ORIENTAL JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY ISSN: 0970-020 X CODEN: OJCHEG An International Open Access, Peer Reviewed Research Journal 2019, Vol. 35, No.(6): Pg. 1813-1823 www.orientjchem.org Studies on some of the Improvised Energetic Materials (IEMs): Detonation, Blast Impulse and TNT Equivalence Parameters KANNAN GAJENDRAN BALACHANDAR1 and ARUMUGAM THANGAMANI1* 1Department of Chemistry, Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore-641 021, Tamil Nadu, India. *Corresponding author E-mail:
[email protected] http://dx.doi.org/10.13005/ojc/350626 (Received: October 18, 2019; Accepted: November 20, 2019) ABSTRACT This work reports the computational analysis of the physicochemical, detonation, blast peak over pressure, blast impulse and TNT equivalence parameters of some of the Improvised Energetic Materials (IEMs) such as ammonium nitrate, urea nitrate, C4, hexamethylene triperoxide diamine (HMTD) and triacetone triperoxide (TATP), which are used in bombing incidents all over the world in the form of Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Devices (VBIEDs) or Person-Borne Improvised Explosive Devices (PBIEDs). The blast impulse, peak over pressure, TNT equivalence and detonation parameters reported in this manuscript will be useful to assess the threat quotient caused by these IEMs, of great help for the energetic materials researchers, technologists and scientists to undertake further research work in the field and for the security agencies to understand the severity of the damage during explosion. This paper also accounts for the available detection technologies to fabricate an explosive detection device for its effective identification and detection. Keywords: Ammonium nitrate, Urea nitrate, C4, Hexamethylene triperoxide diamine (HMTD), Triacetone triperoxide (TATP). INTRODUCTION of inflicting terror is by carrying out bomb blasts causing death and destruction.