The 14th Association

Volume 20 Number 4 Honoring You, Honoring Our Regiment December 2020

From the Saddlebag Association Awards Troopers 120 in 2021 Happy 120th Anniversary to the Regi- ment! It was constituted in the Regular The Association awards the Regimental Coin and/or a Stetson hat to 14th Cav sol- Army Feb. 2, 1901, at Ft. Riley and was diers who achieve extraordinary training standards or attain high performance of duty organized Feb. 19 at Ft. Leavenworth, goals. both in Kansas. These 2nd Squadron Troopers each received a coin for exceeding the training standards of a simulated combat operations exercise in preparation for the Rattlesnake Troopers Fight Fires squadron’s deployment to the Joint Readiness Training Center in October. 200 plus Army soldiers have been fighting fires in western states since Sept. after receiving fire-fighting training at JBLM by members of the National Inter- SGM Mark Frantz, Infantry, 11 Bravo agency Fire Center. Active duty military (note blue cord on campaign hat). Also, members have been deployed as wild land he designed and built the sign near the firefighters 38 times in the past 33 years, entrance of 2-14’s Regimental Room and according to NIFC. a belt buckle for the Squadron. (This and photos on page 6 by SGT Elizabeth Spenser, 2-14 Army Museum Opens PAO.) The National Museum of the U.S. Army opened its doors Nov. 11, Veter- ans Day. It was to open in June and be continued on page 6 a feature of our Regimental Reunion in September. But the covid-19 pandemic nixed those plans. Until Sept. 5 next year. That’s when we On Association’s Horizon are to tour the museum as part of our 2021 Association president Jim Dunivan Mission- Bring together and support reunion, Sept. 1-5. tasked the Executive Council (XC) to Active Duty and Veteran soldiers who are Its lobby is shown below. See much move the Association into the future. or were assigned, attached, or affiliated more at: He implored the XC to identify its suc- with the 14th Cavalry Regiment. cesses and non-successes, to look over the horizon and develop substantial and Objectives sustainable aims and activities that will A. Conduct activities that: 1) Strengthen benefit individual members and all of us and perpetuate bonds among members, and collectively. He emphasized the absolute 2) Honor their service to one another, the need to increase membership, especially Regiment and the nation. B. Develop and maintain mutually Free Admission to Parks among Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) and present-day veterans and Troopers. supportive and continuous contact with Veterans and Gold Star families can squadrons via: 1) Personal representation; now visit national parks and other public In response, the following “way ahead” document was developed by the XC and 2) Squadron on-site ceremonies and social lands free. This policy took effect on events such as Organization Days; 3) Veterans Day this year. Active-duty mem- recently sent to members for comments and suggestions. Help the Association Facebook and newsletter CHARGE!; 4) bers and their families already have free Presentations at Association reunions; and, access. (Dept. of Interior) move forward. We encourage feedback to [email protected]. 5) Squadron SITREPs. Belated Happy Birthday C. Recognize soldiers for outstanding October 1 was the date 20 years ago Vision- Be the “rally point” for Active performance of duty and provide support that Ft. Lewis and McChord Air Force Duty, Veteran, and family members of the for their participation in squadron- and Base merged, creating one of today’s 12 14th Cavalry Regiment and its affiliates. Association-sponsored activities. continued on page 5 continued on page 6

Commander’s Hatch, page 2 1-14 SITREP, page 3 CONTENTS CSM’s Corner, page 2 2-14 SITREP, page 4 Commander’s Hatch

