvsl at the Unlvsrri- 65 FO M ) $1395 Catalina 2-Dr. Hardtop. Burgundy, 65 PONTIAC 64 CHEVROLET ty of Comieotlout today and DOGS YOUR FAMILY Miwtong Hardtop. V-8, 4-qwod. fully equipped. #4120-A. Catalina 4-Door Sedan. Fully Saturday. #4007-A. equipped, white. «392e-A. Impala 4-Door Sedan. 8-cyl., auto­ NiEO ANOTHER TV7 67 TEMPEST m atic, power steering, #4064-A. Belaotod for the band ware 65 P O N T U C $995 station Wagon. V-8, automatic, 65 PONTIAC 63 CHEVROLCT Linda MltoheU, flute and picco­ Tempest 4-Dr. Sedan. 9-eyi., auto- power steering, factory air coodl- Catalina 2-Dr. Hardtop. Fully NATE AGOSTINELLI FOR STATE SENATOR lo; FhjdUs Olennlstar, flute; Bel Air 4-Door. S-csyl., automatic. motle. «I014-A. Uonlng. S4167-A. equipped. «4178-A. «4142-A. Chris YaUen and Wandy HoUlat- er, olarlnat; Janet Kayan, bas­ 65 FORD $1095 56 P O N IIA C 64 PONTIAC 62 OLDSMOBNE Oalaxto SOO Conveitible. V-8, auto- Tempest Sport Coupe. 8-cyl., auto­ BonneviUe 4-Door Sedan. Fully soon; Gragg Freeman, barltona mstlc, powtf staeilng. #4087-A. 4-Door Hardtop. Fully eoulDped. The recently formed Hartford Commission on Teen-age Drug saxaphona, and Jim Foley, par- matic air conditioning. SI722-A. equipped. S8720-A. «4118-B. 65 MIICK $1295 66 P O N IIA C cuarion. 64 CHRYSLER 60 CADILLAC Usege has asked Mayor Agostinelli to appear before the commis­ For the orohastra: Dough Special Convertible. V-8 , autom atic. Ventura Hardtop Coupe. Fully Newport 4-Door Sedan. Fully 60 Bpihdal 4«Dr. Fu lly eaulDoad. Eltelman and Mark PhllHps, equipped. SI8S1-A. ^ equipped. S3921-A. #41U-A. sion. H is idea of a teen-age anonymous drug clinic was termed "e OVER 60 READY USED CARS TO CHOOSE FROM marvelous plan" by one Hartford councilman. (October 8, 1968)

    Nponsorad By Jlolm MMIm t Chapter VOTE REPUBLICAN O rder o t D k lfota y o t Monolwater Paul Dodge Pontiac ' and the NATE A008TINEUI FOA STATE SENATOR Ootm State Chapter 173 MAIN STRSr PHONE 649-2801 OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M. itat.. Oot. M MANCHESTER 81M •.«. $0 IStOO Noon ^BANK WILEAJDAMO, Tfoosiiiaa Hartford Notional Bonk and Trust Mioln 8 t, MonohMter Donotloo-fl-OO 4- ^

    TWELVB MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. FRIDAY, CX7T0BER 26, 1968 Section Two FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1968 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1968 ohaat^, and Hanry Uak of Ver­ Pages 13 to 24 non; 3 • brothera, Herbert Student Leader Beware West, O bituary Pachlchlaotta and Oeorge Heralding Politiics A bout Tow n Navy T old PaohJchtaoKa, both o f RockvUla; Calls Boycott Brezhnev Tells Ameiioan Legion AuxUUry and Raymond PaoMohholta of By M r. B. CKmrm members ore reminded that the jChiirch to HoW • Five-Country Life Barry Backing WUaon; a atater, Mra. B m a Lit­ At Berkeliey Atty. Vincent Diana, a RepUb- Soviet Youth FlraC D istrlot m e e tli« wlU be School Lunch BOCTOII—Fraaoii Paul Rua- tle of Rooky HUl; a frandchU- Sunday at 2:80 pjn. at Plaln- ‘Training Oass Police Log BERXEUDY, Cblif. (AP) — tloan, has been named.^fMen- T o Budd Education for , North Rd., huabaaddren,------, and i vreat-frandchil- MDSPOW (AP) Soviet Com­ vllls Mgh School. Unit chair­ ^ For Teachers Cereal Found I m iCm. Dorothy flotcher Rua- dren. The student body praeldmt of ohester'a chief moderator for the munist party ohlef Leonid I. man are reminded to bring or ‘Wandering Jewess’ Logs Trek Fire Services FtesidentB of apartments at diad laot nlfht at Manchea- Funeral aervtoea will be held the UMvarstty of OshfoRda Nov. 9 state and iiattonal elec- aend thatr raportt. . „ 488 W. Middle Tpke., com ­ W t Memorial Hoepttal. Monday at 1 p.m. at the Holmes Breihnev warned Soviet youth ‘Quiet Sub’ ;Tto second teacher tralMng By CLEMEWELL YOUNG cUled today for a rlaaaroom t'one. He wlU make Me head- OMetlqg of St. Mary’s Bptooopal state Sen. Da'vld M. Berry plained to poBoe that stor­ With Weevils ' Ruaoell waa bom S ept 5, Funeral Home, 400 Mkln St. today to beware of Western at­ Junior and Senioi' Mathodlat (Oeattaraad from Page One) Cfiuroh wm bs Monday at 7:80 stated today that “Our flre- age bine to the basement h ad I M la Manobaeter, aon of Mra. The Rev. Felix M. Davis, boyoott by students—the latest qtiartsrs at Voting Dlstrlo^ 1, the tempts to “hire you into their “I’m going to talk to you Youth Fellowship of the North gim. in Neia Han. as' a heuaewlfe who Jurt hap­ nian need a more sotentlflc beoi broken Into. Police say W eevils, craw ling toneots H M T W n RuaaeU o f Mantdiea- pastor of Second Oongregational development in diree days of Waldell School on Broad Bt. neta.” Hl^tti^let” '“*‘")dlat Church will sponsoraponsor gram with dttferent ot^jsotlvaa,” atudent diauibances 'A t this meeting special atton- pened to Uve to five differaat several of the bins had entered which teed on wheat products, M r end the late Horace RuaaeU, Church, aiU officiate. Burial "Events in the world over the Jowean party trom. 7 to 8 knowledge and proftastonal ex­ "We’U try a boycott for a Manoheater’a two poUUoal par­ CHftoMl said. Uen to to be given to creattvs countries,” said Mrs. John by ripping toe wire mesh out were found Wednesday morning ■hd Mved In Mamcbeater until adll be in Grove HUl Cemetery, reoent months,” Breahnev said, p.m. at the church Sun^y for pertise wMh which to fight toe ties alternate in naming moder­ He sold tlM Navy wUl buttd QRivlty aueb as finger painting, Brownstone to members of ths from toe wooden frame, and at LIncctn Scho(4 In packages m otliif to BoKon alx yaara ago. Rockville. while this afternoon and proba- show that patriotism and Com­ aU children starting in grade Increasing haaards of fire My move on to a strike on Mon- ators for elections, Domooratlc seUags werte, role play, and Manchester Chapter of Hadas- their contents were strewn about of rolled wheat from S®ven>- Ma area a meirtber of the United Friends may call at the fu­ munist convictions must be one or older, of the church who only cna vessel of this kind to day,” Charles Piilmer declared, moderators were in Clsarge for cheatlvs dnunatlos. The proper aah Ihto week at Temple Belh stod the resulting loss o f Uvea toe ceHar. ment surplus foods, according Mathodlat Church of Bolton. He neral home tomorrow from 7 to strengthened in the Soviet Uh- 'v'll be coUactlng for UNIOEF. test "a pomhinathm of sdfsnoed • p.m. and Sunday from 3 to 4 adding that a strike would in­ the April 80 referendum elec­ Icn. use of visual aids and the sf- Sholom. and psopeity.” to Ronald P. Soett, assistant a « a employod aa a material aup- tion. Those attending are reminded superintendent of schools. and 7 to 0 p.m. clude ploketlng as weU. Ih a 70-mlnute televised sllenelns teclnlquas” involving fliotlvs use of religious art in Her talk tod been caUed “The "In the United States to­ Some carpeting was reported pMer at Pratt and Whitney Dl- to wear costumes. Parents of children at the There was no immediate reeo- The other moderators Nov. B, speech to Komsomol, the Soviet "new and quieter msofalnsry of church school teaching wUl be Story of a Wandering Jewess,” day,” Barry said, ” 12,000 Uves stolen out of a vacant apart­ ▼lalon of UnMed Aircraft Oorp.,< ment building at 88 New State school first heard of the wee- Um to Ms announcement from all RepubUoana, wUl b e : Mra. youth organiaatlon, Breihmv The VFW Ladles Auxiliary la various kinds.” explalnad and demonstrated. but she Immedlatrty dtortgard- Baat Bartord. He waa a U.8. F nnends the 37,000-member etudent body. Mary Jane Crandall In Voting AU church achort teachsra ed swh a fOrmsl-eoundlng title, and |l-7li UlHon drtlars a r e Rd. By Raymond DaMato of vlis and called the school for avoided any direct referenoe to eponsoring a card party TXiss- “Quietneas is 'a grsat advan­ Army veteran of World War H, Palmer’a announceneent ft*- Distrlot 2, the Community T on flsom grades one through twelve and, taking the audtenoe charm- lost snnusUly to the horrors of 34 Homestead St. Someone en­ an inspection. Wednesday after- OMchoriovakia, but he made day at 8 p.m. at the post home, tage in a suisnarlne,” hs ex­ Ore. The per estate death rates aerving in the South P a d flc. Mrs. Join Anderson lowed a threat Thunday by N. McOn St.; Atty. Chartea ore sxpsotod to attend. Church togly into her confidence, with tered toe building late Tuesday 'noon, several parents, Soott, the usual chaiige that ‘ Komsomol quietness to an even greater ex­ of Malcolm B. Devine of and property oould inorsase ■rohool cafeterias here. Island; daughter, Mias Jane cheater. Christian Weintng o f Sit.; Thomas O’M arro, in Dis- from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. The young people of the Sal­ to conducting the course. As- deaia and Hved ftw six years Bloomfield told police that hla E. RuMeU at hom e; three campus at dawn Thursday emd, members who interrupted him tent than do our existing destg.-w 36 H m rod Rd. has Joined Elart- greatly as a result of our in­ The Inse^ were found to the the Jriiovah's WHneoaes of­ tr'et 6, the West Side R ec on vation Army Sunday SchocS are siting Rev. Bottonu in this in South Africa before coming foot sUpped off the brakes whUe brothera, Horace RuaaeU of ficiated. Burial was in Wlnd- under a haU of taunts and some with pheere and applauae —which are the quietest in the creasing trend toward greater Iry foods area. Cedar St.; and Miss EUnor Has- The RepubUcen Town Com- thrmurhS.rth. Z loh reminded of the Halloween chaseI of the course will be iMra. ern AlrUnee as fU^t officer to this country two yean agoi he waa stopped at a Ught at the Manchester, Earl RuaaeU of sorvUle Cemetery, East Wind­ brides, tore down banicades worid.” i"' urbanisation, realising that In Both Dr. Mara’alo suid the h!m in District 7, Verplanck mlttee Is meetiing Wedn«Klay Party tonight at 6:80 at the Mary Phrtpe who to eoepertone- and haa ...... n Her husband to direotor of the America today it already la a Intersection of W. Middle Tpke. Wapplng and Frederick RueseU sor. erected by etudents who staged o ____ _ said: ‘our enemies go to CHfford did not say how long and Broad St. yesterday causing state health officer raid this School on Olcott St. oA 8 p.m. at (30P Headquarters Youth Center. Prises will be ed fh creafive yrorkahope and to intenrtve trelMhg at BartenVe Oewter for Mental Health at fact that twenty per cent of toe In Vermont; and foim alatera, Bearers were Richard Orum- a 16-hour ait-ln at Moses HaU. great lengths to Influence the it might take to design and de­ him to roll forward and bump was not an unusual problem on Main St. It wUl disetMMI final ^ awarded and refreshments serv­ dsoretary to the direotor of slight Crew Trainiiv at Manoheetor Memorial Hospital people Uve on one per cent of Mrs. Ralph McCoUum and Mra. back, Raymond Onimback, Seventy-six demonstrators Assistant moderators and aU ed. velop the new eubmarine, nor Into the car to front of him ind not dangerous to health at plans for tte Nov. 6 election, ^ Christian eduoaUon of the Dio- im«im4______Florida, The famUy Uvas on WUSMre Rd. the land.” Thurston Stauty, bolh of Man­ Ronald Plnney, and Harvey were arreried on riiaiges of din- other elooUon workers also have Republican candidate will cotmtries. how soon It might be made op­ osae of Comectlout. driven by Grover Mitchell, 49, '■11. But aU toe food products He graduated fiem Windham **i Vernon. near toe Insects will be thrown chester. and Mra. Wendell Kil- Walter. turblng the peace, trespaeelng been named. be asked for a report on his Western propagandists “will Cub Scout Pack 96 will have erational. Sen. Barry, a esmdidate fo r of 868 B. Ctenter B t —------High Srtxwl and leoelved hie The Ufe that rtie revtewed for out and the whole area cleaned. oolHns and Mrs. Francla Finch, ------^------and malicious mischief. Thi polls will be open from campaign. never succeed in impoelng on a paper drive this weekend. Pa­ One poasible role for aupc|-ol- re-rteotlon to toe 4th Senatorial A minor colUrton occurred in Bctohrior of Sdenoa decree from ti>e todtoe of Hadassah Tuesday Scott said, "AH the town’s On Tuesday night, 121 protest­ 0 a.m. to 8 p.m. our people the morals of .'their pers may be left at a special lent Mifamarines would be the Distrlot, stated further that the parking lot outside Caldora both of StarioPd Springe. 1 ? R T A Hospital Notes the UMvenSty of Mkutoe. Before "ifht wew not a paxfiotilariy cafeteria workers have been Fimeral aervicee wlU be held 1* i f 1 A g e n t lyC tS ers were arrested after a peace­ The Connecticut State Build- «>clety udiere everything is trailer marked Troop 98 at tracking of Soviet eubmarlnes “The federal government has Department store on Tolland A Joining Eastern to was a char- happy one to the detalto of its 'ni'ructed to discard the food ful ait-ln at neeahy Spioul Halt, Town Clerk Edward Tomkiel Ing and Construction Trades valued by the yardstick of prii Lydall and Foulds, Parker St., equipped with nuclear mJasUee already reoognfsed toe dire need Tpke. yesterday involving oars tomorrow at 1:80 p.m. at the AH evening vtotting hbun end ter pilot and lartruotor in WU- struggles, but Mrs. Brown- when tola bug la found. We Holmes Funeral Home. 400 Main »n O W V .a il8 e the administration. . butUHng . - _ of has revealed that absentee bal- Council has endorsed the Hum- vate property, where jungle law tonight, tomorrow and Sunday capable of reaching the Uaited in tods arsa by pasting the Fire driven by Gary LesUe, 28, of at 8 p.m., and atart, In Ihe Umsntto. a*®®® left most of those details ion’t consider this a serious phrey-Mivkie Democratic na­ abounds,” Breshnev declared. from morning until dark. Statea. Research and Safety Act, which SL, Mandteeter. The Rev. Hugh 4^ ^ pioceesed to date are run- various units, at: Pedlatrloa, 8 Devine wUl be based in Boe- ®ut, emphsslrtng instead th s East Hartford and Walter Udsa, mattei but wiU check out aU G i^ paator of United Metho- In Ray Clase those, 118 ” pleaded guilty to * nhig far ahead of those for The tional ticket. ------> <•* I. was fathered by U.S, Rep. Dad­ S8, of Bouthwlok, Mass. I charges cf trespassing and fail­ p,m.; seif servloe unit, 16a.m.; ton and wlU fly to many of the warmth of her own famUy Ufe, the rest of toe schools.” 19B4 presidential election—cuid In addition, it has given its The Ladles Guild of the 116 clUee Eastern serves In the deep iheantog that Israel dario, to establish a Nation- Eugene GS Dunphy, 41, of 667 i dM Church, wiU otfl^te. Bur- jgEMPHIS, T^nn. (AP) — ure to provide 'n Unertn School has nothing Mi*. Tta^ pleaded lni»- £^y j,e has over U.S. Rep. EmlUo Q. Daddario, have a business meeting Mon­ bia. Pant 4 b, Mextoo, Puerto of the 'various commwltlss to by Bourne Bulck Inc. wMch was [O y e t e ry. flng;erprint eocpert, had been or- cent and face trials. days; private rooma, 10 a.m.; grants to eduoationsi Institu­ to do with the condlition of the 1,100 already proceesed, with ruiming for re-election from t i e '■ "r day at 8 p.m. In the sebori li­ ■sml-prtvate rooms, 8 p.m.; Rico, Bermuda and the Ba- which she has lived. parked on North Mato St. yes­ ?*“-*** dt^ to nhow^mm Dec. 6 why The demonstrators had made brary. Chairmen of the Christ­ School Entrance tions for study and research. ohool. The surplus packages [naral home tonight from T to 9. ^ ^ eax:h day’s mndl bringing more, the First Congressional District. J .S I* 9 6 ll. J L l.d * 0 vlslttog In 810, 814, and 8U to i4f"w ^e wes bom to the capital terday, according to poUce. He held in con- several demands—the main one mas Bosaar are reminded to at­ were dated Spring, 1966 and At the corresponding time in any time lor Immediate ftunlly ——I ------of'Lithuania. Her father, a olv- ”I propose that OomeoUcut, waa ^ven written warnings for tempt for allegedly viidallng or­ being college credit fOr a course tend this meeting along with the -For Singlie Day must have been Improperly Andrew H. LePak 1964, he said, there were about Whaitever Happened TV) De- only, with a flve-mlnnto Umlto- ______. . In line wjlh the federal legls- driving after drinking and de­ ders prohibiting out-of-court in which Black Panther leader Seigeant Yoeay Lapper, 21, of regular guild officers. Ttoe La.. Wapplng: MTO. Joan “ lation, provide matching funds stored before coming to Lin­ ROCXVIlLiE—Andrew H. Le- cotnm e^ on the James Earl 800 processed. partment-Whatever happened thiTrl^ ii 2 The entrancrd, father of i^y lot of the Lincoln School will be obstohrloe ere 8 te 4 p.m. then pii^; Harold Bohoen, 464 B. community, she said, found at the brand new Martin turing. The Democratic ’Town Com- ^nctoe^Br*Proi^' *“*™**' **** **«^®*** W «rict colleges and unhreraitles to toe I the Rev. R A. LePak, pa^r Battle barricaded for 24 hours starting School, he said. at ______Palmer said the strike threat mittee Is holding a fund-raising. begin again at 7 p.m. Vtotton Center St; Enrico Me’rHnl, Ce- ^^*^**5 *7^**"* *5.***^* State which agree to promote d St. Joseph'* CSiurcti, died ghelby Oounty Criminal Court ynm (Hrectly Unked to the Cleav- tion of America held last eve­ Texas Priests this monting at 8 o’clock by the are eaked not to smoke In pa- days, but her father suddeidy Discotheque and Midni^it Buf­ held »*t rtie eml Stiean Blakeley, Bart Hartford; Thorpe, , - 100__ __LydaU St, „ Edward „ g,,ated to Urael before Hitler $88.(». 31, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert to receive a special award from school has used It since It was "2. Research Into toe causes controversy has arisen often in Theodore '-Bourec, Warehouse Dandry, 788 A'very began to overrun countries, BuUdlng Permits Janicke of 168 Irving St, has Say orders eharply restricting dls- ^ pdled, c be ^ said. «: Ghost Voter Irregularities the Zionist Organization of Ame­ recent months.— built. Also, the former fire (ffenAA photo by Pinto) and the nature of fire and de­ tlanici Funeral Home, 880 Ma- Point; PitocUIa East P**«! WlUlam Kernioy, MMdis- when ehe was eight. velopment of impicved meto- L8kM Homes, a new hou-ie at recently received toe Purple cuBSiOB of the case by anyone Stepe are being taken, Heyns rica. Father William Killian and house In the rear of the school Mrs. John Brownstone of Vernon at Hadassah talk. [pie Ave., Hasiford, with a sol' Hartford; Mrs. Ann Clark. 60 *®«^: JacquoEBo Topl^. She spoke briefly about th e ods ^nd techniques for f t r e 29 Ralph Rd., $17,000. LAM Heart Award tor .woisids re­ connected with K. Bcnebrake te said, to obtain paymi^ for It was Uie firat dav o f the Father Sherrill Smith were bo»- used the entrance. Uncovered in Investigation Six-day War tai June 1967, when Sunny View Dr., Vernon; Bar- d contrast between ttie easy Ufe pre'ventlon and oontrol: Homes, a new house at 28 ceived to artion whUe serving In «!>«=***» *>• a Pro-ecu damage from studwfs Involved fsbed recenUy to a OatboUc re­ The barricade is a legal pro- bare Custer, 20 Vine Dr., Ver- *teider, 110 Park St.; Raymond Lithuania and the struggle In the speaker explained thought of the United States as Ralph Rd., $17,000. LAM Hesses, [St Lawrence O'Toole Church, Uon wKnees. “8. PubUc education an tire Vietnam. In the Mosee HaU sit-in. CHICAGO (AP) — The head frauds wouM benefit the Demo- treat In New M exico, and the i'vst'on of th? church’s rights to a land of "gadgets, gangsters, a new house at. 20 Galaxy Dr., L Hartford, at 10:80. Father Le- non; Mrs. Irene Dingley, 10 W. Hagenow, 88 Braifiord S t; Mrs. ggrly days la larart For a “****^ ****■ ****'*• “ *** ******* year* hazards and safety; and Ptc. JanSeke, a mortarman to The Judge cHed Bonebrake Cooperation also Is being giv­ m»a.«KUrna*w<. •*— « Khali YODtj neOT the G ; Mra. Hasel McGary, An- Martha KatodeS, Oak Dr., He- donee troop, danc^ with Um deela, however, there were two band, at least not yet.” Miifr Peart Doellner Sbeekey, to brtieve that respondeat bers. f can have the modem means not was the second straight year was assigned to the 1st. infan­ irreguiartties were imcovered in Republicans they ej to g hosoital dwer; Judith MetUhorn, Ctodar bicn; Jerry Green, Stafford IsraeU opera and philharmonic Jewish oommunltles, toe Spon- But, she said, as much a s 73 o f 32 Olcott Dr. died last George Bonebrake Is in oca- Truly Convincing! A false ela n n and two smstS only to fight fire, but to prevent for a rise, and the gain was the try Division in VMnam April night at a Manchester convales­ an tnestigaiUon conducted by woukJn'l let this happen. But « » p w u . “We are like camels crossing Swamp Rd., Coventry. Springs; Albert Fournier, 310 oroheetra. Somewhere along the toh-speaking, and toe Ylddtoh- rtie loves ll'vtog here, she would tempt.” ------__ . - „ Typical of Israels fighting flree kept Town' firemen busy It.” blggert o f the 1960s. 20, this year. cent home. She was the widow ______CmSBNVILLE. Mira. (AP) — the BOA and the CSilcago DaUy "'y ®«*® men. he is not a irofesslonal an increasingly arid dssert upon Also, Mrs. Nedra MUler, 14 Bensdlet Dr., Wapping; Mau- way she met her future h u i- epesldng. Since she was of toe “give it ell up and go back to Bonebrake was cited for com- ^rtiose back has Just been placed yeatasxlay. of James H Sheekey who died ^ made abouth^itaw mOonan, 88, and Kenneth News. Sidney T. Holzman, ohaliman soldier, but a farmer. A raoent A false alarm was recotded Perkins St.; Mra. LucISe Moon, reen Sleuipa, 619 North Mata band, a member of the Greek latter and her husband of the Israel,'’ her "home.” "Why the proverbial last straw,” the U6 Buckland St, Wapplng; Di­ former, there were some mis­ last November. prtnt investigation. The com- **“*“ «■• Irmates of the Shel- DereUcts were paid to regU- Board of Blectlon graduate of Kfar Silver high 'at Box 896 which is located on St.; MTO. Agnes Stansfield, 88 air fttree. He was demoblllaed don’t you oek me a question?” letter to the Pope sofcL ane P a g sn l,' 83 B. M ^ e Bt.; givings .among families and Mra. Sheekey was bora Feb. meats wero jq t|jg *>y Oounty, Tenn., penal farm, ter, and hotel registries were Oommissloners, said be waa un- school, be is oonttouing his agri- South Alton St Sanford R d.; Mrs. Oarrt Ashton, in Rhodesia, and so, to 1947 rtie sM said.-,. Father Michalshl said there Mrs. EUm I Poctus, WUUman- friends on the “mixed mar­ GET A BEAUTIFUL DEAL IN OUR BEAUTIFUL WORLD TODAY! 9, 1896 in Manchester, daugh­ Wirtdta, Kan., Beacon. vlattod three scixxds here to lec- used to sign up transients with- ®uy irregular registrar cultural education at the Some leaves on Trebbe Dr. 88 High St; Theodore Weiss, 66 left Israel for her third home. Someone readily supplied WAA no mahee Intended in the tlc; Busan Bcheldel, 67 Orchard riage.” toe proper quesllan: “ Why don’t ter of Frederick and Emily Battle — held Rayte at- ***** **** ****** UvAg a out their knowledge, the Dally ^***** until presented infomiar Hebrew University in Jenisa- Tot out of control yesterday at Durkin S t; Mrs. Margaret Sau- The oouiUe Uved in Ssltobury, priests’ request. Archbishop Lu- Ifin Dr.; David Schwarts, 140 Puoh Doellner, and had hved tomey, a private inveatigator **** «*«e.” News said. It added that per- “®** *»y **** *^»**y News. Hols- iem. 4:11 p.m. And a gram fire at _ . . . „ __ sanautch, 869 Oakland Bt; Mra Southern Rhodesia, which Mrs. Mra. Brownrttme said alte you goT” cey, be said, "has been a real And toe emswer, readily giv­ here aU of her life. for ills fWftnso two MSm- Bave Dunaway, principal of sons were registered from va- *"*®* ***** ***■ wouM Kfar Silver is the only Ameri- 11 PhiUfp Rd. occurred at 4M BranftM Bt; Howard Bt^er, ceeUe Parent and daughter, 27 Brownstone described as "a sootol Ufe, which consisted of a g ^ ” during his 62 years a en, was that she would follow Survlvmz include her brother, phls newspaper reporters in Solomon Junior High, described cant lots and the guest nrter at *»*P«»t® with the FBI In the can riiartered school of lU kind p.m. Firemen rejKXted no in- Brook; ‘raerrien, LUley St; Mra. Lorraine How^ paradise for women.” Sh8 had great deal of home entertaln- Robert Doellner of Manches­ priest and 77 v e -r - - - i . ' or m.. "®®‘ ®«rtmed group o f approx- mondi, Pope Paul’s repreosnta- Memorial Fund of Zion Evan- celebratlan candy, they confided In toe mountains, the oUmate. MASONtC TEMPLE A wide smile cams over Gran­ from the hotoA town emplo3r«t, al- tive in the United Statea, askli« ★★★★★★★★★★★'A 36 B. Oenber Bt. geUcal Lutheran Church. thejr bad hoped their aeoond AndfUl^Sit mort aU of them from the MU- the group not to make the mat­ ifiririrkififirkir'kif'k'kirk^'kicirirk Asked about apartheid to grandchild would bs a girl. ville (Ted) Lingard’s face as he ter pubUc, he said. South Africa, Mrs. Brownstdae WodMsday.Oet. 30 tm n stS B. Lynda was staying in the hos- rtarted to explain what a fire " said tost It was ths main rea­ 8 PiM: — 8 PJM. ^ v ***‘*^-®*®*’ PW*<«>Anflal chief does. He drew in a deep son they decided to leave, be­ It, of 499 Avery 8L dted sarty ,„itg where bw “ ftdhsr had .v ... !. Thursday, Oct. 31 cause, even though os adults 0 AIM. — 13 Noon thismotning St Mknchsster Ms- .jayed when be u n d e ^ identlflcatkM. »«v««*»ng n wa* twied down by the they oould maintain a proper mortal Hcspitel. rerv in the fafi of USB and -g,<> that be was responsible for perspective, she didn’t think her Beautiful New Fobrica END OF THE WORLD FOR THIS V m Mr. Gray aras born Ju m S, xMS. the 90 men and equipment of BEFORE YOU BUY A children oould have this per­ and Linings UT9 in is-«ri«nA, Hants Coun­ While Luel and Mrs. Johnson fbe Eighth District Fire Station, th2 “»e^*?SS2 n e * ^ S S “ * spective If it had been her own Excellent Used and New ty, Nova BooUa, and Ihred in had sped to the hoepital on the B seemed a deceptively t.i-4 Mm a po. d ,abtl. country, she said later, she d o th in g Bast Hartford for many yaara rainy night aritb Lynda, her simple answer, but the equlp- „ a„ W« S“ K ’V S S .S S would have stayed to combat Ibifore coming to Wapping 10 father stayed at Us office nraii ment that Lingard Is responai- apartheid. yaara ago. He aras a member The TOT I. ___ ...a , ^Sli*** »«»P loy«a UWon, AST, notifled that his daughter bad 1>1a tor Includes a new |U,000 In ^ a X !