The Conversion of from a British GolonY to a SPecial Administrative Region of the People's RePublic of : A S6lected Bibliography Annie Y. Hor

first Special Ad- at midnight on July 1, 1997 Hong-Kong. became the As the world watched, to Britain bv the ;j"#iil;Fi[;n oi tn".p"oii"s"n"i'joiit or cnin"."cedea and leased

#ff ltJ?J"',%?rl**i*ti:ll"t'','."s,x;1ru:llu:i& !?:l; {frf;g I,E!.:!;under tr''org;' n'oi-polit icatry aemocratii. l-t was free and capitalist iJiO ii"""ti.ili."ntei,'and rhe chinese mother- ili;;; ;;j;, ;il; itanoaro ot rivins retitivetv nisner than thal or china"'#fi :'tffi 'fi 'il""1 ff *:r':gil:",T:mru:*l*,*:tri'":nnrui.luil;ff',l1f, worlds i""r.""i"i 6i ini"" in ts+'s, Hong Kong and th6. mainland became- two ditferent -'ih;;";;i;ii"; rn"b,iiiii ino Cninese governments on the luture of Hons Kong o"i*""n interest o"lji iiiYddil'Fi"rln" uijdi."i"s the Chinese goveinment made it clear that its sole y,i;hhit"iru:i:;;t;::,'w:[.ru''*-*"!'i;Eil"1^,"J'p;E#r+'';;,f#'E$ll: :;; principle. In the 984 qino:9'ilitl ;'";;td 6'"-.y'.t"ttt .1 its freedoms, its so- pilriiil H,i"g rond riny y""i, oi-uironomy, allowing rhe city ro maintain lne riasic Law of the Hong Kong SAR cial and economic systems, uno-i[-lupitiriJi rre-styt! In lYvu' was enacted and adopted by the Chinese L:ongress amortg Hong Kong residents Even after the Basic Law was'Jopt"a tn"r6 *"r gou"rn.unt. JJ.irJto comply witn"kepticism its promises Other countries observed about the Chinese within a so- iliil i;i;;"-.i, ;-""d-"itng no* tne new rrjmewdri lwhich embeds a capitalist city aitect uon-g Kong and China both politically and economicallv' .j"ii.i much debate years since tte haidover' During this period' there has been It has"orntrvl*ouio been three ltwas oruOoO" ior the mainland-bbrn children of Hong Kong.parents i6firrr" liii,",1ght made by "" when tn" a"i1ng government, interfered with the decisions i"ui."r|lirv human rights is- "o"i;;veTsialForiii"ar pressure glroJp-s continued to criticize China on il;il1;;6 Slmllll1g-ous with but unrelated to the sues and to "6uits.push lor tot" o"to""iu-"y'in-riong xong blow d-uring the Asian financial chanqe of ownership, Hong Ko;g sufie'ed a rialor 6conomic years, the city remained in r-e-c^esslon' ine t"rr or tggz. roi two nego' maieiLts published between 1983' when the Sino-British "iliir-inThis biblioqraphy inctuOes in zoob""i*" y"ijt t19 gglversion Althoush limited to works ,i"ili',i i""dl"ii'lXi'ri,i'""iv ,"-tt"t formats and works that is comprehenslve rn scope, including materials. in various Enqlish, ir though abundant In oinerent po-iiriiai views. w5rro wioe web.resources, ;;;;i;,;;sJoi most web sltes lt i"rit"o"i i""" ut"n intentionirry e*ituoeo-owing to the-volatile nature of current and updated versions of woutd be advisabte to use weo 3e"ai"ii"ngin"i t&id"ntitying Web materlals-

r59 Bulletin ot Bibtiography Vol. 57, No. 3

Tjtg bibliosl?.ehy. is organized by type of materiar, and in mosr cases further subcateoorized bv- date of publication. ciration sryt6 foilows the sixth eoirion oi tiite t_. iri^iiJi:" for Writers. iiili"it


l Hong Kong rsrand was ceded'er.the lo tirst opium war (rg3g-1g42), which was the beginning res ol trading wars between or a se- china and roreign poweii. Atteirhd s-e-cino-o-fum war Britain tarned the sovereignry or Kowroon peninsura 1r85s-1860), ob_ iouirr ai*err. r" rbsia iJrili Ji"""rage or a china weahened resun or her ross in the sino-JaDanese-war as a or 1894-1gg5. gririin iurr'h"iiJ;"ud rhe Manchurian tr.,aries (comprisins governmenr ro j"rf::,1?ll"* 92 p",""nt or *,eioi"tiiiJ oi ,"'oi'"." Ho"q Kons) for years "."" 99 trom Th'e 2 oing Dynasty was overlhrown in 191 1 ; lhe chinese .epublic lasted until 1949 when the comrnunists deleated lhe Nalronalisl governmenl durino a civil wat crri"a t-iin":" ure"ir,iip"op]"fn"proli" leaders tled to laiwan - of china. The Nationalist and maintajn there an independent Republic of Cniia.

