Volume 14, Issue 9 September, 2021

Pastor Fr. Fred LeClaire, CMF Deacons Michael Holmes, Mike Johnsen & Lance Vivet

Mass Times

Saturday Vigil 5 PM Sunday 7:30 & 9:00 AM 10:30 AM (Spanish) Morning Mass Monday through Friday 8:30 AM First Saturday Only 9:00AM

Confessions 1st & 2nd Thursday 11 AM to 12 Noon 3rd & 4th Thursday 6 PM to 7 PM Saturdays 9:30 AM

Or by appointment Español Solo con cita

Here are some interesting facts about the month of September. As the ninth month of the year, September marks the beginning of autumn in the northern hemisphere (and the start of spring in the southern). Traditionally considered the month that marks transitions between seasons, it is often one of the most temperate weather-wise. The name September comes from the Latin septem, meaning seven, since it was the seventh month of the Roman calendar, which began with March. There are 30 days in the month of September, which starts on the same day of the week as December each year but does not end on the same day of the week as any other month in the year. September has several United States and international holidays. Labor Day is the most well known holiday in September. It is observed every year on the first Monday in September. Native American Day is always celebrated on the 4th Friday of Septem- ber.Grandparent's Day is observed in the United States on the first Sunday after Labor Day. Constitution Day, celebrating the ratification of the governing document of the United States, is observed on the 17th.The autumn equinox, which is the traditional transition from summer into fall, takes place on or around September 22nd, depending on the year. There are lots of days dedicated to fun activities in September. Look out for these days. September 5th: National Cheese Pizza Day September 9th: National Teddy Bear Day September 16th: National Play-Doh Day September 19th: International "Talk Like A Pirate Day" What Happened in September through the years? September 2, 1666: The Great Fire of London was started, completely destroying the old city located within the ancient Roman Walls. It was believed to have started in a bakery and took three days to put out. September 1, 1715: Louis XIV, known as the Sun King, died at the age of 76, after ruling France since the age of five. He was succeeded by Louis XV and Louis XVI, who was executed during the French Revolution in 1789, thus ending the reign of monar- chical rule in France. September 5, 1774: The 1st Continental Congress was called to order. Comprised of delegates from all 13 American colonies, it served as the governing body during the American Revolution, from 1774 to 1789. Two years later, on September 9, it changed the name of the United Colonies to the United States.

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Office Hours Phone 928-636-4071

Monday thru Friday Mailing Address Physical Address E-mail [email protected] 9 am to 3:00 pm P.O. Box 152 2062 N. Hwy 89

Saturday & Sunday Chino Valley, AZ 86323 Chino Valley, AZ Website www.stcatherinecv.org

Closed Emergency Phone 928-642-4398 P AGE 2 T HE S PIRIT OF S T . C ATHERINE ’ S

Fr. Freddy’s Corner As of this writing, no changes have come from the diocese in regards to Covid restrictions. For those who wish to wear a mask, please feel free to do so. In regards to distancing, that will be a choice of the individual. We will not have designated spaces in the pews. With disinfecting, an air purification, as well as opening the hall for additional seating if the need arises, I trust people will make their own good decisions for themselves and others. I urge you to keep politics out of it. God's house is a house of prayer, not a microphone for republicans or democrats. As St. John reminds us that where there is fear there is no love, where there is no love there is no God. Take prudent measures for yourself and others. If you bring your fear to the Church, God is waiting to help you. The only side I will be taking is to prepare you for eternal life by the love of Jesus, not by personal fears or political motivations. If you are afraid to die, you may need confession more than a doctor. I will also increase the number of Masses and confession times if necessary. May we be an example to society that is angry, judgmental, afraid of doing what is best for all without mandates or accusations.

In Mary’s love of her Son,

Father Fred

En el momento de escribir estas líneas, no se han producido cambios por parte de la diócesis con respecto a Restricciones de Covid. Para aquellos que deseen usar una máscara, sientan libre de hacerlo. En lo que respecta al distanciamiento, esa será una elección del individual. No tendremos espacios designados en las bancas. Con desinfectar, purificar el aire, así como abrir la sala para asientos adicionales si surge la necesidad, confío en que la gente hará sus propias buenas decisiones para sí mismos y para los demás. Te insto a que te quedes política fuera de ella. La casa de Dios es una casa de oración, no un micrófono para republicanos o demócratas. Como San Juan nos recuerda que donde hay miedo no hay amor, donde no hay amor hay no Dios. Tome medidas prudentes para usted y los demás. Si traes tu miedo a la Iglesia, Dios está esperando para ayudarte. El único lado que tomará es prepararte para la vida eterna por el amor de Jesús, no por miedos personales o motivaciones políticas. Si tienes miedo de muere, es posible que ecesite una confesión más que un médico. Yo tambien aumentare el número de misas y tiempos de confesión si es necesario. Que seamos un ejemplo para la sociedad enojada, crítica, temerosa de hacer lo que es mejor para todos sin mandatos ni acusaciones. En el amor de María por su Hijo, Padre Fred

John’s first letter: “There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear” (1Jn.4:18)

SAFE ENVIRONMENT TRAINING! If you are an active member of St. Catherine Laboure Parish you must renew your Safe Environment Training. Infor- mation on how to renew or to make a new account can be found on fliers in the chapel and in the vestibule. If you are a chair of a committee or head of a ministry the office is asking the you please submit prior to September 15th a complete rooster of all those on your committee or in your ministry . We will compare your information with our records from the Diocese and will let you know who still needs to take the Safe Environment Training. For anyone that needs help or does not have access to the internet or computer please call the office and we are more than happy to help you. I am so very happy that Roxanne Speer has volunteered and been given permission by Father and the Diocese to help me with the Safe Environment Training.

