1307 to 1313
CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS BELATINQ TO SCOTLAND. EDWARD II. 1307. 1. riab for allocate to Thomas de la Hyde sheriff of Cornwall, and July 20. Thomas de Ealegh sheriff of Devon for the sustenance, &c., of Scottish prisoners from Stirling castle, received into Launceston castle on Sunday 13th September 1304, till Tuesday 18th July 1307, viz., Godfrey le Buttiller [died 11th June 1307], William Gi£fard, Henry Laghtan of Dumler in Twedale [died 8th March 1306-7], Gilecrist de la Cuisine, Gilecrist de Carrik [died 18th July 1307], and Adam Picard, the first two at Zd., the others at 2d. per diem ; %Ql. 19s. Id. in all. [Chancery Files, Bundle No. 138.'] July 30. 2. Letter to Monsire Hugh de Neville from his vallet Euweyn, mentioning that the Archbishop is well—that the late K. Edward's body lay at Eichmond on Saturday (29th)—the Archbishop this Sunday leaves Scroby to attend it—that the 'Patriark,' the Earl of Lincoln, and other magnates, did homage at Carlisle to the new K., and have accompanied him into Scotland against the enemy. Scroby, ' le Dymange avantdit.' \_Duchy of Lancaster Grants, &c. (A) 368.] Trace of small seal on back. Aug. 1. 3. The K. commands the keeper of hia late father's stores at New castle to deliver all the wines there to William de Brichulle his vallet, 1st August first of his reign. Eothenanne. [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea No. {Army), ^-f.] No seal. Aug. 5. 4. Letters patent by Huufrai de Bohun earl of Hereford and Essex and constable of England, and Elizabeth his 'Conpaigne,' appointing Monsire William Poucy or Sire Aundreu de Kynbauton their constable of Plesitz, as attorneys to receive seisin of the manors of Wrytele, Badewe, Hatfeud, and Brounesho, and all the other lands VOL.
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