^ ^conducting an CEO. is the certified group 1 n So, after six years, an op­ of Bwwlde United Methodist gone to the delivery room. Mock pumper truck, and a Ford ^ ei«g«tlon because encourag- MAnrtMster. portunity for a residency at iCbuiata. Bast Hartford, and the He airlvsd at the hoqittal at truck costing $18,000. r?-!?r*a.**®***^*°^ ®** PAytnS The board left the door open CIS Grace New Haven Hdspltal Senior Ottlxene CUb. 12:3B a .m „ 20 minutes after the Lingard, as next cU ef, has opened, and, aU furniture sold, nwivora include two sons, tt^-fityici w r mfti NYERSIFtED baby was born. started some new programs at t e d ^ "*• *“ * *® !>•***'«* Again V LEFT-OVER the family set out America. J. BUnis Gray and Robert 7 * ^ convict- between Sept. 1 and Nov. i, 1^ CLOSE-OUT ____ Speaking so softly hs could the department He wants to ex- ■irtiolwstor, West Hartford and tuerid^i Mra, Brownstoae - eaid rtie Gray. both of Wapplng: a r o s e n t e n c e d to five The existing contract between POSITION R iiJi^'^D av^ •'Artly be beard, the Preeident PAnd training facWtlea, start 8 1 0 ^ And the Town o f MSn- **!!**." .' — . made this antXHinoement: t*f« prevention education, and lie Jr. of Oroaes Fointe, Mich.; <*••*•*’ oxpires Jan. 1, loeo. involving poitiei- . r» riM v rd v«ik- “ Mrs. Johnson anaand i1 anasod urn-Lyn- improve the organiaatlon of the ~ ~ The contract oovSrs aU sal­ CHECK ' potion in pro|octs« n S: *^ •**“ a******* •*» pteainl ttepartment. aried and permanent, part- has set the depart­ Lloyd Odoll I E C . Faace River, family a baby Ungard h time employes, excluding fire­ Looping of roe- da; four grand- **Au«hte^-aiTlved in aoootd- ment up in a military fashion Defense Chief men and policemen, and exclud­ OOLORTV [Atbarta, Can ccnducted a one-man tour of ordb cmd handling lotaSdren, and m t - m ^ “ **® '"'**** ®“ »’ •»!>•»■’ ’ with Umself os head______and sevar- ing cupervlsory personnel. eorrospondoneo. Aa they talked ofterwarda, al officera below Urn. The of- ***• AtAtton. He climbed into the The petition to the State La­ IS SALE Reveals U.S. $ DOLLAR DAYS $ aarvinM will be held ***** J®*toson told reporters the fleers of the department receive** “ h of the new Mack dtesel 'BB'e .el w _ ^bor RsiAtlons RsUUons Board is signed K n o w l o d g o on all brand Mteatev at 11 a m . at Burneide ITandchlld was “ Just a lit- « sn»aU stipend, but the rest o f lAttoPM said that it had REAU Y QOOD JH lSfi'llSb ¥ .gkasi William M. Malauaky, MBG SALE! of chomistry ^ Ctaur^ Bast Hart- *** *’*"'* **A*>y<'’ And the famUy the men are aU volunteers. This »»* •»•«> rtarted in some time, IT filsn ilt; JL ieaC l president. No scheduled date ford. The Rev. O. Albin Dahl- “relieved and glad to arel- keep# the total salary outlay he turned the key and the ODELL DODGE Let Us Prove It.. • siroblo. bss been announoed for the CU SS WOOL -y|g» paator, Bur- ®®"** that little person into our for the department at Just $10,- *"*• engine obedlentty neared (Confinoed tram Page One) hearing. tel wUlbeln Rose HSi Mecnor- *^'^" 000 a year. <® Ufe. __ Come and Take Home _ ^ T* ----- clear that « “Tent presidential The peUtion states, “ We have PIONEER |isl Pack. Rocky HUl, The ElghUi District Fire De- « was clear that Lingard , «**«PAlgn no cornmunlty 'of fa lte re d O u r U k g . 2 9 e Sfaw ON A • Portabte TV For a Irtsnds may call at the W.P. . i o « — MU,. i ~ p . w . 5 ] * 1 RESEAROH FREE jaOME TRIAL! New 1968’s [Quisb Funeral Home, 226 Main -^rquittedofM urier ,uu, huury. Ofliuuuy. *h M, on Jan. 34, 1961. The de- Tpke., avid the now extinct Ninth ClvU Defense A uxU l3y. Un- Mat Jra e m ^ " T ^ ' S-Day Work Week had an of the town south Sard attended M a n c^ r High Uev«l ^TSlm txy WILD im O SEED 11906 in Germany and had Uved <®u^ g m ty in 1962. One was cf Middle Tpke. School, the Now Haven State tain a t»u» coumry enouid main- LIMA, Peru (AP) — Oov BANKHNAN01N0 PRICES YOU'D GLADLY PAY I to Moiu^i^r (or “** "***■ ‘he'^statlon sUU coven Fka Colleg«,*iiIId to 1m taken riortty * " « * , A^«*he»» In Psru will b e ^ (Rog. Prie# $1.58) Ir*” . ^ AU o< the town north of the Mid- smreralflra technology courses. ‘We have «**-todaya .a subrtantial ------s « *’ MANCHESTER BGTABY CLUB FOR MUCH LESS IMPRESSIVE NAMES te^« •••*■ *“* **■»**• ***“ ““^P* *«• «nge He is presently miSted to a mUltary superiority over the So- ttce?f w orkm ^^r^** ***!Sf' Is now to prison. Ths areas on the eastern and west- fire technology couras at Msn- AND MODELS Viet Union and I rttoS conttou. *h« Be Uie first in your nelghborHood to ovm Uie nirmcsl smployed at the Al(to (our others appealed and now— era boundaries. cheater COmmunitv CclMe to maintain that superiority is ANWUAL ANT19UES M A R K n ng MlUs to Talcottvilte, ®®***^ decision As Art mairtial, Lingard also Ltogard, who hae Just cesn- MIH pet on the market! In Une with today's off beat idea. later st Manchester Me- long «s I am secrete^ V EASY BANK RATE FINANCIN6, TOO! .n i!!. ,*’«»*'^-***'^ "«*•* ‘"APe®* aU puhhe buUd- pleted his rtx-menth prrtMitlon- fense," CUfferd said. ■^s civil servants wUl rtlU FRL, N O V . 1 A SAT., NOV. 2 ,1 9 6 8 mortal Hoepital. wortj Just as many hours per O d e l l D o d g e Survivors, besldce her hus ^ u * “ * **'"***«*• **’«• *» **>Ak« sure that they pro- ary period as new chlrtUa SALE! M A.M. — IS PJL Of in d en t evl^e. vide^______adequate^ exits for gig*fire es- ccnrtru^-L-iranxyttm ijii u nin ’ifirtAs* ’ bowsvEF* Th# work WE’RE OPEN EVENINGS e THURSDAY EVENINGS tIU « bond, tocluto 4 daughters, Mrs. __ ___ The New Jeweled ?• AUl^ct of s capo. He also is on the lortmut Everett Van lo^ LondtMl to Add Airport *•*"• *® R o u t* 83, RockvW s SHAH ARMORY— 330 Main Stroot t ** JApan’s'jiuclsi to^'prtoW fira'toliikto, wn«, , UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY » LOW BANK RATE FINANCINO U, buitoer When t e r S ! LONDON- — ■ • 9 ^ JS' Sftnjf'lSLtov **• «*'• prevention eS- the fir. etsticn Physchedelic Pet Just 1 Va MIIm From Yomon a relt O ff 1-84 , 89 EXHIBITORS SNACK BAR ‘r '^ ’rhotosrtnoedlrtl.T^ ucrtlon pro,;in.^ foV roho^ He W ^ 'w U . «'**'***«rc'A> -nd priviHipUn, holiday would rtrer^hm S y * ABIPLB PARKENO ^ i***®e to the firat trtol ra- and a d u R ^ ^ ^ ' UvVst M W «rtS ?S « congsrtlon, Londorhas eUrted *»•, provide toceMli; for S Monehostor 646-2333 R o ck v ilk 872-3666 This oonpen edtitlea one or more persons to purchase A with a book of his own. A Lingard, a 4 ^ , confident t o v e ^ ®" ■**• •“rveys for a third «r work Monday to Friday .t o Safe, quiet, easy to care for. Reg. $1.80 tloketa for 18c. MORIARTY BROTHERS price 18.98, **^* **•«* on tb. oas. was m m , , ^ obvftHisi; p^SSTS ^ y 8 *6 M alrport.'^Tto BritUh »|e>P Alleviate traffio « 301 CENTER STREET, MANCHE8TBIU-S4S.51S6 n ald LMl all of Man .jg*, gleaming equlpmant as to odore, 4. of Trade to supsrvtotog Ualurday wh0n Die p*ssfuits the planning. corns in from the country.

    St MANCHESTER EVENING HERALl>. MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1998 PAGE nPTEEN PAGE POUltTEEN MANCHESTER EVENINO HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. FRTOAY, OCTOBER 26,.1968 H e b ro n of London Pork wUl host a dona­ Tolland County ’’Miniaterlng in a Prison Com­ education and bachelor of divin­ tion cocktail party tor the bene­ r Tolland Youth to Hear munity.” Followitw his talk ity from the Haittord Bohotri of fit of the Hebran Republican there wUl be a question and an­ Religious Education and the Town Committee tomorrow at 8 4-H O iib B a n q u e t Prison Chaplain Cafeteria at Gilead Hill p.m. in their home on Jan Dr. swer period after which refretti- Hartford Theologloal Seminary. The annual Democratic Town Slated Tomorrow Sex, Drug Education Reviewed The Rev. Russell Edward ments wUl be s8rved. Rev. Camp also Haa done Committee dance will be held Camp, chaplain at Connecticut A native at Olastonibury, Rev. graduate worit In the field of Nearly Ready to Dpen tomorrow night at ?;B0 to 1 at The ToUand County 4-H Blue Tile methods of teaching color remark, he told the bqard. night, beginning tonight at the Camp was ordained to the peyohology at Boston Psyoho- Ribbon Beef Club is holding Ms State Prison, will speak to the j IkqMrliitendmt of HriKHrt. the Amston Lake Communi­ Better Ideas tenth grade high school s t u- The classes contained both Post home, to the music of the Chrtttlan ministry in 1048. Un­ pethic Hoiqrttal, Maas., and the Ao- The St. Peter’s Church school The annual church canvass ^ children. using the cellular aj^roach to “In a year or two we will .terest in working m the oafs- ntirseiy' Is in Twed of a woman have developed a health curri­ meg fluff cake; Tuesday, chick­ the Gilead CongregationiJ County, state and regional re­ FORDS the teaching of drugs and their en stew, tossed salad, home­ teria but os yet the ,moirt pott- to oare for the children during ports on 4-H Uvestock adUviUes effects on the human body. culum for the sdwol system, Church wUl be held Sunday. made briead, jello with fruit and hon remalna unfUled and the the 10 a.m. Sunday service. Pledge cards will be in the pews WiU be given and sUdea cover­ The course at times takes on with the help of the school doc­ |cafeterta cannot begin opera- Those willing to assist one Stm- tor and nurse as well as select­ marahmallowB; Wednesday, on Sunday morning tor those ing the year’s aoUvlUes wlU be the aspects of a chemistry ition. day a month are requested to shown. course, he told the board, a s ed teachers,” he added. spaghetti with meat sauce, cole wishing to make their pfeiilgee ^ w , cheese wedge, Vienna , It had been estimated that the ccntoct WUUhm Greenhalgh or while at church. ...put th em experiments and formulas are Other Aspects the Rev. Mr. Weeman. demonstrated diowing how the Kaynor and Cook expressed bread and butter, a p i^ ciiq>; Roll In Here For |osfeterta could begin serving hot ’Thuraday, jack o’buigers, lunches to the rtementary school Bulletin Board Advertlaement — various drugs alter the chemi­ concern that there was more witches sticks, ^xxAy buttered ;studet4s this month. The annual meeting of the cal balance of the body. to teaching sex education than FRONT END Gilead Church wUl bs hekt on Distortion wUI fall—-truth will in a class beans, moon bites, riilUy Silv­ 1 The position requires a person prevail—Re-elect O’NelU. Btoe M a t • B o ^ too. He expects to briefly touch biological presentations. er, ghost bi?ew. ,who wiU handle the responsfbUl- Nov. 8. on psychological aspects o f The board appears to be The choir of (he Hehroo Oon- 660 H o rtfo riM . Bulletin Board •ty of funds, ordering, plamniiv Manohester BVenliig Herald lelwsOer,' Ooaa. drug addiction but will not wrestling with the philosophy ’menus and oooMng. ’Ihe poel- gregatlonal Church will meet to­ siajiaBa of their own ^rens them, pointing out that that the student should be made The first session of the ecu­ 1 night at 7 In the church. Hebron Oonespoodent, Mar­ menical Project Logos Seminar •tlon will have a salary of |60 to BX0& I 14B6 he is a science teacher and is more aware of the other as­ Ipsr weak, Anyone interested In Mr. end Mrs. Rchert Dixon jorie Porter, tel. 228-6116. most familiar with this a p- pects of sex education, but they begins tonight at 7:30 in St. MUSTANG MACH I $3122 are unable to see how this can applying Is requested to contact proacb. Matthew’s Parish Center, tor iDamarjian al hhi office on Rt. More of that Mustang Feel! Tile ecbool board agreed with be done within the framework adults. of the school system, or even ■ee OP Herbert Shedioff, princl- the cellular approach, rather A story hour for four and five ,pal of the Gilead HUl Seboot. than the psychological, noting if it belongs in the schools. 2 year olds, will be held tomorrow The local'- churches were ZBA Hearing all people tend to think they morning at 10 in the Tkdland Richard Barry, eecretary of are the exception to the rule, praUed by the sdiod board for Public Library, sponsored by stepping into this void with the ;BoMon Aasooiatea told the Zon- “that they would be the 1 in the Tolland Junior Women’s |lng Board of Appeals during a SPECIAL FACTORY 10,000 who could be thoroughly Project Challenge program, Club. and its f(41ow-up this wedc. m ove vp to a pravioswiy mwmtd *IwU4o hearing this' week that cured once addicted.” The United Congregational ,ths company had some $4,000 Krivanec will stress the sta- Project Logos. Morabty belongs in the home Church Pilgrim Fellowship will expended to date on the fifth PURCHASE of 68's tMlcs including those th a t bold a car wash and work day ainrtmsnt whtdi it had planned Aow the 1 In 10,000 cure rate and In the duirch, several (All Hov* Bxtrg U w MIIm ««I members said. The parents tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. On txiUdlng at its work site on and that most addicts ultimate­ SPECIAL IWaB a t TORINO GT SportsRoof ly die from the drugs they take. shouldn’t let w force the at the church. Anyone wishing schoids to take it over, accord­ to hire the workers for odd jobs , The Bolton Associates’ build­ Easiest Handling Hot One! The body chemicals become ing permit tor five apartments $2833 altered by drugs, and will con­ ing to member Edward Jendru- may contact Connie Dwire, Lar­ $ 7.95 cek. ry Anderson or Beth Horsman. -it’s suiprisiiii^ easy Ssias lievoked by the Planning tinue to demand fhem, he told and Zoning Oommisalon when it PODGES the board, even after cures Oook noted that the school Church SMvicee Siuiday are, Camber—Oaeter—Toe In board, agreeing with Sociolo­ yas disGowered that it irianned CORONETS . P0URI8 ■ CHIRRERS ■ BOBUOt have been taken. United Congregational C^pirch, Now i f t easy for you to aaove op to a Lincoln ConUnontal, and on having two front doors rath- gist Susan Didc, leader of the .9:80 and U a.m.; St. Matthew’s Hie curriculum meeting was Project CSiallenge program, enjoy the finest motoring you've ever known. This car has every­ CARS FOR LEASE AT A |»r than the common entrance i f ' Including Sfnflon WagoM i f scheduled at the last board Church, 7, 8:30, 10:30 and 11:4S and hell ae reqidred tor apart­ cut down on school daix^ee and a,m.; First Baptist Church (la thing — except a high price tag. VERY LOW RATE meeting two weeks ago, when t ments in tile aonlng regulattons. SAMPLI eliminated all those not direct­ Hlcka School gym), Bible School 19M f o a iK members approved a bill for ly supervised by the schools. • Barry stated that the firm had BUY synthetic marijuana earn pi ee. 9:4S a.m., church services 11 We have a selection of late-model Continentals available now — been given Ms first permit on MONACO Krivanec brought a sample of ’’But we failed the principal, a.m. and 7:80 p.m. many of them one-owner trades on our new Continentals. All MANCHESTER MOTORS I Aug. 21, 1908. Building had been 4-DOOft HARDT09 by neglecting to provide the 813 W. CENTER ST. 645-1511 the syidhetic narcotic to the There will be no Pilgrim Fel­ are in exrenent condition and ready to serve you. Come see how started with the foundatian pour­ meeting, nie tablet is designed youth with anything else to lowship meeting Sunday and no ed for the five apartments and Ftf Ft, VlRYt I to be burnt demonstrating the do,” he added. easy it if la llm car ymi'ue always wanteil Cocdi Pressed the need tor a CTO. The teens will participate utocUng done triim It received aroma of a marijuana cigarette. in a panel discussion with 2 call from Zoning agent ib rt The board related the Impulse recreational center called tor repeatetBy by Mias Dick in her adults at the final session of ■fiitks that there was a problem to bum a tablet to discover the Project Logos at 7 p.m. Drith the apartment bulKUng and smell, although boaM member analysis of Project Challenge. •3 2 9 S $3234 He further expressed ciBlcism -it was reqaestsd to attend the Kenneth Kaynor took one home Qnsetlng of the Oommisslon on to test tor the lack of foUow through Manchester Evening Herald Beautiful CANDIDATES Still a Few NEW 68 D0D8ES I GHRYSLERS LTD Wider, Longer, Quieter, More Luxurious! The value of this type of on the program and Us find­ ToUand correspondent, Bette •Oct. 8. At this time the permit M i n t ings. 3ras revoked. “Aock treatment education” <)Datrale, le t 887-2845. AT SH0CKIN8 8ISOOUNTSI was questioned by several board Demoerattc Ooftoe Hoar ^ Barry stated that liirics hod members, including chairman A Meet Tour Oandidate Oof- Used Cars For the title of ■seen the plans and was aware t h h t l DILLON’SALES and SERVICE David Oook and Richard Bow- foe Hour, honoring Atty. Rob­ 3 ^ t two main doorways were i t KICENT TRADI-INS. ^ cleanest, used cars Tkumed. Barry eaid the firm 819 MAIN STREET—MANCHESTER ering. Ootdi expressed the fear ert Gaines, the Democratic can­ Come to Moriarty Brothers for that the students seeing and didate for state representative JSsked Unto about a portion of 67 DODGE $2095 67GHRYS. $2295 64 PONT. $t$ii ItEWEMBER around. T h a t's. •mt regulation that referred to r*tars M r. HsrSIts, RaH, Mt*. N«wp8rt Ca Miw 4-D«r StiMw sriRS Rfto UH, sMswaa ) hearing this repeated shock from the 48th Dlstrtct, will be a used car IN SUCH GOOD SHAPE THAT mafic, prnwr im rlus a krakM. FFRIb 80161 RseleFr eoNe*# R8BF8F SmtojSMrM ASNlNa hsMy treatment exposure “become held tomorrow night at 8:80 at IF IT HAD BEEN YOURS. YOU'D HAVE ^th e joining together of struc- ‘ «r Hwv arMnie v4. F®RD been DeCormier riures ahoU not be considered to jaded.” the home of Mrs. Albeit Dan- KEPT IT IN THE FIRST PLACE! G6 P0NT. $1895 MMHW. t i t o Kaynor on the other hand durand, Oorrine Dr. NEVER ON Skoduoe a multi-family unit.” CsKNiis a-0*cr tserta C****, ra- 68PLYM. $2495 , Impsla neiv tort 'Mr.' Motors' used ear 4kccording to Barry, Urdu indl- 41* wto kM icr, m Mm s*m r w . thought the knowledge of the Gaines has appointsd Mra 65 MUSTANG NnieflCs**^i*52? powfi* BMBrfNa*$•*?»< Sa RMt'siS^toWr**"^ smell would be valuable to a Robert Hampton of Walbridge 66 CONTINENTAL t Sbted that the planned apait- student permitting him to know Hill Rd. as faia campaign co­ SUNDAY 2-Door H o rd ^ . RAH, 6 cyl., 4-Door. Burgundy. Black vinyl roof, fuH reputation fiiient house would,, be all right MANYOTHBRS it LOW BANK KATIS when be has been passed a ordinator for TiBland. Mrs. standard transmission. Beige. ~ ■ Lincoln power equipment, plus factory air Sbtder these regidotlone. P marijuana cigarette, perha|w In Hampton of Walbridge Hill Rd. NEWER ON conditioning and all leather interior. for over 24 years. * Barry said he did not know a darkened gathering place. as his campaign co-ordinator for 66 COMET ■srfaat the firm would do with The classroom teaching about Tolland. Mcs. Hampton, pre­ Cycdone 2-Door Hardtop. Red. JLIX A C 66 MERCURY These select spe­ Sw portion of prepared base- marijuana would last about two viously served as the local cam- SUNDAY?? CHORCHIS FEEL LIKE THIS WHEN YOU RAH, automatic, console. ^ 1 0 7 9 Monterey OonverUUe. Red with M 9A O E suent area U It coiUd not build days according to Krivanec, pslgn co-ordinator for candidate white top, 8 cyL, auto., PS. ^ A v 7 9 cials are no ex­ JQke fifth apartnwnt OF MANCHESTER with a third day devoted to an Max Olrshick, until his sudden 67 MERCURY ■■’The appeakt board went into 89 Oakland $treal, Manehastar 943-2191 wA appearance by the state police death two weeks ago. Cougar 2-Door Hardtop. RAH, ttendard 66 COMET ception. Rceoutlve seselon. ’Ihelr decision LOOK FOR A USED CAR who would eiqilaln about drugs Tile new Democratic candid­ trans., color white, vinyl interior, R O O flC 2-Door. White. Radio, heater, RO O K sHH be made kixrwn within the and narcotics. ate will meet and talk with resi­ whitewalls. 1 owner. “ A A 7 9 6 cyL, ttandard trans. As ia speoiaL ^ 0 7 9 Joseph Sullivan Sext seven days. 8ex KdneattoD dents outside the Tolland Sav- 2 Halloween Partlea Then you should go fo Tlie BidMxri board members htgs Boidc tonight from 8 to 8. 65 CHEVROLET ★ JEEPS S Mr*. Valory Coates. PTO Hal- appear to be examining their Friday Night Dances COLOR TV i t Impola 4-Door Wagon. We have a nice selectlan of 4-wheel drive 1964 RAMBLER 770 4-DOOR STATION WAG­ Ibween Party chaiiman, has coasdencea regarding such The VFW Poet 241 wUl hold RAH, automatic. Beige. «1645 Jeqis. Most Mrith snowplows. Ready to go. B ated the schedule of parties to areas as drug and sex educa­ public dances every BVlday IS ON. Loaded with extras like, radio, V-8, enffine, |]y held this year. ’Three partlei r tion. automatic shift, air-conditioning power steeriiur, We Have IVbny BCore “Safe-Boy” Used Oars To Choose FromI srill be held on Oct. 81. The cdiU- Hie subject of the school’s REALLY GOOD individual seats. M m MAE Bren In klmlergarten, first and Fussy Buyers CARTER moral responstbility for teach­ Gorgeous throughout. ^ | "§#0 second grade of both elementa- ing in these areas has ariaen Let Us Prove It... during the last three or four Septic Teekc WE’RE OPEN EVENINGS • THURSDAY EVENINGS tiU 6 2y sebooia, will have their party S t the Hebron school from 8 to meetings. AND Oome sod ’Take Home WE LOVE YOU! COME TAKE Appearing pleoeed with Kirv- UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY • LOW BANK RATE FINANCING 1966 VOLKSWAGEN BUG. Model 118, 4 speed, |:8D p.m.; third and fourth • Portable TV For a •ra d e s wUl be a t the GUeod CHEVROLET aaec's approach to drugs, they PligsMi Sewin bucket seats, radio, vinyl interior. A LOOK AT OUft CARS. questioned bow sex education is Rriwol from 6:15 to 7:16 pxn., 1 Machiio OleaHod FBEE HOME TRIAL! Jurt right for running: your errands. r l fifth and sixth gfades will being approsched in the class- . Unbea^le at Stove Marten WFRE FUSSY. TOO! rootn. Septic Taolu, Dry Welle, at Phelpha Hall from 8 :S0 to Our 32 years' experience selling O K Used Sewer Lines InstaUed—Cri- 2:80 p.m. Cars means no "shotgun" deals! We stand Krivanec explained how when MARLOW’S MORIARTY BROTHERS HOME o f " lar Waterproofing Done. teaching eighth grade students Dqiendadile Since 1811! ■ Due to the large number of behind our cars with an honest deal every be limited himself to an ex­ 301 CENTER STREET, MANCHESTER>-643-5135 1964 RAMBLER AMERICAN 2-DOOR SEDAN. {hildren attending the patties planation of the reproduction MoKINNEY BROS. Main St., Mancheeter 6 cylinder, radio, vinyl interior. Our original sale. 4n past years, the PTO has had time! Why settle for less? process only, although he would 118 Peart St. — 843-3388 640-5221 < “OONNECncUT’S OLDEST LINCOLN-MEBCURT DEALEB!” -See why this is the king of ^ 1 0 9 5 B> eliminate having prd-achool- answer quesUons. In live years Sewerage Dtepoeal Oo. the compacts. mru at the parties, 100% Guaranteed Cars be eaqiericniied only one off GET A BEAUTIFUL DEAL IN OUR BEAUTIFUL WOR^Jl TODAY 1 a Hethert Sbedroft, principal of the GUeod HUl Sclmol, has an- Ports and Labor YOU CAN DEPEND ON THESE FOR TOP VALUE: 1964 FORD FALCON 4-DOOR STATION WAG­ Sounced the winner of the Fire prevention poster contest held ’66 CHEVROLET ’66 TEMPEST ’65 FORD ON. 6 cyl,, aut(Mnatic shift, washaUe vinyl in­ • t the school earlier this month. 