BOOKS ed. The Dtalt Basic Law of Hong Kong: Anaty- sis and Documents. Released Baltimore: School ol Law, U;i_ before 1997 -, versiiy ot Marytand, 1999. Symposium on Hongkong: Amnesty lnlernatrona L tgg7. Bani- Hong-Kong md Human Bghts: more: schootol Law. rtaws tn University ot Maryland. lgg5 tne system; A Case lot lnstitutonat Flelorm unru,^, Hungdah. y yuan-Li york c. Jao. and wu, eds. rhe *, Ne!,t, : Am nesry I nrer f,utute nf,:X: of Hong Kong: fowatd t99Z and Beyond. :::r!ff "hrs New York: Quorum Atwood.,.Erwin, and philip pubtic Books. 1987. H. Cheng. Opinion Conreff. Robert. The and Media End ol Hong Kong: fhe Secrcl Use n Hong Kong: fh;"tgg7" Ouestton. urpromacy inalrn. of Impe alRet eat.I ondon:John Murray. Ne$/ lerriiories, HOng Konq: Centre lor HOng 1993. Kong Sludies. Inslilule ol Sociat-Stuaies, Ctrrnesi Counldo.wn lo 1997: Hong Kong in the Tensition.lFte. unrversrly ol Hong Kong, 1986. _ search resuls ^ presented at a workshop on l0_t I and Ann Marie MajoL Good.bye. Nov. t-995.) "y?.o.:,-..ll;.\',we o t'uDltc Hong Kong: Hong Kong Transitron pro- Opinon and the tgg7 ptobte; n recl. 1995 Ctesskill, NJ: Hampton press, i996. ^.t1on9.Kong. Davies. Ken. Hong Kong alter t99Z London: Econo_ : he1 cotonv that Neve' was m|st hte 4ence Unil, 1996. tT ]'',!i;l?i;f?13'f33i? Dofan. Ronafd E. Chinas prcspects tot the tggls Hons Kons: south washtnglon. "%il: \:&Z.tssT D.C.: Federal Research Drvision, Lr. orary ol L;ongress, 1993. ^?"1i;.i1t Dratting Comminee for the Basic Law. The Drafi Basrc ^^e";,!";1,1,I3f, '"J',niJ;,il;59;';91-"'"""npotitics speciat Admingtrarive Reson uu(on. unartes. ed. and Society in Hong \1y?t peopte:!" ry!s!<-S presented Kong ot ne s Republic of China (fot Soticnatt;n towads | 997:.papers at the Canida ol anid yy:t:ns w:!h @ aN Summary t workshop. Brcak Ltnivesity, llrtquc Hong Kong. 19!9 ^onS S Januaty | ne uonsulative Committee tor lhe J99l. Toronto:Joint Cenlre lor Asia pa6itic _ Basic Law:19gg: Studres, Emmons, L;harles F. Hong Kong prcparcs fot tggT; ald cn,1:^l-lll_"1 gi Holg Kons tssT: pespondins l?t:tlcs Flnigtat@n n 1987. Hong Kong: Centte to oI Asran,-Sludies, L,niversity of Hong Kong. tggg Business rniernariinar EVra[f,F i3:"6ffiJr,::i%#ns: Wltfiam. ed. Counseling in paciltc Rim Coun. ties: Pasl, Present. Chan Man. Futurc.-San l\,4ateo, CA: Lake ,Joseph and Chin-Chuan Lee. Mass Medta Press. 1996 Fflends ot Hong_Kong Commiflee tU.K.l. Seminar .lil?"{::f f ptoceedings: tnil^.t1,;3:'3i;l,K#:il?x,{ff ,{i*"'; I w):.nouse_ol Lords\. "Hong Kong in .t'ng K.. and David J. Ctatks. The Hong Kong IGns -Semiiar Btueuinr "Stabitity ioD-The Two year Counidown.: l:2!:.1:y., tot and proiperiri.. rarper. ra|waft sovercisnty2 Friends ol Hong Kong and Macau g;::j":i;3:* Armonk. Ny: M E Association. t995. Or:?j-t_rltli. House ot Commons. Foreign Arrafrs lltl'."r"nt. '?ii: kf,r:,."::,:.3?