Indian Education'act--Title IV. Hearingbefore-The Congress of The
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'DOCUMENT RESUME ED 239 817 RC ,014 584 TITLE -Indian Education'Act--Title IV. HearingBefore-theI Subcommittee on Elementapy, Secondary and Vocational Education of the Committee on Education and Labor. House of Representatives, Ninety-Eighth Congress, First Session. INSTITUTION Congress of the U.S., Washington, D.C. House Committee on Education and Labor'. PUB DATE 22 Febk83 NOTE 173p ;; Small print, some tables may not reproduce well. PUB TYPE Legal/Legisltiye/Regul'atoryMaterials (09.0) EDRS PRICE MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available from EDRS.. DESCRIPTORS Adult Education; *American Indian Education; / *American Indians; ,Budgets;:,*Educational Finance; ,Educational Legislation;' Elementary Secondary Education; Federal Aid; *Federal Indian Relationship;' *Hearings; Higher Education; Needs Assessment; Organizations (GroupS); Parent PartiCipation; Resource AllocationrSchool.bistricts; Tribes;. Trust Responsibility (Government) 'IDENTIFIERS *Congress 98th; *Indian Education Act 1972 Title / . / , IV ABSTRACT i Hearings on proposed /i changes in Title IV of the Indian Education-Act were held in Washington, D.C. on. February 22, 1983-: Witnesses representing American Indian tribes and students , . presented testimony regarding the Administration's proposed rescision-, an&subsequent elimination of Title /V programs in fiscal 1984. Representatives of the National COngres of American Indians, United. Indians of Arl.Tribes Foundation, Natidnal'Urban Indian Council, <--- Association of Contract Tribal Schools, Mkssissippi Band of Choctaws, All Indian Pueblo-Council, Navajo Tribal Council, Robeson (NC) County Schools, Tribal4Education Department of Fort Belknap (MT) Community Council, Zuni (NM) Public Schools; rulsa'.(0K) Public Schools, . Minneapolis (MN) PublictSchools, Coeur d'Alene (ID) Tribal School, Native American Graduate Fellowshi0 Programat Montana State 1 ' 4 ----lUniversity, and' the Office of Indian/Edu4tion unanimously opposed- the proposed changes. Witnesses diScussed;American InclitNeducataon needs assessments, parentcparticipation in Indian education, school district budgets, the difficulties f eduCating minority students in public Schools, educational serviceprovided under Title IV, the need for the continuation of Title ' V, and the possible effects of the termination of Title IV.(SB) 4 ************************************************t**************.******* Reproductions ,supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made * from the original document. ******************'****4************************************************ INDIAN Ei7CATION MST: CPT!AVA:WIE HEARING BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON ELEMENTARY, SEC AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION OTHE pr. cv -COMMITTEE ON 'EDUCATION AND LABOR \an HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NINETY - EIGHTH CONGRESS FIRST-SESSION HEARING HELD IN WASHINGTON, D.C. ON FEBRUARY 22, 1983 Printed for the use of the on Education and Labor . U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION c NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EOUCATION 1 6., EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) C3 11 A/Thisdocument ha:. been reproddced as \t" received from the pe;on or ordanization.- originating it. Minor c..h:.nges have been made to improve reproduction quality. Pceints of view or opinions stated in this docu- ment do not necessarily represent official NIE position or policy. a U.S.GOVERNMENT. PRINTING OFFICE 18-9520 WASHINGTON : 1983 9 COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND LABOR CARL D. PERKINS, Kentucky, Chairman AUGUSTUS F. HAWKINS, California JOHN N. ERI.ENBORN Illinois WILLIAM' D. FORD,. Michigan JAMFS M. JEFFORDS, Vermont PHILLIP BURTON, California WILLIAM F. GOODLING, Pennsylyania JOSEPH M. GAYDOS, Pennsylvania E. THOMAS COLEMAN, IVssouri WILLIAM (Bill) CLAY, Missouri . THOMAS E. PETRI, Wisconsin MARIO BIAGGI, New York MARGE ROUKEMA, New Jersey IKE ANDREWS, North Caro HMI STEVE GUNDERSON, Wisconsin PAUL SIMON, Initials STEV8*BARTLETT, Texas GEORGE MILLER, California ) RON PACKARD, California AUSTIN J.'MURPHY, Pennsylvania (Vacancy) BALTASAR CORRADA, Puerto Rico (Vacalicy) DALE E. KILDEE, Michigan PAT WILLIAMS, Montana RAY KOGOVSEK, Colorado HAROLD WASHINGTON, Illinois MATHIEW G. MART[ E2, MAJOR R. OWENS, New York FRANK HARRISON, Pennsylvania FREDERICK C. BOUCHER, Virginia (Vacancy) cto SUBCOMMITTEE ON ELEMENTARY, SECONDARY, AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION CARL D. PERKINS, Kentucky, Chairman WILLIAM D. FORD, Michigan WILLIAM F. GOODLING, Pennsylvania IKE ANDREWS, North Carolina RON PACKARD, California GEORGE MILLER': California MARGE ROUKEMA, New Jersey BALTASAR CORRADA, Puerto Rico STEVE GUNDERSON, Wi4consin DALE E. KILDEE, Michigan STEVE BARTLETT, Texasl