![A British Golony to a Special "'#Fi Ff *:R':Gil:",T:Mru:*L*,*:Tri'](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
The Conversion of Hong Kong from a British GolonY to a SPecial Administrative Region of the People's RePublic of China: A S6lected Bibliography Annie Y. Hor first Special Ad- at midnight on July 1, 1997 Hong-Kong. became the As the world watched, to Britain bv the ;j"#iil;Fi[;n oi tn".p"oii"s"n"i'joiit or cnin"."cedea and leased #ff ltJ?J"',%?rl**i*ti:ll"t'','."s,x;1ru:llu:i& !?:l; {frf;g I,E!.:!;under tr''org;' n'oi-polit icatry aemocratii. l-t was free and capitalist iJiO ii"""ti.ili."ntei,'and rhe chinese mother- ili;;; ;;j;, ;il; itanoaro ot rivins retitivetv nisner than thal or china"'#fi :'tffi 'fi 'il""1 ff *:r':gil:",T:mru:*l*,*:tri'":nnrui.luil;ff',l1f, worlds i""r.""i"i 6i ini"" in ts+'s, Hong Kong and th6. mainland became- two ditferent -'ih;;";;i;ii"; rn"b,iiiii ino Cninese governments on the luture of Hons Kong o"i*""n interest o"lji iiiYddil'Fi"rln" uijdi."i"s the Chinese goveinment made it clear that its sole y,i;hhit"iru:i:;;t;::,'w:[.ru''*-*"!'i;Eil"1^,"J'p;E#r+'';;,f#'E$ll: :;; principle. In the 984 qino:9'ilitl ;'";;td 6'"-.y'.t"ttt .1 its freedoms, its so- pilriiil H,i"g rond riny y""i, oi-uironomy, allowing rhe city ro maintain lne riasic Law of the Hong Kong SAR cial and economic systems, uno-i[-lupitiriJi rre-styt! In lYvu' was enacted and adopted by the Chinese L:ongress amortg Hong Kong residents Even after the Basic Law was'Jopt"a tn"r6 *"r gou"rn.unt. JJ.irJto comply witn"kepticism its promises Other countries observed about the Chinese within a so- iliil i;i;;"-.i, ;-""d-"itng no* tne new rrjmewdri lwhich embeds a capitalist city aitect uon-g Kong and China both politically and economicallv' .j"ii.i much debate years since tte haidover' During this period' there has been It has"orntrvl*ouio been three ltwas oruOoO" ior the mainland-bbrn children of Hong Kong.parents i6firrr" liii,",1ght made by "" when tn" a"i1ng government, interfered with the decisions i"ui."r|lirv human rights is- "o"i;;veTsialForiii"ar pressure glroJp-s continued to criticize China on il;il1;;6 Slmllll1g-ous with but unrelated to the sues and to "6uits.push lor tot" o"to""iu-"y'in-riong xong blow d-uring the Asian financial chanqe of ownership, Hong Ko;g sufie'ed a rialor 6conomic years, the city remained in r-e-c^esslon' ine t"rr or tggz. roi two nego' maieiLts published between 1983' when the Sino-British "iliir-inThis biblioqraphy inctuOes in zoob""i*" y"ijt t19 gglversion Althoush limited to works ,i"ili',i i""dl"ii'lXi'ri,i'""iv ,"-tt"t formats and works that is comprehenslve rn scope, including materials. in various Enqlish, ir though abundant In oinerent po-iiriiai views. w5rro wioe web.resources, ;;;;i;,;;sJoi most web sltes lt i"rit"o"i i""" ut"n intentionirry e*ituoeo-owing to the-volatile nature of current and updated versions of woutd be advisabte to use weo 3e"ai"ii"ngin"i t&id"ntitying