#:i Uommittee. Relations between the lJnit;d {ft ;:,!::,- an! Chiry n the Petiod up to York:i!i:a,: Oxtord University press, tggS. ::P:o:! and beyond ^{ong:Newuneng- . rve/. rtrcI He(mtt. London: HMSO, lgg4. JosepiY S , and Sonny S. H. Lo. eds. From Htstotical^Changes uotony,to sAB: in Hong Kong and South China Hong Konga cha enges anead Jocto.uuttutat Hong Integrction loward | 997. Kong. Chinese Univeraity press, 1995. presentations.J l1onlercnce ^, Honolulu: University ot Hawair al Manoa. """i,il!iltpt!i!"rtrF;J;Z;:i";,:;;#l^?",t, Schootot Hawaiian, Asran. a;d pacific Stud_ Baltmore: res, Uenter lor Chinese Studies, 1991. School ot Law. Universily ol Marytand. Ho:9 !?np/Ch!a H^u:nan Bights Cottec! ion. Oryaniza. lons Hepo s. {30 volumes ot reports. announce. 160 The Conversion ol Hong Kong

The Fa ol Hong Kong: Chinas Ttiumph issued by organl- Robert,-Zii Mark. ments, and other communications Bellayai. (Revised and updated edi' gong Kong Human Rights Moni- a,i" t t.iioiiir"n"" rn" Vorx: ,lotin wiley & Sons l996 and the Democracv'la,', iJi Liogiinesearch roundation Denise Ka Wing Tong' eds UD Kons elc 1987-98 ""Rornanlut, Susan ano iiiCrriniruno, erc tsong ii:i"ii- iii"", Hong Kong wonen Facing 1997' 1gg7: Society in lransiion Tokyo Japan Uoio-tn"stitute-ot Xong Hong fong, Hong Kong Women Christran Council Devetoping Economies l 996 ahina: cotonlat Bute Goes but York: Sl. ''-ii.uiii' iriiaitr,r"'to Seoal. Gerald. The Fate ot Hong Kong New wottd Ma et ts Thete Io stay Lon' C"inatist lilarlin s Press, 1993 irghl ( Inlernationalst Communisl Hisrcty ol ilniW;rkft strioo.-Sreve. Hong Kong Chna: A Political " 'iiZ ftanstet to chinese Rute Review 1985 ir:ii"i cot6nv s ri'iii,oiiii sotrtion Beijins: Beij'ns 1995 I aw: tn chi' Jetlerson, NC: McFarland, ii, ii"iv-i6"+cn" ng. The commo.n xong towads 1997: Histotv De' "iL{i Hong Kong universitv siji, r'lrcttier. long iontiri iong-xong' -";;;;;;; aid'rrans-it ion- Hons Kons: vrctoria and 1gg7: sttateges lot the .n".71-C..ii. uorg xong fltt"l rhe Futute ot Hons Kons rhou' ""-rriri". pioceedings t Hong Kong: cen- a-tffi;: , rConr"r"-n"e 1996 Kong 19^85 sand Oaks: Sage'" ii oi ldi"n stro,"t universitv ol Hong tnte ude: Hong Kongs 1gg7: A Chtistan Per' soil-ren, ietmut] reg istative x*oi'' rti"i w"no Hong Kong Kong 1992 arlicles and let- Eoad to t99Z Hong soective. (Coliection ol speeches tiicole lunet Whats Gotng lo Chrislian Conlerence ol,-rec,-iiiien and iJri t xo*ioon, Hong xong: tggT n Hong Kong: Evetything You 1991 'i[fi"a in Asia. Urban RuratM'ssion, xno* Srngapore: New York: Prenlice- "-.-iggz, io,ng xongs struggle lot Sellhood o Hall, 1996. Honq Kong: Daga Press. 1996 Pohtics Hong - Y So ed fhe tsang. Steve, ed- Govenmenl and r*oi<.'Reqi;ato YIn-Wang. and Alvrn Press 1995 '" Lin*: Pa nerchip in Flux ko-ng: Hong Kong University iino iono'Au"ngdong ed Hong Kong Chna and 1997: Sharpe 1995 wacls] Ravniond. Arm6nk. NV: M E tn teeat Theoty Hong Kong: Hong Kong g. with Fate: Hong Kong 1997 Hong Eiavs rrmO. X. ,q Oate Press, 1993 1984 tlniversilv Kono:-C'nao-ct Lincoln Green, Honq fong lgg7:The Polittcs ol Ttansi' ia. Hong Kong allet the Sino'Btitish wJo. EnGo. rir.