1307 to 1313

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1307 to 1313 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS BELATINQ TO SCOTLAND. EDWARD II. 1307. 1. riab for allocate to Thomas de la Hyde sheriff of Cornwall, and July 20. Thomas de Ealegh sheriff of Devon for the sustenance, &c., of Scottish prisoners from Stirling castle, received into Launceston castle on Sunday 13th September 1304, till Tuesday 18th July 1307, viz., Godfrey le Buttiller [died 11th June 1307], William Gi£fard, Henry Laghtan of Dumler in Twedale [died 8th March 1306-7], Gilecrist de la Cuisine, Gilecrist de Carrik [died 18th July 1307], and Adam Picard, the first two at Zd., the others at 2d. per diem ; %Ql. 19s. Id. in all. [Chancery Files, Bundle No. 138.'] July 30. 2. Letter to Monsire Hugh de Neville from his vallet Euweyn, mentioning that the Archbishop is well—that the late K. Edward's body lay at Eichmond on Saturday (29th)—the Archbishop this Sunday leaves Scroby to attend it—that the 'Patriark,' the Earl of Lincoln, and other magnates, did homage at Carlisle to the new K., and have accompanied him into Scotland against the enemy. Scroby, ' le Dymange avantdit.' \_Duchy of Lancaster Grants, &c. (A) 368.] Trace of small seal on back. Aug. 1. 3. The K. commands the keeper of hia late father's stores at New castle to deliver all the wines there to William de Brichulle his vallet, 1st August first of his reign. Eothenanne. [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea No. {Army), ^-f.] No seal. Aug. 5. 4. Letters patent by Huufrai de Bohun earl of Hereford and Essex and constable of England, and Elizabeth his 'Conpaigne,' appointing Monsire William Poucy or Sire Aundreu de Kynbauton their constable of Plesitz, as attorneys to receive seisin of the manors of Wrytele, Badewe, Hatfeud, and Brounesho, and all the other lands VOL. III. A CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edwaed II. o£ Eobert de Brus in Essex, which the K. has givea them by charter. Append their seals. Done at Dumfries 5th August 1 Edw. II. 1307. [Duchy of Lancaster Charters, Box M. No. 7S.] Damaged by damp. One signet only, the Earl's, in green wax. The ' ' Bohun shield surrounded by trefoils : S . n. Comitis Herefordie Aug. 21. 5. David son of John; late earl of Athol, Aymar de Valence, John de Moubray of Scotland, and Alexander de Abernethy, become bound jointly to pay 5000 marks to Ealph de Monthermer (by yearly instalments of 500 marks), in presence of the K. Cumnock. \_Close, I Echv. II. m. 18, dorso.] Aug. 24. 6. The K. for the security of the March of Cumberland and Scot- land, permits William de Dacre to enclose his house of Dunmalloght with a stone wall and crenellate the same. Cumnock. [Patent, 1 Edw. II. f. 1, m. 16.] Aug. 25. 7. Pardon at the request of Humphry de Bohun earl of Hereford and Essex, to John Scot of Great Petlyng for the murder of John Lenegle of same place. Cumnock. [Frivy Seals {Tower), 1 Ediv. II File 8.] Sept. 6. 8. The K. writes to the Pope asking that the dispensation for the Fcedei-a, u. 6. marriage of Duncan earl of Fife and his niece Mary de Monthermer, who are within the forbidden degrees, may be granted. Bowes. [French and Boman Boll, 1 Edio. IT. m. 13.1 Sept. 10. 9. The K. appoints Eustace de Cotesbache his Chamberlain and Fcedera, ii. 6, Eccciver of Scotland from Michaelmas next, to act with Eobert Heron the controller. Knaresborough. [Patent, 1 Edw. II. p. 1, m. 19.] Sept. 10. 10. The K. commands J. bishop of Chichester the chancellor, to issue letters of protection, &c., in favour of Eustace de Codesbache whom he has appointed Chamberlain of Scotland, and his retinue, fur a year after Michaelmas. Knaresburgh. [Privy Seals (Tower), 1 Edw. II File 6.] Sept. 12. 11. The K. to the sheriff of , Roxburgh. His late father and him- self have repeatedly enjoined him to give her dower in the valley of Lydal to Johanna widow of John Wake, and he has replied that he is about so doing. As to o2l. of the issues which the late K. pardoned to Willitim de Soulis, commands him to levy and have these in the English courts by the quinzaine of Michaelmas instant, to be paid to Johanna or William as the court shall decide. Under his seal for Scotland, 12th Sept. 1st year. Berwick-ou-Tweed. (Endorsed) The sheriff reports that nothing can be done, as William de Soulis is beyond seas and has no goods in his district. The poor tenants have fled into England with their goods for fear of the enemy. [Tovjcr Miscellaneous Bolls, No. 459.] EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 3 Edward II. 12. The K. appoints John of Brittany earl of Eichmond Lieutenant and Guardian of Scotland, with 60 mea-at-arms in his retinue, 1307. receiving 10 marks daily for their pay from the Chamberlain of Sept. 13. Scotland. York. [Patent, 1 Edw. II. ft. 1, m. 20.'