Father will be away from the Parish…… Father Fred will be with the priests of the diocese attending the annual convocation with Bishop Olmsted in Flagstaff. He will be away Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday September 14th to September 16th. Please keep Father Fred in your prayers as he will keep us in his. THE PARISH OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED ON MONDAY SEPTEMBER 6TH. V OLUME 1 4 , I SSUE 9 P AGE 3


Divine Mercy Minute September 8th is the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Diary entry 1489, Jesus says to St. Faustina, But child, you are not yet in your homeland; so go, fortified by My grace….and remember that the days of your exile will pass quickly. Reflection: St. Faustina writes in entry 897, “I see that the will of God has not yet been fulfilled in me, and that is why I must live, for I know that if I fulfill everything the Lord has planned for me in this world, He will not leave me in exile any long- er, for heaven is my home. But before we go to our Homeland, we must fulfill the will of God on earth; that is, trials and struggles must run their full course in us.” Prayer: Diary entry 886: “help me, happy inhabitants of the heavenly homeland, so that your sister may not falter on the way. Alt- hough the desert is fearful, I walk with lifted head and eyes fixed on the sun; that is to say, on the merciful Heart of Jesus.” Have a Blessed September. Jesus, have mercy on us and on the whole world. Thank you. Jesus, I Trust In You Dianna Goodman, The Divine Mercy Ministry is a brand-new Ministry, just accepted by the Parish and Finance Council. Our goal is to spread Divine Mercy every- where, starting with our Parish family. In the chapel there are resources that our Ministry will provide. We hope that you will consider becoming part of our ministry.

FORMED-Adult Formation When: Monday mornings beginning September 6 – until—November 8th, 2021 Location: St. Michael Room Time: 9:15 – 11:30 am Register in the office

El grupo de Apóstoles de la palabra les hace una cordial invitación a todas las personas que deseen aprender las sobre la doctrina de la Iglesia Católica, en estas clases aprenderemos a dar respuesta a las preguntas que nos hacen nuestros her- manos separados como, por ejemplo: ¿Por qué llamamos Padre al sacerdote? ¿Por qué tenemos imágenes? ¿Por qué bautizamos a los niños? Y las afirmaciones que algunos hacen de que María tuvo mas hijos y que la eucaristía es un símbolo. Eso y mucho más aprenderemos en estas clases, abriremos un nuevo grupo próximamente si está interesado en tomar es- tas clases o tiene preguntas por favor comuníquese con alguna de las siguientes personas: Arturo Gómez Juan Saldana Oralia Martínez O Vulfrano y Erika Gómez Muchas gracias

EWTN, a Catholic Television station, will have a weekly program called, "Living Divine Mercy", with Fr. Chris Alar of the Mar- ian Fathers of Stockbridge, Massachusetts. It will be every Wednesday beginning at 630 pm Eastern Standard Time, so here it will be at 330 pm. They usually have encore presentations at another date/time. They also have it in podcast. Go to the Google Podcasts, or Apple Podcasts and search EWTN Live. The first in the series was August 19th, titled Fr. Chris Alar, MIC. You can also find it on EWTN Live You Tube channel. https://youtu.be/W1A7oQw72wk


He Has Done All Things Well Last month I closed my letter to you quoting St. Peter saying “Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and are convinced that You are the Holy One of God.” (Jn.6:68-69) So, how about you? Do you accept these words of Peter? Do you accept Jesus as “The Holy One of God”? How is your relationship with Jesus? Are you close to Him? Do you try to embrace Him? Or, is He Someone you just read about in a 2,000 year old Gospel? As we journey through this month of September our Sunday Liturgies will return to Mark’s Gospel. Witnesses will testify that “He has done all things well” (Mk.7:37) and they will continue by saying, “He makes the deaf hear and the mute speak”. (Mk.7:37) Ever since I was a boy I have tried to do “all things well”. Unfortunately my life has been more like “a few things well”. While we may not have sufficient faith to heal others I would like to suggest we grow our faith and use it to speak the truth of Jesus Christ so that others will hear. We can be healed of our silence in these very challenging times by embracing “The Holy One of God” and sharing Him. To embrace and share Jesus means we have to follow Him. Following Jesus is simple but for some it is not a very easy thing to do. Jesus tells us, “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me”. (Mk.8:34) Well before His crucifixion Jesus speaks bout how tough it can be to follow Him on the path to eternal salvation. And, not only do we need to embrace our own cross, we must live with humility. Jesus will tell us “If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all”. (Mk.9:35) He tells us to live and trust as a little child. Jesus also teaches us this month to be careful not to judge others. His disciples learn this the hard way when they complain to Je- sus about someone, outside their circle, who is casting out demons from people in the name of Jesus. He tells them, “Do not pre- vent him. There is no one who performs a mighty deed in My name who can at the same time speak ill of Me. For whoever is not against us is for us”. (Mk.9:39-40) I have learned over the years to be very careful of judging others. Sinful pride, living without humility and judging are all traps set by satan. Jesus calls us all to rise from the pit of sin. He has giv- en us the formula in the sacrament of Confession to help us live and trust like a little child, to embrace Him and to follow Him. Go and live as God has planned. Go and do “all things well”. What do you think?