1967 CHEVROLEr 1966 FORD This terior, wws, too. Couldn’t be better. A<| 1 A E ! Impala 4-Door Hardtop. V-8, auto^ LeMans Sport Coupe. V-8, standard, Country Sedan Station Wagon. V-8, used car is 2 CtiUdren wlttnLng first prises Impala 2-Dr. Hardtop. Radio, heater, 288 Golaxle 500 4-Dr. Hardtop. Radio, heater, power steering and brakes, $|A Q C radio, heater, bucket seats, S4ACA auto., power steering, radio, S 1 E 7 E Paul Dodge Pontiac guaranteed Extra clean. Black/red interior. I IT D were Raymond TtX)hey, Mm V-8 engine, power steering, white- OOSAC V-8, automatic, power steering, wh'te- radio, heater, whitewaUs. lOOiO wtoltewalls. '^IW®W lieater, whitewalls. '^I®l® 100%. Bergarten; John Lyman, Grade walls. A lovely car. ONLY OAIOO walls. An Exceptional One! M 7 A C sis MAIN HIREin’ Z; Lynn Gardiner, Grade 2; ONLY o l l W ’68 CHEVY n ’62 FORD / 19jM CHEVROLET (CHEVELLE) MALIBU 4- Ceoftoey Watson, Grade 8, and ’64 CHEVROLET * 1966 SQUIRE WAGON Nova 2-Door. 6-cyl., auto., vinyl In­ Falrlane ’600’ 2-Door. e-c)d., auto., Bel Air 4-Door. 6-cyl., auto., $ 1 |M C ® tranamiasion, Penelope Slbun, Grade 4. terior, low, low mllWge, re- C M AE 2 Those ohUdren receiving hem- Ford 6-Pass. Wagon. Radio, heater, V-8 1967 FALCON radio, heater, whitewaUs. $695 radio, heater, whitewaUs. “^HW ® wr conditioned. All original throughout. * malning new car warranty. AlwB GOOD VALUE BUY Right bIm , right price. ^ i| •Table mentions were Jilt Tar- engine, automatic, power steering, whife- Future Club CoupO. Radio, heaiter, auto­ Get Our Special \^Tiite/blue interior. Sox, Bonnie A m utrong and Mi- walls. Don’t kllss This.One! C4AAC matic, 6-cyl., whitewalls. Like # 4 AAC ’65 CHEVROLET ’66 FORD ehart Ring, kindergarten; Mark ONLY W w D Brand New!J ONLY OOVsrtI ’65 CHEVROLET Galaxie ‘600’ 4-Door Hardtop. V-8, Bel Air Station Wagon. V-8, auto., ’. 1 lOurocher, Thomas Aifenstrong, power steering, radio, $174S Impala Sport Coupe. V-8, auto., power auto., power steering and brakes, The next best thing to a new can Carolyn Brina Bower. Grade heater, whitewalls. ■ ■7® steering, radio, heater, SIfiR C radio, heater, whitewalls. Fall Check-up 1964 COMET 202 MODEL 2-DOOR SEDAN 3; John ShorteU, Kevin Elpauld- 1964 CAUENTE 1966 CAFRICE whitewaUs. I ™l® $1795 6 cyl,, manual transmission. and Gemma FontanaUa, Comet 2-Dr. Hardtop. Radio, heater, auto­ Chevrolet 2-Dr. Hanltop. Radio, heater, ’67 CAMARO ^ Very clean and very economical to run. R iV A E Grade 2; Dawn Aitken, Kristine matic, 6-cyl., whitewalls, bucket seats and automatic, V-8 engine, power steefnw Ten Days Only Rally Sport Coupe. 296 Hp. V-8, 4- ’67 CHEVROLET ’64. CHEVROLET a used car with a 100% guarantee. Blue/blue interior. ^#95 pomes and Kevin Mawdsley, console. Hard to find model! M l AC wh!tewalls. Burgundy with Mack M A A C speed, Positractlon, radio, $ 9 JA C Impida 4-Door Hardtop. V-8, auto., Grade 8, and EtosOanna Smith, Interior. O.'iLY olw w w Imoaia Sport Coupe. 6-cyl., stand- > TUNE MOTOR The 100% guarantee means we'll W e give our trade-ins the 16- ONLY o l l W heater, vinyl roof, whltewalte. AT®® power steerliig, radio, heat- $4aQ C Pamela Gardiner and Pamela ______I er, whitewaUs. '^A®®® ard, radio, heater. repair or replace— free— every tnajor point Inspection. And fix w hatever Oolgan, tirade 4. ’64 T-BIRD whitewalls. $1175 WINTERIZE R ^ B L E R AMERICAN 2-DOOR HARD­ 1965 DODGE CONVERTIBLE working part* for 30 days or 1000 miles, needed fixing before we pyt them out on 1964 GTO ) Hardtop Coupe. V-8, C-O Auto., power ’64 FORD ' PACK WHEEL BEARINGS Whichever comes first. the lot. TOP, Sharp, one owner car with automaticau io m a ac Pontiac 2-Dr. Hardtop. Radio, heater, V-8, Polara. Radio, heater, automatluuML 608 TALOOTTVILLE RD^ROUTE 83—VERNON, CONN. tVots for Iquare Deal Jerry MILES NORTH OF VERNON CIRCLE ON ROUTE 88 TED TRUDON ~ ' is M dtw Bales, 840 OPEN MON.-FRI.—12 NOON-9 PJd. 285 RROAO SIMCT MANCHBS1U Manoliceter. Routo 83. ToEond 1]plM., TALCOT1VILLE 649-2838 6474727 , SAT. 9 AJd.-6 PAl 872-0689 Read Herald Advertisements

    I M a n c h e s t e r e v e n i n g h e r a l d . M a n c h e s t e r , c o n n ., f r i p a y , O c t o b e r 2 5 „ i 968 PAGE SEVENTEEN BIANCH^TER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTTO, CONN., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2S, 1968 - __ * • ------

    B U C ^ B U N N Y OUR BOARDING HOUSE with HAJOR HOOPLB David Okraat Janloa Obuobowakl COMIN^ HERE'S VER GIFT, A U'L^BLTTIT PAYS- ■ditor Senior Editor a f t e r 1 5AW G A N D Yl«A N O ym Maroy Juraa c l e a n in g UP, DOC... A FOUNTAIN PEN .OFF IN THE LONG RUN I amww i» Fftfiwi r««i* Robert Bletler I tJAGHED UPSfAIR^y BE A4 Feature Bdltor m FWEE ELMEU FILLED AN* READY Spoita Dditor FER WRITIN'I MY WIFE CLAIM4 -fOP HOOPLe JFDR MY TIE./ eVIkB \Vw ELCOMEABJ Wflvarley^s W orks WALTZED IN WrrW GOME TIME I CAME d o w n ; AG A T h e H i g h S c H tiO L W o r l d CLEANERS 1MERE WAG FR09T COPY IN EUNN/ WHO COOUTD BREAK DOWN UP A BEAUTY PAGEANT./ I o n THE f u r n it u r e /. CHINE ACROSS VOL XXXI, No. 6 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2S 1 Flat-topped Compiled by Students of Manchester High School Mrs. Joyes Don, Fscolty Adrlasr 1 BatUe of WHAT'$ AAARTHA t h in k OF ^ ec. hUL h a v in g A GHOWSlKL ' " “ CuIIoden 2 Norse god A m o t h e r - in - la w : 3 Set of eight S "BonnI® S 4 Cable Mud and Rain Key Factors winders ChRrtet" . -(naut.) C. A. Hosts U Thicket 8 Set of two t-;:=J>:ss barrier 6 Edge 12Bett- 24 Inert gaa to severance 7 Moslem 42 O f doctrine . ventlleted decree 28 Killer whale As Gridders Sink to Defeat 14 SUge 27 Himalayan o f Ariua 8 African 44 Faucet : z _ whisper nation wild goat It aeemed that the Indiana of good, and Conard led Manches­ and move the ball to the Man­ Candidates 15 Conceive 28 In midst of 45 High cards A L L E Y O O P BY T. T. HAMLIN 9 Wainscot 48 Leased farm MHS were Juat fair weather ter 16-0. ITiis waa the orUy scor­ chester 46. Toraa and Baleeano 16 King George 10 Theow 33 Native The Current Affairs Club charge .t^at the. Repidilloana African . In Sweden flghtera laet Saturday aa Oonard ing in the game, although at one _.SHL»CKS, BABY, I'M AN' OU> o f ------11 Exclamation ran the ball to the Conard 46 ventured into the waters of lo­ were also to blame for the de­ PRESS PHCnOSRAPMER.. 18 Removed 35 Alaskan 47 Twisted time Conard was on the two, but 13 Spread hay 48 Egyptian , Idanked them 15-0. The rain waa yard line when Potterton slash­ cal poUtlcs 'Wednesday night, ficit, the mayor said that Dem­ n o b o d y eve r g e t s 19 Eagle 17 SUte a circle 40 Reconciled 52 Fasten 23 Over again ra in ‘forced them to atay on the game for the rest of the after­ pery pigskin and Conard took stats senator from the 4th Dis­ At this point, the candidates 25 Jot ground and try to run through over at their own 87. trict debate the leeuee. 20 Footed vase T~ r r I" 1“ IT noon. MiancheMer was forced to were questioned on a variety r “ 4 the immense Conard line. A t the 30 Sainte (ab.) r F” pimt nine tlmea. Once Oonard Manchester had only five first , D a vld 'B a rry, the Incumbent of Issues, including a sU ta in* 31 Biblical r r ns end of the first half, Mancheater blocked aqd another time Jim downs and Conard seven. Doug and a Democrat, addressed the come tax aid to education, low­ name for had a total at only 56 yards gain­ Jackson dropped and Conard Modaln, Bob Bleller, Greg Vln- group fiiu t H e dted such ac­ ering the voting age, and nar­ Syria IT l i r ed running and none passing, took over at the Mancheater 46. cek, and Bryant Robertson were complishments of the 1067 leg­ cotics use and control. 32 Bewildered i r IT" compared to Oonard's 188 yard The w (»k horses, John T o n a outstanding on defense. islative aeaslon aa more aid to BY J. a WILLIAMS 34 Dolt The most heated exchange OUT OUR W AT taCal. Only eight passes weile 37 Greek letter and John QuagUa, had fair a f­ It 1s hoped that the Injtired education, a tax abatement of the evening concerned sonoa 38 Steers wildly thrown In the'-game, three of THE BULUS UKEA OLD DEGKsSI ternoons while Lee Pottertoti Ernie Tupper and Steve Moore program for th elderly, and the J appearances ARB ■ 39 Perverse of AgostinelU’e campaign adver­ FISH OUT OF WATER, ARE LIKE O L D - II 5 " U them unsuccessfully by Man- only saw the beU a couplA of will be well enough to play to­ creation of the Department of IMPORTANT?? WONDER 41 Possesses tising, which Barry attacked 1«U w MtA. >BC. TJA. UA Nt. om. IF MANA6EMENT WANS WITH THW NEW BUPDIES-- ohester, while Conard completed times. Balesano ran well but morrow against Bristol Eastern CorreertionB. He also noted that t h e v r e g o n e 43 Pedal digit t r as a distortion of hie own rec­ OFF1CE.HB c a n t three out of five. never really went any greqt' dis­ as Manchester makes its bid the legialatur had run up a 120 DBa P E WHETHER BUT NOT 44 Mongol ord. The two parried remarln 2 t r ' Hie scoring in the game came tance. Bob Snyder was dropped D A V Y K ) N E S BY LEFT and MeWILLIAMS T O srr POWN,OR FORGOTTEN! 47 Gaseous for the second straight CCIL million dollar deficit, claiming on the truth o f the ad, much WORK STANDING hydro­ on a 46 yard run by Robert twice as he attempted to pass, tttle.^ that both parties wer respon­ ’y y "7 kelly.' YOU'RE THE I'M GLAD YOU'RE PLEASE, STOP 3T" to the enjoyment of the students. ^ ' ** ) V HERE'S YOUR V UP.' carbons SUtch breaking over tackle Jeff but must receive credit (or Oky, '69 sible for this. AFTERNOON M OST GORGEOUS HERE. IVE BEEN IT, MARCO... w IN ir v N i YP'X Marcy Juran *69 51 Monkshood M axw dl ran (or two extra points handing off the wet ball with­ PAPER, SIR.' NEWSPAPER DELIV­ W A N TIN G TO YOU KNOW I'LL 53 With Inten­ His opponent, Nathan Agoa- IT'LL BC GOOD To D«nrj(u IT s r and Oonard led 8-0 with 8:48 re­ out funbUng once. SEE MARCO AGAIN ERER IN HISTORY.' TALK TO YOU NEVER BELIEVE tion (lAiUn) n " tinelll,. Mayor of Manchester, i-ocm A B O U T U S . MY DAVY ISN'T 54 Have maining In the first quarter. Af­ Mancheater had only one sus­ You can’t push yourself _ . . . _ (HereW photo by Bucelviclus) advised the students to con­ AFTER ALL THIS TIME. ahead by petting yourself on Candidates Barry and Agrostinelli discuss the issues with Current Affairs club Mlb- i«C COMING SACK. reference ter an exchange of punts and a tained drive. They took over tinue their present polltioal In­ Guidance Notes 55 Frozen u U fumble by Manchester, Conard the bail at their own 20 yard ^ back. members Beverly. Miller and Janice Bonham at Wednesday’s meeting. volvement. In answer to Barry's 56 Type o f recovered the badl at the Man- line after a missed Conard field piano ^ IT 67 German cheater 26. On the first play of goal. Torza, ()uagUa, and Bal- Representatlvee from the fol­ 5 river the second quarter, Conard scor- eeano ran the ball to the 88 (or lowing colleges 'wUI be In the (N tw ifaH f fsNrprlN Asui.) ed on a (lair pass from Karakul a first down. Then Potterton and Guidance Office next week. If to atarkey. The extra point was QuagUa managed to find room you wish to see one of them, 1969 Class Officers Nominated contact the Guidance Office for Seniors at MHS have made member of the Student Council, As a three year member o f Boy’s Leaders Club and as pres­ Is "content with the activities a pass. nominations for the class offi­ National Honor Society, Aqua- the Student Council, a member ident of the SM Club. He hopes both In quantity and quality of Tuesday — (^handler School cers of 1969. Following Is a list ettes. Sock and Buskin, and Lat- of its executive consmlttee dur- that he w ill be able to use this last year’s class. CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER of the nominees with some of for Women, Boston, Mass., Srd in d u b . ing sophomore and Junior years ability to "properly represent Lamm ZagUo their qualifications and their period. Joyce believes that seniors and as the chairman of its Mem­ the student body in alL school "If elected an officer I would BY KEN MUSE plans, if they are elected. The WAYOUT should be allowed ,<;,to leave D- bership Committee this year. affairs.” work conscientiously end am­ Wednesday — Ste'vens Insti­ elections will be held during Perlod study halls for lunch. Sue has gained valuaUe lead­ Dave W are bitiously tor our senior class,” tute of Technology, Hoboken, X period on Tuesday, Oct. 29. m~ie Thomas Cone ership experience. She w as "Understanding and concern states Laura ZlagUo. Laura has New Jersey, fl;80 a.m. Caze- Mark Ahlness A member of the student given a merit award for her tor the class, an ability to ac- been 'working conscientiously al- novia Junior College, Oasenovla, f l ' l "I believe that here at MHS OLD BUDDIES Council for three years, a mem­ work in the Student Council compUsh and execute effective­ re a iy as a member of Student New York, 1 p.m. I have become acquainted with ber of the soccer team, and of last year. ly, and good old common a lot o f kids. In many different Q>mcll, AFS dub, Aquaettes, Thursday —BrkUwood, South­ Ski Club, Tom Cone has taken Sue would like to have all sense.” All of these are quali­ areas and that this year's class National Honor Society, Ski ington, Conn., 12 noon. N ew ber­ BCUACR an active part In many MHS ’eu:- seniors given a privilege of ties that Dave Ware offers as a dub, and Folk dub. BY FRANK (FNEAL offlceni should be representa­ ry School of Business, Boston, S H O B t R I B S tivltles. Last year, he was elect­ their own, possibly being al­ nominee for class officer. He tives of the entire class of '69, Laura hopes that seniors will Mass. 1 p.m. Worcester Poly­ ed to represent MHS at Boy's lowed to leave all study halls has taken part in MHS extra­ not Just of one particular clique" be permitted to have a senior technic Institute, Worcester, WATCHING T H A T N E W State. or having a senior lounge. Shea VlSlcurricular A EVlAieUI. ttiVUTfiUVVactivities CUBas C6 a illvAIA mem- , jaa. a WHflJE HAVlf MAGICIAN, HE H49 TH£ states M ark Ahlness. M ark Is ' bar of Latin d u b , the Student ^ P '*"' If Tom were elected class of­ would like to look into "the pos­ until second period when they well known through his work Council, and the National Honor 'itxj BeeN? (5u would Uke played and students are to enter the DOME DOeSH'T Z‘LL FIND YOUR GRANDFATHER sharing their love, patience, thinker. This year you can find Whltey Jenkins has served ^^Ing a^member of the A SPECIAL KNACK FOR LOCATING STEVE CANYON BY MILTON CANIFF It." Jan believes that the class In 1900, the Japanese bom­ and bring them to the I.M. Cen­ building through the Cafete­ SHERIFF FINN— I'M GRATEFUL' m e a m a i w m g FO R y o u / / ______and optimism. him In AP English, AP Western Student Council Executive Com­ TO y o u — MORE THAN I CAN UNLESS YOU MISSING PERSONS— of '69 must organize Itself If MHS as a Boys' Leader, Stu­ barded Port Arthur in Manchu­ ria lobby. Room assignments Mindy expresses a philosophy Civ, Honors German, Honors mittee, a member of Ski Club ter. They wlU be returned 'wfth- SAY— FOR WHAT KJUVE DONE! FIN D YOUR ^ THE ONE WHO WHY- THE SENSML^ It expects to receive new priv­ dent Council member eind Art ria. will be posted in the lobby. Physics, . and Computer Pro­ and the Round Table, the presi­ GRANDFATHER I JOUBNAUST*/ STAYS WILL VERY AH sle e ps! THE —"If only everyone would tough Service S^uad member. H e In 1988, Generalissimo Chlang In a few days. 7^ gramming classes. (Wow! What ileges such as D period priv­ -WE HAVE msSB MUCH ENJOY THE TWO JOURNAL- a UtUe more . . .'"1 sUll think has represented the school ath­ dent of Boys’ Leaders Club, a Kai-shek established a provi­ a load on his already overbur­ ileges. IT) INTERVIEW TIME ! WHICH ISTAS WILL thiat people who take life too letically as a three-year mem­ co-captain of the football team, sional government at Omnklng, THE GENERAL,' dened shouldersI). Jim Is ac­ John Briggs LIKES MOST To PANCE - seriously miss out." It m lj^ be ber of the soccer, , and a member of the track China. OANCfi? HMMM? tive In the Non-Seotarlan Church JoAm Briggs has gained lead­ team. a chore (or some to serve on and baseball teems. . . , ^ , In 1942, In World War H, the Youth Council; He was elected ership experience as president the Somanhls staff, and on Stu­ If elected, Whltey would "do ^ has gained leaderahlp ex- naval battle of the Santa Cruz Play Production 'Youth of the Year' at his dent CquncU, and in AFS a u b , o f Current A ffa irs Club as everythl'ag posslblo to make perleiwe M an officer of various islands began In the South Pa- church. Yea, that's right, Jim and to be secretary of Arldlan, treasurer and president of Ger­ this year the best ever for the organtsattons. If e^ted, he clflc. was also elected to Boys’ State publlelty chlarman of the Teen man Club, and'tLS vice president seniors." He would continue would "Uke to see‘ all seniors in 1944, the second battle of and ts a member of the town’s Center, and secretary of lOH of the National Honor Society. the activities of the senior class­ excused from mid-year exams the Philippine Sea was being Faced Problems 160th Anniversary committee. (w ow ), vrhlle carrying the He has participated also as a es o f the past. in subjects with a B average or fought. Jim Naschke? You must have b e tt«, schedule of AP English, Chem­ member- of the Student Council Ten Years Ago * P lay reviews through the portray, and the group corn- seen him often, leading a race Charles May Robert Snyder istry, Algebra ni, Creative Writ­ Cross (Country team, Sock and (fommunist (Jhina announced years at MHS have become mented that he 'was hard to im- around the track at MHS. You Chuck M ay has been an ac­ Robbie Snyder beUeves that rather routine and predictable derstand and was not coo- MR. ABERNATHY BY ROLSTDN JONES Bud FRANK RIDGEWAY ing, A lts r v and Crafts; but Buskin, and Arldlan Stailf. " I f that the Nationalist Chinese off­ guessed It; he’s captain of the tive participant in the MHS “the class of 1969 should work productions, and thertfore the convincing as a father but "he Mindy "laughs a little" and elected a class officer,’’ John shore islands would not be bom­ MHS Cross-Country Team. athletic program. He Is a mem­ to provide a natural rivalry In "World" is attempting a new seemed a teen-ager In his fath- OH,FORAAANY WHEN DID YOU makes all her working exper­ Etates, "I will dedicate myself barded on even-numbered days Jim Naschke? Of course, ber of the Varsity baseball, bas­ initersoholaatic sports and es- torm of review this year. A er’s suit,' with powder In h l a YEARS. FIR^ START? iences fun! whole-heartedly to whatever Is of the month. ■m t ME, MR. that's the guy —a real individ­ ketball, and football teams. taibliah a friendly rapport In . Five Years Ago panel of three staff members hair.” IN COLLEGE? Creativity ts a key word In worthwhile.” ual with an Individual's tastes Chuck has gained experience social activities with our nelgh- tvrote their reactions Individual- Comments bp Mary Jane APBRNArKK GIRL WINTHHOP John would like to improve on A meeting of African leaders BY DICK CAVALU, describing Mindy. Much of her a» a leader on the athletic bor. Bast Catholic High HOW LONG UWrCHERS IN H IG H —drama, folk music, the color p'lst 8 nlor activities and would was set up to try to end a bor­ ly, and this review waa then Quhm, aa M yra Arundel; Ml- free time Is spent writing poetry Held. If he were elected a class School." He states that seniors ...... HAVE YOU UNITB SCHOOL? OIGK. * loden green, the comic strip "like to make thlS| senior year der conflict between Algeria compUed from those reactions, chael Tombllng, as Richard BEEN I M O S T A D W r and painting—"the easiest way officer, he^ would try to make with their last two periods as and Morocco. IN IS rr TRUE THAT Andy Kapp, and ancient C!htnese as enjoyable and rewarding as The reactioni of all three ori- Greatham ; Joyce Rubin, a s INTERESTED I'M DEEFI.Y -G c m . to express myself." Sad or pen­ poetry. He's the kind of person It possible tor all seniors vrtth study halls should toe allowed One Y ear Ago tics was that the play Itself tend- jackle Coryton; and Richard GRAMMAR YOU SOYS HUNG A possible for everyone.” IN GIRL TOLJCHHD-.. sive moods turn Mindy to Rod who likes people who are dar­ two last period study halls to to leave school. A bipartisan citizens com­ SCHOOL? PICEJOeOFMe IN Joyce Cole ed to drag, that there was too prasizosa, as Sandy Tyrell were WITCHING? LET* SEE IT/ McKuen poetry and songs about ing, yet wise enough to see be dismlseed (ram school. Robbie has proven his atoiUty mittee which included former much dialogue and too little ^ ^ imcwBHoueB'i “I have pride In my class of the sea and loneliness. But at reality, simple, but witty. R eal­ Susan Moyer to work weU with others as a Presidents Harry S. Truman action and that the theme of uiogt part, except for seeming ’69. I want everyone to becfull other hours, she listens to Si­ ly, I think that describes J I m Sue Moyer has contributed to football team and swimming and Dwight D. Elsenhower, the play was difficult to Inter- m at ease when on stage but v: of spirit and happy", states mon and Darfunkel or Bela- pretty well. MHS and to the community by team member, a member of the threw its prestige behind Pres- Joyce Cole. Joyce has expressed „ not speaking themselvea. JGmeSt fonts. Jim Naschke? Yup, he sure her work as a mem ber of Aqua- Somanhls Staff, a Student Coun- Ident Johnson’s Vietnam poll- There were mixed reactions cathle Albalz»r,as Clara, was High-rated on her list of favor- her J pride In the school as a •0-W has done a lot (or MHS. He be­ ettes, APS, Ski CRib, and lOH. cU meirtber, member of the cy. * ' to the acting. Two of the crltfos enjoyed by all. They agreed that Itils .are canoes, after canoeing lieves that you can get the felt that Doug Eichman, as SI- ^er voice carried w ^ ; and hw down the Mliaissippl in a rain­ moat out of your years here by men Bliss, expressed great en- portrayal waa bouncy. She PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VBRMBER storm with two friends this sum­ "Just by wanting to.” What will thuslasm in hte role t^ t nianaged to get laughs from the A N D I W A N T mer; .and people "with b 1 g, he remember best about this the part aeemed natural for him. audience at her every entrance. NOW toothy smiles''’. Field Hockey Team Defeats Bloomfield YtJU TO WATCH school?—the atmosphere, the They said that he was 'dvacloua g^tlcs agreed that t h e IN CASE THEY The wanderlust bug from smell, the noise, "69'', his elec­ A t C O M E F O R /4-M Phinney- Hunt this summer HOWARD tion week, and goqd friends.- Oot. II cauaht Mindy. She would love to travel again sometime. MTh- Jim Naschke? Sure, he Is do­ ey Team ------— iietiB w me eoure as oici CAPTAIN EAST BY LESLIE TURNER ing a tremendous amount here, Ing team by a score of 8-0. This words fa^d colorful pictures for the dy also wants to learn to scuba a result of speaking too quick- W CYuldn't now, tremendously well, but I makes the team record two SIR ASHLeV„. r CeRPMNLY I VO, CAFTAIM AMP WHAT PACW ' THAT SHE PNP PAM SLIP- AT PAWN PENMYS CAR WAS FOUND IN 'dive and sky dive and to im- m iss it you AAAV NOT L PeNNY SPBAKS OF YOU OPTHI^ think he'll also do great things for* th e HAVE poude PEP PWM A REAR EXIT A PBTANT THICKCTh.ANPSIGNS OF A iprove her skiing (after break- wins, oneme loss, two;two, ties thisuito ‘ ^^jo^n^onts on the performance RweMEER AteJo POUNP THAT WHILE THE 60BSY ON 6IMRP STRueouai s in c b t h e n |)ng her leg) and to surf ride. In the future. Whatever his fu­ season with six games yet to cataWo as Sbrel stv'dents, and the makeup, woi-ld./ CAPTAIN BA»y, AAAY THROW JHAS OUT FR0NT.„TO MEET ture plans might be, Jim hopes I JUST HEARD LIGHT ON NCR RAM'5 F/ANCBl ■ Her dream house by t h e be played.sd. The JV team, led by Z ( S ‘^r® »>y “““I®"** a p r ^ OF PBNNY'S-/ WSAFPBAR- 2>oean, which she will have de- "to help people from the Inside Ucaptain0.PUU1. Sue Pabst. Pabst, '69, bboasts o^ ^^mat her performance was exceUent. Both ANCE? lelgned herself without any oor- out, and not to dominate them ." a record of one win, one tie, ^elax^ and th^her voice quail- hdped to give credlblUty ^ r s , has not yet come tiue, In keeping with his desire, Jim <(g and one loss thus far. good and her portra^^ plans the philosophy of religion ty w as sAt present, Mindy may b e On Tuesday, Oct. 22, a clinic was convincing. One commented The panel felt Uiat in casting Jound at 41 Milford Rd. with her and thought In college. As of was held at home -with the otat at times she seemed to plays at MHS the same stu­ Oils'." . ^ T v,.'’ marents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard now Jim can be found at home teams from Rocky HUl, whose drawl and at other times to toe dents seem to appear In »F «ii jjilensohell and her 'brother Ste­ with his parents, Mr. and Mra. coach was injured early this too precise In her speech, production. They believed that Edwin Naschke at 28 Nye St. BY BOB LUBBBRS phen. fall. Skills were used In games M ORE M ORE it would be w ell to give new ROBIN MALONR Cbrolyn '69 Jan, '89 between teams made up of Reactions to Doris Mitchell, faces a chance and that thla i AU.„.RIGHn.. h H O H jO U y f would avoid the tendency (or MUSH-ROW-.L^TAKE IT PDWU players from both schooU. Thla as Judith Bliss, the mother In ^ I — This provided a change of ac- the play, were that she was not . another^ lU e iV ^ * ClNGHCKTHAWP, F BENEDICTINE ABBEY "L a Benedictine" Is the name . * y«j...-iHe <^RAauBLff tlvtty (or the hard working well cast In the part but made the C FECAMP, France (AP) —An given to


