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Sessione Poster Sessione poster Cod. Presentatori Autori Titolo contributo Analysis of black crusts from the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie al Naviglio Grande (Milan): A challenge to B&IUA-P1 Comite Valeria V. Comite, P. Fermo, L. Barbagallo deepen the understanding of the relationship among microstructure, microchemical features and pollution sources L. Gaspari, F. De Angelis, C. Martínez-Labarga, P. Catalano, C. Caldarini, R. Mosticone, W. B&IUA-P2 Gaspari Luca Mobility in the Empire: oxygen isotope survey of two roman communities Pantano, C. Lubritto, S. Altieri, P. Ricci, V. Gazzaniga, O. Rickards B&IUA-P3 Romboni Marco M Romboni, F. De Angelis, F.Cortese, L.Pandolfi, M. F. Rolfo, O.Rickards, L. Alessandri Life, death and pathogens: a morphological and molecular study about “La Sassa” cave (LT) community B&IUA-P4 Varano Sara S. Varano, F.De Angelis, L.Gaspari, C. Martínez-Labarga, O.Rickards If These Bones Could Talk: The Tales Human Skeletons Can Tell Us C&D-P1 Aceto Maurizio M. Aceto, E. Calà, S. Cantamessa, A. Agostino, G. Fenoglio, V. Capra, G. Brun An unusual blue-turquoise pigment found on a painting at Novalesa abbey (Piemonte) C&D-P2 Achilli Vladimiro M. Monego, A. Rossi, V. Achilli The Formagliaro Mill (Castelfranco Emilia, Italy): 3D survey of an historical and architectural heritage The non-invasive investigations to assist the conservation of the three wall paintings: new archaeological C&D-P3 Alberghina Maria Francesca M.F. Alberghina, A. Merra, G. Milazzo, S. Schiavone, F. Spatafora remarks about the "House of Masks" of Solunto C&D-P4 Bandiera Mario M. Bandiera, M. Vilarigues, M. Verità, L. Saguì Roman opaque red glass from the Lucius Verus Villa, 2nd century A.D.. The secret of colour C&D-P5 Barone Germana G. Barone, P. Mazzoleni, S. Fazi, M. Fugazzotto Non destructive Archaeometric investigation of Architectural Slabs C&D-P6 Barone Serena S. Barone, M. Fedi, L. Liccioli, C. Lubritto, P. Ricci Sample combustion by elemental analyser for radiocarbon dating of carbonates F. Bernardini, L. Vaccari, F. Zanini, M. Bassetti, N. Degasperi, V. Lughi, M. Rottoli, R. Distillation and use of birch bark tar at the Late Neolithic pile-dwelling of Palù di Livenza (north-eastern Italy) C&D-P7 Bernardini Federico Micheli revealed by X-ray microCT and synchrotron Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy C&D-P8 Cantisani Emma E. Cantisani, S. Vettori, T. Ismaelli, G. Scardozzi Raw materials and technologies of mortars at Hierapolis (Turkey) The historical buildings in the Marche region damaged by the 2016 seismic events: a GIS-based archive for C&D-P9 Capomasi Aurora A. Capomasi, E. Paris, F. Radica, G. Giuli mortars A. Namen, R. Pitonzo, M. L. Saladino, F. Armetta, F. Oliveri, S. Tusa, M. Ricca, M. F. La C&D-P10 Caponetti Eugenio Identification of organic residues and petrographical analysis in underwater amphoras from Porto Palo, Sicily Russa, E. Caponetti M. Borla, E. Caponetti, C. Greco, V. Mollica Nardo, G. Nasillo, R. Pitonzo, R.C. Ponterio, C&D-P11 Caponetti Eugenio Spying on beauty secrets in ancient Egypt: a multi-analytical approach M.L. Saladino, A. Spinella, V. Turina, C. Vasi D. Chillura Martino, E. C. Portale, M. de Cesare, M. L.Saladino, G. Chirco, V. Renda, F. C&D-P12 