University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1968 The aiD ly Lobo 1961 - 1970 4-10-1968 New Mexico Lobo, Volume 071, No 94, 4/10/ 1968 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1968 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Lobo, Volume 071, No 94, 4/10/1968." 71, 94 (1968). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ daily_lobo_1968/42 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1961 - 1970 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1968 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Mond~ty, April 8,1968 Page 8 NEW MEXICO LOBO SPORTS NOTES q~ WANT ADS Seven Top Scorers HOUSE OF HALLMARK Seven of the top · nine scorers FOUND offers the largest selection of I,ADY'S HANDBAG. Found at bus stop at in the nation's NCAA major EXICO Yale and Central Friday, 2/29. Owner schools are in the 1968 Olympic HAllMARK EASTER CARDS may claim at Student Publications office Rm. 159. · ' :Basketball Trials ·at University in this area, GREEN PLAID raincoat nt Post Office Arena. They are Pete Maravich Our Seventy-First Year of Editorial Freedom after demonstration Tuesdi'Y· Call Steve of LSU (43.8), Calvin Murphy of WEDDING INVITATIONS at 842-9563. Niagra (38.2), Rich 'l'ravis of and all paper goods No.94 Wednesday, AprillO, 1968 ·• HELP WANTED Oltlahoma City (30.0), Bob Pert­ for the bride to be Vol. "11 PART TIME rnale help wanted.· Apply in man of Creighton (29.5), Rick ' person at Der Wienerschnitzel, 4201 Central NE. No phone calls please. Mount of Purdue (28.3), Shaler 3501 Lomas Blvd. NE 255-4989 .PERSONALS Halimon of Utah State (27.1), and Fred Foster of Miami of POETRY WANTED for Poetry Anthology. Inelude stamped envelope. Idlewild Pub­ Ohio (26.8). lishers, 54.3 Frederick, San Francisco, <!I.e Dispute Reopens Lobo Editor Position California. 94U7. · AAU All-Stars 'l'he Board of Student Publica­ Juggler, UNM's humor magazine; DO YOU .BITE your nails? Would you tions last night reopened applica­ and Nooley Reinheardt, Lobo like to stop? A limited number of peo­ A pair of guards for the AAU managing editor. Reinheardt re­ ple are being ne:cepted in an experiment All-Stars are complete opposites tions for the editorship of next to stop nail bitin.g~ Under the auspices QIUU~ ceived the Lobo staff's unanimoittl' of UNM Psychology Dept.. Call .Mr. as far as age is concerned. Cal­ year's Lobo :following a dispute Stephen, 277-l23o :for appoiJJtment. over procedures which Lobo Edi­ endorsement for the position. :vin Fowler of the Goodyears I CHING or Book of Changes. Melissa Howard, Lobo reporter FOR SALE played in the Pan Am Games and Wilhelm/Haynes $6,00 ASUNM Budget Approved tor Chuck Noland used in obtain­ ing the editorial staff's recom­ and editor of the 1967 summer OLD .MANZANO School House built of graduated from St. Francis in TROUT FISHING IN Lob(), indicated last night she adobe nnd flagstone. Walls 30" thick. 1962, Ted McLain is the other mendation for the job. Converted into home. Secluded-Huge. AMERICA. Brautigan $1.95 Under Pub Board policy, the would apply for the job. Ideal for clubl~ouse, fraternity, home, guard and is a freshman at Ten­ Pub Board scheduled a special 11?1.?, lih_ acre la.nd» water, ]ights, bu .. nessee A&I. REVOLUTION in the editorial staff is t() hold secret­ tane. Desperate~ about to be forec:Iosed meeting for April 23 to interview -Want $3,000. Call George Romero REVOLUTION. Dehray .95 In 10-l-lour Senate Meeting ballot nominations for members new applicants and review Bur­ 250-4800. Free Throw Rule of the staff whom they would like SCIENCE OF BEING By MELISSA HOWARD of three issues might be pub- Megalopolis." ton's and Reinheardt's applica­ 1960 VOLKSWAGEN-Excellent condi· The nation's leading free-throw TilE REV. W. E. Crews, chap­ to see hired, However, Noland ex~ tion . .Must sell by April 10. Call 268-4192 AND ART OF LIVING .95 As dawn broke this morning lisbed ne:x:t year. plained last night, for at least tions before naming next year's or sec at 833 .Monroe NE. 3/10 shooter, Joe Heiser of Princeton, lain of Canterbury Chapel, told Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Student Senate voted a $30,400 al- E:UNM's $24,474 request, in­ editor. may be hampered at the free­ the senators that the program was the last two years the staff has 1960 TRIUMPH motorcycle with 1964 location for The Mirage, winding eluding funds for conversion of voted on. an endorsement between THE NEW deadline for sub­ engine 650cc. Black. See nt 1106% Orand throw line. International rules STORIES & TEXTS FOR designed to raise new questions NE. 3/29 up a ten-hour meeting with a pro- the