- -iol.ii"iit Boulder: L Bienner. 1995 io lnstiutionat Change in a De' lio;. 'oZiain t,^it" ano wong Siu-Lun eds Hong Kong s potttv. New Territories Hong Kong: wani. Cunq*u. Shatrn. Tinsttioi: A Decade altet the Deal Hong Kong: fo, H6ng Kong Sludies lnstilule ol Social '1995' benite York: Oxlord Universily Press, university ol Hong Kong 1985 New dr-rJi"", itt" Cr'in"t" Hong Kong Baves 1992HongKong: Basic Law ol the Hong Wano. Kwok Nai Liu. Oingquan. The ABC ol the 1994 Region China: China Ho;o Kono Christian Inslitule. Kono'aDecial Administtative weLn,"rra*l A Botrcwed Place: The Hisbty o{ Hong Press, 1 996 " -fono. lnteacontinenlal flew Vorl: fodansha Internalional, 1996 and Richard E lvcconnell Jr' '"-iiervr"Connl||, Richard E .llcr.. eo. The Futue ol Hong Kong.and Tai' tivestnent Owonunity of a Liletime: Hong wiiri-am"s.' *an. East Lansing, esran Studres Cenler' Michigan tggz and Fieyond. Arlington: Summit Pub ioig State University, 1985 Group. 1996 Yahuda Hong Kong and Abandonmenl wo-no.lonn,'-1n6 anO tuti"hael B. MAur;, William. Pertdtous Albion: The ot China London: Suntorv '-i-iing t99z Washinglon DC: Elhrcs and i'iopte s Bepubhc Xong bJnite, lonaon bcnool ol Economics and Polilical Publ'c PolicY Center, 1992' Scaence, 1996 nrtnl.j'r, eC Legat Forum on NalPnaliry' Pass' tl.fnti.'' -rl:rrtt China s Sectels and Hong Xong s Future Hongkong: The Canadian chamber Vao.-g'vanq. a tggz. Vantage Press. 1995 ii Co.terce in Hong Kong: lhe Facully ol Law ol New'York lhe Universily ol Hong Kong, 1990 Reaction ol ''r,,r"nili -in" W"in"i, c o-ping ith t 997: Tne in 1997 t'long Kong"c. People lo the Ttanslet ol Powet Released l995 iiile-onlrt"nt]Enstand: Trentham Books Politics l\.4. Ackbar. Hong Kong: Culture and the Kongs Futue The View ot a 'Abbas. '-i'i6i""ppu^t"r"". Neo'h.-ionq Antfrony Hong Minneapolis: University ol Min' l.:A Neoh 1990 KonoLa*vei s Press, 1997 p,ooir.-p"r"riiJng xong Bising: The Hstoty o{ a Be' nesota ''i)ixin Alfen, Jamie. Seeing Red: Chinas Uncompromtstng pb"i aurn-slown bnlario: General slore ''''lahiiver ot uonekng. Singapore: B'H Asia' 1997 Pub. House, 1995 paaiarnent Joint Standing Committee on postlqiio;, A ed Education and societv tn 'nusiratil. '-ioreiqn ' Gerard , nirairs. oetence, and Trade Hong Kong the --iini One Counuy and Two Systems xono, Towatd Tiaiiter ot Sovereigntl Auslralia: The Parliamenl nv: U. E Sharpe. 1991 erm-onf, 1997. Kevrn. AIy on the Rocks Hong Kongs Uncer Hong Rallertv.-tii'irtir". grown, l!1 . and Rosemary Fool eds (Re;ised and updaled edrlon ) London: - -/;,ngiJuOitf' transitions. 1842-1997 New York: Sl Marl New York: Penouin Books, 1991 Law ol lhe Hong Kong in's Press. 