Here we are on the objective of another our Regimental Reunion from 1 to 5 Sep- iron out some of the finer details of during holiday season! While this year has been tember. So far we are back on track, with our member’s meeting at the reunion, but it everything opposite of business as usual, the National Museum of the U.S. Army of- is my intent to use these as an azimuth for I certainly hope you have the opportunity ficially opening its doors on Veteran’s Day, the way ahead. to relax and spend some quality time with 11 November 2020. With that, our “cen- As we move forward please remember family, friends and loved ones over the terpiece” now in place, we can build you our active duty Squadrons. Our Troopers next few weeks. I also remain hopeful and a program that is sure to satisfy. We also have been training hard over the past year optimistic that the New Year, 2021, ushers have some catching up to do, so I hope to during unimaginable circumstances. They in a period of grace and prosperity for all see you there! have persevered and maintained their read- of us. I cannot thank everyone enough for iness to accomplish any mission despite During this time of the year I like to their continued dedication to the Associa- all the obstacles and distractions, which is reflect on the Bible’s Christmas Story. tion over this past year. One individual that a testimony to the quality leadership and While everyone probably has their favorite I failed to mention in the “State of Associa- Soldiers we have serving our great Nation. character or setting, Mary by the manger tion” back in September is our esteemed Well done! with the Christ Child, the shepherds with treasurer, Page Berry. That was certainly Once again, I wish you a joyous holiday their flocks, the Magi bearing gifts, the not intentional, as Page works diligently season and look forward to seeing you at angels on high; I personally like to think behind the scenes to keep us solvent and some point over the next year. Until then, about Joseph. Joseph never seems to get moving forward (another Joseph, if you saddle up and stay the course. As always, any attention and yet it is he who has the will). I typically shy away from thank you thank you for all you have done and con- faith, loyalty, and resolve to keep things in “lists” for that very reason of omitting tinue to do for each other, the 14th Cavalry, motion and enable all that we celebrate this someone. My memory fails often, but my the Army and our Nation. appreciation for all of you never wavers. time of year. How different would things SUIVEZ MOI be if Joseph had been a doubter or quitter? To that end, I would be grateful for any I am glad we will never know. feedback, positive or negative, on the pro- We do not know what 2021 has in store posed objectives and goals released with for us either, but I know with certainty that report and highlighted again in this that we will face it head-on and overcome issue. Goals are aspirational by nature, but any obstacles while enjoying the happy I want to ensure that we have everyone’s Jim Dunivan, Col, U.S. Army, Ret. moments. One of those moments should be support or hear voices of dissent. We can President, 14th Cavalry Association

CSM’s Corner I wish all a great and safe holiday nades and he scanned for individuals not season and a better new year (compared to the commonly parked vehicles along the 2020). residential area. A mini-van (Iraqi version) I also thank everyone who gathered for was on the side of the road. our virtual “Stable Call” via Zoom on 28 When Berman and the FOX Recon ve- October. It was a great opportunity to see hicle were 10-15 feet away, 8 to 10 155mm CHARGE! is available at and catchup with Association members and artillery rounds in the van exploded (as on the 1st of March, non-members who served in our Regiment. estimated by EOD). June, September & December. In the past I’ve highlighted some former Today Berman doesn’t recall much of Next Deadline: 1 February 2021 Troopers of the regiment and their success- the Vehicle Born Improvised Explosive es in the civilian world but I now highlight Device (VBIED) blast, just a few sec- Editor: one of the many sacrifices our Troopers of onds, here and there. But he clearly recalls Gordy Bratz the Global War on Terrorism have endured. [email protected] several of his fellow Soldiers holding him (757) 564-1134 On 24 May 2004 SSG Jed Berman down, keeping him from getting to his 3009 Larkspur Run joined the 0700 hours resupply convoy feet. He was pissed and wanted to check Williamsburg, VA 23185-3766 heading to Mosul from FOB Warhorse, on the vehicle to make sure it and the crew Tal A Far, to bring a detainee to the were OK. SFC Kelly assured him of that as Secretary: Brigade Detainee Holding Area. His medics took care of him. Then everything Max Whipps HMMWV was down for maintenance so went black. Later, in the hospital, SGT [email protected] he hitched a ride with the Fox Chemical Waters filled in the blanks. Several Soldiers (503) 954-1864 Recon Platoon’s convoy security element. held Berman down while being transported 3800 NE 72nd Ave Portland, OR 97213-5710 Berman was in the right-side gun hatch in to FOB Warhorse CASH for evacuation overwatch when the convoy slowed down to Bagdad via Mosul. From Tal A Far to Send membership renewals and at the T-intersection of the FOB road and Mosul he crashed twice and ended up with changes to email and postal addresses Route 47 (an Iraqi Police check point). The broken ribs caused by doctors as they kept to Secretary. threat at the time was RKG-3 AT Gre- continued on page 6

Page 2 CHARGE! Volume 20 Number 4 1st Squadron “Warhorse” SITREP

Greetings from your Warhorse Squadron at Joint Base Lewis- McChord (JBLM)! Since our last SITREP, we have remained steadfast in our preparation for operations in the Pacific Theater.

