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Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub. 2009 Dec; 153(4):259–262. 259 © K. Kuca, K. Musilek, M. Pohanka, V. Dohnal, J. Patocka REACTIVATION POTENCY OF THE ACETYLCHOLINESTERASE REACTIVATOR OBIDOXIME IS LIMITED Kamil Kucaa, b*, Kamil Musilekb, Miroslav Pohankaa, Vlastimil Dohnalb, c, Jiri Patockad a Center of Advanced Studies, Faculty of Military Health Sciences, University of Defence, Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic b Department of Toxicology, Faculty of Military Health Sciences, University of Defence, Hradec Kralove c Department of Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, J. E. Purkinje University, Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic d Faculty of Health and Social Studies, University of South Bohemia, Ceské Budejovice, Czech Republic e-mail: [email protected] Received: July 10, 2009; Accepted: November 11, 2009 Keywords: Obidoxime/Acetylcholinesterase/Nerve agent/Pesticide/Antidote/Reactivator/Oxime Background: Obidoxime is the only one reactivator of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) approved in Czech Republic for the treatment of nerve agent and pesticide poisonings for civilian sector. Due to the fact that misuse of nerve agents by terrorists or by an accidental poisoning by farmers is possible, re-evaluation of its universality is needed. It is also needed by the fact that clinical findings considering this oxime are controversial. Aim: In this study, we wanted to summarize if obidoxime is a universal reactivator or if its reactivation potency in case of some organophosphorus inhibitors is limited. Method: Using our in vitro method, rat brain AChE was inhibited by eleven organophosphorus AChE inhibitors and then reactivated by obidoxime. Results and Conclusion: It was found that obidoxime could not be termed as universal antidote. Due to this, devel- opment of new promising candidates as replacement of obidoxime is recommended. INTRODUCTION agent, Russian VX were chosen as members of nerve agent group. Chlorpyrifos, paraoxon, methyl-chlorpyrifos, Nerve agents (sarin, tabun, agent VX, etc.) and pes- DDVP and DFP were chosen as members of the pesticide ticides (paraoxon, chlorpyrifos, DDVP, etc.) pose rela- family. In vitro potentiometric method was used for the tively high threat to mammals. They are extremely toxic evaluation of obidoxime reactivation. compounds, especially nerve agents, influencing nerve system. They inhibit enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE; EC by the covalent binding to the hydroxyl group MATERIAL AND METHODS of serine in enzyme’s active site. After the inhibition, en- zyme is not able to split the neuromediator – acetylcho- Obidoxime (1,3-bis(4-hydroxyiminomethylpyridinium)- line (ACh). ACh cumulates at the synaptic clefts, and due 2-oxapropane dichloride) was prepared at our depart- to this, subsequent cholinergic crisis occurs1–4. ment using the modified approach published earlier12. Its At present time, only five AChE reactivators (pral- purity was determined prior its use by using TLC and idoxime, obidoxime, trimedoxime, methoxime and HI-6) HPLC13–14. Nerve agents were obtained from the Military together with atropine (cholinergic drug) and diazepam Facility Brno (Czech Republic). Pesticides and all other (anticonvulsive) are clinically used worldwide. In Czech chemicals used were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich (Czech Republic, three reactivators of them are available. Republic). However, only obidoxime can be used in civilian sector5–6. The whole in vitro method is described in the work Because of the fact, that we are living at the present of Musilek et al.15. Shortly: Lightly narcotized rats were time in the global war against terrorism, there is still a killed (narcosis does not influence cholinesterase activ- very high probability of the misuse of these compounds. ity)16. Their brains were removed and then homogenized Due to this, preparedness for the possible misuse of these with water to obtain 10% rat brain homogenate as the en- agents is of high priority. As mentioned above, obidoxime zyme source. The brain homogenate (0.5 ml) was mixed is the only oxime introduced in the Czech civilian sector with isopropanol solution of AChE inhibitor and then (Fig. 1). However in the current literature, the data dis- incubated at 25°C for 30 minutes to achieve 95% inhi- cussing obidoxime antidotal potency are controversial7–11. bition of AChE. 2.5 ml of solution of sodium chloride Owing to the above mentioned factors, summariza- (3 M) were added to the mixture and filled to the volume tion of the reactivation activities of obidoxime are shown 23 ml with distilled water. Finally, 2 ml of acetylcholine in this article. For this purpose, eleven AChE inhibi- iodide solution (0.02 M) were added. The enzyme activ- tors were selected. Tabun, sarin, cyclosarin, soman, VX ity was measured at pH 8.0 and temperature 25°C on 260 K. Kuca, K. Musilek, M. Pohanka, V. Dohnal, J. Patocka HON=HC CH=NOH autotitrator RTS 822 (Radiometer, Denmark). Activities of intact AChE (a0) and