1997. Rei;rence Papet; fot he Basic The Boad to 1997 Cam' '-dpicia ReEon the Peoples eu"ki"v. Boq"r' Hong Kong: eamin,strative ol --o,iJ6e, Universilv Press 1997 '{.i-iitic (o,all). Hohg Kongi secrelariat oi ui< ,ca.oridge oicnina Niger' and Patrick 1165s fhe Hong Kong Committee {or the Basic Law ol lhe Camer"on. tnJ Consultative Collecl@n:Memotabilia ol a Colontal EG lPiclo(ial Xonq Specral Adminrslrative Regron ol the ifono *o*s.) t-tong fong, formAsia Books. 1997. Peo;les R;Public ol China. 1989 t6t Bulletin of Bibliography Vol. 57. No. 3

Chan, Mang K., ed. fhe Cha enge ot Hong Kong,s Wang, Man Fong. China's Besumption ot Sovercignty Reintegtation with China. Hong'Kong: Ho-ng tAH h oJ Donesticand tntenat@naiOde;. Etecton ot the Hons Kons sna trn. Region: 19sB Etecho; Hong Kong: Chinese Untverstly press. :l?c:1t ad.linistgt.Neprinting Sp;- _ c€l Hong Kong: Department, 199g. I i. potiticat F's:l9rt Hong Kong: The P€ng-Kwong. ed. Odet and power Ttansr :rqTrey:. Cha enges ol ,J?:":: Lnarge. New york:Asia Socjely, j99g. r-o Hons Kons: chinese unrvers y t,o)^"l9ly:, ifllf J*l The rinat yearc or Btt'sh Hong Mclaren. Robin. n.e D6cou6e ol Colontal Withdrawal. & aini Recorct in Hong Kong. Lon- ^.ong:^t Nei don:fioyal Instilute YOrK: 51. Manin s Press. tggg ol Inlernational Afl;rrs. A;ia-pa- Fosh Patricia. ctlc programme, 1997. ed. Hong Kong Management and LaDout: Uonltnuity york: to::1919. H91q KotiS Handover: and Change. Ne,N Rout. Signed, Seated redge, 1999. alq uet!,ered Hong Kong: FormAsra, 1997. rvlusnKal.,. Ghgj, Ylsh Hong Kongs New Constitutpnat Hoda. One Countty. Two lntehat@nat Legat Otder: t'etsonattlies: fhe r ne Hesumption of Chinese Sovereignty and the Case ot Hong Kong. Hong Koig Easrc press, Law 2nd ed Hong Kong Hong Kong Unrver_ . _Kol'S^Uniyellity 1 9-97. sity Press, 1999. ^J91s uay tn Htsloty. the Betun ol Hong Kong Herschensohn. Bruce. Memot.ial Album. Hong Kong: ed Hong Kong at the Handovet. Sing rao uarry and {uoneclton Hong Kong Standard, t997. ot lranscripls ol speakers who addressed ^ yasuo a Hong Kong conference in 1997. unlsnr. ed. One Country, Two Syslems: sponsored by The Chnas uraremOnl InSlilule.) Lanham Lexrnglon i:';ffii".]?g? Japan: r;srirure' or Deveropini BOOkS R'ojr]._S:9.t, Howlett. Bob. Hong Kong 1998. Hong Kong: Inlorma- eq..fgilllbs and Economics ot Hong Kong. - uommack. Ny:Nova publishers, tion Services Deparhenl. 1998_ _ Science 19g7. Hsiung. I sang Sleve YUi-Sang James Chleh, ed. Hong Kong lhe Supet paG- . Hong Kong. Appontment with dox:_L tle alter Beturn to China. New yort :St. Mart- *{:fi in s Press. 1999 ,::lf; !)# !i'A ;i ;13'lii o, }7J,,, and yoshiko Status ot Hong Kong Battimore:"l Nakano. eds. Fepo.l/r,g School ot Law,",,., Uni. ", ^":9!1..1j"".Hong Kong: Forelgn versrty ot Maryland, 1997. Medta and the Handovet. Ne; YorK. 5t. Ma.lin s press. 1999.