1LT Michael Ortiz re-enlists SGT Aiden Markam. Bronco Troop stands for a Squadron- Furthermore, the organization wide inspection. has fully indoctrinated the Corps Readiness Day, a monthly occurrence Firing our Mobile Gun Systems at during which the organization JBLM in preparation for gunnery. devotes an entire day to discussions During the past two months we and counseling about the three completed gunnery tables, corrosives-suicide, sexual assault, Scout Team and Section Live and racism-that injure discipline, Fire Exercises, Platoon Live Fire unity of effort and morale across all Exercises, and a very successful road echelons. The day was wildly popular Troopers of the 1st and 2nd Squad- march to and from Yakima Training with the Soldiers and helpful to the rons meet at the Joint Readiness Center (YTC), in eastern . Squadron as a whole. Training Center at Ft. Polk upon ar- We are proud of the standard by Presently (early November), we which training has been accomplished \rival of the Warhorse and the depar- are preparing to demonstrate our ture of the Rattlesnakes. and of the operational mobility that excellence in the field at the Joint the unit has displayed. Readiness Training Center (JRTC) Throughout all of our training we located at Ft. Polk, Louisiana. Our All of us in the 1st Squadron have carefully implemented measures would like to extend heartfelt Ghost Brigade is deploying to JRTC to keep our Cavalry troopers as safe season’s greetings to all of you for as possible from the ill effects of both in support of the 5th Security Force this upcoming holiday season. We the pandemic and the low air quality Assistance Brigade (SFAB) and are hopeful for the New Year and all caused by many forest fires here in the has the opportunity to develop its the laughs and joy that is to come. Pacific Northwest during the months of readiness with a focus on the Pacific Although the road ahead may be filled September and October. theater. This is a unique opportunity with challenges, the Warhorse will Woven throughout our training for 1st Squadron as Stryker brigades charge ahead and be ready for contact. has been a focus on ownership of our rarely participate in JRTC rotations, Warhorse! Soldiers, our maintenance, and our and historically train at the National profession, and we are pleased to say Training Center (NTC) located at Ft. SUIVEZ MOI that the Squadron is doing well in all Irwin, California. This also provides areas. The Squadron made it’s FY20 us a brief opportunity to rub elbows J. Clint Tisserand retention mission with several Troops with our 2-14 brothers- and sister-in- LTC, AR out performing their goals, which is a arms before they depart “the box” of Commanding true testament to the culture of those Ft. Polk. Troops.

Volume 20 Number 4 CHARGE! Page 3 2nd Squadron “Rattlesnake” SITREP

Mele kalikimaka (Merry Christmas) and the Brigade Area of Operation (AO). Criti- their attacks to the West to Shugart Gordan. Hau’oli Makahiki hou (Happy New Year) cal to the JFE was the rapid clearance of We completed the Force on Force por- from the Rattlesnake Ohana! the main and alternate supply routes by the tion of our JRTC Rotation pushing to the The Squadron deployed in September dismounted Snakes who had Air Assaulted northwest of the Brigade’s culminating to the Joint Readiness Training Center into AO Warrior. event protecting the flank of the “Gim- (JRTC) at Fort Polk, La., spearheaded by lets” of 1-21 Infantry. The Squadron then Rattlesnake 5 (XO, MAJ Ardiente) and moved to Peason Ridge to prepare, plan, Rattlesnake 37 (Ops SGM Frantz). They and execute the Brigade Live Fire Exercise led our entire Warrior Brigade’s Reception, (LFX) from 24-27 Oct. Staging, On-Ward Movement, and Integra- tion at the Port of Port Arthur, Tex., from late September to 5 October, moving over 1,900 pieces of equipment to Ft. Polk.

Zeroing MILES and planning our first mis- sion.