Blessings, Peace and Mercy, Dcn. Mike Johnsen

Él Ha Hecho Bien Todas Las Cosas El mes pasado cerré mi carta citando a San Pedro diciendo “Maestro, ¿a quién iremos? Tu tienes las palabras de la vida eterna. He- mos llegado a creer y estamos convencidos de que Tú eres el Santo de Dios ". (Juan 6: 68-69) Entonces, ¿y tú? ¿Aceptas estas pa- labras de Pedro? ¿Aceptas a Jesús como "el Santo de Dios"? ¿Cómo es tu relación con Jesús? ¿Estás cerca de él? ¿Tratas de abra- zarlo? ¿O es Alguien sobre quien acabas de leer en un Evangelio de 2000 años de antigüedad? A medida que avanzamos en este mes de septiembre, nuestras liturgias dominicales volverán al Evangelio de Marcos. Los testigos testificarán que “todo lo ha hecho bien” (Mc 7, 37) y continuarán diciendo: “Hace oír a los sordos y hablar a los mudos”. (Mc.7: 37) Desde niño he tratado de hacer “todas las cosas bien”. Lamentablemente mi vida ha sido más como “algunas cosas bien”. Si bien es posible que no tengamos suficiente fe para sanar a otros, me gustaría sugerir que aumentemos nuestra fe y la usemos para hablar la verdad de Jesucristo para que otros escuchen. Podemos ser sanados de nuestro silencio en estos tiempos tan desafiantes al abra- zar al “Santo de Dios” y compartirlo. Abrazar y compartir a Jesús significa que tenemos que seguirlo. Seguir a Jesús es sencillo, pero para algunos no es algo muy fácil de hacer. Jesús nos dice: "El que quiera venir en pos de mí, debe negarse a sí mismo, tomar su cruz y seguirme". (Marcos 8:34) Mucho antes de su crucifixión, Jesús habla de lo difícil que puede ser seguirlo en el camino de la salvación eterna. Y no solo debe- mos abrazar nuestra propia cruz, debemos vivir con humildad. Jesús nos dirá “Si alguno quiere ser el primero, será el último de todos y el servidor de todos”. (Marcos 9: 35) Él nos dice que vivamos y confiemos como un niño pequeño. Jesús también nos enseña este mes a tener cuidado de no juzgar a los demás. Sus discípulos aprenden esto de la manera difícil cuando se quejan con Jesús de alguien, fuera de su círculo, que está echando demonios de la gente en el nombre de Jesús. Él les dice: “No se lo impidan. No hay quien haga una proeza en Mi nombre que pueda al mismo tiempo hablar mal de Mí. Porque el que no está contra nosotros, por nosotros es ”. (Marcos 9: 39-40) He aprendido a lo largo de los años a tener mucho cuidado al juzgar a los demás. El orgullo pecaminoso, vivir sin humildad y juzgar son todas trampas colocadas por satanás. Jesús nos llama a todos a levantarnos del pozo del pecado. Él nos ha dado la fórmula en el sacramento de la Confesión para ayudarnos a vivir y confiar como un niño pequeño, a abrazarlo y seguirlo. Ve y vive como Dios lo ha planeado. Ve y haz "todo bien". ¿Qué piensas? Bendiciones, Paz y Misericordia, Diacono Mike Johnsen

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This month I am going to be a film critic. I would like to invite all reading this to consider watching a series about the life of Christ, called The Chosen. The Chosen is a 2018 television drama based on the life of Jesus Christ, created, directed and cowritten by Dallas Jenkins. It is the first multi-season series about the Life of Christ and the most successful media crowd-fund of all time. Crowd-fund means it is financed by people like you and me, sending in our donations. A new season is not started unless they have the funding. This also means it is not dependent on the traditional Hollywood funding where original concepts can be turned upside down due to producers, (the money people), ideas. They currently have finished season number two, 8 episodes each season. The goal is 56 episodes. Now I realize that this show is not for everyone. Anyone with some familiarity with Church history knows that Believers’ view on the Faith vary widely and sometimes intensely. One of the blessings and possibly a curse depending on your view of Jesus, is that it does a great job of showing both the humanity and the divinity of Jesus. The Chosen tells Biblical stories of radical transformation, it should cause each of us to contemplate our own faith, at least it did to me. We need to remember that The Chosen is not a verse-by-verse reenactment of the Biblical narrative, but instead a historical, character drama that is inspired by the Bible. Dallas Jenkins consults with Catholic priests, Rabbi’s, and Evangelicals to assure of the authenticity of each episode. The Chosen spotlights the real-life men and women who knew Christ. Takes characters we’ve read about and listen to on Sundays and brings them to life. I look at this series as another tool to help me in my personal relationship with Jesus Christ. So give it a shot watch a episode see if it speaks to you. Watch The Chosen on their free app:https://thechosen.tv/app, or by subscribing to it on YouTube channel:https;//www.youtubecom/c/thechosense Deacon Lance Vivet

