KAJIAN PENDAHULUAN TEMUAN STRUKTUR BATA DI SAMBIMAYA, INDRAMAYU The Introduction Study of Brick Structural Found in Sambimaya, Indramayu Nanang Saptono,1 Endang Widyastuti,1 dan Pandu Radea2 1 Balai Arkeologi Jawa Barat, 2 Yayasan Tapak Karuhun Nusantara 1Jalan Raya Cinunuk Km. 17, Cileunyi, Bandung 40623 1Surel:
[email protected] Naskah diterima: 24/08/2020; direvisi: 28/11/2020; disetujui: 28/11/2020 publikasi ejurnal: 18/12/2020 Abstract Brick has been used for buildings for a long time. In the area of Sambimaya Village, Juntinyuat District, Indramayu, a brick structure has been found. Based on these findings, a preliminary study is needed for identification. The problem discussed is regarding the type of building, function, and timeframe. The brick structure in Sambimaya is located in several dunes which are located in a southwest-northeastern line. The technique of laying bricks in a stack without using an adhesive layer. Through the method of comparison with other objects that have been found, it was concluded that the brick structure in Sambimaya was a former profane building dating from the early days of the spread of Islam in Indramayu around the 13th - 14th century AD. Keywords: Brick, structure, orientation, profane Abstrak Bata sudah digunakan untuk bangunan sejak lama. Sebaran struktur bata telah ditemukan di kawasan Desa Sambimaya, Kecamatan Juntinyuat, Indramayu. Berdasarkan temuan itu perlu kajian pendahuluan untuk identifikasi. Permasalahan yang dibahas adalah mengenai jenis bangunan, fungsi, dan kurun waktu. Struktur bata di Sambimaya berada pada beberapa gumuk yang keletakannya berada pada satu garis berorientasi barat daya – timur laut. Teknik pemasangan bata secara ditumpuk tanpa menggunakan lapisan perekat.