    r ’ m \

    BIANCmSTER ^IVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. (X)NN„ FRIDAY, OerrOBER 26, 1968 PAGE NINETEEN PAGB HQHTEBN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN„ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1908 * I 9 THE New Controversies Arise for Troubled Games H e r a ld ~A\ Eagles Host Penney Tomorrow at Nebo Rag-Tag Cagers After Gold Medal M anchester Kickoff Set for 2, T h ir d B est MBXICX) CITY (AP) — ttxxhicafd into the Olym pics In alcohol Intake before the shoot­ Mon and none for a pin. Six bad one moro year "and maybe Four Scores in One Gflme Some Feat The United States’ ra^-tag 1966, but Iba’s team faces a ma­ ing event. EVance was awarded points and he’s out. ■ - four. I might compete in tbe In C O L Run jor challenge In the Yugoelavs, the medal. "Countries—but I won’t name Munlrii Gamee—If I eon moke S(x>i^nff fo u r touchdowns in a single gam e is like Indians at Bristol basketball team goes for pitdhii^ a no-hftter in baseball or scoring the three- As expected, Bristol schools who gained the finals by beating The Oiganlslng Committee them—threw matotiM to each the team," Mm sMd. Chances of winning the OCIL are almost out of the the gold toiright, whil^ new Russia. \ other. Coaches were making Ada Kbk of Holland won file goal hist trick in hockey. This feat was perform^ on dominated the OCIL Field Day gave no reason for its action In question for Manchrater High’* football team which at Central Connecticut State Col­ Three rtew controversial Is­ curtalli’'g the numiber of 'ath­ deals In the third round to take women’s 20O-mster butOerfiy in home soil last Saturday night at Mt. Nebo by talented controversies and charges travels to Bristol tomorrow afternoon ^ face Bnstol lege In New Britain yosterfiay sues broke Tfaursdfy. letes to march in the clbsing care of each other in differsnt 2:21.7, foltowed by Holga Lind­ Tom Healy, a standout senior running back with East of fixed wrestling matches Eastern. In croes country competltloa Sweden was stripped of Its ceremonies, but It appeared the weight dasoas," Fears dald. ner of Eest Gemiany ukl BWe Catholic High. The performance on a muddy, wet field arose in these trouble-rid­ DanM, EUdns Park, Pa. However, the Ihdians wlU he exorilent passer In John Madl- bronss medal In modem pen­ group wanted to avoid any dis­ "Deals are made before the WWB no Auks. Healy has run ____ Bristol Central won with Bris­ den 19th Olympic Games. tathlon. metdMS. In order to keep cer­ Australian Mtte Wendsn sst out to kanire a winning season gaa. 1 tol Etoatem second aiid Man­ orders at the breakup of the cer­ nsstfy os good In ihe flvw pre- and a triumph against the Bril The American gold medal The Olympto Organising Com­ tain wrestlers ahve aai In an Olympto roooed at 1AL9 kt vtous starts. He’s been tbe changes footgear for every type B est wUI have to puU out all chester IBgh tMrd. emonies. Towners at Mussy Field would the stops against this fine nelgb- prbduotlon: Mowed considerably mittee announced that only six competition, one would quit to winning the men’s lOO-mstM* Bogles most oonslstont ground- of kicking effort "You lue a dif­ Gory Marone of Central set a Mhny athletes objected v«he- be a step in that direction. The borliig squad. The Elaglea hope Thursday—two in Bwhnmlng>— representatives from each coun­ the other so he wouldn't plok up freestyle. Don fWtnIkindor, gatoer and leads the team in ferent ahoe for punting than for record in 14:89. but the margin over Russia In­ nvently. ^4udBK»vlUe, F la., was second tooals are 3-1-1, aH In the to spring Tom Healy loose try win marah In the eloelng Ms sixtti bad point." sooring with eight touchdowns, pMce-klcktag,” he offered. "A Standout sophomore Greg N^ creased. Jeeso Owens, who won tour . and John Nriscfk Pompano OCIL. Elastern has won onoe In again. The latter tsHled four ceremonies, a break in tradi­ IlM United States ploked up good for 4S potato. place kicking ahoe ususHy has a Un of Manchester was sixth In Cart RoU e, Drexrt HIU, Pa., gold medals in the 1930 Games all Ms medals in the four swim­ Beatb, Ftau, tbiid. three Jeague encounters. touchdowns Met weak against tion. The four-star scoring day plate Ml tbe front It tocks your 14:68. Other locsl fln lriisn wstw scored an upset victory In the and here os a special member ming events, while Russia suf­ In team dressage, defondkig Appearing on home soil for the Saints. IN M O'nON— W hat hafipens when a top Olyntypic gym nast, Mikhail V or- In oM recent Olympics, the en­ marked the biggest ever for a aidcle ... "You can’t punt with Steve Dieterle, eight In 14:97; men’s 200-meter butterfly and of the UA. Olympic Committee, fered a couple of dlseppolnt- ohampton West Germany edgad • ineVaA ar.bi. Straight Week, EMst Demers was pleased with tbe ^onin of Russia, performs on the parallel bar is captured on film by the Asso- tire contingenls from all com­ Blast gridder. a locked m *le.. »-v. to wUI host riway. tough Jim. Naschke, 10th in IS.’OO; Debbie Meyer, Sacramonto, peting countries havo roarched was equally dismayed. ments. Their only gdd came in RUMla 3000-2097. performance of Brian SuHlvsn cited Press. Russian’s performance was good enough to win silver medal-. The feat Just doesn’t happen extend your foot and catch the Jim Burke, 17th in 16:38; BOb CaUf., collected her third gold In the colorful ceremony. “I haven’t heard the reasons wom en's team -foU, and they It w as even closer In man’s Penney High of Bast Hartford at quartsrbaek last week and they made this decision," Ow­ every season. boll on the Inst^. go you change Dixon, 29th In 16:44; EM Ntxcn, medal with an Olympic record American freeMyte wrestUng were edged out of two others, by gymnastics. Japanis gasroso at Mt Nebo fleturday after- he’s due to start against the ens said, "but Pm sure they Pile-driving Steve Hemenway, your Shoe. I cant 'kick off with 42nd in 16:02, and Doug Hanssh, 9:M.0 in the women’s 800-meter Ooech Tom Evans, leveled Japan In men’s gymnastloa and Kato scqred a near peifoot 9.00 the same type of ahoe I kick nocn. Kickoff is Hat at 2 Knights. 47th In 16:18. must be . good ones. Yet, I can’t a thlck4egged, hard-ruimer had o ’clock. freestyle. charges that some matches by West^ermany In equestrian In floor exendisa, the finaf Stumed In the rain by Con- Total o f 62 runners com pst6d. Montezuma’s Revenge Worry That pushed the U.S. collec­ were thrown. help think'ng something impor­ teem droMpge. event, and took the men’s all- such a day for Manchester High Following die Penney skir- ant High Mat Saturday, 0>ach tant is being lost. V— aro aroteri Bristol * havS the long Team scores: pentral 91, tion of gtdds to 87 and a total of The U.S. (Nympic Committee Robie, the 200-meter butteifly around title with 114.60. Rus- two years ago against Bristol mlrii, Coach CUff Demers and Dave Wiggln phumed several "I’ve seen every Olympic cleate In the front and If I'd Eiaatem 68, Manchester 70, Platt 88. Russia, meanwhile, man­ cortlnuea to investlgele rumors winner who labded himself a sla'a Mikhail Voronin was sec­ Central at Memorial Field. The Mb East equad wiU have on lineup changes for the Bristol Game since I participated and run'downfield In that I’d pro­ 106, HaU 141, Oonard 146, M alo­ aged only one gold, giving them of under the counter payoffs by "fringe member" of the Ameri­ ond with 116.86. Miter Is now playing at Laurel- bably sup and knock out some open date the following week, game. Oonslatent has been the have always considered the ney 168, Windham 218, Wethers­ More Than Brazil Hoopsters 16 for the Gamee and a total of manufacturers to athletes to use can swinuning team, he "felt Japan also took the man’s crest Academ y tn Bristol. more te ^ ." ... Party was re­ as w ill Manch ester. all around jday of Join Torsza closing ceremonies, from the team title with 678.90 points and * e « field 240. 66. and display the manufacturers’ very confident about winning It ferring to an unfortunate acci­ The Eaglea snapped a two- in the 'bookfleld. He was one of MEXICO CITY (AP)— out to keep intact the United USA not only Is a better team human standpoint, the real Russia was second w llb 971.10. The United States win be fa ­ products. after the UB. trials because no dent when ha was playing for game toeing streak, coming af­ the few bright lights on an oth­ The United States basket­ State' record of never having but that he doubts he can get his highlight," one else seemed to be swim­ The United fltatea alao put Off the Cuff BIO JUMP vored In two o f the three swlnv- And a Swedlrh cyoUng team SMU against Texas In the Cot­ ter three straight wins, against erwise bleak afternoon last lost an Olympic basketball men back up after their supris­ Evans said his obatge of ming that well." IBs time was three boxers In fiaturday’s fi­ SEATTLE, Waah (NBA) ball team was more wor­ nfing flilale tonight, but the at­ masseur, SJeng CoUard, was Ken Ough, a tackle wMlvIifan- ton Bowl and'was wearing soc­ St Joseph High of Trumbull last week and tackle Greg Vincek. game. ing 03-03 victory over Russia. thrown wrectUng matrties "ia :08.7. nals. They are heavywei^ John McNamara, equlpmwit ried about Montezuma’s tention will be riveted on the sent home to Holland for giving chester High a year ago. Is new cer shoes. He ran downfleld and Saturday night but Penney wiU Starting guards Ernie Tapper The Americans with a hecUthy Iba says he has no trouUe not sour grapes, because tree- Martyn Woodrotfe of Great George Foreman, Pleasanton, manager for the new Seattle Revenge today than it was American basketball team’s cvet'n’s v’tamtn pills pgi'nst playing the same posilion with •Upped. " I landed right on m y be a hone of a different color. and Steve Moore ore eiq>ected Haywood are solid favorites. along the later line—"when they style wrestling is wrapped up. Britain was second and John Calif., who will fight Rumla’s Pilots, has come a long way up game with Yugoslavia for the the orders of his nattonal dele­ the Central Connecticut State Oooch Eld Meyers’ Knights baxdc after belgr out last week about Yugoslavia, the Without the flashy youngster the are playing for the gold medal But things were done which nev­ loonas ChepuUs; Ugfatwaight mouth," he said. "The Cotton the baseball ladder. He started Olympic title. gation. Ferris, Sacramento,, was third. (fokege frosh thto fall. . .Jerry are big and strong and have an with injuries. Yanks’ rival in the 1968 odds on the Yanks would drop there Is no reason for not being er should have been done emd Mark Spits, Ameiioa’z world Ron Harris, Canton, Ohio, and Bowl turf Is like concrete. I lost out as a batboy for the CMcogo Oljmipic basketball show­ sharply. up psychologically.'’ The gam e wUl be telecast live "We found certain medidree Ftood, one-itlme standout Man- four front teeth." He doesn’t re- (hibs in I960. to the United States by ABC-TV. something should be said shout record holder in the event, was featherweight Alberto RcbhSNn, This game, scheduled for “The USA has so many varia­ tn his room,” said assistant I t oheater Twilight League base- memlier much about the rest of down tonight. The team, ihumed by sudi suffering from a respiratory all- Oakland, CoHf. 11:30 p.m., EIDT, is a rematch, tions," he said. Chef oe Mission Paulue Lut. "I don’t mind -bad dedslons or ball pitoher has resigned as thot game but he remembered The record for extra potato Montenima's Revenge ia the collegiate standouts as Lew Al- metM and tlndahed la st Middleweight Alfred Jonsa nickname tagged by foreigners the USA having drubbed Yugo­ The USA has six players 0- “ We held a meeting and decided inferior refereeing Jobs, but head baseball coach at Hand enough to throw away tbe soccer East Places Second miaaed In one National IW ball cindor, Elvln Hayes and Don Miss Meyer, who also won the Detroit, lost a wildly booed sem^ on diarrhea, and towering slavia 7S-B8 in the first round. It foot-0 or better, the tallest being he -be sent home tor going thrcwli^ matches Is too mudi." 200- and 400-meter freestyles, Ifinal decision to Cbristopber High In Madison after 10 years. shoes. League game is four. ^ haip- BEay, has been forged Into a Unsuccessful in a bid for a double yesterday was PIGSKIN TOTERS — Leading the Ekist Catholic ground offensive this season was hit by the will be televised live to the Unit­ , who is 0-9. Haywood, against orders.” Sowing in freest^e wrestling scored by 20 meters over team­ Fkuiigan, Great Britain, evao . . .Pete Gram, The Herald’s • • * pened to WasMngton’s Joe tightly knit, precision crew by East Catholic Hiarh’s cross cou n try team in th e annual ailment Thursday night. ed States in color by ABC. who has collected 129 points, is Sweden had to give up Its la buUt on a bad point systent. A though he knocked Fbadgan man at die Olympics in Mexico has been this trio, John Siemienski, Pete Jacques and Tom Healy. The Eagles Aguirre against Philadelphia Ih Coach . mate Pam Krause, Pompano Short Dribbles Hartford County (?onference Championships at Stanley “I think he’ll play, but he's The Slavs upset mighty Rus­ 0-8. BUI Hosket, Jam es lOng bronze nradal^n modem pen­ wrestler is awarded tour bad Beadi, Fla., wHb ICaria Teresa down once and battered hkn City, Is em orthopedic surgeon in will get a major test from Penney High Saturday. (Herald Photo by Pinto) a 1944 gam e. The united States hasn’t lost tathlon because ore team mem­ Park’s three-mile course in New Britain. real sick ,” said Ckiach Hank sia In the semifinals and now and are each 0-7. points If he loses by a pin, three Ramiros of Ifeodco third. oonstantly in all three nonda. Manchester. At one time he was Phoenix Coach John Kerr on Blast, winner o f regular sea­ a game, much less the gold ber, Hans Gunnar LUJenvaU, Iba, whose attack hinges on Uie here they are preparing to con­ Against this array of tall men for a loss by a dectsion, two for Debbie, 10, said she wotSd The crowd continued to Jear a newspaper correspondent. . . WUt Chamberiain; "When he son HOC laurels, trailed Pulas­ Last Nigbt*s Fi^^ts SKAITNO SATlTitDAY NIGHT rebounding and shooting of the test the USA as it goes after its Yugoslavia matches Zoran ICar- medal, since the sport was In- was found to have exceeded his a draw, one fw winning by dsM- BUI Loika at Central Connecticut goes above you for one of those continue compsUng for at 1< the decision into tbe n n t boat. ki HQgh of New Britain home gave BSart five men In the top Special one hour Ice skating Sfoot-8 Junior college star from 7Sth straight Olympic triumph oetlc, 0-6^; Trajko Rajkovic, and Don Ruasrii at Wesleyan patented duidcs of Ms the best PORTLAND, Maine — Irish Opening NBA Play Shocking with 82 potato. Pulaski had 28 10 but It Just wasn’t enough. class for Manchester residents Detroit. without a single defeat. 0-8K; Ooslc Kreslmer, 0-8%; thing ycu can do Is tiy to keep ______Beau Jaynes, 180, Lowell, RSox Add P»58ky are the dean of state ooUege In winning with South CathoUc Pulaski gained the first, is slated Saturday night at the “We b (^ he’s be all right by Ooaxih Ranko Zeravlca o f Yu­ D a i^ , Solman, O-OK, and Z w - football coaches, each now In Northwest CatiioUc TralUng fourth, fifth, sixth and 12th Mass., putpointed Durango Kid, gamettme," added Iba, who is goslavia ia conceding that the gan Alojosa, 0-0%. Sports Viewing 180, Puerto R ico, 10. Hartford Arena in South Wind­ With Los Angeles^ Trailing To Radio Team his fifth year. Oarmen Oozss is with ^ 1 ^ o s K dewMmto, the with 84 and 88 potato. placements in winning, sor from 6:30 to 7:80. Frances TONIGHT In bis fourth year at Tale aa is ^ Individual howirwent to Ted LOS ANGELES — Lenny LOS ANGELEM (AP) — When 1. WoJtusUc P 16:12, 2. Pera- Brice, 117%, Los Angeles, stop­ LeBlanc will be in charge. Local er game at San Diego, BaRl- (Hymplo Games Nick Nicolau at Bridgeport. Hbr- o o ^ . Once he went up there Wojtuaik of Pulaski In 16:12. BOSTON (AP)-Joiss»y Pes­ gallo E , 8. McCormack E, 4. ped Roberto Alvarez, 116, Gua­ residents are tavled to partici­ the Los Angries Laken ac­ more beat San D iego 119-116. Tigers Get $10^36,66 Each An on Channel 8 ry Shay has been at Southern I •I’ East standouts Jim Peragallo ____ ky, former star infleider and most got away In tim e but die Balavender P, 6. Healta P , 0. dalajara, Mexico, 10. pate for a nominal fee. quired WUt Chamberlain to No league games were aciisd- 7M6 — Diving. PoeelM e: Connecticut three years as has and Denny McCormack came in Styltaskl P. L I manager of the Boeton Red Sox, VoUeybaU. team with Elgin Baylor and Jer­ uled in the American BasketboU is returning to the club—as a ra­ John Toner at OonnecUcut. Don The average thickness of the WONTWOflEBlES Aasoclatlon. 6M6 — Swimming and Div­ M iller ia In Ms second year at ry West, the National Basket- dio-tv broadcaster. mort killed me but STtt’SI had too snir ' sr-iJr Auaette detto B. ”• Arctic ice peck Is 0 to 10 feet. NEW YORK (AP)—The New World Series Shares ing, Oynmastlos. Possible; Trinity and Tad Schoeder Is In baU Association race took on as­ GaU Goodrlrii threw ta - 81 Stations WHDH and WHDH- much pride to dance around on York Meta won season series pointo to lecM Phoenix over New BESTAUBANT ^ o e Dwerak Cam>elng. Water Polo. hla first SesMon at Coast Guard. pects of a hmaway. TV announced Thursday that 11:66 — BaekellMll. Gym­ one foot and ecream Uke with two National Lecigue teams York. WUUs Reed topped the m —088, A1 Falcetta 141 — Pesky, who resigned as manag­ • t • So the opening week has 864, Paul Corrent 136 —871, L ar­ nastics. wanted." ... Milwaukee’s\ wesleyan-Amherst in Little Three Feature In 1968. Knlcks with 24 points. er of the CtdumibuB Jets in the proved shocking. Los Angeles Far Off Grid Payoff ry Bates 136, Chet Russo 148, SATURDAY Here *n There ‘ ■ Wsyne Embryo on Oscar The Meto turned bock the Loe Baltimore came from behtad international League earlier stands 1-3 as they approach Ed BUiJaudus 188 —891, R ich 19H8 ( 8) TMs Week in the RotMrtoon: "Before the ‘Big O’ Angeles Dodgeta 11 timea in 18 with 16 straight points ta the Uiis week, win Join Ken Cole­ Midget Footb^ League their first home game tonight. Cal>ral 141 —368, Jeannot Wlr- NFL Joined the Cincinnati Royals I meetings and beat the Chicago fourth period in overcoming San NEW YORK (AP)—The Detroit Hgers can buy fur man, Ned Miartin and M el Par­ regular season wlU dose with "It’s brought us to reality," taUa 138 —388, Leo Rivers 160 Itm (66) RoOer Derby was averaging 10 potato a game. Yale Win Streak in jeopardy, Cubs 10 tim es In 18 ganj$a. Diego. Elarl Monroe 'w v Mgh nell In working Red Sox gamee tonight's doubleheader at Mt. says Coach BIU van Breda coats for their wives out of their |10,936.€6 winning —867, R oy H cG uiie 168, 188 — 1:16 ( 8) CoUege Football After Oaoar Jotaed us I was The Mets found it toughest to for the BuUets with 36' points in 1969. Nebo, the sixth such presenta­ Kolff. Worid Series shares but they still are way behind the 406, Pat Longc 141 —878, Ron 1:86 ( 8) NCAA FootbaO: soaring close to 20 a game. win ogalnit the St Louis Cardi­ while rookie EUvin Hayes paced Peaky idayed, managed and Sbois 188 —866, Stan Kng>a 188, Notre Dame vs. tion. Thasflu principally to John When ‘O’ gets the baU some­ nals and Attanta Braves. They The Lakero have lost at Phila­ the R ockets wlta 36. pro footbaH players. ------coached in organiaed baseball WaMi, tbe activltlee of the clr- went 6-1 with each clita. delphia, ClnoinnMl and Detroit Oreen Bay Packer pock- cent of the receipts of the flnrt V ic Atmahia 164, 144 —186’ R oc- Michigan State thing happens. He either iinssns Healthy UConn Plays UMass for nearly 80 years. He batted outt have reoelved •* excellent whUe downing the KMckerbook- etod 423,900.90 tor winedog two four games—goes to the first, co Lupecchino 868, John IXcNeU 2:66 (66) Bowling to a mate for a score or he .207 in 10 years with the Red He's bean the man re- ers at New York. Collegians Win games, the National Ftootball second, tiilrd and fourth place 866, Frank Calvo 869, Dick 2:86 (96) AFL: Last Week- puts It through the hoop Mm- Yale’s longest victory offense "which ha^ moved the last week’s loss to Wesleyan When Gay Brewer won the Sox, and returned to manage Mill’s Action qxxMfUe for gathering the ma- m U. He oontroU the game, Pensacola Open and the Mas­ League dwmptonatalp and the teams. K iii^ack 876, BiU Sbeekey 360, string since 1910 is in jeoji- footboU well, but has had trou­ 29-0. It -was against Wesleyan The Phoenix Suns, one of the Manchester (immunity C