PAT WILLIAMSXMontana JOHN N. ERLENBORN, Illinois, AUGUSTUS F. HAWKINS, California Ex Officio MARIO BIAGGI, New York HAttOLD WASHINGTON, Illinois FREDERICK C. BOUCHER, Virginia MATTHEW G. MARTINEZ, California 11 CO E N T. S .Page Hearing held in Washington, D.C., on February 22, 1983 1 Statement of: Beach. Don, Superintendent, Coeur d'lene Tribal School, DeSmet, Idaho 124 Begay, Edward T., Vice Chairman, Navajo Tribal Council 62 . Bordeaux, Roger, president, association of contract tribal schools 52 Christensen, Rosemary, 'Minneapolis Public Schools, .Indian Educgtion Section . - 120 Cornelius-Fenton, Karen, director, Native American graduate fellowship program, Montage State'niversity 125 Elm, Lloyd, former grants officer, Office of Indian Education, Department,, of Education 9 1 131 Frazier, Gregory, chief executive, National Urban Indian Council 32 Leap, William, education director, National Congress of American Indi- ans 18 Lewis, Hayes, surintendent, Zuni Public Schools, Zuni, New Mexico ..... 106 Lovato, Delfin, c airman, All Indian Pueblo Council 60 .. Martin, Phillip, chairman, Mississippi Band of Choctaws '' 2 Mason, Jr., Archie L., Indian education director, Tulsa Public Schools,,, Tulsa, Oklahoma 115 Reyes, Joyce, director, Resource and. Evaluation Center Three, United . Indians of All Tribe Foundation 2q Swan, Robert, director, Tribal Education Department, Fort Belknap Com- . '9 munity Council, Fort Belknap Agency, Montana 96 Swett, Purnell, superintendent, Robeson Cotfnty Schools, Lumberton, N.0 68 PrepAred statements, letters, supplemental materials, etc.: , Azzolini, Patricia, secretary, We Indians ParentCommittee,We Indians, program, Milwaukee Public Schools, letter dated February 18, 1983, enclosing several statements 165 Beach, Don, superintendent, Coeur d'Alene Tribal School, De Smet, Idaho, 'prepared statement of ..., 124 Begay, Edward T:, vice chairman, Navajo Tribal Council, prepared state- ment of 64 Bordeaux, Roger, president, Association of Contract Tribal Schools, pre- paredstatement of 54 Brandt, August, executive director, publicaffairs, Flint Community\ .School, Flint, Mich., letter to Congressman Kildee, dated February 18, 1983, enclosing testimony 104 Briggs, Lester J., Indian education coordinator, International Falls Public '- Schools, International Falls, Minn., letter to Chairman Perkins, dated March 21, 1983 enclosing report forms 136,$ Chandler, W.'S., superintendent, Clayton Public Snools, Clayton, Okla- homa, letter to Congressman James Jones, dated February 24, 1983 162 Christerven, Rosemary, Minneapolis Public Schools, Indian Education Sectio'h, prepared statement bf a 122 Cornelius-F'enton, Karen, director, Native American graduate fellowship program, Montana State University; prepared statement 129 Creamer;onald D., executive director, Bortego Pass School, CroVmpoint, . N. Mex., letter to Chairman Perkins, dated March 3, 1983, enclosing attachments 5.4._. ' Elm, Lloyd, former grants officer, Office of Indian Education, Department i ;of Education, prepared statement of 134 (lip i IV Prepared statements, letters, supplemental materials, etc.Continued Fxank, Delbert, Sr., chairman, Tribal Council, The 'Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon, letter to Chairman Perkins , enclosing "The Zero Option: A New Tacticto Eliminate Title IV Indi Page Education Act. Programs," 43. 148 Frazier, Gregory, chief executive, National Urban Indian Council: ---iN, better from Senator Kennedy, dated March 10, 1971 33 Prepared statement of. , , A 51 Grover, Linda Le Garde, Hibbing, Minn., letter to Chairman Perkins, dated March 16, 1983 147 Knaeble, Michelle L., Hibbing, Minn., letter to Chairman Perkins, dated March 17, 1983 . 146 Leap, William, education director, National Congress of American Indi- ans, prepared statement of 21 Lewis, Hayes, superintendent, Zuni Public Schools, Zuni, N. Mex., pre- pared statement of 4. 109 Martin, Phillip, chairman, Mississippi Band of Choctaws: "Journal of American Indian Education," booklet entitled 4 Prepared statement of 14 Mason, Archie L., Jr. project director, title IV-A, Tulsa Public Schools, prepared statement: 118 Powers: Lucille A., Cohatiet, Minn., letter to Chairman PerItins, dated March 17, 1983 ' " 146, Reyes, Joyce, director, Resource and Evaluatidn Center Three,' United Indians of All Tribes Foundation, prepared statement of , - 29 Stangel, Caroline, title IV Indian Education, Grand Rapids, Minn., letter to Chairman Perkins ,147 Swan, Dr. -Robert J., executive director, Fort Belknap Tribal Education Department, Fort Belknap Community Council, Harlem,. Mont., pre- 99 pared statement of , Swett,. Purnell, superintendent, Robeson County Board of Education, Lumberton, North Carolina: Prepared statement of 71 Prospectus, Robeson County Compensatory Indian education project 74, Tippeconnic, John, president, National Indian Education Association, letter to Chairman Perkins, dated March 3, 1983 enclosing a statement