BIH Chapter 06
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73. CHAPTER VI. THE LINCOLNSHIRX CEAUMONTS - TJTJ CP-RLTON TOWERS FA'diLY. "Our acts, our angsls are, or good or ill, Our fatal shadovs (disguisesj that walk by us still." Beaumont and Fletcher, UPON AN HONEST MAN' S FORTUNE, 11. 499, Darleg Ed. Arms, Quarterly first and fourth, arg. a lion, rampant, sa. for Stapleton second and third, argr two bars, and in chief, three escallo9s az for Errington, Motto: "Mieux sera". (Better times are coming). Genealogical chart shewing Lhe connection of %he family on the female side with theRoyal houses of England and Portugal. Raymond Berenger,Count of Provence, married Seatrix daughter I of Thomas, Count of Savoy. -----------___-____-__________________________L I I I I Margare t Eleanor mar- SouchLer Beatrice married ried Henry married marr i ed S. Louis IX I11 King of Richa1.d Charles I King of England Earl of Earl of Franc e I Cornwall Anjou l King of King of I the Jerusalem, Naples and I Romans Sicily; son of Louis 1 VI11 of France I ---I I I l I Edward I 3:dmund Crouch- Charles I1 Louis of I back, 1st. Earl King of' Bri enne Edwara I1 of Lancaster Jerusalem married I ----_---.---_ Agnes Edward I1 I I l Vicomtesse I Thomas 2nd Henry Plan- de I Earl of tagenet Srd Beaumont I Lancaster Earl of l I Lancaster I I l I I I 1 (Edward 111) (Henry Plantagenet (Vicomtesse de Beaumont) I Earl 3rd of Lan- I l aaater) I I -- l I I I I I I Richard I1 John of I Theobald LGuis Henry 1st Gaunt I Vicomte de Bishop Baron married I Bellomonte of I Blanche 1 ArchbishopDurham I grand- I of Paris I daughter Henry lat I of Sir Duke of I I Henry de Lancaster, John Isabei mar- Beaumontmarried 2nd Baron ried Henry I Isabel married 1st Duke of I daughterEleanor Lancaster I of Sir great- I I Henry de grancl- 1 Beaumont daughter I 1st Baron of Henry Blanche I I 111 (see married John I I C.T. p. 79 of Gaunt I I for con- I I I tinuation) I I Phi 1 i gga I I I married Jchn I Uaud Blanche King of I married Portugal I John of I Gaunt l I I Henry IV Edward Fnilippa 1 marri ea I John King I of Portugal Henry V 1 I Philippa I married Philip Henry VI the Good Duke of Burgundy 75. Descent of the Family according to Barnes, Burton and Debrett from the Kings of' France. Louis VI11 King of France. I I I I l I S. Louis Robert Alphonso John CharlesI Count of Anjou and IX . Proyence King of Jerusalem, Naples and Sicily. I I I I Charles 11 Louis of Brienne King of Jerusalem married Agnes Naples and Sioily. Vicomtesse de Beaumont (see p. 60). Sir Bernard Burke says that Louis of Brienne is descended from Gauthier, Count of Brienne; 'cut the Pleur de lys in the family coat ot' xrms seems tc bespeak his descent from the Kings of.' France, whilst the lion is that of Brienne. A gossibla solution of the difficulty is that Agnes married twice and each husbandhad the same Christian name. LOUIS VI11 of France, Le Lion, born 1187 married Blanche daughter Of Alphonso VIJI, King of Castile and grand-daughter of Henry I11 of England and niece of King John. Issue I. S. Louis IX. 11. Charles and others. CHARLES I t'ifth son of Louis VIII, Count of AnJou, King of Jerusalem, Naplesand Sicily, born 1226, died 1285, married Beatrix daughter and heiress of Rayrnond Berenger, Count of Pr0venc.e. Issue. I. Charles 11, King of Jt?r;xsalem, inherited the French estates, born 1250 and died 1309, he accompanied his brother S. Louis to the Crusades, and was taken prisoner in Egypt; he returned to Provenc? in 1250 and was cro':ine;i King or Naples and Sicily in 1289 (ENCY. BRIT.) 11. Louis of Brienne, rnarrisd Agr-es daughter and heiress of' Richard Vicomte de Bellomonte. The children of the txarrizgz wssumed theirmother's name, the eldest son inherited the Vicomty and the French estates. Descent of Louis of Brienne according to Burke. Gauthier, Count of Brienne. - I 1 I I Andre Eraud John Marie d.8.p. I I I l I Gauthier John William King of Jerusalem I --. - YolanaeAlphonse Marie John lolante Louis I" married married Am88 Prederick Vicorntesse 8on of the de Emperor Henry Beaumont. VI, he thereby became King of Naples Sicily and Jerusalem. (Cox CRUSADES p. 184). GAUTHIER, Count of Brienne and King of Naples, died in Apulia, Italy, he had the reputation of being a great hero. (Michaud, HIST. CRUSADES, 11. 