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! IN i | School and Church | 1926 OCTOBER-NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 1926 Published by the NORTHWESTERN BIBLE AND MISSIONARY TRAINING SCHOOL Minneapolis, Minnesota Send subscriptions to Ruth Wahlquist, 1020 Harmon Place, Minneapolis. WHO WILL SPEND YOUR MONEY WHEN YOU ARE GONE? Why not be SURE it will be used in soundly educating young men and women for Christian service at home and on the foreign held, and make your WILL accordingly? Where Does Your “Lord’s Money” Go Now? Do you give, HOPING it will accomplish some good, or do you KNOW how it is spent? Why not send your missionary gifts thru the Northwestern Bible and Missionary Training School, designating that they shall go to the support of sound, evangelical missionaries and mission stations, only? Have You a Sum Laid by For Your Old Age Which You Would Like to Give to the Lord When You Are Through With It? Why not invest in an ANNUITY CONTRACT with the Northwestern Bible and Missionary Training School ? We will pay you big interest while you live, and assure you of satisfaction in the ultimate disposal of funds so invested. 1. WE HAVE NO ENDOWMENT. 2. WE CAN FURNISH UNQUESTIONABLE REF ERENCES. 3. WE NEED YOUR GIFTS. 4. THE FREEWILL OFFERINGS OF GOD’S PEOPLE HAVE SUSTAINED US IN THE PAST AND WE LOOK TO THE SAME SOURCE FOR OUR FUTURE. WILL YOU HELP US? For information concerning any of these suggestions, address NORTHWESTERN BIBLE AND MISSIONARY TRAIN ING SCHOOL W. B. Riley, Superintendent 20 S. 11th Street Minneapolis, Minn. Christian Fundamentals in School and Church VOL. 8 October-November-December, 1926 No. 4 A quarterly magazine published in the interest of “Christian Fundamentals” By the NORTHWESTERN BIBLE & MISSIONARY TRAINING SCHOOL Minneapolis, Minn. And devoted to the cause of evangelical Christianity and orthodox theology. Editor in Chief—W. B. Riley, D.D. PRICE $1.00 PER YEAR. (Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post Office, Minneapolis, Minn., Under Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage, provided for in Section 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917. Authorized March 10, 1924.) CONTENTS Illinois State Convention....................................................................... 4 The Organization of the Middle-of-the-Road Institutions...... 4 Fundamentalism on the Pacific Coast.......................... ;................ 5 Shall We Have Peace?......................................................................... 7 A Futile Project of Bolshevism........................................................... 9 The Fight in Kansas............................................................................. 11 Bryan, the Modern Elijah.................................................................... 13 Dr. Rice’s Disparagement of Mr. Bryan......................................... 20 Christian Education ............................................................................. 22 The University and the State.................................................. ............ 30 Christ’s Resurrection and Ascension Certain.............................. 36 Shall All American Education Go Into the Hands of a Mod ernist Autocrat? ............................ 44 Rimmer and Brown .................................. 47 The Anti-Evolution Campaign in America.................................... 48 The Massee-Riley Discussion of the Washington Convention Resolution .................................................................... 54 Flashes From Foreign Fields ............................................................ 59 Summer Work of Northwestern Bible School Students............. 64 Treasurer’s Report ................................ 66 Whole Bible Course Lessons for 1927............................................... 68 Gifts to God’s Cause .................... ........................................ ................ 75 The Many-Sided C h rist......................................................................... 78 Information Concerning the Northwestern Bible School........ 79 The Whole Bible Series for Sunday Schools............................... 80 The Bible of the Expositor and the Evangelist.........................81-82 W. B. Riley’s Forthcoming 40 Volumes.......................................... 