    Aiiteiiieba«t For Sd* 4 HovMhoM ScrvIcM H « I p W c m f d H«lp W aniM k-M ol* 34 H»!p W onfwl— Mato 34. Holp W ento4— M flb 36 Holp W swifd Dogs 'Blnto Poll 41 Apertmenfs— fldfs— Businoss Locations W antod To Rant 68 1908 SUPER Sport Chevrolet, OffBTMl 13^A MortqogM 27 P M M t e 3 8 ------PART-TIMB — $60 to $80 per M c m or Fomcri* 37 896 turbo Jet, leather Interior, BONER OR BUTCHE^ LOOKING for good homes, one ir- Tonofflonts 63 For Ronf 64 CLASSIFIED SEWINO machine! expertly re­ NEED MONET T Accepting EXRBAIENCBD ' MEDICAL COUNTERMAN—FuU-tl me with ^*ek 18 to 20 hours. FlexlWe BERRY’ S P R L R bucket Mate, 4-apeed. Aaklng black and white kitten and 3 FIVE ROOM flat or duplex. CaU paired. All make# domeetio or mortgagee on real eatate. Call good Mectrtoal background, hour*. OoUsgs students ooMlft*. We have An opening for work MANCHESTER — Park Chest­ 1,100 SQUARE FEET of heated $1,800. OaU 044-8120, 644^0237. aeetotant for doctor** oMoe in tiger cats. CaU 6494480. after 628-8228 after 6 p.m. import*. ABC Appliance R e­ for confidential home inter­ kuncheater. Reply Box Bxpsrtonce preferred. Apply at peroonal intendsw , on Mondhys or Tuesdays. Apply nut Garden apartments, avail­ Industrial space suitable fo r pair, 41 Oak Street, 649-8879, 6:80 anytime weekends. able Nov. 1st, 4H rooms a t 1963 RAMBLER Ctaaalc, 6 view, day* or evening*. Pa*i "M M ", Manchester Herald. Economy Electric Supply, 824 appointment oaU 828-2214. In perobn. MAN OR WOMAN storage or small shop. No paint WAITTED — M room apart­ Rockville, 878-3198. Main Street, Manchester. 847- ______$160; Dec. 1st, 3H rooms a t or machine shops. Phone 848- ADVERTISING cylinder, 4-door aedan, auboma- ■ervice, telephone Mr. Hall, AKC Registered Alrdale Ter­ ment around $100., first floor, 9901. ‘GROTE & WEIGEL $186. Heat, hot water, oven- 8887 after 6 p.m. Uc, $800. 1-3384803. 249-8468. Wanted for work on sand­ rier puppies. Internation­ allow chUdren, pats. 638-7M4 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEFT. HOURS reuige, refrigerator, parking wich grUl, hours 11-8 daily, al champion blood lines. Per­ evenings, weekend*. 8 AJL to 4:80 PAL 1962 MERCURY, Commuter, 6 Buildliiq— HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS APPL1CA170NS now being tak­ 76 Granby St., Bloomfield and storage, 637-9338 between OFFICES for rent —26s' Main PART-TIME experience not necessary. manent ahote. 939 ToUand St. Large rooms, $75. month­ paaaenger, full power, reaaon- ControeHug 14 _M vafo Instructloiis 32 Juniors or sophomores for en for three superintendents 9-8 p.m. After 6 p.m. 647-1871 t FULL-TDIB nXPBRIBNGED Apply to Mr. W. F. Smith. Tpke., 648-8716 after 6 p.m. ly, all utilities furnished, e x- - ' ' • " — — V aUe, 0494802. part-time waitress work af­ and two day maintenance men. COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. .\D D m O N 8, remodeling, ga­ TUTORINO] Matoesnaiics, MORNING HELP WANTED wtndosr washer wanted. Good 8H LARGE rooms, second floor, cellent location, available Im­ ter aehool and tome week­ Full time. Gardeq type apart­ OROOMmO ALL breads. Har­ Businoss^ Proporfy 4tM P.M. DAT BEFORE PUBUCATION rage, rec rooms, bathrooms grade* 7-12. Experienced teach­ wages, Hteldays, vacation, modern bath with shower, mediately. Ask tor Mr. Fre­ ends. No experience neces­ ment Manchester. Must be re­ 8 A.M. to 2 P.M. SHADY GLEN mony HUl. H.C. Chaas, Hebron Doodllne lor OMnidaj Mid Moad«j to 4d t p.in. FildAjr* fr b B k » x -T ir o c t o r s 5 tiled, kUchens remodeled, ce­ er. Can 1-8S8-08SS. Bhie Oncost CMS. OaU 649-8884. large pantry. Good chance for chette, 647-9993. For Solo 70 sary. Good pay, pleasant liable, some knowledge requir­ Ad.. Bolton. 848-8417. ment work, cellar floofs,. pa­ ed, willingness to learn. Fine HOURS FLEXIBLE Manchester Shopping Parkade young married couple Or old­ 1949 INTERNATIONAL dump working conditions. Apply In CUSTODIAN —BxceUent bene­ 600 SQUARE FEET of office BOLTON —Former Roeemont tios, roofing. CaU Leon Cles- opportunity and good salary. er couple. Heat, hot water, aU e PLEASE READ YOUR AD truck, three yard body. Can be person. Brass Key Restau­ fits, some Ufting required. Ap­ OaU 648-0611 DOBERMAN Pinscher, 9 space In professional com­ Restaurant, now for sale, ap­ synakl. Builder. 848-4291. Bend resume to Manager, 6 APPLY IN PERSON utUUIes furnlriied, $125. a n aeeltled or "W ant Ada" are taken over the phone aa a seen at the Dairy Queen, 343 Holp W onfod— rant, 829 Main St. ply Schuster’s Express, 880 months old, beautiful disposi­ pound, 267 E. Center St. Bx­ proximately 10 acres. Great Ixnvney Drive, Manchester, month. CaU owner, 649-1288. eanvenleiiue. n w advertiser aboold read hla ad the FIRST Brood Street, Manchester. HOMES, GARAGES, porches, F o n ra lo 3 5 Sullivan Avenue, South Wind­ tion, good with children. 846- ceUent parking. OaU 843-9627. potential, T. J. Crockett Real­ Conn. 8838. DAT IT APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS In time for the rec rooms, room adffitions. MCDONALD’S DRIVE-IN sor, Ckmn., between 9 a.m. and GARDEN TYPE, one b e d- tor, 648-1877. next Inaerlluii. llie Herald to responsible for only ONE Incor­ 1968 DODOE power wagon, 4- COSMETICIAN needed, Bur­ STENOGRAPHER to work 48 WEST CENTER STREET 4 p.m. EARN extra cash for Christmas kitchens, rooting, aiding, gen­ PLUMBERS, steamfltter. Ex­ room apartment available rect or omitted Insertion for any advertisement — d Uien only wheel drive, very low mileage, ton's, Main St., 'Manchester some afternoon and evening MANCHESTER as a part-time FuUer Brush FOR SALE ONS) miniature Housos For Ronf 65 eral repair work. Financing perienced. New construction. now, $186. monthly. Including to the extent of a "m ake good" Insertioo. Error* wUch do wUh Meyer snow plow. 18 has on opening for a woman hours. Minimum 30 hours per SWEEPER wanted oldw per- man or as a Fullerette. Work French Poodle, male, cham­ Invosfmonf Proporfy available. No down payment. Top hourly rate, overtime. Im­ heat and appliances. Call not lessen the value of the advertisement will not be oorreted Forest St. in the cosmetic field. If you week. Phone 849-3841. son preferred. Apply Moriand from home by phmte, or by pagne color, 7 monrOis oM, ftfOC SMALL 4-room Cape, central ______For Solo 7B-A by "m ake good" Insertion. Economy Builders, Inc. 648- Paul W. Dougan, Realtor 649- have Mdd ooametics or feel perial Plumbing, South Wind: PAINTERS and painters’ help- Tool Oo., 1404 Tolland T^ke., roglstered, shots, wormed, ly located, nice yard, $125 8169. appointment. Car necessary. 4636. your background would fit you BOOKKEEPER — diversified sor, 644-1621. ers, fuU and part-time. Top Manchester. Call 247-1949. housebroken, good wUh per month, one child permit CHOICE locations. Drive by ted. References. CaU Paul W Auto Accossortos NEWTON H. SMITH ft SON - to sell cosmetics, contact Mrs. work on accounts payable, pay­ pay scale, peUd holidays, group children, ReaeonaMe. CaU 848- SMALL apartment for one or the large corner at East Cen­ roll, billing. Apply in person, PAINTERS —YEAR 'round 643-2711 875-3136 T ir t t 4 Remodeling, repairing, addi­ Harris, at 649-8361 for appoint­ Insurance. OaU Joseph P. Lew-' 8963. two peo]Ue, $160 per month. Dougan, Realtor, 649-4636. ter and Goodwin or look over (RockvUle, Ton Free) Gaer Brothers Inc., 140 Rye DEAN work, plenty of overtime,Man­ at the property at the corner tions, rec rooms, garages, ment. is, 649-9668. MANCHESTER MEMORIAL Phtlbrick Agency Realtors, 649-, SIX ROOM home, near Main HOLLEY dual-feed 4-barrel car- Street, South Windsor. chester, South W ln d ^ area. RNCHjISH Setter, female, 4 of Center and Griswold St T.J. porches and roofing. No job MACHINE PRODUCTS HOSPITAL 5347. St., $175., Wolverton Agency burator, 880 cubic feet per TYPIST—^Bookkeeper. Prefera­ MEN over 18, job avaUable Experienced. Call after 6 p.m.. years old, AKC registered, $^. Crockett Realtors, 643-1677. too smaU. CaU 849-8144. 102 COLONIAL RD. Realtors, 649-2813. minute, all pu te and accemo- bly one with automobile ex­ PART-TIME with excellent pay and po­ 528-7449. ' 849-7086. NEW ONE and two-bedroom de­ ries Included. Call 848-8819 af­ CARPENTRY— concrete steps, Has Immediate Openings For: tential. Must be neat in ap­ HAS OPENINGS MANCHESTER — Rooming perience. fiUl or part-time. 648- MBIGHANIC —fuU-Ume, must luxe $;arden type apartments FURNISHED 3-room Ranch, Trouble Reaching Our AdvertlMr? ter 8 p.m. floors, hatchways, remodeling, 2791 after 8 p.m. INSPECTORB—Experienced In pearance. Desire and ablUty to - house, good location between DIRECTOR OF have some mechanical experi- available now. OaU Paul and apartment in private porchea, garages, closets, cefl- Aircraft Patts be self sufficient. True ambi­ WE HAVE OPENINGS FOR Liv* Stock 42 redevelopment and proposed VOLUNTEERS enoe willing to learn pto set­ W. Dougan, Realtor, 649-4636. home. Some utilities Included. Inga, attics finished, rec tion for personal growth. Ex­ ORDERUES shopping center. Potential 24-Hour Answering Service AH Benefits—Equal Opportunity ting ma4Mne. Apply in person. Working Adults. 643-6389. T r a it o n — roonu, formica, ceramic. Oth­ NXmSE’S AID, 11-7 shift, full­ Wanted by Manchester Me­ perience unnecessary, we train. PORTERS AVAILABLE Dec. 1st. Modern gross, $6,136 per year. Ample Employer Vernon Lanes, Route 88, Ver­ RED SADDLE horse tor sole, Mobil* Homos 4-A er related work. No job too time, Laurel Manor 849-4619. morial Hospital, minimum Available for immediate em­ MAIDS 4% room, 2-bedroom apart­ SIX ROOM Cape In center of parking, refinished Inside and Free to Herald Readers non. $160. OaU 742-8696. amaU. Dan Moran. Builder. of 2 years of college re­ ployment. Personal Interview. DIETARY DEPARTMENT ment, range, refrigerator, dis­ Manchester, nice treed back­ out. Excellent investment prop­ 40’ MOBILE HOME, two bed- ® 1M1 by NEA, Ik . erty. CaU The R.F. Dimook Want Information on one of our clasatfled advertlsementaT Evenings 649-8880. quired. Must have an inter­ Apply in person, 876 Main YOUNG married nuui for coun­ posal. Phone after 6 p.m., 649- yard, $178. per month. Keith rooms, bath. Good condition. Oo. 649-8248. No answer at the telephone Ustedf Simply can the Women to Assemble Toys est in working with people. ^ART-TIME $8.60 per hour, 4 Street, Manchester, Suite 24,' ter work at new Dairy Queen Arrieiof For Sal* 45 5797. Agency. 649-1922. Ideal for campsite. $628. Call WES ROBBINS Carpentry re­ These are pari-Ume and " If you are an 'independent/ does that mean you're Hours 11 - 3 ;30, 6 days a Evenings per week and Satur­ between 12 noon p.m. Brazier. 7 p.m. to 12 midnight. 644-2218 after 6 p jn . modeling specialist. Additions, 6 to 10 P.M. Evenings days. Full-time positions avaU- fuU-time openings. For fur­ FOR SALE — Men’s rebuilt going to vote for George W allace?" TWO bedroom apeurtment, stove, BRAND NEW six room duplex. MANCHESTER exceUent In- week. Contact the Person­ Monday, Tuesday and Wednes­ BxceUent pay. Apply In per­ EDWARDS rec rooms, dormers, porchea, able. Call 289-7468, 4-8 p.m. ther information contact shoes, better than cheap new- refrigerator, heat, hot water Two full ceramic tile baths, vestment, $4,800 yearly Income nel Department, Manches­ day. son at the Dairy Queen, 242. cabinets, formica, built - Ins, A pply the Personnel Dept, Man­ ones. ,Sam Yulyes, "Shoe re­ and garage Included. Near all appllanced kitchen, full property. $10,000 down requlr- ter Memorial Hospital, 643- Broad Street, Manchester. ANSWERIN8 SERVICE M otorcyctoi bathrooms, Utchena. 649-8446. chester Memorial Hospital, pairing—the best kind!” 28 Oak schools and transportation. One bas’ement, garage. Gas heat ®d. J . G. Possum, ft Assoc, 1141, Ext. 248. 848-1141, Ext. 248. B ie y c to s 11 KAGE COMPANY Tired Of The Factory? Street. HousohoM G oo«b 51 Rooms W ithouf Board 59 chUd accepted. $140. Call 649- and hot water Included. Cen- 643-9869. 649-0500 875-2519 6644 trally located. $260. monthly. ~ ~ MOLD MAKERS SINGEUt automatic zig-zag sew­ ROOM to rent for gentlemen, '______1968 HONDA 880, four months Spociol Sorvicos 15 Next to Norman’s Warehouse WORKING mother wiU share Immediate openings for blU FREE — New wheels with snow For appointment to see call, sad leave your meosage. TouHl hear from oar advertiaor In old. Must seU, best offer. CaU On Ebn Street home with woman in exchange posters and sign erectors. TOOL MAKERS HELP wanted for cleaning be­ tires. Discount price on studs. ing machine, with cabinet, ex­ private family, private e n- LOVELY 3)4 room apartment AAMCO Transmlasiona of Man­ PART-TIME 649-1924. ______L a n d F o r S o l * 7 1 Pg time wlthoot spending aU evening at the tdephone. 0494618. for being occasional b.aby sitter Top wages in fast g^rowlng tween 7 :80 and 12 mornings, Order your winter three now. ceUent condition, hems, button­ trance, 119 Cooper HIU Street, with heat, appliances a n d chester, nationwide, guaran­ days. References. Write Box organization. Steady em­ six days per week. Apply in Cole’s Discount Station, tele­ holes, sews on buttons, em­ 649-0696. parking. 62 Oak Street,' Man­ TWO bedroom Ranch near Bol­ BOLTON —28 acres of beauti­ TWO boy’s 26" Ucycles, good Interviews Monday to Friday, 7 EVENINO HELP WANTED teed service. Budget terms. WANTED — Lady, about 8 K, Manchester Herald. ployment. Many fringe ben­ person, Vernon Bowling Lanes, phone 648-5332. broiders, Mo'.ograins, etc. chester. Rent $140. Csill 644- ton Lake, stove, heat Included. ful high wooded roUtng land Autom obitof For Soto 4 condition, $18. each. CaU 843- a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Saturday by THE THOMPSON House — Cot Loaner cars. Free towing. CaU hours a day, to care for pa­ efits. Apply in person to Mr. 7 P.M. to 11 P.M. Route 88, Vernon. OrlginaUy over $800., now only 2427 for appointment. Immediate occupancy. 289-8617 near new highway, long road 4211. NEE3> qualified women interest­ appointment. 648-4207, 875-7627. :age St. centrally located, large 648-2487, Manchester - Vernon tient, on bus line. CaU after 6 Joseph McMahon. ALUMINUM SHEETS — Used $66. or $10. monthly. City Sew­ before 6 p.m. frontage.. Priced to seU. CaU town line, Rt. 83, TaloottvlUe. ed in good earnings at once. HOURS FLEXIBLE as printing plates, .009 thick, ing Center, 622-0476. plea.iantly furnished rooms, SIX ROOM duplex apsutment. HERUOn I CHEVROLET Caprice 1987, 2- TWO Hondas 1964, 80 cc, low p.m., 628-8098. early. Hayes Agency, 646-0131.’ door hardtop, automatic, pow­ In creas^ Christmas business Vernon Mold & Tool Inc. J 23x86” , 26 cents each or 6 for parking. CaU 649.2388 for over- Porter Street area. Adults mUeage, good condition. OaU BRONZED — Baby shoes, BOLTE ADVERTISING APPLY IN PERSON r e n e er steering, power brakes, air- WOMAN to Mean every Friday, nveans more openings in Man­ $1. CaU 648-2711. CLEAN, USEID refrigerators, nigh; and permanent guest preferred. Elva Tyler Resdtor. O uf of To¥fn COVENTRY — 48 acres of good BOX LETTERS 643-4211 sporting euticlee, many other 23C NEWFIELD AVENUE 918 HARTFORD TPKE. ranges, automatic washers rates conditioning, beautiful condi­ 8-4, transportation furnished If chester. OaU 289-4922. BOOKKEEPER 640-4469. F o r R o n f 6 6 farm land, barn and 8 out items. Number of stylee to WEST HARTFORD FALL SPECIALS — Stmm tion. No money down, take required, $1.60 per hour. 649- ROCKVILLE, CONN. MCDONALD’S DRIVE-IN with guarantees. See them at buildings at $19,800. PhUbrtok F or Y our choose from. 648-7685. 8692. COUNTEIR girl, fuU and part- 622-6181 With knowledge of account­ windows, furnaces, radiators, THREE room apartment, 118 over payments. OaU broker, MINI BIKE, 1988 Rupp CS80. 46 WEST CENTER STREET B. D. Pearl’s Appliances,.848 VERNON —Beautiful 3)4 room Agency, Realtora, 640-6847. time, experienced preferred, ing. Able to moke adjusting toUets, wash basin, 4H to 6’ ROOM tor rent. Just painted, Main St., second floor, heat, InfoniuitkMi 288-8718. BxceUent condition. 646-1984. MANCHESTER Main St. Call 648-2171. apartment In exceUent resl-. ATTENTION LAD IE^ good pay, days. 649-8444. entries and familiar with modern cast Iron tubs, assort­ ------! $46 per month. OaU 649-2290. hot water and appliances, dentlal area featuring one bed­ ANDOVER —6 lots, on dead THE hfcttAf J> wfll not Roofing— Siding 16 PART-TIME mechanic for eve- PLUMBERS and plumbers preparation of financial ed lumber. Open all day Satur­ SEWINO MACHINES — singer adults only, $120. 646-2426, 9-6. end street close to lake, total 1966 PONTIAC OTO. Original LET'S have a party, you be the RETIRED widow will share room, heat, hot water, refriger­ disclose the identity of Interested In n'ngs and weekends. Must be helpers, experienced In new , statement. Salary hosed on day. Weekdays by appoint­ automatic zig-zag, exceUent area over one acre. 260’ front­ any advertiser using box owner. Black apoi& roupe. Ex- Busiiioss Sorvicos ROOFINO, aluminum aiding, hostess. ' VoluaMe premiums TIME TO get out in the fresh comfortable home with some­ MANOHEST^R^ — Center St., ator and range, adults only. quick to learn and mechanical­ construction, top hourly rate experience. EhcceUent fringe ment. Choman’a Housewreck- condition. Makes buttonholes, age, partlaUy cleared. CaU letters. Readers answer­ ceUent condition. 848-7858. air. Outdoor workers, shop one the same. Companionriiip. $120. CaU 872-0628 week days. O f f o r a d 1 3 gutters, carpenter work. SO Christinas Money? free. CaU Chester Waite, 848- ly inclined. No phone calls, ap­ with overtime. 846-4628. benefits. Apply at— hems, embroiders, etc. Orlg- 4 rooms, second floor, central­ ing blind box adh ing Company, entrance through 742-6160 anytime, owner. years’ experience. Connecticut 2609. workers, concrete fabricators. InaUy over $300., 6 monthly Box V, Msuichester Herald, ly ftoated to school, shopping ROCKVILLE — 6 rooms, heat, desire’ to protect th^ 1968 MUSTANG convertible V-8, BULLDOZER, backhoe work, A Marshall Field Family ply to manager. Parkade Bowl­ McCabe Street. Call 649-2393. Valley Conatructlon Oo. 643- TELEVISION Technicians — Have many openings for payments of $8.60 each or pay- suid bus. 668-8998. hot wsAer $140; 3 rooms, stove, STAFFORD Area — 172 acres' identity can foUaw this power steering, radio, heater, land clearing, septic tanks in­ owned organization la con­ COUNTER girl — part-time, ing Lanes, Mandiester Shop­ COMFORTABLE motM near 7180. Free eatlmates. Immediate openings, Jo hour steady work In healthy outdoor MANCHESTER MODES SCREE2NED loam, processed $61 cash. 622-0931 dealer. refrigerator, $110; 4 rooms, land. Several hundred frot procedure; automatic tranamlaalon. One stalled. drainage fields. Paul ducting a nationwide ex­ 4:80 — 9:30. Inquire Bonanza ping Parkade. 8ho[q>lng. Rooms how avaUable BAHT HARTFORD — Naubuc week, paid holidays, paid hos­ type work. No experience re­ Pine Street, Manchester gravel, also bank run gravel. stove, refrigerator, heat, hot borders on beautiful lake. Enclose your reply to the owner, low mileage. EhcceUent Schendel, 6494466. pansion program. Interest­ Sirloin Pit, 278 W. Middle at numthly rates until May 1st. Avenue unfurndahed large BUS BOY wanted — part-time, pitalization, free training on quired. Tear ‘round work arith George H. Grilfing, 742-7886. LEFTOVER new 1968 zig- zag water, $130; 4 rooms, stove, re­ Terms. Tom Minor, Broker, 1- box In an envelope — condition. 847-1881, ask for Sue. Roofing and ed in employing 12 area la- Tpke., Manchester. 876-0067. rooms. Ehccellent condition. YOU ARE A-1, truck Is A-1. days, 11-2:30. Inquire Bonanza transistora and solid state, earn overtime. Tbp pay rate. Many portable sewing machines.______frigerator, electricity, $128; 3 876-6042. address to the CUasl- dlee to do outelde customer SPOTS before your eyes—on Plenty of space. Middle aged Oellcurs, attics, yards, drive­ Chimnoys 16>A Sirloin Pit, 278 W. Middle up to $160 per week. OaU benefits. Union riiop. An equal HAIRDRESSER with manager’s Makes button h^es, sews but- CLEAN furnlslied room for gen- rooms furnished, stove, re­ feid Manager, Manchester PONTIAC Tempest 1966, auto­ intervleiwlng, Monday - Fri­ PART-TIME ervenlngs, tele­ your new carpet-remove them couple preferred. No heat. ways sealed and email truck­ Tpke., Manchester. liCA Service Oo. 248-6?01. An opportunity employer. Apply In license, $100 plus 66 per cent tons ^ bUnd hem dresses, tlensan. Apply 4 Pearl St.. Mm. frigerator, electricity, $120; WILUNGTON — 20 acres land, Hhreolng Herald, together matic, power steering, smaU ROOFING — Specializing re­ day, 9:00-1:00 P.M. tor 6 phone soliciting and experienc­ with Blue Lustre. Rent electric $136. Available now. 643-6966. quarter mUe to parkway, 10 arith a memo listtaig the ing done A-1 right. CaU Tre- ed prrtionate lettering typ­ equal opportunity employer. person to AUled Casting Corp., commissions. Also hair­ etc. aearance price, $84.20, riemute. 872-4762. auto with Mding comfort, easy pairing roofs of all kinds, new weeks. WlU pay $800. For SHOP HELP needed on first and shampooer $1. Paul’s Point ft cash o r terms available to ______acres open fields, bsJance companies you do NOT mano Trucking Service toll- ist, two to three eventngs week­ 260 ToUand Tpke., Manchester. dressers needed. CaU Vernon THREE room apartment, first to handle. No money down, roofs, gutter work, chimneys intervlerw see Mr. Moser seicond shifts. ExceUent bene­ Wallpaper Supirty.' responsible party. 1968 console ROOM for refined lady. Must VERNON — Mount Venton woodland. SmaU brook, $12,- ant to see your letter. free, 742-9487. ly. CaU 643-1442. OoUfuree, 648-0977. floor, range, refrigerator, heat Tour letter wfll be de­ take over payments. OaU brok­ cleaned imd repaired, 80 years' F^mptly. Join us tor fits and production bonusee, TRAINEE — To become life in­ models zig-zags sews with have local references. .No other Apartments available Novem­ 000. Tom Minor, Broker, 1-876- er, 288-8716.* BRACE yourself for a thrill the furnished, $130. per month. 10 stroyed if the advertiser TREE EXPERT — Trees cut. experience. Free estimates. BreaUast! Wednesday, Oc­ shift premium paid on second surance underarriter for one of one or two needles, makes but­ roomers. Call 643-9426. ber 1st, new 8)4 rooms, at 6042. COUNTER GIRL, for part-time CONCRETE first time you use Blue Lustre Knox St. CaU 649-6408. to sal, dishwasher, waU to Uful, high, flat, some trees, ap- ' ing, power brakes. No money ‘Ipke. LABORERS Newspaper Writer Wanted Store. Aporfmonfs— Flofs— Furaishod 2140 until 9 p.m. waU carpeting, alr-condltlon- proximately 16 s^nres plus ^ down, take over payments. M iH in ory, WOMAN to care for home and PART-TIMB janitor wanted at EXPANDING coiporatlon has Apartmoiits 63-A STEPS, SIDEWALka atone PART AND FULL-time fabric PART-TIME ZEISS Oontaflex with case. Tonomonfs 63 ing, swimming pool, tennis family house and two tobacco CaU broker, 238-8718. walla, fireplaces, flagMone ter­ three school chUdren, days. Pilgrim MUls. Apply to man­ opening* for ritiUed form buUd- GARAGE SALE — furniture, Drossmoking 19 salesgirls wanted. Apply Mis* WANTED Zolas Ikophot Ught meter, 88 courts, parking and storr-gp barns, seconAi from 1-84. Keith Lost end Fouad 1 races, ralllnga. AU concrete re­ CaU for particulars between 7 ager 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. ers. An apprentice program is glass, cliina, books, records, LOOKING for anything In 'IHRBE room furnidted apart­ Coburn, Pilgrim MUb, Hart­ Manchester Memorial Hos- C filter. Highland flash, $100. all Included. No pets. Tele- Agency, 646-4128, 647-6646. 1968 CHEVROLET Impala 2- pairs. Reasonably priced. 043- FOR ALTERATIONS neatly and and 10 p.m., 742-8204. available for men wllUng to draperies, curtains, antiques. real estate rentals — apart­ ment, private en tra n ce. Mato FOUND — Men’s tortoise shell ford Rd., Manriiester, between pKal Is looking for an edi­ Itoone Hartford, 627-9238, Ver­ door hardtop. White, V 4, pow­ 0881. reasonably done in my home, FTTLL-TIME servloe statioci at­ No experience necessary. participate. Union riiop with CaU 648-9266 after 6 p.m. 1-6 p.m. 66 Delmont Street. ments. homes, multiple dweU- Street location over Davis syeglaases on Hackmatack er steering, radio, heater. Im­ call 648-8760. three and six p.m. cidy. tendant wanted, must have torial osaiatant tor a part- Bakery, second floor. Heat in­ non 876-8721. Comptometer Operator year 'round work. Equal op­ ALL FTmNITURE, tbpl^ces, ings. no fees. Call J D. Real Street. Payment ad requir­ maculate red interior. Low TREES cut and removed, land good mechanical knowledge. CoH 6^-1684 between 6:80 time position. A retired FIVE PIECE chrome kitchen Rotate Associates, Inc., 843- cluded. $110 per month. CaU H ou!;*s For Sate 72 ASSEMBLER needed in our portunity employer, . AU l^ yard and work shopitoola for ROCKVILLE — attractive 3)4 ed. Call 849-2438. mUeage. Chrome wheels, new cleared, reasonable. Free esti­ Apply at Cantone’* Esso Serv­ newspaper reporter would set, and misceUaneous house­ S129. 646-0299 or 649-6781. Openings tor experienced Brazing Dept, on the second and 8:30 p.m. BuUding Systenra, Inc., Maiv sale. Moving out of state. CaU room apartment ava'lable Nov. ROOM Ranch priced fo r mate, insured, 289-8720. PLAIN SEWING and altera­ ice, 808 W. Middle Tpke. be ideal tor this interesting hold items. 118 Glenwood St. LOST —OoUie pup, temale, tires. $800. 118 SclvxU Street, comptometer operators to shift. BxceUc.-it benefits, pro­ chester. Conn. 84^124. 1st, stove, refrigerator, heat. tions. Call 649-7748. 12 hour per week position. 1-637-2288. OaU 643-6107. 4% ROOM town house, includes ROOM FURNISHED quick sale. Attractively pan­ aatde and white. Answers to Manchester. work 8:80 Ihrough 4:30, five duction bonusee and thift pre­ Adults only, no pets, $100. SHARPENING Service — Saws, PART-TIME service station at­ ARCHTTECrrURAL DRAFTS- For furthei’' information VA baths, patio, appUances and efficiency apartment. Heat, hot eled Uving room with f 1 r e- Lady. m cM ty of Manchester DRESSMAKINO and altera- days a week. Must be mium. Apply in person. Klook FULL and part-time laborers water and etectricty furnished. monthly. 649-4824, 878-1168. place. Nicely done over and MUSTANG 1968, 2-door hardtop, knives, axes, shears, skates, tendant wanted night* and MAN — Architectural precast contact the Personnel De­ FOUR PIECE modernistic bed­ uUUtles, $180. CaU Mrs. Rein, Oolf Course. Cal 64$-4864 tions, zippers replaced etc. skiUed in aU phases of Co., 1866 ToUand Tpke., Man­ for landscaping, no experience OLD PICUTRE frames. Can be Laundry facilities. $87 month­ enlarged kitchen. Low tee“'s. automatic, ]X)wer steering, rotary blades. Quick service. weekend*. ApiHy at Cantone’* concrete manufacturer. Sever­ partment, Manchester Me­ room set and two end tables. 