Recent Advances in Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering Health Datasets in Spatial Analyses: What We Want, What We Get and What We Can Use LUKÁŠ MAREK*, JIŘÍ DVORSKÝ, VÍT PÁSZTO, PAVEL TUČEK, ALEŠ VÁVRA Department of Geoinformatics, Faculty of Science Palacky University in Olomouc 17. listopadu 50, Olomouc, 771 46 CZECH REPULIC *
[email protected] http:// Abstract: One of main aims of the spatial analysis of health and medical datasets is to provide additional information in the specialized medical research. These analyses can be used for disease mapping; searching for places with the higher intensity and probability of the disease occurrence; or the influence assessment of selected natural or artificial phenomena. While the space is obviously a crucial component within spatial analysis, it is also a very problematic part in geospatial research of health data. The following contribution aims to presents the current situation of providing (mainly public) health data sets in the Czech Republic and the usability of data for geoanalyses. Simultaneously, the issue of the anonymization methods of these highly private data is discussed, as they are one of frequently used by data providers. Last part is dealing with the form of results, which should be as precise as it is possible on one hand, but it should not reveal any private or sensitive data than it is necessary. Key-Words: Spatial analyses, health data, private information, anonymization, re-identification, visualization, data providers, disease mapping. 1 Introduction Republic. The paper starts with the information While one part of geoscientists considers about data providers and it continues with terms and geographical information systems (GIS) to be the conditions, which need to be fulfilled due to the highest level of geosciences, the other part thinks usage of data in analyses.