Web materlals- r59 Bulletin ot Bibtiography Vol. 57, No. 3 Tjtg bibliosl?.ehy. is organized by type of materiar, and in mosr cases further subcateoorized bv- date of publication. ciration sryt6 foilows the sixth eoirion oi tiite t_. iri^iiJi:" for Writers. iiili"it NOTES l Hong Kong rsrand was ceded Britain.al'er.the lo tirst opium war (rg3g-1g42), which was the beginning res ol trading wars between or a se- china and roreign poweii. Atteirhd s-e-cino-o-fum war Britain tarned the sovereignry or Kowroon peninsura 1r85s-1860), ob_ iouirr ai*err. r" rbsia iJrili Ji"""rage or a china weahened resun or her ross in the sino-JaDanese-war as a or 1894-1gg5. gririin iurr'h"iiJ;"ud rhe Manchurian tr.,aries (comprisins governmenr ro j"rf::,1?ll"* 92 p",""nt or *,eioi"tiiiJ oi ,"'oi'"." Ho"q Kons) for years "."" 99 trom Th'e 2 oing Dynasty was overlhrown in 191 1 ; lhe chinese .epublic lasted until 1949 when the comrnunists deleated lhe Nalronalisl governmenl durino a civil wat crri"a t-iin":" ure"ir,iip"op]"fn"proli" leaders tled to laiwan - of china. The Nationalist and maintajn there an independent Republic of Cniia. BOOKS ed. The Dtalt Basic Law of Hong Kong: Anaty- sis and Documents. Released Baltimore: School ol Law, U;i_ before 1997 -, versiiy ot Marytand, 1999. Symposium on Hongkong: Amnesty lnlernatrona L tgg7. Bani- Hong-Kong md Human Bghts: more: schootol Law. rtaws tn University ot Maryland. lgg5 tne system; A Case lot lnstitutonat Flelorm unru,^, Hungdah. y yuan-Li york c. Jao. and wu, eds. rhe *, Ne!,t, : Am nesry I nrer f,utute nf,:X: of Hong Kong: fowatd t99Z and Beyond. :::r!ff "hrs New York: Quorum Atwood.,.Erwin, and philip pubtic Books. 1987. H. Cheng. Opinion Conreff. Robert. The and Media End ol Hong Kong: fhe Secrcl Use n Hong Kong: fh;"tgg7" Ouestton. urpromacy inalrn. of Impe alRet eat.I ondon:John Murray. Ne$/ lerriiories, HOng Konq: Centre lor HOng 1993. Kong Sludies. Inslilule ol Sociat-Stuaies, Ctrrnesi Counldo.wn lo 1997: Hong Kong in the Tensition.lFte. unrversrly ol Hong Kong, 1986. _ search resuls ^ presented at a workshop on l0_t I and Ann Marie MajoL Good.bye. Nov. t-995.) "y?.o.:,-..ll;.\',we o t'uDltc Hong Kong: Hong Kong Transitron pro- Opinon and the tgg7 ptobte; n recl. 1995 Ctesskill, NJ: Hampton press, i996. ^.t1on9.Kong. Davies. Ken. Hong Kong alter t99Z London: Econo_ : he1 cotonv that Neve' was m|st hte 4ence Unil, 1996. tT ]'',!i;l?i;f?13'f33i? Dofan. Ronafd E. Chinas prcspects tot the tggls Hons Kons: south washtnglon. "%il: \:&Z.tssT D.C.: Federal Research Drvision, Lr. orary ol L;ongress, 1993. ^?"1i;.i1t Dratting Comminee for the Basic Law. The Drafi Basrc ^^e";,!";1,1,I3f, '"J',niJ;,il;59;';91-"'"""npotitics speciat Admingtrarive Reson uu(on. unartes. ed. and Society in Hong \1y?t peopte:!" ry!s!