The live fire was highlighted by PFC Nelson, one of our best “sharpshooters,” who fired a live TOW Missile. (See a video of the shoot at https:// Rattlesnake 6 (Squadron commander) briefs his “Commander’s Intent” before conducting 970/?extid=0&d=n) an Air Assault. Upon completing the LFX, the Squad- ron returned to North Fort Polk and began Reverse RSOI operations. From there the Main Body departed the continental U.S. via contracted commercial aircraft and the remaining Rattlesnakes had the rare opportunity to gather with members of the arriving 1-14 “Warhorse” Squadron for a photo at Tiger Land. Rattlesnake Trooper with the Squadron’s new November saw us back at Schofield enhanced Night Vision Goggles. Barracks and beginning to transition new leaders from across the entire Squadron We Rattlesnakes aggressively protected at the Platoon Leader and Troop XO SSG Mortensen, MAJ Ardiente and SGM the Brigade’s Security Area for 36 hours level. Due to the COVID-19 restrictions Frantz at Port of Port Arthur, Tex., aboard the without significant enemy impact leading members are redeploying to the islands USN Fisher during download operations. to the Brigade’s establishment of their De- and conducting mitigation measures to The Squadron quickly moved through fense. The Snakes were called upon again keep the community and their families pre-exercise preparations at North Fort to establish a Screen that transitioned into safe. Polk, drawing and installing MILES gear a Guard of the Brigade’s Battle Positions December will be highlighted by the on equipment and every Trooper. enabling additional time for final prepara- reception of our equipment at Pearl Harbor We executed a Squadron Air Assault on tions for the Defense to occur. and a much-needed break as the Squadron the night of 13-14 Oct with every maneu- Upon completing the Defense phase, goes on Block Leave. ver Troop while simultaneously conducting Task Force Rattlesnakes executed a Mid- It has been a dynamic and rewarding a Ground Assault Convoy, enabling the Rotation After Action Review and went year for the Troopers and their families. Joint Force Entry (JFE) of the Warrior Bri- back on the attack pushing to the Brigade’s The Squadron has overcome the adversities gade. The Squadron’s operations occurred Western boundary and establishing ad- of COVID-19 and the crucible of our nearly 12 hours before the brigade’s main ditional time and space for the Brigade’s JRTC Rotation has honed our individual body began expanding the lodgment into Infantry Battalions to begin preparation for continued on page 7