289). He married Alix daughter of ana had issue three son3 and one daughter, the second son was Eraud, ancestor of Louis of Brienne. EMUD, became heir to his father on the daath of his elder brother without issue, He married Aqnefs de Montbelliard, and had issue three son8 the second son being John. , JOHN, born 1148 died 1237/8. He went to the fifth Crusade in 1228 - a Walter of Brienne also took part - John attacked the Moslems in Egypt, and besiegt.d tind took by storm Damietta situatedat the mouthof the Nile (ENCY. BRIT. j He captured Constantinople in 1204 and ruled there for nine years. Jo~ephUichaud the eighteenth centv.ryFrench historian in his HISTOIRE DES CROISADES, (11. 288) says "John of Brienne, whom fortune had mad? for 8 short period Eing of Jerusalem, was called to the tottering throne of Constantinople, at the moment that the Greeks and Bulgarians, animated by the ardours of pillage, were afthe gates or" the Capital. Their r'leets penetrated to the prt, their ncImerous bsttalions were preparing to scala the ramparts, but the new Emperor fought severs1 battles wixh them, and obtzlned possession of their ships :incl dispersed their srmies. These victories added greatlyto his renown. Philip Mouskr?s, apoet who died 1274 compared him in the following lines to Hector, Roland or Judas Maccabeus : "N'aie, Ector, Roll' ne Ogiers, ne Judas Maahebeus li fiers tsntne fit D'arres en estors corn fist li Rois Jehans cel 3ors et i 1 defors et il dedans La paru sa force et ses sens Et li hardement qu'il avoit." This may be xransl:<%ed somewhat as follows wNeither HectJr, Roland nor Roger, nor JudasAtaccabeus the brave, did such feats of arms in hietory as did King John of Jerusalem and he without rnd he within there (the City) shewed his strength and wicdom nnd the courage whichhe had." "Late in life he laid aside the imperial purple,breathing his last sigh in the habit of a Francisean friar. Thus passed the sop-in-law cf two kings and the father-in-law of NO emperors. He leYt, when rlieing, the remembrance of Xis extraordinary exploits.z,nd the example of a wonderful destiny' (Michaud Kistoire des Crojsades.) He married, 14th September 1209, Marie, daughter and heiress of Ccnradi and Isabella. de Monstiffard and grand- daughter of Almeric, King of Jerusalem (Sibbons DECLINE AND FALL, VI, 432). On the of Almeric, his grand-daughter succeeded to the throne;the eccle3iastical and civil dignitaries forrrard5;d a request., through ths Bishop of Acre and the Lord of Cesarea, to King Philip of' France to select a husband for the Queen. John of Brienne was chosen, as he was considered by the European Knights to ba a braye man, wise in council and experienced in wzr. He landed at Acre and was crocvned Eing with great pompon his wedding day (Ch. Mills, CRUSADES 11. 216). He resigned the kingship c. 1226 in favour or' his son-in-law Freaerick I1 the Emperor of Germany (Fuller's HOLY WAR, p. 288) who had married Iolanto in 1222. Bdarie died in 1219, and in 1223 John married Berengaria daughter of Alphonse IX King of Castile ana Leon, second cousin to Edward 11, this explains Henry de Beaumont 78. being style2 "Consanguineus Regis". Berengaria died 12th April 1237. They had issue three sons and three daughters (Bee SUPRA). LOUIS OF BRIENNE AND D'ACRE, third son of John, died 1283. He spent a good deal of his time at the Court of Alpncnse Eing of Castile. In 1265 he gave $1,200 to the Chatreuse Ccnvlvnt at DioquP. He married February L253 Agnes daughter and heiress of Richard Vicomte de Bellomonte and de Mayne (see pp. 60, 81). 79. THE LINCOLNSHIRE AND CARLTON TOWERS FAMILY. Agnes Vicomtesse de Bellomonte married Louis of Brienne I ~ ~ ~~~~ I Henry 1 I I I I I Theobald 1st Baron Jeanne Isa- Marie Louis Mar- John inherited inherited be1 d.s.p. garet founded the the the Brench English Brench estates estatesfamily d.8.g. I I I I I I I I I I I I John Rich- John Thomas Alice Eliz- Joan Isabel Bea- Cath- d.s.p. ard 2nd I d.8.p. abeth married trix arine d.s.g. Baron I Henry i Earl of I Lancaster I I I l I I Thomas Brancis Andrew p- - Henry I I I 3rd Thomas )laud Blanche Baron d.6.p. married I John of Gaunt I I I I John Henry Richard Thomas 4th Baron -I I I I I I I I Henry Thomas Richard Eliz. Eleanor MargaretCecilia 6th founder Baron of the I Cole Orton I family I I I I I I I John 6th Henry Alainor Katharine Anne Margaret Elizabeth Baron 1st founder of Viscount the Wednesbury I family I I 1 I I John Henry William7th MaryJoane d.s.p.