Philadelphia Kennel Club Show
VOLUME :>. XO. 4. PHILADELPHIA PA. MAY 6, 1885. PRICE FIVE CEKTS. BILLIARDS. Headquarters for the Rritnstrick V. .Billiard Tables, Carom Combination and fool. Billiard goods of every descrip- ways on hand. Over 500,000 Xoise- Subduers sold. Orders from all parts of the world promptly attended to. KSS CEEAHAJ?, US S: 9th St., FiihJ'a. Sportsmen's Depot. ESTABLISHED 183S. JOHN KRIDER, You are invited to N. E. ccr. 2i & Walnut Sts.,Phila, join " The JTa- DEALEB IN 4& t ional Gun Association. Fishing Tackle,Gans&Sporting Goods Send 10 cts. for copy Salmon. B:i?s nr.d Trout Flies dre«ed to of first Handbook, giv 0 ,"'T> Knaer's Celebrated Centre Enamel ing full information to fcplu Bamboo Rods. Spratt's Patent Dog the Secretary. Biscuits and Cheltenham Beef Fihrial Boi 1292, Cfaciaaaa, ^.^""<- tliowl"07 tf of "Chant- \ /crdCrcW'"'^ ,° -rarden ,n \ tdoii ^ '"* ..,, -n/il Gal SAFE Co., 727 Chestnut St. PHTLADA. 265 Broadway, N. T tePZ*^. The Base Ball Department of The SPORTING LIFE Is the Finest Published, Horse & Carriage Bazaart Bread and Cherry Streets, Philad'a, Auction Sales Every Monday and Thursday. J>. P. 8. fUCHOLS, Auetionter. THE SJPORTING May 6. UNDER 55LBS. Dogs: O. N. Appold's Bravo. DANDIE DINMONT TERRIERS. 1st, B. I would suppose that Mr. Dudley's prefer The other three were very poor. The puppies, Badger II.; 2J, Mrs. J. N. Naylor's were a must interior lot, Bitches, under SOlbs.: John E. Tbayer's Rue. Home's ence for Prince Waldemar was on account of though numerous, OPEN U.VDKR 55LB3.
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