Chillura Martino Delia Pictorial techniques on Greek vases: an Attic white-ground crater and the “Centuripe” ware Armetta, E. Caponetti M. Di Bella, A. Baldanza, G. Bueti, F. Italiano, F. Leonetti, M.A. Mastelloni, S. Quartieri, D. Mineralogical and geochemical characterization of clay deposit from the Lipari Islands (Aeolian Archipelago) C&D-P13 Di Bella Marcella Romano , A. Tripodo, G. Sabatino and implications for archaeometric study of ancient ceramics Cod. Presentatori Autori Titolo contributo A.Gašpar, B. Mir Makhamad, J.Petřík, P. Fojtík, J.Mirão, M. Beltrame, A. M. Cardoso, A multi-analytical archaeometric approach to study white inlay decorations in Bell Beaker pottery from C&D-P15 Gaspar Adam N.Schiavon Broudek u Prostějova (Czech Republic) Banded and partially glazed fine wares from Etruscan-Samnite necropolis of Pontecagnano (Campania region, C&D-P16 Germinario Chiara C. Germinario, F. Izzo, A. Langella, M. Mercurio, A.R. Russo, V. Petta, C. Grifa C. Italy): preliminary archaeometric data An archaeometric key to gain knowledge in still complex matters: technology, provenance, painters and C&D-P17 Giannossa Lorena Carla A. Mangone, L.C. Giannossa, R. Laviano, I.M. Muntoni workshops of Apulian red figure ceramic from Daunia, Peucetia and Messapia. C&D-P18 Lozar Francesca F. Lozar, A. Borghi, M. Borla, C. Capua, D. Castelli , P. Gallo, M. Iacono Micropaleontology as a tool to help identifying the provenance of an Egyptian artefact J. Lucejko, M. Zborowska, D. Tamburini, L. Babinski, E. Cantisani, B. Waliszewska, F. C&D-P19 Lucejko Jeannette The examination of dynamics of oak wood degradation process in the wet peat and lake water conditions Modugno, M.P. Colombini F. Catani, R. Manca, L. Chiarantini, A. Mazzinghi, V. Palleschi, C. Ruberto, V. Volpi, M. C&D-P20 Manca Rosarosa Non-destructive analysis of ancient coins by portable XRF spectrometers: a methodological approach Benvenuti Secondary phases in ancient ceramics: mineral composition by synchrotron through-the-substrate C&D-P21 Maritan Lara L. Maritan, E. Gravagna, J. Rius, A. Crespi, O. Vallcorba, L. Casas Duocastella microdiffraction F. Modugno, A. Lluveras-Tenorio, J. La Nasa, I. Degano, J. Lee, B. Ormsby, K.J. van den Mass spectrometry to investigate degradation phenomena of modern oil paintings in JPI project: “CMOP- C&D-P22 Modugno Francesca Berg, D. Banti, A. Burnstock, I. Bonadu Cleaning of Modern Oil Paint" The first 3D and topographic surveys of the archaelogical remains of an ancient city in Kimolos Island C&D-P23 Monego Michele M. Monego, G. Targa, A. Menin, V. Achilli (Cyclades, Greece): preliminary results C&D-P24 Paris Eleonora E. Paris, M.I. Pierigé, I. Bachiocchi A tomb from the necropolis of Villalfonsina (Chieti, Italy): materials and anthropological data A.M. Gueli, G. Lamagna, G. Monterosso, S. Pasquale, G. Politi, M. Lezzerini, S. Raneri, A. C&D-P25 Pasquale Stefania Provenience and characterization of mosaic tesserae of Villa del Tellaro at Noto (SR) Baldanza, A. Bertinelli C&D-P26 Pecchioni Elena E. Pecchioni, E. Cantisani, F. Fratini, S. Vettori The characterization of magnesium binder: experimental approach to the study of the component R.C. Ponterio, D. De Carlo, G.M. Meduri, A. Nunnari, V. Barrile, V. Longo, D. Castrizio, C.S. Laser Scanner