Este mes voy a ser crítico de cine. Me gustaría invitar a todos los que lean esto a que consideren ver una serie sobre la vida de Cris- to, llamada Los elegidos. The Chosen es un drama televisivo de 2018 basado en la vida de Jesucristo, creado, dirigido y coescrito por Dallas Jenkins. Es la primera serie de varias temporadas sobre la vida de Cristo y el fondo colectivo de medios más exitoso de todos los tiempos. Crowd-fund significa que es financiado por personas como tú y yo, enviando nuestras donaciones. No se inicia una nueva temporada a menos que tengan la financiación. Esto también significa que no depende de la financiación tradicional de Hollywood, donde los conceptos originales pueden cambiar debido a las ideas de los productores (la gente del dinero). Actualmente han terminado la temporada número dos, 8 episodios cada temporada. El objetivo son 56 episodios. Ahora me doy cuenta de que este programa no es para todos. Cualquiera que esté familiarizado con la historia de la Iglesia sabe que el punto de vista de los creyentes sobre la fe varía ampliamente y, a veces, intensamente. Una de las bendiciones y posiblemente una maldición dependien- do de su visión de Jesús, es que hace un gran trabajo al mostrar tanto la humanidad como la divinidad de Jesús. The Chosen cuenta historias bíblicas de transformación radical, debería hacer que cada uno de nosotros contemplemos nuestra propia fe, al menos así me lo hizo a mí. Debemos recordar que The Chosen no es una recreación versículo por versículo de la narrativa bíblica, sino un drama histórico de personajes inspirado en la Biblia. Dallas Jenkins consulta con sacerdotes católicos, rabinos y evangélicos para asegurarse de la autenticidad de cada episodio. The Chosen destaca a los hombres y mujeres de la vida real que conocieron a Cristo. Toma personajes sobre los que leemos y escuchamos los domingos y les da vida. Veo esta serie como otra herramienta para ayudarme en mi relación personal con Jesucristo. Así que pruébalo, mira un episodio para ver si te habla. Mira The Chosen en su aplicación gratuita: https: //thechosen.tv/app, o suscribiéndote en el canal de YouTube: https; // www.youtubecom / c / thechosense Diácono Lance Vivet


It was wonderful to see so many ladies at our meeting on August 3rd. Most had gone to morning Mass and then came right to the hall where our meeting started at its NEW time of 9:30am. RUMMAGE SALE – is scheduled for Friday & Saturday, October 15 & 16. Drop off will be Thursday, Octo- ber 14. Remember your junk is someone else’s treasure. However, we can NOT accept anything that uses electricity, gasoline or other motor fuels. Also, we can NOT accept baby items, such as car seats, cribs, swings, walkers, etc. The reason for this is that we do not know if these items are defective or been recalled. We will graciously accept clean clothing for all ages and the rest your wonderful treasures. DONUT SUNDAY – IT’S HAPPENING! The ladies will be serving Donuts & Coffee after both morning Masses. It will be nice for people to say “hello” to each other again but do remember to give each other space. Acts of kindness is an investment in another person’s life. One kind word can change someone’s entire day. Open a door for some- one. Let someone in front of you in traffic. Say Please & Thank You. Just be nice. It takes no effort. Who knows? It may even be contagious. Reach out with acts of kindness, God’s Blessing will come to us when you do. Our next meeting is September 7th at 9:30am. Blessings & Prayers, Kathy McCormick, President P AGE 6 T HE S PIRIT OF S T . C ATHERINE ’ S

VOCATION AWARENESS PRAYER CHALICE There are still dates available for you to have The Vocation Awareness Prayer Chalice in your home. You can help bring about an awareness and growth of Vocations by participating in this opportunity. Remember that each month is dedicated to a different Mass time. Please call the parish office at 928-636-4071 to schedule your date. The schedule is: September — 9:00 am October — 10:30 am November — 5:00 pm

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September 22, 1862: President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which ended slavery in the territories held by the Confederacy, effective January 1, 1863. In spite of the ruling, the Civil War would not end for another year and a half after that. September 14, 1901: President William McKinley was shot on September 6, 1901 while attending the Buffalo Pan-American Ex- position in New York. He passed away eight days later. September 1, 1939: In the early morning hours of this day, Hitler invaded Poland, starting World War II in Europe. Der Führer called the move a "defensive" retaliation against the persecution of Germans in Poland. September 5th, 1961: President John F. Kennedy signed a hijacking bill, making air piracy a federal crime. Punishment ranged from a $10,000 fine to 20 years in prison; if a deadly weapon was used, the perpetrator(s) could receive life in prison or even death. September 8, 1974: President Gerald Ford gave an unconditional pardon to former president Richard M. Nixon, for his role in the infamous "Watergate" fiasco. September 9, 2006: Typhoon Ketsana hit the Philippines, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Thailand, resulting in 750 fatali- ties and over $1.09 billion in damages. September 11, 2001: On Tuesday morning, September 11, 2001, members of the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda hijacked four airliners as part of a series of coordinated attacks against targets in the United States. The Twin Towers in New York City were hit by one plane each, American Airlines Flight 11 and Flight 175, while American Airlines Flight 77 was crashed into the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. The fourth plane, United Airlines Flight 93, is thought to have been headed for the White House, but passengers overtook the hijackers and the plane crashed into a field in rural Pennsylvania. More than 3,000 people lost their lives during what the deadliest terror attack on U.S. soil to date. Property and infrastructure damage amounted to over $10 billion. The attack is thought to have been ordered by Osama bin Laden, who was finally located and killed in Pakistan by U.S. Navy SEAL Team Six in May 2011. The 9/11 Memorial Museum occupies the sites where the Twin Towers once stood.

