V'fc- 4 - c T i ''» ‘vi **1. .■■!. 1 ^ . iM . 'Jtl M -*fc t*i_ *, ■ ♦ ^ PAGE TWENTY-POUR THURSDAY, OCTTOBER 24, 1968 fflIanrbfBtfr Evrains Umilb 4 hTSK sts Drily Net PNai Ron % ■' i 'Wr » , wasti Mtof- - Mowtaln Laurri Chapter of Jehovah's Witneaeee wUl con­ ^ OeMsrl»,UM ITie Weather About T o w n Sweet Adrilnea Ihc. will re­ duct a thaocratio ndnlstry Kitcanis Sets Radio Auction hearse tonight at 8 at the Rus­ atdiool at 7:80 p.m. and a aerv- CSoudy, cool wMb ebanoo o f BMt»- Oiwip S o( the Mkn- sian Amerloan National OeiAer, ice meeting tomorrow at 8:80 15,273 sbewera tonigbt Low tat 40s. To. « b « k « r TUCK Newownete Club mowow mostly cloudy, oooL 311 Wethersfield Ave., Hartford. p.m. at the Kingdom Hall. Nov. 12^13; Burke Chairman M , «IB mMt toOictat at ttie home of Por informatioa on the Women’s TPtcidA, 9n . J o jv jT L Hmehe$ter-^4 City of F i l i a g a Charm High 46 to 80. lfe « . CMvIb Raff, 1* liMiincton tour part babersbop harmony World War I Barraoka and ' Novemher IS and 18 will matle 'VOI.. LXXXVm, NO. 22 Rd. contact Mrs. Kathwiaa Hynes, Auxiliary will meet Sunday at the eighth annual Klwanls Chib <TWKNTT*FOUIt PAGBS-~TWO SBC110NB) aw Main St., or MTs. Trumnn BfANCHESTER, CONN., FM DAY, bcTOBBR 25, 1968 (OlBasined AdverttsliMr o* Pag* Si) 3 p.nt. at the VPW Home. AU Radio Auction, and chairman of PRICE TEN CENT! H m Till cnad» lieCtodist Crandall, SB White St., both In memben are reminded to at­ U.S. O mIco! tO M SU SS ToaSi FdkiiMiilp of South MancheMer. tend this m eetfqg as oCOcera wtU this yaar'a drive Is John B. MoWmillal Church wU meet to­ be e le c t^ . Burke Jr. The auction la the morrow « t T-JO p A . In OoofMT The St. Jam es Holy Name club’s largest fund raiser, and RIB ROAST Big Turnout Hen. Society will hoM a Oala Auc­ The Home and Sdiool Associa­ proceeds go to the Klwanta tion Sat. In the St. Jam ee’ tion of St. Bartholomew’s Par­ Scholarship programs and the Nixon Charg es The Kancfaeater Oommuaity School yard. The anaok bar ish wlU meet tom orrow at Underprivileged C h 11 d r e n’s 9 ettd(N M For Wallace PUyera will hold their amual opens at 11 ;S0 a jn . and die auc­ 8 p.m . at the s<diool. Parents Fund providing special activi­ Halloween Party Saturday at 8 tion starts at 1 p.m. Ih case of of school children are Invited to ties, such as a eiumner camp, $1 J 91 Missile Lead over Soviets pjn. at the home of Itr. and rain the auction win he held attend the Open House. tor unfortunate youngsters. At Garden ICra. Loula Champeau, 88 Ade­ Nov. 2. The auetlor,, aired over WINP ‘Security Gap’ I ulaide w Rd. There wiU be a abort American Legion Auxiliary radio which donates the time YORK (A P )--a a org e O. buolneaa meeting during which Stephen J. Aiotf, son of the mentoers are ramlnded that (he for the drive, will take place ^•khce, protoctsd by tha hsav- NBW TORiQ (AP) — Richard le the caat of the forth corn- Rev. aad MM. Ritoeit J. Shoff SMrst District meeting will be In the display window Wlat- '****‘1 ■angned any sassuR on a stats poboe aar- fan production of “Bvery- of Quincy, Kaos., fonnerly pas­ tomorrow at 2:80 p.m. at Plain- klns Bros. Furniture 8h»«, • jn dld^ tMs year, received M. Nboon, Indtotlng Democratic geant PoUos said they did not which Is donated as a studio for know what started tba flgbttng. body Loves Opal" will be an­ tor of the Manchester Church of vUle High School. Unit chair­ UCAN, SWEBT punderoae cheen In MMlaon haadUng of national detonse, the event. The Items for sale The GOP oayidate will be In Revealed by Defense Chief nounced. the Nasaretie, has enroUed ae men are reminded to taring or Stnet, "BLACK HAWK" Ifump, Froih Bquara Qaitlen from eigyporterw pledges a major reorganisation ________ > a freohman ad Ehurtem OoHege, send their reports. are donated by Manchester area who Atowned out the boo# of New York Uu m mon nights. / ___ merchants to the Club at wlKde- of the Pantagon, mors influence On Friday night he maksa a Rve Hemhera c f Jehovah’s Wlt- Qutney. D AIN 1IE noASTim .kMtalsn In a tumultuous rally WASHINGTON (AP)— neaoes of Manchester are plan­ The Ladies o f St. James wlM sale value and the Herald will AMursday itagtaL for top imllltory offloen, and tdevtadon braadoast to 10 statea carry lists of the items and their more mlssUsa, wnrplsnss and aad the DIatriot of Ootaaabia. Secretary of Defense Olaik ning to attend the aeml-aiMual Ihe ccnfinnatlon ctaos of have a fashion show tomorrow l » c •i Utabodiered by