inhibited AChE (ai) were de- ducted from influence of consumption of NaOH solution 2 X (0.01 M) on time. After the incubation with nerve agent N N or pesticide-inhibited AChE (30 minutes), the reactivator CH2OCH2 was added to the solution and the mixture and incubated for 10 minutes. Activity of reactivated AChE (ar) was Fig. 1. Chemical structure of obidoxime. calculated from the influence of consumption of NaOH solution on time. The percentage of reactivation (%) was calculated from measured data according to formula: a0 ar x 1 100 % a0 ai RESULTS All the obtained results are summarized in Table 1 and Fig. 2. As resulted, obidoxime was able to reactivate AChE inhibited by all tested nerve agents and pesticides. As it is known, the sufficient reactivation potency caus- Fig. 2. Efficacy of oxime obidoxime in reactivation of ing survival of the intoxicated organism should be over 17 different AChE inhibitors (% reactivation); con- 10% . From this point of view, cyclosarin-, soman – and centration of the obidoxime 10–3 M and 10–5 M. methylchlorpyrifos-inhibited AChE was not sufficiently reactivated. At low for human relevant concentrations (10–5 M), obtained results are worse. At this concentra- tion, only tabun, Russian VX, chorpyrifos, paraoxon, Table 1. Reactivation of nerve agents – and pesticide- DDVP and DFP (limiting activity) reached sufficient inhibited AChE; concentration reactivation activity. of the obidoxime 10–3 M and 10–5 M. Reactivation [%] Reactivation [%] Nerve agent DISCUSSION (10–5 M) (10–3 M) Probability of organophosphorus pesticide poisoning Tabun 28 37 is in Czech Republic relatively rare. Number of people Sarin 4 41 intoxicated by pesticides is increased mostly in developing countries18–20. On the contrary, possibility of nerve agent Cyclosarin 2 4 misuse or misuse of pesticides as low-toxic and accessible Soman* 0 5 nerve agents is more probable in advanced countries by terrorists who do not like this kind consumer society. VX 8 79 Owing to this, preparedness for this threat is of great Russian VX 17 66 interest of scientists working in this area. Obidoxime is the only accessible reactivator available for the civilian Chlorpyrifos 35 63 sector in the Czech Republic. Its reactivation potency is Paraoxon 37 76 according to the literature not so good to think that it is a universal antidote21–24. In our in vitro experiment, we Methyl- 03confirmed this statement. If inhibitors such as cyclosarin, chlorpyrifos soman or methyl-chlorpyrifos would be misused, no anti- DDVP 31 51 dote is available. Moreover, high doses of this oxime are needed to reactivate sufficiently – sarin and VX. However, DFP 11 18 high concentration of obidoxime could exert many side effects and in very high doses also death due to the cholin- * In case of soman, only 15 min inhibition was used be- ergic crisis25. cause of aging. Intoxication of those nerve agents, which were not reactivated by obidoxime, could be then treated by us- ing atropine only, anticonvulsives and other supportive treatment. Second possibility is to use military antidotes, especially oxime HI-6, which is considered to be broad- Reactivation potency of the acetylcholinesterase reactivator Obidoxime is limited 261 spectrum reactivator26–29. However, it is at present time 11. El-Naggar AR, Abdalla MS, El-Sebaey AS, Badawy SM. Clinical not approved for civilian purposes. findings and cholinesterase levels in children of organophosphates Other possibility is to find quite new oxime which will and carbamates poisoning. Eur J Pediatr 2009; 168: 951–956. 12. Musilek K, Holas O, Kuca K, Jun D, Dohnal V, Dolezal M. be really universal antidote able to reactivate AChE inhib- Synthesis of the novel series of asymmetrical bispyridinium com- ited by all nerve agents and pesticides. For this purpose, pounds bearing xylene linker and evaluation of their reactivation many laboratories throughout the world are working on activity against tabun and paraoxon-inhibited acetylcholinesterase. this topic5, 12, 15, 30–35. J Enzyme Inhib Med Chem 2007; 22: 425–432. Finally, combination of two oximes could solve 13. Jun D, Stodulka P, Kuca K, Koleckar V, Dolezal B, Simon P, Veverka M. HPLC analysis of HI-6 dichloride and dimethanesul- this problem. This topic was already discussed in1989 fonate – antidotes against nerve agents and organophosphorus (ref.36, 37). Nowadays, several scientists re-open this ap- pesticides. Anal Lett 2007; 40: 2783–2787. proach. However, there will be probably problem with 14. Jun D, Stodulka P, Kuca K, Koleckar V, Dolezal B, Simon P,Veverka licensing of such antidotal mixture consisting of two com- M. TLC analysis of intermediates arising during the preparation of pounds38. oxime HI-6 dimethanesulfonate. J Chrom Sci 2008; 46: 316–319. 15. Musilek K, Holas O, Kuca K, Jun D, Dohnal V, Opletalova V, Dolezal M. Synthesis of Monooxime-Monocarbamoyl Bispyri- dinium Compounds bearing (E)-but-2-ene Linker and Evaluation of CONCLUSION their Reactivation Activity against Tabun – and Paraoxon-Inhibited Acetylcholinesterase. J Enzyme Inhib Med Chem 2008; 23: 70–76. In conclusion, AChE reactivator obidoxime is not a 16.