Page 4 CHARGE! Volume 20 Number 4 Saddlebag continued from page 1

U.S. joint bases worldwide. (Military. sized movements over all types of terrain. other words, Cav soldiers are ninjas with com) (Army Times) cowboy hats. To this day, Cavalry soldiers celebrate V Corps Reactivated “Light Tank” Prototype their historical connection to their horse- The Army’s storied V Corps was again The Army has contracted BAE Systems mounted ancestors by wearing Stetson hats reactivated October 16 at Ft. Knox, Ky., and General Dynamics Land Systems to and continuing the tradition of awarding with its forward command post in Poznan, build 12 “light tank” prototypes each for gold or silver spurs to soldiers who suc- Poland. The Corps will manage operational its Mobile Protected Firepower (MPF) cessfully complete a series of physical planning and oversee the maneuvering of program. BAE’s prototype is based on the challenges called a “spur ride.” U.S. forces that rotate to . Poland M8 Armored Gun System and has an ‘Iron The phrase “If you ain’t Cav, you ain’t is funding facilities for a forward division First’ active protection system (below). HQ, an armored brigade combat team, a s---” is a Cavalry motto heard throughout combat aviation brigade and several types the Army. of Army and Air Force support units. Bits of History The Corps was activated in 1918 for • The term “retreat” is taken from the WW I and reactivated for the first time for French word “retraite” and refers to the WW II. It was deactivated in 2013. (Army evening ceremony. The bugle call sounded Times & Stars and Stripes) at retreat was first used in the French army Up-Gunned and dates back to the Crusades. Retreat The Army awarded a $1.2 billion con- was sounded at sunset to notify sentries to tract to General Dynamics Land Systems start challenging until sunrise, and to tell to deliver an initial 28 Interim Maneuver The MPF is one of five next-generation the rank and file to go to their quarters. Short-Range Air Defense (IM-SHORAD) combat vehicles being developed by Army • The old Cavalry call, “To the Stan- Strykers (of a planned 144 by 2023). Futures Command as part of the Army’s dard,” in use from about 1835, has been re- shifting focus from counterinsurgency to placed by the present call, “To the Color.” high-intensity multi-domain operations in- volving “great power” rivals such as China and Russia. (Janes) Electric-Powered Vehicles The Engine Research Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and ground maneuver officials at Ft. Benning are jointly developing requirements for They will have 50 kW lasers under the the Army’s potential move to outfitting its Directed-Energy Maneuver-Short Range tactical and combat vehicles with electric Air Defense (M-SHORAD) effort consist- engines. ( ing primarily of a 360-degree Avenger air defense turret with Stinger and AGM-114 Recent Deployments Longbow Hellfire missiles (traditionally The 1st Armored Bde., 1st Cav Div, Ft. • An M-8 “Greyhound” armored scout used in air-to-surface roles), an XM914 Hood, is now in Europe. The 2nd Infantry car in the “Liberation Day” parade in Paris 30mm cannon, and a 7.62mm machine Bde., 10th Mountain Div., Ft Drum, is now in 1945. gun. ( & Task and Purpose) in . And the 1st Armored Bde., 3rd Inf. Div., Ft. Stewart, has deployed to Strykers to Black Sea Korea. The Pentagon plans to deploy a Stryker To Fiddler’s Green brigade into the Black Sea region to Think About It Ron Meyer, 1st Squadron, Today sons and daughters of Army shore-up NATO’s eastern flank. Whether 14th ACR, ’62-’65, passed the move will be permanent or “rotation- fathers and mothers who fought in al” and when it is to occur have yet to be Afghanistan 19 years ago are now joining away at age 80 on October announced. (Army Times) the Army and some are deploying to that 21, 2019. The cause was not country. Robotic Combat Vehicle given. He left behind his wife, An early version of what may become Lest We Forget three daughters and seven Cavalry soldiers have a reputation for ground combat’s “robotic wingman” has grandchildren. The funeral been tested by the 4th ID at Ft. Carson, hard- and fast-charging action, whether on Colo. The Robotic Combat Vehicle test the battlefield or at the local bar. They also was private. (We recently used an M113 with remote operation cultivate a constantly moving culture of received this notice.) capability and a team of two soldiers irreverent humor, out-of-the-box thinking, on both vehicle-only and mounted- and a “now you see us, now you don’t” dismounted missions. They ran platoon- approach to their fighting and free-time. In

Volume 20 Number 3 CHARGE! Page 5 Awards Horizon CSM’s Corner continued from page 1 continued from page 1 continued from page 2

