Iianrl|Fat^R Siimtttg Te a U I Thousands Of
y •• I ''• ‘ f t I ^*' 56 ** * 1 » ' ^ • ' «C« DtOy Nat Plan Rtti nor n « Week Ended The Weather ■[I’n April •, 1M8 Chance of Mattered showers k ' i iianrl|fat^r Siimtttg tea U i txmlght. Low in 40s. Tomorrow ■ , /• 15,425 moatly sunny. High in 60s. Manehetter— A City o f ViUt^e Charm (flneelfkiil AdvertUhic oa Page 17) PRICE TEN CENTS VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 160 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTHONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 8, 1968 Several Big Cities Thousands of Mourners Calm After Violence Start March in Memphis By LOUISE OOOK While the violence In most ot the violence and more than 300 Associated Press Writer the maJor cities ebbed, trouble Injured. One official said there had been 420 fires set, 600 stores Violence, lootlnfi: and ar struck again In Nashville, Tenn. Only hours after segments of looted and more than 1,350 per son scourged sections of the 4,000 National Guardsmen sons arrested. MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) — Thousands of mourning Baltimore and Pittsburgh, were on duty, the ROTC build More than 1,800 National Negroes and civil rights leaders marched from a gray Sunday, but Army troops ing on the campus of Tennessee Guardsmen marched Into Pitts stone church toward the ultramodern city hall today in and National Guardsmen, AAI State University, site of re burgh's predominantly Negro silent tribute to the man who had planned to lead them, rushed in to quell the dis cent racial violence, was de Hill District Sunday night, but stroyed by fire Sunday night. by early today a state police of the slain Dr.
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