\ Foedera, li. 6. Sept. 17. 13. Inquisition [in virlue of writ dated under the K.'s seal of Scotland at Seneghare 28th August preceding, 'commanding inquiry into the petition of Thomas de la Haye, for compensation of one year's rent of his wife's land of Tolybotheuille, value 80 marks, which the late K. had taken, intending to build a castle there] made at Eotheglen on 17th September, before Sir Adomar de Valence warden of Scotland, by William Marchal, William Clogge, Henry of Clac- manan, Dovenald of Keverkyn (?), Dovenald son of Padi, Thomas of Tolybothevile, William son of Matildis, William of Menethe, Thomas son of William, Adam of Tolicoltre, Bridy Albenaghe, and Michael son of Thomas, jurors ; who found that the said land of Tolybothevile was formerly William de Cuningesburgh's, who gave it with Lora his daughter and heir, to Eichard son of Sir John de Bykretone, in frank marriage, viz., to them and the heirs of their bodies lawfully begotten, and if they died without such heirs, to the said Sir John de Bykre- tone for his life, under reversion to Lora and her heirs ; that Eichard died without an heir by Lora ; that the said Sir Thomas de la Haye lawfully married her; that the said Sir John de Bykretone the liferenter, died about fifteen days before last Pentecost; and Lora and her heirs are the true heirs. The land is worth 40 marks in all issues. \_Inq. ad quod damnum, 1 Edw. II. No. 20.] Seals lost. Sept. 25. 14. The K. commands Eobert de Clifford justiciar of the forest idtra Trent, to allow the men of Galloway to feed their flocks and herds in Englewood forest, whither they have come to take refuge for fear of Eobert de Brus and his accomplices. Clipstone. [Close, 1 Edw. n. m. 19.] Sept. 30. 15. The K. commands John of Brittany earl of Eiclimond his lieutenant in Scotland to march to Galloway to put down Eobert de Brus, as John de St John, Donegal Makedouel, Donegall le filz Can and others of the greater men there, have written that he and his accomplices are burning and plundering, and inciting and compelling the inhabitants to rebel. He has commanded Patrick earl of Dunbar, John de Hastings, John le filz Marmeduk, Eobert de Kethe, Alexander de Abernethy, Henry de St Clair, Alexander de Balliol and John de Vaux, also John baron of Wygeton and Eichard le Brun, keepers of the peace of Lancaster, Cumberland, and Westmoreland, with Eoger Heron and Simon Warde keepers of the peace of Northumberland and Tyndale, to aid him with their powers. Lenton. [Close, 1 Edw. II. m. 18, dorso.] — CALENDAE OF DOCUMENTS [Uxti'acts.] Edward IT. 16. Fiat for allocate to Nicholas Ferinbaud, late constable of Bristol castle and warden of the town and ' berton,' for 14L Os. 8ld. expended 1307. in cutting oaks, carpenters' and others' wages, iron, lime, &c., to repair ' Michaelmasa house in the castle, and making a wooden cage ' bound with iron iu Term, said house for the straiter custody of Owen son of David ap Griffith a prisoner, shut therein at night, anno xxxiiif ; and lAl. 2s. 6^. for the sustenance of Thomas de Lillay a prisoner from Stirling castle from the vigil of St Bartholomew anno xxxiiij" till Michaelmas last past, viz., 3 years and 38 days at M. per diem. [Chancery Files, Bundle No. 138.] [Extract.] Sept. 29. 17. Fiat for allocate to Isabella de Vescy keeper of Bambourgh castle for 56s. paid to Nicholas Patonessone of Levenax, Fynny Soutre of Stirling, Thomas le Clerk of Elesman, and Walter du Larder of Inchetethe, Scottish prisoners there from 7th July last when K. Edward died, till Michaelmas thereafter 2d. a day each—84 days. Files, [Chancery Bmidle No. 138i] Oct. 2. 18. The K. appoints John of Argyll sheriff of Argyll and Inche- gall and guardian of these parts against the enemy ; and the barons knights and others are commanded to aid and obey him. Notting- ham. [Patent, 1 Edu\ II. p. 1, in. W.] Oct. 24. 19. Inquisition, [underwrit of diem clausit extremum, Gildesburghe, 13th October], at Welpyngton, on Tuesday next before the Feast of the Apostles Symon and Jude, 1 Edw. II. The jury find that the deceased Gilbert de Umfraville earl of Angus, held the castle of Prodhowe, with park, woods, mills, fishings, and Htrlawe and Birteley manors and parks, woods, &c., as two knights' fees ; also the valley and liberty of Eede, with Hirbofcell castle (in great disrepair), park, burgh, &c., Oterbourne, Ellesdon, &c. ; total, 238?. 5s. 4id. He held Kedesdale by defending it from wolf and robber.
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