643-4256. ROCKVIIXE — 8 room furnish­ reward. Call 849-4811. comptometer work. Excel­ chester. necessary, $2.28 per hour. Call seen Saturday. CaU 649-4914. ly. Call 649-2497. Wolverton Agegpy, 649-2818. sharp. No money down, take Capitol Equipment Co., 88 Esso Servloe, 308 W. Middle al career poeltions as job cap- morial Hospital, 843-1141, Call 643-1378. ed apartment, beat, $106 lent benefits, free parking, Orantland Nursery. 648-0869. FOUR ROOMS on first floor, 30 Main S t, Manchester. Hours Tpke. t ^ . Willing to train promising Ext. 243.. ITS A DIRTY shame to put up LOST — Bavinga Passbook No. over payment*. CaU broker, DRESSMAKING and altera­ subsidized oatoteria, con­ BOOKKEEPER wanted mon> BUREAU, very good condition; Locust St., heat, hot water, no monthly. Call 649^626. SEVEN ACRES, )4 mile from 238-8716. daUy 7:80-6, Thursday, 7:30-9. tions, evening wear, suits appUcant*. CaU 848-0124. with dull carpets. Bright-Tone 0224-16778-1 Etortford NaUcnal genial coAtroricers and ex­ ings, five days a week. CaU MAN wanted for janitorial PART-TIME help mornings. Ap­ beveled edge mirror;^ table appliances, adults. CaU 646- Business Locations 1-84, 6)4 room Ranch. Fire­ Saturday 7:80-4. 648-7968. made to order, 16 years experi­ 8494271. shampoo brightens' as it cleans. Bank and Trust Oo., First ceUent working conditions. ______work, Monday through Sat- ply Morlarty C^vron Service, lamp, blue and gold; ‘ covers 2426, between 9-6. place, 20 X SO masonary out- T MASON’S helper wanted. Need For Rant 64 Resort Proporfy Msnrhesfer office. Application 1986 VALIANT Signet, 6 cyUn- ANYTHING taken to the dump, ence. CaU 643-7042. Apply 270 Hartford Rd., Manoheater. HOSTESSES $1 rents electric shampooer all tor love seat, large chair, im- buUding, double carport. der, automatic transmission, urdays, hours 12 noon to 7 p.m. own transportation. Work in made l o t payment appliances, bulky furniture, at­ WAITRESSES day. A to Z Rental Center, 11 used; pink hob-naU Morgan MANOTBsiraiR Attractive TWO ROOM office, 100 percent For Rent 67 Hutchins Agency, Realtora, radio, heater, whitewaU tires, Holp W ontod— Mole 36 *** reliable with steady MANAGEMENT trainee—Ex­ Manchester area. CaU 1-749- Tolland Tpke. (Next to tics , cellars deemed, Ught FIRST NATIONAL habits. Good hourly rate. No COOK TRAINEES Jones bedspread; pair of 3)4 rooms, quiet residential Main St. location. Inquire Mar­ 640-5324. FOUm> —In BoMon Rd. area, good running condition. CaU M ov img — ^Trucking— cellent opportunity for young 6116. Vtttner’s) TaloottvlUe, Oorai. area, privacy assured, ^ utili­ NEW CHALET In New Hamp­ trucking. Cheap. 289-6860. STORES, Inc. MALE Production Workers phone calls, apply in person DISHWASfHERS FVench doors, 80x06, nice for low’s, 867 Main St. black and brown dog, part 647-1881, ask for Sue. S t o r o a o S20 aggressive man with a modem 643-4511 or 872-4242. ties Included plus parking. shire near Mt. Whdtier area Openings on aU three shifts. to manager. Brunswick Park­ DRIVBaiS, fuU-time or port- BUS BOYS breezeway,' 528-5789. Dachshund, about one year old. LIGHT trucking, odd Jobs, alao PARK ft OAKLAND AVE8. progressive company. Call Mr. Ideal for newl}rweds, $120. 474 MAIN ST. office for rent. and other ski areas, sleeps 8. Rates: $2.68 per hour and tq>. ade BowUng Lane. Ums. Apply at Manchester Au­ TOLEWARE, milk pans, skim­ male. OaU 872-4618. CHEVROLET 1988 Impala Su­ moving large appliances. Burn­ MANCHESTER DeUvery—light Lenart, 289-7768. Full-time, part-time, excel­ LIVING room set. Governor monthly. Call 236-0664, 563- Center of town, plenty of park­ Use of private heated pool, EAST HARTFORD. CONN. Applications accepted daUy. to Parts Inc.. 270 Brood Street. mers. Lots of things to dec­ PolKiig Places per Sport, 4-speed, vinyl top. ing barrolt deUvered, 84. 644- trucking and package deUvery, lent earning*. Uniforms Wtothrop desk, T-V, tables, 7364. ing, 646-2426. 9-6. sauna bath, rope toe ski area CaU Mrs. Marge Hamps IXiesday, November ainal Hospital or MoCberty damage. Got a tree 649-1008. apartment. Reliable, age 66. hot water, parking, one child Mato St. Across from Friendly Manchester, Oonn., and wUl be con­ Michael J. Peace, 2748. 4817. easy to do with Blue Lustre. ducted by SAM A. CRISPINO of problem? CaU Dana’s Tree Please call 649-8898. accepted, no pets. C^ill after 6. tee Cream. 646-2423, 9-5. 362 Hackmatack St.. Manchester, Doneld 8. Davis, OTO 1967, 4-speed, many extras, Service, 622-8429. PAINTINO — interior and ex­ Rent electric .friiampooer, $1. Conn,, as permittee. WUHana O. Gleim ey,' - WORKING male student wants AUTO BODY repalrmcm. We Antiquos 56 649-2497. ----- — ------caU after 4, 643-0918. terior, very reasonable, free TWO MEN available to do work Pinewood Furniture Shop. SAM A. O R lSPm o. Board cf Seleotmm num to share room In Man- BURNEir SERVICE MAN need one akperienced auto Dated October 23. 1968. OOMPLJSTE janitorial services. estimates. CaU Richard Experienced Polishers around the house, yard, paint­ WANTED TO BUY — antiques, 3)i ROOMS, Colonial Manor OFFICE SPACE now available, cheMer. 742-7981. VOLKSWAGEN, 1985. ExceUent body repairman. Excellent STORM window* and screens Residential, commercial and Martin, 649-9280, 649-4411. ing, Wallpapering, carpentry, steins, furniture, pewter, lead­ apartments, appliances, heat,' Andrews Building, 63 E. Cen- condltloa. Radio, heater. $900. Experienc^e Necessary • woridne conditions. Incentive reg^rs, aU odd jobs. 649-7464. for cape cod home, yours for RIDE WANTED to State Office industrial. Windows wariied, For a finished work on turbine blades and vanes.' ed lamps, art glass, primitives, hot water and basement, $180. ter St. CaU 232-6416. CaU 848-2687. L. PELLETIER — Painting — e x o e u k n t w o r k in o c o n d it io n s . pay plan, penrton and unial the taking. 649-8792. building from Main and Oak floors washed and waxed. Wise any quantity. F\irnlture re­ 649-9661. Maintenance, 618-2803. interior and exterior, papenng SALARY AND COMPANY BENEETTS Above average hourly rates, fringe benefits and company boMfits. CaU Stan RELIABLE married man wlU Streets. Working.hours 8:80 to paired. 644-8962. OLDSMOBIUB wagon w S aiti paper removal, fuUy In­ profit sharing plan. Apply at Otimek, Servloe Manager, mow iawns, rake leaves,'paint, FIVE ROOM apartment and MANCHESTER —So. Mato St. W AOTED-M EN and WOMEN 4:80. OaU 648-2297. automatic, power steering’,' ex- sured. 648-90tt. and 649-6826. Morlarty Brae., 648-5186. any odd jobs. Reasonable rotes. OLD TO’YS and bottles sale. garage, exceUent condition, 660 square foot stored $110. For ccUent condition. No money TTPINO and tiiorthand done at MORIARTY BROTHERS^ Inc 640-9678. Dootsond Accossortes 46 Several job openings available on 2nd and Srd ahlfts ome w a n t e d Save to 76 per cent. Pattern’s middle age couple. References. details caU Mrs. Libby, Leo­ S from miey down, take over payments. JOSEPH Lewis, custom 801 - 818 CENTER ST. for MACHINE OPERATORS. We wlU train yon. Street to Moreland Tool Com­ my borne in Bolton, 649-4787. Red-Lee Metal Finishing Go., Inc. n^M E D IA TE sale — 1969 18’ Antiques, Windsor Ave., Rock­ 643-7237. nard Agency, 646-0460. CaU broker, 288-6716. painting and’paperhanging. In­ MANCHESTER, CONN. — M8-6188 Olde Town lap strake boat, 86 Benefits Include Group Insurance, Paid HoUdays, P rof­ pany, I first Miift, on Tolland terior and exterior. Dry wall Vacation—Insurance—Pension 69 WOODLAND ST.—MANCHESTER Sotesmon Wantod 36>A ville, opposite Hartman’s. ► THREE ROOM apartment, Tbrnplke or vlctnity, six day work. FuUy insured. Free esti­ Dogs— Birds— PoH 41 h.p. Mercury, motor, 1962. Cox it Sharing, Shift DitfeientJals. Houtohold Soiricot and Blany Bfore Fringe Benefite! SEEK .AMBITIOUS seUIng completely remodeled, in­ work we*lr.'| Phone 649-8808 af­ 1985 VOLKSWAGEN, sunroof, mates. 649-9668. If no answer, trailer I960. As Is, $260. 742- ' agent for world fafmotoi Scott GERMAN Shepherd, male, cludes stove, and refrigerator leBiiifAf.iii , Apply In Person ter 6 p.m. excellent condition. 649-8126. Offornd 13-A 643-6362. 7107. Wooring Apparol>^ Stamp Albums, catoloigues an^ eight months old. Wonder­ ,______Furt 57 and aU utilities, near bus line LINCOLN 1968, fuUy loaded, UQOT TRUCKINO, buUi deUv- IN8IDE)«utslde painting. Spe­ I aocasaoriss. Earn money to ful for rtilldren. Housebroken, and stores. 649-1287 be­ PRom KnioN ALDON SPINNING MILLS CORP. air - conditioned. Low balance, ery, yards, attics, cellar* clean­ cial rates for people over 66. apare time. No Invewbment! No partlaUy trained for obedience. LADIES’ winter coat, never tween 2-6 p.m. or after 9 p.m. A iifoiM obeoB For Sal* 4 ed and removed. Alao odd jobs. Askltv $86. 643-8698. Horists— Nursortes 49 TALCOTTVILLE, CONNECTICUT no money down, take over pay­ CaU my competitors, then call Inventory! Only one agent In worn, avocado green, nubby GARDEN TYPE smaU one bed­ ASSEMBLERS ments. OaU brtAer, 288-8715. 644-8982. me. Estimates given. 649-7868. each county. Write tor details SPRUCE TREES for sale. wool, with Autumn has. mink with Progressive NEED CAR? Oledlt very bad? Do You Like To Wfife? Immediate Opening DACHSHUND —AKC puppies, room apartment. Available 870-8401. enclosing three character ref­ Three feet and larger. Rea­ collar, size 14, $60. Gall 848- Electrical Apirilance Bankrupt, - lepoasesslonT Hon- RBUlVEAVTNG of burns, moth- reds, blacks and chocolate, $60 now. $)20. monthly. Includes 1968 CHEVROLET lifova station erence* Inokidtog honk. J. D. 6962. Company — Apply ast Douglaa accepts lowest holes, tippers repaired. Win­ up. Alao Pekingese and Wei- sonable. 646 North Mato Street heat and appliances. CaU Paul wagon, exceUent shape. 848- GEORGE N. Cinverse. Painting FOR Scott Corp., 200 Fifth Avenue, CaU 649-2802. doam, smaUest payments, any­ dow bhades made to measure, WE NEED AN maraners, 1-628-6678. W. Dougfan, Realtors, 649-4685. 0392 after 8 p.m. and decorating, paper hanging, New York, N. Y. 10010. IONA MFO. C0.I where. Not amaU loon finance aU size Venetian blinds Keys fully insured. CaU evenings, BEAGLES — AKC, 18" female, Wantod— To Buy 58 \m HAVE customers waiting Regent Street company plan. Douglas Mo­ TO SETTLE ESTATEri988 blue made while you waif.. Tape re­ 643-7804. 4 months, $86. 1-228-8636 after tor the rental of your apart­ Manchester, Conn. AUCTION OF ANTIQUES tors. 848 Main. Futback Volkswagen with ra­ corders for rent. Marlow’s 807 Gordon— Form - WANTED — Restaurant equip­ dio and heotar in exceUent con­ Main St., 649-6221. ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR Holpup Wantod^ 4 p.m. ment or home. J. D. Real Es­ THUNDB31BIRD — 4-door Lan­ Dairy Products 50 ment, store, tavern and bank­ tate Associates. Inc., 649-6129. dition. 649-7867 after 4 p.m. Floor Rnislilng 24 Mate or Fomote 37 AUCTION ACRES * U. B. ROUTE M dau 1167 aultomatic, fuU power, MINATURE poodle puppies, ruptcy equipment. CaU NOW IS THE TIME to protect EXPERIENCED TURNIPS, $1 half bushel, yel­ BRIM FIEU X MAMS. alr-cond., charcoal gray, snow i m V O L K S^G E N , red, radio, The position is open now. You will find PHARMACIST -^Hiteady relief. AKC registered, Inoculated and Fontaine Restaurant Equip­ and restore original appear­ FLOOR SANDING and reflnlsb- low globe and purple tope. tiros with wheels, stereo tapes heater, defroster, sunroof, snow Good pay. ReUable. Reply Box wormed, reasonably priced. 1- ment, 478 Windsor Street. • 1 Hour From MsBcheateiv-Tlalan Bt. U to S tm M d g * ance of your ametite driveway Ing (tpeclaUzlng in older Corner of Olode Lane and — low milsage, one owner. No tires, 848-0067. your position exciting, interesting and a chal­ "N ", Manchester Herald. 628-8829. Corner Canton Street. Hart­ HMn Rt. SO West 6 Miles to BrimOaU . with a good coat of i»otective floors). Inside painting. Paper- Tolland Sti;qet at East Hart­ trades. 6484917. sealer. Free estim ate. 742- hanging. No job too small ford. 827-8771. 1960 FORD Galoxie 600. Like lenge to your abilities. You will find the staff ford, Manchester townline. TODAY’S SAT., OCT. M, 19W At 1« A Ji. 9487 John VsrfaUle, 049-0700. 19M FORD Fsirlsne 500, 2- new, low mileage, full power, COMPOSITOR WANTED — Antique furniture, most congenial and your office most pleasant. Under Tmt, Reoardlees a t Weather door, automatic, one owner, sacrifice. Call 848-6811. TWO HANDYMEN want a va­ glass, pewter, oU paintings or ASST. NEW CAR MANAGER — Droee Aooordlaigty — $160. Osll after 4 p.m., 449- riety of jobs by the hour or Fortiliwrs 50-A other antique Items. Any quan­ IX)DGE Motion wagon, 1989, Bofidt" '■'Sfockt"^ Qhecic the fringe benefits. You'll, find your co-workers most congenial. MEN day. Reasonable rates. OaU for tity. 643-8709, 166 Oakland St. good naming condition. Make Mortgagos 27 (K)OD cow manure. Excellent A Wert Springfield Estalte amd others i t P ebtiam aad Information, 648-6306, 648-8292. Check the fringe benefits. THERE IS A CHALLENGING JOB OLDBMOBILE, 1986, 442, 4- an offer, 6484962. for faU use on shrubs, lawns, HOUSEHOLD lots - Antlqu^ Management Opportunity! Carnival Olasa, Chlnaiware, Toy Iron EnfjftM^ PtUdiar wad SBCOl^ MORTGAGE — Un- Apply in person soon at the . , . WAITING FOR YOU AT etc, $8 and $11> loads. DeUvered. sgssd, bucket seats, power VENISTIAN Minds — repaired, bric-a-brac, clocks, frames, Bowl Set, Lamps, Old Clock C asae, Patotings^ Boston Rotdu 1967 MUSTANG, white, 4 - s p ^ limited funds avallaMe for sec­ 643-7804, 649-8781. With or without experience. This is a real oppor­ braks* and steering, reverb ra­ retaped and recorded. 646-0278. Apply in person at the glassware. We buy estates. Vil­ er, OhBlrs, Ernpire Soda sad Pressara, W tob Stead, eta . 428 Oofera jet, Detroit locker, ond mortgages, payments to dio, $90 gwar, p oslti^ la n , get- 649-2971 A CAVROK CORP. lage Peddler, Auctioneer. 420 tunity to becxime an important part of a growingr, Also truckload of good modcan Items. 81 spMne axlea. Many extras. suit your budget. Expedient Lake St.. Bolton. 649-8247. Uftg company ear. CaU 875-8S90. iJlanrljwtpr ifpralJ W M MAIN aTMlinMROOKVlLLE, CONN. * HousohoM Goods 51 pirogresstve manatremerJt organization. Remurera- Must be seen, never weather­ FURNITURE reflnitiied. In­ service, J. D. Realty, 048-6129. tion commensurate to your capability. Balch Pon­ INTBREBTINa SALE — LUNCHBOM SERVED 18$i V iU A N T 4^1oar sedoiL iiaud|p0tpr ed. Price reasonable. Can be surance estimate* made. Man­ 13 BiSSELL STREET Attnettv* wagee—fitsTthig rot* IS.0B to $Mi0 per^liour, kKlVINO — 1964 refrigerator tiac Buick has your opportunity! aNMOstit tin s, runs good, $196. seen at Dick’s Shall Service, chester Refinlshing Co., 49 Win­ MANCHESTER OB Job. P o l groqp tasanBoe besieAt*. Movtag freeaer, gray formica kitchen Rooms Without Boenrd 59 a a 8M 8WI. BISSELL STREET—MANCHESTER, CONN. IMG GOROON ROD OOMPiAMY 668 B. Center St, $i»-700$. ter Street, 649-6046. 18 hi Deoember to bsw tihsatla VsnMB ludnatrlal Park. Why aet, love " seat, china closet, LIGHT housekeeping room fdr •» SB Ihuffttog traffloT Drop our ptsBt Read Herald Ads la aad saa tnaaager/ floor lamps, radio-phono, 9xil3’ rent, women preferred. 648- Call Joe Balch at 289-6483 RRIMFIEUI, MAMA * (4M) MS-«Sn AJtfTiMM gray wool rug. 647-1600. 4074.

    •f *


    TWENTY-TWO MANCHESTER BV1!NING HERALD. MANCHESl'ER. CONN.. FRmAY, OCTOBER 25, 1968 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. yN C H E S T E R , CONN., FRIDAY, O C T O B ^ 26, 1968 PAGE TWENTY-THREE Housvs For Scrio 72 Housos For Solo 72 Homos For Solo 72 Lots For Solo 73 Rosort Proporty For Solo Fm Sow 74 Out of Town Out of Town VERIjlON —Manchester line. For Solo 78 For Solo 78 MANCHESTER — 5 room For Soln THERE 0U6HTA BE A LAW ______BY SHORTEN and WHIPPLE Tolland County Politico $20,000 — N ear R oute IS, 1 % B R A ^ NEIW Raised Ranch on Beautiful high scenic wooded AMSTON LAKE —Ideal fo r -poLLAND _ m inutes to .Man- 78 Out of Town Ont of Town CLASSIFIED wooded acres. BVi room Ranch prestige Kennedy Road. Im­ Ranch, 2-car gafage, flreol^ce, lots. Up to two acr^s In size. handyman, new cottage rtieU, Chester from tWs well kept, 7 HOlMmi B A R N - 4H aorea, l>4 baths, wall to wall carpets. mediate occupancy. Three- walk-out beaemenit, recreation Call now. H ayes A gen cy, 646- INeLL, S»iC STAmCD TALRlfK^ ABOUT IT sceptic tank and water f.iclud- room Raised Ranch, luxurious tralnbif and riding rings, e- KAST HARTFORD -Executive B efore sme iIocmeo mer (sLW,ocTDfA H utchins A gen cy R ea ltors, 640- yes, throe fun baths, 2 c a r g a­ room, beautifully large wood­ 0181. COVENTRY — custom built Flaherty^ Smiling^ Adm its ed, near main beach. Call waU to wall carpeting, T)4 room briok Ranch, family T rooms. Split Lsvel, fqmUy tMjULOtrr 7ALR AaoUT AMfnilMO-AS THE OAT AFTER 1ME MONffMOOk^-' AUP SS24. rage, city water, city sewers. ed lot. Immediate occupancy. Ranch, 6H lovely roonu, ga­ 649-0422, 649-8641. baths, paneled reo room with room, -gangs, trsss, Hutchins rornn, flreplaca, dishwasher, UMMKXnMir. AS MQME^ OR CAREERS- RAERT STOfFSO SINCE.! ADVERTISING Ask for Frank FUloramo. Bel- SmaU down payment. Owner ANDOVER — School R1. High rage, sun porch beautifully fireplace, dishwasher, alumin­ and dispoaal, wzOl to w all, s MANCHESTER -- Young BV4 1-878-8681 evenings. « scenic wooded lot wldi artesian A gen cy, R ea ltors 649-6824. landscaped with young fruit He Started the Check Fuss flore Agency, 647-1418. um storms, etc. Young neigh­ * ..... ------• _ full baths, 2-oar garage, epbt- tiTMi ira n v a e s <4nii ArwMa-m atari wfUCK CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS room Ranch with a real coun­ well, desirable residential area trees, minute walk to lake, ful­ MANCHESTER and vicinity. Out of Town borhood. High 20’s, assrm i^ VERMON-XamOwster tins. 4-s, less. Price high 30'a. Wolver­ The hrteri chapter In the ing "Tired of the othsrs, vote try sliecl kitchen and a built- NEW LISTING — Drive by 46 near lake and school. $4,600. ly heated and Insulated, 881.0(XI. 8 AJML to 4:30 PJM. Over 76 homes from $7,600 up. VA mortgage. Szeluga two family, two furnaces, ton Agency, R ^tora, 949-3818. AMtmOri* X MEVER ViOULD HAVE mystery ■of "How the! Demo­ for Carruttiera.” in oven and range. Large liv­ C all 649-0422, 649-8641. For Solo 75 K eith A g en cy , 649-1933. Dartmouth Road, then call us Call Mitten Realty Company, 742-8680, 742-9234. M ir y B in olt unlqus oiiportimlty for s«mom- Continuing on tha Democratic ing room with wall to wall to inspect this quaiUty built crats came to get a check from COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. carpeting and a comer fire­ R ealtors, 643-6930. EAST HARTFORD — Imma­ 742-8474. toal living or investment. On­ COVENTRY _ capo. Just re­ VERNON trailer, CsuruUiar'z opponent Ansaldi Colonlai with seven the GOP" camq today Irom place, 3 generous bedrooms NORTH END — A-Zoned wood­ culate 4-room Ranch, 80x160 ly |ai,600. H ayes A g s ^ , 646- du ced to 819.S00. S ix largo Gerald Allen has a sign tha 4:M P.M. DAT BEFORE PDBUCATION rooms. Including first floor 6% ROOM Split Level, $ bad- rooma, IH baths, fuU base- VeriKm Democratic Town Chair­ an(J 2 full ceramic baths, alu­ ed lot, 100x186. C all 049-8860. tot, taxas $200. yearly. Ex­ 0181, FOR THE PARTICULAR same size, proolalming, "We’re Deadltiie fbr Ssturday and Monday Is 4 :M p.m. Friday. family room, two fireplaces, rooma, IH baths, bullt-lhii man Leo Flaherty. minum combinations, oil hot cellent retirement a t g r t e r ment, 4^ acres, excellent con­ not tired, we're Inopired, re­ two oar garage, automatic Lots For S«do 73 dition throughout. Owner anx­ Here Is a apaoious 9 room Admitting authorehlp of what water heat, Buckley School, WB HAVE choice one acre home. Bel Air Real Eatate, finiahed rec room with bar. elect Gerald Allen.” kltcheLA, lots o f closet sp ace, Call fo r appolntfent. 289-7690. ious. Judith WUhelm Real Ranch with ntany comfort the RepubUoans termed "a new $23,900. Wolverton Agency, MANCHESTER^Multiple lots wooded lots near Bolton 'Cen­ 643-0382. 8$. O nge L on oheen RK APPRECIATED walk-up attic, aluminum E state, 1-838-0670. featurea for you. Large liv­ low In campaign tactics,’’ Fla­ D IA L 643-2711 R ea ltor, 649-2813. for sale, B zohe, suitable for ter and other locations. For Look of Loveliness Incumbent Oeoonil Dtririot storms^and screens. Plastered 2-family houses. Victor Agen­ further information, caU R.F. ing room, dellghtfiil kMoh- herty teimed the rituation "hu­ Congressman WlUtain fit. On(e SEVEN ROOM older home, ex­ w alls. C irca 1964, condition c y , 643-6700 D lm ock C o., 649-6246. en, t bedrooms and lovriy morous." "Bob Houley had will speak at a buaiiie— tiaiife Continued From Preceding Page cellent condition, on bus line. 1969. Ask fo r J o e L om bardo, Jumper and Blouse treed lot. $38,800. To see, nothing to do wMh the publicity luncheon next Thurefiay at tbe Property Includes 2 extra build­ B elflore A g en cy , 647-1418. please call 640-6806. and it was not a news release." Vernon 'Steak Houae on Rt. SO ing lots. Marlon E. Robertson. INVITATION NOTICE NOW RENTING "I felt the idea of a donation at noon. Homes For Sole 72 Houses For Sole 72 R ealtor. 643-5968 DRIVE BY this alumimun sid­ 8161 from the RepuMioan Committee State Senatorial candiaaM ed beauty at 4 Deepwood B &L W TO BID FOR ADMISSION to Houley was humorous and I Robert Houley and Btata R » NEW LISTING — 6% room Drive, then call' Joe Lombardo BARROWS and WALLACE Co. told a local correspondent who EXECUTIVE seven room Gar- Sealed bids will be received presentaiUve candtdato GaraU Cape, all nice sized rooms. to Inspect. Belflore Agency, OF ELECTORS S w v u f . B h o o k s L Manchester Parkade put the Item In her column," Ooionial, Lakewood CSr- No Gadgets, No Gimmicks at the oCOce of Om Pmebaaing Allen of Vernon will be on haz'd Quiet loc,-\tlon yet w alking 647-1413. (LIMmSD SESSION), M an ch ester 940-SS06 Flaherty explained. de area. Oversized two - car Agent, 41 Center Street, Man- at the lundieon, am will oUber Just Plain House Sense distance to bus, schools, ahop- TOWN OF ANDOVER, "My sense of humor has ap­ garage, breezeway, two flre- THE VERY BEST, $76,000. Call Chester, Conn., until November smea candidates and tosm ohair- pihg. P riced In the teens. CONNECTICUT BOLTON CENTER — Seven parently upset seme of our Re- pdaces, lovely treed lot. Call Whether you are Interested for details. Belflore Agency, 7, 1968 at 11:00 a.m, for OOR- men from the 80th dtoMot In­ Wolverton Agency Realtors, Notice Is hereby given lhat room Ranch. Ixm 30’s. As­ pubHcan friends," Flaherty J. D. Real Estate Associates, In buying a home or renting an 647-1418. RUOATED METAL PIPE. sumable 4H per cent mort- clud ing U . GoV. AMMO n « » , In c., 648-6129, 648-8779. 649-1688. apartment call Jarvis Realty 640-2813. the Board of Admissions of O m a a s L stated, ‘'but I think we all srinrili. Ttekete for the event ______; ------— ———T Bid forms, plans and spedfl- Elsctors for the Town of Ando- Prinolpals only. riiould be able to laugh lU our­ Co., Realtors, today. MANCHESTER — custom built CALL US, we're computerized. available at the 9880.£5*- may be obtained from Dkvld COLONIAL, paneled dlnlrg 'ver will be In aesaion In the selves once In a whUe." center hall Cape, six rooms, We’ll looate you anywhere you WUUami of Vernon. room, new modem kitchen, We have ov er 200 listings to Purchasing Office, 41 Center Town Office Building, School The check was made out to full dormer, rec room, St. want to go. If selling, we’re By Raymoiid F. & Louis C. Dcmolo OOVENTOY — Do you want a dlabwasher, disposed etc. Large show you. Some of them are Street, Man<^ester, Connecti­ Road on Monday, November 4, the Houley for Senate Commit­ loca ted at .481 M ain St. —w ith starter house that la Immacu­ Mving room, three bedrooms. listed below. James Parish. Only $24,600. cut. Deluxe Apartments from 1145 per month tee by the Republicans to cov­ the accent on the number 1968 from 3:00 p .m . t o 6:00 p.m . lately clean auid In perfect con­ Bhrterior of house Just covered H ayes A gency, 646-0131. Town of Manchester, er their share of electrloal serv­ Enfirlneerinff Stqipltoa "o n e ” . B elflore A gen cy, 647- for the purpose of admitting dition? Wfuvt to Just move in Out of Town Out of Town with new aluminum siding. EAST WINDSOR — A lovely OontrecUcut Prdbe Resmniiig ice and InstefiaMon charges for and btatrameiito 1413. those persons whose right have and live 'without a lot of bother­ $26,900. Phdlbrick A gency. Ranch home at a low price for Robert B. Weiss, t By For Sdo 75 For Solo 75 the trailer headquarters at Ver­ quick sale. Has 3 bedrooms, SCHALLER RD. matured after October 12, 1968. some repairs and decorating? MaraOestse Btaeprtel R ealtors. 