<-S presented Kong ot ne s Republic of China (fot Soticnatt;n towads | 997:.papers at the Canida ol anid yy:t:ns w:!h @ aN Summary t workshop. Brcak Ltnivesity, llrtquc Hong Kong. 19!9 ^onS S Januaty | ne uonsulative Committee tor lhe J99l. Toronto:Joint Cenlre lor Asia pa6itic _ Basic Law:19gg: Studres, Emmons, L;harles F. Hong Kong prcparcs fot tggT; ald cn,1:^l-lll_"1 gi Holg Kons tssT: pespondins l?t:tlcs Flnigtat@n n 1987. Hong Kong: Centte to oI Asran,-Sludies, L,niversity of Hong Kong. tggg Business rniernariinar EVra[f,F i3:"6ffiJr,::i%#ns: Wltfiam. ed. Counseling in paciltc Rim Coun. ties: Pasl, Present. Chan Man. Futurc.-San l\,4ateo, CA: Lake ,Joseph and Chin-Chuan Lee. Mass Medta Press. 1996 Fflends ot Hong_Kong Commiflee tU.K.l. Seminar .lil?"{::f f ptoceedings: tnil^.t1,;3:'3i;l,K#:il?x,{ff ,{i*"'; I w):.nouse_ol Lords\. "Hong Kong in .t'ng K.. and David J. Ctatks. The Hong Kong IGns -Semiiar Btueuinr "Stabitity ioD-The Two year Counidown.: l:2!:.1:y., tot and proiperiri.. rarper. ra|waft sovercisnty2 Friends ol Hong Kong and Macau g;::j":i;3:* Armonk. Ny: M E Association. t995. Or:?j-t_rltli. House ot Commons. Foreign Arrafrs lltl'."r"nt. '?ii: kf,r:,."::,:.3?#:i Uommittee. Relations between the lJnit;d {ft ;:,!::,- an! Chiry n the Petiod up to York:i!i:a,: Oxtord University press, tggS. ::P:o:! and beyond ^{ong:Newuneng- . rve/. rtrcI He(mtt. London: HMSO, lgg4. JosepiY S , and Sonny S. H. Lo. eds. From Htstotical^Changes uotony,to sAB: in Hong Kong and South China Hong Konga cha enges anead Jocto.uuttutat Hong Integrction loward | 997. Kong. Chinese Univeraity press, 1995. presentations.J l1onlercnce ^, Honolulu: University ot Hawair al Manoa. """i,il!iltpt!i!"rtrF;J;Z;:i";,:;;#l^?",t, Schootot Hawaiian, Asran. a;d pacific Stud_ Baltmore: res, Uenter lor Chinese Studies, 1991. School ot Law. Universily ol Marytand. Ho:9 !?np/Ch!a H^u:nan Bights Cottec! ion. Oryaniza. lons Hepo s. {30 volumes ot reports. announce. 160 The Conversion ol Hong Kong The Fa ol Hong Kong: Chinas Ttiumph issued by organl- Robert,-Zii Mark. ments, and other communications Bellayai. (Revised and updated edi' gong Kong Human Rights Moni- a,i" t t.iioiiir"n"" rn" Vorx: ,lotin wiley & Sons l996 and the Democracv tinn.it'la,', iJi Liogiinesearch roundation Denise Ka Wing Tong' eds UD Kons elc 1987-98 ""Rornanlut, Susan ano iiiCrriniruno, erc tsong ii:i"ii- iii"", Hong Kong wonen Facing 1997' 1gg7: Society in lransiion Tokyo Japan Uoio-tn"stitute-ot Xong Hong fong, Hong Kong Women Christran Council Devetoping Economies l 996 ahina: cotonlat Bute Goes but York: Sl. ''-ii.uiii' iriiaitr,r"'to Seoal. Gerald. The Fate ot Hong Kong New wottd Ma et ts Thete Io stay Lon' C"inatist lilarlin s Press, 1993 irghl ( Inlernationalst Communisl Hisrcty ol ilniW;rkft strioo.-Sreve. Hong Kong Chna: A Political " 'iiZ ftanstet to chinese Rute Review 1985 ir:ii"i c.in cot6nv s ri'iii,oiiii sotrtion Beijins: Beij'ns 1995 I aw: tn chi' Jetlerson, NC: McFarland, ii, ii"iv-i6"+cn" ng. The commo.n xong towads 1997: Histotv De' "iL{i Hong Kong universitv siji, r'lrcttier.
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