FM radio station to stereo staff members wh() had already mitting applications for the Lobo NOTHING. Beckett $1.95 about the relationship of academic 19. NEW S 'I' AND A R D :ENCYCLOPEDIA state that free throws are not posed 1968-tl9 Associated Students broadcasting, was approved. applied rather than making actual editorship will be noon April slilthtlY used. Will sacrifice at $80: Call awarded :for all non-shooting THE BOOK. Watts. .95 disciplines to modern life by em­ New applicants will be interview­ budget of $234,208.55. SENA TORS ALSO voted to al- phasizing the common factor­ nominations. M4-1969 after 5 p,m. 4/4 fouls during the first 35 minutes EVERGREEN The Mirage allocation, subject locate no funds for publication of "SOMEWHERE along the line ed at the April 23 meeting. 1934 PONTIAC 4 dr, sedan. 242-4282. NCAA SIDE-HORSE CHAMPION Tom. Galiofu is shown executing man-in all disciplines, and to Also reopened were applications of play. Heiser hit 112 of 122 REVIEWS of a three-hour debate, is based El Recad(), student government's e n c o u r a g e inter-departmental the policy didn't get communicat­ TWO BEDROOM ADOBE, (UNM area). attempts this year. one of the many moves that Jed him to an uudefea.ted seasoo, a West­ on total cost of '$47 ,400 for 7000 calendar"newsletter initiated this ed from some editor to his suc­ for editorship of The Thunder­ It'~ a world of Its own l Rustic, cbnrm· ern .Athletic Conference title, and, eve11tually, a national championship. Nos. 52 & 53 $1.00 a communication. jtlg'. with. patios and gardens, you'll be copies. The student-government fall by ASUNM President John bird, UNM's literary magazine. Gaboto scored a 9.6 in the side-horse individual c:ompetition Friday at "UNM is basically a technologi­ cessor," Nolandn said, "and so it captivated. Beautiful fireplace, dining­ 'Worst Big Man' HOW TO STAY OUT subsidy is in addition to a re- Thorson. Sen. Cleve Seamon re­ evolved into an endorsement of Thunderbird applicants must sub­ room, Mexjctt.n tile hRthroom, perfect Tucson and c:aptured the only Jl&tiooal title for New Menco. California OF THE ARMY. Lynn $1.25 cal school: we come here merely mit applications by the same dead­ !or a couple I $14,000, call Bruce Caird Tom Boerwinkle, Tennessee's, commendation that about $13,'750 marked that publication of El to learn skills," the Rev. Crews staffers who had already applied 265-8571 or evenings 247-3048. Co.ird- pulled a surprising upset in the high-bar rompetitioo aDil went on to be raised through sales of adver- Recado was "doubling up" on the rather than nominations of peo­ line as new Lobo and Nottis Realty. ,tx seven footer and two-time All­ beat defending champion Southern ntmois by one-tenth of a point for ESSAYS& said. "What is a university's true Southeast Conference pick, didn't INTRODUCTIONS $2.45 itisng, sales of pages in the book infonnation already available :function 7 Isn't it to teach people ple the staff would like to see FOR RENT the team title. Iowa and Temple University finished third and fourth to campus organizations, and sales through The Lobo and through 1808 OLD TOWN Rd. NW. Charming ns impress the college coaches much in the meet. The four teams were the Ollly sQrVivots from. the eight to deal with people?" he asked. apply." -a snit of Spanish armor. These one bed· in high school. He was (l-10 while 120 Yale S.E. 842-1413 of advance subscriptions. the office o:f a recently established 'l'HE SENATE also voted a For the last two years there has .-oom furnished adobe apts. are a swing­ regional wbmers that qualified for the meet. THE LOBO'S Tequested alloca- ASUNM publicity director. been only one applicant for the ing way of life. Call Sam Cooper 265· at Millersburg, Ky. Military and $900 allocation to the Graduate 8574 or evenings 842-8280. C&ird-Norris one c()llege scout was quoted as tion, based on e>.."Pansion to five Senate voted to earmark $2000 Student Council, which had re­ editorship, and the staff recom­ Realty. ~ saying, "That's the W()rst big issues a week, was approved at of Speakers Committee funds to quested $5800. Graduate students mendation has been simply a un­ SERVICES man I've ever seen." $34,'997.50. The subsidy for The finance the Inter-Religious Conn­ taking full loads are required to animous ~ndorsement <Jf that can­ TYPING I For a 'super' paper - edited Thunderbird was reduced :from the cil's "Department Dialogues." pay activity fees, and Senate Fin­ didate by a voice vote, Noland ex­ grammar" spelling-, punctuation - kt a Galioto Captures Short Shooter requested $4025 to $3050.
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