"The Catholic Way" Why do we....? How do we.....?

It is great to be back!! I see that RICA is starting again. A beautiful way to learn more about our rich Catholic faith and heritage! Please consider attending one or more sessions to hear more. You may be surprised, and happy you did. In addition to teaching the basics of our faith to those who wish to become Catholic, the leaders also prepare baptized Catholics to receive the Sacraments of Communion, and Confirmation. Most of us did receive Baptism, Penance, and Communion, when we were very young; later— Matrimony. But, occasionally, someone discovers he or she did not receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. If this is you, please consider calling the Church Office 636-4071 to make an appointment to speak with Fr. Fred, or one of our RICA leaders. Be a Blessing to each other...... St. Aloysius W...... right

Happy September Birthday Our Parish Library is open Sundays after the 9:00 am Mass. We offer a large selection for September has three birth flowers: the forget-me-not, the morning glory, both adults and children. and the aster. Forget-me-nots represent love and memories, asters repre- sent love as well, and the morning glory represents unrequited love. The birthstone for the month is the sapphire.

We would like to wish all of our Parishioners with September Birthdays A Happy and Healthy one! God bless!

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KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 11827 Special Prayer for P.O. BOX 252 CHINO VALLEY, AZ 86323 September 2021 Newsletter Father Fred Hello to all the Knights and Parishioners of St Catherine Laboure Church. We certainly hope everyone is well and staying safe. This last month, the knights presented Kallin Zehren and the Focus Group with a one-thousand dollar donation. This donation comes from the Spaghetti Dinner we O God our Father, mercifully had in July. hear our prayer as we venerate Your servant, September is BURRITO month…. Because of the pandemic and restrictions, our Saint Lucy, for the light You gave her. Shed monthly breakfast is on hold for a little while. So, the Knight’s have decided to Your light in our souls, O Lord, that we may prepare Sunday Burritos “to go” starting on Saturday the 11th and at all masses on be able to avoid evil, do good, and hate noth- th Sunday the 12 . ing so much as the blindness and darkness of The burritos consist of scrambled egg with bacon and sausage with hash brown evil and sin. potatoes and cheese. They are ready for you to take home, pop them in your micro- wave and warm them up….. The burritos are $3.00 each or 2 for $5…. After Mass, Relying on your goodness, O God we hum- just drive by the Knights tent, pick up a couple of burritos and enjoy. bly ask You through the intercession of Saint We are in Recruitment mode this month and we’re looking for a “Few Good Lucy, to strengthen Father Fred’s eyesight Men”. So, If you’re between 18 and 118 years of age and want to help the Parish and to protect him from any loss of vision. and Community, here’s your chance. The Knights of Columbus want YOU. This is May Father Fred’s eyes serve for Your a chance for men at any age to give back. greater honor and glory and the salvation of The Knights still have “Rose of Life” auto decals which will be sold after each all, that we may come to enjoy together the mass in August until they are gone. We have collected well over $1,000 in dona- unfailing light of the Lamb of God in Para- tions and we’re not done yet. The Rose of Life is a State wide initiative supporting dise. the purchase of ultra sound machines for Pro-Life Woman’s Health Clinics. Dona- tions are being accepted for a “Rose of Life” decal and any donation would be ap- O Saint Lucy, Virgin and Martyr, hear our preciated. prayer and obtain our petitions. Amen.

Knights with September Birthdays: th Reprinted with the permission of the anonymous Butch Arenivaz, Steve Dinneen, Brad Palmer and Len Rechichar, Happy 39 to author. all…

The Knight’s monthly meeting is on the 1st Thursday of the month. Mass will be in the chapel at 6 pm with afterwards. All are welcomed to join us in celebrat- Linens for September – ing Mass. Our meeting will start at 7 pm in the hall. Carol Boberg God Bless all the parishioners of St. Catherine Laboure.

Vivat Jesus!

Bob Molina Grand Knight Happy September Email: [email protected] Home Phone (928) 636-0277 Anniversary Cell phone (951) 751-7672 A 15-year-long study found that a person’s happiness level before marriage was the best predictor of happiness after Deacon Dale R. Avery will be visiting our parish to speak on behalf of Food For marriage. In other words, marriage won’t The Poor during the weekend of September 18, 2021. Deacon Avery is grateful to automatically make one happy. be joining us. We would like to wish all our Food For The Poor clergy speakers have witnessed the suffering, and the inspiring Parishioners celebrating faith, of those who sometimes have only their trust in the Lord as their daily bread. a Wedding Anniversary in September Their powerful preaching will bring to life the Gospel of Jesus Christ in today’s a very Blessed & Happy Day. hectic world. More information to follow in the coming weeks.