Technology and Ground-Penetrating Radar for the Survey and 3D modelling of ancient Krésie C&D-P27 Ponterio Rosina Celeste Vasi Pipi (Reggio Calabria) The black stones at the Leopardi’s childhome (Recanati, Italy): a LIBS and portable XRF characterization of the C&D-P28 Renzulli Alberto A. Renzulli, P. Santi, S. Pagnotta, V. Palleschi, M.P. Colombini rock-artefacts Chemical characterization of archaeological samples from Banbhore (Pakistan) by spectroscopic, gas C&D-P29 Ribechini Erika A. Lenzi, M. Piacentini, A. Candida, M. Laura, E. Ribechini chromatographic and mass spectrometric techniques Use-wear traces and wood tar residues on Funnel Beaker culture flint harvesting tools: a case study from south- C&D-P30 Ribechini Erika J. Lucejko, B. Kufel-Diakowska, B. Miazga, E. Ribechini west Poland P. Ricci, M.E. Fedi, C. Germinaro, F. Izzo, M. Mercurio, A. Langella, C. Grifa, V. Salvatierra C&D-P31 Ricci Paola Mortar Radiocarbon Dating: The role of the characterization of materials in the sample preparation Cuenca, I. Montilla Torres, C.A. Garzonio, S. Barone, E. Cantisani, C. Lubritto C&D-P32 Rovella Natalia Rovella N., Barca D., Crisci G.M., La Russa M.F., Cuteri F.A., Iannelli M.T., Vivacqua P. Magna Graecia heritage in Southern Italy: an archaeometric study on amphorae and common pottery Borla M., Caponetti E., Gulmini M., Mollica Nardo V., Oliva C., Piccirillo A., Ponterio R.C., C&D-P33 Saladino Maria Luisa A multi-technique insight into pleated dresses from the Museo Egizio Saladino M.L., Spinella A., Turina V. Borgognoni B., Bracci S., Calamandrei G., Cioppi L., Colagrande S., Magrini D., Matteuzzi C&D-P34 Salvadori Barbara Insight into Baccio da Montelupo’s wooden crucifix. A multi-analytical approach A., Salvadori B., Zaccheddu M.P. C&D-P35 Schiavon Nick D.A. Badillo Sanchez, C. Barrocas Dias, A. Manhita and N. Schiavon The Francisco Pizarro’s Banner of Arms: a multi-analytical approach contributing to Latin America history Cod. Presentatori Autori Titolo contributo Islamic and post Islamic ceramics from the city of Santarém (Portugal): an archaeometry study on production C&D-P36 Schiavon Nick M. Beltrame, M. Liberato, H. Santos, J. Mirão, A. Candeias, N. Schiavon and trades C&D-P37 Soffritti Chiara C. Soffritti, L. Calzolari, R. Bassi Neri, A. Neri, L. Bazzocchi, G.L. Garagnani Atmospheric Corrosion of Cast Iron Metalworks in the European Street Furniture On the use of magnetic measurements as indicator of the equivalent firing temperature of ancient baked C&D-P38 Tema Evdokia E. Tema, E. Ferrara clays: New experimental results C. Tonon, M. Venturino, E. Matteucci, L. Martire, A. D'Atri, A. Piervittori, S.E. Favero- C&D-P39 Tonon Chiara Lichen colonization influencing stone durability Longo C&D-P40 Torres Rodrigo R. Torres, F. Arneodo, F.Kidd XRF Analysis of a Ceramic Collection from Bukhara, Uzbekistan C&D-P41 Turco Francesca P. Davit, F. Turco, D. Elia, V. Meirano, L. Operti Brick technology in the roman villa (I-III c. AD) of Costigliole Saluzzo (Piedmont, Italy) C&D-P42 Turco Francesca F. Turco, G. Cerrato, A. Borghi, L. Operti Discerning between natural and artificial pozzolanic materials by FTIR spectroscopy C&D-P43 Vettori Silvia S. Vettori, S. Bracci, E. Cantisani, C. Conti, P. Caggia Archaeometric study of painted plaster from the Church of St.