D. Pay respects to 14th Cavalry Troop- him alive. It’s funny what hurts you the ers who paid the ultimate sacrifice in the most…. name of the of America. In addition to broken ribs, Berman suf- E. Promote the history of the 14th Cav- fered a collapsed lung, multiple shrapnel alry Regiment, principally via: 1) Conduct- wounds to his left arm and right knee, a ing history-related activities at squadron hole through his left shoulder, loss of sight level, 2) Association’s Website, Facebook in his right eye, a shattered skull and a and newsletter; 3) Maintaining the 14th penetrating wound to the brain. He was in Cavalry Regiment Memorial Monument; a coma nearly three weeks. He awoke at and, 4) Enhancing the 14th Cavalry Regi- Walter Reed. A funny note: the first time ment Gallery, both at Ft. Benning. the squadron called him from Iraq he hung SSG Cory Dacosta, 2-14’s Master Gun- F. Sponsor a scholarship for children or up. He had forgotten that he was now deaf ner, shown in the Squadron’s Regimen- grandchildren of active members in good in his right ear, and when he said hello no tal Room. (Note the photo of the horse- standing with the Association. one answered so he hung up. He was glad mounted 14th Cavalry Regiment, circa they called back. 1920.) Goals When asked why he stayed on active 2020 - Adopt Vison, Mission, Objectives, duty Berman said, “I sat down with my Goals and a Tag Line (Honoring You, Hon- Squadron CSM for breakfast and he told oring Our Regiment). me “As long as your good days out number 2021 - 1. Conduct a Web-based survey of your bad days you have a good job in the Army.” So he fought to stay in. He had Active Duty members to ascertain their so many surgeries while working as the Knowledge of the Assn, Receptivity to squadron S-2 NCOIC and offered to leave learning more about it, Expectation of but his CSM told him “The Cav takes care belonging to Assn (or, What they desire of its own.” Berman got promoted to SFC. to gain by being a member), Propensity to After 31 months of treatment and 30 days renew/retain their membership (or, What after receiving his Fit for Duty designa- would cause discontinuing membership), tion he landed in Bagdad on Christmas and their Reactions to current and potential Day 2006 joining the Brigade during the SFC Jacob Aanerud, former Troop B dues rates. 06-07 OIF Deployment. Berman deployed First Sergeant now a Platoon SGT in 2. Kick-off multi-year membership again to Iraq from 2009 to 2010. In 2012 Troop C. He was an instructor with the recruiting campaign, focusing on GWOT after returning from a Korea assignment Armor Recon Course and helped create veterans and Association leadership posi- his injuries finally began to take a toll as the Squadron’s Spur Ride competition. tions. began to experience major cognitive issues (Note the Association’s Regimental 3. Develop Memorandum of Under- and chronic migraines. He realized he Poster off his left shoulder.) standing that outlines mutual goals, respon- could not take the upcoming 1st SGT job sibilities and benefits of Association- in a deploying unit and therefor requested Squadron relations. assignment to JBLM to begin the medical 4. Develop/Launch fund-raising to retirement process. He medically retired support monument obligations, Soldier in Dec 2014 after 22 years of service. support activities (including eventual Hooah!!! scholarship program; see 2022, #1). I was with SFC Berman. To see him en- 5. Develop a three- to five-year annual dure his wounds and return to active duty still amazes me. He is not the only one in reunion and mini-reunion location pro- this Regiment who has done that, as you posal; vote at 2021 reunion. know. But such is the strength of Soldiers. 6. Recommend at least one member as And the “reward” of associating with them Distinguished Member of the Regiment in an outfit like ours. (DMOR). Award at reunion. 7. Review Assn’s governing organiza- Honoring You, Honoring our Regiment. CPT Thomas Boggiano, CO, Troop C tion & bylaws. and a prime leader-trainer in the 2-14. 2022 - 1. Create a scholarship program. SUIVEZ MOI 2. Review contract with Finish Line Brian C. Shover Troopers who are Soldier or NCO of the Awards, operator of Supply Room; rec- CSM, U.S. Army, Ret. Quarter or of the Year are also eligible for ommend changes, renewal or termination. Vice President, 14th Cavalry Association these awards.

Page 6 CHARGE! Volume 20 Number 4 14th Cavalry

Visit us on our Website at and our Facebook at 14th cav association

2nd Squadron SITREP continued from page 4 Stable Calls via Zoom and collective skills to “Win at First Contact” A combined 30 members and non- and prepared us to execute any operation when members exchanged war stories and called upon. Months ago we set on a path to camaraderie during two Stable Calls via compete, fight and win by trusting in each Zoom in August and October. The most other, our families and our training--today we recent brought together 14 ACR vets and live that reality. We are better trained and most Association members and two vets of importantly we did it together. Winning hinges the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT), on Leadership and the ability to Execute while both non-members at the time of the under pressure. We must provide Exceptional virtual gathering. Their tales of combat Training while Executing routine tasks. in Iraq generated a lively discussion From our family to yours, have a great among brothers-in-arms and furthered Holiday Season and Happy New Year from comradeship. Since that event, one the entire Rattlesnake Ohana. Let’s do it right - rejoined the Association. “Follow Me.” Join the next virtual Stable Call in early January. All members will receive an email notice this month. Pass it on. SUIVEZ MOI Invite former members of the Regiment. Matthew P. Leclair They don’t need to be members of the LTC, IN Association. Commanding

Page 7 CHARGE! Volume 20 Number 4