GENTRAL UNIVERSITY of KARNATAKA 2"0 Floor Karya Soudha, Gulbarga University Campus GULBARGA 585 106
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I GENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF KARNATAKA 2"0 Floor Karya Soudha, Gulbarga University Campus GULBARGA 585 106 THrRD ANNUAL REPORT (2010-11) 1''April 2010 to 31" March 2011 € € c t lnauguration of the central University of Karnataka campus by Shri Kapil sibal, Hon'ble Union Minister for Human Resources Development Gol on 29'n october' 2o1o al campus site, Kadlganctri Village Aland Taluk in the presence of shri. Mallikarjun Kharge, Hon'ble Union Minister for Labour and Employmenj, pathan COt, Vice Chancellor CUK and other dignitraires ,9atutury off*orl Smt. Pratibha Devisingh Pati! Prof. A.M. Pathan Pro Vice-Chancellor Prof. S. Ghandrashekar Shri. Anup lL Puiati Shri. P. Sreeramulu Dr. Ali Raza Moosvi Corrte,rte VICE CHANCELLORS ENGAGEMENTS .,,.... 07 ACADEM|CS............... .............. 08 SCHOOL OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES ................. 09 SCHOOL OF SOCIALAND BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCES 10 DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY scHooL oF HUMANTTTES & LANGUAGES ............... ..................... 14 DEPARTMENT OF KANNADA. DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES ............... 32 DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC STUDIES & PLANNING . DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS STUDIES SCHOOL OF EARTH SCIENCES 37 DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY . ADMINISTRATION 39 FTNANCE & ACCOUNTS ............. 41 EXAMINATION BRANCH ............... 43 CAMPUS DEVELOPMENT ........... 44 LIBRARY.... 45 ACTIVITIES I OF ADM N ISTRATIVE STAFF 47 n Th /,a, Cl,uoe//or" I Welcome (CUK), to the Central University of Karnataka challenging and as complete an which has been established by the Parliament vide the Central academic experience as possible by Universities Act 2009 (No. 3-C of 2009) at Gulbarga. lt is one adopting the choice based credit of the 16 new Central Universities established by the system, patterning academics on the Government of lndia during the UGC Xl Plan Period to address Schools of Study system which to the concerns of'equity and access'and as perthe policy of encourages inter and multi- government quality the to increase the access to higher disciplinary studies and research and education people by in less educationally developed regions having in place progressive and which have a Graduate Enrollment Ratio of less than the friendly academic initiatives like continuous internal national average. assessment, flexible and up to date syllabi, internet The objectives ol the new Gentral Universities have been connectivity and access to online journals. staled in the Central Universities Act as lollows: The University is presently lunctioning from its 1. To disseminate and advance knowledge by providing temporary location in the Gulbarga University campus. Work instructional and research facilities in such branches of on the construction ol the University's own campus is in full learning as it may deem fit; swing at the 621 acres site at Kadaganchi village (Aland 2. To make special provisions for integrated courses in Taluka, about 20 kms west of Gulbarga) where we will shift by humanities, social sciences, science and technology in its February 2012.}ur new upcoming campus is planned and educational programmes; designed on being an environmentfriendly and green campus 3. To take appropriate measures for promoting innovations with all buildings built on a gold rating green building concept, in teaching-learning process and inter-disciplinary seamless wi-fi connectivity, various School of Studies studies and research; buildings, staff quarters, guest house, hostel, library, modern classrooms fully equipped 4. To educate and train manpowerforthe developmentof the with modern teaching and country; technological aids. land my 5. To establish linkages with industries for the promotion of colleagues hopethatthese initiatives help our science and technology; students to build a solid academic foundation that will drive 6. To pay special attention to the improvement of the social and economic conditions and welfare of the people, their intellectual, academic and cultural development. We are committed to provide the students with as -Prol. A.M. pathan f*oatluo Co*oi/ The first Executive Council of the University has been constituted by the Central Government, (vide letter No. F.42- 4/2009-Desk (U), dated 3Oth July 2009) in exercise of the powers conferred on it vide Section 44 of the Act, comprising of the following members for a period of three years with immediate effect: Prof. A.M. Pathan Ghairman Vice Chancellor - Central University of Karnataka Secretary - Department ol Higher Education Member % Ministry of Human Resource Development, GOl Principal