83 4 CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALS ILLINOIS STATE CONVENTION The State Convention of the Christian Fundamentals Asso ciation will be held in Dixon, Illinois, October 18th to 21st. A fine company of speakers will be heard. Among them Dr. Newell, President Buswell and Revs. Fox, Hildebrand, Fields, McCarrell, Stumpf and Miss Saxe. Secretary Stumpf is doing fine things in Illinois. He keeps the interest alive and the Cause growing. THE ORGANIZATION OF THE MIDDLE-OF-THE-ROAD INSTITUTIONS It is currently reported that two eastern Baptist training schools— one eastern theological seminary and one middle-west theological seminary, all of which were founded in the name of fundamentalism, their funds secured on the special plea of stand ing for the old faith, are now about to form a union, and it is equally current that the reasons for this union are the fact that these four institutions fellowship neither fundamentalism on the one side, nor modernism on the other, but stand on some mid way ground. Three of them are distinctly Baptist institutions, and if the people who gave the money to make them possible knew that they were already standing on middle ground, it would certainly disturb the serenity of their graves. Such is the power of modernism in this present age! Miss Lavinia Mead, the great woman who built up the Baptist Mission School at Sendai, Japan, and later the equally important one at Osaka, has been retired from the mission field on account of age. Her place is taken by Miss Evalyn Camp, a graduate of the State University and of the Northwestern Bible School. Miss Mead is quietly resting in Minneapolis, where her many friends are delighted at the opportunity of her fellowship. Miss Ann Kludt, another graduate of the Northwestern Bible School, is now associated with Miss Camp in the Osaka work, and of her Miss Camp writes: “Ann Kludt has become indispensable to our Baptist work in Japan and is held in very high respect by all the members of the mission. She has done a splendid work at the Tabernacle in Tokyo.” It is good to get such reports from our graduates on foreign fields. IN SCHOOL AND CHURCH 5 FUNDAMENTALISM ON THE PACIFIC COAST During the editor’s vacation in August, he spent a good portion of his time on the Pacific coast. At Los Angeles he made his headquarters, as usual, in the Mens’ Hall of the Los Angeles Bible Institute. This always brings one into touch with the work at that great center. On the day of our arrival in Los Angeles, we were privi leged to dine with Daddy Horton, the founder of the great Insti tute ; Dr. Chas. E. Hurlburt, the newly elected superintendent of the Institute, and Mr. Hale, his first assistant. We feel like extending our congratulations on the choice of Dr. Hurlburt to this high office. The Bible Institute of Los Angeles is a great institution, with perhaps the most extensive, permanent and perfectly appointed plant known to any Bible Institute in the world. Dr. Hurlburt, so long associated with one of the greatest and most successful of .our faith missions, is one of those rare men that God uses in the execution of His divinely planned pro grams, and it would seem that the long waiting of the Institute since Dr. T. C. Horton’s resignation has finally resulted in a wise choice. The Church of the Open Door, located in the Institute, is still without a pastor. On Aug. 8th Dr. Harrison of St. Louis was the speaker morning and night, with Dr. Carter of London, England, in the afternoon. This church is worthy its name. It is an “Open Door.” We trust it is a door that the Lord Himself has opened and no man can shut, and that an equally wise deci sion will be made when Dr. R. A. Torrey’s successor is finally elected. Our Sunday in this vicinity w'e spent with our son, Mason Hewitt Riley, a foreman on the Santa Fe Rancho. It was one of the few Sundays of a lifetime, aside from the period of our seri ous illness two years since, when we were not preaching. Rev. Paul Rood, at Turlock, California, we visited for two days. His work in that comparatively small city takes on enor mous proportions, thereby becoming the measure of this man. The purchase by his church of Beulah Park (a magnificent park at the very heart of the city, in the center of which stands a plat form, erected against the building, formerly occupied by the city high school) we regard the wisest and most strategic step we have seen any church on all the continent take. The beauties of this park are surpassing and the possibilities of developing a great work at this center are not only engaging, they are allur ing; and Paul Rood is the man to realize them! In personality attractive and gracious; as a preacher equally eloquent, whether speaking in Swedish or English, and as an ecclesiastical states man, as capable as farseeing. We preached to audiences esti mated at 1,500 the first night in Beulah Park, and 2,500 the second night. Rev. Rood’s plans for Beulah Park are a greater 6 CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALS church building than the one he now occupies two blocks away, and a Bible Training School in Northern California. Unless some larger field speedily captures him, he is sure to realize both. From Turlock we moved on to Seattle, spending one delight ful day on the journey with our brother and family, Rev. W. L. Riley, pastor of Highland