649-6347. SIX ROOM Colonial on Henry General Manager PAUL W. DOUGAN.^ A N . Itodtor In Complaint of non Circle, according to Dick tiled bath, large lot wHh city Split level, 3 bedrooms, Applicant must be twenty-one Then come and see this five BOLTON LAKE — 4H room and Snppljr, 1 m . REDUCED, reduced! Owner Dempsey, Vernon Republican IMMACULATE seven room dishwasher, disposal, new­ St. Call Oarl Zinsser for de<- years of age, must be a resi­ 649^535 room modern Ranch plus Ranch, beautiful treed lot, BOO’ 690 Hertford R&, __ sew ers. Only $16,900 w ith a s­ HOTPOIIT says "Sell at once” . Unbeliev­ Groton Negro cam pa l^ chairman. hmne, with large cedar closet ly decorated, near grade ta ils. B elflore A gency, 647-1418. NOTIOE dent of the Town of Andover for finished room in basement, alu­ to water, new furnace, only MawdiMtor, Ouuai. f| l Bg8t sum able mortgage. D oris able 6 room Ranch with 8 The Repubtioon campaign bi fourth bedroom, new school and Chopping center. six months, If foreign bom must minum riding, fireplace. Only $18,800. H ayes A gen cy, 646- Smith wlH be happy to show QUALITY built 4 bedroom Co­ DECISIONS bathrooms, 2 oar garage, two HARTFORD, Ooim. (AP) — chairman charged Houley with ceramic bath and vanity, 100 be a naturaUzed citisen. $16,600. Judith Wilhelm Real 0181. you this one. lonial with 2 car garage, 2H Variances - Exceptions flraplacea, four bedrooma, all Formal Inveotigatioa haa been "capitalizing on the check by amp service, recent furnace 648-0640 Ruth K. Munson, Comor of Now Sftrto Rood & Hilliard StrM t Estate, 1-338-0676. baths, large wooded lot. Pan­ Granted Anderaen thermopane w 1 tv HEBRON — LocUclng for quality sctwdiUed to resume here Nov. colling It a contribution hi* and roof, walk to bus line, COVENTRY — Here Is another ______Tow n Clerk eled family room, kitchen Priido and Hilda Ounpuu, dowe, 2H acres qf real privacy, built Ranch with privacy but 13 In the complaint cf the late campaign,” adding that Houley schools and shopping, $21,900. low priced Ranch home in the CUSTOM built five room homeA for Board of Admissions Modols Opon from 2:00 p.m. tM daifc \ i EIXJN GTO N —300 yeai* old Chorie* M. Rfehazdaon that a to with bullt-ins and birch cabi­ Erect attached garage cloaer to not seclusion? WUl 996’ front­ WANTED country on an acre of land. 6 Large Living room with flr^ Dutch Colonial In mint oondl- Notrii Road In Bolton, a cou­ "apparently needs to enchance Call now, Wolverton Agency nets. Master bedroom has side line, with conditions, 11 of Elsotora age do? Three bedrooms, IVk Groton fire company rejected rooms phis a large work shop place, formal dining room, tlon. ThrOe fireplaces, duUdi ple of mllea from the center Ws position or out of sheer dee- Clean, Late Modsl R ealtors. 619-2818. walk-ln closet very liberal fi­ Welcome Place. baths, artesian well and fire­ his menuberah^ appOoation be­ and tool shed. Selling fbr $16,- modem kitchen, Jalousled oven. Recent heating system. o f M anchester, Chroa 1667. Aak paratton hss chosen to capital­ nancing. Belflore Aguncy, Robert EUlngton, Erect ga­ place. This home Is for the cause he waa a Negro. ize on the check.’’ JUST $22,600 buys tWs seven 900. Call N k * C onvertlno fo r a porch, two bedrooms, space for Exquisite setting on three for Joe Lombardo, Belflore U S E D C A E S 647-1413. rage closer to side Une, with famUy who caree about their Arthur L. Green, director of room home, two car garage, look at this one. third, 1V4 baths. 2-car garage. acres with spectacular valley A g en cy , 647-1418. Flaherty countered by stat­ oonditions, SO Diane Drive. home enough only to invest In the Otato Oommiaalan on Hu­ Top Priega Paid IH baths, convenient location Lot 120x140, beautifully land­ view. High 20’s. Hayes Agency, ing that the GOP concern "is MANCHESTER — Here is a de­ GEIT MORE for your money — Russell Matltiason, Uquor FRANK FlUoRuno has listed a the best, yet priced only In the man Rights and Opportunitiea, to shopping, sdiools and bus. scaped. Marlon E. Robertson 646-0181. further evidence of recognltlMi FVir AUBMkoal luxe Ranch home on the East buy a rals^ Ranch! Brand- outlet to be re-estahUshed with­ real beauty of a 6 room mid 20’s. To See for yourself sold Thursday pubUo bearti«B by the Republicans of Houley’s K eith R ea l E state, 646-4126, R ea ltor, 643-5953. Hartford-ManChester town line. new, 2-car garage, 2V4 baths, in 1,000’ of another liquor ou^ VERNON Ranch right In the center o f the numerous details that make ooncernlng the complaint would value to the town in his opposi­ CARTEII CH m O Lm 647-9646 o r 648-1646. prestige area. Low thirties and 2031 continue. Shannon buUt and custom MANCHESTER, BH room older let, 119 Spruce Street. Bottan. Two full bathrooms. this such an excellent home tion to Mayor Grant’s mishan­ CO.. INC. worth more. Ask for Carl Zins­ Rtehardson, 48 and the father MANCHESTER, Rockledge cui- quidity throughout. This love­ home, In town location, alumi­ Rosario Lallbsrte, Erect at­ THE LOVELINESS of a richly embroidertd 12 UNIT APARTMENT Picture wiiulowed living room caU Judith Wilhelm Real dling of town affairs.” 1229 Main St. .tom built Ranch, family room, ly residence has all of the fea-- ser. B elflore A gen cy, 647-1413. witli fireplace, large level tot. of two, waa found dead Got 1 num siding, storms and ______tached garage closer to rear peacock with s tail of plheipple lace will Site, iSuB a single home. E state 1-228-0676. "The way Houley has dom­ tures you would expect to And enhoice linens, changini them Into Lovely view for milee! Call In a car in Ms hranetown cf Phone 649-5Sia $ bedrooms, walk out base­ screens. Brand new furnace, HAMILTON DRIVE — Brand line, with condHlnns, 88 Grand­ nut City water cmd sewer. Lo­ inated this campaign," Flaher­ ment, treed lot, large family in a home in its i^ce range. lovehMo-look-st ItsmsI Frazik now at the Belflore BOLTON LAKE, bargain year Groton. Priloe caUed the Maok ty added, "is best shown In the' good equity builder, new and beautiful eight room view Street cation eertremriy valuaUe rise kitchen. Hayes Agency, Oall Nick Oonvertiitq f<»- a A gen cy, 647-1418. end close out at $7,000. 6 nvon’a death on apparent sui­ Republican news story whlrii low down payment. $16,500. Colonial with first floor family Edward M. Walsh, Erect two Pattsm No. 2031 hss hot-kon transfer Sew-Sim ple because of building activity pri'vate riiowlng today. lot 3 motifs and full crochet directlone; room Itlanch summer home cide. Rtehardoon was scheduled mentioned Houley eight times 6464MS1. Wolverton Agency, Realtors, room, 4 bedrooms, 2 car ga- tree-standing lighted ground around It. Complete pack­ cotor chart. * ESTATE with ideal In-law-sltua- n ear w ater. H ayes A g en cy 646- to appear at a hearing In the and his opponent Andrew Rep- 649-2818. .ra ge, 2*4 baths, sliding glass signs closer to street Une, with DE8I6NE0 for mother and daughter’s fall age, $36,000. Please call Mr. MANCHFSTER, 6 room Ranch SOUTH WINDSOR—TWa is our IMS aes hi esiM phn 114 ftr lint-ehwt wardrobe—a blouse end Jumper combina tion minutes from Manchester. 0181. ^ case later'the same day. ko on ce. 'doors, all natural wood work. conditions. West of 40 West Oen- 1 Gordon, 949-6306 or 876-6611. city 'water, sewer, 3 bedrooms, week to sell Rcuich homes so kaseusf ter taeh psHsra. tion. TWO PAHERNS. « Two separate kitchens, tw o Atty. Gen. Robert K. lOUian Explaining the history of the Ask for Carl Zinsser. Belflore Stre««t. VERNON —New seven room Verjdanck School area. Act here is another ^>ecial listing. No. 8161 with PH0T043UIDE Is in sizes separate U'ving rooms. Both released a statommrt reomtiy check, Flaherty explained, "Bob A.B.A. Tool Company, Inc., 1U9 AV». OF C otonial, l\i baths, built - Ins, fast Only $14,900. Hayes Agen­ A 3 bedroom Rancher with 1*4 A gen cy, 647-1413. TORS, W.T. 10 to 18, bust 32V4 to 40. Size 12, 34 B &L W kitchens modem. Two guest encouraging the cemmisrion to very generously and in keep­ berths, large lot. Priced to sell Erect addition to building rioser garage. OaU now and ptcH your cy , 6464)181. RANCH HOME bust, blouse 2 yards of 45-inch; jumper, BARROWS and WALLACE Co. houaea In lovely rear-yard. 2\i abandon hearings on the specific ing with the courtesies within at $19,900 with tow interest NICELY located Cape near cen­ to street Uite, wMh coodlMons, frlstrial jliSW, HtsN, SSSrsuSSSm wKli UP CODI pM oolora. H. M. Frechette Real­ ItylPlylt HsoSar. 2V. yards. Manchester Parkade acres, outdoor swimming case and look Into possibie the parties allowed the Repub­ MANCHESTER — 6 room cus assumable mortgage. ter. Six rooms, treed lot. Ask 1396 Tolland Turnpike. No. 8162 with PHOTOOUIDE Is in sizes tors, 647-0998. NEAR SILVER LANE 506 today M anchester 640-6806 pori. Carl Zinaaer really has membership discrimination in licans to hook into his electrical tom built Rsised Ranch, top for Joe Lombardo, Belflore Paul Correnti, Erect car . for the MW ’61 Fall 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 8 years. Size 4, blouse, 5> WirtwWMir kLNlVlALNMI Free directioni for an unusual property here. Call related areas. installation. This resulted’ In a ' quality construction, excellent If you don’t see the home you A g en cy , 647-1413. w ash, 203 Spruce Street. IV i ysrds of 45-inch; Jumper, I H yards. VERNON — 2 famUy modem ti expaHenee Three bedrooms, attached knittidnittid ftols,riol6, knittedknltl vest In sizee 36- VERNON —- Immaculate three Carl at the Belflote Agency, Immaculate, 6'6 flat, built Green rejected KUUan’s re­ saving for them and some re­ location, treed lot Mid 30's. want in the above listings, don’t Varianoes Denied tlM IM li csist phn 11$ ftr flrttelsM m knowtoige NEW LISTING —Drive by 25 48, and'crocheted Pompon hetl m il tat iptcisl hasSHis far S /e a m tn . bedroom Ranch, large treed 647-1418. 1967, 2 furnaces, convenient lo­ quest, writing to him In a imbursement for Bob Houley’s H ayes A gen cy, 6464)181. deiqialr. Oall Jarvis Realty, to­ garage, 100x200 lot. Mid Joseph Rivooa, Create lot with e Involvanaent Thayer Road, then call ua to S T M M IL T S . Twelve Interesting de- „»ue BumeU, lEuiclieater shaded lot. Breezeway, over­ cation near Chrcle. Bel Air letter: "The commission intends committee.” day and jAace your bousing leea frontage and permit exist­ FRANK FUloramo has j u e t MANCHICSTESt 6 room Garri­ inspect. Seven Immaculate sigm—|tar Flower, a chermiiw applique; sized 3-car garage, paneled Real Eatate, 648-9882. to continue under those sections Tired Or Inspired? problems in competent hands. 20’s. Call owner after 6 p.m. Mated a 0 room Ranch on pres­ son Colonial, on the bus line, rooms. Including ftrat floor ing house to remain*^ closer to end Variable Star-three different ways fa m ily room with bulK -ln bcur. of the low wMidt can lead to Commuters and shoppers to make quilt but still use seme FriRt Nm b, M iriti vftti ZIP COBI. ttpli tige Riga Lone In Bolton, BOCKimi laige living room with fire­ paneled famUy room, 2 car side line, 166 Oak S treet 1 Three minutes from Parkway. 2% VERNON - Mancfaeator Line a binding order by the tribunal traveling past Vernon Circle unitsi Pattern pieces, directions! QUO NllMlBf M l Sin. hatha, 2 car garage, automat­ rather than a general investiga­ place, formal dining room, 8 JARVIS REALTY CO. 646-1255 oversized garage, 2H bdths, Frank Manner, Create tot COLUMBIA Extra building lot. $2,600 down —seven room oversized Cape. are faced with smother amusing with less frontage, 269-271 -•■ly 50$ • ctnr- THE NEW Fall & Winter ’68 issue of ic kitchen, beautiful patio, and tion of broad isaues.” The gen­ large bedrooms, m baths, REALTORS 2 fireplaces, kitchen la coun­ 6-Room Ranch. Living room with ptotune window and yellow brick flreplace, country Basic FASHION Is here with many bright for qualified buyer. Meyer Five bedroom*, two full baths. situation involving the tandem 1 Agency Realtors, 648-0609. a host of other extras. Selling Priced to sell, $21,500. Hayes eral probe would presumably trailers, housing the Republi­ alimrimim sidl^, breezeway 283 E. CE N TER 6T. 643-1121 try sized 'With buUt-ins. Lovely ^^^***^i dining room wHh double window, sunny kitchen with generous courtbers, 3 bedrooms wardrobe ideas. Send 5(K for your copy. and attached garage, Wolver­ rear porch. BeautifuUy private The above ’ will ' be effective as well below r^>lacement coat. Agfenoy, 646-0181. not have brou ^ action agalizst can headquarters and the 2 0 f l i (Master bedroom 14’ x 16’), two berths, basement garage, lot IOC x 200’, extra lot avail­ ton A gen cy R ea ltors, 649- t h r e e bedroom older Colonial. rear yard. Plastered walls, o f & ctober 28, 1968. CaU Frank at the Belflore specifle groups or persons. Houley for Senate headquarters. Dfetrtet Filed in office of Town Clerk able, soeraic looatloa, one mile to Porter SclKxd, two miles to Columbia Lake etnd rec­ A gen cy, 647-1418. BOUTON-OOVENTRY 1 ^ ^ Richardbon oomplalned be Republican candidate fo r 28U. MANCHESTER — This older Large treed lot. Central loca­ qualit}’ built by AnaaMl. Close tion." Low 20’s, owner anxious. —O ctober 22, 1968. reation areei, 6 milee to Shopping Oenters, 46 nrtnube drive to downtown Hartford. fou r bedroom CkUonlal plus was rejected by the firemen be­ State Representative Thomas OomqiMlee lor Boggl Cape has been remodeled with to new school. Inspect and EAST HARTFORD — We Ixid atX ROOM Cape, three or four H .M . F rechette R ealtors. 647- Zoning Board of Appeals two unfinished bedrooms. cause he was black. Flcemen Carruthera has a large sign the J. BoyliM, Draae. a new kitchen, new bathroom you’ll Invest. Belflore Agency $25,000, by owner. tw o new listings In EJast H art­ Breezeway with ’2-c» ga­ bedrooms, m baths, red room, 9693. 647-1413. John F. Clifford, testified, however, hte appUcar length of the trailer proclaim­ and new furnace. Call today to ford last weekend —now w e rage, IH acres. Only $27,900. one car garage. Priced to sell Chairm an tlon^had be«i turned dewn be- only have one. Don’t be aorry L o i ^ D lm oolr R ea lty . 640-0828. at $19,900. Hurry! Paul W. Ke this 8 or 4 bedroom home NEWER 2-family. Large, bright GORGEOUS Colonial with 1% Jrim A. Caglanello, PHONE 228-9282 cauM he failed to present one priced at $19,900. Paul W. Dou- kitchens. Live practically rent on this 6H room front to back of them as a sponsor, as re­ D ougan, R ea ltor, 649-4686. batiis, 2-car garage. Seven Secretary TOLLAND — 5H room Ranch gan R ea ltors, 649-1686. free. $30,400. Pasek Realtors, spHt with newly peUntod exter­ quired in their bytaws. rooms, including large cellar plus rec room, flreplace, tnrtlt- MLS. 289-7478. ior, IH baths, and a hoot of An underlying question In the FEW 2-famlly, 10 room duplex, family room. Aluminum storms tasb alum inum oombiimtiiocis, 2- other extras, low taxes. Bel­ case is whether a volunteer fire MANCHESTER each apartment 2 bedrooms,, and screens, many other ex­ ^ > o y l n g • s e llin g . leastofi • re n t in g car garage. Large landscaped flo re Ag^ency, 647-1418. company is immune from 14 x 14 master bedroom, living tras. B elflore A gency, 647-1413. lot, Ovm er, $23,600. OaU 873- or SALE! that features three bed­ with wall to wall, Utchen with ready to occupy! Seven room T room Colonial Cape on dead comes under the purvey of the rooms, family styled kitch­ riectrlc ranges, separate fur­ New listing. Three-bedroom COVENTRY — Oozy Ranch, end street in Double A zone. raised Ranch with 2 lavatories, dvll rights commlarion as a en, with plenty of cabinets naces, full walk-out basement Cape situated on nice wood­ full bath, and 2 car garage, large famUy kitchen, two large Two car garage. Two f 1 r e- public orgazrtsation. and buUt-4ns. Also glass Urge rear ztmdeck. Wolverton ed lot. good sized living bedrooms, paneled Uvlng room, places, quiet country atmos­ big lot and city water! Modern Green indicated the oommls- sliding doors leading to a A gency, R ea ltors, 649-2818. room has fireplace to take kitchen with buUt-lns. Joe oversized garagie. Beautiful chill off winter evenings. phere right in town. Immed­ 'wooded lot. Only $11,900. Char slmi wotdd consider the ftae Aluminum sun deck, large dining l a i K Lombardo has the key to your company a pirtilicly financed b e a u t i f u l iate occupancy. Belflore Agen­ room, living room with full five room Cape, Priced in teens. Exclusive Bon A gen cy, 648-0688. custom built, fireplace, garage, cy , 647-1413. new home. Belflore Agency, body In Its presentations before wall brick fireplace and w ith PRICED FOR IMMEDIATE SALE 647-1418. . VERNON — beautiful seven the tribunal. beamed ceiling. Lower level excellent condition. Central lo­ SEE OUR ADS in the "Out of room Garrison Colonial on has spacious paneled rec cation. G erard A gency, 043- FRANK FUloramo thinks this Town’’ for sale section of this large lot. City water, IH baths, room with field stone fire­ 0966, 0194)698. PETER F. GRADY a 7-room tri-level that has everything! six room raised Ranch on Ly­ WINDOWS newspaper. Belflore Agency, large Uvlng room, dining room, place and built-in bar, two man Road In nearby Bolton la MANCHESTER — this 7 room Real Estate 643-2594 647-1413. kitchen with sandwich bar, Meesured— CusfomrBuBf full batfas, two car garage. truly a Beat Buy at leas than Cape offers 8 bedrooms, formal V Locotod |n the Goodwin School area near P& W A in East Hartford three bedrooms and full bath L ie e E n d r u g Large wooded lot. Excellent GARRISON (Colonial In one of $26,000. Six iBTge rooms, mod­ dining room, and a heated rec this ultra>modarn home' features a spacious living room accented on second floor, finished base­ ImldNod ’ value. $87,600. Manchester’s most desirable PARKADE room. Bowers Schotri area. MANCHESTER — Central loca­ em kitchen with bullt-lns, fire­ ment, rec room, walk-out neighborhoods. Modem Kitch­ 1 by plush wall-to-wall deep-pile shag carpeting, large picture win- place, etc. Beautiful private OPEN V Priced to seU at $21JiOO. Call tion, 5-room Cape with shed hatchway,, gas hot air heat. en, formal dining room, family Paul W. Dougan, R ea ltor, 649- dormer, one room finish^ off I dow, fully-lined drapes and brick fireplace. The large kitchen is countey setting, laige lot 170’ Well landscaped complete 'with |7t4S A M. to 10 P.M. U * R REALTY CO. INC. 4696. up, large one-car garage. This room, large living room with complete with automatic dishwasher and garbage disposal. High­ X 610’. Oh yea, two zone heat­ aluminum storm windows and fireplace, three large bed­ ing. Call Frank for an inspec­ 643-2692 U a custom built home. Only lighting the fully carpeted dining area are sliding glass doors which screens plus' added optional MANCHESTER — six room $21,600. T .J . Crockett, R ealtor, rooms, two car garage. Phll- tion at jrour convenience. Bri'- Items. Price 8^,800. F.M. Goal R. D. MURDOCK, Realtor Randi, fireplace, built-in range 643-1677. brlck A gency, R ealtors, 649- open onto a modern sundeck. Other better-living features are 3- fio re A gen cy, 647-1418. Agency, 648-268^^ 5347. 648-6472 IH baths, 2-oar garage. 160 x large bedrooms, 2 full-size ceramic baths, a wood-finished, heated 200 lo t H utdilns A gen cy, R eal- $14,900 -2-B E D R O O M Ranch. A BEAUTIFUL swan bn Goose COVENTRY — E l^ room Cape FREE tO's. 64»-5i24. porch with wrought Iron rail- HERE, Immaculate family-room, full basement, 2-car garage, loads of closet and cup­ Lane In Coventry! Immaculate on three lots wlthigarage. New c A s m s n z mg, full cellar, garage. l(X)x200 Large comer lot. Dead 6 room Ranch with 2 fuU baths kitchen, pine cablets, stainless Also A'vallahle In White t h r e e b e d r o o m R anch on CAPE —8 rooms, formal din­ board space, aluminum storms and screens and city water and lot, trees. Hutchln.'^ Agenc.v. end street. Fully finished base­ and 2 car garage. WaU to wall steel sink, electric range, sun- IN M A IN E Urge treed lot. Wall to wall ing room , 3 o r 4 bedroom s, utilities. The beautifully landscaped lot is conveniently located on a F{eaItors, 649-5324. ment. Mid teen’s. Wolverton, in U'ving room and haUway. porch, fire alarm system. Price Bank Tonm Up To eazpetlng, paneled fiteplace, full shed dormer, family room, A gency R ealtors, 649-2^13. An annual $12.60 fee permits slow-traffic street; close to chu.xhes, shopping areas and bus lines. Both baths ceramic tiled, walk- $17,690. 742-8466. garage. Many comfortable fea­ handy location, $21,000. Phil- MANCHESTER — Six room tn closet In master bedroom. you to camp, hunt, fish and PRIVACY — parklike 230 x 286 60 Mpnfiis tures. For further Information brick A gency R ealtors, 649- house for sale, call after 6, BOLTON — 5H room Ranch, play in our woodland end yard, spotless six room Ranch. M odem kitchen. C irca 1666, wildlife reserve. A deed Is call owner, 649-0181. 6847. 742-8976. 9 bedrooma, one car garage, Plastered walls, sundeck, gai condition 1669. HeVe’s the top ­ granted free to members MANCHESTER rage, trees. Don’t miss 11. per —Eleven acred of wooded ‘ H acre wooded tot, immediate who build a cabin. The prop­ vmmmwiwmmmstmmmmmmm'iii'mmsmmsswmsm Hutchins Agency, Realtors. and cleared land. We suggest occupancy, minimum down to erty la an hour’s drive from 649-6824, a call —hut now! Belflore qualified buyer. R. F. Dlmock the State capital, Augusta. A gen cy, 647-1418. C o., 64941216. We desire portiom of this land to be developed for the AN DOVER — 7 room oversized purpose of inorearing the MANCHESTER Cape, 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths, value of additional land hold- APPUANCB 3 flreplacbs, Jalousled porch Wantod— Rool Estata 77 Thoee Interested write: TELEVISION V and g a ra g e, $28,00Q. PhUbriok iimd G. Burns COUNTRY CLUB AREA QUALJFTED younger couple A g en cy , R ea ltors, 649-6847. needs 8 bedroom home in NORTH AMERICAN HOME IMPROVEMENT PAPER COMPANY Selling Executive four bedroom EAST Hartford —$2,100 down Manchester. Can pay up to Box N, Dept. 4 Dutch Colonial. Fireplace, payment If qualified. Immacu­ $20,000. Paul W. Dougan Real­ A ugusta, M alue 64880 NEXT TO STOP and SHOP Your Home? screened porch, 2-car ga­ late 6-room Ranch. J. O. Pos­ tor, 649-4686. rage, 214 baths, aluminum sum an d A aeoclatas, 648-6869. combinations, wall4o-wall Watch hqw fast LARGE FAMILY wants to buy If so you want to complete "the sale with­ carpeting, an api^ances. VERNON — Raised Ranch, three or four bedroom home. out wasting time. There’s no need to go on Owner will hold mortgage. 8 bedrooms, 2 full baths, fire­ In Saint Ja m es' P arish. Ccui showing it month in, month out. And you By appointment only. Brok­ place in living room, buUt-ln pay up to $26,000. Oall Paul want to be done with tax and mortgage pay­ ers, 849-4842 or 643-6396. atove with lots of cabinets, one W . Dougan, R ea ltor, 646-4680. IT eUc garage, cloee to school. ments. we can move a home! ALL CASH for your property ms Vaoant,r-Immediate occupancy. HOW MANY wives have you? within 24 hours. Avoid red For prompt and business-like marketing of ElxoeUent financing. Cteston tape. Instant service. Hayee Only one? Make her happy! Realty, 649-5781. your home, let us help you. We have fine Show her this lovely Lshaped A gen cy, 646-0181. MAKE A DIFFEREHCE prospecta waiting. Ranch with a flreplaced Hv- When you put your home up for sale, we know you want to sell it a$ ^ VERN ON ~ CALL 649-2813 N O W FOB AH^OINTMiNT. OW NERS ARB SELLING YOUR HOME? For Ing room for cozy autumn, quickly at possibla— and still gat the price you ask. Fait enoughi Give YOU MUST HURRY! prompt courteous service that Boggini Calls For nights, $27,900. and move right MOVING OUT-OF-STATE AND DRSIRE TO SRU IMMBDIATELYI US a ring and we'll spring into action! Overslsed, expandable gets results, call Louis Dlmock In. Keith A gency, 646-4126, 647- R ealty, 649-9828. Crackdown On Road Deaths 9646, 643-1646. ""^c'auu we have a huge lilt of quail- Cape, 40x24 foundation. Whatever your real estate needs - see Bob Wolverton and Dick Fireirtace, 2 oar detached fied bu^rt (over 3001) and an KEITH REAL ESTATE BRAND NEW Ranch under Harmon first for action. _ garage, bullt-lns, aluminum Boggini propoeed otato action for attacking the construction, 6V4 rooms. H i axperPitnowladge of the area, wa'II storms and soreena, newly highway-aafeity probtem from two dlreoUom; firat, 172 E. CENTER STREET baths, garage. Nice area. Oall come up with the ideal buyer for your painted exterior. A prudent to brliw hlgh'waya to nfodem, safety stazidords; % now for details. H. M. Frech­ buy at $20,600. Call Mr. REMEMBER ■eoond, to Improve the quality of the drivers on 649-1922 ette R ealtors, 647-9998. home— almost as fait ai you can lay L «w is, 649-6806. th e lo a d . "It pays to call H ayail" MANCHESTER—17 Hazel 8t. 8- HAYES NEVER ON Paitlcularly, he colled for a crackdown on drunk­ N. Chorisa Boggini en drivers, noting that, "a few days In JaU might bedroom. Colonial,' aluminum woLverton B &. W There’s more pleasure In owning your home when AGENCY, INC. convince some driven to leave the last drink in Elect a man who known onU riding. Excellent condition, on­ BARROWS and WALLACE Co. SUNDAY the botUe." careo about MRUckootar. 'it can be run emoothly. Let uz zhow you houses that ly 116,000. H.M. F rechette If Pays To Calh HayasI TH E ACTIO rsl Manchester Parkade are easy to maintain! R ealtoce, 647-9098. 55 l|AST CENT6R ST. 646-0131 M anchester 64641806 FOR POISITIVE ACTION — VOTE DEMOCRATIC Stac-ROOM house on E. Center $30,900 —IH aoraa. Old Colon­ NEVER ON mmtimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm St. adaptable for profeerional ial, Mmpletely modemlaed, use. Write Box L, Mancherier bright and clean, three ga­ ElERT BOGGINI STATE REPRESENTATIVE H erald. ' V a G e n e y rages, nloe view, treea, subur­ SUNDAY?? aoth Aasembljr Dhitriot Polling Plaoeai Weat Bide Rae,, VheplwelEl ban. Hutchins Agency, Real­ Bofghil lor Bapreaentative Commlttee-^r. BayllM.'fhse, T t o ^ 1T2 EAST CENTER 8T. • MANCHESTER, CONN. 08040 • e4e»aei3 tors. 640-BS34. V rsiM - >