ate ill ssl (louts circuit oosemUy in ^ningfleU, Zion EhmngeUoBl Lutheran retail value. Any Item listed in HAMS .79 omoMMS nuclear suhmarinea, if elected. Batuyday he wlU b e driving to M. CHfford acknowled|rsd at 8 p.m. in St. James' School 5^ Ib. Avwags 5 9 and sppar«rt2ylZ^ Mhoa., from Nov. 1 to 3 at the CbuToh wia rwelve Instruction HaS. Refreshments wiU be the paper, mentioned on the air £ I The Repubboan presidenUal rallies in suburban New Jersey. today the Soviet Union has bioadoeat chalnnaa; RUlam 'W save rat tbotuand denmnatra- High School of Oommeroa, Saturday at 9:80 a.m. at the or '^ewed in the display win­ oaadldate, In a nationwide CB8 And on Sunday he wlb appear narrowed the nuclear mis­ served. Tickets may be chtain- Johnson and Richard T. Rotl>- num p. NciHvo •tors outside, the thtaxHarty Springfield, Maas. dnirdt. ed at the door. dow may be bid upon by calling -•••■•dBoOal candidate, appear- radio hroadoast 'ntursday nig«i», live on the CD8-TV "Faoa the sile gap but claimed “we K M7-M61. well, assistant solloltatlon chair­ •ocused the administmUoai of Nation" program—hU first ap­ men; and Henry Boeett, r«- J?**? runrtng mate, Our- have today a substantial Burke will be aselsted by FOWL ;0U B . LaiBsy, listened wMb ob- John F. Kennedy and Lomdon B. pearance before a panel of i«- Thomas Donovan, co-dtata«nan; demption center chairman. Johnson of "oraatlng a ssourlty military simeriority over For Soaps or SIsw y p u * rstash to wavee o f dtoers portera on television slnos 1966. John DeQuattio, flnanoe (dialr- This year, as In past years, 3 9 i gap for Amerioa” —-a r***vie* rs- the Soviet Union.” the group of itesns wtti ooMaln • *••• than oapadty In Mw radio itoeech Nixon said The Pentagon chief repUed to man; W. J. Godfrey Gourley, crowd, mtnisaent of Kenney’s 1900 that "in leeent years our ooun- special bonus items, which will oontsnUon ttmt the presldsnoy aUegaUona by RepubUoan prett- R L be announced during the course ” T he; evening wtui easily the tiy bhs fobowad poHoles wUoh deotlal caixfidate Rlehaifl M. OOBAN niH H , UVB MAINk Choice Produce! omottanal htg^xitnt tfaus to r in of Dwight D. Blaenbower had now thretUien to madee Am erica of the auction. otwatod a miaatle gi^>. Nixon that DemoeraUo adminis­ Since the auction’s inception N«w Crop, SesdlifiB the WaUaoe «*««peign eiy| the second best both In numbers trations had created a "ssouriiy erem^was one of tbs most rs- In his most extensive dlseus- and quality of major weapons.” in 1960 ptxx»edB have reached LOBSTOtS Gnpefmit. f Mon to date o f defenae poUoy, gap" by following what Nixon E E You con hov* ft on V e n ^ WsSaoe baa attraoted. a net o f $14,000. The net figure Pink or l^ ts . i ( F o r 3 9 c The nominee said that the called a doctrine of arms parity. ^^tibksd into tbs anna Nixon aigued that the mUltary tor last year was $3,000. Oodatawi of the Kemiedy and United States under Democratlo OlUford read to a news <x>nf«r- Monday, Tnttclay, Laigo, Flm A Bdda eetrsooa under a Johnson toalnis have put the na- ayiinistrBtlane has gone hem enoe previously secret flguras Orh” •*» Icabfirg Lottnes. B f i d i 2 5 C ^ v y poboe guard, WMtooe dM flrst to seocy in bombers, first showing toe Soviet Union now V Wndnnsday, Thufsdoy, tlon in such straits that by 1970 “ > *»• the soufttos between to second in tactioal alrcnft, LOFT'S KITCHEN or 1971 U might ewm tece a , has 800 intercontinental baUlstic ptointo and police outalda. has virtually tost a 80 per cent misailea. This Is 164 few er than E nnHiy aiNidaMol CwnAnKMAdwadSm uraoj ‘ >aurvlval g a p ." At 9oe^ point, motaa pudied Unless he’s elected on Nov. 6, advantage In Intoroontlnmtal toe U.8. arsenal and a RuMton FRESH CANDY balUstio missiles and Is af—^ ly E Oewigp bairleades and prited Nixon says, Amertoans might Increase o f 180 slnoe a year ago. HIGHLAND PARK MARKET i tomatoes, bwing Its advantage to At toe same time, aiflOrd BUT NEVER fllseover “that w« are irretrie­ WELDQN DRUG CO. submaitaiee. L 317 Highland St.. Monchnsiar, Cofm. Photw M3^27t # rncks sad botUss. Puitoe said 26 vably behind in the mest critloal said toe Soviets have 7B to 80 ON SUNDAY f> ■ M-. *. 'Bf f 1 parsonr wtie amotisd imide areas in a few yeems." Hie United Statea, he said, submarine-launched n u c le a r R y d tortbde ihs Oandan and Nixon flew to New Tor* has produced only one new tac­ m lssilss com pared with 060 U A.
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