acas DIRECTORY WORLD Fleet data from Flight ACAS database f lightglobal.comlacas

[ub. wellington Jnternational (wLG). christchurch Sowic6chaier, inremational, regionat, domesric, hlenalonal (CHC), Auckland lntenaliof at (AKL) Drlo op.Ellonr rtart.d 2004 Do!.riDrion Regionat operatorofferingcorporate charters, AdotondsSt dzdq /l4f,f'l) iloniot..b &€tagD, Ft Sulio 302 m Y.n$@ Bldg i3rt9, &n!hM 2.Dong, leisure llights and medevac sedices,as ret as regutar lol +33 2 5116 0505 Fax +33 2 5116 0501 chartels opeGted to'hosrte regions inctudingAfghan stan En.ll dde@eagleEviation,net ttsb.[. ww,eagtesvjation,net S.dlcor Chadei internationat, regiof at, passenger Enall wobtte we{ Hlrlory Established ofier ng a business jet cha.rer sefrice, oigbnl.r|lon/.t.bhotd.'. rv cdoa-cio (?01,. Servlcor Sc h ed! led domesric, pas , se nger Easler SltJeLs Ms awa ded ar di ope?ror s ce1!.ale n others(30%) ?.rstrt orgdl..tlovlh.Ehotdo!. Eastarc.oup. pri€te Decernber2005, Dato op6l'tion! tt.ra€d 2002 Ito& ptloo Wet€ase opemtion based n Pais, Prov des a domest c schedule li.kingChei! Hldory Estabiished in Liber a in late 1996 by the AtAmcno Seoul, Geonggju and Gunsan. Head oi Flight 0peralions,,,.,...... _.,.,,.,,.Hamayoon Ash€f C oup. celocaleo rrsheaoq-a4ersroSr t\d/dne,n t999. Fl.oa 1 x 8Ae _letstream 41 Laufched tying opelations in 2002 rrom Paris Cha es de 1x N,lcoonnett Dougtas DG930 n.ot 1x .700 1x l'/cDonnell Dougtas 0C-950 1x Boeing 737€00 Maln b.s Dlba lrternanonat(DXB) M.ln b.s Chetu lntenatioial (CJU) Cha man & Opemtions Maiager.....,.,,.,,. Manue Galoacc o Fl6t 3x8oeing757-200 AErlda El Dofado 10:t08, EhtEda 1 tntodor 14, Mah !!.o Paris charres de Gau le (cDG) S.hlrfior Ho@, Schtphol Wrr, HqmbeBkto tnt mrtomt ADo( Xlmhglon, HonboFldo Dl{39 6YI, UN T6l +44 (0) 8703 669 669 Far +44 {0) a703 669 670 Plot 3 Xlrn.thl Floor, Emall inf omation@easiemaiid?ys,@m Ay.ru6, 3nl Pfi Alri@ Hou6., s.rvi6. ReEiof al, domesric, passenger w.b5lt Dil. oFr.tloB d.n€d octobe. 2007 Tel +256 41 344150 Fax +256 41 349875 3.rlcar Sched uled, chartet nternaiion a I, regiof a t, t odlDtion New lo$cost airtine tinking BoAotij and Medetin Web6lto sawf t€astafi i€ w|th It,ons,m- Monte rc i1$e nonh to Neiw in s€Rlc€. Schedoled, i.ternat onat, pas*nger P.retrt orc.nllrUon/.h.Fhold.E Brr?n t-L(o d l5O%,, Par.d qg.nrstron/lhlEhotdor! Ftn hveslrnents (5cF,6), renedic Mltyaba (40%), Pat ck Kabunakuki (10%) Aiillno.ub.ldi.i./.h.reftotdhg. A r Kikoe (1oO%) Chairman,.,,,...... -...... ,..,,.,,.,,.,...... AtfonsoAvitaVetandia Alll.nco! Kent€ A Mys Drlo op.r.tld. 3trrt€d December 1997 t{t6 op€ration! slartod 2 oecember 2002 D€.cdprion operates scheduled domestic services from Floot 9 x BAe leistream 41 oo&tlFtlon Op€rales seDices frotr E-reobp to cou-ftes In Wick in the north to soLxhampton in the south, wnh b6s Bogot5 El Dorado tnte.nationa (BoG) :astern and southern using leased Alrlca, aircraft. extansions to FEnce afd Nor\4?y. charters are provided. Hlb Medelrinbse Maria cordova tnlenationat (MDE) Hislort lncorpomted as Afica A rin I'larch 2002. The name llLloty Began op€ctions wtth a scheduled seruice beblEef r3s changed to East African Airtines on 17 May2002. Hlmberslde and Aberdeen. l. February 1999, npuchased Manchester-based Ar Kjloe, Roures, rogether with H.rEar 49, L.ndd lltor Intoma onat AtDort, lhanman P€sidef t & Chiet Execu1ive..,.., Benedicr Mur'"ba Jelstream.l d arat, {€re 10n B.itsl a Mys &dlonbl r., lU2 gPF, lrx C tiE\Dress sith efiect trom 30 March 2003. T.l +44 (0) ga2 525330 Fax +44 (0) $a2 443355 1x Boei.g 737 200 SN' LTNUXH li.ln bas Entebbe tnremationa (EBB)