162 The Converslon ol Hong Kong

-Courtino Oualms: Hong Kong Businesses kom Britan to China: Po' Lr. Panq-Kwong Hong Kong Far Easlen Economic Be' - Electotat Dynamics and Instilu' race HinJoveigurotes: ui"it Ct""ig"". 1996, Ashgate 2000 -'.vrew. 25 Aorrl 5H6 tiiiat bnang6s Naershol: '-" ls Enclave ls Akeady Su(en- ol China Hong irre'o'e Cast: r',r'iiaiier. outiavr.o. Peoples Bepublic gmorace: Far East Economrc Re' ' 'tioig negion: Becent Eco' derino robtlnas 'i6i"-5*"iop^unt"spuii ea.inistative 1996, 24-25. washington 0c Inlernalional view.26"'" SePt. I]-oiriio grassracks Fat Easten Economic MonelarY Fund 1998. 1996 14-15 Govenment and Polilics of Hong Beview.25''-jiJno Ja r,,rin"if.' lhe Up to Realily;Colony Yrelds to China (5th edrlion with posthandover update ) tlong i;;o. on rransl'o;'tsiues fat Easlen E@nomic Review' iioni; i.r-"* Vo,l, ottord Universilv Press l998 - and I Mav 1996, lFl6 Nqol iik-Wing. eo Hong Kongs Hisloty: Stale Revia ll --io"i"t, Roulledge' .iGag Order. Fat Easten Economic und", Colonial Rule London: t,,t,,100a trJL ""'t .:gir'ir %r, cround: cotony Prolesls al china s p"lrlllbt,ir,opt E" st and west:The Last Governor -it sttoits to rrim gitt ot Righls:' Fat Eastern Economic koig ",on Powet Frcedom and lhe Fulue iong 16 Nov. 1995' 3F37 1998. Fev,eq- London l\racmillan. .ipartv Control: Far Easten Economic Review. hstitutionat Change and the Pohtrcal S";ii,l;;. t. 1996, 29-30 --iiniiit,on Hong Kong New York: St Manins 27 June n e1l.lq1: A Sletv ol Transition lssues Re- Press. 1998. --l-i-:psadv Re''/iew'27 A So' main Ljnits6lved] Far Easten Economic So. ,qr"in v. Hbng xon g's Embarled Demoaacy: --"i"rri g"tli.ore: Johns Hopkins Universily June 1996,28-30. ,qnrins,i ciiiJv.-sruce, and Matt Forney. "Anniversary Blues: 'RLt" Muzzles Tiananmen Commemora- cotoniat stale and sociat Poticv: ov u"* ,"il:itil:31"""n- Eastern tanonic Review l3 June 1996' so"'at- fuatari Development io Hong Kong t:uni'lar tssz. Lanham: universily Press ol America' 18. 1ai2 Howard, Therese. Hong Kong Prepares and Hopes 1998. Aul 1996, l5-17 Hong Kong: Chinas New colony Lon' Ame ca,1? Vinei Steohen. "tian In the Mrddlel Fat Easlen Eco' Press 1998 r"ro. Joniit'an. don: Aurum iomic Beview,13 Oct '1994, 16. 116ns Kona: China s Neu/ Colo'y (New edr- Failh. "The Right Stutl: Clean Cops Harder to O;ion Business,2000 '--ii"aKeenan, tron.) Lond;n as rggz Loom! " Far Easten Economic Re' and John Wong eds Hong Kong in -Wa'ig. C;ng*u' 1995, 19 r'ne Cha enges o{ Translon Singapore: v,ew, 19 Oct. Cina. x"iru. Caitrin. "Business as Usual lor Hong Kong? Times Academic Press, 1999. iotio: The Magazine lot Magazine Management' 15 Yee. Alberl H., ed Whithet Hong Kong: Chinas --ih"don Nov. 1996,3H0. o, Visionaty Gteam? Lanham: Universily '1999. Li. D;id K.P 'China in 2046. Far Easten Economic Press ol America, Review Annual SPEISS (1996): 188-89' Liu. Shuvong. -Hong Kong: A Legacy of Colonialism Beiiina Review.l Julv 1996' lO-12 ARTICLES Bever- --.ion,forO. W-insron "Hong Kongs Progress loward th; U s." lJs Depa ment ol Published before January 1' 1997 tmoiications-tor State Di Patch' 22 JulY 1996, 37H2 Ren. Xin. "ihe Hong Kongqand'otl:' Beiiing Review' 1 Barnathan, Joyce 'Hong Kongs New Bossl E'lsness Julv 1996. 7-9. week. 23 Dec. 1996, 50-52 -- ' Nono Kono s Slabilily and Prosperily Depend Burole, Geoll "As Sun Sels on Brrtish Empire in Hong -Lo;o, on OursetGs: BbrTrng Beview SAug 1994 20 Induslry Gears for Relurn to China: Bil/board "Residents Seek 6ritish Passports as Handover 26 Ocl. 1996, APOI-3 Doubls Growl Far Eastern Economic Review' 11 Tal Ming "Crvil Commolion: un- Cheung. -Bureaucrats Aoril 1996. 