Our Mass Intention Book is completely filled for this year. We will let you know when the 2022 Mass Intention Book opens V OLUME 1 4 , I SSUE 9 P AGE 8

Finance Council News Happy September! This is a busy time of year for everyone, and we are so excited to have many of our ministries and events up and running again. The Finance Council had to postpone its August meeting, but we are still working on the projects mentioned in previous newsletters. In the future our parish will be seeing (and hearing) improvements to our Audio/Visual systems, as well as continuing the updates on our IT system. Our plumbing projects have been fixed and updated, which has also resulted in some needed landscape repair. We expect to be sharing news of the new gazebo and flag pole installations soon. John McLaughlin is the newest member of the St. Catherine Laboure’ Finance Council and we are excited to have him join us. And finally, it appears our counting teams have been filled and are hard at work each week. If you are interested in being contacted on an as-needed basis for counting, please contact the Parish Office. While we don’t have much “new” news this month, this past July started our new fiscal year. Below is the 2020/2021 Annual Financial Statement for your review. God bless you every day. Lara Ferrato - Finance Council

Come join us in our biannual 40 St. Catherine Laboure' Financial Statement for period 7/01/2020 thru 06/30/21 Days For Life Holy Hour Thursdays INCOME from September 23 thru Plate Income $278,506.37 October 28 after the 8:30 am Mass Building Fund $63,304.25 (9:15 am to 10:15 am). We will be TOTAL INCOME $341,810.62 praying the rosary and other EXPENSES prayers in the program before the Clergy/Staff Wages $63,884.90 Blessed Sacrament for a respect Diocesan Assessment $29,065.90 Insurance $11,679.06 for all life from conception until Liturgy $3,202.77 natural death. Appreciate all Maintenance $20,676.58 your prayers during these difficult Maint. -Capital Improve- ment $21,970.52 times. Ground Maint. Improve- ment $11,327.00 Ministry $7,928.33 Outreach $19,656.49 Utilities/Telephone $16,204.02 Formation/Rental/Office/Misc. $42,210.23 TOTAL EXPENSES $247,805.80 Bank Account Balances as of 06/30/2021 General Checking $184,106.86 General Savings $201,066.74 Building Fund Savings $197,918.38 2-6mo CD's OneAZ/Chase $363,174.56 TOTAL BANK ACCOUNTS $946,266.54

Enrollment in the Brown , Saturday October 2nd at 9:00 am Mass. Join us for Mass and Rosary Cenacle after Mass. Wearing the Brown Scapular is a way to consecrate ourselves to Mary's service. It is a sign of dedication to Jesus through Mary and a desire to live and die in a state of grace. Questions? Speak with Father Fred. Please let Father know now if you wish to be enrolled so that we may have enough on hand. "One day through the Rosary and Scapular I will save the World." ...The Blessed Virgin Mary to St. Dominic Ann Delgado Rosary Cenacle 808-778-0659 cell



Music has been ringing through our sanctuary this past month. Praise God with the lyre and the timbrel, with our voices and the organ. Please join us in singing the parts of the Mass and hymns, follow along on those pieces that are new to you so that you learn them. They will become new musical friends in time. Music is the work of God. It is a divine gift. David, the psalmist, opens his heart completely before God. We live through music, and in doing so take time and give time to the mysterious heart of life. If music is to be a grace, we learn to trust the slow work. For practicing musicians, this means discipline and patience. This is also true for non-musicians who yearn for the beauty and truth that music evokes and makes real. I read a story about an eight year old who told her parents why she loved music that was done in the church. She said because "the words taste so good!" Oh, that our playing and singing would cause people to experience that. Not the words only but the sound itself: O taste and hear that the Creator of all is merciful and good. We must teach our children to love music, not only the local culture's music but the symphony of the world. As we come to love each other's music, so we come to love the musicians and the richness of the traditions. Let us promise one other that our music will help reveal the very heart of humanity and all of creation.

Blessings Therese 760-525-7233 Music Director St. Catherine Laboure

Are you new to our parish or have been with us for a while and would like to get involved in our parish life? There are so many different ways that you can help out. Our most obvious involvement of course is being an Altar Server, EM, Lector, Sacristan or Usher. But do you know that it takes a lot of people behind the scenes to make our celebrations. We need people who can change our church colors (which is quite often) and those that can properly, wash, clean and repair our Altar Cloths. We all need prayers and we have a wonderful group of people who receive the names of those needing prayers and we pray at home for those in need. So please don’t think that you are not needed nor that you don’t have a special talent because we all have some special talent given to us by God to share with others. Give a call to the parish office 928-636-4071 and we will make sure that you feel needed because we sure need you….

HOLY FAMILY MINISTRY Hello Everyone: It's September already, where did the summer go? The children are back in school & autumn is just around the corner. It sure was a blessing that we finally had our monsoon season. Only drawback was all the flooding that occured in different areas. I hope all of you were safe & didn't experience any flood damage. Well,this letter will be short this month, because Holy Family Ministry will only be hosting one event in September. We will be having our Ice Cream Social.. It will be held on Sunday September 19th, from 11:00 A.M.to 2:00 P.M. in the Hall after the Spanish Mass. Come & choose your choice of ice cream, then move down to the variety of choices of toppings to make that scoop that much more delicious. But if you're not in the mood for just ice cream by itself then scoot yourself further down to the soda table & have a float.. . I can't think of a better way to " wet your whistle" &..... satisfy your sweet tooth at the same time. Not to mention spending some time with your fellow parishioners. So mark your calendars, put it in your phones, & come & join us. There isn't much more to relate now so I'm going to close. Have a good month, stay safe, see you in October. God's Blessings to Everyone, Sharlia Hartness .

