深圳市华迅贸易有限公司 Shenzhen Huaxun Trading Co., Ltd. 地址:深圳市福田区车公庙泰然九路海松大厦 A 座 1602 室 邮编:518040 电话:0755-23981008 传真:0755-82734068 Email:
[email protected] 深圳市华迅贸易有限公司(以下简称“华迅”)自 2001 年成立伊始,就致力向中国航空工业提供高品质的航空化工产品和消耗材料, 经过多年来的努力和本着“诚信、专业、变革、进取”的宗旨,目前已与东航、南航、海航、深圳航空、上海航空、四川航空、山东 航空、厦门航空、中国货运航空、春秋航空、吉祥航空、上海国际货运航空、扬子江快运、东星航空、华夏航空、中国联合航空、 东海航空、通用航空等航空公司和北京飞机维修工程有限公司、广州飞机维修工程有限公司、上海科技宇航、上海波音航空改装维 修工程有限公司、上海东联、珠海摩天宇、四川斯奈克玛、厦门豪富太古飞机工程有限公司等飞机维修公司及中国民航飞行学院、 深圳鲲鹏国际飞行学院等飞行院校保持着良好的业务往来。 Since established in Jan 2001, Shenzhen Huaxun Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Huaxun” for short) has applied herself to supply high-quality products and consumables for Chinese aviation industry. After making great efforts for many years and carrying out the tenet of “honesty , professionalism, innovation and enterprise”, Huaxun has become a qualified and dependable partner of domestic airlines such as China Eastern Airlines, China Southern Airlines, Hainan Airlines, Shenzhen Airlines, Shanghai Airlines, Sichuan Airlines, Shandong Airlines, Xiamen Airlines, China Cargo Airlines, Spring Airlines, Juneyao Airlines, Shanghai Airlines Cargo Intl, Yangtze River Express Airlines, East Star Airlines , China Express Airlines, China United Airlines, Donghai Airlines, General Airlines as well as aviation maintenance corporations such as AMECO, GAMECO, STARCO, BSAS, CEASA, MTU Maintenance Zhuhai, SSAMC, Goodrich TAECO and some civil aviation colleges as CAFUC, Shenzhen Kunpeng International Flight College etc. 华迅作为航化产品经销商,经营产品范围涵盖了润滑油、润滑脂、液压油、清洗剂、防腐剂、除锈剂、胶粘剂、密封胶、胶 带、油漆、无损探伤、复合材料、表面处理产品等。目前全球合作伙伴主要有埃克森美孚, 首诺, 壳牌, 汉高, LPS, 3M, ANDEROL, DOWCORNING, PPG, GE, ZIP-CHEM, ACHESON, HUNTSMAN, WD-40, HEXCEL, CYTEC, AKZONOBEL, ORCON, MILLER-STEPHENSON, MCGEAN-ROHCO, PERMACEL, BOSTIK 等。 As a domestic supplier of aviation chemicals, Huaxun’s products cover aviation lubricants, greases, hydraulic fluids, cleaners, anti-corrosions, anti-rusts, adhesives, sealants, tapes, paints, NDT, composite materials and surface treatment products etc.