S€rvlc.! Scheduled, regiona , domestic, passenger P.r.d oE nl!.tlon/.h.r.nou.E Sretios Haj ]oannou lvuhrn tl.nh6 AlrDort, Wuh.n, Hubet, /F0302, Chtna 0ffcer...... ,,...... ChrsHo day (26.9%), Polys Haji loannoLr (11.3%), pdvate invesroG 't€l +46 27 8581 9325 Fax +80 27 8581 9335 (61.8%) €hall chen iiuan@easistarniicom Aldln€{bcd.rl..Ah.r€tddtng. EasyjetSwitze and wsbrlto lw.easlstarciicom,cn 8 x saab 2000 (49%) S{fvlcas Schedlled. regional, passengerand domestic, Maln b$€ Humbe6ide fternarionat (HUY) Drte ol€ndon. d.n€d 10 Nmmber 1995 lfub5 No ich lnternatiora (Nwt),Abedee. Dyce (ABz) tto* gtion Europes ta€est towiare a ne, operating Par.d dg.nlratio/lharuhotdor! Dongsheng Reat i€quentdailyscheduled seryiceslor teisure and bus ness :siaie (4cr.r), EastStarAir ines tNestment(40%), passe.ge6, now seruing 100 key Eu.opean c ties, as re as ',Jrian East star lnternationat Tmvet ce (20%) sery 203CoradStE lSldFy, N Soub!y.t s,2020, A6trlth 15 in the UK and tre and,irom 27 hubs. ,qt6 oF.ElioB 3trriod 19 May 2006 +61 T.l 2 9691 2333 Fd +61 2 9691 3277 Sbtory Easyjelwas launched wth two eased Boetng 737s ).s4drtlon Private y oMed operatinAscfeduted W.blte !w.,com,aulnights/qantasJink.h1lnt operatingn o routes be&€ef Luton, Gtasgow and :.ryices lnking 16 domestic desr nations. inctudifg Hong Schedu ed, passenger S.rvic€. charte4 regional, Edilbu€l^ A 40\ slare n tEA Swrredo.d ras dcqLreo rn -rngand from its wlhan qg.nlladon/*ar€hold.E base, P€F Qanias (100%) l4arch 1998 andthe carerMs renamed Easy]et .&tory Awarded an a r operator! cetrifcare by the Chinese ttrl. opor.tlon. 3t6itod 1949 Switzerland. Floated on the Lo.don Stock ExcharEe in aviation adhodty in Jufe 2005. EastStarbecame :. the Do!.dption Regonalanlne serv ng 1a desrinations ir New October 2000, tn 2002 the company acquired .i!"t tow.ost - 'sl pnvate y owned cafrier operate reg onal to a serv ce w th Solth l bles, the Australlan CapitaiTertory Victor a, carler . tusylet bought GB A Mys in a deatconctuded : i ght between wuhaf, Ho.g{ongand Macau on 22 Tasmana and Lod Hore tstand_ ',ovember2007. Nationa Avialon Holdlng is Hl.tort Fouded as Air Taxi setolce (soon aiier Employ€.. totat 5,674 '?oortedly in talksto acqu re the struEErirg cader Grcunded condensed to Taman)! servirgthe faming and gBz ng _ March 2009 aiter fail ng to pay rnoney to GECAS, communities oi westem and nodn#stern New south Mb es afd south-r^€st Queensland. Fol owing 36 years oi expans on and amalgamai on wlth sevei?l smaller commuter Chief 0perations Off cer.....,...... ,.,,.,,,,,,,,.,.-.....Cor Vr eswijk operalors, the curent name was adopted in rca7. Lan Shii Alstralian Airl nes purchased 26% of Eastem Austratian Fl*r (onroB) 121 (69) x Aidus A319100 'read of FlightOpectio.s-..-...... -.....1ia Mange Airines from €asi West in 1988, and the anfne became a 8 (25)x A Dus A32O200 Flst (odors) 3 x A rbus A31+100 whollyowned subsidiary in 1991. 6xAdusA321-200 6 (6) x AlbusA32O200 Fl€€t 3xBombadierDashaQl00 24xBoeing737700 tlain bas Wirha. Tianhe hternat onal (WUH) 4x Bombaftiier Dash 8 Q200 Maln br!3 LLnon (LTN) 10x Bombadier Dash I Q300 Hu!. London Ganrick (LGW), Manchester(MAN), Biminghanr rhin brs Syd.ey Kingsford Smlth lnternationa (sYD) lntenat onal (BHX). Eertir sch6netetd (sxD, Lyons &on .a-!4!!e4i!!49&e!1J4!9l3u41!q!@ Hub Melbourne T!l arnaine lnte.naiiofal (MEL) (LYN), Paris Char es de Gau e (CDG), Edinb!€h (EDi), Bistot lntematonar (BRs), Geneva hremationat (GVA), Gtasgow S.rvlca! S.heduied, regiona , domestic, passenger and lntehational (GLA), Milan rMalpensa (MXP), Dorrmund (DIM), Suft6 3erc7, Dub6l Alrpon F@ Zono, Dubd ld.n.tlm.l Belfast lntematonal (BFS), London Stansted (sIN), >aerlptlon Russian stanup planninAto aunch se.vices in Alrrot, Dubal, lrnltsd Arab Ehlr't63 Newcaste lntemationat (NCL), Liweoot.lohn Lennon (LPL), : I10 irom its Siberian base ai Khabarovsk to destinations fa1 +977 4 299 5A11, Fat +971 4299 5822 Paris or y (ORY). East Mldlands , NottinEham, Leicestei . -r L000hm, operatilg eased ,us1r ll.ll4 ruaop ops Enall [email protected] Detby (EN1A), Amsterdam Schiphot (AMs)

qh€ World Airline Directory 2OO9 Fllght International 65