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We Remember Them Fondly • Nick Mulikow, (pictured) 16 Dec 2011, aged 80 ROAR • Alexander “Lou, Choppy” Fellner, 11 Jan 2014 • WO “Tiny” Barnett, Armourer, 19 Sep 2014 • GILBERG, Rolf A., 7 Nov 2014, aged 94 427 LION SQUADRON ASSOCIATION • Margaret Annis (Ralph), 29 Mar 2014, aged 84 Patrons: LGen (Ret) Donald McNaughton, CMM, CD, MGen J. Robert Chisholm, CMM, CD • Sqn Ldr (Ret) James “Jim” Russell Pugh, 8 Jun 2014, aged 82 NEWSLETTER Vol.3,No.1 December,2014 • LCol (Ret) Alan Gordon “Al” MacMullan, 21 Jul 2014 For many years members of the Sabre Pi- • LCol (Ret) Rob Robichaud, 17 Jul 2014 lots Association of Air Division Squadrons • Yves Gravelle, 29 Oct 2009, aged 88 (SPAADS) have gathered in strong num- • Gordon Wilson Ockwell, 22 Jan 2012, aged 88 bers to do what they all love to do - sto- rytelling. When it comes to organizations and other If you can explain why we place an large enterprises, it is the organization’s cul- ture - its personality - its character - that image of the AH-64 Apache armed defines the purpose, the success and the fu- the 2014 reunion of the Sabre Pilots Asso- important topics. helicopter, next to the name of Nick ture of the organization. Cultures happen ciation, Air Division Squadrons (SPAADS). Once again it was a good weekend with Mulikow, write us a letter, and you to be made up of stories, and the storytell- Members of 427 as always were there in old friends and thanks went to Jim Mar for might win a prize! ing that occurs just happens to be the stuff force.
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