Are you considering petitioning for an annulment of a previous marriage? An annulment should be petitioned if: …you are a divorced Catholic who wishes to remarry in the Catholic Church …you are a divorced Catholic who has already married outside the Catholic Church …you are a divorced non-Catholic who would like to marry a Catholic …you are a divorced non-Catholic who is married to a Catholic outside the Catholic Church. The Phoenix Diocesan website has all the information and guidance you need to begin the process: www.diocesetribunal.org/en/home. If you desire to go forward, please feel free to contact one of our Nullity Ministers here at St. Catherine Laboure: Deacon Michael Holmes, Roxanne Speer , or Fr. Fred LeClaire Deacon Michael Holmes — Roxanne Speer 619-820-9679 or [email protected] — Fr. Fred LeClaire AGE P 10 T HE S PIRIT OF S T . C ATHERINE ’ S

August 2021 Mass Intentions † for the Repose of the soul “Int.” = for the intentions of

Wednesday, Sept 1, 2021@ 8:30 am Friday, Sept 10, 2021@ 8:30 am Monday, Sept 20, 2021@ 8:30 am For the Holy Souls in Thanksgiving for prayers † Victor & Lois Porlier † Robert (Andy) Anderson Answered Saturday, Sept 11, 2021 Tuesday, Sept 21, 2021@ 8:30 am Thursday, Sept 2, 2021@ 8:30 am 5:00 pm † Patrick Hernandez † Robert (Andy) Anderson † Martha Hanns Sunday, Sept 12, 2021 Wednesday, Sept 22, 2021@ 8:30 am Friday, Sept 3, 2021@ 8:30 am 7:30 am † Adam Hernandez For the Holy Souls in Thanksgiving for prayers Answered Loretta Tomes—Int. 9:00 am † Robert (Andy) Anderson Thursday, Sept 23, 2021@ 8:30 am Saturday, Sept 4, 2021 10:30 am People of St. Catherine † Hoben & Kalio Delgado 9:00 am Patty Kersey — Int. Monday, Sept 13, 2021@ 8:30 am Friday, Sept 24, 2021@ 8:30 am 5:00 pm † Jim Demme † Adam Hernandez † Adam Hernandez Sunday, Sept 5, 2021 Tuesday, Sept 14, 2021@ 8:30 am Saturday, Sept 25, 2021 7:30 am † Deceased members of Andy NO MASS 5:00 pm Frances Pettigrew — Int. Anderson Family Wednesday, Sept 15, 2021@ 8:30 am Sunday, Sept 26, 2021 9:00 am † Robert Trevis NO MASS 7:30 am † Robert (Andy) Anderson 10:30 am People of St. Catherine Thursday, Sept 16, 2021@ 8:30 am 9:00 am Kramer/Oquist Family — Int. Monday, Sept 6, 2021@ 8:30 am NO MASS 10:30 am People of St. Catherine Jennifer Corbett — Int Friday, Sept 17, 2021@ 8:30 am Monday, Sept 27, 2021@ 8:30 am Tuesday, Sept 7, 2021@ 8:30 am Bob & Bonnie Forte — Int. Father Fred LeClaire — Int. Sheila Wing — Int. Saturday, Sept 18. 21, 2021 Tuesday, Sept 28, 2021@ 8:30 am Wednesday, Sept 8, 2021@ 8:30 am 5:00 pm Lance Wilson — Int. † Jerry Cuda Louise & Cynthia Kotfila—Int Sunday, Sept 19, 2021 Wednesday, Sept 29, 2021@ 8:30 am Thursday, Sept 9, 2021@ 8:30 am 7:30 am People of St. Catherine Mary Cuda — Int † Ronnie Connors 9:00 am Jerry & Judy Dick — Int. Thursday, Sept 30, 2021@ 8:30 am 10:30 am Jennifer Corbett — Int. Dennis & Martha O’Connor — Int

An Invitation to Parishioners from the Altar Society: Robert (Andy) Anderson's wife, Mary, and his family would Floral arrangements for the altar can be done “in loving like to thank everyone for their prayers, love, and support memory of” or for “a special occasion” and this will be listed in during their time of grieving. the monthly newsletter and announced at the weekend Masses.. God Bless each of you, Mary The donation for the flowers is set at $25.00. An Altar Flower Coordinator has been designated to help you reserve an available date to provide flowers for the altar. Parish Newsletter The process starts with a phone call to Terry Johnsen. For This month we are only mailing out to those Information call 713-3219. that have requested a copy to be mailed to them. Altar Flowers for the Month of September. If you know of someone or if you would like to receive a Sept. 4/5 In Loving Memory of Frank & Marion Hesselman copy by mail please let the parish office know. You can find Sept. 11/12—In Loving Memory of Patrick Hernandez a copy of this and other information on our parish website: stcatherinecv.org Sept. 18/19 In Loving Memory of Gustavo Amado Sept. 25/26 In Loving Memory of Mary Santanni JUST COFFEE For those hot summer days add a little ice to your coffee and if you add chocolate, you have an iced mocha. I will continue to sell coffee on the 3rd Saturday and Sunday of the month, but as always you can call me during