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    Edited and Published by: Bohemian Switzerland P. B. C. České Švýcarsko o. p. s. Křinické náměstí 1169/10 407 46 Krásná Lípa, Czech Republic Content structure and graphic layout was created by Bohemian Switzerland P. B. C. Editorial work: Klára Mrkusová Content text was prepared by responsible project partners. Photos on front cover (from top to bottom, left to right): 1. Church of St. Nicholas in Bodružal, interior. Photo: Dušan Guzi 2. Church of St. Luke Evangelist in Tročany. Photo: Dušan Guzi 3. Lettnerkreuz in Benedictine Abbey Seckau. Photo: Severin Schneider OSB 4. Reformed church of Tiszacsécse. Photo: László Guti Photos on inner cover (from top to bottom, left to right): 1. Greek Catholic Catedral of St. John the Baptist in Prešov. Photo: Mária Žarnayová 2. Madonna from Chapel of Assumption of Virgin Mary in Česká Kamenice. Photo: Zdeněk Patzelt 3. Reformed church of Vámosoroszi, interior. Photo: László Guti 4. Benedictine Abbey Seckau, interior. Photo: Severin Schneider OSB 5. Fresco in Church of St. Francesco in Cassine. Photo: Archive of the Municipality of Casssine 6. Cross in Rynartice in Bohemian Switzerland. Photo:Václav Sojka 7. Christmas nativity scene detail from Šluknov St. Wenceslas Church. Photo: Eva Habel 8. St. Jacob Church in Česká Kamenice. Photo: Zdeněk Patzelt 9. Lipnica Murowana. Photo: Paweł Mierniczak © Thetris, 2013 Thetris Project Brochure 2 Contacts to Thetris project Lead Partner: Association of Municipalities in the Upper-Tisza Area, Hugary on behalf of the Lead Partner: THEmatic Transnational Gabriella BIROVECZNÉ OLÁH church Route development with the Involvement of local Society on behalf of the External Management Unit - ÉARDA Nonprofit Ltd.: Zsófia MÜNNICH The PDF version of this brochure is possible to download on: This Project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.
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    ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DI RICERCA METROLOGICA Repository Istituzionale Material sources of the Roman brick-making industry in the I and II century A.D. from Regio IX, Regio XI and Alpes Cottiae This is the author's accepted version of the contribution published as: Original Material sources of the Roman brick-making industry in the I and II century A.D. from Regio IX, Regio XI and Alpes Cottiae / R., Scalenghe; F., Barello; F., Saiano; Ferrara, Enzo; C., Fontaine; L., Caner; Olivetti, Elena Sonia; I., Boni; S., Petit. - In: QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL. - ISSN 1040-6182. - 357(2015), pp. 189-206. Availability: This version is available at: 11696/34721 since: 2021-03-10T19:01:01Z Publisher: Elsevier Published DOI: Terms of use: Visibile a tutti This article is made available under terms and conditions as specified in the corresponding bibliographic description in the repository Publisher copyright (Article begins on next page) 25 September 2021 Material sources of the Roman brick-making industry in the I and II century A.D. from Regio IX, Regio XI and Alpes Cottiae ad b a c d d c e d R. Scalenghe , F. Barello , F. Saiano , E. Ferrara , C. Fontaine , L. Caner , E. Olivetti , I. Boni , S. Petit a Università degli Studi di Palermo, SAF, Palermo, Italy b Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Piemonte e del Museo Antichità Egizie, Torino, Italy c Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica, Torino, Italy d Université de Poitiers, UMR 7285 IC2MP HydrASA, Poitiers, France e Istituto per le Piante da Legno e l'Ambiente, Torino, Italy Abstract Bricks, fine pottery, ceramic gears and tiles are among the human-made objects routinely recovered in archaeological documentation.
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