    AvMbgg Daily Net PnoB Ron IftAflB TWENTY-FOUR Far lha Warii Bndaf The Weather ' PRTOAY, OCrrOBER 28, 1968 Oetobor U , 1501 Fair and quit* cool tonight, Oatirbrntir Enrning Rmilb low in Um upper lO’a vrith ilanrijpfitpr lEiipmiig Upralii chance o f flraat in norm ally The Petannial Planters The British AmsMcan Club ooldor aoeUoiM. Fair and coo- day. Cooklaa, brownlea and 15,273 A bout Town Garden dub will meet Monday win have its annual Chiistmaa Lesson in Math Open H ouse Set ohUd’a homeroom. Allan L. Plairt NUw! Untied cool Sunday, high In 80*s. at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. party for members’ children pieces of Chke were sold for a Cone, principal, and Atty. Don­ Htmche*ter— 4 City o f ViUage Charm few cents each as dessert. ald P. Richter, PTO president, UWtod Fund oM cc ait 93S Jamea Britton, iSS Woodland 8t. who win he less than 9 years To Aid Biafrans 9 .• By Bennet PTO Oo-hoatessea are Mrs. Fted 'Bosa Mbet of the goods were made wW weioome parents. VWa. LXXXVIH, NO. 28 (EIGHTEEN PAGES—TV—TABLOm) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1968 Admrttelng on Paga IT) PR ICE t e n c e n t s * * * ■*. will be open tomorrow old by Chiistmaa Dec. 18 at 3 and Mrs. Herbert Huffield. Miss Mm. Doreen Johnson’s sixth by the students* pareots. ■ Woodland 1(C a.4n. to noon to" receive p.m. at the club house. The Bennet Junior High School MUllcent Jones will ifive instruc­ gradem at Nathan Hale Srinol ^ e total profta from the sale The ciily country In South '■•tam* from oanvAMera. deadline for members to PTO will hold an op4n house tion on maklnc: dried flower register their children is tomor­ took a leaaan In math whOe run- are $39.03 which will be sent to Ameriioa with coaethnM on both GilfiOENS pictures and Mrs. Harry Ltioyd row. nlng a fund ralslag program for Rie fiiMl*e headquarters in New neoGt Wednesday at 7:80 p.m. . the AfianMo and the I>o8llo im Tile VFW will eponsor a Hal- fuid Mrs. Donald Manning will the Biahaa diikfaan’s Relief Haven. Partnts wUl be abto to meet Ootombia. iowrero Dance and buffet at «he * demonstrate methods of mak­ A harvest supper and fair Fund ’ruewlay and Wedneeday. their children’s teadiem and • Balk* Set Clocks Back poet home for member* and ing note paper. The club la plan­ sponsored by the Women’s So­ The program staitad In the LBJ Reported Vooata tomorrow from S p.m. ning a trip to Bristol Nurseries ciety and the Couple* dub of ftHlow a typical day’s schedule Manchestoritos, along with class discussian of the plight of Lecture'Seriles o f olaasee. During the 15-min­ #Traiit to 1 a.m . ait the pqpt home. on Wednesday. Community Baptist Church will sts^ ^ Biafran chiMMn. The most Americana, will get on *Ilcketa wiH be available at the be held tomorrow ta FeUowshtp ute daas periods, each tfSacher KITCHEN CRAFT extra hour’s sleep tonight, Plane Hits Mountaintpp, • EvtrpvMt students wanted to do eomethlng Slated on Drugs wtU diecuM their couism and ■loor. In reoognilion of “Legal Sec­ Hall, 577 E. Center St. ’Die fair fo r them. when Daylight Saving Time retaries Day” and “Day in will be from 2 to 7 p.m. and a answer questions. A product of West ,Bend end*. When they learned a few pen­ A special lecture series on The Rev. Kenneth Btetre of Court,” Tuesday, the Greater turkey supper will be aeiVed The program will begin in the I Pushing Halt Clocks will be set BACK Hartford Legal Secretaries As­ at 5:80 and 6:80 p.m. Enter­ nies would buy a glass of milk drugs is being offered to par­ Co., as advertised in . ' M S * one hour os of 3 a.m. Sun­ Center OonKregational Church for the chUdren^ they wanted to will conduct a aervice Sunday sociation will apMisor a tour at tainment for children will be ents and aduRS'by the Manches­ day. That dooan’t mean that 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. through the provided by the Senior High •end something. In math - Time. tain. ple may leave papers. propaganda attoric whirii • did ton, opoUlghted in North Vtot- The Handbeir Choir of Center Both proimnw are free in the Telephone 646-2609 Northeast said the pilot, Capt. John A. Rapsia, 52, KATHY — ITS HEAT OR TREAT TfMEI Congregational Church will re­ ON SUNDAY not neoeaaarily reflect the final nameaw term s the two issues A rummage sale sponsored by Mgh school auditorium atarting deolalon of North Ytetnameae Set Clocks Back of Nashua, N. H., with the airline 14 years, had made NO n u CK—jruar TBEAT s Fra* Maea, M DAdaua, hearse Monday at 7:80 p.m. at 7!80 each night. Chester R. Waite, Sr. wfiMy repwted as being at ihe the Couples dub of Zion Evan­ m ips teodoia. heart of the negotiatioau for the the trip “hundreds of times." He was not among the AUL OOLfNWI PLITSt R e* a & tr, M taa Can. Ckiarii, "Cbadjr Apple gelical Lutheran Church will be The broadoari by Hanoi radio past several woaka. survivors. ' ------KNa” a * FMopklM. held in Zion Parish House, 130 Friday, however, waa receivlrg ’’Johnson is still unwilling to The list of persons presum- never expected there would be Cooper St., tomorrow from 9 careful study. sd dead in the crash includes TBOnABUSi Oreea 1ft Fj«alaes. Bm 8 fh e e w , unconditionally end the bombing Cushing Says any aunrlvora.’’ ■alst Swiss Chard, Boaton Lsttaee, Sakd Basel, E gg F la a t a.m. to noon. 10 For As rrporiad in press dlapatoty ...’’ this broadcast said. “At three Oonnecticut residents. TTie FalrchUd-Hlller FH337 fJMBIWWBrg orOOOOIla | BOOM, as from Hong Kong, tt said: the same time be still refuses to Northeast Identified the three propjet left Boston at 4:85 p.m. amt B * a * . Ormm, TaDose Haasab. 1 The S'steihood of Temple Beth “Btatement by U.B. propagain- recognise the National Front for He’ll Resign^ aa Mias S. AngeUco, of 81 with 17 poMengera for Lebanon, Bad, O rs« Beppsra, ArOehobea, White' Sholom will have a rummage 97c dtete that Hanoi haa oooepted the Liberation of South Viet­ Grant St., Norwich, Miss NJl., and 32 for MontpeUar, Vt. IWahis. Baiwd|ii, Cbeny Tomatose amd 1 sale Wednesday from 8 to 8 UA. conditions in return for a nam, the genuine representative Martha Dill of Greenwich and an hour and a half after the fB tlfl'! Bed, wblto, B ia Qnwea, P p.m. and on ’Thursday from 9 hombtag halt are nothing but and competent delegate of the Mrs. Pearle R. Schneider, 58, plane's scheduled 8:30 p,m. ar­ < * w < * * t Qidmea, Papayas, n a t ^ rniiiiniaaalias. Itu i- ajn. to noon. New and used drilbeiate Uae. Cites Letters U 747 Mather St, Suffield. rival at Lebanon, Northeast an­ palsa, PhMivpIe, OiapeCralt Rorida Onagaa, B^neWi, CROOUS South Vletnamnee people . ..’’ clothing will be offered for sale “Thaee deliberate falsehoods, North Vietnam’s verbal at­ The alrUne said Mlsa AngeU- nounced It was overdue. VABjaa Paaie a* OoesoBla — — » BOSTON (AP) — Richard as weS as new fabrics. ’Ilie sale 10 For which have no foimdaMon what- tack used President Johnson’s eo waa student at Graham Almost simultaneously, a fire WEEKEND SFECtALS for A SfECIAL RiATHYI vMll be held at the Masonic Boever in truth, are nothing but Thursday news conference—in CardtaMd Cuehiiig said Friday he Junior OoUege in Boaton. that lit the sky was s p o tt^ hl|Ji an attempt at paypbologlcal Among the injured were the on Moose Mountain and fire L E T T U C E ...... Temple on E. Center St which he u id there had been no wiU resign aa archbishop of Boa- warfriw aimed at spreading breakthrough and that the Unit­ •tewardeas. Miss Betty J. Frail, fighters and volunteers begtiui TOMATOES ...... ,1b. c ' . ton at (he end of (he year, citing eonfuloB imd misleading public ed States was working for peace M, at Berkeley Heights, N.J., the tortuous climb. GRAPEFRUIT ...... S f o r opinion. ” , puMlclty he received after his and Wlnthrop, Mass.; Robert A fire tighter who said he was -w s its takeoff point. defense of Jacqueline Kenoe^y’a T A N 6 E L 0 S ...... d o E .' Washington authorities took A dispatch from Hanoi by lOrobaU, 45, assistant dean of one of the first to reach the W et Feet, Oateh Cold 7 ilio poaitton that there was stM m arriage to Aristotle Onaaste. Tuck Bualneas School, Dart­ wreckage, Jean St. HUaire, 45, GREEN MT. POTATOES ...... -10 Dw. Have Tour Shoes Australian writer Wilfred Bur­ Cardinal Curiiing, obriousty at toast an even riianoe, proba­ chett, interpreted Johnson’e mouth College, and Dr. Richard eald he drove up In a Jeep about a WB CABBY lOBOPBM a Bepalred NOW! bly bettor, for rearidng some angered, sold he bad received OOMPUDIB u m o r BCIIDAT PAPBBB statement on “no break­ L. V aedi o f Oxfood, Ehiglsuid. a mile and a half, tbm htkad a Shoes Made LONGER txtdttrianding on acaUng down “maiiy letton condemning me All three were reported In sat­ mUe to the scene. ^ Otny Vha MBBa*eh PYRACAimtA through’’ as “ killing rumors of or the war and advancing the Par­ for asking charity for Jacque­ isfactory condttlon at .Mary “It was still bunting, but a AlwOwapladal^s ad— SM — Tl (FinttM eB) a bombing halt.’’ Burchett said line Kennedy.’’ He aald some Shoes Made WIDER ti peaee talks which would en- tiwt the President’s declaration Hitchcock Hospital, Hanover. there was nothing left of the abto Johnson to end the bomb­ were “in the language of the The hospital said one of the plane. The front of it was all S A M YULYES caused no suiprise in HanoL gutter.’ ’ " T H I R i l M 15” $1.95 ing in llio near future. This esti­ He also said that “Joimson’s Injured, Bernard Desmond Jr. smaahed. The injured were hud­ mate prsBumabty figured in a The cardinal on Tueeday dled together and a doctor who **Shoe Repairing O f mm AteO attempt to shift responsibility to of Springfield, Vt., was In criti­ atateaMnt made Friday by Re­ urged a more tolannt attitude cal condlUon. He suffered head was a passenger on the plane The Better Klndr fSAO a * SIAM Itaw ■ P R ^ C E T publican praetdenUal candidate '(See Page Nine) toward the remarriage and said Injuries. The rescue heUcoptera was trying to help. But he dUbi’t n o a h a t . ] it was nonsense to say the for­ have the equipment he needed. SM OAKLAMD n „ MAKCHMICB a MS-dM landed in the glare of auto head- mer First Lady was exoommun- lighta on the campus green at Most of the survlvora were Ih tcatod from (he Roman CMhoUc Dartmouth College. Ambulances sh ock." UORDWOOD Church because she married a whisked the Injured three blocks Another fireman, Steve Mack, Foe’s Losses Heavy divorced man. to the hospital. 30, said a male passenger told (la A OHiptag name) "Now I propoee after (he pub­ Hanover Police 6hlef Denals him he was apparently thrown licity I have received ia recent J. Cooney told newsmen at the from the plane in Ms seat and days, in my own native city, hospital that 10 survivors had hurled way of. knowing what the his oar after hunting deer with St. HUaire said a 10-man t^am oesttelttos. n was the fiiat ene- I Landscm Advioal Lit Ds The spokeamen aliio'nported Pope’s daetsioa wouM ha. 'bow and arrow when he heard waa needed to carry down one I .Help You With Tour my-tnlliatad combat In a month, that allied trooope killed 46 ene­ He said papal consideratton of the plane overhead. man on a traction bosod the res­ ooinoiding irtth statements from For Color Slides llPIantliig Profclemsl Sae my for every American or allied ihe ease would not begin offi­ "I couldn’t see It because of cuers took up to handle persons For Color Prints r Extoa Una Dhqriay of Hanoi rsjeoUng UA. peace over­ sridier lost in combat In the cially until pontiff receives for­ the fog above me,” he said, tures. ‘ Soviet Union Launches with back Injuries. Plante — Compian post two days, an extraordinari­ mal notifloation of Cardinal ’’but all at once these bright “ We worked in relays, going a Onailty. Oonmaia American spokesmen sold ly high kill ratio. Cushlng^a intention. Normally landing lights started to shine in few steps, then handing over to 'Our Prloaa — Theceb A about 300 enemy, supported by 126-20 ASA 64 2.39 126-12 Color Prints DUference, and IPs la In today’s battle near the (hla ooimea in tiie form of a let­ the fog. They were so close to some one else," he said. “ It was 3.54 a mortar barrage, attacked a Cambodian border, the UA. in­ ter addressed to the Pope and the mountain then that I knew Tour Favor! HAH Plant bivouac poattlon of U.S. lot Dtvi- Cosmonaut into Space Food 50 iba. fijs i naa fantrymen called in artillery sent to the Vatican through the they were going to Wt It . . . I (See Page Eighteen) Lawn Food SO lbs. aion infantrymen two miles strikes on the attackeni. After a apostolic delegate In Washing­ 135-20 ASA 25 2.24 (AP) — The Soviet 135*20 Color Prints 5.79 from the Cambodian border. fierce firelight they found 80 en­ ton, D.C. M oecow rendezvous. There never has “firsts,’’ Includtog the first Union today launohed a rookie been a launching of a Soyuz 2 The attack followed an artil­ emy bodies around the camp The cardinal, a friend of the manned launching and Alexei BEE OUR OOBfPLBTB cosmomut info space, its first lery barrage on Viet Cong base perimeter. UA. Iceeee were five Kennedy family for years, said announced and the speculation Leokov’s first space walk in 135-36 ASA 64 3.54 LINE OF: Laadeeape manned shot in more than a cam ps In the area that trig­ killed and 28 wounded. in early 1967 he would retire In centered around the possibility M arch 1965. For Movies M aterialai Bhraba, year, the news agency Tass re­ namentel aad Bbade gered 128 secondary exploeione, A senior American spokesman August 1970 on his 75th blrth- that it would play some role In Soviet apace piana are not an­ 135-20 ASA 64 Tteaa, Naadle and indicating that alsable muni- ported. the current endeavor. nounced in advance, so that fail­ ‘No Security Gap,’ 2.39 Super 8 ASA 40 3.29 Bioad Lasted -Eva^ tlois dumps were blown up. (See Page Eighteen) (Bee Page Eighteen) The ship, Soyuz 8, carried Col. The Russians have said they ures are trat publicized unless greens, Tlowerliig Georgy Beregovoi on his first eventually will launch more the olrcumatances are extraor­ Shrubs, Penanlak, trip into orbit, Tass said. It than five men Into space at the dinary, such as the death Of 135-36 ASA 25 3.24 Vines and aU of year identified him as a “Soviet 8 mm M ovie 2.64 same time. Sir Bernard Lovell, Kommarov. Humphrey Says Gardening Noede at pilot-cosmonaut, hero of the So­ director cf Britain's big radio Although (he Soviet space pro­ LOWEST PRICES FOK viet Union and a merited teat pi­ FINEST QDALITTI telescope observatory at Jodrell gram is veiled in secrecy, there lot.’ ’ Bank said a siKxessful rendez­ had been Indloations that the By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS gap—unless we ft^ow Mr. Nlx- n r m n n «• Tass said Beregovoi has vous would mean “ the RusslanB Russians would concentrate cn Democrat Hubert H. Hum- caits advice.” , ’^CLIS “charted fulfiUlng the program could possibly circumnavigate urnnaimed experiments. Cosmo­ Nixon said Thursday the Unit­ Complete with Processing! jbrey says Republican Richard THIS "POT FOURRr of the flight’’ but issued no de­ the moon within a month or sa nauts traveling aboard made no ed .States is faced with “ a COUPOM Dynachrome Slide, See o n laige aeeer t- tails of what maneovers might The last Soviet maimed space mention of plans to send a man M. Nixon’s security gap charge gravely serious security gap” ment of Dried Materi­ be performed. It said Beregovoi flight was Soyuz 1, laimched in into orbit. “has threatened to bring down due to the Democrate. al aad Flortet Snppllea "feels well’’ end aH systems April 1967. It crashed to earth, Tass said five chip was the whole fragile architecture of Humphrey said the United Movie and Print Films lor arrangemeiite. Baa elboard the craft were tunt- onr TrMtoal Bonaa : ’R ir hilling Cosmonaut Vladimir launched at 11:84 a.m., Moscow peace.” States has ISO heavy bombers tiontng normally. and 600 taadcers com pared to the This coupon will b* iccaptsd at Plante. BsoaBent for Kommarov. time by “a powerful rockat “We are the stnmgest nation Coldor for 2Bc toward psymant for the home or glfto . . . "Speculation arose In Moscow Beregovoi is the 13lh Soviet booster.’ ’ on etu'th,” said Humphrey Fri­ Soviet Union’s 150 heavy bomb- era and 50 dual tanker-basnbeni. purchais of Dynschroma film, thru We aleo bavai ^Tapa- and amcng apace experts in the cosmonaut to be put into orbit. The ship may have been day. • ; Saturday, Oct. 26th, 1969. Only one nesa Laateens, M e ^ West (hat another craft would Those before him have “There is no security gap,’’ he Humphrey said the United I coupon per roll purchaan. Plante and Straw Join Beregovoi. In space fo r a achieved an impressive list of (See Page Eighteen) said. “There will be no survival States has 75 nuclear subma^ Slowere . . . rines compared to 57 Soviet ' Baa De T n T o n L a m atomic subs. « f - t - m g»ll»»999aff»99 0 9 $ It Defense Secretary Ctarit M. Clifford said in Washington the Fifth Seen Uncertain Russians have 900 interconti­ i B P 'u u r nental 'ballistic missiles, 180 more than a year ago, but still Olympus PRIVET HEDGE 154 fewer than the United Statea 4 ‘Weathervanes’ Say Nixon has. Humplirey said of Nixon’s 10 for charge: "In an effort to catch By CARL P. LEUBSDOBF areas with predominantly Re­ —Crook County, Ore. Hie pop- votes he is playing politics with: Aasociated Presb Writer publican rural regions. ulatioq, mainly rtuichers, log­ our natlraial security, undarmta- Instant Load Quickmatic WASHINGTON (AP) — Four Many interviews brought out gers and mill workers. Is Just a feeling of uncertainty or con­ three per-square mile. Although ing the confidence o t our olUaa, of five counties considered polit­ encouraging recklaaaneoa OUR REG. fusion over the three-cornered registration is S-to-2 Dem ocrat­ ical weathervanes because they camiiaign pitting Humphrey ic, oven Mrs. Fern DavenpoVt, among our enemlea and under­ 67.99 backed every winning presiden­ and Nixon against American In- secretary of the county Demo­ mining our long and patient ef­ tial candidate in the 20th Cen­ dex>endent can^date George C. cratic Central Committee, sees fort* to bring a rational end to 39.87 tury are leaning toward Repub­ Wallace. ’ a GOP trend. “It’s a vote the madnesa of the stratagto Electric eye automatic exposure, power film wind. Flash cube lican Richard M. Nixon, a varie­ Another theme, heard in all against President Johnson,” she arms race.” socket. Simple zone focusing. Includes film, cube, batteries. SM ltefer — ty of Indicators ahow. five, was a desire to change said, adding “Humphrey hasn't Nbcon had some praiaa, bolw- Only 50 Kits. A fifth, Palo Alto Oouivty, parties in power, if only to try got through.” ever, Friday tor President John­ OOUROiS, MDtAM Iowa, Is considered very close, something different. —Laramie County, Wyo. son’s conduct of the OEteris peaoa partly because of uncertainty as Here is a rundown of the five Democrate hold a registration talks. CORN, oiKl DRIED to how many normally Republi­ counties: lecui, but their edge in prim ary Nbccu aald Johnaon te ‘‘driv­ can voters will support third- —Coos County, N.H. Republi­ turnout was under 400, com­ ing very hard” for a Vietnam MATERIAL... pqrty candlate Osorge C. Wal- cans maintain a slim regtstra- pared with 8,000 in 1964. A state­ bombing haR, The Repubhoan Polaroid Kodak Kodak laae. tion edge in the state's northern­ wide poll by radio-television sta­ nominee denied what he i In all five, an Aasociated most county. But a straw poll tion KTWO in Casper gave this reports ttiat “ ihia apart of aottvk Film Sale! RiwdodMcIroii* N* Press survey of local political published Oct. 10 by the Manch­ breakdown; Nixon 54.1 i>er cent, ity te a cynical, laat-mlmite at­ . Color Film Mafler” Special! IP* to 18" leaders, newspaper editors and ester Union-Leader showed a Humphrey 82.4 per cent, Wal­ tempt by Johnson to aalvage tha _____ B et- 9SM registered voters shows Demo­ healthy Nixon lead over Huih- lace 18.5 per cent.J candidacy” of Humphray. crat Hubert H. Humphrey tar phrey and Wallace a distant —Palo Alto County, Iowa. R Is Nixon said ha’a confident the 1 0 7 ...... 1 ^ CX 126 12 ex. r .92 N O W 81J9 t i behind the 1964 position of Pres­ third. “He's just a vague char­ a farm area with declining pi^i- President "wUt not play poR- PK 20 or PK 59 ident Johnson, -who carried acter out of the South,” said ulatlon but no Negroes or crime. tlce” wMntha war. 5 for *7 JO them then by t^ heavy majori­ Brud Warren, a weekly newspa­ Democratic chairman Richard Herbart Q. Rlabi, Ntanm’s di­ 108 ...... 3i4 k 135 20 ex.. 1.34 (*Rod Hybitde) ties. per editor, of Wallace. Kibble of Curlew says his party rector o f cam paign ocenmUDtoa- YOUR'c h o i c e The four in which Nixon is —Stafford County, N.H. An in­ is behind, but “the momentum ttona, said later Curtis B. La- Not Seeing Eye-to-Eye , considered ahead are Coos and dustrialized region in the South­ haa swung to Humphrey and May, thhd-paity vice pcwMiir Stafford Counties, N.H., Crook eastern part of the state. It has we'll be on top by election day." tlal candtdata, had #20 Swinger Trenton, N. J„ police officer and youthful anti-Wallace demonstrator have eye- County, Ore., and Laramie a Republican registration' ma­ Republican Chairman John F. KA 464 Sup.8 2.07 WOODUND oharges of poltUoal mottvaltm • '7'vj 1.17 to-eye confrontation moments before demonstrator waa ejected from rally held County, Wyo. The surveys were jority ancl, likewise, showed Doran says "If the Wallace vote at the peaoa taUta made earlier this month. heavy a Nixon lead in the Un­ . Only 2 Per Cudtonter is big, the Democrats win." Edi­ The counties range from pre­ ion-Leader straw poll. Nicholas But Lawrtnoa F. O’Brtai^ GARVENS by Wallace .supporten in Trentn, N. J., Civic Center last niirht. Younir demon­ tors from two of three papers Desnoci^o chalnnan, dominantly urban Stafford to Littlefield, editor of the Somer- expect Nixon victories, but U45 'nHAAMD XPKE. Let John or Leon strator was ^ one of several hundred heckleni who tried to shout down George the farmland of Palo Alto to aworth Free Press said “the while the third saya “the whole saM Nhun itead “ aitAB ilirtnHu' to convey a vtetous and ttto* r r .' MANCHESTER SSU: m. lirf SAT. Zapedka Help You! Wallace, Amertcan Independent party presidential candidate, in speech before sparsely settled Crook. TVfo, Democratic party organization trend haa been Democratic in Exit M, Wilbur C u m Pkwy. Open Dally till 9 Coos and Laramie, combine in the city is falling apart. Peo­ recent years. It'looka like It will oum tlooa wMhmit taUng KMEW/i OKU UT{ ivnv NIBHI some 4,000 supporters. (AP Photofax) * We reserve the right to limit quantities. • ^ 648-8474 normaUy Dem ocratic industrieil ple are M up with LBJ." continue.” <1 iFngaBIghteMi)


    7 u