PASTORAL COUNCIL NEWS The past few months have been a busy time here at St. Catherine Laboure Parish. It is good to see so many people re- turning to the celebration of our Masses and we are eager to once again start gathering in our parish hall. If you would like to be a part of the Pastoral Council please let our parish office know. We meet every other month. Just a reminder that we will have a booth set up for the Territorial Days and hope to see you there. V OLUME 1 4 , I SSUE 9 P AGE 11

Prayer Warriors

Dear Prayer Warriors, Our special intentions for the month of September are: All those affected by the earthquakes in Haiti and elsewhere this summer, and all those involved in leaving Afghanistan. During the past month, we were asked to pray for: Nephew deployed to Afghanistan and all the other young soldiers traveling there under Biden's orders. Daughter, undergoing a difficult divorce for strength. and a favorable court decision. Warrior has been living with a brain aneurysm for several years. He asks for prayers that he be spiritually ready to accept the consequences now and in the future, and that he be ready to make his final journey - to Heaven. Co-workers and families facing very difficult circumstances. My sons: Matthew and Philip, from a worried Mom. Parishioner, who recently had surgery for a quick & complete recovery. Eleven year old Granddaughter, who needs surgery for an infection: that the Doctors may find the cause of the infection, complete recovery; peace for the family. Friend, who fell and broke her hip for complete recovery. New Prayer Requests Parishioner, may back injections will help with pain. Friend with stage 4 cancer, for peace and acceptance. Parishioner's mother entering an assisted living facility. Brother in VA nursing home. Lori Crawford's brother, who recently passed away; peace for his family. All in need of prayer, who do not ask for prayer themselves. We are also including the prayer requests received by the Divine Mercy Prayer group, as well as any requests left in the prayer basket in Church. God Bless each of you, Mary Anderson

We are sad because we just had to say no to a request. A client's brother called to ask for dental help for his disabled broth- er who needed 16 teeth removed surgically. St. Vincent de Paul has a dental clinic in Phoenix but the timing would not work for this. The quote for this work was way beyond the means of our conference so we will not be able to help. Even though we are saddened by this we are also glad that we do not have to say no very often. We are blessed with your gener- ous donations and prayers and can meet or help to meet most requests Keep us in your prayers as we come close to a time when homelessness may increase. Our meetings are the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month in the St. Michael room after morning mass. Join us. Cathy Clark/President

Month of the Seven Sorrows of Mary The month of September is dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows, whose memorial the Church celebrates on September 15. Septem- ber falls during the liturgical season known as Ordinary Time, which is represented by the liturgical color green. This symbol of hope is the color of the sprouting seed and arouses in the faithful the hope of reaping the eternal harvest of heaven, especially the hope of a glorious resurrection. It is used in the offices and Masses of Ordinary Time. Devotion to the sorrows of the Virgin Mary dates from the twelfth century, when it made its appearance in monastic circles under the influence of St. Anselm and St. Bernard. The Cistercians and then the Servites undertook to propagate it. It became wide- spread in the fourteenth and especially the fifteenth centuries, particularly in the Rhineland and Flanders, where Confraternities of the Sorrowful Mother sprang up. It was in this context that the first liturgical formularies in her honor were composed. A provincial council of Mainz in 1423 made use of these in establishing a "Feast of the Sorrows of Mary" in reparation for Hussite profanations of her images.

ST. CATHERINE LABOURE CHURCH 2062 N. Hwy 89 PO Box 152 Chino Valley, AZ 86323 Phone (928) 636-4071

In Honor of the Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary

O most holy and afflicted Virgin! Queen of Martyrs! thou who didst stand motionless beneath the Cross, witnessing the agony of thy expiring Son--through the unceasing sufferings of thy life of sorrow, and the bliss which now more than amply repays thee for thy past trials, look down with a mother's tenderness and pity on me, who kneel before thee to venerate thy dolors, and place my requests, with filial confidence, in the sanctuary of thy wounded heart; present them, I beseech thee, on my behalf, to Jesus Christ, through the merits of His own most sacred death and passion, together with thy sufferings at the foot of the cross, and through the united efficacy of both obtain the grant of my present petition. To whom shall I resort in my wants and miseries if not to thee, O Mother of Mercy, who, having so deeply drunk of the chalice of thy Son, canst compassionate the woes of those who still sigh in the land of exile? Offer for me to my Savior one drop of the Blood which flowed from His sacred veins, one of the tears which trickled from His divine eyes, one of the sighs which rent His adorable Heart. O refuge of the universe and hope of the whole world, do not reject my humble prayer, but graciously obtain the grant of my petition.

Most holy Virgin and Mother, whose soul was pierced by a sword of sorrow in the Passion of thy divine Son, and who in His glorious Resurrection wast filled with never-ending joy at His triumph; obtain for us who call upon thee, so to be partakers in the adversities of Holy Church and the sorrows of the Sovereign Pontiff, as to be found worthy to rejoice with them in the consolation for which we pray, in the charity and peace of the same Christ our Lord. Amen.