14-15. senl;d bv Proipect ol Handover: Fat Easlen Eco' Rosario. Lourse Do. A Courl Too Far: Democrals Vow nomic Review,I JulY 1993,20 -Hazy to R"i""t Sino-British Accord " Far Eastern Eco- Chino, Frank. Chinese Law Spells Trouble nomic Beview,22 June 1995, 20 Va"oue Language tJnseltles Those Who Wish to Live -Far .;Sland Up and Be Countedl' Fat Easten Eco' inionq Ko-ng Easrcn Economic Review O July nomic Beview,28 Sepl 1995, 16-17' 1995.34. on Far Eastern -A Law Court in a Marxisl SenJer, Henny.;Trading Uncerlainty Davis. MrcnaetC. Common 1996, 52-58' Review in the Hong Economic Beview,3 Oct. Countrv. The Case lor Judicral -Miles lo Go: Beiling s Suspicions of lnternational Law and Silverman. Gary in* siR. Oenne..lo urnat - (ong Far Easlen Economic (1987): l-32. CtouJ Ftong RallPlan Policv 16. 1 69 'gisrer.n New slalesman & So- Feview, 13 June 1996. c"rr, Fl"ri. rreedoml' Far Easten Economtc 16-17 "Now, the GoodNe'lvs' ciety, 30 Aug. 1991, 46--47 -cirniins to Julv 1 1997 Bet|ng Re' Rewew, 1 Au}.1996' Ce. iil Down "1s35u'1e lsland: Whal will China Do with 1996,4. ---J-- vlew. 1 JulY -. Pol ol Gold?" 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over io China Looms.', Maclea, s. 5 Feb. 1996, "Fair Winds." Aslan Feview 26-28. ol Business and Technol- ogy, Aptil 1997. 21 . ''Turning Back ihe Ctock in 1997.,' The Economist,6 'Fan Elected Head ot Legat Body. Beiing Beview,.t7 Jan. 1996, 2t-26. Feb. 1997, 4. Yahuda, Michaet..,The Tiananmen Clock ls Ticking.,, "The First to Go;' lndex on Censorchip (1997J: The 26, 1 Wo d Today 52, 1 O (1 996): 261_{3. 174-'75. "Yo|J ll Be-A Right, you Really Wi .' The Econotuist,4 "Gambling with Red Chips: Hong June 1988.30-31. Kong s Handover. tne Lconom6t,14 June 1997.68. Zyla, irelena K. "Devilot ponder .GFS a Ditemma: Churches Looks tor New Cooperation pLA.,Iylatlo, How with to Get Close to . Fat Easten Economic Week 8 Space Technotogy,30 June 1997, 4647 . Hey,ew. 1 Aug. 1996, 17. cilley, Bruce. Balancing Act: How Autonomous ls the Territory s Future Boss? Fat Eastern Economic Re_ view, Published lgtween January 1 and 13 March 1997.25-26. 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168 The Conversion of Hong Kong

Bob, ed. Hong Kong /998. Hong Kongr Inlor- lectively." D.Min. dissertation, Westminster Theolog- Howlett, Services Debarlment, 1999. Computer laser icai Seminary, 1991. mation Wai-Chu. "A Study of Language Attitudes to- oDticaldisc. Luno, Kong: South China Morning w;rds Canlonese and Putonohua ol the Hong Kong 1gd7 Handovet. Hong laser oplicaldisc. Chinese People in the Run Up to 1997: A 3-Tier Ap' Post. 1997. Comouter Moning Post, Hong Kong 1997 Count' oroach.'Ph.D. lhesis, University ol Essex, 1996' South China Histotv. Hong Kong: SCMP, l997 Com- RaDooort, Erik A. "Extradilion and the Hong Kong Spe' down to puter laser oplical disc ciai Adminrstrative Region:Will Hong Kong Remain a Separate and Independent Jurisdiclion atter 1997? M.A. thesis, Universily of Calilornia, Berkeley, 1996' The Fulure ol Direct Elections in Video Cassette Bvder.'Hong Nancv A. Kong atler l997 M A. thesrs Universily ol Producer, Michael Doyle: Director, Janet Tennessee. 1988. China Bules- min. Svdney, Australia: ABC, 1997 Tsanq. Kin Yip. -1997-{he Fulure ol Hong Kong: Poli- Collins. 35 Economics. and International Relalions Hon' Videocassette. tici. min. Sydney Australia: ABC, ors Scholar Program thesis' Edison Community Enter the Dragon.90 Colleoe, 1997. 