Secretary to Govt. (Higher Education) Member Government of Karnataka Dr. Mahmood-ur-Rahman, IAS (Retd.) Member N Chairman Bombay Mercantile Bank Prof. K.B. Powar Member Former VC, Shivaji University Prof. U.B. Bhoite Member Former Vice Chancellor YCMOU s Prof. Furqan 0amar Member N Vice chancellor - Central University of Himachal Pradesh Prof. Amitabh Mattoo Member Former Vice Chancellor Jammu University E Prof. Y.D. Prasad Member Former Director - ANSISS Prof. Vasant Gowariket Member Former Vice chancellor, Unlversity of Pune Ex-Otlicio SecretarY Shri Anup K Puiari Registrar -Central University of Karnataka 4oalrnb Co*oi/ The lirst Academic Council of the University has been constituted by the Central Government, (vide letter No. F.42- 4/2009-Desk (U), dated 30* July 2009) in exercise of the powers conf erred on it vide Section 44 of the Act, comprising of the following members Ior a period of three years with immediate effect: Prof. A.M. Pathan Vice Chancellor Central University of Karnataka (Chairman) Prol. H. A.Ranganalh Prol. N.R. Madhava Menon Prof. S. K. Saidapur Director - NAAC Former Vice Chancellor NLS Former Vice Chancellor Karnatak University $s Ptol. C. Naganna Prol. K.N. Pathak Prol. L.K. Maheshwari Emeritus Professor of Geology (BU) Vice Chancellor & Dlrector, BITS $ Dr. B.K. Gairola Prof. Sunil Gupta Prof. Sujit K. Basu \N Director General - NIC Vice Chancellor - Former VC Shnatiniketan Himachal Pradesh University Dr. Sandeep Sancheti Prof. R. K. Kale Prol. V.S. Prasad Director NIT - Suratkal Vice Chancellor Former Director NAAC Central University of Gujarat Prol. Muslim TaiAhmed Prol. P Jogdand Prof. V.S. Ramamuilhy Principal University of Mumbai Director - NIAS $ Z.H. College of Engineering, AMU prof. Prof. N Sathyamurthy A.S. Narang Dr. Manju Sharma Director - llsER Mohali lndira Gandhi National 0pen university Former Secretary - DBT Prof. Vir Singh ShriRamesh. N. Navale llT - Roorke Gulbarga Shri Anup K Pujari Registrar Central University of Karnataka (Ex-Officio Secretary) fnouo, Co*^,ttoe Co*^,ttoo The first Finance Committee of the University is constituted with the following members: Prol. A.M. Pathan, Vice Chancellor, CUK Chairman Prol.S.Ghandrashekar, Pro.Vice Chancellor, CUK Member Shri. Sunil Kumar, lAS, Additional Secretary, MHRD-GOI Member Shri. S.V. Prabhath, lAS, Chairman NCRI Member % Prof. K.B. Powar, Former Secretary General (AlU) Member Ptol. Furqan 0amat, VC, Central University of Himachal Pradesh Member Dr. (Mrs.) Renu Batra, Joint Secretary (CU) UGC Member Shri. Anup K. Pujari, Registrar, CUK Speciallnvitee N Shri. P Sreeramulu, Finance 0fficer ex officio-Secretary BUILDING COMMITTEE Prof. A M Pathan Chairman Vice-Chancellor - Central University of Karnataka Prof. S Chandrashekar Member s Pro Vice-Chancellor - Central University of Karnataka Superintending Engineer Member s PWD, Govt. of Karnataka Prof. Rainalkar Laxman Member q Dean, School of Business Studies; Central University of Karnataka Chiel Principal Atchitect Member Govt. of Karnataka Principal Member PDA Engineering College, Gulbarga Shir Anup K Puiari Member Secretary Registrar - Central University of Karnataka Special lnvitee Mr. D Manoi Kumar Managing Partner - M/s. Mukesh and Associates 4loot Tl, h,*oe,ty The Central University of Karnataka (CUK) is other infrastructure is presently located. '16 established at Gulbarga as one of the new Central 621 acres of land at Kadaganchi Suntanurvillages Universities established by the Government of lndia by an Act on the Gulbarga-Waghdhari lnter-State Highway in Aland of the Parliament in March 2009. taluka identif ied by the Karnataka State Government has been The CUK, with its territorial jurisdiction all over handed overto the university, where the construction work of Karnataka has initiated its activities from the academic year boundary wall is completed and various buildings forthe first beginning August 2009 in keeping with the philosophy of phase ol campus development has begun. The foundation achieving and maintaining the highest levels ol academic stone of the University campus was formally laid by Shri. excellence, sensitivity to equity and access in enrolment and Kapil Sibal, Hon'ble Union Minister of Human Resource recruitment and emerging as a premier national educational Development, (GOl) in the presence of Shri. Mallikarlun and research institution in the country. The university is Kharge, Hon'ble Union Minister for labour & Employment functioning f rom its temporary premises at the 2'd floor of the (G0l) and the Hon'ble Minlsters for Education, Water Gulbarga University Administrative building where the Resources and Minister for Fisheries of the Government of administrative office, classrooms, library, computer lab and Karnataka. ,$*/'a/ foat^roe i. All courses offered on choice based credit system and Courses with inter and multi-disciplinary in content based on semester system. ii, SchoolofStudysystem iii.