1997. Videocassette. ol Human Fteedom and Progress' Tuno. Hinowen. "The Boles ol China Hong-Kong. and Hona Kono: A Stoty Wadlow; direclor' John Haggarly 29 Tiiwan in the Chinese Economrc Region A M the' Pioducer. Jean Petersburg, FL: irodern Talking Picture Se' sis, Universily ol Southern Calilornia, 1994. min. Sl. Elizabeth Anne. "British Policy Concern' vice, 1994. Videocasselte. Van Houlen, l20min Hong Posi-1997 Status ol Hong Kongl'M.A. thesis, The Hona Kono Handovet Celebat@ns ino the TVgl distrrbulor' 1997' SulRoss State University, 1996 Kono:-The Consorlium; Wono. Hon Mrno. "Contronting 1997: An Oral Hislory Videocassene. special 4 hr Landover. Induiry lhe MiOration and Draspora Expenence Hona Kqla HandoveL 9z CNN Network; dislributed by Federal ol Hono'nlo Konq Chinese in lhe Unrted Stales M A Mb: c;ble News House,'!997. Videocassette. thesis. balilo;ia Slate Universily Fullerton l99T Documenl Clearing t997. Pad I & // Produced by Wono. Samuel K. An lnvesligalron ol lhe Commercial Hona Kono Prclude to Plansburgh Fuiure ol Hong Kong llom 1986 lo 1997 M.8A Lirrv Shaoiro in assocralion with WCFE 60 min. Hong lhesis, Azusa Pacific University, 1986. and the PBS Border Consortium. Wu, Christopher Michael. Awakening the People be' Kong: World Allairs, 1991. Videocassette Today and fore 1997i The Developmenl ol Hong Kong's Demo' Hona Kona, the Sile Bevolution Yesleday Video Library 59 min cratic ldentity. A.3. honor lhesis. Harvard University. IJrnorr6w. CNN Newsroom 1 Videocassette. 1995. lJnited States: Turner Learning, 998. Libby Halli- Zhang, Yu. Covering the Hong Kong Transilion:A Con- Hono Konq Slotv.Wtinen and drrected by Ftlm tent Analvsis ot the News Stories by China's Xinhua oiv; pro,-duced oy Elaine Forsgate Marden: lhe the Discovery Ne\,l/s Aoencv and the Associated Press ot lhe lJniled Business Lld in association with TV. min. States bltw6en Nlav I, 1997 and August 3t 1997 Channel, RTBF Television Belge, SBS 58 Ph.D. disseriation, University ol Kenlucky, 1998 Sydney, Australia: SBS, 1997. Videocasseite. Frcedom 27 min Zhao, Dacai. Will Hong Kong Be Able to Preserve lts Hona Kono Tomonow lhe Fulurc ol Televrsion l994 Growing Financial Markets atler 1997? M.BA.the' ciaDel Hill. UNC Center lor Publrc sis. Ne!t/ York Institute ot Technolooy, 1996 Videocassette. Hona Konq Two YeaG and Counlng. Origrnally broad- cJst on-Asra Business nelvs in 1995. 25 min. Santa OTHER FORMATS Monica: Producer's Media Internalional, 1996 Videocassette. Audio Cassette Hong Kong Yesterday, Last Crcwn Colony in Asia Otig' inallv broadcast on the PBS television program Globe Watch. Executive producer. Richard W Hatch: pro- American Association ol Law Libraries Meeling (891h: ducer. Maorice Talbot.27 min. Chapel Hill: UNC Cen' 1996: lndianapolis, lN). Hong Kong t99z Valencia, ter lor Public Television, 1994. Videocassetle CA: Duplicaled by Mobiltape, 1996 Cassette. Hong Kong-Yesteday, Today and Tomo(ow. 53 min. Lee, Archie C. C. Hong Kong's tansition to 1997: Auslraka: SBS. 1997. Videocasselte Christian Responses to Confidence Ctisis. SO mtn Svdney, The Lasi Governol 300 min. Svdney. Auslralia: ABC The ILIFF week ot Lectures, 1992. Cassene 1997. Videocassetle. No Longer Colonies: Hong Kong 1997' Macau 1999. Laser OPtical Disc Maryknoll, NY: lraryknoll World Productions. 1993 Computer Videocassette. Retum otthe Dagon.45 min. Sydney, Australia: Chan' Hong Kong: A New Erc. Hong Kong: Macromedia. nel 9. 1997. Videocassette. 1998. Comouter laser opticaldisc